![]() |
![]() |
#include <TEcnaRead.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | Adelete (const TString) |
void | Anew (const TString) |
Bool_t | CloseRootFile (const Text_t *) |
Bool_t | DataExist () |
void | FileParameters (TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, TString) |
TString | GetAnalysisName () |
Int_t | GetFirstReqEvtNumber () |
Int_t | GetLastReqEvtNumber () |
Int_t | GetNbOfSamples () |
Int_t | GetNumberOfBinsSampleAsFunctionOfTime () |
Int_t | GetNumberOfEvents (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetReqNbOfEvts () |
TString | GetRootFileName () |
TString | GetRootFileNameShort () |
Int_t | GetRunNumber () |
TString | GetRunType () |
TString | GetStartDate () |
time_t | GetStartTime () |
Int_t | GetStexNumber () |
Int_t | GetStexStinFromIndex (const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetStinIndex (const Int_t &) |
TString | GetStopDate () |
time_t | GetStopTime () |
TString | GetTechReadCode (const TString, const TString) |
TString | GetTypeOfQuantity (const CnaResultTyp) |
void | Init () |
Bool_t | LookAtRootFile () |
Bool_t | OpenRootFile (const Text_t *, TString) |
TEcnaRead & | operator= (const TEcnaRead &) |
void | PrintAllComments () |
void | PrintComments () |
void | PrintNoComment () |
void | PrintWarnings () |
TVectorD | Read1DHisto (const Int_t &, const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | Read1DHisto (const Int_t &, const TString, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | Read1DHisto (const Int_t &, const TString, const TString) |
TVectorD | ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadAverageNumberOfEvents (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadAveragePedestals (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadAverageTotalNoise (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadHighFrequencyNoise (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadLowFrequencyNoise (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadMatrix (const Int_t &, const TString, const TString) |
TMatrixD | ReadMatrix (const Int_t &, const TString, const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadNumberOfEvents (const Int_t &) |
TMatrixD | ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadPedestals (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Bool_t | ReadRootFileHeader (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadSampleAdcValues (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Double_t *** | ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadSampleMeans (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadSampleMeans (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadSampleSigmas (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadSampleSigmas (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadStinNumbers (const Int_t &) |
TVectorD | ReadTotalNoise (const Int_t &) |
void | SetEcalSubDetector (const TString) |
TEcnaRead (const TEcnaRead &) | |
TEcnaRead (TEcnaObject *, const TString) | |
TEcnaRead () | |
void | TestArrayDimH1 (const TString, const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | TestArrayDimH2 (const TString, const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
virtual | ~TEcnaRead () |
Private Member Functions | |
void | fCopy (const TEcnaRead &) |
Private Attributes | |
Int_t | fCdelete |
TEcnaParCout * | fCnaParCout |
TEcnaParHistos * | fCnaParHistos |
TEcnaParPaths * | fCnaParPaths |
TEcnaWrite * | fCnaWrite |
Int_t | fCnew |
Int_t | fCodePrintAllComments |
Int_t | fCodePrintComments |
Int_t | fCodePrintNoComment |
Int_t | fCodePrintWarnings |
TString | fCurrentlyOpenFileName |
Bool_t | fDataExist |
TEcnaParEcal * | fEcal |
TEcnaNumbering * | fEcalNumbering |
TEcnaHeader * | fFileHeader |
TString | fFlagNoFileOpen |
Int_t | fFlagPrint |
TString | fFlagSubDet |
Int_t | fgMaxCar |
Int_t | fLookAtRootFile |
Int_t | fMemoStinNumbers |
Int_t | fNbChanByLine |
Int_t | fNbSampByLine |
TEcnaObject * | fObjectManager |
Bool_t | fOpenRootFile |
TString | fPathRoot |
Int_t | fReadyToReadRootFile |
TString | fStexName |
TString | fStinName |
Int_t * | fT1d_StexStinFromIndex |
Double_t * | fT3d1_AdcValues |
Double_t ** | fT3d2_AdcValues |
Double_t *** | fT3d_AdcValues |
Int_t * | fTagStinNumbers |
TString | fTTBELL |
----------------------------------------------------------- TEcnaRead.h Update: 15/02/2011 Authors: B.Fabbro (bernard.fabbro@cea.fr), FX Gentit DSM/IRFU/SPP CEA-Saclay Copyright: Those valid for CEA sofware
ECNA web page: https://cms-fabbro.web.cern.ch/cms-fabbro/ cna_new/Correlated_Noise_Analysis/ECNA_cna_1.htm -----------------------------------------------------------
==============> INTRODUCTION
This class allows the user to read the .root results files (containing expectation values, variances, covariances, correlations and other quantities of interest) previously computed by the class TEcnaRun. The results are available in arrays.
==============> PRELIMINARY REMARK
Another class named TEcnaHistos can be used directly to make plots of results previously computed by means of the class TEcnaRun. The class TEcnaHistos calls TEcnaRead and manage the reading of the .root result file
I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R U S E ***
==============> TEcnaRead DECLARATION
The declaration is done by calling the constructor without argument:
TEcnaRead* MyCnaRead = new TEcnaRead();
==============> PREPARATION METHOD FileParameters(...)
There is a preparation method named: FileParameters(...);
FileParameters(...) is used to read the quantities written in the ROOT files in order to use these quantities for analysis.
....... Example of program using FileParameters(...)
This example describes the reading of one result file. This file is situated in a directory which name is given by the contents of a TString named PathForRootFile
................ Set values for the arguments and call to the method
TString AnalysisName = "AdcPed12" Int_t RunNumber = 132440; Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber = 1; | (numbering starting from 1) Int_t LastReqEvtNumber = 300; | => treats 150 evts between evt#100 and evt#300 (included) Int_t ReqNbOfEvts = 150; | TString PathForRootFile = "/afs/cern.ch/etc..." // .root result files directory
TEcnaRead* MyCnaRead = new TEcnaRead(); MyCnaRead->FileParameters(AnalysisName, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, StexNumber, PathForRootFile);
==> Stex = SM if EB, Dee if EE
==============> CALL TO THE METHOD: Bool_t LookAtRootFile() (MANDATORY) and method: Bool_t DataExist(); // if data exist: kTRUE , if not: kFALSE
This methods returns a boolean. It tests the existence of the ROOT file corresponding to the argument values given in the call to the method FileParameters(...). It is recommended to test the return value of the method.
....... Example of use:
if( MyCnaRead->LookAtRootFile() == kFALSE ) { cout << "*** ERROR: ROOT file not found" << endl; } else { ........... The ROOT file exists and has been found
---> CALLS TO THE METHODS WHICH RECOVER THE QUANTITIES. EXAMPLE: (see the complete list of the methods hereafter)
Int_t MaxSamples = 10; TMatrixD CorMat(MaxSamples,MaxSamples); Int_t Tower = 59; Int_t Channel = 4; CorMat = MyCnaRead->ReadMatrix(MaxSamples, "Cor", "Samples", Tower, Channel);
arguments: "Cor" = correlation matrix, "Samples" = between samples large amount of possibilities for syntax: "Cor", "cor", "correlation", etc... "Samples", "samples", "samp", etc...
if( MyCnaRead->DataExist() == kFALSE ) { : Analysis of the correlations, etc... : } else { cout << "problem while reading file. data not available. " << endl; }
=======================* | DETAILLED DESCRIPTION | =======================*
Method FileParameters(...) and associated methods
TEcnaRead* MyCnaRead = new TEcnaRead(); // declaration of the object MyCnaRead
MyCnaRead->FileParameters(AnalysisName, RunNumber, NbOfSamples FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, StexNumber, PathForRootFile);
TString AnalysisName: code for the analysis. According to this code, the analyzer EcnaAnalyser selects the event type (PEDESTAL_STD, PEDESTAL_GAP, LASER_STD, etc...) and some other event characteristics (example: the gain in pedestal runs: AnalysisName = "Ped1" or "Ped6" or "Ped12") See EcnaAnalyser.h for a list of available codes. The string AnalysisName is automatically included in the name of the results files (see below: results files paragraph).
Int_t NbOfSamples number of samples (=10 maximum) Int_t RunNumber run number Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber first requested event number (numbering starting from 1) Int_t LastReqEvtNumber last requested event number Int_t ReqNbOfEvts requested number of events Int_t StexNumber Stex number (Stex = SM if EB, Dee if EE)
TString PathForRootFile: Path of the directory containing the ROOT file. The path must be complete: /afs/cern.ch/user/... etc...
SM = SuperModule (EB) equivalent to a Dee (EE) SC = SuperCrystal (EE) equivalent to a Tower (EB)
Stex = SM in case of EB , Dee in case of EE Stin = Tower in case of EB , SC in case of EE
n1StexStin = Stin# in Stex = Tower# in SM (RANGE = [1,68]) if EB = SC# in Dee (RANGE = [1,149]) if EE
i0StexEcha = Channel# in Stex = Channel# in SM (RANGE = [0,1699]) if EB = Channel# in Dee (RANGE = [0,3724]) if EE
i0StinEcha = Channel# in Stin = Channel# in tower (RANGE = [0,24]) if EB = Channel# in SC (RANGE = [0,24]) if EE
MaxCrysInStin = Maximum number of Xtals in a tower or a SC (25) MaxCrysEcnaInStex = Maximum number of Xtals in SM (1700) or in the matrix including Dee (5000) MaxStinEcnaInStex = Maximum number of towers in SM (68) or in the matrix including Dee (200) MaxSampADC = Maximum number of samples (10) NbOfSample = Number of samples used to perform the calculations (example: for the 3 first samples, NbOfSample = 3)
=============================== Standard methods for the user ===============================
Intervals: Tower or SC: [1,...] Channel:[0,24] Sample:[1,10]
........................................................................... TVectorD Read1DHisto(const Int_t& VecDim, const TString Quantity, const Int_t& Tower or SC, const Int_t& Channel, const Int_t& Sample);
Example: Int_t Tower = 59; Int_t Channel = 10; Int_t Sample = 4; NbOfEvts = 150; TVectorD Adc(NbOfEvts); Adc = Read1DHisto(NbOfEvts, "AdcValue", Tower, Channel, Sample;
........................................................................... TVectorD Read1DHisto(const Int_t& VecDim, const TString Quantity, const Int_t& Tower or SC);
Example: Int_t Tower = 59; TVectorD SampMean(fEcal->MaxCrysInTow()*fEcal->MaxSampADC()); SampMean = Read1DHisto(fEcal->MaxCrysInTow()*fEcal->MaxSampADC(), "SampleMean", Tower);
........................................................................... TVectorD Read1DHisto(const Int_t& VecDim, const TString Quantity, const TString Detector);
Example: TVectorD Pedestal(fEcal->MaxCrysInTow()); Pedestal = Read1DHisto(fEcal->MaxCrysInTow(), "Ped","SM");
........................................................................... TMatrixD ReadMatrix(const Int_t&, const TString, const TString, const Int_t&, const Int_t&); TMatrixD ReadMatrix(const Int_t&, const TString, const TString);
=============================== more "technical" methods ===============================
TVectorD and TMatrixD sizes are indicated after the argument lists
TMatrixD ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin, const Int_t& NbOfSamples); TMatrixD(MaxCrysInStin,NbOfSamples)
TVectorD ReadSampleAdcValues(const Int_t& i0StexEcha, const Int_t& sample, const Int_t& ReqNbOfEvts); TVectorD(ReqNbOfEvts)
TVectorD ReadSampleMeans(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& i0StinEcha, const Int_t& NbOfSamples); TVectorD(NbOfSamples)
TVectorD ReadSampleMeans(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin*NbOfSamples); TVectorD(MaxCrysInStin*NbOfSamples)
TVectorD ReadSampleSigmas(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& i0StinEcha, const Int_t& NbOfSamples); TVectorD(NbOfSamples)
TVectorD ReadSampleSigmas(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin*NbOfSamples); TVectorD(MaxCrysInStin*NbOfSamples)
TMatrixD ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& i0StinEcha); TMatrixD(NbOfSamples,NbOfSamples)
TMatrixD ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t& n1StexStin, const Int_t& i0StinEcha); TMatrixD(NbOfSamples,NbOfSamples)
----------------------------------------------------------- TMatrixD
TMatrixD size is (MaxCrysInStin, MaxCrysInStin)
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(const Int_t& n1StexStin_X, const Int_t& n1StexStin_Y, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin);
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t& n1StexStin_X, const Int_t& n1StexStin_Y, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin);
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(const Int_t& n1StexStin_X, const Int_t& n1StexStin_Y, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin);
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t& n1StexStin_X, const Int_t& n1StexStin_Y, const Int_t& MaxCrysInStin);
----------------------------------------------------------- TMatrixD
TMatrixD size is (MaxCrysEcnaInStex, MaxCrysEcnaInStex) (BIG!: 1700x1700 for EB and 5000x5000 for EE)
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex);
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex);
----------------------------------------------------------- TMatrixD
TMatrixD size is (MaxStinEcnaInStex, MaxStinEcnaInStex)
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(const Int_t& MaxStinEcnaInStex); TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(const Int_t& MaxStinEcnaInStex);
----------------------------------------------------------- TVectorD
TVectorD sizes are indicated after the argument lists
TVectorD ReadPedestals(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); // TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex) TVectorD ReadTotalNoise(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); // TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex) TVectorD ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); // TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex)
TVectorD ReadLowFrequencyNoise(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); // TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex) TVectorD ReadHighFrequencyNoise(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); // TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex) TVectorD ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t& MaxCrysEcnaInStex); // TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TString GetStartDate() TString GetStopDate() TString GetRunType() Int_t GetFirstReqEvtNumber(); Int_t GetReqNbOfEvts();
Print Methods
Just after the declaration with the constructor, you can set a "Print Flag" by means of the following "Print Methods":
TEcnaRead* MyCnaRead = new TEcnaRead(....); // declaration of the object MyCnaRead
Print Methods:
MyCnaRead->PrintNoComment(); // Set flag to forbid printing of all the comments except ERRORS.
MyCnaRead->PrintWarnings(); // (DEFAULT) Set flag to authorize printing of some warnings. WARNING/INFO: information on something unusual in the data. WARNING/CORRECTION: something wrong (but not too serious) in the value of some argument. Automatically modified to a correct value.
MyCnaRead->PrintComments(); // Set flag to authorize printing of infos and some comments concerning initialisations
MyCnaRead->PrintAllComments(); // Set flag to authorize printing of all the comments
Definition at line 352 of file TEcnaRead.h.
TEcnaRead::TEcnaRead | ( | ) |
TEcnaRead::TEcnaRead | ( | TEcnaObject * | pObjectManager, |
const TString | SubDet | ||
) |
Definition at line 26 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCnaParCout, fCnaParHistos, fCnaParPaths, fCnaWrite, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fObjectManager, TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), Init(), TEcnaObject::RegisterPointer(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
{ fObjectManager = (TEcnaObject*)pObjectManager; Long_t i_this = (Long_t)this; pObjectManager->RegisterPointer("TEcnaRead", i_this); //----------------------- Object management //............................ fCnaParCout fCnaParCout = 0; Long_t iCnaParCout = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParCout"); if( iCnaParCout == 0 ) {fCnaParCout = new TEcnaParCout(pObjectManager); /*fCnew++*/} else {fCnaParCout = (TEcnaParCout*)iCnaParCout;} //............................ fCnaParPaths fCnaParPaths = 0; Long_t iCnaParPaths = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParPaths"); if( iCnaParPaths == 0 ) {fCnaParPaths = new TEcnaParPaths(pObjectManager); /*fCnew++*/} else {fCnaParPaths = (TEcnaParPaths*)iCnaParPaths;} //............................ fEcalNumbering fEcalNumbering = 0; Long_t iEcalNumbering = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaNumbering"); if( iEcalNumbering == 0 ) {fEcalNumbering = new TEcnaNumbering(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/} else {fEcalNumbering = (TEcnaNumbering*)iEcalNumbering;} //............................ fCnaParHistos fCnaParHistos = 0; Long_t iCnaParHistos = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParHistos"); if( iCnaParHistos == 0 ) {fCnaParHistos = new TEcnaParHistos(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/} else {fCnaParHistos = (TEcnaParHistos*)iCnaParHistos;} //............................ fCnaWrite fCnaWrite = 0; Long_t iCnaWrite = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaWrite"); if( iCnaWrite == 0 ) {fCnaWrite = new TEcnaWrite(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/} else {fCnaWrite = (TEcnaWrite*)iCnaWrite;} // fEcal = 0; fEcal = new TEcnaParEcal(SubDet.Data()); // Anew("fEcal"); //............................ fEcal => to be changed in fParEcal fEcal = 0; Long_t iParEcal = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParEcal"); if( iParEcal == 0 ) {fEcal = new TEcnaParEcal(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/} else {fEcal = (TEcnaParEcal*)iParEcal;} //fFileHeader = 0; //const Text_t *h_name = "CnaHeader"; //==> voir cette question avec FXG //const Text_t *h_title = "CnaHeader"; //==> voir cette question avec FXG //fFileHeader = new TEcnaHeader(h_name, h_title); // Anew("fFileHeader"); //............................ fFileHeader const Text_t *h_name = "CnaHeader"; //==> voir cette question avec FXG const Text_t *h_title = "CnaHeader"; //==> voir cette question avec FXG // "CnaHeader" est le nom du fichier utilisé dans ReadRootFileHeader(...) sous la forme: // // TEcnaHeader *h; // h =(TEcnaHeader*)gCnaRootFile->fRootFile->Get("CnaHeader"); // fFileHeader = 0; Long_t iFileHeader = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaHeader"); if( iFileHeader == 0 ) {fFileHeader = new TEcnaHeader(pObjectManager, h_name, h_title); /*fCnew++*/} else {fFileHeader = (TEcnaHeader*)iFileHeader;} Init(); SetEcalSubDetector(SubDet.Data()); // cout << "[Info Management] CLASS: TEcnaRead. CREATE OBJECT: this = " << this << endl; }
TEcnaRead::TEcnaRead | ( | const TEcnaRead & | dcop | ) |
Definition at line 234 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout.
{ cout << "*TEcnaRead::TEcnaRead(const TEcnaRead& dcop)> " << " It is time to write a copy constructor" << endl; // { Int_t cintoto; cin >> cintoto; } }
TEcnaRead::~TEcnaRead | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 264 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References Adelete(), gather_cfg::cout, fCdelete, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintComments, fFlagPrint, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT3d1_AdcValues, fT3d2_AdcValues, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagStinNumbers, and fTTBELL.
{ //Destructor // cout << "[Info Management] CLASS: TEcnaRead. DESTROY OBJECT: this = " << this << endl; if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments || fFlagPrint == fCodePrintComments){ cout << "*TEcnaRead::~TEcnaRead()> Entering destructor" << endl;} //if (fFileHeader != 0){delete fFileHeader; Adelete("fFileHeader");} //if (fEcal != 0){delete fEcal; Adelete("fEcal");} //if (fCnaParCout != 0){delete fCnaParCout; Adelete("fCnaParCout");} //if (fCnaParPaths != 0){delete fCnaParPaths; Adelete("fCnaParPaths");} //if (fCnaWrite != 0){delete fCnaWrite; Adelete("fCnaWrite");} //if (fEcalNumbering != 0){delete fEcalNumbering; Adelete("fEcalNumbering");} if (fT1d_StexStinFromIndex != 0){delete [] fT1d_StexStinFromIndex; Adelete("fT1d_StexStinFromIndex");} if (fTagStinNumbers != 0){delete [] fTagStinNumbers; Adelete("fTagStinNumbers");} if (fT3d_AdcValues != 0){delete [] fT3d_AdcValues; Adelete("fT3d_AdcValues");} if (fT3d2_AdcValues != 0){delete [] fT3d2_AdcValues; Adelete("fT3d2_AdcValues");} if (fT3d1_AdcValues != 0){delete [] fT3d1_AdcValues; Adelete("fT3d1_AdcValues");} if ( fCnew != fCdelete ) { cout << "!TEcnaRead/destructor> WRONG MANAGEMENT OF ALLOCATIONS: fCnew = " << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << fTTBELL << endl; } else { // cout << "*TEcnaRead/destructor> BRAVO! GOOD MANAGEMENT OF ALLOCATIONS: fCnew = " // << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << endl; } if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments || fFlagPrint == fCodePrintComments){ cout << "*TEcnaRead::~TEcnaRead()> End of destructor " << endl;} }
void TEcnaRead::Adelete | ( | const TString | VarName | ) |
Definition at line 193 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCdelete.
Referenced by ~TEcnaRead().
{ // allocation survey for delete fCdelete++; // cout << "TEcnaRead::Adelete> ========== delete" << setw(4) << fCdelete << " -> " << setw(25) // << VarName.Data() << " / object(this): " << this << endl; }
void TEcnaRead::Anew | ( | const TString | VarName | ) |
Definition at line 184 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCnew.
Referenced by LookAtRootFile().
{ // allocation survey for new fCnew++; // cout << "TEcnaRead::Anew---> new " << setw(4) << fCnew << " --------------> " << setw(25) // << VarName.Data() << " / object(this): " << this << endl; }
Bool_t TEcnaRead::CloseRootFile | ( | const Text_t * | name | ) |
Definition at line 875 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References TEcnaRootFile::CloseFile(), gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintAllComments, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fFlagNoFileOpen, fFlagPrint, fOpenRootFile, fReadyToReadRootFile, fTTBELL, and gCnaRootFile.
Referenced by ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
{ //Close the Root file Bool_t ok_close = kFALSE; if (fOpenRootFile == kTRUE ) { if( gCnaRootFile != 0 ) { gCnaRootFile->CloseFile(); if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments){ TString e_path; e_path.Append(name); cout << "*TEcnaRead::CloseRootFile> Close ROOT file " << e_path.Data() << " OK " << endl;} if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments){ Long_t pointer_value = (Long_t)gCnaRootFile; cout << "*TEcnaRead::CloseRootFile(...)> going to delete gCnaRootFile, gCnaRootFile = " << gCnaRootFile << ", pointer = " << pointer_value << endl;} //delete gCnaRootFile; gCnaRootFile = 0; Adelete("gCnaRootFile"); ok_close = kTRUE; fOpenRootFile = kFALSE; fCurrentlyOpenFileName = fFlagNoFileOpen; fReadyToReadRootFile = 0; } else { cout << "*TEcnaRead::CloseRootFile(...)> RootFile pointer equal to zero. Close not possible. gCnaRootFile = " << gCnaRootFile << fTTBELL << endl; } } else { cout << "*TEcnaRead::CloseRootFile(...)> no close since no file is open. fOpenRootFile = " << fOpenRootFile << endl; } return ok_close; }
Bool_t TEcnaRead::DataExist | ( | ) |
Definition at line 978 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fDataExist.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(), TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(), TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma().
{ // return kTRUE if the data are present in the ROOT file, kFALSE if not. // fDataExist is set in the read methods return fDataExist; }
void TEcnaRead::fCopy | ( | const TEcnaRead & | rund | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 204 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCdelete, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fCodePrintWarnings, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fOpenRootFile, fPathRoot, and fTagStinNumbers.
Referenced by operator=().
{ //Private copy fFileHeader = rund.fFileHeader; fOpenRootFile = rund.fOpenRootFile; //........................................ Codes fCodePrintComments = rund.fCodePrintComments; fCodePrintWarnings = rund.fCodePrintWarnings; fCodePrintAllComments = rund.fCodePrintAllComments; fCodePrintNoComment = rund.fCodePrintNoComment; //.................................................. Tags fTagStinNumbers = rund.fTagStinNumbers; fFlagPrint = rund.fFlagPrint; fPathRoot = rund.fPathRoot; fCnew = rund.fCnew; fCdelete = rund.fCdelete; }
void TEcnaRead::FileParameters | ( | TString | typ_ana, |
const Int_t & | nb_of_samples, | ||
const Int_t & | run_number, | ||
const Int_t & | nfirst, | ||
const Int_t & | nlast, | ||
const Int_t & | nreqevts, | ||
const Int_t & | Stex, | ||
TString | path_root | ||
) |
Definition at line 649 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaWrite, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintComments, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fFirstReqEvtNumber, fFlagPrint, TEcnaHeader::fLastReqEvtNumber, TEcnaWrite::fMakeResultsFileName(), fMemoStinNumbers, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, fObjectManager, fPathRoot, fReadyToReadRootFile, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, TEcnaHeader::fRunNumber, TEcnaHeader::fStex, TEcnaHeader::fTypAna, TEcnaHeader::HeaderParameters(), nlast, and TEcnaWrite::RegisterFileParameters().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(), TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma().
{ // Preparation for reading the ROOT file // Preliminary save of the arguments values because they can be of the form: fFileHeader->... // and because fFileHeader can be deleted and re-created in this method TString sTypAna = typ_ana; Int_t nNbOfSamples = nb_of_samples; Int_t nRunNumber = run_number; Int_t nFirstEvt = nfirst; Int_t nLastEvt = nlast; Int_t nReqNbOfEvts = nreqevts; Int_t nStexNumber = Stex; //................................................................................................ const Text_t *h_name = "CnaHeader"; //==> voir cette question avec FXG const Text_t *h_title = "CnaHeader"; //==> voir cette question avec FXG // "CnaHeader" est le nom du fichier utilisé dans ReadRootFileHeader(...) sous la forme: // // TEcnaHeader *h; // h =(TEcnaHeader*)gCnaRootFile->fRootFile->Get("CnaHeader"); // //----------- old version, with arguments h_name, h_title, (FXG) ---------- // // fFileHeader->HeaderParameters(h_name, h_title, // sTypAna, nNbOfSamples, nRunNumber, // nFirstEvt, nLastEvt, nReqNbOfEvts, nStexNumber); // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------- new version if( fFileHeader == 0 ){fFileHeader = new TEcnaHeader(fObjectManager, h_name, h_title); /* Anew("fFileHeader") */ ;} fFileHeader->HeaderParameters(sTypAna, nNbOfSamples, nRunNumber, nFirstEvt, nLastEvt, nReqNbOfEvts, nStexNumber); // After this call to TEcnaHeader, we have: // fFileHeader->fTypAna = sTypAna // fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples = nNbOfSamples // fFileHeader->fRunNumber = nRunNumber // fFileHeader->fFirstReqEvtNumber = nFirstEvt // fFileHeader->fLastReqEvtNumber = nLastEvt // fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts = nReqNbOfEvts // fFileHeader->fStex = nStexNumber ( FileParameters(...) ) //.......................... path_root fPathRoot = path_root; //-------- gets the arguments for the file names (long and short) and makes these names fCnaWrite->RegisterFileParameters(typ_ana, nb_of_samples, run_number, nfirst, nlast, nreqevts, Stex); fCnaWrite->fMakeResultsFileName(); // names can be now recovered by call to TEcnaWrite methods: GetRootFileName() and GetRootFileNameShort() //------------------------- init Stin numbers memo flags fMemoStinNumbers = 0; if( fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments || fFlagPrint == fCodePrintComments ) { cout << endl; cout << "*TEcnaRead::FileParameters(...)>" << endl << " The method has been called with the following argument values:" << endl << " Analysis name = " << fFileHeader->fTypAna << endl << " Nb of required samples = " << fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples << endl << " Run number = " << fFileHeader->fRunNumber << endl << " First requested event number = " << fFileHeader->fFirstReqEvtNumber << endl << " Last requested event number = " << fFileHeader->fLastReqEvtNumber << endl << " Requested number of events = " << fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts << endl << " Stex number = " << fFileHeader->fStex << endl << " Path for the ROOT file = " << fPathRoot << endl << endl; } fReadyToReadRootFile = 1; // set flag } //----------------- end of FileParameters(...)
TString TEcnaRead::GetAnalysisName | ( | ) |
Definition at line 742 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fTypAna.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters().
{return fFileHeader->fTypAna;}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetFirstReqEvtNumber | ( | ) |
Definition at line 745 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fFirstReqEvtNumber.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters().
{return fFileHeader->fFirstReqEvtNumber;}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetLastReqEvtNumber | ( | ) |
Definition at line 746 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fLastReqEvtNumber.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters().
{return fFileHeader->fLastReqEvtNumber;}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetNbOfSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 743 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters().
{return fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples;}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfBinsSampleAsFunctionOfTime | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4398 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References GetReqNbOfEvts().
{return GetReqNbOfEvts();}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents | ( | const Int_t & | xFapNbOfReqEvts, |
const Int_t & | xStexNumber | ||
) |
Definition at line 4294 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCdelete, fCnaWrite, fCnew, fEcal, i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaWrite::NumberOfEventsAnalysis(), and ReadNumberOfEvents().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{ //...... Calculate the number of found events (file existence already tested in calling method) Int_t xFapNbOfEvts = 0; TVectorD NOFE_histp(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); i++){NOFE_histp(i)=(Double_t)0.;} NOFE_histp = ReadNumberOfEvents(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()); //... Call to fCnaWrite->NumberOfEventsAnalysis(...) 1rst argument must be Int_t, not TVectorD, // duplicate NOFE_histp to NOFE_int to obtain fFapNbOfEvts from fCnaWrite->NumberOfEventsAnalysis(...) Int_t* NOFE_int = new Int_t[fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()]; fCnew++; for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); i++){NOFE_int[i]=(Int_t)NOFE_histp(i);} xFapNbOfEvts = fCnaWrite->NumberOfEventsAnalysis(NOFE_int, fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), xFapNbOfReqEvts, xStexNumber); delete [] NOFE_int; NOFE_int = 0; fCdelete++; return xFapNbOfEvts; }
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetReqNbOfEvts | ( | ) |
Definition at line 747 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), and GetNumberOfBinsSampleAsFunctionOfTime().
{return fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts;}
TString TEcnaRead::GetRootFileName | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4375 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCnaWrite, and TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName().
Referenced by TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues().
{return fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName();}
TString TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4376 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCnaWrite, and TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileNameShort().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{return fCnaWrite->GetRootFileNameShort();}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetRunNumber | ( | ) |
Definition at line 744 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fRunNumber.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters().
{return fFileHeader->fRunNumber;}
TString TEcnaRead::GetRunType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 758 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fRunType.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{ TString cType = "run type not defined"; Int_t numtype = fFileHeader->fRunType; //----------------------------------------- run types if( numtype == 0 ){cType = "COSMICS";} if( numtype == 1 ){cType = "BEAMH4";} if( numtype == 2 ){cType = "BEAMH2";} if( numtype == 3 ){cType = "MTCC";} if( numtype == 4 ){cType = "LASER_STD";} if( numtype == 5 ){cType = "LASER_POWER_SCAN";} if( numtype == 6 ){cType = "LASER_DELAY_SCAN";} if( numtype == 7 ){cType = "TESTPULSE_SCAN_MEM";} if( numtype == 8 ){cType = "TESTPULSE_MGPA";} if( numtype == 9 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_STD";} if( numtype == 10 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_OFFSET_SCAN";} if( numtype == 11 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_25NS_SCAN";} if( numtype == 12 ){cType = "LED_STD";} if( numtype == 13 ){cType = "PHYSICS_GLOBAL";} if( numtype == 14 ){cType = "COSMICS_GLOBAL";} if( numtype == 15 ){cType = "HALO_GLOBAL";} if( numtype == 16 ){cType = "LASER_GAP";} if( numtype == 17 ){cType = "TESTPULSE_GAP";} if( numtype == 18 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_GAP";} if( numtype == 19 ){cType = "LED_GAP";} if( numtype == 20 ){cType = "PHYSICS_LOCAL";} if( numtype == 21 ){cType = "COSMICS_LOCAL";} if( numtype == 22 ){cType = "HALO_LOCAL";} if( numtype == 23 ){cType = "CALIB_LOCAL";} if( numtype == 24 ){cType = "PEDSIM";} return cType; }
TString TEcnaRead::GetStartDate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 756 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fStartDate.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{return fFileHeader->fStartDate;}
time_t TEcnaRead::GetStartTime | ( | ) |
Definition at line 754 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fStartTime.
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{return fFileHeader->fStartTime;}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetStexNumber | ( | ) |
Definition at line 748 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fStex.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters().
{return fFileHeader->fStex;}
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetStexStinFromIndex | ( | const Int_t & | i0StexStinEcna | ) |
Definition at line 4384 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fEcal, i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and ReadStinNumbers().
Referenced by TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ // Get the Stin number in Stex from the Stin index Int_t number = -1; TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); number = (Int_t)vec(i0StexStinEcna); return number; }
Int_t TEcnaRead::GetStinIndex | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin | ) |
Definition at line 4404 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintAllComments, fEcal, fFlagPrint, fTTBELL, i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and ReadStinNumbers().
Referenced by ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), and ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples().
{ //Get the index of the Stin from its number in Stex if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments){ cout << "*TEcnaRead::GetStinIndex(...)> fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() = " << fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() << endl << " n1StexStin = " << n1StexStin << endl << endl;} Int_t Stin_index = n1StexStin-1; // suppose les 68 tours #define NOGT #ifndef NOGT Int_t Stin_index = -1; TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); //........................... Get the Stin index for(Int_t i=0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++) { if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments){ cout << "*TEcnaRead::GetStinIndex(...)> StinNumber[" << i << "] = " << vec[i] << endl;} if ( vec[i] == n1StexStin ){Stin_index = i;} } if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments){ cout << "~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-" << endl; cout << "*TEcnaRead::GetStinIndex> Stin number: " << n1StexStin << endl << " Stin index : " << Stin_index << endl; cout << "~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-" << endl;} if ( Stin_index < 0 ) { if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments){ cout << "!TEcnaRead::GetStinIndex *** WARNING ***> n1StexStin" << n1StexStin << " : " << "index Stin not found" << fTTBELL << endl;} } #endif // NOGT return Stin_index; }
TString TEcnaRead::GetStopDate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 757 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fStopDate.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{return fFileHeader->fStopDate;}
time_t TEcnaRead::GetStopTime | ( | ) |
Definition at line 755 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fFileHeader, and TEcnaHeader::fStopTime.
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{return fFileHeader->fStopTime;}
TString TEcnaRead::GetTechReadCode | ( | const TString | StandardQuantity, |
const TString | StandardDetector | ||
) |
Definition at line 602 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and fTTBELL.
Referenced by Read1DHisto().
{ TString rTechReadCode = "?"; TString dTechDetector = "?"; if( StandardDetector == "SM" || StandardDetector == "Dee"){dTechDetector = "Stex";} if( StandardDetector == "EB" || StandardDetector == "EE" ){dTechDetector = "Stas";} if( dTechDetector == "?") { cout << "!TEcnaRead::GetTechReadCode(...)> *** ERROR: wrong standard code *** dTechDetector = " << dTechDetector << ", StandardDetector = " << StandardDetector << fTTBELL << endl; } else { if( StandardQuantity == "NOE" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "NOEStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "NOE" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "NOEStas";} if( StandardQuantity == "Ped" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "PedStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "Ped" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "PedStas";} if( StandardQuantity == "TNo" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "TNoStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "TNo" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "TNoStas";} if( StandardQuantity == "LFN" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "LFNStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "LFN" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "LFNStas";} if( StandardQuantity == "HFN" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "HFNStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "HFN" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "HFNStas";} if( StandardQuantity == "MCs" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "MCsStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "MCs" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "MCsStas";} if( StandardQuantity == "SCs" && dTechDetector == "Stex" ){rTechReadCode = "SCsStex";} if( StandardQuantity == "SCs" && dTechDetector == "Stas" ){rTechReadCode = "SCsStas";} } if( rTechReadCode == "?") { cout << "!TEcnaRead::GetTechReadCode(...)> *** ERROR: wrong standard code *** rTechReadCode = " << rTechReadCode << ", StandardQuantity = " << StandardQuantity << fTTBELL << endl; } return rTechReadCode; }
TString TEcnaRead::GetTypeOfQuantity | ( | const CnaResultTyp | arg_typ | ) |
Definition at line 4321 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References cTypAdcEvt, cTypAvHfn, cTypAvLfn, cTypAvMeanCorss, cTypAvPed, cTypAvSigCorss, cTypAvTno, cTypCorCss, cTypCovCss, cTypHFccMoStins, cTypHfCor, cTypHfCov, cTypHfn, cTypLFccMoStins, cTypLfCor, cTypLfCov, cTypLfn, cTypMeanCorss, cTypMSp, cTypNbOfEvts, cTypNumbers, cTypPed, cTypSigCorss, cTypSSp, cTypTno, and fFlagSubDet.
Referenced by ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
{ TString quantity_name = "?"; if( arg_typ == cTypNumbers) { if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){quantity_name = "SM numbers";} if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){quantity_name = "Dee numbers";} } if( arg_typ == cTypMSp ){quantity_name = "Mean samples";} if( arg_typ == cTypSSp ){quantity_name = "Sigma of samples";} if( arg_typ == cTypNbOfEvts ){quantity_name = "Number of events";} if( arg_typ == cTypPed ){quantity_name = "Pedestals";} if( arg_typ == cTypTno ){quantity_name = "Total noise";} if( arg_typ == cTypLfn ){quantity_name = "LF noise";} if( arg_typ == cTypHfn ){quantity_name = "HF noise";} if( arg_typ == cTypMeanCorss){quantity_name = "Mean cor(s,s')";} if( arg_typ == cTypSigCorss ){quantity_name = "Sigma of cor(s,s')";} if( arg_typ == cTypAvPed ){quantity_name = "Average pedestals";} if( arg_typ == cTypAvTno ){quantity_name = "Average total noise";} if( arg_typ == cTypAvLfn ){quantity_name = "Average LF noise";} if( arg_typ == cTypAvHfn ){quantity_name = "Average HF noise";} if( arg_typ == cTypAvMeanCorss){quantity_name = "Average mean cor(s,s')";} if( arg_typ == cTypAvSigCorss ){quantity_name = "Average sigma of cor(s,s')";} if( arg_typ == cTypAdcEvt ){quantity_name = "Sample ADC a.f.o event number";} if( arg_typ == cTypCovCss ){quantity_name = "Cov(s,s')";} if( arg_typ == cTypCorCss ){quantity_name = "Cor(s,s')";} if( arg_typ == cTypLfCov ){quantity_name = "LF Cov(c,c')";} if( arg_typ == cTypLfCor ){quantity_name = "LF Cor(c,c')";} if( arg_typ == cTypHfCov ){quantity_name = "HF Cov(c,c')";} if( arg_typ == cTypHfCor ){quantity_name = "HF Cor(c,c')";} if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ) { if( arg_typ == cTypLFccMoStins){quantity_name = "Mean LF |Cor(c,c')| in (tow,tow')";} if( arg_typ == cTypHFccMoStins){quantity_name = "Mean HF |Cor(c,c')| in (tow,tow')";} } if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ) { if( arg_typ == cTypLFccMoStins){quantity_name = "Mean LF |Cor(c,c')| in (SC,SC')";} if( arg_typ == cTypHFccMoStins){quantity_name = "Mean HF |Cor(c,c')| in (SC,SC')";} } return quantity_name; }
void TEcnaRead::Init | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 110 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCdelete, fCnaParCout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fCodePrintWarnings, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fFlagNoFileOpen, fFlagPrint, fgMaxCar, fLookAtRootFile, fMemoStinNumbers, fOpenRootFile, fPathRoot, fReadyToReadRootFile, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT3d1_AdcValues, fT3d2_AdcValues, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagStinNumbers, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, and TEcnaParCout::GetCodePrint().
Referenced by TEcnaRead().
{ //Initialisation concerning the ROOT file fCnew = 0; fCdelete = 0; fTTBELL = '\007'; fgMaxCar = (Int_t)512; fCodePrintNoComment = fCnaParCout->GetCodePrint("NoComment"); fCodePrintWarnings = fCnaParCout->GetCodePrint("Warnings "); fCodePrintComments = fCnaParCout->GetCodePrint("Comments"); fCodePrintAllComments = fCnaParCout->GetCodePrint("AllComments"); //.................................. Set flag print to "Warnings" (Init) fFlagPrint = fCodePrintWarnings; //................................ tags and array Stin numbers fTagStinNumbers = 0; fMemoStinNumbers = 0; fT1d_StexStinFromIndex = 0; //................................ // fMemoReadNumberOfEventsforSamples = 0; //.......................... flag data exist (utile ici?) fDataExist = kFALSE; //......................... transfert Sample ADC Values 3D array (Init) fT3d_AdcValues = 0; fT3d2_AdcValues = 0; fT3d1_AdcValues = 0; //................................. path for .root files Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; MaxCar = fgMaxCar; fPathRoot.Resize(MaxCar); fPathRoot = "fPathRoot not defined"; //.................................. Pointer and Flags for Root File (Init) gCnaRootFile = 0; fOpenRootFile = kFALSE; fReadyToReadRootFile = 0; fLookAtRootFile = 0; //................................. currently open file MaxCar = fgMaxCar; fFlagNoFileOpen.Resize(MaxCar); fFlagNoFileOpen = "No file is open"; MaxCar = fgMaxCar; fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Resize(MaxCar); fCurrentlyOpenFileName = fFlagNoFileOpen; }// end of Init()
Bool_t TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile | ( | ) |
Definition at line 922 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References Anew(), gather_cfg::cout, fEcal, fFileHeader, fLookAtRootFile, fReadyToReadRootFile, TEcnaHeader::fStinNumbersCalc, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fTagStinNumbers, fTTBELL, i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), ReadRootFileHeader(), and ReadStinNumbers().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(), TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma().
{ //---------- Reads the ROOT file header and makes allocations and some other things fLookAtRootFile = 0; // set flag to zero before looking for the file Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; if(fReadyToReadRootFile == 1) { //------------ Call to ReadRootFileHeader Int_t iprint = 0; if( ReadRootFileHeader(iprint) == kTRUE ) // (1) = print, (0) = no print { //........................................ allocation tags if( fTagStinNumbers == 0 ){fTagStinNumbers = new Int_t[1]; Anew("fTagStinNumbers");} //...................... allocation for fT1d_StexStinFromIndex[] if(fT1d_StexStinFromIndex == 0) {fT1d_StexStinFromIndex = new Int_t[fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()]; Anew("fT1d_StexStinFromIndex");} //.. recover of the Stin numbers from the ROOT file (= init fT1d_StexStinFromIndex+init TagStin) TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++ ){ fT1d_StexStinFromIndex[i] = (Int_t)vec(i);} fTagStinNumbers[0] = 1; fFileHeader->fStinNumbersCalc++; ok_read = kTRUE; fLookAtRootFile = 1; // set flag } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile()> *** ERROR ***>" << " ROOT file not found " << fTTBELL << endl; ok_read = kFALSE; } } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile()> *** ERROR ***>" << " FileParameters not called " << fTTBELL << endl; ok_read = kFALSE; } return ok_read; } //----------------- end of LookAtRootFile()
Bool_t TEcnaRead::OpenRootFile | ( | const Text_t * | name, |
TString | status | ||
) |
Definition at line 807 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintAllComments, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fFlagPrint, fObjectManager, fOpenRootFile, fPathRoot, TEcnaRootFile::fRootFileStatus, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), TEcnaRootFile::OpenR(), TEcnaRootFile::OpenW(), TEcnaRootFile::ReStart(), and ntuplemaker::status.
Referenced by ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
{ //Open the Root file Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; TString s_name; s_name = fPathRoot; s_name.Append('/'); s_name.Append(name); // if( gCnaRootFile != 0 ) // { // Int_t iPointer = (Int_t)gCnaRootFile; // cout << "*TEcnaRead::OpenRootFile(...)> RootFile pointer not (re)initialized to 0. gCnaRootFile = " // << gCnaRootFile << ", pointer = " << iPointer << fTTBELL << endl; // // delete gCnaRootFile; gCnaRootFile = 0; Adelete("gCnaRootFile"); // } //if( gCnaRootFile != 0 ){gCnaRootFile->ReStart(s_name.Data(), status);} //if( gCnaRootFile == 0 ) // { // gCnaRootFile = new TEcnaRootFile(fObjectManager, s_name.Data(), status); Anew("gCnaRootFile"); Long_t iCnaRootFile = fObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaRootFile"); if( iCnaRootFile == 0 ) { gCnaRootFile = new TEcnaRootFile(fObjectManager, s_name.Data(), status); /* Anew("gCnaRootFile");*/ } else { gCnaRootFile = (TEcnaRootFile*)iCnaRootFile; gCnaRootFile->ReStart(s_name.Data(), status); } // } if ( gCnaRootFile->fRootFileStatus == "RECREATE" ){ok_open = gCnaRootFile->OpenW();} if ( gCnaRootFile->fRootFileStatus == "READ" ){ok_open = gCnaRootFile->OpenR();} if ( ok_open == kFALSE ) { cout << "!TEcnaRead::OpenRootFile> " << s_name.Data() << ": file not found." << endl; //if( gCnaRootFile != 0 ) // {delete gCnaRootFile; gCnaRootFile = 0; Adelete("gCnaRootFile");} } else { if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments) { cout << "*TEcnaRead::OpenRootFile> Open ROOT file " << s_name.Data() << " OK " << ", gCnaRootFile = " << gCnaRootFile << endl; } fOpenRootFile = kTRUE; fCurrentlyOpenFileName = s_name; if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments) { cout << "*TEcnaRead::OpenRootFile> Open ROOT file: " << fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data() << " => OK " << ", gCnaRootFile = " << gCnaRootFile << endl << endl; } } return ok_open; } // end of OpenRootFile()
Definition at line 250 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCopy().
{ //Overloading of the operator= fCopy(dcop); return *this; }
void TEcnaRead::PrintAllComments | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4473 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintAllComments, and fFlagPrint.
{ // Set flags to authorize printing of the comments of all the methods fFlagPrint = fCodePrintAllComments; cout << "*TEcnaRead::PrintAllComments()> All the comments will be printed" << endl; }
void TEcnaRead::PrintComments | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4457 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintComments, and fFlagPrint.
{ // Set flags to authorize printing of some comments concerning initialisations (default) fFlagPrint = fCodePrintComments; cout << "*TEcnaRead::PrintComments()> Warnings and some comments on init will be printed" << endl; }
void TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4481 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fCodePrintNoComment, and fFlagPrint.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::TEcnaHistos(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(), TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(), TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma().
{ // Set flags to forbid the printing of all the comments fFlagPrint = fCodePrintNoComment; }
void TEcnaRead::PrintWarnings | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4465 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintWarnings, and fFlagPrint.
{ // Set flags to authorize printing of warnings fFlagPrint = fCodePrintWarnings; cout << "*TEcnaRead::PrintWarnings()> Warnings will be printed" << endl; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim, |
const TString | UserQuantity, | ||
const TString | UserDetector | ||
) |
Definition at line 383 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardDetectorCode(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fEcal, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fFirstReqEvtNumber, FileParameters(), TEcnaHeader::fLastReqEvtNumber, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, fPathRoot, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, TEcnaHeader::fRunNumber, TEcnaHeader::fStartDate, TEcnaHeader::fStopDate, fTTBELL, TEcnaHeader::fTypAna, GetStartDate(), GetStartTime(), GetStopDate(), GetStopTime(), GetTechReadCode(), i, LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEvents(), ReadPedestals(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and ReadTotalNoise().
{ // VecDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex if StandardDetector = "SM" or "Dee" // VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStas if StandardDetector = "EB" or "EE" Int_t VecDimTest = 1; TString StandardDetector = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardDetectorCode(UserDetector); if( StandardDetector == "SM" || StandardDetector == "Dee"){VecDimTest = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex();} if( StandardDetector == "EB" || StandardDetector == "EE" ){VecDimTest = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStas();} if( VecDim == VecDimTest ) { TVectorD vec(VecDim); TString CallingMethod = "1D"; TString StandardQuantity = "?"; StandardQuantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, UserQuantity); TString rTechReadCode = GetTechReadCode(StandardQuantity, StandardDetector); if( rTechReadCode != "?" ) { if( StandardDetector == "SM" || StandardDetector == "Dee") { if( rTechReadCode == "NOEStex" ){vec = ReadNumberOfEvents(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "PedStex" ){vec = ReadPedestals(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "TNoStex" ){vec = ReadTotalNoise(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "LFNStex" ){vec = ReadLowFrequencyNoise(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "HFNStex" ){vec = ReadHighFrequencyNoise(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "MCsStex" ){vec = ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "SCsStex" ){vec = ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());} } if( StandardDetector == "EB" || StandardDetector == "EE" ) { TVectorD vecStex(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vecStex(i)=(Double_t)0.;} time_t xStartTime = GetStartTime(); time_t xStopTime = GetStopTime(); TString xStartDate = "sStartDate"; TString xStopDate = "sStopDate"; for(Int_t i0Stex=0; i0Stex<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); i0Stex++) { Int_t n1Stex = i0Stex+1; FileParameters(fFileHeader->fTypAna, fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples, fFileHeader->fRunNumber, fFileHeader->fFirstReqEvtNumber, fFileHeader->fLastReqEvtNumber, fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts, n1Stex, fPathRoot); if( LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) { if( rTechReadCode == "NOEStas" ){vecStex = ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "PedStas" ){vecStex = ReadAveragePedestals(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "TNoStas" ){vecStex = ReadAverageTotalNoise(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "LFNStas" ){vecStex = ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "HFNStas" ){vecStex = ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "MCsStas" ) {vecStex = ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} if( rTechReadCode == "SCsStas" ) {vecStex = ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());} for(Int_t i0Stin=0; i0Stin<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0Stin++) { vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()*i0Stex+i0Stin) = vecStex(i0Stin); } //............ Get start and stop date for the Stas (Stas = EB or EE) if( i0Stex == 0 ) { xStartTime = GetStartTime(); xStopTime = GetStopTime(); xStartDate = GetStartDate(); xStopDate = GetStopDate(); } time_t cStartTime = GetStartTime(); time_t cStopTime = GetStopTime(); TString cStartDate = GetStartDate(); TString cStopDate = GetStopDate(); if( cStartTime < xStartTime ){xStartTime = cStartTime; xStartDate = cStartDate;} if( cStopTime > xStopTime ){xStopTime = cStopTime; xStopDate = cStopDate;} fFileHeader->fStartDate = xStartDate; fFileHeader->fStopDate = xStopDate; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(const TString, const TString)> *ERROR* =====> " << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl; } } } } else { for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i) = (double_t)0.;} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(...)> UserQuantity = " << UserQuantity << ", UserDetector = " << UserDetector << ". Wrong code(s). No file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; } return vec; } else { TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i) = (double_t)0.;} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(...)> UserQuantity = " << UserQuantity << ", UserDetector = " << UserDetector << ", VecDim = " << VecDim << ". Wrong code(s) or array dimension. No file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; return vec; } } // end of Read1DHisto / Stex and Stas histos
TVectorD TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim, |
const TString | UserQuantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | n1Sample | ||
) |
Definition at line 313 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, fTTBELL, i, and ReadSampleAdcValues().
{ Int_t VecDimTest = fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts; if( VecDim == VecDimTest ) { TVectorD vec(VecDim); TString CallingMethod = "1D"; TString StandardQuantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, UserQuantity); if( StandardQuantity == "Adc" ) { Int_t i0Sample = n1Sample-1; vec = ReadSampleAdcValues(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, VecDim); } else { for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i) = (double_t)0.;} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(...)> UserQuantity = " << UserQuantity << "(StandardQuantity = " << StandardQuantity << "). Wrong code, no file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; } return vec; } else { TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i) = (double_t)0.;} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(...)> UserQuantity = " << UserQuantity << ", VecDim = " << VecDim << "(VecDimTest = " << VecDimTest << ")" << ". Wrong code or array dimension. No file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; return vec; } } // end of Read1DHisto / ReadSampleAdcValues
TVectorD TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim, |
const TString | UserQuantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin | ||
) |
Definition at line 349 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fEcal, fTTBELL, i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), ReadSampleMeans(), and ReadSampleSigmas().
{ Int_t VecDimTest = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC(); if( VecDim == VecDimTest ) { TVectorD vec(VecDim); TString CallingMethod = "1D"; TString StandardQuantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, UserQuantity); if( StandardQuantity == "MSp" || StandardQuantity == "SSp" ) { if( StandardQuantity == "MSp" ){vec = ReadSampleMeans(n1StexStin, VecDim);} if( StandardQuantity == "SSp" ){vec = ReadSampleSigmas(n1StexStin, VecDim);} } else { for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i) = (double_t)0.;} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(...)> UserQuantity = " << UserQuantity << ", StandardQuantity = " << StandardQuantity << ". Wrong code, no file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; } return vec; } else { TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i) = (double_t)0.;} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::Read1DHisto(...)> UserQuantity = " << UserQuantity << ", VecDim = " << VecDim << "(VecDimTest = " << VecDimTest << ")" << ". Wrong code or array dimension. No file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; return vec; } } // end of Read1DHisto / ReadSampleMeans , ReadSampleSigmas
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2629 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAvHfn, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the expectation values of the Pedestals //for all the Stins of a given Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAvHfn; // averaged High FrequencyNoise type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i0StexStin = 0; i0StexStin < VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vec(i0StexStin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i0StexStin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; } // end of ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2546 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAvLfn, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the expectation values of the Pedestals //for all the Stins of a given Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAvLfn; // averaged Low FrequencyNoise type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i0StexStin = 0; i0StexStin < VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vec(i0StexStin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i0StexStin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; } // end of ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2712 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAvMeanCorss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the expectation values of the Pedestals //for all the Stins of a given Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAvMeanCorss; // averaged MeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i0StexStin = 0; i0StexStin < VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vec(i0StexStin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i0StexStin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; } // end of ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAverageNumberOfEvents | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2315 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), ReadNumberOfEvents(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the numbers of found events in the data //for the crystals and for the samples for all the Stin's in the Stex //in the ROOT file, compute the average on the samples and on the crystals //and return them in a TVectorD(MaxStinEcnaInStex) // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAverageNumberOfEvents", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vecAverage(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vecAverage(i)=(Double_t)0.;} TVectorD vecMean(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); i++){vecMean(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vecMean = ReadNumberOfEvents(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i0StexStin=0; i0StexStin<VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vecAverage(i0StexStin) = 0; //.... average value over the crystals for(Int_t i0StinEcha=0; i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0StinEcha++) { Int_t n1StexStin = i0StexStin+1; Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); if( fStexName == "SM" ) {vecAverage(i0StexStin) += vecMean(i0StexEcha);} if( fStexName == "Dee" ) { //--------- EE --> Special translation for mixed SCEcna (29 and 32) // Xtal 11 of SCEcna 29 -> Xtal 11 of SCEcna 10 // Xtal 11 of SCEcna 32 -> Xtal 11 of SCEcna 11 Int_t n1StinEcha = i0StinEcha+1; if( n1StexStin == 10 && n1StinEcha == 11 ) {i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(29, i0StinEcha);} if( n1StexStin == 11 && n1StinEcha == 11 ) {i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(32, i0StinEcha);} if( !( (n1StexStin == 29 || n1StexStin == 32) && n1StinEcha == 11 ) ) {vecAverage(i0StexStin) += vecMean(i0StexEcha);} } } Double_t xdivis = (Double_t)0.; if( fStexName == "SM" ) {xdivis = (Double_t)fEcal->MaxCrysInStin();} if( fStexName == "Dee" ) { Int_t n1StexStin = i0StexStin+1; xdivis = (Double_t)fEcalNumbering->MaxCrysInStinEcna(fFileHeader->fStex, n1StexStin, "TEcnaRead"); } vecAverage(i0StexStin) = vecAverage(i0StexStin)/xdivis; } return vecAverage; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAveragePedestals | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2380 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAvPed, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the expectation values of the Pedestals //for all the Stins of a given Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAveragePedestals", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAvPed; // averaged pedestals type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAveragePedestals(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAveragePedestals(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for(Int_t i0StexStin=0; i0StexStin<VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vec(i0StexStin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i0StexStin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAveragePedestals(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; } // end of ReadAveragePedestals
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2796 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAvSigCorss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the expectation values of the Pedestals //for all the Stins of a given Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAvSigCorss; // averaged SigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i0StexStin = 0; i0StexStin < VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vec(i0StexStin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i0StexStin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; } // end of ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadAverageTotalNoise | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2463 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAvTno, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStas().
{ //Read the expectation values of the Total Noise //for all the Stins of a given Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadAverageTotalNoise", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAvTno; // averaged Total Noise type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageTotalNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageTotalNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i0StexStin = 0; i0StexStin < VecDim; i0StexStin++) { vec(i0StexStin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i0StexStin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadAverageTotalNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 2975 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypCorCss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{ //Read the (sample,sample) correlations for a given channel //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples TestArrayDimH2("ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples, MatDim); Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i- MatDim <0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypCorCss; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i0StexEcha); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_samp = 0; i_samp - MatDim < 0; i_samp++){ for ( Int_t j_samp = 0; j_samp - MatDim < 0; j_samp++){ mat(i_samp, j_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_samp,j_samp);}} } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 2886 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypCovCss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{ //Read the (sample,sample) covariances for a given channel //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples TestArrayDimH2("ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples, MatDim); Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypCovCss; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i0StexEcha); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for( Int_t i_samp = 0; i_samp - MatDim < 0; i_samp++ ) { for ( Int_t j_samp = 0; j_samp - MatDim < 0; j_samp++) { mat(i_samp, j_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_samp,j_samp); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin_a, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin_b, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 3432 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypHfCor, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetStinIndex(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix().
{ //Read the High Frequency Cor(i0StinEcha of Stin_a, i0StinEcha of Stin b) //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() TestArrayDimH2("ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()", fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), MatDim); Int_t index_Stin_a = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_a); Int_t index_Stin_b = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_b); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypHfCor; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys - MatDim<0; i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*MatDim + i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys - MatDim<0; j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*MatDim + j_crys; mat(i_crys, j_crys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim | ) |
Definition at line 3859 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypHfCor, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), ReadStinNumbers(), and TestArrayDimH2().
{ //Read all the High Frequency correlations //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH2("ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), MatDim); //=====> WARNING: BIG MATRIX (1700x1700) TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++){for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); CnaResultTyp typ = cTypHfCor; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for (Int_t index_Stin_a = 0; index_Stin_a < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_a++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_a) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_a) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for (Int_t index_Stin_b = 0; index_Stin_b < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_b++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_b) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_b) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i_crys; Int_t i_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_a)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j_crys; Int_t j_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_b)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j_crys; mat(i_chan_sm, j_chan_sm) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } } } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin_a, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin_b, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 3336 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypHfCov, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetStinIndex(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix().
{ //Read the High Frequency cov(i0StinEcha of Stin_a, i0StinEcha of Stin b) //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() TestArrayDimH2("ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()", fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), MatDim); Int_t index_Stin_a = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_a); Int_t index_Stin_b = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_b); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypHfCov; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ,i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys - MatDim<0; i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*MatDim + i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys - MatDim<0; j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*MatDim + j_crys; mat(i_crys, j_crys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim | ) |
Definition at line 3749 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypHfCov, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), ReadStinNumbers(), and TestArrayDimH2().
{ //Read all the High Frequency covariances //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH2("ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), MatDim); //=====> WARNING: BIG MATRIX (1700x1700) TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++){for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); CnaResultTyp typ = cTypHfCov; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for (Int_t index_Stin_a = 0; index_Stin_a < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_a++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_a) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_a) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for (Int_t index_Stin_b = 0; index_Stin_b < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_b++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_b) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_b) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i_crys; Int_t i_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_a)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() +i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j_crys; Int_t j_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_b)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() +j_crys; mat(i_chan_sm, j_chan_sm) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } } } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim | ) |
Definition at line 4072 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypHFccMoStins, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), ReadStinNumbers(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix().
{ //Read all the High Frequency Mean Correlations Between Stins the for all (Stin_X, Stin_Y) //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH2("ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), MatDim); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); CnaResultTyp typ = cTypHFccMoStins; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins() *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for(Int_t index_Stin_a = 0; index_Stin_a - MatDim<0; index_Stin_a++) { for(Int_t index_Stin_b = 0; index_Stin_b - MatDim<0; index_Stin_b++) { if( vec(index_Stin_a) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_a) <= MatDim) { if( vec(index_Stin_b) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_b) <= MatDim) { Int_t vec_ia_m = (Int_t)vec(index_Stin_a)-1; Int_t vec_ib_m = (Int_t)vec(index_Stin_b)-1; mat((Int_t)vec_ia_m, (Int_t)vec_ib_m) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(index_Stin_a,index_Stin_b); } } } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2149 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypHfn, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the sigmas of the sigmas of the samples //for all the channels of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadHighFrequencyNoise", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypHfn; // high frequency noise type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_StexCrys = 0; i_StexCrys < VecDim; i_StexCrys++) { vec(i_StexCrys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero,i_StexCrys); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim | ) |
Definition at line 3639 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypLfCor, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), ReadStinNumbers(), and TestArrayDimH2().
{ //Read all the Low Frequency correlations //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH2("ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), MatDim); //=====> WARNING: BIG MATRIX (1700x1700) TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++){for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); CnaResultTyp typ = cTypLfCor; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for (Int_t index_Stin_a = 0; index_Stin_a < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_a++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_a) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_a) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for (Int_t index_Stin_b = 0; index_Stin_b < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_b++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_b) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_b) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i_crys; Int_t i_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_a)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j_crys; Int_t j_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_b)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j_crys; mat(i_chan_sm, j_chan_sm) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } } } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin_a, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin_b, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 3240 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypLfCor, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetStinIndex(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix().
{ //Read the Low Frequency cor(i0StinEcha of Stin_a, i0StinEcha of Stin b) //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() TestArrayDimH2("ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()", fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), MatDim); Int_t index_Stin_a = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_a); Int_t index_Stin_b = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_b); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypLfCor; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys - MatDim<0; i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*MatDim + i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys - MatDim<0; j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*MatDim + j_crys; mat(i_crys, j_crys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin_a, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin_b, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 3144 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypLfCov, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetStinIndex(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix().
{ //Read the Low Frequency cov(i0StinEcha of Stin_a, i0StinEcha of Stin b) //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() TestArrayDimH2("ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()", fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), MatDim); Int_t index_Stin_a = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_a); Int_t index_Stin_b = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin_b); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypLfCov; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ,i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys - MatDim < 0; i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*MatDim + i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys - MatDim<0; j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*MatDim + j_crys; mat(i_crys, j_crys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim | ) |
Definition at line 3529 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypLfCov, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), ReadStinNumbers(), and TestArrayDimH2().
{ //Read all the Low Frequency covariances //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH2("ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), MatDim); //=====> WARNING: BIG MATRIX (1700x1700) TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++){for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); CnaResultTyp typ = cTypLfCov; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for (Int_t index_Stin_a = 0; index_Stin_a < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_a++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_a) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_a) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for (Int_t index_Stin_b = 0; index_Stin_b < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin_b++) { if ( vec(index_Stin_b) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_b) <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()) { for ( Int_t i_crys = 0; i_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i_crys++) { Int_t i_cna_chan = index_Stin_a*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i_crys; Int_t i_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_a)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() +i_crys; for ( Int_t j_crys = 0; j_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); j_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = index_Stin_b*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j_crys; Int_t j_chan_sm = (Int_t)(vec(index_Stin_b)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() +j_crys; mat(i_chan_sm, j_chan_sm) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_cna_chan,j_cna_chan); } } } } } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim | ) |
Definition at line 3970 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypLFccMoStins, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), ReadStinNumbers(), and TestArrayDimH2().
Referenced by ReadMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix().
{ //Read all the Low Frequency Mean Correlations Between Stins the for all (Stin_X, Stin_Y) //in ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD // //Possible values for MatDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH2("ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), MatDim); TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} TVectorD vec(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} vec = ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()); CnaResultTyp typ = cTypLFccMoStins; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins() *** ERROR ***>" // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for(Int_t index_Stin_a = 0; index_Stin_a - MatDim < 0; index_Stin_a++) { for(Int_t index_Stin_b = 0; index_Stin_b - MatDim < 0; index_Stin_b++) { if( vec(index_Stin_a) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_a) <= MatDim) { if( vec(index_Stin_b) > 0 && vec(index_Stin_b) <= MatDim) { Int_t vec_ia_m = (Int_t)vec(index_Stin_a)-1; Int_t vec_ib_m = (Int_t)vec(index_Stin_b)-1; mat((Int_t)vec_ia_m, vec_ib_m) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(index_Stin_a,index_Stin_b); } } } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return mat; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2068 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypLfn, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the sigmas of the expectation values of the samples //for all the channels of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadLowFrequencyNoise", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypLfn; // low frequency noise type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_StexCrys = 0; i_StexCrys < VecDim; i_StexCrys++) { vec(i_StexCrys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero,i_StexCrys); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadMatrix | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim, |
const TString | UserCorOrCov, | ||
const TString | UserBetweenWhat | ||
) |
Definition at line 556 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fTTBELL, i, j, ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), and ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
{ //------------------- (BIG MATRIX 1700x1700 for barrel, 5000x5000 for endcap) ------------------ TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); TString CallingMethod = "2D"; TString StandardMatrixType = "?"; TString StandardBetweenWhat = "?"; StandardMatrixType = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(CallingMethod, UserCorOrCov); StandardBetweenWhat = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(CallingMethod, UserBetweenWhat); if( StandardMatrixType != "?" && StandardBetweenWhat != "?" ) { //......................... between channels (covariances, correlations) if( StandardMatrixType == "Cov" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccLF" ) {mat = ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccLF" ) {mat = ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cov" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccHF" ) {mat = ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccHF" ) {mat = ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(MatDim);} //......................... between Stins (mean correlations) if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MttLF" ) {mat = ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MttHF" ) {mat = ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(MatDim);} } else { for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++) {mat(i,j) = (double_t)0.;}} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::ReadMatrix(...)> UserCorOrCov = " << UserCorOrCov << ", UserBetweenWhat = " << UserBetweenWhat << ". Wrong code(s), no file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; } return mat; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadMatrix | ( | const Int_t & | MatDim, |
const TString | UserCorOrCov, | ||
const TString | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const Int_t & | nb_arg_1, | ||
const Int_t & | nb_arg_2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 501 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fTTBELL, i, j, ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), and ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels().
{ TMatrixD mat(MatDim, MatDim); TString CallingMethod = "2D"; TString StandardMatrixType = "?"; TString StandardBetweenWhat = "?"; StandardMatrixType = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(CallingMethod, UserCorOrCov); StandardBetweenWhat = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(CallingMethod, UserBetweenWhat); if( StandardMatrixType != "?" && StandardBetweenWhat != "?" ) { if( StandardBetweenWhat == "Mss" ) { Int_t n1StexStin = nb_arg_1; Int_t i0StinEcha = nb_arg_2; if( StandardMatrixType == "Cov" ) {mat = ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" ) {mat = ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, MatDim);} } if( StandardBetweenWhat != "Mss" ) { Int_t n1StexStin_a = nb_arg_1; Int_t n1StexStin_b = nb_arg_2; if( StandardMatrixType == "Cov" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccLF" ) {mat = ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(n1StexStin_a, n1StexStin_b, MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccLF" ) {mat = ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(n1StexStin_a, n1StexStin_b, MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cov" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccHF" ) {mat = ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(n1StexStin_a, n1StexStin_b, MatDim);} if( StandardMatrixType == "Cor" && StandardBetweenWhat == "MccHF" ) {mat = ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(n1StexStin_a, n1StexStin_b, MatDim);} } } else { for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDim<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDim<0; j++) {mat(i,j) = (double_t)0.;}} cout <<"!TEcnaRead::ReadMatrix(...)> UserCorOrCov = " << UserCorOrCov << ", UserBetweenWhat = " << UserBetweenWhat << ". Wrong code(s), no file reading." << fTTBELL << endl; } return mat; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 1987 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypMeanCorss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the Expectation values of the (sample,sample) correlations //for all the channels of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypMeanCorss; // mean corss type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; //if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_StexCrys = 0; i_StexCrys < VecDim; i_StexCrys++) { vec(i_StexCrys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero,i_StexCrys); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEvents | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 1681 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), i, j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), GetNumberOfEvents(), Read1DHisto(), ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the numbers of found events in the data //for the crystals and for the samples for all the Stin's in the Stex //in the ROOT file, compute the average on the samples //and return them in a TVectorD(MaxCrysEcnaInStex) // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadNumberOfEvents", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} TMatrixD mat(fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples); for(Int_t iStexStin=0; iStexStin<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); iStexStin++) { //............. set mat(,) to zero before reading it for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j<fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} //............. read mat(,) Int_t n1StexStin = iStexStin+1; mat = ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(n1StexStin, fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples); for(Int_t i0StinEcha=0; i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0StinEcha++) { Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); vec(i0StexEcha) = 0; //.... average value over the samples for(Int_t i_samp=0; i_samp<fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples; i_samp++) {vec(i0StexEcha) += mat(i0StinEcha, i_samp);} vec(i0StexEcha) = vec(i0StexEcha)/fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples; } } return vec; }
TMatrixD TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | MatDimX, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDimY | ||
) |
Definition at line 1724 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypNbOfEvts, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, fLookAtRootFile, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetStinIndex(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, j, OpenRootFile(), and TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement().
Referenced by ReadNumberOfEvents(), and TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues().
{ //Read the numbers of found events in the data //for the crystals and for the samples, for a given Stin in the Stex //in the ROOT file and return them in a TMatrixD(MaxCrysInStin,NbOfSamples) // //Possible values for MatDimX and MatDimY: // (1) MatDimX = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), MatDimY = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples TMatrixD mat(MatDimX, MatDimY); for(Int_t i=0; i-MatDimX<0; i++) {for(Int_t j=0; j-MatDimY<0; j++){mat(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}} Int_t Stin_index = GetStinIndex(n1StexStin); if( Stin_index >= 0 ) { if(fLookAtRootFile == 1) { CnaResultTyp typ = cTypNbOfEvts; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); // set fOpenRootFile to kTRUE if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for (Int_t i_crys=0; i_crys-MatDimX<0; i_crys++) { Int_t j_cna_chan = Stin_index*MatDimX + i_crys; for ( Int_t i_samp=0; i_samp-MatDimY<0; i_samp++) { mat(i_crys, i_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(j_cna_chan, i_samp); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } } CloseRootFile(file_name); } // end of if (fLookAtRootFile == 1) else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " << "It is not possible to access the number of found events: the ROOT file has not been read." << fTTBELL << endl; } } // end of if (Stin_index >= 0) return mat; }// ----------------- end of ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(...)
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 1826 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypPed, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the expectation values of the expectation values of the samples //for all the channels of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadPedestals", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypPed; // pedestals type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_StexCrys = 0; i_StexCrys < VecDim; i_StexCrys++) { vec(i_StexCrys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero, i_StexCrys); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | InPutMatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 3057 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypCorCss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatMat, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH2().
{ //Read the (sample,sample) correlations for a given channel //in ROOT file and return the relevant correlations in a TVectorD // //Possible values for InPutMatDim: (1) InPutMatDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples // // *===> OutPut TVectorD dimension value = InPutMatDim*(InPutMatDim-1)/2 TestArrayDimH2("ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples, InPutMatDim); Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); Int_t nb_of_relevant = InPutMatDim*(InPutMatDim-1)/2; TVectorD vec_rel(nb_of_relevant); for(Int_t i=0; i<nb_of_relevant; i++){vec_rel(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypCorCss; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i0StexEcha); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; Int_t k_cor = 0; for ( Int_t i_samp = 0; i_samp < InPutMatDim; i_samp++){ for ( Int_t j_samp = 0; j_samp < i_samp; j_samp++){ vec_rel(k_cor) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatMat(i_samp,j_samp); k_cor++;}} } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples() *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec_rel; }
Bool_t TEcnaRead::ReadRootFileHeader | ( | const Int_t & | i_print | ) |
Definition at line 990 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAdcEvtCalc, TEcnaHeader::fAvHfnCalc, TEcnaHeader::fAvLfnCalc, TEcnaHeader::fAvMeanCorssCalc, TEcnaHeader::fAvPedCalc, TEcnaHeader::fAvSigCorssCalc, TEcnaHeader::fAvTnoCalc, fCnaWrite, TEcnaHeader::fCorCssCalc, TEcnaHeader::fCovCssCalc, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, TEcnaHeader::fHFccMoStinsCalc, TEcnaHeader::fHfCorCalc, TEcnaHeader::fHfCovCalc, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaHeader::fLFccMoStinsCalc, TEcnaHeader::fLfCorCalc, TEcnaHeader::fLfCovCalc, TEcnaHeader::fMeanCorssCalc, TEcnaHeader::fMSpCalc, TEcnaRootFile::fRootFile, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, TEcnaHeader::fRunType, TEcnaHeader::fSigCorssCalc, TEcnaHeader::fSSpCalc, TEcnaHeader::fStartDate, TEcnaHeader::fStartTime, TEcnaHeader::fStinNumbersCalc, TEcnaHeader::fStopDate, TEcnaHeader::fStopTime, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), OpenRootFile(), and TEcnaHeader::Print().
Referenced by LookAtRootFile().
{ //Read the header of the Root file => test the file existence const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); if( i_print == 1 ){cout << "*TEcnaRead::ReadRootFileHeader> file_name = " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << endl;} Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadRootFileHeader(...)*** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading header on file already open." << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadRootFileHeader(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { TEcnaHeader *headerFile; headerFile =(TEcnaHeader*)gCnaRootFile->fRootFile->Get("CnaHeader"); //..... get the attributes which are not already set by the call to TEcnaHeader // in FileParameters(...) and are only available in the ROOT file fFileHeader->fStartTime = headerFile->fStartTime; fFileHeader->fStopTime = headerFile->fStopTime; fFileHeader->fStartDate = headerFile->fStartDate; fFileHeader->fStopDate = headerFile->fStopDate; fFileHeader->fRunType = headerFile->fRunType; //....... Les f..Calc dans le header: pour acces direct a la taille des differentes data du fichier fFileHeader->fStinNumbersCalc = headerFile->fStinNumbersCalc; fFileHeader->fAdcEvtCalc = headerFile->fAdcEvtCalc; fFileHeader->fMSpCalc = headerFile->fMSpCalc; fFileHeader->fSSpCalc = headerFile->fSSpCalc; fFileHeader->fAvTnoCalc = headerFile->fAvTnoCalc; fFileHeader->fAvLfnCalc = headerFile->fAvLfnCalc; fFileHeader->fAvHfnCalc = headerFile->fAvHfnCalc; fFileHeader->fCovCssCalc = headerFile->fCovCssCalc; fFileHeader->fCorCssCalc = headerFile->fCorCssCalc; fFileHeader->fHfCovCalc = headerFile->fHfCovCalc; fFileHeader->fHfCorCalc = headerFile->fHfCorCalc; fFileHeader->fLfCovCalc = headerFile->fLfCovCalc; fFileHeader->fLfCorCalc = headerFile->fLfCorCalc; fFileHeader->fLFccMoStinsCalc = headerFile->fLFccMoStinsCalc; fFileHeader->fHFccMoStinsCalc = headerFile->fHFccMoStinsCalc; fFileHeader->fMeanCorssCalc = headerFile->fMeanCorssCalc; fFileHeader->fSigCorssCalc = headerFile->fSigCorssCalc; fFileHeader->fAvPedCalc = headerFile->fAvPedCalc; fFileHeader->fAvMeanCorssCalc = headerFile->fAvMeanCorssCalc; fFileHeader->fAvSigCorssCalc = headerFile->fAvSigCorssCalc; if(i_print == 1){fFileHeader->Print();} ok_read = kTRUE; CloseRootFile(file_name); } return ok_read; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValues | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | sample, | ||
const Int_t & | VecDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1251 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAdcEvt, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), and Read1DHisto().
{ //Read the sample ADC values for each event for a given i0StexEcha and a given sample //in the results ROOT file and return it in a TVectorD(requested nb of events) // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) VecDim = fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts TestArrayDimH1("ReadSampleAdcValues", "fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts", fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts, VecDim); Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAdcEvt; // sample as a function of time type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValues(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValues(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i0StexEcha); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_bin=0; i_bin<VecDim; i_bin++) { vec(i_bin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(sample, i_bin); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValues(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
Double_t *** TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile | ( | const Int_t & | DimX, |
const Int_t & | DimY, | ||
const Int_t & | DimZ | ||
) |
Definition at line 4181 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypAdcEvt, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCnew, fDataExist, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fT3d1_AdcValues, fT3d2_AdcValues, fT3d_AdcValues, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, GetTypeOfQuantity(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElementNextEntryNumber(), and compare_using_db::sample.
Referenced by TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues().
{ //Possible values for DimX, DimY, DimZ : (1) DimX = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() // DimY = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples // DimZ = fFileHeader->fReqNbOfEvts if(fT3d_AdcValues == 0) { //............ Allocation for the 3d array fT3d_AdcValues = new Double_t**[DimX]; fCnew++; fT3d2_AdcValues = new Double_t*[DimX*DimY]; fCnew++; fT3d1_AdcValues = new Double_t[DimX*DimY*DimZ]; fCnew++; for(Int_t i0StexEcha = 0 ; i0StexEcha < DimX ; i0StexEcha++){ fT3d_AdcValues[i0StexEcha] = &fT3d2_AdcValues[0] + i0StexEcha*DimY; for(Int_t j_samp = 0 ; j_samp < DimY ; j_samp++){ fT3d2_AdcValues[DimY*i0StexEcha + j_samp] = &fT3d1_AdcValues[0]+ DimZ*(DimY*i0StexEcha+j_samp);}} } //................................. Init to zero (ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile) for (Int_t iza=0; iza<DimX; iza++) { for (Int_t izb=0; izb<DimY; izb++) { for (Int_t izc=0; izc<DimZ; izc++) { if( fT3d_AdcValues[iza][izb][izc] != (Double_t)0 ) { fT3d_AdcValues[iza][izb][izc] = (Double_t)0; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile) CnaResultTyp typ = cTypAdcEvt; // sample as a function of time type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; Int_t i_entry = 0; Int_t i_entry_fail = 0; ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if( ok_open == kTRUE ) { for(Int_t i0StexEcha=0; i0StexEcha<DimX; i0StexEcha++) { if( i0StexEcha == 0 ) { i_entry = gCnaRootFile->ReadElementNextEntryNumber(typ, i0StexEcha); if( i_entry >= 0 ){ok_read = kTRUE;} } if( i_entry >= 0 ) // (ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile) { if( i0StexEcha > 0 ){ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(i_entry); i_entry++;} if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for(Int_t sample=0; sample<DimY; sample++) { for ( Int_t i_bin=0; i_bin<DimZ; i_bin++) { fT3d_AdcValues[i0StexEcha][sample][i_bin] = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(sample, i_bin); } } } else // (ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile) { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } } else { i_entry_fail++; } } CloseRootFile(file_name); } else { cout << "*TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(...)> *ERROR* =====> " << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl; } if(i_entry_fail > 0 ) { cout << "*TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(...)> *ERROR* =====> " << " Entry reading failure(s). i_entry_fail = " << i_entry_fail << fTTBELL << endl; } return fT3d_AdcValues; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | VecDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1338 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypMSp, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(), TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv().
{ //Read the expectation values of the samples //for a given Stin and a given channel //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim : (1) VecDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples TestArrayDimH1("ReadSampleMeans", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples, VecDim); Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypMSp; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_samp = 0; i_samp < VecDim; i_samp++) { vec(i_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i0StexEcha, i_samp); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | VecDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1419 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypMSp, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
{ //Read the expectation values of the samples //for all the channel of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim : (1) VecDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() TestArrayDimH1("ReadSampleMeans", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() , VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypMSp; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; //if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << " Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for( Int_t i0StinEcha=0; i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0StinEcha++ ) { Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); for ( Int_t i_samp=0; i_samp<fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples; i_samp++ ) { vec(i0StinEcha*fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples+i_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i0StexEcha, i_samp); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | VecDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1591 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypSSp, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
{ //Read the expectation values of the samples //for all the channel of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim : (1) VecDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() TestArrayDimH1("ReadSampleSigmas", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypSSp; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; //if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for( Int_t i0StinEcha=0; i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0StinEcha++ ) { Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); for ( Int_t i_samp = 0; i_samp < fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples; i_samp++) { vec(i0StinEcha*fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples+i_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i0StexEcha,i_samp); } } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas | ( | const Int_t & | n1StexStin, |
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | VecDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1510 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypSSp, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma().
{ //Read the expectation values of the samples //for a given Stin and a given channel //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim : (1) VecDim = fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples TestArrayDimH1("ReadSampleSigmas", "fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples", fFileHeader->fNbOfSamples, VecDim); Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypSSp; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; //if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_samp = 0; i_samp < VecDim; i_samp++) { vec(i_samp) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i0StexEcha,i_samp); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 2230 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypSigCorss, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the Expectation values of the (sample,sample) correlations //for all the channels of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypSigCorss; // sigma of corss type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_StexCrys = 0; i_StexCrys < VecDim; i_StexCrys++) { vec(i_StexCrys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero,i_StexCrys); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 1132 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypNumbers, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCodePrintAllComments, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, fFlagPrint, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, fMemoStinNumbers, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(), GetStexStinFromIndex(), GetStinIndex(), LookAtRootFile(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStin().
{ //Get the Stin numbers and put them in a TVectorD //Read the ROOT file at first call and load in a TVectorD attribute //Get directly the TVectorD attribute at other times // // Possible values for VecDim: // (1) VecDim = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() TVectorD vec(VecDim); TestArrayDimH1("ReadStinNumbers", "fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(), VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} if (fMemoStinNumbers == 0) { CnaResultTyp typ = cTypNumbers; const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); //.............. reading of the ROOT file data type TResultTyp = cTypStinsNumbers // to get the conversion: Stin index -> Stin number (n1StexStin) Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(...) *** ERROR ***> Reading on file already open." // << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; //......... Get the Stin numbers and put them in TVectorD vec() for ( Int_t i_Stin = 0; i_Stin < VecDim; i_Stin++) { vec(i_Stin) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(0,i_Stin); fT1d_StexStinFromIndex[i_Stin] = (Int_t)vec(i_Stin); } fMemoStinNumbers++; } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } if( ok_read == kTRUE ) { //........................... Print the Stin numbers if(fFlagPrint == fCodePrintAllComments) { for(Int_t i=0; i < VecDim; i++) { cout << "*TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(...)> StinNumber[" << i << "] = " << vec[i] << endl; } } } } else { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_Stin = 0; i_Stin < VecDim; i_Stin++) {vec(i_Stin) = fT1d_StexStinFromIndex[i_Stin];} } return vec; } // ----------------- ( end of ReadStinNumbers(...) ) -----------------
TVectorD TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise | ( | const Int_t & | VecDim | ) |
Definition at line 1908 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References CloseRootFile(), gather_cfg::cout, cTypTno, TEcnaRootFile::fCnaIndivResult, fCnaWrite, fCurrentlyOpenFileName, fDataExist, fEcal, fFlagNoFileOpen, cmsPerfSuiteHarvest::file_name, TEcnaResultType::fMatHis, TEcnaWrite::fRootFileNameShort, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaWrite::GetRootFileName(), GetTypeOfQuantity(), i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), OpenRootFile(), TEcnaRootFile::ReadElement(), and TestArrayDimH1().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(), Read1DHisto(), TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(), and TEcnaHistos::ViewStex().
{ //Read the expectation values of the sigmas of the samples //for all the channels of a given Stin //in the ROOT file and return them in a TVectorD // //Possible values for VecDim: (1) MatDim = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() TestArrayDimH1("ReadTotalNoise", "fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()", fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), VecDim); TVectorD vec(VecDim); for(Int_t i=0; i<VecDim; i++){vec(i)=(Double_t)0.;} CnaResultTyp typ = cTypTno; // Total noise type const Text_t *file_name = (const Text_t *)fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data(); const Text_t *current_file_name = (const Text_t *)fCurrentlyOpenFileName.Data(); Bool_t ok_open = kFALSE; Bool_t ok_read = kFALSE; TString FileNameLong = fCnaWrite->GetRootFileName(); Bool_t allowed_to_read = kFALSE; // if ( fOpenRootFile ) // { // cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " // << "Reading on file already open." << fTTBELL << endl; // } if( FileNameLong == fCurrentlyOpenFileName ) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { if( fCurrentlyOpenFileName != fFlagNoFileOpen ){CloseRootFile(current_file_name);} ok_open = OpenRootFile(file_name, "READ"); if(ok_open) { allowed_to_read = kTRUE; } else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> Open .root file failed for file: " << file_name << fTTBELL << endl; allowed_to_read = kFALSE; ok_read = kFALSE; } } if( allowed_to_read == kTRUE ) { Int_t i_zero = 0; ok_read = gCnaRootFile->ReadElement(typ, i_zero); if ( ok_read == kTRUE ) { fDataExist = kTRUE; for ( Int_t i_StexCrys = 0; i_StexCrys < VecDim; i_StexCrys++) { vec(i_StexCrys) = gCnaRootFile->fCnaIndivResult->fMatHis(i_zero,i_StexCrys); } } else { fDataExist = kFALSE; cout << "!TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise(...) *** ERROR ***> " << fCnaWrite->fRootFileNameShort.Data() << ": .root file failed" << endl << " -> quantity: <" << GetTypeOfQuantity(typ) << "> not available in file." << fTTBELL << endl; } CloseRootFile(file_name); } return vec; }
void TEcnaRead::SetEcalSubDetector | ( | const TString | SubDet | ) |
Definition at line 171 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References fEcal, fFlagSubDet, fgMaxCar, fStexName, fStinName, and TEcnaParEcal::GetEcalSubDetector().
Referenced by TEcnaRead().
{ // Set Subdetector (EB or EE) Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; fFlagSubDet.Resize(MaxCar); fFlagSubDet = fEcal->GetEcalSubDetector(); if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){fStexName = "SM"; fStinName = "tower";} if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){fStexName = "Dee"; fStinName = "SC";} }
void TEcnaRead::TestArrayDimH1 | ( | const TString | CallingMethod, |
const TString | MaxName, | ||
const Int_t & | MaxValue, | ||
const Int_t & | VecDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1079 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and fTTBELL.
Referenced by ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEvents(), ReadPedestals(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
{ // array dim test if( MaxValue != VecDim) { cout << "!TEcnaRead::TestArrayDimH1(...)> No matching for array dimension: CallingMethod: " << CallingMethod.Data() << ", MaxName: " << MaxName.Data() << ", Maxvalue = " << MaxValue << ", VecDim = " << VecDim << fTTBELL << endl; } #define NOPM #ifndef NOPM else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::TestArrayDimH1(...)> matching array dimension: OK. CallingMethod: " << CallingMethod.Data() << ", MaxName: " << MaxName.Data() << ", Maxvalue = " << MaxValue << ", VecDim = " << VecDim << endl; } #endif // NOPM }
void TEcnaRead::TestArrayDimH2 | ( | const TString | CallingMethod, |
const TString | MaxName, | ||
const Int_t & | MaxValue, | ||
const Int_t & | MatDim | ||
) |
Definition at line 1103 of file TEcnaRead.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and fTTBELL.
Referenced by ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), and ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples().
{ // array dim test if( MaxValue != MatDim) { cout << "!TEcnaRead::TestArrayDimH2(...)> No matching for array dimension: CallingMethod: " << CallingMethod.Data() << ", MaxName: " << MaxName.Data() << ", Maxvalue = " << MaxValue << ", MatDim = " << MatDim << fTTBELL << endl; } #define NOPN #ifndef NOPN else { cout << "!TEcnaRead::TestArrayDimH2(...)> matching array dimension: OK. CallingMethod: " << CallingMethod.Data() << ", MaxName: " << MaxName.Data() << ", Maxvalue = " << MaxValue << ", MatDim = " << MatDim << endl; } #endif // NOPN }
Int_t TEcnaRead::fCdelete [private] |
Definition at line 363 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Adelete(), fCopy(), GetNumberOfEvents(), Init(), and ~TEcnaRead().
TEcnaParCout* TEcnaRead::fCnaParCout [private] |
Definition at line 369 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), and TEcnaRead().
TEcnaParHistos* TEcnaRead::fCnaParHistos [private] |
Definition at line 375 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Read1DHisto(), ReadMatrix(), and TEcnaRead().
TEcnaParPaths* TEcnaRead::fCnaParPaths [private] |
Definition at line 370 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by TEcnaRead().
TEcnaWrite* TEcnaRead::fCnaWrite [private] |
Definition at line 376 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), GetNumberOfEvents(), GetRootFileName(), GetRootFileNameShort(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), ReadTotalNoise(), and TEcnaRead().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fCnew [private] |
Definition at line 362 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Anew(), fCopy(), GetNumberOfEvents(), Init(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fCodePrintAllComments [private] |
Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), fCopy(), FileParameters(), GetStinIndex(), Init(), OpenRootFile(), PrintAllComments(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fCodePrintComments [private] |
Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by fCopy(), FileParameters(), Init(), PrintComments(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fCodePrintNoComment [private] |
Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by fCopy(), Init(), and PrintNoComment().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fCodePrintWarnings [private] |
Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by fCopy(), Init(), and PrintWarnings().
TString TEcnaRead::fCurrentlyOpenFileName [private] |
Definition at line 384 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), Init(), OpenRootFile(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
Bool_t TEcnaRead::fDataExist [private] |
Definition at line 406 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by DataExist(), Init(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
TEcnaParEcal* TEcnaRead::fEcal [private] |
Definition at line 373 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by GetNumberOfEvents(), GetStexStinFromIndex(), GetStinIndex(), LookAtRootFile(), Read1DHisto(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEvents(), ReadPedestals(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), ReadTotalNoise(), SetEcalSubDetector(), and TEcnaRead().
TEcnaNumbering* TEcnaRead::fEcalNumbering [private] |
Definition at line 374 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEvents(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), and TEcnaRead().
TEcnaHeader* TEcnaRead::fFileHeader [private] |
Definition at line 372 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by fCopy(), FileParameters(), GetAnalysisName(), GetFirstReqEvtNumber(), GetLastReqEvtNumber(), GetNbOfSamples(), GetReqNbOfEvts(), GetRunNumber(), GetRunType(), GetStartDate(), GetStartTime(), GetStexNumber(), GetStopDate(), GetStopTime(), LookAtRootFile(), Read1DHisto(), ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEvents(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), and TEcnaRead().
TString TEcnaRead::fFlagNoFileOpen [private] |
Definition at line 385 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), Init(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ReadTotalNoise().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fFlagPrint [private] |
Definition at line 401 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), fCopy(), FileParameters(), GetStinIndex(), Init(), OpenRootFile(), PrintAllComments(), PrintComments(), PrintNoComment(), PrintWarnings(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ~TEcnaRead().
TString TEcnaRead::fFlagSubDet [private] |
Definition at line 380 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by GetTypeOfQuantity(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fgMaxCar [private] |
Definition at line 360 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fLookAtRootFile [private] |
Definition at line 388 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), LookAtRootFile(), and ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fMemoStinNumbers [private] |
Definition at line 392 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), Init(), and ReadStinNumbers().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fNbChanByLine [private] |
Definition at line 398 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Int_t TEcnaRead::fNbSampByLine [private] |
Definition at line 399 of file TEcnaRead.h.
TEcnaObject* TEcnaRead::fObjectManager [private] |
Definition at line 367 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), OpenRootFile(), and TEcnaRead().
Bool_t TEcnaRead::fOpenRootFile [private] |
Definition at line 383 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), fCopy(), Init(), and OpenRootFile().
TString TEcnaRead::fPathRoot [private] |
Definition at line 396 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by fCopy(), FileParameters(), Init(), OpenRootFile(), and Read1DHisto().
Int_t TEcnaRead::fReadyToReadRootFile [private] |
Definition at line 387 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), FileParameters(), Init(), and LookAtRootFile().
TString TEcnaRead::fStexName [private] |
Definition at line 381 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
TString TEcnaRead::fStinName [private] |
Definition at line 381 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by SetEcalSubDetector().
Int_t* TEcnaRead::fT1d_StexStinFromIndex [private] |
Definition at line 390 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), LookAtRootFile(), ReadStinNumbers(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Double_t* TEcnaRead::fT3d1_AdcValues [private] |
Definition at line 411 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Double_t** TEcnaRead::fT3d2_AdcValues [private] |
Definition at line 410 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Double_t*** TEcnaRead::fT3d_AdcValues [private] |
Definition at line 409 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), and ~TEcnaRead().
Int_t* TEcnaRead::fTagStinNumbers [private] |
Definition at line 391 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by fCopy(), Init(), LookAtRootFile(), and ~TEcnaRead().
TString TEcnaRead::fTTBELL [private] |
Definition at line 365 of file TEcnaRead.h.
Referenced by CloseRootFile(), GetStinIndex(), GetTechReadCode(), Init(), LookAtRootFile(), Read1DHisto(), ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAveragePedestals(), ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), ReadMatrix(), ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), ReadPedestals(), ReadRelevantCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadRootFileHeader(), ReadSampleAdcValues(), ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), ReadSampleMeans(), ReadSampleSigmas(), ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), ReadStinNumbers(), ReadTotalNoise(), TestArrayDimH1(), TestArrayDimH2(), and ~TEcnaRead().