![]() |
![]() |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | beginJob () |
virtual void | endJob () |
virtual bool | filter (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) |
void | init_histograms () |
WMuNuSelector (const edm::ParameterSet &) | |
Private Attributes | |
double | acopCut_ |
double | dxyCut_ |
double | eJetMin_ |
double | etaCut_ |
std::map< std::string, TH1D * > | h1_ |
std::map< std::string, TH2D * > | h2_ |
bool | isAlsoTrackerMuon_ |
bool | isCombinedIso_ |
double | isoCut03_ |
bool | isRelativeIso_ |
edm::InputTag | jetTag_ |
double | metMax_ |
double | metMin_ |
double | mtMax_ |
double | mtMin_ |
edm::InputTag | muonTag_ |
const std::string | muonTrig_ |
double | nacop |
double | nall |
double | ncharge |
double | nid |
double | niso |
int | nJetMax_ |
double | nkin |
double | nmass |
double | normalizedChi2Cut_ |
double | npresel |
double | nsel |
double | ntrig |
bool | plotHistograms_ |
double | ptCut_ |
double | ptThrForZ1_ |
double | ptThrForZ2_ |
int | selectByCharge_ |
int | trackerHitsCut_ |
edm::InputTag | trigTag_ |
edm::InputTag | WMuNuCollectionTag_ |
Definition at line 29 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
WMuNuSelector::WMuNuSelector | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | cfg | ) |
Definition at line 106 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
: // Fast selection (no histograms) plotHistograms_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("plotHistograms", true)), // Input collections trigTag_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag> ("TrigTag", edm::InputTag("TriggerResults::HLT"))), muonTag_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag> ("MuonTag", edm::InputTag("muons"))), jetTag_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag> ("JetTag", edm::InputTag("sisCone5CaloJets"))), WMuNuCollectionTag_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag> ("WMuNuCollectionTag", edm::InputTag("WMuNus"))), // Preselection cuts muonTrig_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("MuonTrig", "HLT_Mu9")), ptThrForZ1_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtThrForZ1", 20.)), ptThrForZ2_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtThrForZ2", 10.)), eJetMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EJetMin", 999999.)), nJetMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("NJetMax", 999999)), // Main cuts ptCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtCut", 25.)), etaCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EtaCut", 2.1)), isRelativeIso_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsRelativeIso", true)), isCombinedIso_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsCombinedIso", false)), isoCut03_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("IsoCut03", 0.1)), mtMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MtMin", 50.)), mtMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MtMax", 200.)), metMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MetMin", -999999.)), metMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MetMax", 999999.)), acopCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("AcopCut", 2.)), // Muon quality cuts dxyCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DxyCut", 0.2)), normalizedChi2Cut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("NormalizedChi2Cut", 10.)), trackerHitsCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("TrackerHitsCut", 11)), isAlsoTrackerMuon_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsAlsoTrackerMuon", true)), // W+/W- Selection selectByCharge_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<int>("SelectByCharge", 0)) { }
void WMuNuSelector::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDFilter.
Definition at line 148 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
References h1_, h2_, M_PI, nacop, nall, ncharge, nid, niso, nkin, npresel, nsel, ntrig, and plotHistograms_.
{ nall = 0; ntrig=0; npresel=0; ncharge = 0; nkin=0; nid=0; nacop=0; niso=0; nsel = 0; if(plotHistograms_){ edm::Service<TFileService> fs; h1_["hNWCand_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("NWCand_sel","Nb. of WCandidates passing pre-selection (ordered by pt)",10,0.,10.); h1_["hPtMu_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("ptMu_sel","Pt mu",100,0.,100.); h1_["hEtaMu_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("etaMu_sel","Eta mu",50,-2.5,2.5); h1_["hd0_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("d0_sel","Impact parameter",1000,-1.,1.); h1_["hNHits_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("NumberOfValidHits_sel","Number of Hits in Silicon",100,0.,100.); h1_["hNormChi2_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("NormChi2_sel","Chi2/ndof of global track",1000,0.,50.); h1_["hTracker_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("isTrackerMuon_sel","is Tracker Muon?",2,0.,2.); h1_["hMET_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("MET_sel","Missing Transverse Energy (GeV)", 300,0.,300.); h1_["hTMass_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("TMass_sel","Rec. Transverse Mass (GeV)",300,0.,300.); h1_["hAcop_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("Acop_sel","Mu-MET acoplanarity",50,0.,M_PI); h1_["hPtSum_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("ptSum_sel","Track Isolation, Sum pT (GeV)",200,0.,100.); h1_["hPtSumN_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("ptSumN_sel","Track Isolation, Sum pT/pT",1000,0.,10.); h1_["hCal_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("Cal_sel","Calorimetric isolation, HCAL+ECAL (GeV)",200,0.,100.); h1_["hIsoTotN_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("isoTotN_sel","(Sum pT + Cal)/pT",1000,0.,10.); h1_["hIsoTot_sel"] =fs->make<TH1D>("isoTot_sel","(Sum pT + Cal)",200,0.,100.); h2_["hTMass_PtSum_inclusive"] =fs->make<TH2D>("TMass_PtSum_inclusive","Rec. Transverse Mass (GeV) vs Sum pT (GeV)",200,0.,100.,300,0.,300.); h2_["hTMass_PtSumNorm_inclusive"] =fs->make<TH2D>("TMass_PtSumNorm_inclusive","Rec. Transverse Mass (GeV) vs Sum Pt / Pt", 1000,0,10,300,0,300); h2_["hTMass_TotIsoNorm_inclusive"]=fs->make<TH2D>("TMass_TotIsoNorm_inclusive","Rec. Transverse Mass (GeV) vs (Sum Pt + Cal)/Pt", 10000,0,10,200,0,200); h2_["hMET_PtSum_inclusive"] =fs->make<TH2D>("MET_PtSum_inclusive","Missing Transverse Energy (GeV) vs Sum Pt (GeV)",200,0.,100.,300,0.,300.); h2_["hMET_PtSumNorm_inclusive"] =fs->make<TH2D>("MET_PtSumNorm_inclusive","Missing Transverse Energy (GeV) vs Sum Pt/Pt",1000,0,10,300,0,300); h2_["hMET_TotIsoNorm_inclusive"]=fs->make<TH2D>("MET_TotIsoNorm_inclusive","Missing Transverse Energy (GeV) vs (SumPt + Cal)/Pt",10000,0,10,200,0,200); } }
void WMuNuSelector::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDFilter.
Definition at line 186 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
References cond::ecalcond::all, nacop, nall, ncharge, nid, niso, nkin, npresel, nsel, ntrig, selectByCharge_, and mathSSE::sqrt().
{ double all = nall; double epresel = npresel/all; double etrig = ntrig/all; double ekin = nkin/all; double eid = nid/all; double eacop = nacop/all; double eiso = niso/all; double esel = nsel/all; LogVerbatim("") << "\n>>>>>> W SELECTION SUMMARY BEGIN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events analyzed: " << nall << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events triggered: " << ntrig << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events pre-selected: " << npresel << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events after kinematic cuts: " << nkin << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events after Muon ID cuts: " << nid << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events after Acop cut: " << nacop << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events after iso cut: " << niso << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events selected: " << nsel << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Efficiencies:"; LogVerbatim("") << "Trigger Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << etrig*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(etrig*(1-etrig)/all)*100. << ")%"; LogVerbatim("") << "Pre-Selection Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << epresel*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(epresel*(1-epresel)/all)*100. << ")%"; LogVerbatim("") << "Pt, Eta Selection Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << ekin*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(ekin*(1-ekin)/all)*100. << ")%"; LogVerbatim("") << "MuonID Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << eid*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(eid*(1-eid)/all)*100. << ")%"; LogVerbatim("") << "Acop Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << eacop*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(eacop*(1-eacop)/all)*100. << ")%"; LogVerbatim("") << "Iso Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << eiso*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(eiso*(1-eiso)/all)*100. << ")%"; LogVerbatim("") << "Selection Efficiency: " << "(" << setprecision(4) << esel*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(esel*(1-esel)/nall)*100. << ")%"; if ( fabs(selectByCharge_)==1 ){ esel = nsel/ncharge; LogVerbatim("") << "\n>>>>>> W+(-) SELECTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of W+(-) events pre-selected: " << ncharge << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Total number of events selected: " << nsel << " [events]"; LogVerbatim("") << "Selection Efficiency only W+(-): " << "(" << setprecision(4) << esel*100. <<" +/- "<< setprecision(2) << sqrt(esel*(1-esel)/ncharge)*100. << ")%"; } LogVerbatim("") << ">>>>>> W SELECTION SUMMARY END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"; }
bool WMuNuSelector::filter | ( | edm::Event & | ev, |
const edm::EventSetup & | |||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDFilter.
Definition at line 224 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
References reco::WMuNuCandidate::acop(), acopCut_, FitTarget::Cal, reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), eJetMin_, reco::MuonIsolation::emEt, reco::LeafCandidate::et(), reco::WMuNuCandidate::eT(), eta(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), etaCut_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), reco::WMuNuCandidate::getMuon(), reco::WMuNuCandidate::getNeutrino(), muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight, reco::Muon::globalTrack(), h1_, h2_, reco::MuonIsolation::hadEt, i, isCombinedIso_, reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), muon::isGoodMuon(), isoCut03_, reco::Muon::isolationR03(), isRelativeIso_, reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), metsig::jet, jetTag_, LogTrace, reco::WMuNuCandidate::massT(), CaloMET_cfi::met, metMax_, mtMax_, RPCpg::mu, muonTag_, muonTrig_, nacop, nall, ncharge, nid, niso, nJetMax_, nkin, normalizedChi2Cut_, npresel, nsel, ntrig, plotHistograms_, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), ptCut_, ptThrForZ1_, ptThrForZ2_, reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), selectByCharge_, reco::MuonIsolation::sumPt, trackerHitsCut_, edm::TriggerNames::triggerIndex(), edm::Event::triggerNames(), patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::triggerResults, trigTag_, and WMuNuCollectionTag_.
{ nall++; // Repeat Pre-Selection Cuts just in case... // Muon collection Handle<View<Muon> > muonCollection; if (!ev.getByLabel(muonTag_, muonCollection)) { LogError("") << ">>> Muon collection does not exist !!!"; return 0; } unsigned int muonCollectionSize = muonCollection->size(); // Trigger Handle<TriggerResults> triggerResults; if (!ev.getByLabel(trigTag_, triggerResults)) { LogError("") << ">>> TRIGGER collection does not exist !!!"; return 0; } const edm::TriggerNames & triggerNames = ev.triggerNames(*triggerResults); bool trigger_fired = false; int itrig1 = triggerNames.triggerIndex(muonTrig_); if (triggerResults->accept(itrig1)) trigger_fired = true; LogTrace("") << ">>> Trigger bit: " << trigger_fired << " (" << muonTrig_ << ")"; // Loop to reject/control Z->mumu is done separately unsigned int nmuonsForZ1 = 0; unsigned int nmuonsForZ2 = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<muonCollectionSize; i++) { const Muon& mu = muonCollection->at(i); if (!mu.isGlobalMuon()) continue; double pt = mu.pt(); if (pt>ptThrForZ1_) nmuonsForZ1++; if (pt>ptThrForZ2_) nmuonsForZ2++; } LogTrace("") << "> Z rejection: muons above " << ptThrForZ1_ << " [GeV]: " << nmuonsForZ1; LogTrace("") << "> Z rejection: muons above " << ptThrForZ2_ << " [GeV]: " << nmuonsForZ2; // Jet collection Handle<View<Jet> > jetCollection; if (!ev.getByLabel(jetTag_, jetCollection)) { LogError("") << ">>> JET collection does not exist !!!"; return 0; } unsigned int jetCollectionSize = jetCollection->size(); int njets = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<jetCollectionSize; i++) { const Jet& jet = jetCollection->at(i); if (jet.et()>eJetMin_) njets++; } LogTrace("") << ">>> Total number of jets: " << jetCollectionSize; LogTrace("") << ">>> Number of jets above " << eJetMin_ << " [GeV]: " << njets; // Beam spot Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle; if (!ev.getByLabel(InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"), beamSpotHandle)) { LogTrace("") << ">>> No beam spot found !!!"; return false; } // Get WMuNu candidates from file: Handle<reco::WMuNuCandidateCollection> WMuNuCollection; if (!ev.getByLabel(WMuNuCollectionTag_,WMuNuCollection) ) { LogTrace("") << ">>> WMuNu not found !!!"; return false; } if(WMuNuCollection->size() < 1) {LogTrace("")<<"No WMuNu Candidates in the Event!"; return 0;} if(WMuNuCollection->size() > 1) {LogTrace("")<<"This event contains more than one W Candidate";} // W->mu nu selection criteria LogTrace("") << "> WMuNu Candidate with: "; const WMuNuCandidate& WMuNu = WMuNuCollection->at(0); // WMuNuCandidates are ordered by Pt! // The Inclusive Selection WMuNu Candidate is the first one const reco::Muon & mu = WMuNu.getMuon(); const reco::MET & met =WMuNu.getNeutrino(); if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNWCand_sel"]->Fill(WMuNuCollection->size()); } // Preselection cuts: if (!trigger_fired) {LogTrace("")<<"Event did not fire the Trigger"; return 0;} ntrig++; if (nmuonsForZ1>=1 && nmuonsForZ2>=2) {LogTrace("")<<"Z Candidate!!"; return 0;} if (njets>nJetMax_) {LogTrace("")<<"NJets > threshold"; return 0;} npresel++; // Select Ws by charge: if (selectByCharge_*WMuNu.charge()==-1){ ncharge++;} // W->mu nu selection criteria if (!mu.isGlobalMuon()) return 0; reco::TrackRef gm = mu.globalTrack(); //reco::TrackRef tk = mu.innerTrack(); // Pt,eta cuts double pt = mu.pt(); double eta = mu.eta(); LogTrace("") << "\t... Muon pt, eta: " << pt << " [GeV], " << eta; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hPtMu_sel"]->Fill(pt);} if (pt<ptCut_) return 0; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hEtaMu_sel"]->Fill(eta);} if (fabs(eta)>etaCut_) return 0; nkin++; // d0, chi2, nhits quality cuts double dxy = gm->dxy(beamSpotHandle->position()); double normalizedChi2 = gm->normalizedChi2(); LogTrace("")<<"Im here"<<endl; double trackerHits = gm->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits(); LogTrace("") << "\t... Muon dxy, normalizedChi2, trackerHits, isTrackerMuon?: " << dxy << " [cm], "<<normalizedChi2 << ", "<<trackerHits << ", " << mu.isTrackerMuon(); if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hd0_sel"]->Fill(dxy);} if (!muon::isGoodMuon(mu,muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight) ) return 0; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNormChi2_sel"]->Fill(normalizedChi2);} if (normalizedChi2>normalizedChi2Cut_) return 0; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hNHits_sel"]->Fill(trackerHits);} if (trackerHits<trackerHitsCut_) return 0; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hTracker_sel"]->Fill(mu.isTrackerMuon());} if (!mu.isTrackerMuon()) return 0; nid++; // Acoplanarity cuts double acop = WMuNu.acop(); LogTrace("") << "\t... acoplanarity: " << acop; // Isolation cuts double SumPt = mu.isolationR03().sumPt; double isovar=SumPt; double Cal = mu.isolationR03().emEt + mu.isolationR03().hadEt; if(isCombinedIso_)isovar+=Cal; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hPtSum_sel"]->Fill(SumPt); h1_["hPtSumN_sel"]->Fill(SumPt/pt); h1_["hCal_sel"]->Fill(Cal); h1_["hIsoTot_sel"]->Fill( (SumPt+Cal)); h1_["hIsoTotN_sel"]->Fill( (SumPt+Cal) / pt ); } if (isRelativeIso_) isovar /= pt; bool iso = (isovar<=isoCut03_); LogTrace("") << "\t... isolation value" << isovar <<", isolated? " <<iso ; double met_et = met.pt(); LogTrace("") << "\t... Met pt: "<<WMuNu.getNeutrino().pt()<<"[GeV]"; double massT = WMuNu.massT(); double w_et = WMuNu.eT(); LogTrace("") << "\t... W mass, W_et, W_px, W_py: " << massT << ", " << w_et << ", " << WMuNu.px() << ", " << WMuNu.py() << " [GeV]"; // Plot 2D Histograms before final cuts if(plotHistograms_ && acop<acopCut_){ h2_["hTMass_PtSum_inclusive"]->Fill(SumPt,massT); h2_["hTMass_PtSumNorm_inclusive"]->Fill(SumPt/pt,massT); h2_["hTMass_TotIsoNorm_inclusive"]->Fill((SumPt+Cal)/pt,massT); h2_["hMET_PtSum_inclusive"]->Fill(SumPt,met_et); h2_["hMET_PtSumNorm_inclusive"]->Fill(SumPt/pt,met_et); h2_["hMET_TotIsoNorm_inclusive"]->Fill((SumPt+Cal)/pt,met_et); } if (!iso) return 0; niso++; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hAcop_sel"]->Fill(acop);} if (acop>=acopCut_) return 0; nacop++; if(plotHistograms_){ h1_["hMET_sel"]->Fill(met_et); h1_["hTMass_sel"]->Fill(massT); } if (massT<=mtMin_ || massT>=mtMax_) return 0; if (met_et<=metMin_ || met_et>=metMax_) return 0; LogTrace("") << ">>>> Event ACCEPTED"; nsel++; // (To be continued ;-) ) return true; }
void WMuNuSelector::init_histograms | ( | ) |
double WMuNuSelector::acopCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 56 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::dxyCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 58 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
double WMuNuSelector::eJetMin_ [private] |
Definition at line 45 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::etaCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
std::map<std::string,TH1D*> WMuNuSelector::h1_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), and filter().
std::map<std::string,TH2D*> WMuNuSelector::h2_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), and filter().
bool WMuNuSelector::isAlsoTrackerMuon_ [private] |
Definition at line 61 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
bool WMuNuSelector::isCombinedIso_ [private] |
Definition at line 50 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::isoCut03_ [private] |
Definition at line 51 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
bool WMuNuSelector::isRelativeIso_ [private] |
Definition at line 49 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
edm::InputTag WMuNuSelector::jetTag_ [private] |
Definition at line 40 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::metMax_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::metMin_ [private] |
Definition at line 54 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
double WMuNuSelector::mtMax_ [private] |
Definition at line 53 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::mtMin_ [private] |
Definition at line 52 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
edm::InputTag WMuNuSelector::muonTag_ [private] |
Definition at line 39 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
const std::string WMuNuSelector::muonTrig_ [private] |
Definition at line 42 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::nacop [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::nall [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::ncharge [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::nid [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::niso [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
int WMuNuSelector::nJetMax_ [private] |
Definition at line 46 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::nkin [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::nmass [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
double WMuNuSelector::normalizedChi2Cut_ [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::npresel [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::nsel [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::ntrig [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and filter().
bool WMuNuSelector::plotHistograms_ [private] |
Definition at line 37 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by beginJob(), and filter().
double WMuNuSelector::ptCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 47 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::ptThrForZ1_ [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
double WMuNuSelector::ptThrForZ2_ [private] |
Definition at line 44 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
int WMuNuSelector::selectByCharge_ [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
int WMuNuSelector::trackerHitsCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 60 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
edm::InputTag WMuNuSelector::trigTag_ [private] |
Definition at line 38 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().
Definition at line 41 of file WMuNuSelector.cc.
Referenced by filter().