
/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_2_7_hltpatch2/src/Calibration/Tools/interface/InvMatrixUtils.h File Reference

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/GenMatrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h"
#include "CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "Calibration/Tools/interface/InvMatrixCommonDefs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


double effectiveSigma (TH1F &histogram, int vSteps=100)
double etaCorrE1E25 (int eta)
double etaCorrE1E49 (int eta)
double etaCorrE1E9 (int eta)
int etaFromXtal (const int &xtal)
int extract (std::vector< int > *output, const std::string &dati)
std::pair< int, int > findSupport (TH1F &histogram, double thres=0.)
double get3x3 (const Float_t energy[7][7])
double get5x5 (const Float_t energy[7][7])
TCanvas * getGlobalCanvas (std::string name="Inv MatrixCanvas")
TFile * getGlobalTFile (std::string name="Inv MatrixTFile.root")
CLHEP::HepMatrix * getSavedMatrix (const std::string &name)
int ietaFromXtal (const int &xtal)
int iphiFromXtal (const int &xtal)
template<class Type >
void mtrReset (Type superModules[SCMaxEta][SCMaxPhi], const Type val)
void mtrTransfer (double output[SCMaxEta][SCMaxPhi], CLHEP::HepMatrix *input, double Default)
int parseConfigFile (const TString &config)
int phiFromXtal (const int &xtal)
int readCMSSWcoeff (CLHEP::HepMatrix &calibcoeff, const std::string &inputFileName, double defaultVal=1.)
int readCMSSWcoeffForComparison (CLHEP::HepMatrix &calibcoeff, const std::string &inputFileName)
int saveGlobalTFile (std::string name="Inv MatrixFile.root")
void setStyle ()
TH1D * smartError (TH1D *strip)
TH1D * smartGausProfile (TH2F *strip, double width)
TH1D * smartProfile (TH2F *strip, double width)
HepGeom::Point3D< Float_t > TBposition (const Float_t amplit[7][7], const Float_t beamEne, const Float_t w0=4.0, const Float_t x0=8.9, const Float_t a0=6.2, const Float_t sideX=24.06, const Float_t sideY=22.02)
int translateCoeff (const CLHEP::HepMatrix &calibcoeff, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &sigmaMatrix, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &statisticMatrix, std::string SMnumber="1", double calibThres=0.01, std::string fileName="calibOutput.txt", std::string genTag="CAL_GENTAG", std::string method="CAL_METHOD", std::string version="CAL_VERSION", std::string type="CAL_TYPE")
int writeCalibTxt (const CLHEP::HepMatrix &AmplitudeMatrix, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &SigmaMatrix, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &StatisticMatrix, std::string fileName="calibOutput.txt")
int writeCMSSWCoeff (const CLHEP::HepMatrix &amplMatrix, double calibThres, float ERef, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &sigmaMatrix, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &statisticMatrix, std::string fileName="calibOutput.txt", std::string genTag="CAL_GENTAG", std::string method="CAL_METHOD", std::string version="CAL_VERSION", std::string type="CAL_TYPE")
int writeCMSSWCoeff (const CLHEP::HepMatrix &amplMatrix, double calibThres, int etaRef, int phiRef, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &sigmaMatrix, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &statisticMatrix, std::string fileName="calibOutput.txt", std::string genTag="CAL_GENTAG", std::string method="CAL_METHOD", std::string version="CAL_VERSION", std::string type="CAL_TYPE")
int xtalFromEtaPhi (const int &myEta, const int &myPhi)
int xtalFromiEtaiPhi (const int &iEta, const int &iPhi)

Function Documentation

double effectiveSigma ( TH1F &  histogram,
int  vSteps = 100 

find the effective sigma as the half width of the sub-distribution containing 68.3% of the total distribution

Definition at line 762 of file

References prof2calltree::back, and dtDQMClient_cfg::threshold.

  double totInt = histogram.Integral () ;
  int maxBin = histogram.GetMaximumBin () ;
  int maxBinVal = int(histogram.GetBinContent (maxBin)) ;
  int totBins = histogram.GetNbinsX () ;
  double area = totInt ;
  double threshold = 0 ;
  double vStep = maxBinVal / vSteps ;
  int leftBin = 1 ;
  int rightBin = totBins - 1 ;
  //loop over the vertical range
  while (area/totInt > 0.683)
      threshold += vStep ;
      // loop toward the left
      for (int back = maxBin ; back > 0 ; --back)
           if (histogram.GetBinContent (back) < threshold)
               leftBin = back ;
               break ;
         } // loop toward the left

      // loop toward the right   
      for (int fwd = maxBin ; fwd < totBins ; ++fwd)
           if (histogram.GetBinContent (fwd) < threshold)
               rightBin = fwd ;
               break ;
         } // loop toward the right
       area = histogram.Integral (leftBin,rightBin) ;
    } //loop over the vertical range

  histogram.GetXaxis ()->SetRange (leftBin,rightBin) ;
  // double sigmaEff = histogram.GetRMS () ;
  double halfWidthRange = 0.5 * (histogram.GetBinCenter (rightBin) - histogram.GetBinCenter (leftBin)) ;
  return halfWidthRange ;
double etaCorrE1E25 ( int  eta)

correction for eta containment for 5*5 cluster

Definition at line 859 of file

References corr, eta(), p1, p2, p3, and p4.

    double p0 = 0.807883 ;
    double p1 = 0.000182551 ;
    double p2 = -5.76961e-06 ;
    double p3 = 7.41903e-08 ;
    double p4 = -2.25384e-10 ;
    double corr ;
    if (eta < 6) corr = p0 ;
    else corr = p0 + p1*eta + p2*eta*eta + p3*eta*eta*eta + p4*eta*eta*eta*eta;
    return corr/p0 ;
double etaCorrE1E49 ( int  eta)

correction for eta containment for 7*7 cluster

Definition at line 874 of file

References corr, eta(), p1, p2, p3, and p4.

    double p0 = 0.799895 ;
    double p1 = 0.000235487 ;
    double p2 = -8.26496e-06 ;
    double p3 = 1.21564e-07 ;
    double p4 = -4.83286e-10 ;
    double corr ;
    if (eta < 8) corr = p0 ;
    else corr = p0 + p1*eta + p2*eta*eta + p3*eta*eta*eta + p4*eta*eta*eta*eta;
    return corr/p0 ;
double etaCorrE1E9 ( int  eta)

correction for eta containment for 3*3 cluster

Definition at line 889 of file

References corr, eta(), p1, p2, p3, and p4.

    if (eta < 4) return 1.0 ;
    // grazie Paolo
    double p0 = 0.834629 ;
    double p1 = 0.00015254 ;
    double p2 = -4.91784e-06 ;
    double p3 = 6.54652e-08 ;
    double p4 = -2.4894e-10 ;
    double corr ;
    if (eta < 6) corr = p0 ;
    else corr = p0 + p1*eta + p2*eta*eta + p3*eta*eta*eta + p4*eta*eta*eta*eta;
    return corr/p0 ;
int etaFromXtal ( const int &  xtal)

get the eta coord [0,84]

Definition at line 279 of file

Referenced by ietaFromXtal(), phiFromXtal(), readCMSSWcoeff(), and readCMSSWcoeffForComparison().

//  return floor (static_cast<double> ((xtal-1) / 20)) ;
  return int (floor ((xtal-1) / 20) );
int extract ( std::vector< int > *  output,
const std::string &  dati 

to read a file containing unserted integers while avoiding comment lines

Definition at line 317 of file

Referenced by SiStripCalibLorentzAngle::algoBeginJob(), CalibrationHistosUsingDb::CalibrationHistosUsingDb(), reco::tau::disc::ChargedOutlierAngle(), reco::tau::disc::ChargedOutlierPt(), clone(), CommissioningTask::HistoSet::histo(), FedCablingHistograms::histoAnalysis(), SamplingHistograms::histoAnalysis(), NoiseHistograms::histoAnalysis(), ApvTimingHistograms::histoAnalysis(), OptoScanHistograms::histoAnalysis(), CalibrationHistograms::histoAnalysis(), PedsFullNoiseHistograms::histoAnalysis(), PedestalsHistograms::histoAnalysis(), PedsOnlyHistograms::histoAnalysis(), VpspScanHistograms::histoAnalysis(), FastFedCablingHistograms::histoAnalysis(), CommissioningHistograms::histogram(), SummaryPlotFactory< CommissioningAnalysis * >::init(), reco::tau::disc::IsolationChargedSumHard(), reco::tau::disc::IsolationChargedSumSoft(), reco::tau::disc::IsolationECALSumHard(), reco::tau::disc::IsolationECALSumSoft(), reco::tau::disc::NeutralOutlierAngle(), reco::tau::disc::NeutralOutlierPt(), reco::tau::disc::OutlierAngle(), reco::tau::disc::OutlierPt(), reco::tau::disc::PiZeroAngle(), reco::tau::disc::PiZeroEta(), reco::tau::disc::PiZeroPt(), reco::tau::disc::TrackAngle(), reco::tau::disc::TrackEta(), reco::tau::disc::TrackPt(), PedestalsTask::update(), PedsOnlyTask::update(), NoiseTask::update(), PedsFullNoiseTask::update(), and CommissioningTask::updateHistoSet().

    std::ifstream _dati (dati.c_str ()) ;
    // loop over the file
    while (!_dati.eof())
        // get the line
        std::string dataline ;
        do { getline (_dati, dataline,'\n') ; } 
        while (*dataline.begin () == '#') ;
        std::stringstream linea (dataline) ;
        // loop over the line
        while (!linea.eof ())
            int buffer = -1 ;
            linea >> buffer ;
            if (buffer != -1) output->push_back (buffer) ;
          } // loop over the line
      } // loop over the file     
    return output->size () ;
std::pair<int,int> findSupport ( TH1F &  histogram,
double  thres = 0. 

find the support of the histogram above a threshold return the min and max bins

Definition at line 809 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin.

  int totBins = histogram.GetNbinsX () ;
  if (thres >= histogram.GetMaximum ()) 
    return std::pair<int,int> (0, totBins) ;

  int leftBin = totBins - 1 ;
  // search from left for the minimum
  for (int bin=1 ; bin<totBins ; ++bin)
      if (histogram.GetBinContent (bin) > thres)
          leftBin = bin ;
          break ; 
    } // search from left for the minimum
  int rightBin = 1 ;
  // search from right for the maximum
  for (int bin=totBins - 1 ; bin> 0 ; --bin)
      if (histogram.GetBinContent (bin) > thres)
          rightBin = bin ;
          break ; 
    } // search from right for the maximum
  return std::pair<int,int> (leftBin,rightBin) ;  
double get3x3 ( const Float_t  energy[7][7])

get the energy in the 3x3 from the 7x7 array around the most energetic crystal

Definition at line 203 of file

References eta(), phi, and pileupDistInMC::total.

Referenced by TBposition().

  double total = 0. ;

  for (int eta=2 ; eta<5 ; ++eta)
    for (int phi=2 ; phi<5 ; ++phi)
      total += energy[eta][phi] ;

  return total ;
double get5x5 ( const Float_t  energy[7][7])

get the energy in the 5x5 from the 7x7 array around the most energetic crystal

Definition at line 186 of file

References eta(), phi, and pileupDistInMC::total.

  double total = 0. ;

  for (int eta=1 ; eta<6 ; ++eta)
    for (int phi=1 ; phi<6 ; ++phi)
      total += energy[eta][phi] ;

  return total ;
TCanvas* getGlobalCanvas ( std::string  name = "Inv MatrixCanvas")

search for an existing canvas with the name and returns the poiter to it

Definition at line 46 of file

References setStyle().

  setStyle () ;
  TCanvas * globalCanvas = static_cast<TCanvas*> 
                           (gROOT->FindObject (name.c_str ())) ;
  if (globalCanvas)
      globalCanvas->Clear () ;
      globalCanvas->UseCurrentStyle () ;
      globalCanvas->SetWindowSize (700, 600) ;
      globalCanvas = new TCanvas (name.c_str (),name.c_str (), 700, 600) ;
  return globalCanvas ;
TFile* getGlobalTFile ( std::string  name = "Inv MatrixTFile.root")

search for an existing TFile with the name and returns the poiter to it

Definition at line 68 of file

//    std::cout << "writing " << name << std::endl ;
//    setStyle () ;
    TFile * globalTFile = (TFile*) gROOT->FindObject (name.c_str()) ;
    if (!globalTFile)
//        std::cout << "does not exist. creating it " << std::endl;
        globalTFile = new TFile (name.c_str(),"RECREATE") ;
    return globalTFile ;
CLHEP::HepMatrix* getSavedMatrix ( const std::string &  name)

search for an existing calib matrix saved with the name and returns the poiter to it, the deletion is responsiblity of the user

Definition at line 101 of file

References matrixSaver::getMatrix(), matplotRender::reader, SCMaxEta, SCMaxPhi, and matrixSaver::touch().

  matrixSaver reader ;
  CLHEP::HepMatrix * savedMatrix ;
  if (reader.touch (name)) 
       savedMatrix = static_cast<CLHEP::HepMatrix *> (
                       reader.getMatrix (name)
       savedMatrix = new CLHEP::HepMatrix (SCMaxEta,SCMaxPhi,0) ;

  return savedMatrix ;
int ietaFromXtal ( const int &  xtal)

get the eta coord [1,85]

Definition at line 299 of file

References etaFromXtal().

  return etaFromXtal (xtal) + 1 ;
int iphiFromXtal ( const int &  xtal)

get the phi coord [1,20]

Definition at line 308 of file

References phiFromXtal().

  return phiFromXtal (xtal) + 1 ;
template<class Type >
void mtrReset ( Type  superModules[SCMaxEta][SCMaxPhi],
const Type  val 

reset the matrices f the size of a supermodule

Definition at line 187 of file InvMatrixUtils.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, SCMaxEta, and SCMaxPhi.

    for (int e = 0 ; e < SCMaxEta ; ++e)
      for (int p = 0 ; p < SCMaxPhi ; ++p)
          superModules[e][p] = val ;
void mtrTransfer ( double  output[SCMaxEta][SCMaxPhi],
CLHEP::HepMatrix *  input,
double  Default 

transfers a CLHEP matrix into a double array with the size of a supermodule

Definition at line 843 of file

References Default, eta(), convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, phi, SCMaxEta, and SCMaxPhi.

  for (int eta = 0 ; eta < SCMaxEta ; ++eta)                              
    for (int phi = 0 ; phi < SCMaxPhi ; ++phi)                              
        if ((*input)[eta][phi]) 
        output[eta][phi] = (*input)[eta][phi] ;
        else output[eta][phi] = Default ;
  return ;
int parseConfigFile ( const TString &  config)

to get the parameters from a congiguration file

int phiFromXtal ( const int &  xtal)

get the phi coord [0,19]

Definition at line 289 of file

References etaFromXtal(), and phi.

Referenced by iphiFromXtal(), readCMSSWcoeff(), readCMSSWcoeffForComparison(), and xtalFromEtaPhi().

  int phi = (xtal-1) - 20 * etaFromXtal (xtal) ;
  return (20 - phi - 1) ;
int readCMSSWcoeff ( CLHEP::HepMatrix &  calibcoeff,
const std::string &  inputFileName,
double  defaultVal = 1. 

translates the calib coefficients format, from the CMSSW one to the TB06Studies one

Definition at line 563 of file

References etaFromXtal(), and phiFromXtal().

    std::ifstream CMSSWfile ; (inputFileName.c_str ()) ; 
    std::string buffer ; 
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;  
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ; 
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    while (!CMSSWfile.eof ())
        int xtalnum ;
        CMSSWfile >> xtalnum ;
        double coeff ;
        CMSSWfile >> coeff ;
        double buffer ;
        CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
        int good ;
        CMSSWfile >> good ;
        CMSSWfile >> good ;
        if (!good) coeff = defaultVal ; //FIXME 0 o 1?
        calibcoeff[etaFromXtal (xtalnum)][phiFromXtal (xtalnum)] = coeff ;          
    return 0 ;

int readCMSSWcoeffForComparison ( CLHEP::HepMatrix &  calibcoeff,
const std::string &  inputFileName 

translates the calib coefficients format, from the CMSSW one to the TB06Studies one

Definition at line 598 of file

References etaFromXtal(), and phiFromXtal().

    std::ifstream CMSSWfile ; (inputFileName.c_str ()) ; 
    std::string buffer ; 
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;  
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ; 
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
    while (!CMSSWfile.eof ())
        int xtalnum ;
        CMSSWfile >> xtalnum ;
        double coeff ;
        CMSSWfile >> coeff ;
        double buffer ;
        CMSSWfile >> buffer ;
        int good ;
        CMSSWfile >> good ;
        CMSSWfile >> good ;
        if (!good) coeff = 0. ; //FIXME 0 o 1?
        calibcoeff[etaFromXtal (xtalnum)][phiFromXtal (xtalnum)] = coeff ;          
    return 0 ;

int saveGlobalTFile ( std::string  name = "Inv MatrixFile.root")

search for an existing TFile with the name and saves it to disk with his name

Definition at line 86 of file

  TFile * globalTFile = static_cast<TFile*> 
                         (gROOT->FindObject (name.c_str ())) ;
  if (!globalTFile) return 1 ;
  globalTFile->Write () ;
  globalTFile->Close () ;
  delete globalTFile ;
  return 0 ;
void setStyle ( )

set the style for the printout

2009/02/26 13:48:08
Id:,v 1.4 2009/02/26 13:48:08 argiro Exp

set the style for the printout

Definition at line 24 of file

Referenced by getGlobalCanvas().

  gROOT->SetStyle ("Plain") ;
  //gStyle->SetOptStat (1111111) ;
  gStyle->SetOptStat (0) ;
  //gStyle->SetOptFit (1111) ;
  gStyle->SetOptFit (0) ;
  gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize (0) ;
  gStyle->SetTitleX (0.08) ;
  gStyle->SetTitleY (0.97) ;
  gStyle->SetPalette (1,0) ;
  gStyle->SetStatColor (0) ;
  gStyle->SetFrameFillStyle (0) ;
  gStyle->SetFrameFillColor (0) ;
  return ;
TH1D* smartError ( TH1D *  strip)

Definition at line 735 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, error, and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.


  double xmin = strip->GetXaxis ()->GetXmin () ;
  double xmax = strip->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ;
  int stripsBins = strip->GetNbinsX () ;

  std::string name = strip->GetName () ;
  name += "_error" ; 
  TH1D * error = new TH1D
      (name.c_str (),strip->GetTitle (),stripsBins,xmin,xmax) ;

  int binmin = 1 ;
  int ngroup = 1 ; // bins per step
  int binmax = stripsBins ;
  for (int bin=binmin ; bin<=binmax ; bin += ngroup) 
      double dummyError = strip->GetBinError (bin) ; 
      error->SetBinContent (bin,dummyError) ;
  return error;  
TH1D* smartGausProfile ( TH2F *  strip,
double  width 

smart profiling by fixing gaussian parameters and range from a first averaging

Definition at line 680 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, GOODCOLL_filter_cfg::cut, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, and pileupCalc::nbins.

  TProfile * stripProfile = strip->ProfileX () ;

  // (from FitSlices of TH2.h)

  double xmin = stripProfile->GetXaxis ()->GetXmin () ;
  double xmax = stripProfile->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ;
  int profileBins = stripProfile->GetNbinsX () ;

  std::string name = strip->GetName () ;
  name += "_smartGaus" ; 
  TH1D * prof = new TH1D
      (name.c_str (),strip->GetTitle (),profileBins,xmin,xmax) ;
  int cut = 0 ; // minimum number of entries per fitted bin
  int nbins = strip->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins () ;
  int binmin = 1 ;
  int ngroup = 1 ; // bins per step
  int binmax = nbins ;

  // loop over the strip bins
  for (int bin=binmin ; bin<=binmax ; bin += ngroup) 
      TH1D *hpy = strip->ProjectionY ("_temp",bin,bin+ngroup-1,"e") ;
      if (hpy == 0) continue ;
      int nentries = Int_t (hpy->GetEntries ()) ;
      if (nentries == 0 || nentries < cut) {delete hpy ; continue ;} 
      Int_t biny = bin + ngroup/2 ;

      TF1 * gaussian = new TF1 ("gaussian","gaus", hpy->GetMean () - width * hpy->GetRMS (),
                                                   hpy->GetMean () + width * hpy->GetRMS ()) ; 
      gaussian->SetParameter (1,hpy->GetMean ()) ;
      gaussian->SetParameter (2,hpy->GetRMS ()) ;
      hpy->Fit ("gaussian","RQL") ;           

      hpy->GetXaxis ()->SetRangeUser ( hpy->GetMean () - width * hpy->GetRMS (), 
                                       hpy->GetMean () + width * hpy->GetRMS ()) ;         
      prof->Fill (strip->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (biny),
                  gaussian->GetParameter (1)) ;       
      prof->SetBinError (biny,gaussian->GetParameter (2)) ;
      delete gaussian ;
      delete hpy ;
    } // loop over the bins

  delete stripProfile ;
  return prof ;
TH1D* smartProfile ( TH2F *  strip,
double  width 

smart profiling by double averaging

Definition at line 632 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, GOODCOLL_filter_cfg::cut, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, and pileupCalc::nbins.

  TProfile * stripProfile = strip->ProfileX () ;

  // (from FitSlices of TH2.h)

  double xmin = stripProfile->GetXaxis ()->GetXmin () ;
  double xmax = stripProfile->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax () ;
  int profileBins = stripProfile->GetNbinsX () ;

  std::string name = strip->GetName () ;
  name += "_smart" ; 
  TH1D * prof = new TH1D
      (name.c_str (),strip->GetTitle (),profileBins,xmin,xmax) ;
  int cut = 0 ; // minimum number of entries per fitted bin
  int nbins = strip->GetXaxis ()->GetNbins () ;
  int binmin = 1 ;
  int ngroup = 1 ; // bins per step
  int binmax = nbins ;

  // loop over the strip bins
  for (int bin=binmin ; bin<=binmax ; bin += ngroup) 
      TH1D *hpy = strip->ProjectionY ("_temp",bin,bin+ngroup-1,"e") ;
      if (hpy == 0) continue ;
      int nentries = Int_t (hpy->GetEntries ()) ;
      if (nentries == 0 || nentries < cut) {delete hpy ; continue ;} 
      Int_t biny = bin + ngroup/2 ;
      hpy->GetXaxis ()->SetRangeUser ( hpy->GetMean () - width * hpy->GetRMS (), 
                                       hpy->GetMean () + width * hpy->GetRMS ()) ;         
      prof->Fill (strip->GetXaxis ()->GetBinCenter (biny),
                  hpy->GetMean ()) ;       
      prof->SetBinError (biny,hpy->GetRMS()) ;
      delete hpy ;
    } // loop over the bins

  delete stripProfile ;
  return prof ;
HepGeom::Point3D<Float_t> TBposition ( const Float_t  amplit[7][7],
const Float_t  beamEne,
const Float_t  w0,
const Float_t  x0,
const Float_t  a0,
const Float_t  sideX,
const Float_t  sideY 

return the impact position of the electron over ECAL

Definition at line 135 of file

References eta(), get3x3(), funct::log(), phi, TBposition(), and CommonMethods::weight().

Referenced by TBposition().

  // variables
    Float_t caloX = 0. ;
    Float_t caloY = 0. ;
    Float_t sumWeight = 0. ;
    Float_t depth = x0 * (log (beamEne)+ a0) ;  // shower depthh, in mm
    Float_t sin3 = 0.052335956 ; // sin (3 degrees) , sin3 = sin(3.*3.141592654/180.)
    Float_t invE3x3 = 1. / get3x3 (amplit) ;
  // loop over 3x3 crystals
  for (int eta = 2; eta <= 4; eta++)
           for (int phi = 2; phi <= 4; phi++)
            Float_t weight = log( amplit[eta][phi] * invE3x3) + w0 ;
            if ( weight>0 )
                 caloX +=  (eta-3) * sideX * weight;
                 caloY -=  (phi-3) * sideY * weight;  
                 sumWeight += weight;
  caloX /=sumWeight;
  caloY /=sumWeight;
  // correction for shower depthh
  caloX -= depth*sin3;
  caloY -= depth*sin3;
  // FIXME the z set to zero
  HepGeom::Point3D<Float_t> TBposition (caloX, caloY, 0) ;
  return TBposition ;  
int translateCoeff ( const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  calibcoeff,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  sigmaMatrix,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  statisticMatrix,
std::string  SMnumber = "1",
double  calibThres = 0.01,
std::string  fileName = "calibOutput.txt",
std::string  genTag = "CAL_GENTAG",
std::string  method = "CAL_METHOD",
std::string  version = "CAL_VERSION",
std::string  type = "CAL_TYPE" 

translates the calib coefficients format, from the TB06Studies one to the CMSSSW one

Definition at line 506 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, eta(), phi, SCMaxEta, SCMaxPhi, and xtalFromiEtaiPhi().

    // open the file for output
    std::ofstream txt_outfile ; (fileName.c_str ()) ;  
    txt_outfile << SMnumber << "\n" ; // super-module number 
    txt_outfile << "-1\n" ; // number of events
    txt_outfile << genTag << "\n" ;
    txt_outfile << method << "\n" ;
    txt_outfile << version << "\n" ;
    txt_outfile << type << "\n" ;
    // loop over crystals
    for (int eta = 0 ; eta < SCMaxEta ; ++eta)
        for (int phi = 0 ; phi < SCMaxPhi ; ++phi)
            if (calibcoeff[eta][phi] < calibThres) 
                txt_outfile << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1) 
                    << "\t" << 1 
                    << "\t" << -1
                    << "\t" << -1
                    << "\t" << 0 <<"\n" ;
                std::cout << "[translateCoefff][" << SMnumber 
                    << "]\t WARNING crystal " << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1)
                    << " calib coeff below threshold: " 
                    << "\t" << 1 
                    << "\t" << -1
                    << "\t" << -1
                    << "\t" << 0 <<"\n" ;
                txt_outfile << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1) 
                    << "\t" << calibcoeff[eta][phi] 
                    << "\t" << sigmaMatrix[eta][phi]
                    << "\t" << statisticMatrix[eta][phi]
                    << "\t" << 1 <<"\n" ;
            } // loop over crystals
    // save and close the file 
    txt_outfile.close () ;
    return 0 ;
int writeCalibTxt ( const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  AmplitudeMatrix,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  SigmaMatrix,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  StatisticMatrix,
std::string  fileName = "calibOutput.txt" 

to write the calibration constants file

Definition at line 345 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, eta(), phi, RecoTauValidation_cfi::reference, SCMaxEta, SCMaxPhi, and xtalFromEtaPhi().

  // look for the reference crystal
  double reference = 0. ;
  for (int eta = 0 ; eta<SCMaxEta ; ++eta)
    for (int phi = 0 ; phi<SCMaxPhi ; ++phi)
        if (AmplitudeMatrix[eta][phi] && 
            SigmaMatrix[eta][phi] < 100 /*FIXME sigmaCut*/) 
            reference = AmplitudeMatrix[eta][phi] ;
            std::cout << "[InvMatrixUtils][writeCalibTxt] reference crystal: "
                      << "(" << eta << "," << phi << ") -> "
                      << reference << "\n" ;
            break ;
  if (!reference)
      std::cerr << "ERROR: no calibration coefficients found" << std::endl ;
      return 1 ;

  // open the file for output
  std::ofstream txt_outfile ; (fileName.c_str ()) ;  
  txt_outfile << "# xtal\tcoeff\tsigma\tevt\tisGood\n" ; 

  // loop over the crystals
  for (int eta = 0 ; eta<SCMaxEta ; ++eta)
    for (int phi = 0 ; phi<SCMaxPhi ; ++phi)
        int isGood = 1 ;
        if (AmplitudeMatrix[eta][phi] == 0) isGood = 0 ;
        if (SigmaMatrix[eta][phi] > 100 /*FIXME sigmaCut*/) isGood = 0 ;
        txt_outfile << xtalFromEtaPhi (eta,phi) 
                    << "\t" << AmplitudeMatrix[eta][phi]/reference 
                    << "\t" << SigmaMatrix[eta][phi]
                    << "\t" << StatisticMatrix[eta][phi]
                    << "\t" << isGood <<"\n" ;

  // save and close the file 
  txt_outfile.close () ;
  return 0 ;
int writeCMSSWCoeff ( const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  amplMatrix,
double  calibThres,
float  ERef,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  sigmaMatrix,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  statisticMatrix,
std::string  fileName = "calibOutput.txt",
std::string  genTag = "CAL_GENTAG",
std::string  method = "CAL_METHOD",
std::string  version = "CAL_VERSION",
std::string  type = "CAL_TYPE" 

to write the file fpr the CMSSW in the DB compliant format (using Energy as reference)

Definition at line 399 of file

References eta(), phi, RecoTauValidation_cfi::reference, SCMaxEta, SCMaxPhi, and xtalFromiEtaiPhi().

  // open the file for output
  std::ofstream txt_outfile ; (fileName.c_str ()) ;  
  txt_outfile << "1\n" ; // super-module number 
  txt_outfile << "-1\n" ; // number of events
  txt_outfile << genTag << "\n" ;
  txt_outfile << method << "\n" ;
  txt_outfile << version << "\n" ;
  txt_outfile << type << "\n" ;

  double reference = ERef ;

  // loop over crystals
  for (int eta = 0 ; eta < SCMaxEta ; ++eta)
    for (int phi = 0 ; phi < SCMaxPhi ; ++phi)
        if (amplMatrix[eta][phi] <= calibThres) 
          txt_outfile << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1) 
                      << "\t" << 1 
                      << "\t" << -1
                      << "\t" << -1
                      << "\t" << 0 <<"\n" ;
          txt_outfile << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1) 
                      << "\t" << reference / amplMatrix[eta][phi] 
                      << "\t" << sigmaMatrix[eta][phi]
                      << "\t" << statisticMatrix[eta][phi]
                      << "\t" << 1 <<"\n" ;
      } // loop over crystals

  // save and close the file 
  txt_outfile.close () ;
  return 0 ;
int writeCMSSWCoeff ( const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  amplMatrix,
double  calibThres,
int  etaRef,
int  phiRef,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  sigmaMatrix,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  statisticMatrix,
std::string  fileName = "calibOutput.txt",
std::string  genTag = "CAL_GENTAG",
std::string  method = "CAL_METHOD",
std::string  version = "CAL_VERSION",
std::string  type = "CAL_TYPE" 

to write the file fpr the CMSSW in the DB compliant format (using Crystal as reference)

Definition at line 449 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, eta(), phi, RecoTauValidation_cfi::reference, SCMaxEta, SCMaxPhi, and xtalFromiEtaiPhi().

  // open the file for output
    std::ofstream txt_outfile ; (fileName.c_str ()) ;  
    txt_outfile << "1\n" ; // super-module number 
    txt_outfile << "-1\n" ; // number of events
    txt_outfile << genTag << "\n" ;
    txt_outfile << method << "\n" ;
    txt_outfile << version << "\n" ;
    txt_outfile << type << "\n" ;
    if (amplMatrix[etaRef-1][phiRef-1] == 0)
        std::cerr << "The reference crystal: ("
        << etaRef << "," << phiRef
        << ") is out of range\n" ;
        return 1 ;
    double reference = amplMatrix[etaRef-1][phiRef-1] ;
  // loop over crystals
    for (int eta = 0 ; eta < SCMaxEta ; ++eta)
        for (int phi = 0 ; phi < SCMaxPhi ; ++phi)
            if (amplMatrix[eta][phi] <= calibThres) 
                txt_outfile << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1) 
                    << "\t" << 1 
                    << "\t" << -1
                    << "\t" << -1
                    << "\t" << 0 <<"\n" ;
                txt_outfile << xtalFromiEtaiPhi (eta+1,phi+1) 
                    << "\t" << reference / amplMatrix[eta][phi] 
                    << "\t" << sigmaMatrix[eta][phi]
                    << "\t" << statisticMatrix[eta][phi]
                    << "\t" << 1 <<"\n" ;
            } // loop over crystals
  // save and close the file 
    txt_outfile.close () ;
    return 0 ;
int xtalFromEtaPhi ( const int &  myEta,
const int &  myPhi 

to get the crystal number from eta and phi

to get the parameters from a congiguration file

Definition at line 247 of file

References phiFromXtal(), and x.

Referenced by writeCalibTxt().

    int xMin = 20 * myEta + 1 ;  
    int xMax = 20 * (myEta + 1) + 1 ;
    int myCryst = 999999 ;
    for (int x = xMin ; x < xMax ; x++)
          if (phiFromXtal (x) == myPhi)
            myCryst = x ;
    return myCryst ;
int xtalFromiEtaiPhi ( const int &  iEta,
const int &  iPhi 

to get the crystal number from iEta and iPhi iEta runs from 1 to 85 iPhi runs from 1 to 20

Definition at line 266 of file

Referenced by translateCoeff(), and writeCMSSWCoeff().

  assert (iEta >= 1) ;
  assert (iEta <= 85) ;
  assert (iPhi >= 1) ;
  assert (iPhi <= 20) ;
  return 20 * (iEta-1) + 21 - iPhi ;