![]() |
![]() |
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseL1CaloAndGtEmulatorsFromRaw | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 264 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00265 : 00266 # customization fragment to run calorimeter emulators (TPGs and L1 calorimeter emulators) 00267 # and GT emulator starting from a RAW file assuming that "RawToDigi_cff" and "SimL1Emulator_cff" 00268 # have already been loaded 00269 00270 # run Calo TPGs on unpacked digis 00271 process.load('L1Trigger.Configuration.CaloTriggerPrimitives_cff') 00272 process.simEcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.Label = 'ecalDigis' 00273 process.simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.inputLabel = cms.VInputTag( 00274 cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'), 00275 cms.InputTag('hcalDigis') 00276 ) 00277 00278 # do not run muon emulators - instead, use unpacked GMT digis for GT input 00279 # (GMT digis produced by same module as the GT digis, as GT and GMT have common unpacker) 00280 process.simRpcTechTrigDigis.RPCDigiLabel = 'muonRPCDigis' 00281 process.simGtDigis.GmtInputTag = 'gtDigis' 00282 00283 # run Calo TPGs, L1 GCT, technical triggers, L1 GT 00284 SimL1Emulator = cms.Sequence( 00285 process.CaloTriggerPrimitives + 00286 process.simRctDigis + 00287 process.simGctDigis + 00288 process.SimL1TechnicalTriggers + 00289 process.simGtDigis ) 00290 00291 # replace the SimL1Emulator in all paths and sequences 00292 for iterable in process.sequences.itervalues(): 00293 iterable.replace( process.SimL1Emulator, SimL1Emulator) 00294 for iterable in process.paths.itervalues(): 00295 iterable.replace( process.SimL1Emulator, SimL1Emulator) 00296 for iterable in process.endpaths.itervalues(): 00297 iterable.replace( process.SimL1Emulator, SimL1Emulator) 00298 process.SimL1Emulator = SimL1Emulator 00299 00300 return process
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseL1EmulatorFromRaw | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 169 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00170 : 00171 # customization fragment to run L1 emulator starting from a RAW file 00172 00173 # run trigger primitive generation on unpacked digis 00174 process.load('L1Trigger.Configuration.CaloTriggerPrimitives_cff') 00175 00176 process.CaloTPG_SimL1Emulator = cms.Sequence( 00177 process.CaloTriggerPrimitives + 00178 process.SimL1Emulator ) 00179 00180 for path in process._Process__paths.itervalues(): 00181 path.replace(process.SimL1Emulator, process.CaloTPG_SimL1Emulator) 00182 00183 # set the new input tags after RawToDigi 00184 process.simEcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.Label = 'ecalDigis' 00185 process.simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.inputLabel = cms.VInputTag( 00186 cms.InputTag('hcalDigis'), 00187 cms.InputTag('hcalDigis') 00188 ) 00189 00190 process.simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis.digiTag = 'muonDTDigis' 00191 process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCComparatorDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'muonCSCDigis', 'MuonCSCComparatorDigi' ) 00192 process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCWireDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'muonCSCDigis', 'MuonCSCWireDigi' ) 00193 process.simRpcTriggerDigis.label = 'muonRPCDigis' 00194 process.simRpcTechTrigDigis.RPCDigiLabel = 'muonRPCDigis' 00195 00196 return process
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseL1GtEmulatorFromRaw | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 199 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00200 : 00201 # customization fragment to run L1 GT emulator starting from a RAW file, with input from unpacked GCT and GMT products 00202 # assuming that "RawToDigi_cff" (or "RawToDigi_data_cff") and "SimL1Emulator_cff" have already been loaded 00203 00204 # producers for technical triggers: 00205 # they must be re-run as their output is not available from RAW2DIGI 00206 00207 # BSC Technical Trigger 00208 # Note: will normally not work, it requires SimHits (not available from RAW2DIGI) 00209 # works only on some MC samples where the SimHits are saved together with the FEDRaw 00210 import L1TriggerOffline.L1Analyzer.bscTrigger_cfi 00211 process.simBscDigis = L1TriggerOffline.L1Analyzer.bscTrigger_cfi.bscTrigger.clone() 00212 00213 # RPC Technical Trigger 00214 import L1Trigger.RPCTechnicalTrigger.rpcTechnicalTrigger_cfi 00215 process.simRpcTechTrigDigis = L1Trigger.RPCTechnicalTrigger.rpcTechnicalTrigger_cfi.rpcTechnicalTrigger.clone() 00216 00217 process.simRpcTriggerDigis.label = 'muonRPCDigis' 00218 process.simRpcTechTrigDigis.RPCDigiLabel = 'muonRPCDigis' 00219 00220 # HCAL Technical Trigger 00221 import SimCalorimetry.HcalTrigPrimProducers.hcalTTPRecord_cfi 00222 process.simHcalTechTrigDigis = SimCalorimetry.HcalTrigPrimProducers.hcalTTPRecord_cfi.simHcalTTPRecord.clone() 00223 00224 00225 # Global Trigger emulator 00226 00227 # do not run calo emulators - instead, use unpacked GCT digis for GT input 00228 process.simGtDigis.GctInputTag = 'gctDigis' 00229 00230 # do not run muon emulators - instead, use unpacked GMT digis for GT input 00231 # (GMT digis produced by same module as the GT digis, as GT and GMT have common unpacker) 00232 process.simGtDigis.GmtInputTag = 'gtDigis' 00233 00234 # technical triggers 00235 process.simGtDigis.TechnicalTriggersInputTags = cms.VInputTag( 00236 cms.InputTag( 'simBscDigis' ), 00237 cms.InputTag( 'simRpcTechTrigDigis' ), 00238 cms.InputTag( 'simHcalTechTrigDigis' ) 00239 ) 00240 00241 process.SimL1TechnicalTriggers = cms.Sequence( 00242 process.simBscDigis + 00243 process.simRpcTechTrigDigis + 00244 process.simHcalTechTrigDigis 00245 ) 00246 00247 # run producers for technical triggers, L1 GT emulator only 00248 SimL1Emulator = cms.Sequence( 00249 process.SimL1TechnicalTriggers + 00250 process.simGtDigis ) 00251 00252 # replace the SimL1Emulator in all paths and sequences 00253 for iterable in process.sequences.itervalues(): 00254 iterable.replace( process.SimL1Emulator, SimL1Emulator) 00255 for iterable in process.paths.itervalues(): 00256 iterable.replace( process.SimL1Emulator, SimL1Emulator) 00257 for iterable in process.endpaths.itervalues(): 00258 iterable.replace( process.SimL1Emulator, SimL1Emulator) 00259 process.SimL1Emulator = SimL1Emulator 00260 00261 return process
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseL1Menu | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00085 : 00086 00087 # replace the L1 menu from the global tag with one of the following alternatives 00088 00089 ####### user choices 00090 00091 #l1MenuSource='globalTag' 00092 #l1MenuSource='sqlFile' 00093 l1MenuSource='xmlFile' 00094 00095 00096 if l1MenuSource == 'sqlFile' : 00097 # the menu will be read from the SQL file instead of the global tag 00098 useSqlFile = '/afs/cern.ch/user/g/ghete/public/L1Menu/L1Menu_Collisions2012_v2/sqlFile/L1Menu_Collisions2012_v2_mc.db' 00099 menuDbTag = 'L1GtTriggerMenu_L1Menu_Collisions2012_v2_mc' 00100 elif l1MenuSource == 'xmlFile' : 00101 # the menu will be read from an XML file instead of the global tag - must copy the file in luminosityDirectory 00102 luminosityDirectory = "startup" 00103 useXmlFile = 'L1Menu_Collisions2012_v2_L1T_Scales_20101224_Imp0_0x102a.xml' 00104 00105 else : 00106 print ' Using default L1 trigger menu from Global Tag ' 00107 00108 ####### end of user choices - do not change the 00109 00110 if l1MenuSource == 'xmlFile' : 00111 print ' Retrieve L1 trigger menu only from XML file ' 00112 print ' ', useXmlFile 00113 print ' ' 00114 00115 process.load('L1TriggerConfig.L1GtConfigProducers.l1GtTriggerMenuXml_cfi') 00116 process.l1GtTriggerMenuXml.TriggerMenuLuminosity = luminosityDirectory 00117 process.l1GtTriggerMenuXml.DefXmlFile = useXmlFile 00118 00119 process.load('L1TriggerConfig.L1GtConfigProducers.L1GtTriggerMenuConfig_cff') 00120 process.es_prefer_l1GtParameters = cms.ESPrefer('L1GtTriggerMenuXmlProducer','l1GtTriggerMenuXml') 00121 00122 00123 00124 elif l1MenuSource == 'sqlFile' : 00125 if useSqlFile != '' : 00126 print ' Retrieve L1 trigger menu only from SQLlite file ' 00127 print ' ', useSqlFile 00128 print ' ' 00129 00130 from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import CondDBSetup 00131 process.l1conddb = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource", 00132 CondDBSetup, 00133 connect = cms.string('sqlite_file:' + useSqlFile), 00134 toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet( 00135 record = cms.string('L1GtTriggerMenuRcd'), 00136 tag = cms.string(menuDbTag))), 00137 BlobStreamerName = cms.untracked.string('TBufferBlobStreamingService') 00138 ) 00139 process.es_prefer_l1conddb = cms.ESPrefer("PoolDBESSource", "l1conddb") 00140 00141 else : 00142 print ' Error: no SQL file is given; please provide a valid SQL file for option sqlFile' 00143 00144 else : 00145 print '' 00146 00147 00148 return process
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseL1TriggerReport | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 303 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00304 : 00305 00306 process.load("L1Trigger.GlobalTriggerAnalyzer.l1GtTrigReport_cfi") 00307 00308 # boolean flag to select the input record 00309 # if true, it will use L1GlobalTriggerRecord 00310 #process.l1GtTrigReport.UseL1GlobalTriggerRecord = True 00311 00312 # input tag for GT record: 00313 # GT emulator: gtDigis (DAQ record) 00314 # GT unpacker: gtDigis (DAQ record) 00315 # GT lite record: l1GtRecord 00316 process.l1GtTrigReport.L1GtRecordInputTag = "gtDigis" 00317 00318 process.l1GtTrigReport.PrintVerbosity = 10 00319 process.l1GtTrigReport.PrintOutput = 0 00320 00321 00322 00323 # 00324 return (process)
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseOutputCommands | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 151 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00152 : 00153 00154 # customization of output commands, on top of the output commands selected 00155 # in cmsDriver command 00156 00157 # examples 00158 00159 # drop all products, keep only the products from L1EmulRaw process and the FEDRawDataCollection_ 00160 #process.output.outputCommands.append('drop *_*_*_*') 00161 #process.output.outputCommands.append('keep *_*_*_L1EmulRaw') 00162 #process.output.outputCommands.append('keep FEDRawDataCollection_*_*_*') 00163 00164 00165 return process 00166
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseResetMasksAlgoTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 32 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseResetMasksTechTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 42 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseResetPrescalesAndMasks | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 72 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00073 : 00074 process = customiseUnprescaleAlgoTriggers( process ) 00075 process = customiseUnprescaleTechTriggers( process ) 00076 process = customiseResetMasksAlgoTriggers( process ) 00077 process = customiseResetMasksTechTriggers( process ) 00078 process = customiseResetVetoMasksAlgoTriggers( process ) 00079 process = customiseResetVetoMasksTechTriggers( process ) 00080 00081 return (process)
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseResetVetoMasksAlgoTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 52 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseResetVetoMasksTechTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 62 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseUnprescaleAlgoTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 7 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00008 : 00009 00010 # temporary solution FIXME 00011 00012 process.load("L1TriggerConfig.L1GtConfigProducers.L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigConfig_cff") 00013 process.es_prefer_l1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrig = cms.ESPrefer( 00014 "L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigTrivialProducer", "l1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrig") 00015 00016 00017 return (process)
def L1Trigger_custom::customiseUnprescaleTechTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 20 of file L1Trigger_custom.py.
00021 : 00022 00023 # temporary solution FIXME 00024 00025 process.load("L1TriggerConfig.L1GtConfigProducers.L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigConfig_cff") 00026 process.es_prefer_l1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrig = cms.ESPrefer( 00027 "L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigTrivialProducer", "l1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrig") 00028 00029 return (process)