![]() |
![]() |
#include <QcdHighPtDQM.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) |
Get the analysis. | |
void | beginJob () |
Inizialize parameters for histo binning. | |
void | endJob (void) |
QcdHighPtDQM (const edm::ParameterSet &) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~QcdHighPtDQM () |
Destructor. | |
Private Member Functions | |
float | moverl (const reco::CaloMETCollection &metcollection, float &ljpt) |
float | movers (const reco::CaloMETCollection &metcollection) |
Private Attributes | |
edm::InputTag | jetLabel_ |
std::map< std::string, MonitorElement * > | MEcontainer_ |
edm::InputTag | metLabel1_ |
edm::InputTag | metLabel2_ |
edm::InputTag | metLabel3_ |
edm::InputTag | metLabel4_ |
DQMStore * | theDbe |
DQM Physics Module for High Pt QCD group
Based on DQM/SiPixel and DQM/Physics code Version 1.0, 7/7/09 By Keith Rose
Definition at line 26 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
QcdHighPtDQM::QcdHighPtDQM | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | iConfig | ) |
Definition at line 35 of file QcdHighPtDQM.cc.
References cppFunctionSkipper::operator, and theDbe.
: jetLabel_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("jetTag")), metLabel1_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("metTag1")), metLabel2_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("metTag2")), metLabel3_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("metTag3")), metLabel4_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("metTag4")) { theDbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); }
QcdHighPtDQM::~QcdHighPtDQM | ( | ) | [virtual] |
void QcdHighPtDQM::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Get the analysis.
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 138 of file QcdHighPtDQM.cc.
References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), jetLabel_, analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, M_PI, MEcontainer_, CaloMET_cfi::met, CaloMET_cfi::metHO, metLabel1_, metLabel2_, metLabel3_, metLabel4_, CaloMET_cfi::metNoHF, CaloMET_cfi::metNoHFHO, movers(), reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().
{ //Get Jets edm::Handle<CaloJetCollection> jetHandle; iEvent.getByLabel(jetLabel_,jetHandle); const CaloJetCollection & jets = *jetHandle; CaloJetCollection::const_iterator jet_iter; //Get MET collections edm::Handle<CaloMETCollection> metHandle; iEvent.getByLabel(metLabel1_, metHandle); const CaloMETCollection &met = *metHandle; edm::Handle<CaloMETCollection> metHOHandle; iEvent.getByLabel(metLabel2_, metHOHandle); const CaloMETCollection &metHO = *metHOHandle; edm::Handle<CaloMETCollection> metNoHFHandle; iEvent.getByLabel(metLabel3_, metNoHFHandle); const CaloMETCollection &metNoHF = *metNoHFHandle; edm::Handle<CaloMETCollection> metNoHFHOHandle; iEvent.getByLabel(metLabel4_, metNoHFHOHandle); const CaloMETCollection &metNoHFHO = *metNoHFHOHandle; //initialize leading jet value and jet multiplicity counter int njets = 0; int njets30 = 0; float leading_jetpt = 0; float leading_jeteta = 0; //initialize variables for picking out leading 2 barrel jets reco::CaloJet leadingbarreljet; reco::CaloJet secondbarreljet; int nbarreljets = 0; //get bins in eta. //Bins correspond to calotower regions. const float etabins[83] = {-5.191, -4.889, -4.716, -4.538, -4.363, -4.191, -4.013, -3.839, -3.664, -3.489, -3.314, -3.139, -2.964, -2.853, -2.650, -2.500, -2.322, -2.172, -2.043, -1.930, -1.830, -1.740, -1.653, -1.566, -1.479, -1.392, -1.305, -1.218, -1.131, -1.044, -.957, -.879, -.783, -.696, -.609, -.522, -.435, -.348, -.261, -.174, -.087, 0, .087, .174, .261, .348, .435, .522, .609, .696, .783, .879, .957, 1.044, 1.131, 1.218, 1.305, 1.392, 1.479, 1.566, 1.653, 1.740, 1.830, 1.930, 2.043, 2.172, 2.322, 2.500, 2.650, 2.853, 2.964, 3.139, 3.314, 3.489, 3.664, 3.839, 4.013, 4.191, 4.363, 4.538, 4.889, 5.191}; for(jet_iter = jets.begin(); jet_iter!= jets.end(); ++jet_iter){ njets++; //get Jet stats float jet_pt = jet_iter->pt(); float jet_eta = jet_iter->eta(); float jet_phi = jet_iter->phi(); //fill jet Pt and jet EMF MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt"]->Fill(jet_pt); MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_EMF"]->Fill(jet_iter->emEnergyFraction()); // pick out up to the first 2 leading barrel jets // for use in calculating dijet mass in barrel region // also fill jet Pt histogram for barrel if(jet_eta <= 1.3){ MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt_barrel"]->Fill(jet_pt); if(nbarreljets == 0){ leadingbarreljet = jets[(njets-1)]; nbarreljets++; } else if(nbarreljets == 1){ secondbarreljet = jets[(njets-1)]; nbarreljets++; } } // fill jet Pt for endcap and forward regions else if(jet_eta <= 3.0 && jet_eta > 1.3){MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt_endcap"]->Fill(jet_pt);} else if(jet_eta <= 5.0 && jet_eta > 3.0){MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt_forward"]->Fill(jet_pt);} // count jet multiplicity for jets with Pt > 30 if((jet_pt) > 30) njets30++; // check leading jet quantities if(jet_pt > leading_jetpt){ leading_jetpt = jet_pt; leading_jeteta = jet_eta; } //fill eta-phi plot for (int eit = 0; eit < 81; eit++){ for(int pit = 0; pit < 72; pit++){ float low_eta = etabins[eit]; float high_eta = etabins[eit+1]; float low_phi = (-M_PI) + pit*(M_PI/36); float high_phi = low_phi + (M_PI/36); if(jet_eta > low_eta && jet_eta < high_eta && jet_phi > low_phi && jet_phi < high_phi){ MEcontainer_["etaphi"]->Fill((eit - 41), jet_phi);} } } } // after iterating over all jets, fill leading jet quantity histograms // and jet multiplicity histograms MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt"]->Fill(leading_jetpt); if(leading_jeteta <= 1.3){MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt_barrel"]->Fill(leading_jetpt);} else if(leading_jeteta <= 3.0 && leading_jeteta > 1.3){MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt_endcap"]->Fill(leading_jetpt);} else if(leading_jeteta <= 5.0 && leading_jeteta > 3.0){MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt_forward"]->Fill(leading_jetpt);} MEcontainer_["njets"]->Fill(njets); MEcontainer_["njets30"]->Fill(njets30); // fill MET over Sum ET and Leading jet PT for all MET flavors MEcontainer_["movers_met"]->Fill(movers(met)); MEcontainer_["moverl_met"]->Fill(movers(met), leading_jetpt); MEcontainer_["movers_metho"]->Fill(movers(metHO)); MEcontainer_["moverl_metho"]->Fill(movers(metHO), leading_jetpt); MEcontainer_["movers_metnohf"]->Fill(movers(metNoHF)); MEcontainer_["moverl_metnohf"]->Fill(movers(metNoHF), leading_jetpt); MEcontainer_["movers_metnohfho"]->Fill(movers(metNoHFHO)); MEcontainer_["moverl_metnohfho"]->Fill(movers(metNoHFHO), leading_jetpt); // fetch first 3 jet EMF if(jets.size() >= 1){ MEcontainer_["leading_jet_EMF"]->Fill(jets[0].emEnergyFraction()); if(jets.size() >=2){ MEcontainer_["second_jet_EMF"]->Fill(jets[1].emEnergyFraction()); if(jets.size() >= 3){ MEcontainer_["third_jet_EMF"]->Fill(jets[2].emEnergyFraction()); } } } // if 2 nontrivial barrel jets, reconstruct dijet mass if(nbarreljets == 2){ if(leadingbarreljet.energy() > 0 && secondbarreljet.energy() > 0){ math::XYZTLorentzVector DiJet = leadingbarreljet.p4() + secondbarreljet.p4(); float dijet_mass = DiJet.mass(); MEcontainer_["dijet_mass"]->Fill(dijet_mass); } } }
void QcdHighPtDQM::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Inizialize parameters for histo binning.
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 53 of file QcdHighPtDQM.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), M_PI, MEcontainer_, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and theDbe.
{ //Book MEs theDbe->setCurrentFolder("Physics/QcdHighPt"); MEcontainer_["dijet_mass"] = theDbe->book1D("dijet_mass", "dijet resonance invariant mass, barrel region", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["njets"] = theDbe->book1D("njets", "jet multiplicity", 10, 0, 10); MEcontainer_["etaphi"] = theDbe->book2D("etaphi", "eta/phi distribution", 83, -42, 42, 72, -M_PI, M_PI); MEcontainer_["njets30"] = theDbe->book1D("njets30", "jet multiplicity, pt > 30 GeV", 10, 0, 10); //book histograms for inclusive jet quantities MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt"] = theDbe->book1D("inclusive_jet_pt", "inclusive jet Pt spectrum", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt_barrel"] = theDbe->book1D("inclusive_jet_pt_barrel", "inclusive jet Pt, eta < 1.3", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt_forward"] = theDbe->book1D("inclusive_jet_pt_forward", "inclusive jet Pt, 3.0 < eta < 5.0", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_pt_endcap"] = theDbe->book1D("inclusive_jet_pt_endcap", "inclusive jet Pt, 1.3 < eta < 3.0", 100, 0, 1000); //book histograms for leading jet quantities MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt"] = theDbe->book1D("leading_jet_pt", "leading jet Pt", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt_barrel"] = theDbe->book1D("leading_jet_pt_barrel", "leading jet Pt, eta < 1.3", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt_forward"] = theDbe->book1D("leading_jet_pt_forward", "leading jet Pt, 3.0 < eta < 5.0", 100, 0, 1000); MEcontainer_["leading_jet_pt_endcap"] = theDbe->book1D("leading_jet_pt_endcap", "leading jet Pt, 1.3 < eta < 3.0", 100, 0, 1000); //book histograms for met over sum et and met over leading jet pt for various //flavors of MET MEcontainer_["movers_met"] = theDbe->book1D("movers_met", "MET over Sum ET for basic MET collection", 50, 0, 1); MEcontainer_["moverl_met"] = theDbe->book1D("moverl_met", "MET over leading jet Pt for basic MET collection", 50, 0, 2); MEcontainer_["movers_metho"] = theDbe->book1D("movers_metho", "MET over Sum ET for MET HO collection", 50, 0, 1); MEcontainer_["moverl_metho"] = theDbe->book1D("moverl_metho", "MET over leading jet Pt for MET HO collection", 50, 0, 2); MEcontainer_["movers_metnohf"] = theDbe->book1D("movers_metnohf", "MET over Sum ET for MET no HF collection", 50, 0, 1); MEcontainer_["moverl_metnohf"] = theDbe->book1D("moverl_metnohf", "MET over leading jet Pt for MET no HF collection", 50, 0, 2); MEcontainer_["movers_metnohfho"] = theDbe->book1D("movers_metnohfho", "MET over Sum ET for MET no HF HO collection", 50, 0, 1); MEcontainer_["moverl_metnohfho"] = theDbe->book1D("moverl_metnohfho", "MET over leading jet Pt for MET no HF HO collection", 50, 0, 2); //book histograms for EMF fraction for all jets and first 3 jets MEcontainer_["inclusive_jet_EMF"] = theDbe->book1D("inclusive_jet_EMF", "inclusive jet EMF", 50, -1, 1); MEcontainer_["leading_jet_EMF"] = theDbe->book1D("leading_jet_EMF", "leading jet EMF", 50, -1, 1); MEcontainer_["second_jet_EMF"] = theDbe->book1D("second_jet_EMF", "second jet EMF", 50, -1, 1); MEcontainer_["third_jet_EMF"] = theDbe->book1D("third_jet_EMF", "third jet EMF", 50, -1, 1); }
void QcdHighPtDQM::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
float QcdHighPtDQM::moverl | ( | const reco::CaloMETCollection & | metcollection, |
float & | ljpt | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file QcdHighPtDQM.cc.
References CaloMET_cfi::met, and mathSSE::sqrt().
{ float metoverl = 0; CaloMETCollection::const_iterator met_iter; for(met_iter = metcollection.begin(); met_iter!= metcollection.end(); ++met_iter) { float mex = met_iter->momentum().x(); float mey = met_iter->momentum().y(); float met = sqrt(mex*mex+mey*mey); metoverl = (met / ljpt); } return metoverl; }
float QcdHighPtDQM::movers | ( | const reco::CaloMETCollection & | metcollection | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file QcdHighPtDQM.cc.
References CaloMET_cfi::met, and mathSSE::sqrt().
Referenced by analyze().
{ float metovers = 0; CaloMETCollection::const_iterator met_iter; for(met_iter = metcollection.begin(); met_iter!= metcollection.end(); ++met_iter) { float mex = met_iter->momentum().x(); float mey = met_iter->momentum().y(); float met = sqrt(mex*mex+mey*mey); float sumet = met_iter->sumEt(); metovers = (met / sumet); } return metovers; }
edm::InputTag QcdHighPtDQM::jetLabel_ [private] |
Definition at line 53 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by analyze().
std::map<std::string, MonitorElement*> QcdHighPtDQM::MEcontainer_ [private] |
Definition at line 60 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
edm::InputTag QcdHighPtDQM::metLabel1_ [private] |
Definition at line 54 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag QcdHighPtDQM::metLabel2_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag QcdHighPtDQM::metLabel3_ [private] |
Definition at line 56 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag QcdHighPtDQM::metLabel4_ [private] |
Definition at line 57 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by analyze().
DQMStore* QcdHighPtDQM::theDbe [private] |
Definition at line 50 of file QcdHighPtDQM.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and QcdHighPtDQM().