Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

SiPixelLorentzAngle Class Reference

#include <SiPixelLorentzAngle.h>

Inheritance diagram for SiPixelLorentzAngle:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
float getLorentzAngle (const uint32_t &) const
const std::map< unsigned int,
float > & 
getLorentzAngles () const
void putLorentsAngles (std::map< unsigned int, float > &LA)
bool putLorentzAngle (const uint32_t &, float &)
 SiPixelLorentzAngle ()
 SiPixelLorentzAngle (const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
virtual ~SiPixelLorentzAngle ()
 ~SiPixelLorentzAngle ()

Private Member Functions

void fillPix (const SiPixelCluster &LocPix, const PixelTopology *topol, Pixinfo &pixinfo)
void findMean (int i, int i_ring)

Private Attributes

std::map< int, TH2F * > _h_drift_depth_
std::map< int, TH2F * > _h_drift_depth_adc2_
std::map< int, TH2F * > _h_drift_depth_adc_
std::map< int, TH2F * > _h_drift_depth_noadc_
std::map< int, TH1F * > _h_mean_
int bladeF_
double chi2_
double chi2F_
Clust clust_
double clustChargeMax_
Clust clustF_
int clustSizeYMin_
edm::ParameterSet conf_
int diskF_
float eta_
float etaF_
int event_
int event_counter_
int eventF_
std::string filename_
std::string filenameFit_
TH2F * h_cluster_shape_
TH2F * h_cluster_shape_adc_
TH2F * h_cluster_shape_adc_rot_
TH2F * h_cluster_shape_noadc_
TH2F * h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot_
TH2F * h_cluster_shape_rot_
TH1F * h_drift_depth_adc_slice_
TH1F * h_tracks_
TFile * hFile_
int hist_depth_
int hist_drift_
int hist_x_
int hist_y_
int hitCounter_
int isflipped_
int ladder_
int layer_
std::map< unsigned int, float > m_LA
const MagneticFieldmagfield
double max_depth_
double max_drift_
double max_x_
double max_y_
double min_depth_
double min_drift_
double min_x_
double min_y_
int module_
int moduleF_
double ndof_
double ndofF_
double normChi2Max_
int panelF_
float phi_
float phiF_
int pixelTracksCounter_
Pixinfo pixinfo_
Pixinfo pixinfoF_
float pt_
float ptF_
double ptmin_
Rechit rechit_
Rechit rechitF_
double residualMax_
int run_
int runF_
int sideF_
bool simData_
Hit simhit_
Hit simhitF_
TTree * SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_
TTree * SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_
const KFTrajectoryFittertheFitter
const KFTrajectorySmoothertheSmoother
const TrackerGeometrytracker
int trackEventsCounter_
Hit trackhit_
Hit trackhitF_
TrajectoryStateTransform tsTransform
int usedHitCounter_
double width_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 85 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiPixelLorentzAngle::SiPixelLorentzAngle ( const edm::ParameterSet conf) [explicit]

Definition at line 36 of file

References hist_x_, hist_y_, max_depth_, max_drift_, max_x_, max_y_, min_depth_, min_drift_, min_x_, min_y_, and width_.

  conf_(conf), filename_(conf.getParameter<std::string>("fileName")), filenameFit_(conf.getParameter<std::string>("fileNameFit")), ptmin_(conf.getParameter<double>("ptMin")), simData_(conf.getParameter<bool>("simData")),    normChi2Max_(conf.getParameter<double>("normChi2Max")), clustSizeYMin_(conf.getParameter<int>("clustSizeYMin")), residualMax_(conf.getParameter<double>("residualMax")), clustChargeMax_(conf.getParameter<double>("clustChargeMax")),hist_depth_(conf.getParameter<int>("binsDepth")), hist_drift_(conf.getParameter<int>("binsDrift"))
  //    anglefinder_=new  TrackLocalAngle(conf);
  hist_x_ = 50;
  hist_y_ = 100;
  min_x_ = -500.;
  max_x_ = 500.;
  min_y_ = -1500.;
  max_y_ = 500.;
  width_ = 0.0285;
  min_depth_ = -100.;
  max_depth_ = 400.;
  min_drift_ = -1000.; //-200.;(conf.getParameter<double>("residualMax"))
  max_drift_ = 1000.; //400.;

SiPixelLorentzAngle::~SiPixelLorentzAngle ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 55 of file

{  }  
SiPixelLorentzAngle::SiPixelLorentzAngle ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 14 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

SiPixelLorentzAngle::~SiPixelLorentzAngle ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 15 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.


Member Function Documentation

void SiPixelLorentzAngle::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 150 of file

References _h_drift_depth_adc2_, _h_drift_depth_adc_, _h_drift_depth_noadc_, Pixinfo::adc, Hit::alpha, TrackerHitAssociator::associateHit(), Hit::beta, PXFDetId::blade(), bladeF_, Clust::charge, chi2_, Trajectory::chiSquared(), clust_, clustChargeMax_, SiPixelRecHit::cluster(), clustF_, clustSizeYMin_, Pixinfo::col, conf_, gather_cfg::cout, PXFDetId::disk(), diskF_, shallow::drift(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), eta_, edm::EventID::event(), event_, event_counter_, HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), fillPix(), Hit::gamma, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), h_cluster_shape_adc_, h_cluster_shape_adc_rot_, h_cluster_shape_noadc_, h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot_, h_tracks_, hitCounter_, edm::EventBase::id(), TrackerGeometry::idToDet(), isflipped_, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), j, PXBDetId::ladder(), ladder_, PXBDetId::layer(), layer_, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localDirection(), BaseTrackerRecHit::localPosition(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localPosition(), Clust::maxPixelCol, Clust::maxPixelRow, Trajectory::measurements(), Clust::minPixelCol, Clust::minPixelRow, PXFDetId::module(), PXBDetId::module(), module_, moduleF_, Trajectory::ndof(), ndof_, normChi2Max_, Pixinfo::npix, PXFDetId::panel(), panelF_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), reco::TrackBase::phi(), phi_, PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, pixelTracksCounter_, pixinfo_, pixinfoF_, reco::TrackBase::pt(), pt_, ptmin_, rechit_, rechitF_, residualMax_, Pixinfo::row, edm::EventID::run(), run_, PXFDetId::side(), sideF_, simData_, simhit_, simhitF_, SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_, SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_, Clust::size_x, Clust::size_y, PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), GeomDet::surface(), funct::tan(), Surface::toGlobal(), tracker, align::Tracker, trackEventsCounter_, trackhit_, trackhitF_, usedHitCounter_, width_, Rechit::x, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), Pixinfo::x, Hit::x, Clust::x, x, Rechit::y, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), Pixinfo::y, Hit::y, Clust::y, detailsBasic3DVector::y, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  //    if(event_counter_ % 500 == 0) cout << "event number " << event_counter_ << endl;
  cout << "event number " << event_counter_ << endl;

  edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> estracker;
  tracker=&(* estracker);

  TrackerHitAssociator* associate;
  if(simData_) associate = new TrackerHitAssociator(e); else associate = 0; 
  // restet values
  ladder_ = -1;
  isflipped_ = -1;
  pt_ = -999;
  eta_ = 999;
  phi_ = 999;
  pixinfo_.npix = 0;

  run_       =;
  event_     =;
  // get the association map between tracks and trajectories
  edm::Handle<TrajTrackAssociationCollection> trajTrackCollectionHandle;
  if(trajTrackCollectionHandle->size() >0){
    for(TrajTrackAssociationCollection::const_iterator it = trajTrackCollectionHandle->begin(); it!=trajTrackCollectionHandle->end();++it){
      const Track&      track = *it->val;
      const Trajectory& traj  = *it->key;
      // get the trajectory measurements
      std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> tmColl = traj.measurements(); 
      //                        TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos = tsoscomb( itTraj->forwardPredictedState(), itTraj->backwardPredictedState() );
      pt_ =;
      eta_ = track.eta();
      phi_ = track.phi();
      chi2_ = traj.chiSquared();
      ndof_ = traj.ndof();
      if(pt_ < ptmin_) continue;
      // iterate over trajectory measurements
      std::vector<PSimHit> matched;
      bool pixeltrack = false;
      for(std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::const_iterator itTraj = tmColl.begin(); itTraj != tmColl.end(); itTraj++) {
        if(! itTraj->updatedState().isValid()) continue;
        TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer recHit = itTraj->recHit();
        if(! recHit->isValid() || recHit->geographicalId().det() != DetId::Tracker ) continue;
        unsigned int subDetID = (recHit->geographicalId().subdetId());
        if( subDetID == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel || subDetID == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap){
          pixeltrack = true;
        if( subDetID == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel){
          DetId detIdObj = recHit->geographicalId();
          const PixelGeomDetUnit * theGeomDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*> ( tracker->idToDet(detIdObj) );
          if(!theGeomDet) continue;

          const PixelTopology * topol = &(theGeomDet->specificTopology());

          if(!topol) continue;
          PXBDetId pxbdetIdObj(detIdObj);
          layer_ = pxbdetIdObj.layer();
          ladder_ = pxbdetIdObj.ladder();
          module_ = pxbdetIdObj.module();
          float tmp1 = theGeomDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,0.)).perp();
          float tmp2 = theGeomDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,1.)).perp();
          if ( tmp2<tmp1 ) isflipped_ = 1;
          else isflipped_ = 0;
          const SiPixelRecHit * recHitPix = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit *>((*recHit).hit());
          if(!recHitPix) continue;
          rechit_.x  = recHitPix->localPosition().x();
          rechit_.y  = recHitPix->localPosition().y();
          SiPixelRecHit::ClusterRef const& cluster = recHitPix->cluster();      
          // fill entries in clust_
          clust_.x = (cluster)->x();
          clust_.y = (cluster)->y();
          clust_.charge = (cluster->charge())/1000.;
          clust_.size_x = cluster->sizeX();
          clust_.size_y = cluster->sizeY();
          clust_.maxPixelCol = cluster->maxPixelCol();
          clust_.maxPixelRow = cluster->maxPixelRow();
          clust_.minPixelCol = cluster->minPixelCol();
          clust_.minPixelRow = cluster->minPixelRow();
          // fill entries in pixinfo_:
          fillPix(*cluster ,topol, pixinfo_);
          // fill the trackhit info
          TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos=itTraj->updatedState();
            cout << "tsos not valid" << endl;
          LocalVector trackdirection=tsos.localDirection();
          LocalPoint trackposition=tsos.localPosition();
          if(trackdirection.z()==0) continue;                           
          // the local position and direction
          trackhit_.alpha = atan2(trackdirection.z(),trackdirection.x());
          trackhit_.beta = atan2(trackdirection.z(),trackdirection.y());
          trackhit_.gamma = atan2(trackdirection.x(),trackdirection.y());
          trackhit_.x = trackposition.x();
          trackhit_.y = trackposition.y();
          // fill entries in simhit_:   
            matched = associate->associateHit((*recHitPix));    
            float dr_start=9999.;
            for (std::vector<PSimHit>::iterator isim = matched.begin(); isim != matched.end(); ++isim){
              DetId simdetIdObj((*isim).detUnitId());
              if (simdetIdObj == detIdObj) {
                float sim_x1 = (*isim).entryPoint().x(); // width (row index, in col direction)
                float sim_y1 = (*isim).entryPoint().y(); // length (col index, in row direction)
                float sim_x2 = (*isim).exitPoint().x();
                float sim_y2 = (*isim).exitPoint().y();
                float sim_xpos = 0.5*(sim_x1+sim_x2);
                float sim_ypos = 0.5*(sim_y1+sim_y2);
                float sim_px = (*isim).momentumAtEntry().x();
                float sim_py = (*isim).momentumAtEntry().y();
                float sim_pz = (*isim).momentumAtEntry().z();
                float dr = (sim_xpos-(recHitPix->localPosition().x()))*(sim_xpos-recHitPix->localPosition().x()) +
                if(dr<dr_start) {
                  simhit_.x     = sim_xpos;
                  simhit_.y     = sim_ypos;
                  simhit_.alpha = atan2(sim_pz, sim_px);
                  simhit_.beta  = atan2(sim_pz, sim_py);
                  simhit_.gamma = atan2(sim_px, sim_py);
                  dr_start = dr;
            } // end of filling simhit_
          // is one pixel in cluster a large pixel ? (hit will be excluded)
          bool large_pix = false;
          for (int j = 0; j <  pixinfo_.npix; j++){
            int colpos = static_cast<int>(pixinfo_.col[j]);
            if (pixinfo_.row[j] == 0 || pixinfo_.row[j] == 79 || pixinfo_.row[j] == 80 || pixinfo_.row[j] == 159 || colpos % 52 == 0 || colpos % 52 == 51 ){
              large_pix = true; 
          double residual = TMath::Sqrt( (trackhit_.x - rechit_.x) * (trackhit_.x - rechit_.x) + (trackhit_.y - rechit_.y) * (trackhit_.y - rechit_.y) );
          if( !large_pix && (chi2_/ndof_) < normChi2Max_ && cluster->sizeY() >= clustSizeYMin_ && residual < residualMax_ && (cluster->charge() < clustChargeMax_)){
            // iterate over pixels in hit
            for (int j = 0; j <  pixinfo_.npix; j++){
              // use trackhits
              float dx = (pixinfo_.x[j]  - (trackhit_.x - width_/2. / TMath::Tan(trackhit_.alpha))) * 10000.;
              float dy = (pixinfo_.y[j]  - (trackhit_.y - width_/2. / TMath::Tan(trackhit_.beta))) * 10000.;
              float depth = dy * tan(trackhit_.beta);
              float drift = dx - dy * tan(trackhit_.gamma);
              _h_drift_depth_adc_[module_ + (layer_ -1) * 8]->Fill(drift, depth, pixinfo_.adc[j]);
              _h_drift_depth_adc2_[module_ + (layer_ -1) * 8]->Fill(drift, depth, pixinfo_.adc[j]*pixinfo_.adc[j]);
              _h_drift_depth_noadc_[module_ + (layer_ -1) * 8]->Fill(drift, depth);             
              if( layer_ == 3 && module_==1 && isflipped_){
                float dx_rot = dx * TMath::Cos(trackhit_.gamma) + dy * TMath::Sin(trackhit_.gamma);
                float dy_rot = dy * TMath::Cos(trackhit_.gamma) - dx * TMath::Sin(trackhit_.gamma) ;
                h_cluster_shape_adc_->Fill(dx, dy, pixinfo_.adc[j]);
                h_cluster_shape_noadc_->Fill(dx, dy);
                h_cluster_shape_adc_rot_->Fill(dx_rot, dy_rot, pixinfo_.adc[j]);
                h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot_->Fill(dx_rot, dy_rot);
        } else if (subDetID == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap) {
          DetId detIdObj = recHit->geographicalId();
          const PixelGeomDetUnit * theGeomDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*> ( tracker->idToDet(detIdObj) );
          if(!theGeomDet) continue;
          const PixelTopology * topol = &(theGeomDet->specificTopology());

          if(!topol) continue;
          PXFDetId pxfdetIdObj(detIdObj);
          sideF_ = pxfdetIdObj.side();
          diskF_ = pxfdetIdObj.disk();
          bladeF_ = pxfdetIdObj.blade();
          panelF_ = pxfdetIdObj.panel();
          moduleF_ = pxfdetIdObj.module();
          //                                    float tmp1 = theGeomDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,0.)).perp();
          //                                    float tmp2 = theGeomDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,1.)).perp();
          //                                    if ( tmp2<tmp1 ) isflipped_ = 1;
          //                                    else isflipped_ = 0;
          const SiPixelRecHit * recHitPix = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit *>((*recHit).hit());
          if(!recHitPix) continue;
          rechitF_.x  = recHitPix->localPosition().x();
          rechitF_.y  = recHitPix->localPosition().y();
          SiPixelRecHit::ClusterRef const& cluster = recHitPix->cluster();      
          // fill entries in clust_
          clustF_.x = (cluster)->x();
          clustF_.y = (cluster)->y();
          clustF_.charge = (cluster->charge())/1000.;
          clustF_.size_x = cluster->sizeX();
          clustF_.size_y = cluster->sizeY();
          clustF_.maxPixelCol = cluster->maxPixelCol();
          clustF_.maxPixelRow = cluster->maxPixelRow();
          clustF_.minPixelCol = cluster->minPixelCol();
          clustF_.minPixelRow = cluster->minPixelRow();
          // fill entries in pixinfo_:
          fillPix(*cluster ,topol, pixinfoF_);
          // fill the trackhit info
          TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos=itTraj->updatedState();
            cout << "tsos not valid" << endl;
          LocalVector trackdirection=tsos.localDirection();
          LocalPoint trackposition=tsos.localPosition();
          if(trackdirection.z()==0) continue;                           
          // the local position and direction
          trackhitF_.alpha = atan2(trackdirection.z(),trackdirection.x());
          trackhitF_.beta = atan2(trackdirection.z(),trackdirection.y());
          trackhitF_.gamma = atan2(trackdirection.x(),trackdirection.y());
          trackhitF_.x = trackposition.x();
          trackhitF_.y = trackposition.y();
          // fill entries in simhit_:   
            matched = associate->associateHit((*recHitPix));    
            float dr_start=9999.;
            for (std::vector<PSimHit>::iterator isim = matched.begin(); isim != matched.end(); ++isim){
              DetId simdetIdObj((*isim).detUnitId());
              if (simdetIdObj == detIdObj) {
                float sim_x1 = (*isim).entryPoint().x(); // width (row index, in col direction)
                float sim_y1 = (*isim).entryPoint().y(); // length (col index, in row direction)
                float sim_x2 = (*isim).exitPoint().x();
                float sim_y2 = (*isim).exitPoint().y();
                float sim_xpos = 0.5*(sim_x1+sim_x2);
                float sim_ypos = 0.5*(sim_y1+sim_y2);
                float sim_px = (*isim).momentumAtEntry().x();
                float sim_py = (*isim).momentumAtEntry().y();
                float sim_pz = (*isim).momentumAtEntry().z();
                float dr = (sim_xpos-(recHitPix->localPosition().x()))*(sim_xpos-recHitPix->localPosition().x()) +
                if(dr<dr_start) {
                  simhitF_.x     = sim_xpos;
                  simhitF_.y     = sim_ypos;
                  simhitF_.alpha = atan2(sim_pz, sim_px);
                  simhitF_.beta  = atan2(sim_pz, sim_py);
                  simhitF_.gamma = atan2(sim_px, sim_py);
                  dr_start = dr;
            } // end of filling simhit_
      } //end iteration over trajectory measurements
    } //end iteration over trajectories

void SiPixelLorentzAngle::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 57 of file

References _h_drift_depth_, _h_drift_depth_adc2_, _h_drift_depth_adc_, _h_drift_depth_noadc_, _h_mean_, Pixinfo::adc, bladeF_, chi2_, clust_, clustF_, Pixinfo::col, diskF_, eta_, event_, event_counter_, filename_, h_cluster_shape_, h_cluster_shape_adc_, h_cluster_shape_adc_rot_, h_cluster_shape_noadc_, h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot_, h_cluster_shape_rot_, h_tracks_, hFile_, hist_depth_, hist_drift_, hist_x_, hist_y_, hitCounter_, isflipped_, ladder_, layer_, max_depth_, max_drift_, max_x_, max_y_, min_depth_, min_drift_, min_x_, min_y_, module_, moduleF_, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, ndof_, Pixinfo::npix, panelF_, phi_, pixelTracksCounter_, pixinfo_, pixinfoF_, pt_, rechit_, rechitF_, Pixinfo::row, run_, sideF_, simhit_, simhitF_, SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_, SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_, trackEventsCounter_, trackhit_, trackhitF_, usedHitCounter_, Pixinfo::x, and Pixinfo::y.


  //    cout << "started SiPixelLorentzAngle" << endl;
  hFile_ = new TFile (filename_.c_str(), "RECREATE" );
  int bufsize = 64000;
  // create tree structure
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_ = new TTree("SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_","SiPixel LorentzAngle tree", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("run", &run_, "run/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("event", &event_, "event/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("module", &module_, "module/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("ladder", &ladder_, "ladder/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("layer", &layer_, "layer/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("isflipped", &isflipped_, "isflipped/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("pt", &pt_, "pt/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("eta", &eta_, "eta/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("phi", &phi_, "phi/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("chi2", &chi2_, "chi2/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("ndof", &ndof_, "ndof/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("trackhit", &trackhit_, "x/F:y/F:alpha/D:beta/D:gamma_/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("simhit", &simhit_, "x/F:y/F:alpha/D:beta/D:gamma_/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("npix", &pixinfo_.npix, "npix/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("rowpix", pixinfo_.row, "row[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("colpix", pixinfo_.col, "col[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("adc", pixinfo_.adc, "adc[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("xpix", pixinfo_.x, "x[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("ypix", pixinfo_.y, "y[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("clust", &clust_, "x/F:y/F:charge/F:size_x/I:size_y/I:maxPixelCol/I:maxPixelRow:minPixelCol/I:minPixelRow/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTree_->Branch("rechit", &rechit_, "x/F:y/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_ = new TTree("SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_","SiPixel LorentzAngle tree forward", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("run", &run_, "run/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("event", &event_, "event/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("side", &sideF_, "side/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("disk", &diskF_, "disk/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("blade", &bladeF_, "blade/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("panel", &panelF_, "panel/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("module", &moduleF_, "module/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("pt", &pt_, "pt/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("eta", &eta_, "eta/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("phi", &phi_, "phi/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("chi2", &chi2_, "chi2/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("ndof", &ndof_, "ndof/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("trackhit", &trackhitF_, "x/F:y/F:alpha/D:beta/D:gamma_/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("simhit", &simhitF_, "x/F:y/F:alpha/D:beta/D:gamma_/D", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("npix", &pixinfoF_.npix, "npix/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("rowpix", pixinfoF_.row, "row[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("colpix", pixinfoF_.col, "col[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("adc", pixinfoF_.adc, "adc[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("xpix", pixinfoF_.x, "x[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("ypix", pixinfoF_.y, "y[npix]/F", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("clust", &clustF_, "x/F:y/F:charge/F:size_x/I:size_y/I:maxPixelCol/I:maxPixelRow:minPixelCol/I:minPixelRow/I", bufsize);
  SiPixelLorentzAngleTreeForward_->Branch("rechit", &rechitF_, "x/F:y/F", bufsize);
  //book histograms
  char name[128];
  for(int i_module = 1; i_module<=8; i_module++){
    for(int i_layer = 1; i_layer<=3; i_layer++){
      sprintf(name, "h_drift_depth_adc_layer%i_module%i", i_layer, i_module); 
      _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8] = new TH2F(name,name,hist_drift_ , min_drift_, max_drift_, hist_depth_, min_depth_, max_depth_);
      sprintf(name, "h_drift_depth_adc2_layer%i_module%i", i_layer, i_module); 
      _h_drift_depth_adc2_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8] = new TH2F(name,name,hist_drift_ , min_drift_, max_drift_, hist_depth_, min_depth_, max_depth_);
      sprintf(name, "h_drift_depth_noadc_layer%i_module%i", i_layer, i_module); 
      _h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8] = new TH2F(name,name,hist_drift_ , min_drift_, max_drift_, hist_depth_, min_depth_, max_depth_);
      sprintf(name, "h_drift_depth_layer%i_module%i", i_layer, i_module); 
      _h_drift_depth_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8] = new TH2F(name,name,hist_drift_ , min_drift_, max_drift_, hist_depth_, min_depth_, max_depth_);
      sprintf(name, "h_mean_layer%i_module%i", i_layer, i_module); 
      _h_mean_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8] = new TH1F(name,name,hist_depth_, min_depth_, max_depth_);
  // just for some expaining plots
  h_cluster_shape_adc_  = new TH2F("h_cluster_shape_adc","cluster shape with adc weight", hist_x_, min_x_, max_x_, hist_y_, min_y_, max_y_);
  h_cluster_shape_noadc_  = new TH2F("h_cluster_shape_noadc","cluster shape without adc weight", hist_x_, min_x_, max_x_, hist_y_, min_y_, max_y_);
  h_cluster_shape_  = new TH2F("h_cluster_shape","cluster shape", hist_x_, min_x_, max_x_, hist_y_, min_y_, max_y_);
  h_cluster_shape_adc_rot_  = new TH2F("h_cluster_shape_adc_rot","cluster shape with adc weight", hist_x_, min_x_, max_x_, hist_y_, -max_y_, -min_y_);
  h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot_  = new TH2F("h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot","cluster shape without adc weight", hist_x_, min_x_, max_x_, hist_y_, -max_y_, -min_y_);
  h_cluster_shape_rot_  = new TH2F("h_cluster_shape_rot","cluster shape", hist_x_, min_x_, max_x_, hist_y_, -max_y_, -min_y_);
  h_tracks_ = new TH1F("h_tracks","h_tracks",2,0.,2.);
  event_counter_ = 0;
  trackEventsCounter_ = 0;
  //    trackcounter_ = 0;
  hitCounter_ = 0;
  usedHitCounter_ = 0;
  pixelTracksCounter_ = 0;
//   edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> estracker; //this block should not be in beginJob()
//   c.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get(estracker);
//   tracker=&(* estracker);
void SiPixelLorentzAngle::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 426 of file

References _h_drift_depth_, _h_drift_depth_adc2_, _h_drift_depth_adc_, _h_drift_depth_noadc_, _h_mean_, gather_cfg::cout, event_counter_, python::connectstrParser::f1, filenameFit_, findMean(), FitTarget::Fit, h_cluster_shape_adc_, h_cluster_shape_adc_rot_, h_cluster_shape_noadc_, h_cluster_shape_noadc_rot_, h_drift_depth_adc_slice_, h_tracks_, hFile_, hist_depth_, hist_drift_, hitCounter_, i, max_drift_, min_drift_, p1, pixelTracksCounter_, trackEventsCounter_, estimatePileup_makeJSON::trunc, and usedHitCounter_.

  // produce histograms with the average adc counts
  for(int i_ring = 1; i_ring<=24; i_ring++){
    _h_drift_depth_[i_ring]->Divide(_h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring], _h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_ring]);
  h_drift_depth_adc_slice_ = new TH1F("h_drift_depth_adc_slice", "slice of adc histogram", hist_drift_ , min_drift_, max_drift_);

  TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0] + [1]*x",50., 235.); 
  ofstream fLorentzFit( filenameFit_.c_str(), ios::trunc );
  cout.precision( 4 );
  fLorentzFit << "module" << "\t" << "layer" << "\t" << "offset" << "\t" << "error" << "\t" << "slope" << "\t" << "error" << "\t" "rel.err" << "\t" "pull" << "\t" << "chi2" << "\t" << "prob" << endl;
  //loop over modlues and layers to fit the lorentz angle
  for( int i_layer = 1; i_layer<=3; i_layer++){
    for(int i_module = 1; i_module<=8; i_module++){
      //loop over bins in depth (z-local-coordinate) (in order to fit slices)
      for( int i = 1; i <= hist_depth_; i++){
        findMean(i, (i_module + (i_layer - 1) * 8));    
      }// end loop over bins in depth 
      _h_mean_[i_module + (i_layer - 1) * 8]->Fit(f1,"ERQ");
      double p0 = f1->GetParameter(0);
      double e0 = f1->GetParError(0);
      double p1 = f1->GetParameter(1);
      double e1 = f1->GetParError(1);
      double chi2 = f1->GetChisquare();
      double prob = f1->GetProb();
      fLorentzFit << setprecision( 4 ) << i_module << "\t" << i_layer << "\t" << p0 << "\t" << e0 << "\t" << p1 << setprecision( 3 ) << "\t" << e1 << "\t" << e1 / p1 *100. << "\t"<< (p1 - 0.424) / e1 << "\t"<< chi2 << "\t" << prob << endl;
  } // end loop over modules and layers
  for(int i_module = 1; i_module<=8; i_module++){
    for(int i_layer = 1; i_layer<=3; i_layer++){
      _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8]->Write();
      _h_drift_depth_adc2_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8]->Write();
      _h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8]->Write();
      _h_drift_depth_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8]->Write();
      _h_mean_[i_module + (i_layer -1) * 8]->Write();
  cout << "events: " << event_counter_ << endl;
  cout << "events with tracks: " << trackEventsCounter_ << endl;        
  cout << "events with pixeltracks: " << pixelTracksCounter_ << endl;   
  cout << "hits in the pixel: " << hitCounter_ << endl;
  cout << "number of used Hits: " << usedHitCounter_ << endl;
void SiPixelLorentzAngle::fillPix ( const SiPixelCluster LocPix,
const PixelTopology topol,
Pixinfo pixinfo 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 486 of file

References Pixinfo::adc, Pixinfo::col, Topology::localPosition(), Pixinfo::npix, SiPixelCluster::pixels(), Pixinfo::row, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), Pixinfo::x, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and Pixinfo::y.

Referenced by analyze().

  const std::vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel>& pixvector = LocPix.pixels();
  pixinfo.npix = 0;
  for(std::vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel>::const_iterator itPix = pixvector.begin(); itPix != pixvector.end(); itPix++){
    //  for(pixinfo.npix = 0; pixinfo.npix < static_cast<int>(pixvector.size()); ++pixinfo.npix) {
    pixinfo.row[pixinfo.npix] = itPix->x;
    pixinfo.col[pixinfo.npix] = itPix->y;
    pixinfo.adc[pixinfo.npix] = itPix->adc;
    LocalPoint lp = topol->localPosition(MeasurementPoint(itPix->x + 0.5, itPix->y+0.5));
    pixinfo.x[pixinfo.npix] = lp.x();
    pixinfo.y[pixinfo.npix]= lp.y();
void SiPixelLorentzAngle::findMean ( int  i,
int  i_ring 
) [private]

Definition at line 503 of file

References _h_drift_depth_, _h_drift_depth_adc2_, _h_drift_depth_adc_, _h_drift_depth_noadc_, _h_mean_, error, h_drift_depth_adc_slice_, hist_drift_, j, timingPdfMaker::mean, and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by endJob().

  double nentries = 0;
  // determine sigma and sigma^2 of the adc counts and average adc counts
  //loop over bins in drift width
  for( int j = 1; j<= hist_drift_; j++){
    if(_h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j, i) >= 1){
      double adc_error2 = (_h_drift_depth_adc2_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j,i) - _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j,i)*_h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j, i) / _h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j, i)) /  _h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j, i);
      _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring]->SetBinError(j, i, sqrt(adc_error2));
      double error2 = adc_error2 / (_h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j,i) - 1.);
      _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring]->SetBinError(j, i, 0);
    h_drift_depth_adc_slice_->SetBinContent(j, _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j,i));
    h_drift_depth_adc_slice_->SetBinError(j, _h_drift_depth_adc_[i_ring]->GetBinError(j,i));
    nentries += _h_drift_depth_noadc_[i_ring]->GetBinContent(j,i);      
  } // end loop over bins in drift width
  double mean = h_drift_depth_adc_slice_->GetMean(1); 
  double error = 0;
  if(nentries != 0){
    error = h_drift_depth_adc_slice_->GetRMS(1) / sqrt(nentries);
  _h_mean_[i_ring]->SetBinContent(i, mean);
  _h_mean_[i_ring]->SetBinError(i, error);

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::getLorentzAngle ( const uint32_t &  detid) const

Definition at line 13 of file

References m_LA.

Referenced by PixelCPEBase::computeLorentzShifts(), and PixelCPEBase::driftDirection().

  std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator id=m_LA.find(detid);
  if(id!=m_LA.end()) return id->second;
  else {
    edm::LogError("SiPixelLorentzAngle") << "SiPixelLorentzAngle for DetID " << detid << " is not stored" << std::endl; 
  return 0;
const std::map<unsigned int,float>& SiPixelLorentzAngle::getLorentzAngles ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 18 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

References m_LA.

{return m_LA;}
void SiPixelLorentzAngle::putLorentsAngles ( std::map< unsigned int, float > &  LA) [inline]

Definition at line 17 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

References m_LA.

bool SiPixelLorentzAngle::putLorentzAngle ( const uint32_t &  detid,
float &  value 

Definition at line 4 of file

References cond::rpcobgas::detid, m_LA, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by SiPixelLorentzAngleDB::analyze().

  std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator id=m_LA.find(detid);
    edm::LogError("SiPixelLorentzAngle") << "SiPixelLorentzAngle for DetID " << detid << " is already stored. Skippig this put" << std::endl;
    return false;
  else m_LA[detid]=value;
  return true;

Member Data Documentation

std::map<int, TH2F*> SiPixelLorentzAngle::_h_drift_depth_ [private]

Definition at line 172 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and findMean().

std::map<int, TH2F*> SiPixelLorentzAngle::_h_drift_depth_adc2_ [private]

Definition at line 170 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), endJob(), and findMean().

std::map<int, TH2F*> SiPixelLorentzAngle::_h_drift_depth_adc_ [private]

Definition at line 169 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), endJob(), and findMean().

std::map<int, TH2F*> SiPixelLorentzAngle::_h_drift_depth_noadc_ [private]

Definition at line 171 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), endJob(), and findMean().

std::map<int, TH1F*> SiPixelLorentzAngle::_h_mean_ [private]

Definition at line 174 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and findMean().

Definition at line 130 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::chi2_ [private]

Definition at line 118 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::chi2F_ [private]

Definition at line 136 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 122 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 152 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 140 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 150 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 144 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 129 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::eta_ [private]

Definition at line 116 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::etaF_ [private]

Definition at line 134 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 110 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 184 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 127 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

std::string SiPixelLorentzAngle::filename_ [private]

Definition at line 145 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

std::string SiPixelLorentzAngle::filenameFit_ [private]

Definition at line 146 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by endJob().

Definition at line 177 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

Definition at line 175 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 178 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 176 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 179 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 180 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob().

Definition at line 173 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by endJob(), and findMean().

Definition at line 181 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

TFile* SiPixelLorentzAngle::hFile_ [private]

Definition at line 104 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 153 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 154 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and findMean().

Definition at line 157 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

Definition at line 158 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

Definition at line 184 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 114 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 112 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 113 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

std::map<unsigned int,float> SiPixelLorentzAngle::m_LA [private]

Definition at line 195 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 165 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

Definition at line 167 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::max_x_ [private]

Definition at line 160 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::max_y_ [private]

Definition at line 162 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

Definition at line 164 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

Definition at line 166 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::min_x_ [private]

Definition at line 159 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::min_y_ [private]

Definition at line 161 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().

Definition at line 111 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 132 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::ndof_ [private]

Definition at line 119 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::ndofF_ [private]

Definition at line 137 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 149 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 131 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::phi_ [private]

Definition at line 117 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::phiF_ [private]

Definition at line 135 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 184 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 120 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 138 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::pt_ [private]

Definition at line 115 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

float SiPixelLorentzAngle::ptF_ [private]

Definition at line 133 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::ptmin_ [private]

Definition at line 147 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 123 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 141 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 151 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 191 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 109 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 126 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 128 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 148 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 121 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 139 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 105 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 106 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 190 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 193 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 187 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 188 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 192 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 189 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 194 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 184 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

Definition at line 121 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 139 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 196 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Definition at line 184 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

double SiPixelLorentzAngle::width_ [private]

Definition at line 163 of file SiPixelLorentzAngle.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and SiPixelLorentzAngle().