Functions | Variables

/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_2_7_hltpatch1/src/DQM/SiStripMonitorClient/bin/ File Reference

#include <Riostream.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TKey.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TH2D.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TPaveStats.h>
#include <TText.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <TString.h>
#include <TColor.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


bool check_isgood (vector< int > &ls_badlist, int ls)
void check_offset (string filename, string iDir, string plot, float limit_min, float limit_max, vector< int > &badLS)
void check_sigma (string filename, string iDir, string plot, float limit_err, vector< int > &badLS)
void Cleaning (vector< int > &)
int getplot (string filename, string iDir, string strplot, TH1F &plot)
string ListOut (vector< int > &)
void lsbs_cert (string filename)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int nlumis (string filename)
string runnum_str (string filename)
void vector_AND (vector< int > &, vector< int >)


bool debug = false
int numlumis = -1

Function Documentation

bool check_isgood ( vector< int > &  ls_badlist,
int  ls 

Definition at line 278 of file

References i.

Referenced by lsbs_cert().

  //check if this LS is found in the BAD list
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ls_badlist.size() ; i++ )
      if ( ls == ls_badlist[i] ) return false;
  return true;
void check_offset ( string  filename,
string  iDir,
string  plot,
float  limit_min,
float  limit_max,
vector< int > &  badLS 

Definition at line 243 of file

References getplot(), i, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by lsbs_cert().

  TH1F checkPlot;
  if ( getplot ( filename , iDir , plot , checkPlot ) < 0 ) return;

  //look at each LS, save the bad one
  for ( int i = 1; i <= checkPlot.GetNbinsX() ; i++ )
      float value = checkPlot.GetBinContent( i );
      if ( value < limit_min || value > limit_max )
          badLS.push_back( (int)checkPlot.GetBinCenter( i ) );
void check_sigma ( string  filename,
string  iDir,
string  plot,
float  limit_err,
vector< int > &  badLS 

Definition at line 261 of file

References getplot(), i, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by lsbs_cert().

  TH1F checkPlot;
  if ( getplot ( filename , iDir , plot , checkPlot ) < 0 ) return;

  //look at each LS
  for ( int i = 1; i <= checkPlot.GetNbinsX() ; i++ )
      float value = checkPlot.GetBinError( i );
      if ( value > limit_err )
          badLS.push_back( (int)checkPlot.GetBinCenter( i ) );
void Cleaning ( vector< int > &  LSlist)
int getplot ( string  filename,
string  iDir,
string  strplot,
TH1F &  plot 

Definition at line 332 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, debug, dir, NULL, and runnum_str().

Referenced by check_offset(), and check_sigma().

  string run = runnum_str( filename );
  if (debug) std::cout << filename.c_str() << endl;
  TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename.c_str());
  if (!file->IsOpen()) {
    cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << endl; 
    return -1;

  string dir = "DQMData/Run " + run + "/AlcaBeamMonitor/Run summary/" + iDir;

  file->cd( dir.c_str() );
  string theplot = strplot + ";1";
  TH1F* thisplot;
  gDirectory->GetObject ( theplot.c_str() , thisplot );

  if ( !thisplot )
      std::cout << "Error: plot " << dir << "/" << theplot.c_str() << " not found!" << endl;
      return -2;

  plot = *thisplot;
  thisplot = NULL;
  delete thisplot;
  return 0;  
string ListOut ( vector< int > &  LSlist)
void lsbs_cert ( string  filename)

Definition at line 52 of file

References check_isgood(), check_offset(), check_sigma(), gather_cfg::cout, i, geometryCSVtoXML::line, ListOut(), python::rootplot::utilities::ls(), prof2calltree::namefile, nlumis(), numlumis, EdgesToViz::outfile, plotResiduals::plot(), runnum_str(), and vector_AND().

Referenced by main().

  void check_offset ( string filename , string iDir , string plot , float limit_min , float limit_max , vector <int>& );
  void check_sigma  ( string filename , string iDir , string plot , float limit_err , vector <int>& );
  bool check_isgood ( vector<int> & , int ls ); //check if this LS is good

  numlumis = -1;

  float limit_x = 0.002; 
  float limit_y = 0.002; 
  float limit_z = 0.5; 
  float limit_dx = 0.002;
  float limit_dy = 0.002;
  float limit_dz = 0.5;
  float limit_errdx = 0.002;
  float limit_errdy = 0.002;
  float limit_errdz = 0.5;

  //LS certification
  vector <int> ls_x_bad;
  vector <int> ls_y_bad;
  vector <int> ls_z_bad;

  vector <int> ls_xsc_bad;
  vector <int> ls_ysc_bad;
  vector <int> ls_zsc_bad;

  vector <int> ls_dx_bad;
  vector <int> ls_dy_bad;
  vector <int> ls_dz_bad;

  vector <int> ls_dxsc_bad;
  vector <int> ls_dysc_bad;
  vector <int> ls_dzsc_bad;

  vector <int> ls_errdx_bad;
  vector <int> ls_errdy_bad;
  vector <int> ls_errdz_bad;

  vector <int> ls_errdxsc_bad;
  vector <int> ls_errdysc_bad;
  vector <int> ls_errdzsc_bad;

  vector <int> ls_good;
  vector <int> ls_bad;

  //beamspot vs primary vertex
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hxLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase"          , -limit_x , limit_x , ls_x_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hyLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase"          , -limit_y , limit_y , ls_y_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hzLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase"          , -limit_z , limit_z , ls_z_bad );

  //beamspot vs scalers
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hxLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit"          , -limit_x , limit_x , ls_xsc_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hyLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit"          , -limit_y , limit_y , ls_ysc_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hzLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit"          , -limit_z , limit_z , ls_zsc_bad );

  check_offset ( filename, "Debug"      , "hsigmaXLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit" , -limit_dx , limit_dx , ls_dx_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Debug"      , "hsigmaYLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit" , -limit_dy , limit_dy , ls_dy_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Debug"      , "hsigmaZLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit" , -limit_dz , limit_dz , ls_dz_bad );

  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hsigmaXLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit" , -limit_dx , limit_dx , ls_dxsc_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hsigmaYLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit" , -limit_dy , limit_dy , ls_dysc_bad );
  check_offset ( filename, "Validation" , "hsigmaZLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit" , -limit_dz , limit_dz , ls_dzsc_bad );

  check_sigma  ( filename, "Debug"      , "hsigmaXLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit" ,  limit_errdx , ls_errdx_bad );
  check_sigma  ( filename, "Debug"      , "hsigmaYLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit" ,  limit_errdy , ls_errdy_bad );
  check_sigma  ( filename, "Debug"      , "hsigmaZLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit" ,  limit_errdz , ls_errdz_bad );
  check_sigma  ( filename, "Validation" , "hsigmaXLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit" ,  limit_errdx , ls_errdxsc_bad );
  check_sigma  ( filename, "Validation" , "hsigmaYLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit" ,  limit_errdy , ls_errdysc_bad );
  check_sigma  ( filename, "Validation" , "hsigmaZLumibased Scalers-DataBase fit" ,  limit_errdz , ls_errdzsc_bad );

  //BAD LS only if bad in both histos (wrt PV, Scalers)
  vector_AND ( ls_x_bad , ls_xsc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_y_bad , ls_ysc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_z_bad , ls_zsc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_dx_bad , ls_dxsc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_dy_bad , ls_dysc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_dz_bad , ls_dzsc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_errdx_bad , ls_errdxsc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_errdy_bad , ls_errdysc_bad );
  vector_AND ( ls_errdz_bad , ls_errdzsc_bad );

  //good LS = all LS minus BAD LS
  for ( int i = 1; i <= nlumis ( filename ) ; i++ )
      if ( !check_isgood ( ls_x_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_xsc_bad , i ) ) 
          ls_bad.push_back ( i );
        if ( !check_isgood ( ls_y_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_ysc_bad , i ) ) 
            ls_bad.push_back ( i );
          if ( !check_isgood ( ls_z_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_zsc_bad , i ) ) 
              ls_bad.push_back ( i );
            if ( !check_isgood ( ls_dx_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_dxsc_bad , i ) ) 
                ls_bad.push_back ( i );
              if ( !check_isgood ( ls_dy_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_dysc_bad , i ) ) 
                  ls_bad.push_back ( i );
                if ( !check_isgood ( ls_dz_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_dzsc_bad , i ) ) 
                    ls_bad.push_back ( i );
                  if ( !check_isgood ( ls_errdx_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_errdxsc_bad , i ) ) 
                      ls_bad.push_back ( i );
                    if ( !check_isgood ( ls_errdy_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_errdysc_bad , i ) ) 
                        ls_bad.push_back ( i );
                      if ( !check_isgood ( ls_errdz_bad , i ) && !check_isgood ( ls_errdzsc_bad , i ) ) 
                          ls_bad.push_back ( i );
      //check also that LS is not missing!!!
      ls_good.push_back( i );

  ofstream outfile;
  string namefile = "Certification_BS_run_" + runnum_str( filename ) + ".txt";;
  outfile << "Lumibased BeamSpot Calibration Certification for run " << runnum_str( filename ) << ":" << endl << endl;

  char line[2000];
  sprintf( line, "    GOOD Lumisections (values within limits): %s" , ListOut( ls_good ).c_str() );
  outfile << line << endl;

  if ( ls_bad.size() > 0 )
      sprintf( line, "    BAD Lumisections (values outside limits): %s" , ListOut( ls_bad ).c_str() );
      outfile << line << endl;

      sprintf( line, "      --- histogram name ---                                --- bad lumisection list(*) ---" );
      outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hxLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase (mean):            %s" , ListOut( ls_x_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_x_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hyLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase (mean):            %s" , ListOut( ls_y_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_y_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hzLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase (mean):            %s" , ListOut( ls_z_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_z_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hsigmaXLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit (mean):   %s" , ListOut( ls_dx_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_dx_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hsigmaYLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit (mean):   %s" , ListOut( ls_dy_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_dy_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hsigmaZLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit (mean):   %s" , ListOut( ls_dz_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_dz_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hsigmaXLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit (error):  %s" , ListOut( ls_errdx_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_errdx_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hsigmaYLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit (error):  %s" , ListOut( ls_errdy_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_errdy_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;
      sprintf( line, "      hsigmaZLumibased PrimaryVertex-DataBase fit (error):  %s" , ListOut( ls_errdz_bad ).c_str() );
      if ( ls_errdz_bad.size() > 0 ) outfile << line << endl;

      sprintf( line, "    (*) also bad in the corresponding 'Scalers-Database fit' histograms" );
      outfile << line << endl;

  std::cout << "Lumibased BeamSpot Calibration Certification summary saved in " << namefile << endl;
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 37 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, lut2db_cfg::filename, and lsbs_cert().


  if(argc==2) {
    char* filename = argv[1];

    std::cout << "ready to run lsbs filename " << filename << std::endl;


  else {std::cout << "Too few arguments: " << argc << std::endl; return -1; }
  return 0;

int nlumis ( string  filename)
string runnum_str ( string  filename)
void vector_AND ( vector< int > &  bad_def,
vector< int >  bad_sc 

Definition at line 412 of file

References i, j, and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

Referenced by lsbs_cert().

  vector <int> temp;

  int def_size = bad_def.size();
  for ( int i = 0; i < def_size; i++ )
    for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < bad_sc.size(); j++ )
      if ( bad_def[ i ] == bad_sc[ j ] )
          temp.push_back( bad_def[ i ] );
  bad_def = temp;

Variable Documentation

bool debug = false

Definition at line 26 of file

int numlumis = -1

Definition at line 27 of file