Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

L3TkMuonProducer Class Reference

#include <L3TkMuonProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for L3TkMuonProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef edm::Ref
< L3MuonTrajectorySeedCollection

Public Member Functions

 L3TkMuonProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 constructor with config
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 produce candidates
virtual ~L3TkMuonProducer ()

Private Types

typedef std::map< pseudoRef,
std::pair< reco::TrackRef,
SeedRef > > 
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, unsigned int > 

Private Member Functions

pseudoRef makePseudoRef (const L3MuonTrajectorySeed &s)
bool sharedSeed (const L3MuonTrajectorySeed &s1, const L3MuonTrajectorySeed &s2)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool seedRefBypT (const SeedRef &s1, const SeedRef &s2)
static bool trackRefBypT (const reco::TrackRef &t1, const reco::TrackRef &t2)

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag theL3CollectionLabel

Detailed Description

This module creates a skimed list of reco::Track (pointing to the original TrackExtra and TrackingRecHitOwnedVector One highest pT track per L1/L2 is selected, requiring some quality.

J-R Vlimant.

Definition at line 25 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<pseudoRef, std::pair<reco::TrackRef,SeedRef> > L3TkMuonProducer::LXtoL3sMap [private]

Definition at line 47 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> L3TkMuonProducer::pseudoRef [private]

Definition at line 46 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

Definition at line 38 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L3TkMuonProducer::L3TkMuonProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet parameterSet)

constructor with config

Definition at line 27 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and LogTrace.

  LogTrace("Muon|RecoMuon|L3TkMuonProducer")<<" constructor called";

  // StandAlone Collection Label
  theL3CollectionLabel = parameterSet.getParameter<InputTag>("InputObjects");
L3TkMuonProducer::~L3TkMuonProducer ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 38 of file

References LogTrace.

  LogTrace("Muon|RecoMuon|L3TkMuonProducer")<<" L3TkMuonProducer destructor called";

Member Function Documentation

pseudoRef L3TkMuonProducer::makePseudoRef ( const L3MuonTrajectorySeed s) [inline, private]

Definition at line 49 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), L3MuonTrajectorySeed::l1Particle(), and L3MuonTrajectorySeed::l2Track().

    reco::TrackRef l2ref = s.l2Track();
    if (l2ref.isNull()){
      l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef l1ref = s.l1Particle();
      return std::make_pair(,l1ref.key());
    }else return std::make_pair(,l2ref.key());
void L3TkMuonProducer::produce ( edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 
) [virtual]

produce candidates

reconstruct muons

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 96 of file

References f, i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::ProductID::id(), reco::Track::innerDetId(), reco::Track::innerMomentum(), reco::Track::innerOk(), reco::Track::innerPosition(), reco::Track::innerStateCovariance(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), TSGFromL2_cfi::l3seeds(), LogDebug, findQualityFiles::maxI, metname, edm::Provenance::moduleLabel(), reco::Track::outerDetId(), reco::Track::outerMomentum(), reco::Track::outerOk(), reco::Track::outerPosition(), reco::Track::outerStateCovariance(), printseed(), printvector(), edm::Provenance::processName(), edm::Provenance::productInstanceName(), reco::Track::recHitsBegin(), reco::Track::recHitsEnd(), MultipleCompare::ref, python::multivaluedict::sort(), and testEve_cfg::tracks.

  const string metname = "Muon|RecoMuon|L3TkMuonProducer";
  // Take the L3 container
  LogDebug(metname)<<" Taking the L3/GLB muons: "<<theL3CollectionLabel.label();
  Handle<TrackCollection> tracks; 

  //make the LX->L3s pools
  LXtoL3sMap LXtoL3s;

  unsigned int maxI = tracks->size();
  bool gotL3seeds=false;
  edm::Handle<L3MuonTrajectorySeedCollection> l3seeds;

  //make a list of reference to tracker tracks
  vector<TrackRef> orderedTrackTracks(maxI);
  for (unsigned int i=0;i!=maxI;i++) orderedTrackTracks[i]=TrackRef(tracks,i);
  LogDebug(metname)<<"vector of L3 tracks before ordering:\n"<<printvector(orderedTrackTracks);
  //order them in pT
  LogDebug(metname)<<"vector of L3 tracks after ordering:\n"<<printvector(orderedTrackTracks);
  //loop over then
  for (unsigned int i=0;i!=maxI;i++) {
    TrackRef & tk=orderedTrackTracks[i];  
    SeedRef l3seedRef = tk->seedRef().castTo<SeedRef>();

    vector<SeedRef> allPossibleOrderedLx; // with identical hit-set
    //add the direct relation
    LogDebug(metname)<<"adding the seed ref: "<<<<":"<<l3seedRef.key()<<" for this tracker track: "<<<<":"<<tk.key();

    //add the relations due to shared seeds
    //check whether there is a "shared" seed in addition
    if (!gotL3seeds){
      //need to fetch the handle from the ref
      const edm::Provenance & seedsProv=event.getProvenance(;
      edm::InputTag l3seedsTag(seedsProv.moduleLabel(), seedsProv.productInstanceName(), seedsProv.processName());
      event.getByLabel(l3seedsTag, l3seeds);
      LogDebug(metname)<<"got seeds handle from: "<<l3seedsTag;
    //loop the other seeds in the collection
    for (unsigned int iS=0;iS!=l3seeds->size();++iS){
      const L3MuonTrajectorySeed & seed = (*l3seeds)[iS];
      const L3MuonTrajectorySeed & thisSeed = *l3seedRef;
      if (l3seedRef.key()==iS) continue; //not care about this one
      //compare this seed with the seed in the collection
      if (sharedSeed(seed,thisSeed)){
        SeedRef thisSharedSeedRef(l3seeds,iS);
        LogDebug(metname)<<"shared seeds: \n"<<printseed(l3seedRef)<<" and: \n"<<printseed(thisSharedSeedRef)
                         <<"\nadding ANOTHER seed ref: "<<<<":"<<thisSharedSeedRef.key()<<" for this tracker track: "<<<<":"<<tk.key();
        //      edm::LogError(metname)<<" we have a shared seed right there.";
      }//seed is shared
    }//loop all other existing seed for overlaps

    //now you have the full list of Lx objects that have seed this tracker track.
    // order the list in pT of Lx objects
    LogDebug(metname)<<"list of possible Lx objects for tracker track: "<<<<":"<<tk.key()<<" before ordering\n"<<printvector(allPossibleOrderedLx);
    LogDebug(metname)<<"list of possible Lx objects for tracker track: "<<<<":"<<tk.key()<<" after ordering\n"<<printvector(allPossibleOrderedLx);
    // assign this tracker track to the highest pT Lx.
    for (unsigned int iL=0;iL!=allPossibleOrderedLx.size();++iL){
      SeedRef thisRef=allPossibleOrderedLx[iL];
      pseudoRef ref = makePseudoRef(*thisRef);
      LogDebug(metname)<<"seed ref: "<<<<":"<<thisRef.key()<<" transcribe to pseudoref: "<<ref.first<<":"<<ref.second;
      LXtoL3sMap::iterator f=LXtoL3s.find(ref);
      if (f!=LXtoL3s.end()){
        //there's already an entry. because of the prior ordering in pT of the tracker track refs
        // the track ref already there *has* a higher pT: this one cannot compete and should be assigned to the next Lx;
        LogDebug(metname)<<"this tracker track: "<<<<":"<<tk.key()<<" ("<< tk->pt()<<")"
                         <<"\n cannot compete in pT with track: "<<f-><<":"<<f->second.first.key()<<" ("<<f->second.first->pt()<<")"
                         <<"\n already assigned to pseudo ref: "<<ref.first<<":"<<ref.second<<" which corresponds to seedRef: "<<f-><<":"<<f->second.second.key();
        //there was no entry yet. make the assignement
        LogDebug(metname)<<"this tracker track: "<<<<":"<<tk.key()
                         <<" is assigned to pseudo ref: "<<ref.first<<":"<<ref.second<<" which corresponds to seedRef: "<<<<":"<<thisRef.key();
        LXtoL3s[ref] = std::make_pair(tk,thisRef);
        //once assigned. break
    }//loop possible Lx for possible assignement
  }//loop over ordered list of tracker track refs

  //prepare the output
  std::auto_ptr<TrackCollection> outTracks( new TrackCollection(LXtoL3s.size()));
  std::auto_ptr<TrackExtraCollection> outTrackExtras( new TrackExtraCollection(LXtoL3s.size()));
  reco::TrackExtraRefProd rTrackExtras = event.getRefBeforePut<TrackExtraCollection>();
  std::auto_ptr<TrackingRecHitCollection> outRecHits( new TrackingRecHitCollection());
  TrackingRecHitRefProd rHits = event.getRefBeforePut<TrackingRecHitCollection>();

  LogDebug(metname)<<"reading the map to make "<< LXtoL3s.size()<<"products.";
  //fill the collection from the map
  LXtoL3sMap::iterator f=LXtoL3s.begin();
  unsigned int i=0;
  for (;f!=LXtoL3s.end();++f,++i){

    LogDebug(metname)<<"copy the track over, and make ref to extra";
    const Track & trk = *(f->second.first);
    (*outTracks)[i] = Track(trk);
    (*outTracks)[i].setExtra( TrackExtraRef(rTrackExtras,i));

    LogDebug(metname)<<"copy the trackExtra too, and change the seedref";
    edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed> seedRef(f->second.second);
    //do not use the copy constructor, otherwise the hit Ref are still the same
    (*outTrackExtras)[i] = TrackExtra(
                                      trk.outerPosition(), trk.outerMomentum(), trk.outerOk(),
                                      trk.innerPosition(), trk.innerMomentum(), trk.innerOk(),
                                      trk.outerStateCovariance(), trk.outerDetId(),
                                      trk.innerStateCovariance(), trk.innerDetId(),

    LogDebug(metname)<<"copy the hits too";
    unsigned int iRH=0;
    for( trackingRecHit_iterator hit = trk.recHitsBegin(); hit != trk.recHitsEnd(); ++ hit,++iRH ) {
      (*outTrackExtras)[i].add( TrackingRecHitRef( rHits, iRH));
  LogDebug(metname)<<"made: "<<outTracks->size()<<" tracks, "<<outTrackExtras->size()<<" extras and "<<outRecHits->size()<<" rechits.";

  //put the collection in the event
  LogDebug(metname)<<" Event loaded"
static bool L3TkMuonProducer::seedRefBypT ( const SeedRef s1,
const SeedRef s2 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 61 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull().

    double pt1,pt2;
    reco::TrackRef l2ref1 = s1->l2Track();
    if (l2ref1.isNull()) pt1=s1->l1Particle()->pt();
    else pt1=l2ref1->pt();
    reco::TrackRef l2ref2 = s2->l2Track();
    if (l2ref2.isNull()) pt2=s2->l1Particle()->pt();
    else pt2=l2ref2->pt();
    return (pt1>pt2);
bool L3TkMuonProducer::sharedSeed ( const L3MuonTrajectorySeed s1,
const L3MuonTrajectorySeed s2 
) [private]

Definition at line 42 of file

References TrackingRecHit::all, TrajectorySeed::nHits(), and TrajectorySeed::recHits().

  //quit right away on nH=0
  if (s1.nHits()==0 || s2.nHits()==0) return false;
  //quit right away if not the same number of hits
  if (s1.nHits()!=s2.nHits()) return false;
  TrajectorySeed::range r1=s1.recHits();
  TrajectorySeed::range r2=s2.recHits();
  TrajectorySeed::const_iterator i1,i2;
  TrajectorySeed::const_iterator & i1_e=r1.second,&i2_e=r2.second;
  TrajectorySeed::const_iterator & i1_b=r1.first,&i2_b=r2.first;
  //quit right away if first detId does not match. front exist because of ==0 ->quit test
  if(i1_b->geographicalId() != i2_b->geographicalId()) return false;
  //then check hit by hit if they are the same
  for (i1=i1_b,i2=i2_b;i1!=i1_e,i2!=i2_e;++i1,++i2){
    if (!i1->sharesInput(&(*i2),TrackingRecHit::all)) return false;
  return true;
static bool L3TkMuonProducer::trackRefBypT ( const reco::TrackRef t1,
const reco::TrackRef t2 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 72 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.

    return (t1->pt()>t2->pt());

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 43 of file L3TkMuonProducer.h.