Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

PedsFullNoiseTask Class Reference

#include <PedsFullNoiseTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for PedsFullNoiseTask:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PedsFullNoiseTask (DQMStore *dqm, const FedChannelConnection &conn, const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
virtual ~PedsFullNoiseTask ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void book ()
virtual void fill (const SiStripEventSummary &, const edm::DetSet< SiStripRawDigi > &)
virtual void update ()

Private Attributes

bool fillnoiseprofile_
TH2S * hist2d_
uint16_t nadcnoise_
uint16_t nevpeds_
CompactHistoSet noisehist_
HistoSet noiseprof_
uint16_t nskip_
uint16_t nstrips_
HistoSet pedhist_
std::vector< int16_t > peds_
bool pedsdone_
std::vector< float > pedsfl_
bool skipped_
bool useavgcm_
bool usefloatpeds_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PedsFullNoiseTask::PedsFullNoiseTask ( DQMStore dqm,
const FedChannelConnection conn,
const edm::ParameterSet pset 

Definition at line 17 of file

References fillnoiseprofile_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, nadcnoise_, nevpeds_, nskip_, pedsdone_, skipped_, useavgcm_, and usefloatpeds_.

  CommissioningTask(dqm, conn, "PedsFullNoiseTask"),
    << "[PedsFullNoiseTask::" << __func__ << "]"
    << " Constructing object...";
  edm::ParameterSet params = pset.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("PedsFullNoiseParameters");
  nskip_            = params.getParameter<int>("NrEvToSkipAtStart");
  skipped_          = false;
  nevpeds_          = params.getParameter<int>("NrEvForPeds");
  pedsdone_         = false;
  nadcnoise_        = params.getParameter<int>("NrPosBinsNoiseHist");
  fillnoiseprofile_ = params.getParameter<bool>("FillNoiseProfile");
  useavgcm_         = params.getParameter<bool>("UseAverageCommonMode");
  usefloatpeds_     = params.getParameter<bool>("UseFloatPedestals");
PedsFullNoiseTask::~PedsFullNoiseTask ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 37 of file

References LogTrace, and sistrip::mlDqmSource_.

    << "[PedsFullNoiseTask::" << __func__ << "]"
    << " Destructing object...";

Member Function Documentation

void PedsFullNoiseTask::book ( ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from CommissioningTask.

Definition at line 46 of file

References CommissioningTask::connection(), CommissioningTask::dqm(), sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO, CommissioningTask::CompactHistoSet::explicitFill_, CommissioningTask::HistoSet::explicitFill_, sistrip::FED_KEY, CommissioningTask::fedKey(), hist2d_, CommissioningTask::CompactHistoSet::histo(), CommissioningTask::HistoSet::histo(), CommissioningTask::HistoSet::isProfile_, sistrip::LLD_CHAN, LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, nadcnoise_, sistrip::extrainfo::noise2D_, noisehist_, noiseprof_, sistrip::extrainfo::noiseProfile_, nstrips_, sistrip::extrainfo::pedestals_, pedhist_, sistrip::PEDS_FULL_NOISE, SiStripHistoTitle::title(), CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vNumOfEntries_, CommissioningTask::CompactHistoSet::vNumOfEntries_, CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vSumOfContents_, and CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vSumOfSquares_.


  LogTrace(sistrip::mlDqmSource_) << "[PedsFullNoiseTask::" << __func__ << "]";

  // pedestal profile histo
  pedhist_.isProfile_ = true;
  pedhist_.explicitFill_ = false;
  if (!pedhist_.explicitFill_) {
  std::string titleped = SiStripHistoTitle( sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO,
  pedhist_.histo( dqm()->bookProfile( titleped, titleped,
                                      nstrips_, -0.5, nstrips_*1.-0.5,
                                      1025, 0., 1025. ) );

  // Noise profile
  noiseprof_.isProfile_ = true;
  noiseprof_.explicitFill_ = false;
  if (!noiseprof_.explicitFill_) {
  std::string titlenoise = SiStripHistoTitle( sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO, 
                                              sistrip::extrainfo::noiseProfile_ ).title();
  noiseprof_.histo( dqm()->bookProfile( titlenoise, titlenoise,
                                        nstrips_, -0.5, nstrips_*1.-0.5,
                                        1025, 0., 1025. ) );

  // noise 2D compact histo
  noisehist_.explicitFill_ = false;
  if (!noisehist_.explicitFill_) {
    noisehist_.vNumOfEntries_.resize((nstrips_+2)*2*(nadcnoise_+2), 0);
  std::string titlenoise2d = SiStripHistoTitle( sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO, 
                                                sistrip::extrainfo::noise2D_ ).title();
  noisehist_.histo( dqm()->book2S( titlenoise2d, titlenoise2d,
                                   2*nadcnoise_, -nadcnoise_, nadcnoise_,
                                   nstrips_, -0.5, nstrips_*1.-0.5 ) );
  hist2d_ = (TH2S *) noisehist_.histo()->getTH2S();

void PedsFullNoiseTask::fill ( const SiStripEventSummary summary,
const edm::DetSet< SiStripRawDigi > &  digis 
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from CommissioningTask.

Definition at line 110 of file

References ecalMGPA::adc(), edm::DetSet< T >::data, SiStripEventSummary::event(), fillnoiseprofile_, hist2d_, getHLTprescales::index, LogTrace, sistrip::mlDqmSource_, nadcnoise_, RecoTauCommonJetSelections_cfi::nbins, nevpeds_, noisehist_, noiseprof_, nskip_, nstrips_, pedhist_, peds_, pedsdone_, pedsfl_, skipped_, python::multivaluedict::sort(), CommissioningTask::updateHistoSet(), useavgcm_, usefloatpeds_, CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vNumOfEntries_, and CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vSumOfContents_.


  // Check number of digis
  uint16_t nbins =;
  if (nbins != nstrips_) {
      << "[PedsFullNoiseTask::" << __func__ << "]"
      << " " << nstrips_ << " digis expected, but got " << nbins << ". Skipping.";

  // get the event number of the first event, not necessarily 1 (parallel processing on FUs)
  static int32_t firstev = summary.event();

  // skipping events
  if (!skipped_) {
    if (static_cast<int32_t>(summary.event()) - firstev < nskip_) {
    } else { // when all events are skipped
      skipped_ = true;
      if (nskip_ > 0) LogTrace(sistrip::mlDqmSource_) << "[PedsFullNoiseTask::" << __func__ << "]"
                                                      << " Done skipping events. Now starting pedestals.";

  // determine pedestals - decoupled from noise determination
  if (!pedsdone_) {
    if (static_cast<int32_t>(summary.event()) - firstev < nskip_ + nevpeds_) {
      // estimate the pedestals
      for ( uint16_t istrip = 0; istrip < nstrips_; ++istrip ) {
        updateHistoSet( pedhist_, istrip,[istrip].adc() );
    } else { // when pedestals are done
      pedsdone_ = true;
      // cache the pedestal values for use in the 2D noise estimation
      peds_.clear(); pedsfl_.clear();
      for ( uint16_t iapv = 0; iapv < 2; ++iapv ) {
        for ( uint16_t ibin = 0; ibin < 128; ++ibin ) {
          uint16_t istrip = (iapv*128)+ibin;
          if (usefloatpeds_) {
          } else {
      LogTrace(sistrip::mlDqmSource_) << "[PedsFullNoiseTask::" << __func__ << "]"
                                      << " Rough pedestals done. Now starting noise measurements.";

  // fill (or not) the old-style niose profile
  if (fillnoiseprofile_) {
    // Calc common mode for both APVs
    std::vector<int32_t> cm; cm.resize(2, 0);
    std::vector<uint16_t> adc;
    for ( uint16_t iapv = 0; iapv < 2; iapv++ ) { 
      adc.clear(); adc.reserve(128);
      for ( uint16_t ibin = 0; ibin < 128; ibin++ ) { 
        if ( (iapv*128)+ibin < nbins ) { 
          adc.push_back(*128)+ibin).adc() );
      sort( adc.begin(), adc.end() ); 
      // take median as common mode
      uint16_t index = adc.size()%2 ? adc.size()/2 : adc.size()/2-1;
      cm[iapv] = static_cast<int16_t>(adc[index]);
    // 1D noise profile - see also further processing in the update() method
    for ( uint16_t istrip = 0; istrip < nstrips_; ++istrip ) {
      // calculate the noise in the old way, by subtracting the common mode, but without pedestal subtraction
      int16_t noiseval = static_cast<int16_t>( - cm[istrip/128];
      updateHistoSet( noiseprof_, istrip, noiseval );

  // 2D noise histogram
  std::vector<int16_t> noisevals, noisevalssorted;
  std::vector<float> noisevalsfl, noisevalssortedfl;
  for ( uint16_t iapv = 0; iapv < 2; ++iapv ) { 
    float totadc = 0;
    noisevals.clear();       noisevalsfl.clear();
    noisevalssorted.clear(); noisevalssortedfl.clear();
    for ( uint16_t ibin = 0; ibin < 128; ++ibin ) {
      uint16_t istrip = (iapv*128)+ibin;
      // calculate the noise after subtracting the pedestal
      if (usefloatpeds_) { // if float pedestals -> before FED processing
        noisevalsfl.push_back( static_cast<float>( - );
        // now we still have a possible constant shift of the adc values with respect to 0, so we prepare to calculate the median of this shift
        if (useavgcm_) { // if average CM -> before FED processing
          totadc += noisevalsfl[ibin];
        } else { // if median CM -> after FED processing
          noisevalssortedfl.push_back( noisevalsfl[ibin] );
      } else { // if integer pedestals -> after FED processing
        noisevals.push_back( static_cast<int16_t>( - );
        // now we still have a possible constant shift of the adc values with respect to 0, so we prepare to calculate the median of this shift
        if (useavgcm_) { // if average CM -> before FED processing
          totadc += noisevals[ibin];
        } else { // if median CM -> after FED processing
          noisevalssorted.push_back( noisevals[ibin] );
    // calculate the common mode shift to apply
    float cmshift = 0;
    if (useavgcm_) { // if average CM -> before FED processing
      if (usefloatpeds_) { // if float pedestals -> before FED processing
        cmshift = totadc/128;
      } else { // if integer pedestals -> after FED processing
        cmshift = static_cast<int16_t>(totadc/128);
    } else { // if median CM -> after FED processing
      if (usefloatpeds_) { // if float pedestals -> before FED processing
        // get the median common mode
        sort( noisevalssortedfl.begin(), noisevalssortedfl.end() );
        uint16_t index = noisevalssortedfl.size()%2 ? noisevalssortedfl.size()/2 : noisevalssortedfl.size()/2-1;
        cmshift = noisevalssortedfl[index];
      } else { // if integer pedestals -> after FED processing
        // get the median common mode
        sort( noisevalssorted.begin(), noisevalssorted.end() );
        uint16_t index = noisevalssorted.size()%2 ? noisevalssorted.size()/2 : noisevalssorted.size()/2-1;
        cmshift = noisevalssorted[index];
    // now loop again to calculate the CM+pedestal subtracted noise values
    for ( uint16_t ibin = 0; ibin < 128; ++ibin ) {
      uint16_t istrip = (iapv*128)+ibin;
      // subtract the remaining common mode after subtraction of the rough pedestals
      float noiseval = (usefloatpeds_ ? noisevalsfl[ibin] : noisevals[ibin]) - cmshift;
      // retrieve the linear binnr through the histogram
      uint32_t binnr = hist2d_->GetBin(static_cast<int>(noiseval+nadcnoise_), istrip+1);
      // store the noise value in the 2D histo
      updateHistoSet( noisehist_, binnr ); // no value, so weight 1

void PedsFullNoiseTask::update ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from CommissioningTask.

Definition at line 254 of file

References python::tagInventory::entries, error, extract(), fillnoiseprofile_, timingPdfMaker::histo, CommissioningTask::HistoSet::histo(), timingPdfMaker::mean, noisehist_, noiseprof_, pedhist_, UpdateTProfile::setBinContent(), mathSSE::sqrt(), CommissioningTask::updateHistoSet(), CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vNumOfEntries_, CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vSumOfContents_, and CommissioningTask::HistoSet::vSumOfSquares_.


  // pedestals 
  updateHistoSet( pedhist_ );

  if (fillnoiseprofile_) {
  // noise profile (does not use HistoSet directly, as want to plot noise as "contents", not "error")
  TProfile* histo = ExtractTObject<TProfile>().extract( noiseprof_.histo() );
    for ( uint16_t ii = 0; ii < noiseprof_.vNumOfEntries_.size(); ++ii ) {
      float mean    = 0.;
      float spread  = 0.;
      float entries = noiseprof_.vNumOfEntries_[ii];
      if ( entries > 0. ) {
        mean = noiseprof_.vSumOfContents_[ii] / entries;
        spread = sqrt( noiseprof_.vSumOfSquares_[ii] / entries - mean * mean );  // nice way to calculate std dev: Sum (x-<x>)^2 / N
      float error = spread / sqrt(entries); // uncertainty on when no uncertainty on mean
      UpdateTProfile::setBinContent( histo, ii+1, entries, spread, error );

  // noise 2D histo
  updateHistoSet( noisehist_ );


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 53 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), PedsFullNoiseTask(), and update().

TH2S* PedsFullNoiseTask::hist2d_ [private]

Definition at line 37 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by book(), and fill().

uint16_t PedsFullNoiseTask::nadcnoise_ [private]

Definition at line 49 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by book(), fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().

uint16_t PedsFullNoiseTask::nevpeds_ [private]

Definition at line 47 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().

Definition at line 36 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by book(), fill(), and update().

Definition at line 35 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by book(), fill(), and update().

uint16_t PedsFullNoiseTask::nskip_ [private]

Definition at line 43 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().

uint16_t PedsFullNoiseTask::nstrips_ [private]

Definition at line 51 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by book(), and fill().

Definition at line 35 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by book(), fill(), and update().

std::vector<int16_t> PedsFullNoiseTask::peds_ [private]

Definition at line 38 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill().

Definition at line 45 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().

std::vector<float> PedsFullNoiseTask::pedsfl_ [private]

Definition at line 39 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill().

Definition at line 41 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().

Definition at line 55 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().

Definition at line 57 of file PedsFullNoiseTask.h.

Referenced by fill(), and PedsFullNoiseTask().