Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTFineDelayCorr Class Reference

#include <DTFineDelayCorr.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTFineDelayCorr:
DTLocalTriggerBaseTest edm::EDAnalyzer

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DTFineDelayCorr (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~DTFineDelayCorr ()

Protected Member Functions

void beginJob ()
 Begin Job.
void beginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &evSU)
 Begin Run.
void endJob ()
 End Job.
void runClientDiagnostic ()
 DQM Client Diagnostic.
void writeConsts (const std::string &outputFileName) const

Private Attributes

std::map< DTChamberId,
std::vector< float > > 
edm::ESHandle< DTConfigManagerdtConfig
bool gaussMean
int minEntries
int nEvents
std::map< DTChamberId,
std::pair< int, float > > 
std::string oldDelaysInputFile
std::string outputFileName
bool readOldFromDb
std::string t0MeanHistoTag
std::string trSource
edm::ESHandle< DTTPGParametersworstPhaseMap
bool writeDB

Detailed Description

* Class to calculate corrections to the fine delays loaded in DT MiniCrates

2010/01/07 10:51:14
M. Giunta, C. Battilana

Definition at line 28 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTFineDelayCorr::DTFineDelayCorr ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 45 of file


  setConfig(ps,"DTFineDelayCorr");  // sets parameter values and name used in log file 
  baseFolderDCC = "DT/90-LocalTriggerSynch/";
  baseFolderDDU = "DT/90-LocalTriggerSynch/";
DTFineDelayCorr::~DTFineDelayCorr ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 54 of file



Member Function Documentation

void DTFineDelayCorr::beginJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

Begin Job.

Reimplemented from DTLocalTriggerBaseTest.

Definition at line 59 of file

References dumpDBToFile_GT_ttrig_cfg::outputFileName, and Parameters::parameters.


  // Tag for Hardware Source (DDU or DCC)
  hwSource = parameters.getParameter<string>("hwSource");
  // Tag for the t0Mean Histograms
  t0MeanHistoTag = parameters.getParameter<string>("t0MeanHistoTag");
  // Read old delays from file or from Db
  readOldFromDb = parameters.getParameter<bool>("readOldFromDb");
  // Input file name for old delays
  oldDelaysInputFile = parameters.getParameter<string>("oldDelaysInputFile"),
  // Write new delays to file or to Db
  writeDB = parameters.getParameter<bool>("writeDB");
  // Output File Name
  outputFileName = parameters.getParameter<string>("outputFile");
  // Choose to use Hist Mean or Gaussian Fit Mean
  gaussMean =  parameters.getParameter<bool>("gaussMean");
  // Require Minimum Number Of Entries in the t0Mean Histogram
  minEntries =  parameters.getUntrackedParameter<int>("minEntries",5);

void DTFineDelayCorr::beginRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup evSU 
) [protected, virtual]

Begin Run.

Reimplemented from DTLocalTriggerBaseTest.

Definition at line 80 of file

References DTLocalTriggerBaseTest::beginRun(), and edm::EventSetup::get().

void DTFineDelayCorr::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

End Job.

Reimplemented from DTLocalTriggerBaseTest.

Definition at line 190 of file

References filterCSVwithJSON::copy, DTLocalTriggerBaseTest::endJob(), cmsMakeMELists::outFile, and dumpDBToFile_GT_ttrig_cfg::outputFileName.



   if (writeDB) {
     // to be added if needed
   else { // write txt file
     // ** Open output file **
     ofstream outFile(outputFileName.c_str());
     for(map< DTChamberId,  vector<float> >::const_iterator iter = delayMap.begin();
         iter != delayMap.end() ; iter++) {
       // writing
       ostream_iterator<float> oit(outFile, " ");    
       copy((*iter).second.begin(), (*iter).second.end(), oit);
       outFile << endl;
void DTFineDelayCorr::runClientDiagnostic ( ) [protected, virtual]

DQM Client Diagnostic.

Implements DTLocalTriggerBaseTest.

Definition at line 88 of file

References python::rootplot::argparse::category, gather_cfg::cout, DTChamberId, DTLayerId, DTTopology::firstChannel(), DTConfigPedestals::getOffset(), DTLayer::id(), geometryCSVtoXML::line, timingPdfMaker::mean, DTTimeUnits::ns, DetId::rawId(), DTChamberId::sector(), DTLayer::specificTopology(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), and DTChamberId::wheel().

  int coarseDelay = -999;
  float oldFineDelay = -999;
  if(!readOldFromDb) { // read old delays from txt file
    // **  Open and read old delays input file  ** 
    ifstream oldDelaysFile(oldDelaysInputFile.c_str());
    string line;

    while (getline(oldDelaysFile, line)) {
      if( line == "" || line[0] == '#' ) continue; 
      stringstream linestr;
      int wheelKey,sectorKey, stationKey;      
      linestr << line;
      linestr >> wheelKey
              >> sectorKey
              >> stationKey
              >> coarseDelay
              >> oldFineDelay;
      pair<int,float> oldDelays = make_pair(coarseDelay,oldFineDelay);
      DTChamberId oldDelayKey = DTChamberId(wheelKey,stationKey,sectorKey);

  //  ** Loop over the chambers ** 
  vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator chambIt  = muonGeom->chambers().begin();
  vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator chambEnd = muonGeom->chambers().end();
  for (; chambIt!=chambEnd; ++chambIt) { 
    DTChamberId chId = (*chambIt)->id();
    uint32_t indexCh = chId.rawId();
    int wheel = chId.wheel();
    int sector = chId.sector();
    int station = chId.station();
    // ** Compute corrected values and write them to file or database **
    vector<float> newDelays;

    // **  Retrieve Delays Loaded in MiniCrates ** 
    if(readOldFromDb) {    // read from db 
      DTConfigPedestals *pedestals = dtConfig->getDTConfigPedestals();
      const DTLayer *layer = muonGeom->layer(DTLayerId(chId,1,1));
      float delay = pedestals->getOffset(DTWireId(layer->id(),layer->specificTopology().firstChannel())); 
      coarseDelay = int(delay/25.);
      oldFineDelay = delay - coarseDelay * 25.;
    else {                 // read from map created from txt file
      coarseDelay = oldDelayMap[chId].first;
      oldFineDelay = oldDelayMap[chId].second;

    // ** Retrieve t0Mean histograms **
    TH1F *t0H = getHisto<TH1F>(dbe->get(getMEName(t0MeanHistoTag,"", chId)));
    float newFineDelay = -999;   // initialize to dummy number
    cout <<"MG: " << getMEName(t0MeanHistoTag,"", chId) << " entries: " << t0H->GetEntries() << endl; 
    if (t0H->GetEntries() > minEntries) {
      Double_t mean;
      Double_t sigma;
      // ** Find Mean Value of the distribution ** 
      if(gaussMean) {
        TF1 *funct = t0H->GetFunction("gaus");
        mean = funct->GetParameter(1);
        sigma = funct->GetParameter(2);
      else {
        mean = t0H->GetMean();
        sigma = t0H->GetRMS();
      // ** Retrieve Worst Phase values **
      int wpCoarseDelay;     
      float wpFineDelay;
      worstPhaseMap->get(chId, wpCoarseDelay,  wpFineDelay, DTTimeUnits::ns);
//       cout << "wpFineDelay, oldFineDelay, mean: " << wpFineDelay << " " 
//         << oldFineDelay << " " << mean << endl;
      float bpFineDelay = (wpFineDelay < 12.5)? (wpFineDelay + 12.5) : (wpFineDelay - 12.5);  // Best Phase: half BX far from the worst phase 
      // ** Calculate correction **
      float diffFineDelays  = oldFineDelay + (mean - bpFineDelay); // positive mean shift implies positive delay correction
      int bxDiff = (int) (diffFineDelays / 25);
      coarseDelay += bxDiff;
      newFineDelay = fmodf(diffFineDelays, 25);
//       cout << "diffFineDelays, newFineDelay, bxDiff, coarseDelay: " << diffFineDelays 
//         << " "<< newFineDelay << " " << bxDiff << " " << coarseDelay << endl;
    else {
      LogProblem(category()) << "[" << testName << "Test]:  Not enough entries in hist for Chamber "  
                             << indexCh << endl;

    pair< DTChamberId,  vector<float> > chDelays;
    chDelays.first = chId; 
    chDelays.second = newDelays;
void DTCalibrationMap::writeConsts ( const std::string &  outputFileName) const [protected]

Definition at line 215 of file

References filterCSVwithJSON::copy, and dbtoconf::out.

  ofstream out(outputFileName.c_str());
  for(map<Key,CalibConsts>::const_iterator iter = theMap.begin();
      iter != theMap.end() ; iter++) {
    out << (*iter).first.wheel() << ' '
      << (*iter).first.station() << ' '
      << (*iter).first.sector() << ' '
      << (*iter).first.superlayer() << ' '
      << (*iter).first.layer() << ' '
      << (*iter).first.wire() << ' ';
    copy((*iter).second.begin(), (*iter).second.end(),
         ostream_iterator<float>(out, " "));
    out << endl;

Member Data Documentation

std::map< DTChamberId, std::vector<float> > DTFineDelayCorr::delayMap [private]

Definition at line 72 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

Definition at line 65 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

Definition at line 62 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

Definition at line 63 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

int DTFineDelayCorr::nEvents [private]

Definition at line 64 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

std::map< DTChamberId, std::pair<int,float> > DTFineDelayCorr::oldDelayMap [private]

Definition at line 69 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

std::string DTFineDelayCorr::oldDelaysInputFile [private]

Definition at line 58 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

std::string DTFineDelayCorr::outputFileName [private]

Definition at line 57 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

Definition at line 60 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

std::string DTFineDelayCorr::t0MeanHistoTag [private]

Definition at line 56 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

std::string DTFineDelayCorr::trSource [private]

Definition at line 59 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

Definition at line 66 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.

bool DTFineDelayCorr::writeDB [private]

Definition at line 61 of file DTFineDelayCorr.h.