Classes | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Attributes

VirtualJetProducer Class Reference

#include <VirtualJetProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for VirtualJetProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper cms::CompoundJetProducer cms::SubEventGenJetProducer CMSInsideOutJetProducer FastjetJetProducer SubjetFilterJetProducer cms::CATopJetProducer cms::SubJetProducer

List of all members.


struct  JetType

Public Types

typedef boost::shared_ptr
< fastjet::ActiveAreaSpec > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< fastjet::ClusterSequence > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< fastjet::JetDefinition > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< fastjet::RangeDefinition > 

Public Member Functions

std::string jetType () const
virtual void produce (edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
 VirtualJetProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
virtual ~VirtualJetProducer ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void copyConstituents (const std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &fjConstituents, reco::Jet *jet)
virtual std::vector
< reco::CandidatePtr
getConstituents (const std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &fjConstituents)
virtual void inputTowers ()
virtual bool isAnomalousTower (reco::CandidatePtr input)
bool makeBasicJet (const JetType::Type &fTag)
bool makeCaloJet (const JetType::Type &fTag)
bool makeGenJet (const JetType::Type &fTag)
bool makePFClusterJet (const JetType::Type &fTag)
bool makePFJet (const JetType::Type &fTag)
virtual void makeProduces (std::string s, std::string tag="")
bool makeTrackJet (const JetType::Type &fTag)
void offsetCorrectJets (std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &orphanInput)
virtual void output (edm::Event &iEvent, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup)
virtual void runAlgorithm (edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)=0
template<typename T >
void writeJets (edm::Event &iEvent, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup)

Protected Attributes

bool doAreaDiskApprox_
bool doAreaFastjet_
bool doFastJetNonUniform_
bool doPUOffsetCorr_
bool doPVCorrection_
bool doRhoFastjet_
ActiveAreaSpecPtr fjActiveArea_
ClusterSequencePtr fjClusterSeq_
std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > fjInputs_
JetDefPtr fjJetDefinition_
std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > fjJets_
PluginPtr fjPlugin_
RangeDefPtr fjRangeDef_
double inputEMin_
double inputEtMin_
std::vector< edm::Ptr
< reco::Candidate > > 
std::string jetAlgorithm_
std::string jetCollInstanceName_
double jetPtMin_
std::string jetType_
JetType::Type jetTypeE
unsigned int maxInputs_
unsigned int minSeed_
std::string moduleLabel_
unsigned int nExclude_
std::vector< double > puCenters_
std::string puSubtractorName_
double puWidth_
bool restrictInputs_
double rParam_
edm::InputTag src_
edm::InputTag srcPVs_
< PileUpSubtractor
bool useDeterministicSeed_
reco::Particle::Point vertex_
double voronoiRfact_

Private Attributes

std::auto_ptr< AnomalousToweranomalousTowerDef_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::ActiveAreaSpec> VirtualJetProducer::ActiveAreaSpecPtr

Definition at line 82 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::ClusterSequence> VirtualJetProducer::ClusterSequencePtr

Definition at line 79 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::JetDefinition> VirtualJetProducer::JetDefPtr

Definition at line 81 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin> VirtualJetProducer::PluginPtr

Definition at line 80 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::RangeDefinition> VirtualJetProducer::RangeDefPtr

Definition at line 83 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VirtualJetProducer::VirtualJetProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 109 of file

References anomalousTowerDef_, VirtualJetProducer::JetType::BasicJet, VirtualJetProducer::JetType::byName(), VirtualJetProducer::JetType::CaloJet, doAreaDiskApprox_, doAreaFastjet_, doFastJetNonUniform_, doPUOffsetCorr_, doRhoFastjet_, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), fjActiveArea_, fjJetDefinition_, fjPlugin_, fjRangeDef_, reco::get(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), jetAlgorithm_, jetCollInstanceName_, jetType_, jetTypeE, makeProduces(), maxInputs_, minSeed_, moduleLabel_, nExclude_, puCenters_, puSubtractorName_, puWidth_, restrictInputs_, rParam_, subtractor_, useDeterministicSeed_, and voronoiRfact_.

  : moduleLabel_   (iConfig.getParameter<string>       ("@module_label"))
  , src_           (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"))
  , srcPVs_        (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("srcPVs"))
  , jetType_       (iConfig.getParameter<string>       ("jetType"))
  , jetAlgorithm_  (iConfig.getParameter<string>       ("jetAlgorithm"))
  , rParam_        (iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("rParam"))
  , inputEtMin_    (iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("inputEtMin"))
  , inputEMin_     (iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("inputEMin"))
  , jetPtMin_      (iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("jetPtMin"))
  , doPVCorrection_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("doPVCorrection"))
  , restrictInputs_(false)
  , maxInputs_(99999999)
  , doAreaFastjet_ (iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("doAreaFastjet"))
  , doAreaDiskApprox_       (false)
  , doRhoFastjet_  (iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("doRhoFastjet"))
  , voronoiRfact_           (-9)
  , doPUOffsetCorr_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("doPUOffsetCorr"))
  , puWidth_(0)
  , nExclude_(0)
  , jetCollInstanceName_ ("")
  anomalousTowerDef_ = std::auto_ptr<AnomalousTower>(new AnomalousTower(iConfig));

  // additional parameters to think about:
  // - overlap threshold (set to 0.75 for the time being)
  // - p parameter for generalized kT (set to -2 for the time being)
  // - fastjet PU subtraction parameters (not yet considered)
  if (jetAlgorithm_=="SISCone") {
    fjPlugin_ = PluginPtr( new fastjet::SISConePlugin(rParam_,0.75,0,0.0,false,
                                                      fastjet::SISConePlugin::SM_pttilde) );
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr( new fastjet::JetDefinition(&*fjPlugin_) );
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="IterativeCone") {
    fjPlugin_ = PluginPtr(new fastjet::CMSIterativeConePlugin(rParam_,1.0));
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr(new fastjet::JetDefinition(&*fjPlugin_));
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="CDFMidPoint") {
    fjPlugin_ = PluginPtr(new fastjet::CDFMidPointPlugin(rParam_,0.75));
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr(new fastjet::JetDefinition(&*fjPlugin_));
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="ATLASCone") {
    fjPlugin_ = PluginPtr(new fastjet::ATLASConePlugin(rParam_));
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr(new fastjet::JetDefinition(&*fjPlugin_));
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="Kt")
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr(new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm,rParam_));
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="CambridgeAachen")
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr(new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,
                                                           rParam_) );
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="AntiKt")
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr( new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm,rParam_) );
  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="GeneralizedKt")
    fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr( new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::genkt_algorithm,
                                                            rParam_,-2) );
    throw cms::Exception("Invalid jetAlgorithm")
      <<"Jet algorithm for VirtualJetProducer is invalid, Abort!\n";

  if ( iConfig.exists("jetCollInstanceName") ) {
    jetCollInstanceName_ = iConfig.getParameter<string>("jetCollInstanceName");

  if ( doPUOffsetCorr_ ) {
    if ( jetTypeE != JetType::CaloJet && jetTypeE != JetType::BasicJet) {
        throw cms::Exception("InvalidInput") << "Can only offset correct jets of type CaloJet or BasicJet";
     if(iConfig.exists("subtractorName")) puSubtractorName_  =  iConfig.getParameter<string> ("subtractorName");
     else puSubtractorName_ = std::string();
       edm::LogWarning("VirtualJetProducer") << "Pile Up correction on; however, pile up type is not specified. Using default... \n";
       subtractor_ =  boost::shared_ptr<PileUpSubtractor>(new PileUpSubtractor(iConfig));
       subtractor_ =  boost::shared_ptr<PileUpSubtractor>(PileUpSubtractorFactory::get()->create( puSubtractorName_, iConfig));

  // do approximate disk-based area calculation => warn if conflicting request
  if (iConfig.exists("doAreaDiskApprox")) {
    doAreaDiskApprox_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doAreaDiskApprox");
    if (doAreaDiskApprox_ && doAreaFastjet_)
      throw cms::Exception("Conflicting area calculations") << "Both the calculation of jet area via fastjet and via an analytical disk approximation have been requested. Please decide on one.\n";

  // turn off jet collection output for speed
  // Voronoi-based area calculation allows for an empirical scale factor
  if (iConfig.exists("voronoiRfact"))
    voronoiRfact_     = iConfig.getParameter<double>("voronoiRfact");

  // do fasjet area / rho calcluation? => accept corresponding parameters
  if ( doAreaFastjet_ || doRhoFastjet_ ) {
    // Eta range of jets to be considered for Rho calculation
    // Should be at most (jet acceptance - jet radius)
    double rhoEtaMax=iConfig.getParameter<double>("Rho_EtaMax");
    // default Ghost_EtaMax should be 5
    double ghostEtaMax = iConfig.getParameter<double>("Ghost_EtaMax");
    // default Active_Area_Repeats 1
    int    activeAreaRepeats = iConfig.getParameter<int> ("Active_Area_Repeats");
    // default GhostArea 0.01
    double ghostArea = iConfig.getParameter<double> ("GhostArea");
    if (voronoiRfact_ <= 0)
      fjActiveArea_     = ActiveAreaSpecPtr(new fastjet::ActiveAreaSpec(ghostEtaMax,activeAreaRepeats,ghostArea));
    fjRangeDef_ = RangeDefPtr( new fastjet::RangeDefinition(rhoEtaMax) );

  // restrict inputs to first "maxInputs" towers?
  if ( iConfig.exists("restrictInputs") ) {
    restrictInputs_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("restrictInputs");
    maxInputs_      = iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("maxInputs");

  string alias=iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("alias",moduleLabel_);

  // make the "produces" statements
  makeProduces( alias, jetCollInstanceName_ );

  doFastJetNonUniform_ = false;
  if(iConfig.exists("doFastJetNonUniform")) doFastJetNonUniform_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>   ("doFastJetNonUniform");
    puCenters_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("puCenters");
    puWidth_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("puWidth");
    nExclude_ = iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("nExclude");

  useDeterministicSeed_ = false;
  minSeed_ = 0;
  if ( iConfig.exists("useDeterministicSeed") ) {
    useDeterministicSeed_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useDeterministicSeed");
    minSeed_ =              iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("minSeed");

  produces<std::vector<double> >("rhos");
  produces<std::vector<double> >("sigmas");
VirtualJetProducer::~VirtualJetProducer ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 256 of file


Member Function Documentation

void VirtualJetProducer::copyConstituents ( const std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &  fjConstituents,
reco::Jet jet 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 420 of file

References reco::CompositePtrCandidate::addDaughter(), i, and inputs_.

  for (unsigned int i=0;i<fjConstituents.size();++i)
vector< reco::CandidatePtr > VirtualJetProducer::getConstituents ( const std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &  fjConstituents) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 430 of file

References i, getHLTprescales::index, inputs_, and query::result.

Referenced by FastjetJetProducer::produceTrackJets(), cms::SubEventGenJetProducer::runAlgorithm(), and writeJets().

  vector<reco::CandidatePtr> result;
  for (unsigned int i=0;i<fjConstituents.size();i++) {
    int index = fjConstituents[i].user_index();
    reco::CandidatePtr candidate = inputs_[index];
  return result;
void VirtualJetProducer::inputTowers ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in cms::CompoundJetProducer, cms::SubEventGenJetProducer, and SubjetFilterJetProducer.

Definition at line 363 of file

References doPVCorrection_, fjInputs_, edm::Ptr< T >::get(), i, collect_tpl::input, inputEMin_, inputEtMin_, inputs_, isAnomalousTower(), edm::detail::isnan(), jetTypeE, makeCaloJet(), maxInputs_, CaloTower::p4(), restrictInputs_, python::multivaluedict::sort(), and vertex_.

Referenced by produce(), and FastjetJetProducer::produceTrackJets().

  std::vector<edm::Ptr<reco::Candidate> >::const_iterator inBegin = inputs_.begin(),
    inEnd = inputs_.end(), i = inBegin;
  for (; i != inEnd; ++i ) {
    reco::CandidatePtr input = *i;
    if (std::isnan(input->pt()))           continue;
    if (input->et()    <inputEtMin_)  continue;
    if (input->energy()<inputEMin_)   continue;
    if (isAnomalousTower(input))      continue;
    if (input->pt() == 0) {
      edm::LogError("NullTransverseMomentum") << "dropping input candidate with pt=0";
    if (makeCaloJet(jetTypeE)&&doPVCorrection_) {
      const CaloTower* tower=dynamic_cast<const CaloTower*>(input.get());
      math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector ct(tower->p4(vertex_));
      //std::cout << "tower:" << *tower << '\n';
    else {
      if(makePFJet(jetTypeE)) {
        reco::PFCandidate* pfc = (reco::PFCandidate*)input.get();
        std::cout << "PF cand:" << *pfc << '\n';
    fjInputs_.back().set_user_index(i - inBegin);

  if ( restrictInputs_ && fjInputs_.size() > maxInputs_ ) {
    reco::helper::GreaterByPtPseudoJet   pTComparator;
    std::sort(fjInputs_.begin(), fjInputs_.end(), pTComparator);
    edm::LogWarning("JetRecoTooManyEntries") << "Too many inputs in the event, limiting to first " << maxInputs_ << ". Output is suspect.";
bool VirtualJetProducer::isAnomalousTower ( reco::CandidatePtr  input) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 405 of file

References anomalousTowerDef_, jetTypeE, and makeCaloJet().

Referenced by inputTowers(), and cms::SubEventGenJetProducer::inputTowers().

  if (!makeCaloJet(jetTypeE)) 
      return false;
      return (*anomalousTowerDef_)(*input);
std::string VirtualJetProducer::jetType ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References jetType_.

{ return jetType_; }
bool VirtualJetProducer::makeBasicJet ( const JetType::Type fTag) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 66 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::BasicJet.

    return fTag == JetType::BasicJet;
bool VirtualJetProducer::makeCaloJet ( const JetType::Type fTag) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 51 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::CaloJet.

Referenced by inputTowers(), isAnomalousTower(), and produce().

    return fTag == JetType::CaloJet;
bool VirtualJetProducer::makeGenJet ( const JetType::Type fTag) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 57 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::GenJet.

    return fTag == JetType::GenJet;
bool VirtualJetProducer::makePFClusterJet ( const JetType::Type fTag) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 63 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::PFClusterJet.

    return fTag == JetType::PFClusterJet;
bool VirtualJetProducer::makePFJet ( const JetType::Type fTag) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 54 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::PFJet.

    return fTag == JetType::PFJet;
void VirtualJetProducer::makeProduces ( std::string  s,
std::string  tag = "" 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 82 of file

References GlobalPosition_Frontier_DevDB_cff::tag.

Referenced by SubjetFilterJetProducer::SubjetFilterJetProducer(), and VirtualJetProducer().

  if (makeCaloJet(jetTypeE)) {
  else if (makePFJet(jetTypeE)) {
  else if (makeGenJet(jetTypeE)) {
  else if (makeTrackJet(jetTypeE)) {
  else if (makePFClusterJet(jetTypeE)) {
  else if (makeBasicJet(jetTypeE)) {
bool VirtualJetProducer::makeTrackJet ( const JetType::Type fTag) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 60 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::TrackJet.

Referenced by FastjetJetProducer::produce().

    return fTag == JetType::TrackJet;
void VirtualJetProducer::offsetCorrectJets ( std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &  orphanInput) [protected]
void VirtualJetProducer::output ( edm::Event iEvent,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in cms::CompoundJetProducer, and SubjetFilterJetProducer.

Definition at line 444 of file

References VirtualJetProducer::JetType::BasicJet, VirtualJetProducer::JetType::CaloJet, Exception, VirtualJetProducer::JetType::GenJet, iEvent, jetTypeE, VirtualJetProducer::JetType::PFClusterJet, VirtualJetProducer::JetType::PFJet, and VirtualJetProducer::JetType::TrackJet.

Referenced by produce().

  // Write jets and constitutents. Will use fjJets_, inputs_
  // and fjClusterSeq_
  switch( jetTypeE ) {
  case JetType::CaloJet :
    writeJets<reco::CaloJet>( iEvent, iSetup);
  case JetType::PFJet :
    writeJets<reco::PFJet>( iEvent, iSetup);
  case JetType::GenJet :
    writeJets<reco::GenJet>( iEvent, iSetup);
  case JetType::TrackJet :
    writeJets<reco::TrackJet>( iEvent, iSetup);
  case JetType::PFClusterJet :
    writeJets<reco::PFClusterJet>( iEvent, iSetup);
  case JetType::BasicJet :
    writeJets<reco::BasicJet>( iEvent, iSetup);
    throw cms::Exception("InvalidInput") << "invalid jet type in VirtualJetProducer\n";
void VirtualJetProducer::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Reimplemented in cms::CATopJetProducer, CMSInsideOutJetProducer, FastjetJetProducer, cms::SubEventGenJetProducer, SubjetFilterJetProducer, and cms::SubJetProducer.

Definition at line 266 of file

References doPUOffsetCorr_, doPVCorrection_, edm::EventID::event(), fjClusterSeq_, fjInputs_, fjJets_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), i, edm::EventBase::id(), inputs_, inputTowers(), jetTypeE, LogDebug, makeCaloJet(), max(), minSeed_, output(), edm::EventID::run(), runAlgorithm(), src_, srcPVs_, subtractor_, useDeterministicSeed_, and vertex_.


  // If requested, set the fastjet random seed to a deterministic function
  // of the run/lumi/event. 
  // NOTE!!! The fastjet random number sequence is a global singleton.
  // Thus, we have to create an object and get access to the global singleton
  // in order to change it. 
  if ( useDeterministicSeed_ ) {
    fastjet::GhostedAreaSpec gas;
    std::vector<int> seeds(2);
    seeds[0] = std::max(,minSeed_ + 3) + 3 *;
    seeds[1] = std::max(,minSeed_ + 5) + 5 *;

  LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Entered produce\n";
  //determine signal vertex2
  if (makeCaloJet(jetTypeE)&&doPVCorrection_) {
    LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Adding PV info\n";
    edm::Handle<reco::VertexCollection> pvCollection;
    if (pvCollection->size()>0) vertex_=pvCollection->begin()->position();

  // For Pileup subtraction using offset correction:
  // set up geometry map
  if ( doPUOffsetCorr_ ) {
     subtractor_->setupGeometryMap(iEvent, iSetup);

  // clear data
  LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Clear data\n";
  // get inputs and convert them to the fastjet format (fastjet::PeudoJet)
  edm::Handle<reco::CandidateView> inputsHandle;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < inputsHandle->size(); ++i) {
  LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Got inputs\n";
  // Convert candidates to fastjet::PseudoJets.
  // Also correct to Primary Vertex. Will modify fjInputs_
  // and use inputs_
  LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Inputted towers\n";

  // For Pileup subtraction using offset correction:
  // Subtract pedestal. 
  if ( doPUOffsetCorr_ ) {
     LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Subtracted pedestal\n";

  // Run algorithm. Will modify fjJets_ and allocate fjClusterSeq_. 
  // This will use fjInputs_
  runAlgorithm( iEvent, iSetup );

  if ( doPUOffsetCorr_ ) {

  LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Ran algorithm\n";
  // For Pileup subtraction using offset correction:
  // Now we find jets and need to recalculate their energy,
  // mark towers participated in jet,
  // remove occupied towers from the list and recalculate mean and sigma
  // put the initial towers collection to the jet,   
  // and subtract from initial towers in jet recalculated mean and sigma of towers 
  if ( doPUOffsetCorr_ ) {
    LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Do PUOffsetCorr\n";
    vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> orphanInput;

  // Write the output jets.
  // This will (by default) call the member function template
  // "writeJets", but can be overridden. 
  // this will use inputs_
  output( iEvent, iSetup );
  LogDebug("VirtualJetProducer") << "Wrote jets\n";
virtual void VirtualJetProducer::runAlgorithm ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [protected, pure virtual]
template<typename T >
void VirtualJetProducer::writeJets ( edm::Event iEvent,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 
) [protected]

Definition at line 475 of file

References deltaR(), doAreaDiskApprox_, doAreaFastjet_, doFastJetNonUniform_, doPUOffsetCorr_, doRhoFastjet_, eta(), fjClusterSeq_, fjJets_, fjRangeDef_, getConstituents(), reco::helper::VirtualJetProducerHelper::intersection(), edm::detail::isnan(), metsig::jet, jetCollInstanceName_, analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, M_PI, nExclude_, puCenters_, edm::Event::put(), puWidth_, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, fastjet::BackgroundEstimator::rho(), rho, rParam_, fastjet::BackgroundEstimator::set_excluded_jets(), fastjet::BackgroundEstimator::sigma(), subtractor_, vertex_, and reco::writeSpecific().

  if (doRhoFastjet_) {
    // declare jet collection without the two jets, 
    // for unbiased background estimation.
    std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjexcluded_jets;
    if(fjexcluded_jets.size()>2) fjexcluded_jets.resize(nExclude_);
      std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> > rhos(new std::vector<double>);
      std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> > sigmas(new std::vector<double>);
      int nEta = puCenters_.size();
      fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBase const* clusterSequenceWithArea =
        dynamic_cast<fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBase const *> ( &*fjClusterSeq_ );

      for(int ie = 0; ie < nEta; ++ie){
        double eta = puCenters_[ie];
        double etamin=eta-puWidth_;
        double etamax=eta+puWidth_;
        fastjet::RangeDefinition range_rho(etamin,etamax);
        fastjet::BackgroundEstimator bkgestim(*clusterSequenceWithArea,range_rho);
      std::auto_ptr<double> rho(new double(0.0));
      std::auto_ptr<double> sigma(new double(0.0));
      double mean_area = 0;
      fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBase const* clusterSequenceWithArea =
        dynamic_cast<fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBase const *> ( &*fjClusterSeq_ );
        const double nemptyjets = clusterSequenceWithArea->n_empty_jets(*fjRangeDef_);
        if(( nemptyjets  < -15 ) || ( nemptyjets > fjRangeDef_->area()+ 15)) {
        edm::LogWarning("StrangeNEmtpyJets") << "n_empty_jets is : " << clusterSequenceWithArea->n_empty_jets(*fjRangeDef_) << " with range " << fjRangeDef_->description() << ".";
      if((*rho < 0)|| (std::isnan(*rho))) {
        edm::LogError("BadRho") << "rho value is " << *rho << " area:" << mean_area << " and n_empty_jets: " << clusterSequenceWithArea->n_empty_jets(*fjRangeDef_) << " with range " << fjRangeDef_->description()
                                <<". Setting rho to rezo.";
        *rho = 0;
  } // doRhoFastjet_
  // produce output jet collection
  using namespace reco;
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<T> > jets(new std::vector<T>() );

  // Distance between jet centers -- for disk-based area calculation
  std::vector<std::vector<double> >   rij(fjJets_.size());

  for (unsigned int ijet=0;ijet<fjJets_.size();++ijet) {
    // allocate this jet
    T jet;
    // get the fastjet jet
    const fastjet::PseudoJet& fjJet = fjJets_[ijet];

    // calcuate the jet area
    double jetArea=0.0;
    if ( doAreaFastjet_ ) {
      fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBase const * clusterSequenceWithArea =
        dynamic_cast<fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBase const *>(&*fjClusterSeq_);
      jetArea = clusterSequenceWithArea->area(fjJet);
    else if ( doAreaDiskApprox_ ) {
      // Here it is assumed that fjJets_ is in decreasing order of pT, 
      // which should happen in FastjetJetProducer::runAlgorithm() 
      jetArea   = M_PI;
      if (ijet) {
        std::vector<double>&  distance  = rij[ijet];
        for (unsigned jJet = 0; jJet < ijet; ++jJet) {
          distance[jJet]      = reco::deltaR(fjJets_[ijet],fjJets_[jJet]) / rParam_;
          jetArea            -= reco::helper::VirtualJetProducerHelper::intersection(distance[jJet]);
          for (unsigned kJet = 0; kJet < jJet; ++kJet) {
            jetArea          += reco::helper::VirtualJetProducerHelper::intersection(distance[jJet], distance[kJet], rij[jJet][kJet]);
          } // end loop over harder jets
        } // end loop over harder jets
      jetArea  *= rParam_;
      jetArea  *= rParam_;
    // get the constituents from fastjet
    std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjConstituents =
    // convert them to CandidatePtr vector
    std::vector<CandidatePtr> constituents =

    // write the specifics to the jet (simultaneously sets 4-vector, vertex).
    // These are overridden functions that will call the appropriate
    // specific allocator. 
                  constituents, iSetup);

    jet.setJetArea (jetArea);
      jet.setPileup (0.0);
    // add to the list
  // put the jets in the collection


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 194 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by isAnomalousTower(), and VirtualJetProducer().

Definition at line 161 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

Definition at line 164 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

Definition at line 168 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

Definition at line 153 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by inputTowers(), and produce().

Definition at line 177 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by FastjetJetProducer::runAlgorithm(), and VirtualJetProducer().

std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> VirtualJetProducer::fjInputs_ [protected]
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> VirtualJetProducer::fjJets_ [protected]

Definition at line 176 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer().

Definition at line 178 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

double VirtualJetProducer::inputEMin_ [protected]

Definition at line 151 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by inputTowers(), and cms::SubEventGenJetProducer::inputTowers().

double VirtualJetProducer::inputEtMin_ [protected]

Definition at line 150 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by inputTowers(), and cms::SubEventGenJetProducer::inputTowers().

std::string VirtualJetProducer::jetAlgorithm_ [protected]

Definition at line 148 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer().

double VirtualJetProducer::jetPtMin_ [protected]
std::string VirtualJetProducer::jetType_ [protected]

Definition at line 147 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by jetType(), and VirtualJetProducer().

unsigned int VirtualJetProducer::maxInputs_ [protected]

Definition at line 157 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by inputTowers(), and VirtualJetProducer().

unsigned int VirtualJetProducer::minSeed_ [protected]

Definition at line 191 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), and VirtualJetProducer().

std::string VirtualJetProducer::moduleLabel_ [protected]
unsigned int VirtualJetProducer::nExclude_ [protected]

Definition at line 185 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

std::vector<double> VirtualJetProducer::puCenters_ [protected]

Definition at line 183 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

std::string VirtualJetProducer::puSubtractorName_ [protected]

Definition at line 169 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer().

double VirtualJetProducer::puWidth_ [protected]

Definition at line 184 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

Definition at line 156 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by inputTowers(), and VirtualJetProducer().

double VirtualJetProducer::rParam_ [protected]

Definition at line 149 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

Definition at line 146 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), and FastjetJetProducer::produceTrackJets().

boost::shared_ptr<PileUpSubtractor> VirtualJetProducer::subtractor_ [protected]

Definition at line 188 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), VirtualJetProducer(), and writeJets().

Definition at line 190 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), and VirtualJetProducer().

Definition at line 165 of file VirtualJetProducer.h.

Referenced by FastjetJetProducer::runAlgorithm(), and VirtualJetProducer().