![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | ecalrechitSkimPath = cms.Path(ecalrechitSkim) |
tuple | goodvertexSkimPath = cms.Path(goodvertexSkim) |
tuple | muonTracksSkimPath = cms.Path(muonTracksSkim) |
tuple | pathCSCAloneSkim = cms.Path(cscSkimAloneSeq) |
tuple | pathCSCHLTSkim = cms.Path(cscHLTSkimSeq) |
tuple | pathCSCSkim = cms.Path(cscSkimseq) |
tuple | pathdtSkim = cms.Path(dtSkimseq) |
tuple | pathgoodcolhf = cms.Path(goodcollHFrequirement) |
tuple | pathgoodcoll1 = cms.Path(goodcollL1requirement) |
tuple | pathHighPU = cms.Path(HighPU_Seq) |
tuple | pathHLTdtSkim = cms.Path(dtHLTSkimseq) |
tuple | pathL1MuBitSkim = cms.Path(l1MuBitsSkimseq) |
tuple | pathlogerror = cms.Path(logerrorseq) |
tuple | pathpfgskim3noncross = cms.Path(pfgskim3noncrossseq) |
tuple | pathrpcTecSkim = cms.Path(rpcTecSkimseq) |
tuple | pfPath = cms.Path(pfMETSelSeq) |
tuple | relvalmuonSkimPath = cms.Path( relvalmuonSkim ) |
tuple | relvaltrackSkimPath = cms.Path( relvaltrackSkim ) |
tuple | skimContent = FEVTEventContent.clone() |
tuple | SKIMStreamBeamBkg |
tuple | SKIMStreamCSC |
tuple | SKIMStreamCSCAlone |
tuple | SKIMStreamCSCHLT |
tuple | SKIMStreamDT |
tuple | SKIMStreamEcalRH |
tuple | SKIMStreamGoodCol |
tuple | SKIMStreamGoodVtx |
tuple | SKIMStreamHighMET |
tuple | SKIMStreamHighPU |
tuple | SKIMStreamL1MuBit |
tuple | SKIMStreamLogError |
tuple | SKIMStreamMuonDPG |
tuple | SKIMStreamMuonTrack |
tuple | SKIMStreamRPC |
tuple | SKIMStreamTkSD |
tuple | SKIMStreamValSkim |
tuple | SKIMStreamWElectron |
tuple | SKIMStreamWMu |
tuple | SKIMStreamWZEG |
tuple | SKIMStreamWZMu |
tuple | SKIMStreamZElectron |
tuple | SKIMStreamZMu |
tuple | tcPath = cms.Path(tcMETSelSeq) |
tuple | TkSDSkimPath = cms.Path(TkSD_Seq) |
tuple | WElectronPath = cms.Path( elecMetSeq ) |
tuple | WpfMetSkimPath = cms.Path(pfMetWMuNuSeq) |
tuple | WtcMetSkimPath = cms.Path(tcMetWMuNuSeq) |
tuple | WZEGSkimPath = cms.Path( WZfilterSkim ) |
tuple | ZElectronPathGsf = cms.Path( tagGsfSeq ) |
tuple | ZElectronPathPhoton = cms.Path( tagPhotonSeq ) |
tuple | ZElectronPathTrack = cms.Path( tagTrackSeq ) |
tuple | ZMuSkimPath = cms.Path(diMuonSelSeq) |
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::ecalrechitSkimPath = cms.Path(ecalrechitSkim) |
Definition at line 155 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::goodvertexSkimPath = cms.Path(goodvertexSkim) |
Definition at line 168 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::muonTracksSkimPath = cms.Path(muonTracksSkim) |
Definition at line 196 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathCSCAloneSkim = cms.Path(cscSkimAloneSeq) |
Definition at line 55 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathCSCHLTSkim = cms.Path(cscHLTSkimSeq) |
Definition at line 54 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathCSCSkim = cms.Path(cscSkimseq) |
Definition at line 53 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathdtSkim = cms.Path(dtSkimseq) |
Definition at line 85 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathgoodcolhf = cms.Path(goodcollHFrequirement) |
Definition at line 182 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathgoodcoll1 = cms.Path(goodcollL1requirement) |
Definition at line 181 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathHighPU = cms.Path(HighPU_Seq) |
Definition at line 11 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathHLTdtSkim = cms.Path(dtHLTSkimseq) |
Definition at line 86 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathL1MuBitSkim = cms.Path(l1MuBitsSkimseq) |
Definition at line 100 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathlogerror = cms.Path(logerrorseq) |
Definition at line 25 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathpfgskim3noncross = cms.Path(pfgskim3noncrossseq) |
Definition at line 39 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pathrpcTecSkim = cms.Path(rpcTecSkimseq) |
Definition at line 114 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::pfPath = cms.Path(pfMETSelSeq) |
Definition at line 324 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::relvalmuonSkimPath = cms.Path( relvalmuonSkim ) |
Definition at line 221 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::relvaltrackSkimPath = cms.Path( relvaltrackSkim ) |
Definition at line 220 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::skimContent = FEVTEventContent.clone() |
Definition at line 4 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'PFG', 00003 name = 'BeamBkg', 00004 paths = (pathpfgskim3noncross), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 41 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'DPG', 00003 name = 'CSC', 00004 paths = (pathCSCSkim), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 57 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'DPG', 00003 name = 'CSCAlone', 00004 paths = (pathCSCAloneSkim), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 73 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'DPG', 00003 name = 'CSCHLT', 00004 paths = (pathCSCHLTSkim), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 65 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'DPG', 00003 name = 'DT', 00004 paths = (pathHLTdtSkim), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 88 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Ecal DPG', 00003 name = 'EcalRH', 00004 paths = (ecalrechitSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 156 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'PVT', 00003 name = 'GoodCol', 00004 paths = (goodvertexSkimPath,pathgoodcoll1,pathgoodcolhf), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 184 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Tracking POG', 00003 name = 'GoodVtx', 00004 paths = (goodvertexSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 169 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'MET Group', 00003 name = 'HighMET', 00004 paths = (pfPath,tcPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 326 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'reco convener', 00003 name = 'HighPU', 00004 paths = (pathHighPU), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW') 00008 )
Definition at line 13 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'DPG', 00003 name = 'L1MuBit', 00004 paths = (pathL1MuBitSkim), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 102 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'reco convener', 00003 name = 'LogError', 00004 paths = (pathlogerror), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 27 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Muon DPG', 00003 name = 'MuonDPG', 00004 paths = (muonTracksSkimPath,pathdtSkim,pathHLTdtSkim,pathCSCHLTSkim,pathCSCAloneSkim,pathrpcTecSkim,), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 208 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Muon POG', 00003 name = 'MuonTrack', 00004 paths = (muonTracksSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 197 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'DPG', 00003 name = 'RPC', 00004 paths = (pathrpcTecSkim), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 116 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Tracker DPG & Tracking POG', 00003 name = 'TkSD', 00004 paths = ( TkSDSkimPath ), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 283 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'RECO', 00003 name = 'ValSkim', 00004 paths = (relvaltrackSkimPath,relvalmuonSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 222 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Egamma POG', 00003 name = 'WElectron', 00004 paths = ( WElectronPath ), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 296 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Muon DPG-POG-MuEW', 00003 name = 'WMu', 00004 paths = (WtcMetSkimPath, WpfMetSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 00009 )
Definition at line 269 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'ECAL DPG & EGM POG', 00003 name = 'WZEG', 00004 paths = ( WZEGSkimPath ), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 235 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Muon DPG-POG-MuEW', 00003 name = 'WZMu', 00004 paths = (ZMuSkimPath, WtcMetSkimPath, WpfMetSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 253 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Egamma POG', 00003 name = 'ZElectron', 00004 paths = ( ZElectronPathPhoton, ZElectronPathTrack, ZElectronPathGsf ), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 311 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
00001 cms.FilteredStream( 00002 responsible = 'Muon DPG-POG-MuEW', 00003 name = 'ZMu', 00004 paths = (ZMuSkimPath), 00005 content = skimContent.outputCommands, 00006 selectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(), 00007 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO') 00008 )
Definition at line 261 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::tcPath = cms.Path(tcMETSelSeq) |
Definition at line 325 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::TkSDSkimPath = cms.Path(TkSD_Seq) |
Definition at line 282 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::WElectronPath = cms.Path( elecMetSeq ) |
Definition at line 295 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::WpfMetSkimPath = cms.Path(pfMetWMuNuSeq) |
Definition at line 252 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::WtcMetSkimPath = cms.Path(tcMetWMuNuSeq) |
Definition at line 251 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::WZEGSkimPath = cms.Path( WZfilterSkim ) |
Definition at line 234 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::ZElectronPathGsf = cms.Path( tagGsfSeq ) |
Definition at line 310 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::ZElectronPathPhoton = cms.Path( tagPhotonSeq ) |
Definition at line 308 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::ZElectronPathTrack = cms.Path( tagTrackSeq ) |
Definition at line 309 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.
tuple Skims_DPG_cff::ZMuSkimPath = cms.Path(diMuonSelSeq) |
Definition at line 250 of file Skims_DPG_cff.py.