Variables | |
string | BJetinputjetCollection = "hltCaloJetCorrected" |
lifetime-based b-tag OpenHLT ###################################### L1 filter is skipped L2 reco sequence is common to all paths, and taken from the global table L2.5 and L3 sequences are rewritten to bypass selectors and filters | |
tuple | hltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTrack |
tuple | hltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTrack |
tuple | hltESPTrackCounting3D1st |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL25Associator = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25AssociatorSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL25BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTrack = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTrack) |
tuple | OpenHLTBLifetimeL25recoSequence |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL25TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25TagInfosSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL3Associator = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3AssociatorSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL3BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTrack = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTrack) |
tuple | OpenHLTBLifetimeL3recoSequence |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeL3TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3TagInfosSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeRegionalCkfTrackCandidates = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeRegionalCkfTrackCandidatesSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeRegionalCtfWithMaterialTracks = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeRegionalCtfWithMaterialTracksSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBLifetimeRegionalPixelSeedGenerator = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeRegionalPixelSeedGeneratorSingleTop) |
tuple | openHltBPerfMeasL3BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20Mu5SelL3BJetTagsByDR) |
BTagMu paths make use of SoftMuonByDR both at L2.5 and L3. | |
tuple | openHltBSoftmuonL25BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20L25BJetTagsByDR) |
BTagMu paths make use of SoftMuonByDR both at L2.5 and L3. | |
tuple | OpenHLTBSoftMuonL25recoSequence |
tuple | openHltBSoftmuonL25TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20L25TagInfos) |
soft-muon-based b-tag OpenHLT (ideal, start up, and performance meas.) #### L1 filter is skipped L2 reco sequence is common to all paths, and taken from the global table L2.5 and L3 sequences are rewritten to bypass selectors and filters | |
tuple | OpenHLTBSoftMuonL3recoSequence |
tuple | openHltBSoftmuonL3TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20Mu5SelL3TagInfos) |
string OpenHLT_BJet_cff::BJetinputjetCollection = "hltCaloJetCorrected" |
lifetime-based b-tag OpenHLT ###################################### L1 filter is skipped L2 reco sequence is common to all paths, and taken from the global table L2.5 and L3 sequences are rewritten to bypass selectors and filters
Use corrected jets same as 5E32 Menu
Definition at line 15 of file
00001 cms.EDProducer( "JetTagProducer", 00002 jetTagComputer = cms.string( "hltESPTrackCounting3D1st" ), 00003 tagInfos = cms.VInputTag( 'hltBLifetimeL25TagInfosSingleTop' ) 00004 )
Definition at line 38 of file
00001 cms.EDProducer( "JetTagProducer", 00002 jetTagComputer = cms.string( "hltESPTrackCounting3D1st" ), 00003 tagInfos = cms.VInputTag( 'hltBLifetimeL3TagInfosSingleTop' ) 00004 )
Definition at line 44 of file
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer", 00002 appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ), 00003 nthTrack = cms.int32( 1 ), 00004 impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ), 00005 deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ), 00006 maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 5.0 ), 00007 maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 0.07 ), 00008 trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ) 00009 )
Definition at line 27 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL25Associator = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25AssociatorSingleTop) |
Definition at line 17 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL25BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTop) |
Definition at line 23 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTrack = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTrack) |
Definition at line 50 of file
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + 00003 HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence + 00004 openHltBLifetimeL25Associator + 00005 openHltBLifetimeL25TagInfos + 00006 openHltBLifetimeL25BJetTagsSingleTrack + 00007 openHltBLifetimeL25BJetTags )
Definition at line 54 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL25TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL25TagInfosSingleTop) |
Definition at line 20 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL3Associator = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3AssociatorSingleTop) |
Definition at line 72 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL3BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTop) |
Definition at line 79 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTrack = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTrack) |
Definition at line 83 of file
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + 00003 HLTDoLocalStripSequence + 00004 openHltBLifetimeRegionalPixelSeedGenerator + 00005 openHltBLifetimeRegionalCkfTrackCandidates + 00006 openHltBLifetimeRegionalCtfWithMaterialTracks + 00007 openHltBLifetimeL3Associator + 00008 openHltBLifetimeL3TagInfos + 00009 openHltBLifetimeL3BJetTagsSingleTrack + 00010 openHltBLifetimeL3BJetTags )
Definition at line 87 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeL3TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeL3TagInfosSingleTop) |
Definition at line 76 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeRegionalCkfTrackCandidates = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeRegionalCkfTrackCandidatesSingleTop) |
Definition at line 66 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeRegionalCtfWithMaterialTracks = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeRegionalCtfWithMaterialTracksSingleTop) |
Definition at line 69 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBLifetimeRegionalPixelSeedGenerator = copy.deepcopy(hltBLifetimeRegionalPixelSeedGeneratorSingleTop) |
Definition at line 63 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBPerfMeasL3BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20Mu5SelL3BJetTagsByDR) |
BTagMu paths make use of SoftMuonByDR both at L2.5 and L3.
Definition at line 115 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBSoftmuonL25BJetTags = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20L25BJetTagsByDR) |
BTagMu paths make use of SoftMuonByDR both at L2.5 and L3.
Definition at line 107 of file
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + 00003 openHltBSoftmuonL25TagInfos + 00004 openHltBSoftmuonL25BJetTags )
Definition at line 118 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBSoftmuonL25TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20L25TagInfos) |
soft-muon-based b-tag OpenHLT (ideal, start up, and performance meas.) #### L1 filter is skipped L2 reco sequence is common to all paths, and taken from the global table L2.5 and L3 sequences are rewritten to bypass selectors and filters
Definition at line 103 of file
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence + 00003 openHltBSoftmuonL3TagInfos + 00004 openHltBPerfMeasL3BJetTags )
Definition at line 123 of file
tuple OpenHLT_BJet_cff::openHltBSoftmuonL3TagInfos = copy.deepcopy(hltBSoftMuonDiJet20Mu5SelL3TagInfos) |
Definition at line 110 of file