![]() |
![]() |
def configTemplates::alternateTemplate | ( | templateName, | |
alternateTemplateName | |||
) |
Alternate Templates.
Definition at line 776 of file configTemplates.py.
00777 : 00778 00779 if not templateName in globals().keys(): 00780 raise StandardError, "unkown template to replace %s"%templateName 00781 if not alternateTemplateName in globals().keys(): 00782 raise StandardError, "unkown template to replace %s"%alternateTemplateName 00783 globals()[ templateName ] = globals()[ alternateTemplateName ] 00784 # = eval("configTemplates.%s"%"alternateTemplate") 00785 00786
string configTemplates::APETemplate |
00001 """ 00002 from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import * 00003 process.APE = poolDBESSource.clone( 00004 connect = cms.string('.oO[errordbpath]Oo.'), 00005 timetype = cms.string("runnumber"), 00006 toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd'), 00007 tag = cms.string('.oO[errortag]Oo.') 00008 )) 00009 ) 00010 process.es_prefer_APE = cms.ESPrefer("PoolDBESSource", "APE") 00011 """
Definition at line 423 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 #merge for .oO[validationId]Oo. 00003 root -q -b '.oO[CMSSW_BASE]Oo./src/Alignment/OfflineValidation/scripts/compareAlignments.cc+(\".oO[compareStrings]Oo.\")' 00004 mv result.root .oO[validationId]Oo._result.root 00005 """
Definition at line 499 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 340 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1114 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 982 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 #from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import * 00003 from CalibTracker.Configuration.Common.PoolDBESSource_cfi import poolDBESSource 00004 ##include private db object 00005 ## 00006 import CalibTracker.Configuration.Common.PoolDBESSource_cfi 00007 process.trackerAlignment = CalibTracker.Configuration.Common.PoolDBESSource_cfi.poolDBESSource.clone( 00008 connect = cms.string('.oO[dbpath]Oo.'), 00009 timetype = cms.string("runnumber"), 00010 toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('TrackerAlignmentRcd'), 00011 tag = cms.string('.oO[tag]Oo.') 00012 )) 00013 ) 00014 process.es_prefer_trackerAlignment = cms.ESPrefer("PoolDBESSource", "trackerAlignment") 00015 00016 """
Definition at line 406 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 //_________________________ db Output ____________________________ 00003 # setup for writing out to DB 00004 include "CondCore/DBCommon/data/CondDBSetup.cfi" 00005 # include "CondCore/DBCommon/data/CondDBCommon.cfi" 00006 00007 service = PoolDBOutputService { 00008 using CondDBSetup 00009 VPSet toPut = { 00010 { string record = "TrackerAlignmentRcd" string tag = ".oO[tag]Oo." }, 00011 { string record = "TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd" string tag = ".oO[errortag]Oo." } 00012 } 00013 string connect = "sqlite_file:.oO[workdir]Oo./.oO[name]Oo.Common.oO[common]Oo..db" 00014 # untracked string catalog = "file:alignments.xml" 00015 untracked string timetype = "runnumber" 00016 } 00017 """
Definition at line 388 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 #run extended offline validation scripts 00003 rfmkdir -p .oO[workdir]Oo./ExtendedOfflineValidation_Images 00004 root -x -b -q .oO[extendeValScriptPath]Oo. 00005 rfmkdir -p .oO[datadir]Oo./ExtendedOfflineValidation_Images 00006 find .oO[workdir]Oo./ExtendedOfflineValidation_Images -maxdepth 1 -name \"*ps\" -print | xargs -I {} bash -c \"rfcp {} .oO[datadir]Oo./ExtendedOfflineValidation_Images\" 00007 """
Definition at line 505 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 void TkAlExtendedOfflineValidation() 00003 { 00004 // load framework lite just to find the CMSSW libs... 00005 gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite"); 00006 AutoLibraryLoader::enable(); 00007 //compile the makro 00008 gROOT->ProcessLine(".L .oO[CMSSW_BASE]Oo./src/Alignment/OfflineValidation/macros/PlotAlignmentValidation.C++"); 00009 00010 .oO[extendedInstantiation]Oo. 00011 gROOT->ProcessLine(".mkdir -p .oO[workdir]Oo./ExtendedOfflineValidation_Images/"); 00012 p.setOutputDir(".oO[workdir]Oo./ExtendedOfflineValidation_Images"); 00013 p.setTreeBaseDir(".oO[OfflineTreeBaseDir]Oo."); 00014 p.plotDMR(".oO[DMRMethod]Oo.",.oO[DMRMinimum]Oo.); 00015 } 00016 """
Definition at line 513 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 278 of file configTemplates.py.
string configTemplates::LorentzAngleTemplate = "#use lorentz angle from global tag" |
Definition at line 217 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 530 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 #!/bin/bash 00003 #init 00004 export STAGE_SVCCLASS=cmscafuser 00005 source /afs/cern.ch/cms/sw/cmsset_default.sh 00006 cd .oO[CMSSW_BASE]Oo./src 00007 eval `scramv1 ru -sh` 00008 rfmkdir -p .oO[workdir]Oo. 00009 cd .oO[workdir]Oo. 00010 00011 #run 00012 .oO[DownloadData]Oo. 00013 .oO[CompareAllignments]Oo. 00014 00015 find ./ -maxdepth 1 -name "*_result.root" -print | xargs -I {} bash -c "rfcp {} .oO[datadir]Oo." 00016 00017 .oO[RunExtendedOfflineValidation]Oo. 00018 00019 #zip stdout and stderr from the farm jobs 00020 gzip .oO[logdir]Oo./*.stderr 00021 gzip .oO[logdir]Oo./*.stdout 00022 00023 """
Definition at line 475 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 process.TrackerOfflineValidationSummary.oO[offlineValidationMode]Oo..removeModuleLevelHists = .oO[offlineModuleLevelHistsTransient]Oo. 00003 process.DqmSaverTkAl.workflow = '.oO[workflow]Oo.' 00004 process.DqmSaverTkAl.dirName = '.oO[workdir]Oo./.' 00005 process.DqmSaverTkAl.forceRunNumber = .oO[firstRunNumber]Oo. 00006 """
Definition at line 204 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 process.TFileService.fileName = '.oO[outputFile]Oo.' 00003 """
Definition at line 200 of file configTemplates.py.
Default Templates.
Definition at line 5 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 schum schum 00003 """
Definition at line 788 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 438 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1331 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1380 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1514 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1447 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1265 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1640 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 1581 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 219 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 606 of file configTemplates.py.
Definition at line 792 of file configTemplates.py.
00001 """ 00002 from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import * 00003 process.APE = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource",CondDBSetup, 00004 connect = cms.string('frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_31X_FROM21X'), 00005 timetype = cms.string("runnumber"), 00006 toGet = cms.VPSet( 00007 cms.PSet(record = cms.string('TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd'), 00008 tag = cms.string('TrackerIdealGeometryErrors210_mc') 00009 )) 00010 ) 00011 process.es_prefer_APE = cms.ESPrefer("PoolDBESSource", "APE") 00012 """
Definition at line 969 of file configTemplates.py.