Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

PFRootEventManager Class Reference

ROOT interface to particle flow package. More...

#include <PFRootEventManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for PFRootEventManager:
MyPFRootEventManager PFRootEventManagerColin

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::map< int, int > EventToEntry
typedef std::map< int,
typedef std::map< int, LumisMapRunsMap
enum  Verbosity { SHUTUP = 0, VERBOSE }
enum  View_t {
  XY = 0, RZ = 1, EPE = 2, EPH = 3,
  NViews = 4

viewport definition


Public Member Functions

const reco::PFBlockCollectionblocks () const
int chargeValue (const int &pdgId) const
const reco::PFSimParticleclosestParticle (reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::LayerType layer, double eta, double phi, double &peta, double &pphi, double &pe) const
 find the closest PFSimParticle to a point (eta,phi) in a given detector
void clustering ()
 read data from testbeam tree
void connect (const char *infilename="")
 open the root file and connect to the tree
bool countChargedAndPhotons () const
bool eventAccepted () const
 returns true if the event is accepted(have a look at the function implementation)
int eventNumber ()
int eventToEntry (int run, int lumi, int event) const
std::string expand (const std::string &oldString) const
void fillClusterMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PFClusterCollection &clusters) const
 cluster mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG
void fillOutEventWithBlocks (const reco::PFBlockCollection &blocks)
 fills outEvent with blocks
void fillOutEventWithCaloTowers (const CaloTowerCollection &cts)
 fills outEvent with calo towers
void fillOutEventWithClusters (const reco::PFClusterCollection &clusters)
 fills OutEvent with clusters
void fillOutEventWithPFCandidates (const reco::PFCandidateCollection &pfCandidates)
 fills OutEvent with candidates
void fillOutEventWithSimParticles (const reco::PFSimParticleCollection &ptcs)
 fills OutEvent with sim particles
void fillPhotonMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PhotonCollection &photons) const
 photon mask set to true for photons inside TCutG
void fillRecHitMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PFRecHitCollection &rechits) const
 rechit mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG
void fillTrackMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::PFRecTrackCollection &tracks) const
 track mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG
void fillTrackMask (std::vector< bool > &mask, const reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection &tracks) const
std::string getGenParticleName (int partId, std::string &latexStringName) const
 get name of genParticle
bool highPtJet (double ptMin) const
 returns true if there is at least one jet with pT>pTmin
bool highPtPFCandidate (double ptMin, reco::PFCandidate::ParticleType type=reco::PFCandidate::X) const
 returns true if there is a PFCandidate of a given type over a given pT
void initializeEventInformation ()
bool isHadronicTau () const
 study the sim event to check if the tau decay is hadronic
void mcTruthMatching (std::ostream &out, const reco::PFCandidateCollection &candidates, std::vector< std::list< simMatch > > &candSimMatchTrack, std::vector< std::list< simMatch > > &candSimMatchEcal) const
void particleFlow ()
 performs particle flow
void pfCandCompare (int)
 compare particle flow
 PFRootEventManager (const char *file)
 PFRootEventManager ()
 default constructor
void PreprocessRecHits (reco::PFRecHitCollection &rechits, bool findNeighbours)
 preprocess a rechit vector from a given rechit branch
void PreprocessRecTracks (reco::PFRecTrackCollection &rectracks)
 preprocess a rectrack vector from a given rectrack branch
void PreprocessRecTracks (reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection &rectracks)
void print (std::ostream &out=std::cout, int maxNLines=-1) const
 print information
void printCluster (const reco::PFCluster &cluster, std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
void printClusters (const reco::PFClusterCollection &clusters, std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
 print clusters
void printGenParticles (std::ostream &out=std::cout, int maxNLines=-1) const
 print the HepMC truth
void printMCCalib (std::ofstream &out) const
 print calibration information
void printRecHit (const reco::PFRecHit &rh, unsigned index, const char *seed=" ", std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
void printRecHits (const reco::PFRecHitCollection &rechits, const PFClusterAlgo &clusterAlgo, std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
 print rechits
virtual bool processEntry (int entry)
 process one entry (pass the TTree entry)
virtual bool processEvent (int run, int lumi, int event)
 process one event (pass the CMS event number)
void readCMSSWJets ()
bool readFromSimulation (int entry)
 read data from simulation tree
void readOptions (const char *file, bool refresh=true, bool reconnect=false)
virtual void readSpecificOptions (const char *file)
void reconstructCaloJets ()
 reconstruct calo jets
void reconstructFWLiteJets (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &Candidates, std::vector< ProtoJet > &output)
 used by the reconstruct*Jets functions
void reconstructGenJets ()
 reconstruct gen jets
void reconstructPFJets ()
 reconstruct pf jets
void reset ()
 reset before next event
void setRecHitNeigbours (reco::PFRecHit &rh, const std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &detId2index)
edm::InputTag stringToTag (const std::vector< std::string > &tagname)
 returns an InputTag from a vector of strings
double tauBenchmark (const reco::PFCandidateCollection &candidates)
 COLIN need to get rid of this mess.
bool trackInsideGCut (const reco::PFTrack &track) const
 is PFTrack inside cut G ? yes if at least one trajectory point is inside.
TTree * tree ()
 get tree
virtual void write ()
virtual ~PFRootEventManager ()

Public Attributes

std::ofstream * calibFile_
< PFEnergyCalibration
std::vector< ProtoJetcaloJets_
 calo Jets
std::vector< reco::CaloJetcaloJetsCMSSW_
edm::Handle< std::vector
< reco::CaloJet > > 
 CMSSW calo Jets.
edm::InputTag caloJetsTag_
reco::CaloMETCollection caloMets_
 Calo MET.
reco::CaloMETCollection caloMetsCMSSW_
< reco::CaloMETCollection
edm::InputTag caloMetsTag_
CaloTowerCollection caloTowers_
edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollectioncaloTowersHandle_
 input collection of calotowers
reco::CandidatePtrVector caloTowersPtrs_
edm::InputTag caloTowersTag_
PFClusterAlgo clusterAlgoECAL_
PFClusterAlgo clusterAlgoHCAL_
 clustering algorithm for HCAL
PFClusterAlgo clusterAlgoHFEM_
 clustering algorithm for HF, electro-magnetic layer
PFClusterAlgo clusterAlgoHFHAD_
 clustering algorithm for HF, hadronic layer
PFClusterAlgo clusterAlgoPS_
 clustering algorithm for PS
< pftools::PFClusterCalibration
< reco::PFClusterCollection
< reco::PFClusterCollection
 clusters ECAL
edm::InputTag clustersECALTag_
< reco::PFClusterCollection
< reco::PFClusterCollection
 clusters HCAL
edm::InputTag clustersHCALTag_
< reco::PFClusterCollection
< reco::PFClusterCollection
 clusters HCAL
edm::InputTag clustersHFEMTag_
< reco::PFClusterCollection
< reco::PFClusterCollection
 clusters HCAL
edm::InputTag clustersHFHADTag_
< reco::PFClusterCollection
< reco::PFClusterCollection
 clusters PS
edm::InputTag clustersPSTag_
reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection convBremGsfrecTracks_
< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection
 reconstructed secondary GSF tracks
edm::InputTag convBremGsfrecTracksTag_
reco::PFConversionCollection conversion_
< reco::PFConversionCollection
edm::InputTag conversionTag_
std::vector< reco::CaloJetcorrcaloJetsCMSSW_
edm::Handle< std::vector
< reco::CaloJet > > 
 CMSSW corrected calo Jets.
edm::InputTag corrcaloJetsTag_
bool debug_
 debug printouts for this PFRootEventManager on/off
double DeltaMETcut
double DeltaPhicut
reco::PFRecTrackCollection displacedRecTracks_
< reco::PFRecTrackCollection
edm::InputTag displacedRecTracksTag_
bool doClustering_
bool doCompare_
 comparison with pf CMSSW
bool doJets_
 jets on/off
bool doMet_
 MET on/off.
bool doParticleFlow_
 particle flow on/off
bool doPFCandidateBenchmark_
bool doPFDQM_
bool doPFJetBenchmark_
 PFJet benchmark on/off.
bool doPFMETBenchmark_
 PFMET benchmark on/off.
bool doTauBenchmark_
 tau benchmark on/off
TFile * dqmFile_
< reco::GsfElectronCollection
reco::GsfElectronCollection egammaElectrons_
edm::InputTag egammaElectronsTag_
 NEW: input event.
 event auxiliary information
TBranch * eventAuxiliaryBranch_
bool fastsim_
 Fastsim or fullsim.
TFile * file_
 input file
bool filterHadronicTaus_
unsigned filterNParticles_
std::vector< int > filterTaus_
bool findRecHitNeighbours_
 find rechit neighbours ?
reco::GenJetCollection genJets_
 gen Jets
reco::GenJetCollection genJetsCMSSW_
< reco::GenJetCollection
 CMSSW gen Jets.
edm::InputTag genJetsTag_
reco::GenParticleCollection genParticlesCMSSW_
reco::GenParticleRefVector genParticlesforJets_
< reco::GenParticleRefVector
 input collection of gen particles
reco::CandidatePtrVector genParticlesforJetsPtrs_
edm::InputTag genParticlesforJetsTag_
< reco::GenParticleCollection
 CMSSW GenParticles.
edm::InputTag genParticlesforMETTag_
reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection gsfrecTracks_
< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection
 reconstructed GSF tracks
edm::InputTag gsfrecTracksTag_
TH1F * h_deltaETvisible_MCEHT_
 output histo dET ( EHT - MC)
TH1F * h_deltaETvisible_MCPF_
 output histo dET ( PF - MC)
int iEvent_
 current event
std::vector< std::string > inFileNames_
 input file names
bool JECinCaloMet_
 propagate the Jet Energy Corrections to the caloMET on/off
PFJetAlgorithm jetAlgo_
int jetAlgoType_
 jet algo type
FWLiteJetProducer jetMaker_
 wrapper to official jet algorithms
bool jetsDebug_
 debug printouts for jet algo on/off
RunsMap mapEventToEntry_
edm::HepMCProduct MCTruth_
edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProductMCTruthHandle_
 MC truth.
edm::InputTag MCTruthTag_
double MET1cut
 PFMET Benchmark.
std::auto_ptr< METManagermetManager_
reco::MuonCollection muons_
edm::Handle< reco::MuonCollectionmuonsHandle_
edm::InputTag muonsTag_
 options file parser
TFile * outFile_
 output file
std::string outFileName_
 output filename
TTree * outTree_
 output tree
PFAlgo pfAlgo_
 particle flow algorithm
PFBlockAlgo pfBlockAlgo_
 algorithm for building the particle flow blocks
< reco::PFBlockCollection
 reconstructed pfblocks
reco::PFCandidateCollection pfCandCMSSW_
< reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection
< reco::PFCandidateCollection
 CMSSW PF candidates.
PFCandidateManager pfCandidateManager_
< reco::PFCandidateCollection
 reconstructed pfCandidates
reco::CandidatePtrVector pfCandidatesPtrs_
edm::InputTag pfCandidateTag_
PFJetBenchmark PFJetBenchmark_
 PFJet Benchmark.
PFJetMonitor pfJetMonitor_
reco::PFJetCollection pfJets_
 PF Jets.
reco::PFJetCollection pfJetsCMSSW_
< reco::PFJetCollection
edm::InputTag pfJetsTag_
PFMETMonitor pfMETMonitor_
reco::PFMETCollection pfMets_
reco::PFMETCollection pfMetsCMSSW_
< reco::PFMETCollection
edm::InputTag pfMetsTag_
reco::PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection pfNuclearTrackerVertex_
< reco::PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection
edm::InputTag pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_
< reco::PhotonCollection
reco::PhotonCollection photons_
edm::InputTag photonTag_
reco::VertexCollection primaryVertices_
< reco::VertexCollection
 reconstructed primary vertices
edm::InputTag primaryVerticesTag_
bool printClusters_
 print clusters yes/no
double printClustersEMin_
bool printGenParticles_
 print MC truth yes/no
double printGenParticlesPtMin_
bool printMCTruthMatching_
bool printPFBlocks_
 print PFBlocks yes/no
bool printPFCandidates_
 print PFCandidates yes/no
double printPFCandidatesPtMin_
bool printPFJets_
 print PFJets yes/no
double printPFJetsPtMin_
bool printRecHits_
 print rechits yes/no
double printRecHitsEMin_
bool printSimParticles_
 print true particles yes/no
double printSimParticlesPtMin_
reco::PFRecHitCollection rechitsCLEANED_
std::vector< edm::Handle
< reco::PFRecHitCollection > > 
std::vector< edm::InputTagrechitsCLEANEDTags_
< reco::PFRecHitCollection
 rechits HF CLEANED
reco::PFRecHitCollection rechitsECAL_
< reco::PFRecHitCollection
 rechits ECAL
edm::InputTag rechitsECALTag_
reco::PFRecHitCollection rechitsHCAL_
< reco::PFRecHitCollection
 rechits HCAL
edm::InputTag rechitsHCALTag_
reco::PFRecHitCollection rechitsHFEM_
< reco::PFRecHitCollection
 rechits HF EM
edm::InputTag rechitsHFEMTag_
reco::PFRecHitCollection rechitsHFHAD_
< reco::PFRecHitCollection
 rechits HF HAD
edm::InputTag rechitsHFHADTag_
reco::PFRecHitCollection rechitsPS_
< reco::PFRecHitCollection
 rechits PS
edm::InputTag rechitsPSTag_
reco::PFRecTrackCollection recTracks_
< reco::PFRecTrackCollection
 reconstructed tracks
edm::InputTag recTracksTag_
reco::TrackCollection stdTracks_
< reco::TrackCollection
 standard reconstructed tracks
edm::InputTag stdTracksTag_
bool tauBenchmarkDebug_
 tau benchmark debug
reco::METCollection tcMets_
reco::METCollection tcMetsCMSSW_
edm::Handle< reco::METCollectiontcMetsHandle_
edm::InputTag tcMetsTag_
< PFEnergyCalibrationHF
TTree * tree_
 input tree
reco::PFSimParticleCollection trueParticles_
< reco::PFSimParticleCollection
 true particles
edm::InputTag trueParticlesTag_
bool useAtHLT
 Use HLT tracking.
bool useConvBremGsfTracks_
 Use Secondary Gsf Tracks.
bool useConvBremPFRecTracks_
 Use Conv Brem KF Tracks.
bool useEGElectrons_
 Use EGElectrons.
bool useEGPhotons_
 Use EGPhotons.
bool useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_
 ECAL-track link optimization.
bool usePFConversions_
 Use of conversions in PFAlgo.
bool usePFElectrons_
 Use PFElectrons.
bool usePFNuclearInteractions_
 Use of PFDisplacedVertex in PFAlgo.
bool usePFV0s_
 Use of V0 in PFAlgo.
reco::PFV0Collection v0_
edm::Handle< reco::PFV0Collectionv0Handle_
edm::InputTag v0Tag_
int verbosity_

Detailed Description

ROOT interface to particle flow package.

This base class allows to perform clustering and particle flow from ROOT CINT (or any program). It is designed to support analysis and developpement. Users should feel free to create their own PFRootEventManager, inheriting from this base class. Just reimplement the ProcessEntry function

An example:


  PFRootEventManager em("pfRootEvent.opt");
  int i=0;
  em.processEntry( i++ )

pfRootEvent.opt is an option file (see IO class):

  root file test.root

  root hits_branch  recoPFRecHits_pfcluster__Demo.obj
  root recTracks_branch  recoPFRecTracks_pf_PFRecTrackCollection_Demo.obj

  display algos 1 

  display  viewsize_etaphi 600 400
  display  viewsize_xy     400 400

  display  color_clusters               1

  clustering thresh_Ecal_Barrel           0.2
  clustering thresh_Seed_Ecal_Barrel      0.3
  clustering thresh_Ecal_Endcap           0.2
  clustering thresh_Seed_Ecal_Endcap      0.9
  clustering neighbours_Ecal            4

  clustering depthCor_Mode          1
  clustering depthCor_A                   0.89
  clustering depthCor_B                   7.3
  clustering depthCor_A_preshower   0.89
  clustering depthCor_B_preshower   4.0

  clustering thresh_Hcal_Barrel           1.0
  clustering thresh_Seed_Hcal_Barrel      1.4
  clustering thresh_Hcal_Endcap           1.0
  clustering thresh_Seed_Hcal_Endcap      1.4
  clustering neighbours_Hcal            4
Colin Bernet, Renaud Bruneliere
July 2006

Definition at line 190 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<int, int> PFRootEventManager::EventToEntry

Definition at line 875 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 876 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

typedef std::map<int, LumisMap> PFRootEventManager::RunsMap

Definition at line 877 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 196 of file PFRootEventManager.h.


viewport definition


Definition at line 195 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

{ XY = 0, RZ = 1, EPE = 2, EPH = 3, NViews = 4 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFRootEventManager::PFRootEventManager ( )

default constructor

Definition at line 58 of file

PFRootEventManager::PFRootEventManager ( const char *  file)
isan option file, see IO

Definition at line 62 of file

References h_deltaETvisible_MCEHT_, h_deltaETvisible_MCPF_, initializeEventInformation(), and readOptions().

  //   clusters_(new reco::PFClusterCollection),
  eventAuxiliary_( new edm::EventAuxiliary ),
  clustersECAL_(new reco::PFClusterCollection),
  clustersHCAL_(new reco::PFClusterCollection),
  clustersHFEM_(new reco::PFClusterCollection),
  clustersHFHAD_(new reco::PFClusterCollection),
  clustersPS_(new reco::PFClusterCollection),
  pfBlocks_(new reco::PFBlockCollection),
  pfCandidates_(new reco::PFCandidateCollection),
  pfCandidateElectronExtras_(new reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection),
  //pfJets_(new reco::PFJetCollection),
  //   iEvent_=0;
    = new TH1F("h_deltaETvisible_MCEHT","Jet Et difference CaloTowers-MC"
    = new TH1F("h_deltaETvisible_MCPF" ,"Jet Et difference ParticleFlow-MC"

  readOptions(file, true, true);
  //   maxERecHitEcal_ = -1;
  //   maxERecHitHcal_ = -1;

PFRootEventManager::~PFRootEventManager ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 1581 of file

References options_, outEvent_, and outFile_.


  if(outFile_) {

  if(outEvent_) delete outEvent_;

  delete options_;


Member Function Documentation

const reco::PFBlockCollection& PFRootEventManager::blocks ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 391 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

References pfBlocks_.

Referenced by DisplayManager::findBlock().

{ return *pfBlocks_; }
int PFRootEventManager::chargeValue ( const int &  pdgId) const

return the chargex3

Definition at line 2390 of file

References abs.


  //...Purpose: to give three times the charge for a particle/parton.

  //      ID     = particle ID
  //      hepchg = particle charge times 3

  int kqa,kq1,kq2,kq3,kqj,irt,kqx,kqn;
  int hepchg;

  int ichg[109]={-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,0,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3,0,

  //...Initial values. Simple case of direct readout.

  //...illegal or ion
  //...set ion charge to zero - not enough information
  if(kqa==0 || kqa >= 10000000) {

    if(kqn==1) {hepchg=0;}
  //... direct translation
  else if(kqa<=100) {hepchg = ichg[kqa-1];}
  //... deuteron or tritium
  else if(kqa==100 || kqa==101) {hepchg = -3;}
  //... alpha or He3
  else if(kqa==102 || kqa==104) {hepchg = -6;}
  //... KS and KL (and undefined)
  else if(kqj == 0) {hepchg = 0;}
  //C... direct translation
  else if(kqx>0 && irt<100)
      hepchg = ichg[irt-1];
      if(kqa==1000017 || kqa==1000018) {hepchg = 0;}
      if(kqa==1000034 || kqa==1000052) {hepchg = 0;}
      if(kqa==1000053 || kqa==1000054) {hepchg = 0;}
      if(kqa==5100061 || kqa==5100062) {hepchg = 6;}
  //...Construction from quark content for heavy meson, diquark, baryon.
  else if(kq3==0)
      hepchg = ichg[kq2-1]-ichg[kq1-1];
      //...Strange or beauty mesons.
      if((kq2==3) || (kq2==5)) {hepchg = ichg[kq1-1]-ichg[kq2-1];}
  else if(kq1 == 0) {
    hepchg = ichg[kq3-1] + ichg[kq2-1];

    hepchg = ichg[kq3-1]+ichg[kq2-1]+ichg[kq1-1];

  //... fix sign of charge
  if(Id<0 && hepchg!=0) {hepchg = -1*hepchg;}

  // cout << hepchg<< endl;
  return hepchg;
const reco::PFSimParticle & PFRootEventManager::closestParticle ( reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::LayerType  layer,
double  eta,
double  phi,
double &  peta,
double &  pphi,
double &  pe 
) const

find the closest PFSimParticle to a point (eta,phi) in a given detector

Definition at line 4195 of file

References eta(), reco::PFTrack::extrapolatedPoint(), i, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::momentum(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::NLayers, reco::PFTrack::nTrajectoryMeasurements(), reco::PFTrack::nTrajectoryPoints(), phi, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::position(), and trueParticles_.

Referenced by fillOutEventWithClusters().


  if( trueParticles_.empty() ) {
    string err  = "PFRootEventManager::closestParticle : ";
    err        += "vector of PFSimParticles is empty";
    throw std::length_error( err.c_str() );

  double mindist2 = 99999999;
  unsigned iClosest=0;
  for(unsigned i=0; i<trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
    const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];

    // protection for old version of the PFSimParticle 
    // dataformats. 
    if( layer >= reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::NLayers ||
        ptc.nTrajectoryMeasurements() + layer >= 
        ptc.nTrajectoryPoints() ) {

    const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& tp
      = ptc.extrapolatedPoint( layer );

    peta = tp.position().Eta();
    pphi = tp.position().Phi();
    pe = tp.momentum().E();

    double deta = peta - eta;
    double dphi = pphi - phi;

    double dist2 = deta*deta + dphi*dphi;

    if(dist2<mindist2) {
      mindist2 = dist2;
      iClosest = i;

  return trueParticles_[iClosest];
void PFRootEventManager::clustering ( )

read data from testbeam tree

performs clustering

Definition at line 2547 of file

References clusterAlgoECAL_, clusterAlgoHCAL_, clusterAlgoHFEM_, clusterAlgoHFHAD_, clusterAlgoPS_, PFClusterAlgo::clusters(), clustersECAL_, clustersHCAL_, clustersHFEM_, clustersHFHAD_, clustersPS_, gather_cfg::cout, PFClusterAlgo::doClustering(), fillOutEventWithClusters(), fillRecHitMask(), rechitsECAL_, rechitsHCAL_, rechitsHFEM_, rechitsHFHAD_, rechitsPS_, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    cout <<"start clustering"<<endl;
  vector<bool> mask;
  // ECAL clustering -------------------------------------------

  fillRecHitMask( mask, rechitsECAL_ );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.doClustering( rechitsECAL_, mask );
  clustersECAL_ = clusterAlgoECAL_.clusters();

  assert(clustersECAL_.get() );

  fillOutEventWithClusters( *clustersECAL_ );

  // HCAL clustering -------------------------------------------

  fillRecHitMask( mask, rechitsHCAL_ );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.doClustering( rechitsHCAL_, mask );
  clustersHCAL_ = clusterAlgoHCAL_.clusters();

  fillOutEventWithClusters( *clustersHCAL_ );

  // HF clustering -------------------------------------------

  fillRecHitMask( mask, rechitsHFEM_ );
  clusterAlgoHFEM_.doClustering( rechitsHFEM_, mask );
  clustersHFEM_ = clusterAlgoHFEM_.clusters();
  fillRecHitMask( mask, rechitsHFHAD_ );
  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.doClustering( rechitsHFHAD_, mask );
  clustersHFHAD_ = clusterAlgoHFHAD_.clusters();

  // PS clustering -------------------------------------------

  fillRecHitMask( mask, rechitsPS_ );
  clusterAlgoPS_.doClustering( rechitsPS_, mask );
  clustersPS_ = clusterAlgoPS_.clusters();

  fillOutEventWithClusters( *clustersPS_ );
void PFRootEventManager::connect ( const char *  infilename = "")

open the root file and connect to the tree

Definition at line 1391 of file

References caloJetsTag_, caloMetsTag_, caloTowersTag_, convBremGsfrecTracksTag_, conversionTag_, corrcaloJetsTag_, gather_cfg::cout, displacedRecTracksTag_, AutoLibraryLoader::enable(), ev_, genJetsTag_, genParticlesforJetsTag_, genParticlesforMETTag_, IO::GetOpt(), gsfrecTracksTag_, indexGen::ifile, inFileNames_, fwlite::ChainEvent::isValid(), MCTruthTag_, muonsTag_, options_, pfCandidateTag_, pfJetsTag_, pfMetsTag_, pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_, photonTag_, primaryVerticesTag_, rechitsCLEANEDHandles_, rechitsCLEANEDTags_, rechitsCLEANEDV_, rechitsECALTag_, rechitsHCALTag_, rechitsHFEMTag_, rechitsHFHADTag_, rechitsPSTag_, recTracksTag_, fwlite::ChainEvent::size(), stdTracksTag_, o2o::tags, tcMetsTag_, trueParticlesTag_, useConvBremGsfTracks_, useConvBremPFRecTracks_, usePFConversions_, usePFNuclearInteractions_, usePFV0s_, and v0Tag_.

Referenced by readOptions().


  cout<<"Opening input root files"<<endl;

  options_->GetOpt("root","file", inFileNames_);

  try {
  catch(string& err) {

  ev_ = new fwlite::ChainEvent(inFileNames_);

  if ( !ev_ || !ev_->isValid() ) { 
    cout << "The rootfile(s) " << endl;
    for ( unsigned int ifile=0; ifile<inFileNames_.size(); ++ifile ) 
      std::cout << " - " << inFileNames_[ifile] << std::endl;
    cout << " is (are) not valid file(s) to open" << endl;
  } else { 
    cout << "The rootfile(s) : " << endl;
    for ( unsigned int ifile=0; ifile<inFileNames_.size(); ++ifile ) 
      std::cout << " - " << inFileNames_[ifile] << std::endl;
    cout<<" are opened with " << ev_->size() << " events." <<endl;
  // hits branches ----------------------------------------------
  std::string rechitsECALtagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","rechits_ECAL_inputTag", rechitsECALtagname);
  rechitsECALTag_ = edm::InputTag(rechitsECALtagname);

  std::string rechitsHCALtagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","rechits_HCAL_inputTag", rechitsHCALtagname);
  rechitsHCALTag_ = edm::InputTag(rechitsHCALtagname);

  std::string rechitsHFEMtagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","rechits_HFEM_inputTag", rechitsHFEMtagname);
  rechitsHFEMTag_ = edm::InputTag(rechitsHFEMtagname);

  std::string rechitsHFHADtagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","rechits_HFHAD_inputTag", rechitsHFHADtagname);
  rechitsHFHADTag_ = edm::InputTag(rechitsHFHADtagname);

  std::vector<string> rechitsCLEANEDtagnames;
  options_->GetOpt("root","rechits_CLEANED_inputTags", rechitsCLEANEDtagnames);
  for ( unsigned tags = 0; tags<rechitsCLEANEDtagnames.size(); ++tags )

  // Tracks branches
  std::string rechitsPStagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","rechits_PS_inputTag", rechitsPStagname);
  rechitsPSTag_ = edm::InputTag(rechitsPStagname);

  std::string recTrackstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","recTracks_inputTag", recTrackstagname);
  recTracksTag_ = edm::InputTag(recTrackstagname);

  std::string displacedRecTrackstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","displacedRecTracks_inputTag", displacedRecTrackstagname);
  displacedRecTracksTag_ = edm::InputTag(displacedRecTrackstagname);

  std::string primaryVerticestagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","primaryVertices_inputTag", primaryVerticestagname);
  primaryVerticesTag_ = edm::InputTag(primaryVerticestagname);

  std::string stdTrackstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","stdTracks_inputTag", stdTrackstagname);
  stdTracksTag_ = edm::InputTag(stdTrackstagname);

  std::string gsfrecTrackstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","gsfrecTracks_inputTag", gsfrecTrackstagname);
  gsfrecTracksTag_ = edm::InputTag(gsfrecTrackstagname);

  useConvBremGsfTracks_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "useConvBremGsfTracks", useConvBremGsfTracks_);
  if ( useConvBremGsfTracks_ ) { 
    std::string convBremGsfrecTrackstagname;
    options_->GetOpt("root","convBremGsfrecTracks_inputTag", convBremGsfrecTrackstagname);
    convBremGsfrecTracksTag_ = edm::InputTag(convBremGsfrecTrackstagname);

  useConvBremPFRecTracks_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "useConvBremPFRecTracks", useConvBremPFRecTracks_);

  // muons branch
  std::string muonstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","muon_inputTag", muonstagname);
  muonsTag_ = edm::InputTag(muonstagname);

  // conversion
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFConversions", usePFConversions_);
  if( usePFConversions_ ) {
    std::string conversiontagname;
    options_->GetOpt("root","conversion_inputTag", conversiontagname);
    conversionTag_ = edm::InputTag(conversiontagname);

  // V0
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFV0s", usePFV0s_);
  if( usePFV0s_ ) {
    std::string v0tagname;
    options_->GetOpt("root","V0_inputTag", v0tagname);
    v0Tag_ = edm::InputTag(v0tagname);

  // Photons
  std::string photontagname;
  photonTag_ = edm::InputTag(photontagname);

 //Displaced Vertices
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFNuclearInteractions", usePFNuclearInteractions_);
  if( usePFNuclearInteractions_ ) {
    std::string pfNuclearTrackerVertextagname;
    options_->GetOpt("root","PFDisplacedVertex_inputTag", pfNuclearTrackerVertextagname);
    pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_ = edm::InputTag(pfNuclearTrackerVertextagname);

  std::string trueParticlestagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","trueParticles_inputTag", trueParticlestagname);
  trueParticlesTag_ = edm::InputTag(trueParticlestagname);

  std::string MCTruthtagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","MCTruth_inputTag", MCTruthtagname);
  MCTruthTag_ = edm::InputTag(MCTruthtagname);

  std::string caloTowerstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","caloTowers_inputTag", caloTowerstagname);
  caloTowersTag_ = edm::InputTag(caloTowerstagname);

  std::string genJetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","genJets_inputTag", genJetstagname);
  genJetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(genJetstagname);

  std::string genParticlesforMETtagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","genParticlesforMET_inputTag", genParticlesforMETtagname);
  genParticlesforMETTag_ = edm::InputTag(genParticlesforMETtagname);

  std::string genParticlesforJetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","genParticlesforJets_inputTag", genParticlesforJetstagname);
  genParticlesforJetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(genParticlesforJetstagname);

  // PF candidates 
  std::string pfCandidatetagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","particleFlowCand_inputTag", pfCandidatetagname);
  pfCandidateTag_ = edm::InputTag(pfCandidatetagname);

  std::string caloJetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","CaloJets_inputTag", caloJetstagname);
  caloJetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(caloJetstagname);

  std::string corrcaloJetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","corrCaloJets_inputTag", corrcaloJetstagname);
  corrcaloJetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(corrcaloJetstagname);

  std::string pfJetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","PFJets_inputTag", pfJetstagname);
  pfJetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(pfJetstagname);

  std::string pfMetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","PFMET_inputTag", pfMetstagname);
  pfMetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(pfMetstagname);

  std::string caloMetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","CaloMET_inputTag", caloMetstagname);
  caloMetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(caloMetstagname);

  std::string tcMetstagname;
  options_->GetOpt("root","TCMET_inputTag", tcMetstagname);
  tcMetsTag_ = edm::InputTag(tcMetstagname);

bool PFRootEventManager::countChargedAndPhotons ( ) const

study the sim event to check if the number of stable charged particles and stable photons match the selection

Definition at line 2331 of file

References abs, reco::PFTrack::charge(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), reco::PFSimParticle::daughterIds(), filterTaus_, i, reco::tau::helpers::nCharged(), reco::PFSimParticle::pdgCode(), and trueParticles_.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

  int nPhoton = 0;
  int nCharged = 0;
  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
    const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];
    const std::vector<int>& daughters = ptc.daughterIds();

    // if the particle decays before ECAL, we do not want to 
    // consider it.
    if(!daughters.empty() ) continue; 

    double charge = ptc.charge();
    double pdgCode = ptc.pdgCode();
    if( std::abs(charge)>1e-9) 
    else if( pdgCode==22 )

  //   const HepMC::GenEvent* myGenEvent = MCTruth_.GetEvent();
  //   if(!myGenEvent) {
  //     cerr<<"impossible to filter on the number of charged and "
  //    <<"neutral particles without the HepMCProduct. "
  //    <<"Please check that the branch edmHepMCProduct_*_*_* is found"<<endl;
  //     exit(1);
  //   }
  //   for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator 
  //      piter  = myGenEvent->particles_begin();
  //    piter != myGenEvent->particles_end(); 
  //    ++piter ) {
  //     const HepMC::GenParticle* p = *piter;
  //     int partId = p->pdg_id();Long64_t lines = T->ReadFile("mon_fichier","i:j:k:x:y:z");
  // //     pdgTable_->GetParticle( partId )->Print();
  //     int charge = chargeValue(partId);
  //     cout<<partId <<" "<<charge/3.<<endl;

  //     if(charge) 
  //       nCharged++;
  //     else 
  //       nNeutral++;
  //   }
  if( nCharged == filterTaus_[0] && 
      nPhoton == filterTaus_[1]  )
    return true;
    return false;
bool PFRootEventManager::eventAccepted ( ) const

returns true if the event is accepted(have a look at the function implementation)

Definition at line 1880 of file

Referenced by processEntry().

  // return highPtJet(10); 
  //return highPtPFCandidate( 10, PFCandidate::h ); 
  return true;
int PFRootEventManager::eventNumber ( ) [inline]
int PFRootEventManager::eventToEntry ( int  run,
int  lumi,
int  event 
) const

Definition at line 1625 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and mapEventToEntry_.

Referenced by processEvent().

  RunsMap::const_iterator iR = mapEventToEntry_.find( run );
  if( iR != mapEventToEntry_.end() ) {
    LumisMap::const_iterator iL = iR->second.find( lumi );
    if( iL != iR->second.end() ) {
      EventToEntry::const_iterator iE = iL->second.find( event );
      if( iE != iL->second.end() ) {
        return iE->second;
      else {
        cout<<"event "<<event<<" not found in run "<<run<<", lumi "<<lumi<<endl;
    else {
      cout<<"lumi "<<lumi<<" not found in run "<<run<<endl;
    cout<<"run "<<run<<" not found"<<endl;
  return -1;    
string PFRootEventManager::expand ( const std::string &  oldString) const

Definition at line 3473 of file

References begin, benchmark_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, createBeamHaloJobs::directory, end, cmsRelvalreport::exit, cmsCodeRules::pickleFileParser::slash, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by readOptions().


  string newString = oldString;
  string dollar = "$";
  string slash  = "/";
  // protection necessary or segv !!
  int dollarPos = newString.find(dollar,0);
  if( dollarPos == -1 ) return oldString;

  int    lengh  = newString.find(slash,0) - newString.find(dollar,0) + 1;
  string env_variable =
    newString.substr( ( newString.find(dollar,0) + 1 ), lengh -2);
  // the env var could be defined between { }
  int begin = env_variable.find_first_of("{");
  int end = env_variable.find_last_of("}");
  // cout << "var=" << env_variable << begin<<" "<<end<< endl;

  env_variable = env_variable.substr( begin+1, end-1 );
  // cout << "var=" << env_variable <<endl;

  // cerr<<"call getenv "<<endl;
  char* directory = getenv( env_variable.c_str() );

  if(!directory) {
    cerr<<"please define environment variable $"<<env_variable<<endl;
    delete this;
  string sdir = directory;
  sdir += "/";

  newString.replace( 0, lengh , sdir);

  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    cout << "expand " <<oldString<<" to "<< newString << endl;

  return newString;
void PFRootEventManager::fillClusterMask ( std::vector< bool > &  mask,
const reco::PFClusterCollection clusters 
) const

cluster mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG

Definition at line 4115 of file

References eta(), i, and phi.

Referenced by particleFlow().

  TCutG* cutg = (TCutG*) gROOT->FindObject("CUTG");
  if(!cutg) return;

  mask.reserve( clusters.size() );
  for(unsigned i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) {
    double eta = clusters[i].position().Eta();
    double phi = clusters[i].position().Phi();

    if( cutg->IsInside( eta, phi ) )
      mask.push_back( true );
      mask.push_back( false );   
void PFRootEventManager::fillOutEventWithBlocks ( const reco::PFBlockCollection blocks)

fills outEvent with blocks

Definition at line 2731 of file

References EventColin::addBlock(), i, and outEvent_.


  if(!outEvent_) return;
  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < blocks.size(); i++) {

    //    const reco::PFBlock& block = blocks[i];
    EventColin::Block outblock;
    outEvent_->addBlock( outblock );
void PFRootEventManager::fillOutEventWithCaloTowers ( const CaloTowerCollection cts)

fills outEvent with calo towers

Definition at line 2712 of file

References EventColin::addCaloTower(), EventColin::CaloTower::e, EventColin::CaloTower::ee, EventColin::CaloTower::eh, CaloTower::emEnergy(), reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), CaloTower::hadEnergy(), i, outEvent_, and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size().


  if(!outEvent_) return;
  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < cts.size(); i++) {

    const CaloTower& ct = cts[i];
    EventColin::CaloTower outct;
    outct.e  =; = ct.emEnergy(); = ct.hadEnergy();

    outEvent_->addCaloTower( outct );
void PFRootEventManager::fillOutEventWithClusters ( const reco::PFClusterCollection clusters)

fills OutEvent with clusters

Definition at line 2596 of file

References EventColin::addCluster(), closestParticle(), EventColin::Cluster::e, PFLayer::ECAL_BARREL, PFLayer::ECAL_ENDCAP, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALEntrance, reco::Particle::eta(), EventColin::Cluster::eta, exception, PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1, PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::HCALEntrance, i, EventColin::Cluster::layer, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::NLayers, outEvent_, EventColin::Cluster::particle, reco::PFSimParticle::pdgCode(), phi, reco::Particle::phi(), EventColin::Cluster::phi, and EventColin::Cluster::type.

Referenced by clustering().


  if(!outEvent_) return;
  for(unsigned i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) {
    EventColin::Cluster cluster;
    cluster.eta = clusters[i].position().Eta();
    cluster.phi = clusters[i].position().Phi();
    cluster.e = clusters[i].energy();
    cluster.layer = clusters[i].layer();
    cluster.type = 1;

    reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::LayerType tpLayer = 
    switch( clusters[i].layer() ) {
    case PFLayer::ECAL_BARREL:
    case PFLayer::ECAL_ENDCAP:
      tpLayer = reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALEntrance;
    case PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1:
    case PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP:
      tpLayer = reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::HCALEntrance;
    if(tpLayer < reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::NLayers) {
      try {
        double peta = -10;
        double phi = -10;
        double pe = -10;
        const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc 
          = closestParticle( tpLayer, 
                             cluster.eta, cluster.phi, 
                             peta, phi, pe );

        cluster.particle.eta = peta;
        cluster.particle.phi = phi;
        cluster.particle.e = pe;
        cluster.particle.pdgCode = ptc.pdgCode();
      catch( std::exception& err ) {
        // cerr<<err.what()<<endl;

void PFRootEventManager::fillOutEventWithPFCandidates ( const reco::PFCandidateCollection pfCandidates)

fills OutEvent with candidates

Definition at line 2691 of file

References EventColin::addCandidate(), EventColin::Particle::e, reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), EventColin::Particle::eta, i, outEvent_, reco::PFCandidate::particleId(), EventColin::Particle::pdgCode, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), and EventColin::Particle::phi.

Referenced by particleFlow().


  if(!outEvent_) return;
  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < pfCandidates.size(); i++) {

    const reco::PFCandidate& candidate = pfCandidates[i];
    EventColin::Particle outptc;
    outptc.eta = candidate.eta();
    outptc.phi = candidate.phi();    
    outptc.e =;
    outptc.pdgCode = candidate.particleId();
void PFRootEventManager::fillOutEventWithSimParticles ( const reco::PFSimParticleCollection ptcs)

fills OutEvent with sim particles

Definition at line 2653 of file

References EventColin::addParticle(), reco::PFSimParticle::daughterIds(), EventColin::Particle::e, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALEntrance, EventColin::Particle::eta, reco::PFTrack::extrapolatedPoint(), i, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::momentum(), reco::PFTrack::nTrajectoryPoints(), outEvent_, reco::PFSimParticle::pdgCode(), EventColin::Particle::pdgCode, EventColin::Particle::phi, and reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::position().

Referenced by readFromSimulation().


  if(!outEvent_) return;
  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles.size(); i++) {

    const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles[i];

    unsigned ntrajpoints = ptc.nTrajectoryPoints();
    if(ptc.daughterIds().empty() ) { // stable
      reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::LayerType ecalEntrance 
        = reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::ECALEntrance;

      if(ntrajpoints == 3) { 
        // old format for PFSimCandidates. 
        // in this case, the PFSimCandidate which does not decay 
        // before ECAL has 3 points: initial, ecal entrance, hcal entrance
        ecalEntrance = static_cast<reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::LayerType>(1);
      // else continue; // endcap case we do not care;

      const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& tpatecal 
        = ptc.extrapolatedPoint( ecalEntrance );
      EventColin::Particle outptc;
      outptc.eta = tpatecal.position().Eta();
      outptc.phi = tpatecal.position().Phi();    
      outptc.e = tpatecal.momentum().E();
      outptc.pdgCode = ptc.pdgCode();
void PFRootEventManager::fillPhotonMask ( std::vector< bool > &  mask,
const reco::PhotonCollection photons 
) const

photon mask set to true for photons inside TCutG

Definition at line 4155 of file

References eta(), i, and phi.

Referenced by particleFlow().

  TCutG* cutg = (TCutG*) gROOT->FindObject("CUTG");
  if(!cutg) return;

  mask.reserve( photons.size() );
  for(unsigned i=0; i<photons.size(); i++) {
    double eta = photons[i].caloPosition().Eta();
    double phi = photons[i].caloPosition().Phi();
    if( cutg->IsInside( eta, phi ) )
      mask.push_back( true );
      mask.push_back( false );   
void PFRootEventManager::fillRecHitMask ( std::vector< bool > &  mask,
const reco::PFRecHitCollection rechits 
) const

rechit mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG

Definition at line 4090 of file

References eta(), i, and phi.

Referenced by clustering().


  TCutG* cutg = (TCutG*) gROOT->FindObject("CUTG");
  if(!cutg) {
    mask.resize( rechits.size(), true);

  mask.reserve( rechits.size() );
  for(unsigned i=0; i<rechits.size(); i++) {
    double eta = rechits[i].position().Eta();
    double phi = rechits[i].position().Phi();

    if( cutg->IsInside( eta, phi ) )
      mask.push_back( true );
      mask.push_back( false );   
void PFRootEventManager::fillTrackMask ( std::vector< bool > &  mask,
const reco::PFRecTrackCollection tracks 
) const

track mask set to true for rechits inside TCutG

Referenced by particleFlow().

void PFRootEventManager::fillTrackMask ( std::vector< bool > &  mask,
const reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection tracks 
) const
std::string PFRootEventManager::getGenParticleName ( int  partId,
std::string &  latexStringName 
) const

get name of genParticle

Definition at line 4262 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

Referenced by DisplayManager::createGGenParticle(), and printGenParticles().

  std::string  name;
  switch(partId) {
  case    1: { name = "d";latexString="d"; break; } 
  case    2: { name = "u";latexString="u";break; } 
  case    3: { name = "s";latexString="s" ;break; } 
  case    4: { name = "c";latexString="c" ; break; } 
  case    5: { name = "b";latexString="b" ; break; } 
  case    6: { name = "t";latexString="t" ; break; } 
  case   -1: { name = "~d";latexString="#bar{d}" ; break; } 
  case   -2: { name = "~u";latexString="#bar{u}" ; break; } 
  case   -3: { name = "~s";latexString="#bar{s}" ; break; } 
  case   -4: { name = "~c";latexString="#bar{c}" ; break; } 
  case   -5: { name = "~b";latexString="#bar{b}" ; break; } 
  case   -6: { name = "~t";latexString="#bar{t}" ; break; } 
  case   11: { name = "e-";latexString=name ; break; }
  case  -11: { name = "e+";latexString=name ; break; }
  case   12: { name = "nu_e";latexString="#nu_{e}" ; break; }
  case  -12: { name = "~nu_e";latexString="#bar{#nu}_{e}" ; break; }
  case   13: { name = "mu-";latexString="#mu-" ; break; }
  case  -13: { name = "mu+";latexString="#mu+" ; break; }
  case   14: { name = "nu_mu";latexString="#nu_{mu}" ; break; }
  case  -14: { name = "~nu_mu";latexString="#bar{#nu}_{#mu}"; break; }
  case   15: { name = "tau-";latexString="#tau^{-}" ; break; }
  case  -15: { name = "tau+";latexString="#tau^{+}" ; break; }
  case   16: { name = "nu_tau";latexString="#nu_{#tau}" ; break; }
  case  -16: { name = "~nu_tau";latexString="#bar{#nu}_{#tau}"; break; }
  case   21: { name = "gluon";latexString= name; break; }
  case   22: { name = "gamma";latexString= "#gamma"; break; }
  case   23: { name = "Z0";latexString="Z^{0}" ; break; }
  case   24: { name = "W+";latexString="W^{+}" ; break; }
  case   25: { name = "H0";latexString=name ; break; }
  case  -24: { name = "W-";latexString="W^{-}" ; break; }
  case  111: { name = "pi0";latexString="#pi^{0}" ; break; }
  case  113: { name = "rho0";latexString="#rho^{0}" ; break; }
  case  223: { name = "omega";latexString="#omega" ; break; }
  case  333: { name = "phi";latexString= "#phi"; break; }
  case  443: { name = "J/psi";latexString="J/#psi" ; break; }
  case  553: { name = "Upsilon";latexString="#Upsilon" ; break; }
  case  130: { name = "K0L";latexString=name ; break; }
  case  211: { name = "pi+";latexString="#pi^{+}" ; break; }
  case -211: { name = "pi-";latexString="#pi^{-}" ; break; }
  case  213: { name = "rho+";latexString="#rho^{+}" ; break; }
  case -213: { name = "rho-";latexString="#rho^{-}" ; break; }
  case  221: { name = "eta";latexString="#eta" ; break; }
  case  331: { name = "eta'";latexString="#eta'" ; break; }
  case  441: { name = "etac";latexString="#eta_{c}" ; break; }
  case  551: { name = "etab";latexString= "#eta_{b}"; break; }
  case  310: { name = "K0S";latexString=name ; break; }
  case  311: { name = "K0";latexString="K^{0}" ; break; }
  case -311: { name = "Kbar0";latexString="#bar{#Kappa}^{0}" ; break; }
  case  321: { name = "K+";latexString= "K^{+}"; break; }
  case -321: { name = "K-";latexString="K^{-}"; break; }
  case  411: { name = "D+";latexString="D^{+}" ; break; }
  case -411: { name = "D-";latexString="D^{-}"; break; }
  case  421: { name = "D0";latexString=name ; break; }
  case  431: { name = "Ds_+";latexString="Ds_{+}" ; break; }
  case -431: { name = "Ds_-";latexString="Ds_{-}" ; break; }
  case  511: { name = "B0";latexString= name; break; }
  case  521: { name = "B+";latexString="B^{+}" ; break; }
  case -521: { name = "B-";latexString="B^{-}" ; break; }
  case  531: { name = "Bs_0";latexString="Bs_{0}" ; break; }
  case  541: { name = "Bc_+";latexString="Bc_{+}" ; break; }
  case -541: { name = "Bc_+";latexString="Bc_{+}" ; break; }
  case  313: { name = "K*0";latexString="K^{*0}" ; break; }
  case -313: { name = "K*bar0";latexString="#bar{K}^{*0}" ; break; }
  case  323: { name = "K*+";latexString="#K^{*+}"; break; }
  case -323: { name = "K*-";latexString="#K^{*-}" ; break; }
  case  413: { name = "D*+";latexString= "D^{*+}"; break; }
  case -413: { name = "D*-";latexString= "D^{*-}" ; break; }
  case  423: { name = "D*0";latexString="D^{*0}" ; break; }
  case  513: { name = "B*0";latexString="B^{*0}" ; break; }
  case  523: { name = "B*+";latexString="B^{*+}" ; break; }
  case -523: { name = "B*-";latexString="B^{*-}" ; break; }
  case  533: { name = "B*_s0";latexString="B^{*}_{s0}" ; break; }
  case  543: { name = "B*_c+";latexString= "B^{*}_{c+}"; break; }
  case -543: { name = "B*_c-";latexString= "B^{*}_{c-}"; break; }
  case  1114: { name = "Delta-";latexString="#Delta^{-}" ; break; }
  case -1114: { name = "Deltabar+";latexString="#bar{#Delta}^{+}" ; break; }
  case -2112: { name = "nbar0";latexString="{bar}n^{0}" ; break; }
  case  2112: { name = "n"; latexString=name ;break;}
  case  2114: { name = "Delta0"; latexString="#Delta^{0}" ;break; }
  case -2114: { name = "Deltabar0"; latexString="#bar{#Delta}^{0}" ;break; }
  case  3122: { name = "Lambda0";latexString= "#Lambda^{0}"; break; }
  case -3122: { name = "Lambdabar0";latexString="#bar{#Lambda}^{0}" ; break; }
  case  3112: { name = "Sigma-"; latexString="#Sigma" ;break; }
  case -3112: { name = "Sigmabar+"; latexString="#bar{#Sigma}^{+}" ;break; }
  case  3212: { name = "Sigma0";latexString="#Sigma^{0}" ; break; }
  case -3212: { name = "Sigmabar0";latexString="#bar{#Sigma}^{0}" ; break; }
  case  3214: { name = "Sigma*0"; latexString="#Sigma^{*0}" ;break; }
  case -3214: { name = "Sigma*bar0";latexString="#bar{#Sigma}^{*0}" ; break; }
  case  3222: { name = "Sigma+"; latexString="#Sigma^{+}" ;break; }
  case -3222: { name = "Sigmabar-"; latexString="#bar{#Sigma}^{-}";break; }
  case  2212: { name = "p";latexString=name ; break; }
  case -2212: { name = "~p";latexString="#bar{p}" ; break; }
  case -2214: { name = "Delta-";latexString="#Delta^{-}" ; break; }
  case  2214: { name = "Delta+";latexString="#Delta^{+}" ; break; }
  case -2224: { name = "Deltabar--"; latexString="#bar{#Delta}^{--}" ;break; }
  case  2224: { name = "Delta++"; latexString= "#Delta^{++}";break; }
      name = "unknown"; 
      cout << "Unknown code : " << partId << endl;
  return name;  

bool PFRootEventManager::highPtJet ( double  ptMin) const

returns true if there is at least one jet with pT>pTmin

Definition at line 1887 of file

References i, pfJets_, and PtMinSelector_cfg::ptMin.

  for( unsigned i=0; i<pfJets_.size(); ++i) {
    if( pfJets_[i].pt() > ptMin ) return true;
  return false;
bool PFRootEventManager::highPtPFCandidate ( double  ptMin,
reco::PFCandidate::ParticleType  type = reco::PFCandidate::X 
) const

returns true if there is a PFCandidate of a given type over a given pT

Definition at line 1894 of file

References i, reco::PFCandidate::particleId(), pfCandidates_, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), PtMinSelector_cfg::ptMin, and X.

  for( unsigned i=0; i<pfCandidates_->size(); ++i) {

    const PFCandidate& pfc = (*pfCandidates_)[i];
    if(type!= PFCandidate::X &&  
       pfc.particleId() != type ) continue;
    if( > ptMin ) return true;
  return false;
void PFRootEventManager::initializeEventInformation ( )

Definition at line 104 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, ev_, edm::EventID::event(), edm::EventBase::id(), edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), mapEventToEntry_, edm::EventID::run(), fwlite::ChainEvent::size(), and fwlite::ChainEvent::to().

Referenced by PFRootEventManager().


  unsigned int nev = ev_->size();
  for ( unsigned int entry = 0; entry < nev; ++entry ) { 
    const edm::EventBase& iEv = *ev_;
    mapEventToEntry_[][][] = entry;

  cout<<"Number of events: "<< nev
      <<" starting with event: "<<mapEventToEntry_.begin()->first<<endl;
bool PFRootEventManager::isHadronicTau ( ) const

study the sim event to check if the tau decay is hadronic

Definition at line 2301 of file

References abs, reco::PFSimParticle::daughterIds(), i, reco::PFSimParticle::pdgCode(), and trueParticles_.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().


  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
    const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];
    const std::vector<int>& ptcdaughters = ptc.daughterIds();
    if (std::abs(ptc.pdgCode()) == 15) {
      for ( unsigned int dapt=0; dapt < ptcdaughters.size(); ++dapt) {
        const reco::PFSimParticle& daughter 
          = trueParticles_[ptcdaughters[dapt]];

        int pdgdaugther = daughter.pdgCode();
        int abspdgdaughter = std::abs(pdgdaugther);

        if (abspdgdaughter == 11 || 
            abspdgdaughter == 13) { 
          return false; 
        }//electron or muons?
      }//loop daughter
  }//loop particles

  return true;
void PFRootEventManager::mcTruthMatching ( std::ostream &  out,
const reco::PFCandidateCollection candidates,
std::vector< std::list< simMatch > > &  candSimMatchTrack,
std::vector< std::list< simMatch > > &  candSimMatchEcal 
) const

Definition at line 4376 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, reco::PFSimParticle::daughterIds(), reco::PFRecHit::detId(), reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL, reco::PFBlock::elements(), reco::PFCandidate::elementsInBlocks(), reco::PFRecHit::energy(), relval_parameters_module::energy, i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), reco::PFSimParticle::recHitContrib(), reco::PFSimParticle::recHitContribFrac(), rechitsECAL_, reco::PFSimParticle::rectrackId(), reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK, trueParticles_, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

  if(!out) return;
  out << endl;
  out << "Running Monte Carlo Truth Matching Tool" << endl;
  out << endl;

  //resize matching vectors

  for(unsigned i=0; i<candidates.size(); i++) {
    const reco::PFCandidate& pfCand = candidates[i];
    //Matching with ECAL clusters
    if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
      out <<i<<" " <<(*pfCandidates_)[i]<<endl;
      out << "is matching:" << endl;
    PFCandidate::ElementsInBlocks eleInBlocks 
      = pfCand.elementsInBlocks();

    for(unsigned iel=0; iel<eleInBlocks.size(); ++iel) {
      PFBlockRef blockRef   = eleInBlocks[iel].first;
      unsigned indexInBlock = eleInBlocks[iel].second;
      //Retrieving elements of the block
      const reco::PFBlock& blockh 
        = *blockRef;
      const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >& 
        elements_h = blockh.elements();
      reco::PFBlockElement::Type type 
        = elements_h[ indexInBlock ].type();   
//       cout <<"(" << blockRef.key() << "|" <<indexInBlock <<"|" 
//         << elements_h[ indexInBlock ].type() << ")," << endl;
      if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK){
        const reco::PFRecTrackRef trackref 
          = elements_h[ indexInBlock ].trackRefPF();
        assert( !trackref.isNull() );     
        const reco::PFRecTrack& track = *trackref; 
        const reco::TrackRef trkREF = track.trackRef();
        unsigned rtrkID = track.trackId();

        //looking for the matching charged simulated particle:
        for ( unsigned isim=0;  isim < trueParticles_.size(); isim++) {
          const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[isim];
          unsigned trackIDM = ptc.rectrackId();
          if(trackIDM != 99999 
             && trackIDM == rtrkID){

            if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) 
              out << "\tSimParticle " << isim 
                  << " through Track matching pTrectrack=" 
                  << trkREF->pt() << " GeV" << endl;     
            //store info
            std::pair<double, unsigned> simtrackmatch
              = make_pair(trkREF->pt(),trackIDM);
        }//loop simparticles 

      if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL)
          const reco::PFClusterRef clusterref 
            = elements_h[ indexInBlock ].clusterRef();
          assert( !clusterref.isNull() );         
          const reco::PFCluster& cluster = *clusterref; 
          const std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >& 
            fracs = cluster.recHitFractions();  

//        cout << "This is an ecal cluster of energy " 
//             << << endl;
          vector<unsigned> simpID;
          vector<double>   simpEC(trueParticles_.size(),0.0);     
          vector<unsigned> simpCN(trueParticles_.size(),0);      
          for(unsigned int rhit = 0; rhit < fracs.size(); ++rhit){
            const reco::PFRecHitRef& rh = fracs[rhit].recHitRef();
            if(rh.isNull()) continue;
            const reco::PFRecHit& rechit_cluster = *rh;
//          cout << rhit << " ID=" << rechit_cluster.detId() 
//               << " E=" << 
//               << " fraction=" << fracs[rhit].fraction() << " ";
            //loop on sim particules
//          cout << "coming from sim particles: ";
            for ( unsigned isim=0;  isim < trueParticles_.size(); isim++) {
              const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[isim];
              vector<unsigned> rechitSimIDs  
                = ptc.recHitContrib();
              vector<double>   rechitSimFrac 
                = ptc.recHitContribFrac();
              //cout << "Number of rechits contrib =" << rechitSimIDs.size() << endl;
              if( !rechitSimIDs.size() ) continue; //no rechit
              for ( unsigned isimrh=0;  isimrh < rechitSimIDs.size(); isimrh++) {
                if( rechitSimIDs[isimrh] == rechit_cluster.detId() ){
                  bool takenalready = false;
                  for(unsigned iss = 0; iss < simpID.size(); ++iss)
                    if(simpID[iss] == isim) takenalready = true;
                  if(!takenalready) simpID.push_back(isim);
                  simpEC[isim] += 
                  simpCN[isim]++; //counting rechits

//                cout << isim << " with contribution of =" 
//                     << rechitSimFrac[isimrh] << "%, "; 
                }//match rechit
              }//loop sim rechit
            }//loop sim particules
//          cout << endl;
          }//loop cand rechit 

          for(unsigned is=0; is < simpID.size(); ++is)
              double frac_of_cluster 
                = (simpEC[simpID[is]]/*100.0;
              //store info
              std::pair<double, unsigned> simecalmatch
                = make_pair(simpEC[simpID[is]],simpID[is]);
              if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
                out << "\tSimParticle " << simpID[is] 
                    << " through ECAL matching Epfcluster=" 
                    << " GeV with N=" << simpCN[simpID[is]]
                    << " rechits in common "
                    << endl; 
                out << "\t\tsimparticle contributing to a total of " 
                    << simpEC[simpID[is]]
                    << " GeV of this cluster (" 
                    <<  frac_of_cluster << "%) " 
                    << endl;
            }//loop particle matched
        }//ECAL clusters

    }//loop elements

    if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE )
      cout << "===============================================================" 
           << endl;

  }//loop pfCandidates_

  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ){

    cout << "=================================================================="
         << endl;
    cout << "SimParticles" << endl;
    //loop simulated particles  
    for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
      cout << "==== Particle Simulated " << i << endl;
      const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];
      out <<i<<" "<<trueParticles_[i]<<endl;

        cout << "Look at the desintegration products" << endl;
        cout << endl;
      if(ptc.rectrackId() != 99999){
        cout << "matching pfCandidate (trough tracking): " << endl;
        for( unsigned icand=0; icand<candidates.size(); icand++ ) 
            ITM it    = candSimMatchTrack[icand].begin();
            ITM itend = candSimMatchTrack[icand].end();
              if( i == it->second ){
                out<<icand<<" "<<(*pfCandidates_)[icand]<<endl;
                cout << endl;
          }//loop candidate
      vector<unsigned> rechitSimIDs  
        = ptc.recHitContrib();
      vector<double>   rechitSimFrac 
        = ptc.recHitContribFrac();
      //cout << "Number of rechits contrib =" << rechitSimIDs.size() << endl;
      if( !rechitSimIDs.size() ) continue; //no rechit
      cout << "matching pfCandidate (through ECAL): " << endl;
      //look at total ECAL desposition:
      double totalEcalE = 0.0;
      for(unsigned irh=0; irh<rechitsECAL_.size();++irh)
        for ( unsigned isimrh=0;  isimrh < rechitSimIDs.size(); 
              isimrh++ )
          if(rechitSimIDs[isimrh] == rechitsECAL_[irh].detId())
            totalEcalE += (rechitsECAL_[irh].energy()*rechitSimFrac[isimrh]/100.0);
      cout << "For info, this particle deposits E=" << totalEcalE 
           << "(GeV) in the ECAL" << endl;
      for( unsigned icand=0; icand<candidates.size(); icand++ ) 
          ITM it    = candSimMatchEcal[icand].begin();
          ITM itend = candSimMatchEcal[icand].end();
            if( i == it->second )
              out<<icand<<" "<<it->first<<"GeV "<<(*pfCandidates_)[icand]<<endl;          
        }//loop candidate
      cout << endl;
    }//loop particles  

void PFRootEventManager::particleFlow ( )

performs particle flow

Definition at line 2748 of file

References PFAlgo::checkCleaning(), clustersECAL_, clustersHCAL_, clustersHFEM_, clustersHFHAD_, clustersPS_, convBremGsfrecTracks_, conversion_, gather_cfg::cout, debug_, displacedRecTracks_, egammaElectrons_, fillClusterMask(), fillOutEventWithPFCandidates(), fillPhotonMask(), fillTrackMask(), PFBlockAlgo::findBlocks(), gsfrecTracks_, muons_, muonsHandle_, pfAlgo_, pfBlockAlgo_, pfBlocks_, pfCandidateElectronExtras_, pfCandidates_, pfNuclearTrackerVertex_, photons_, PFAlgo::postMuonCleaning(), primaryVertices_, rechitsCLEANED_, PFAlgo::reconstructParticles(), recTracks_, PFAlgo::setEGElectronCollection(), PFAlgo::setElectronExtraRef(), PFBlockAlgo::setInput(), PFAlgo::setPFVertexParameters(), PFBlockAlgo::transferBlocks(), PFAlgo::transferCandidates(), PFAlgo::transferElectronExtra(), useAtHLT, useEGElectrons_, usePFElectrons_, v0_, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().

  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    cout <<"start particle flow"<<endl;

  if( debug_) {
    cout<<"PFRootEventManager::particleFlow start"<<endl;
    //     cout<<"number of elements in memory: "
    //  <<reco::PFBlockElement::instanceCounter()<<endl;

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > trackh( &recTracks_, 
                                                          edm::ProductID(1) );  
  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFRecTrackCollection > displacedtrackh( &displacedRecTracks_, 
                                                          edm::ProductID(77) );  

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFClusterCollection > ecalh( clustersECAL_.get(), 
                                                        edm::ProductID(2) );  
  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFClusterCollection > hcalh( clustersHCAL_.get(), 
                                                        edm::ProductID(3) );  

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFClusterCollection > hfemh( clustersHFEM_.get(), 
                                                        edm::ProductID(31) );  

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFClusterCollection > hfhadh( clustersHFHAD_.get(), 
                                                        edm::ProductID(32) );  

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFClusterCollection > psh( clustersPS_.get(), 
                                                      edm::ProductID(4) );   
  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > gsftrackh( &gsfrecTracks_, 
                                                                edm::ProductID(5) );  
  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::MuonCollection > muonh( &muons_, 
                                                   edm::ProductID(6) );

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection > nuclearh( &pfNuclearTrackerVertex_, 
                                                          edm::ProductID(7) );


  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFConversionCollection > convh( &conversion_, 
                                                           edm::ProductID(8) );

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PFV0Collection > v0( &v0_, 
                                                edm::ProductID(9) );

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::VertexCollection > vertexh( &primaryVertices_, 
                                                       edm::ProductID(10) );  

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection > convBremGsftrackh( &convBremGsfrecTracks_, 
                                                                        edm::ProductID(11) );  

  edm::OrphanHandle< reco::PhotonCollection > photonh( &photons_, edm::ProductID(12) ) ;
  vector<bool> trackMask;
  fillTrackMask( trackMask, recTracks_ );
  vector<bool> gsftrackMask;
  fillTrackMask( gsftrackMask, gsfrecTracks_ );
  vector<bool> ecalMask;
  fillClusterMask( ecalMask, *clustersECAL_ );
  vector<bool> hcalMask;
  fillClusterMask( hcalMask, *clustersHCAL_ );
  vector<bool> hfemMask;
  fillClusterMask( hfemMask, *clustersHFEM_ );
  vector<bool> hfhadMask;
  fillClusterMask( hfhadMask, *clustersHFHAD_ );
  vector<bool> psMask;
  fillClusterMask( psMask, *clustersPS_ );
  vector<bool> photonMask;
  fillPhotonMask( photonMask, photons_ );

  if ( !useAtHLT )
    pfBlockAlgo_.setInput( trackh, gsftrackh, convBremGsftrackh,
                           muonh, nuclearh, displacedtrackh, convh, v0,
                           ecalh, hcalh, hfemh, hfhadh, psh, photonh,
                           ecalMask, hcalMask, hfemMask, hfhadMask, psMask,photonMask );
    pfBlockAlgo_.setInput( trackh, muonh, ecalh, hcalh, hfemh, hfhadh, psh,
                           trackMask, ecalMask, hcalMask, psMask );

  if( debug_) cout<<pfBlockAlgo_<<endl;

  pfBlocks_ = pfBlockAlgo_.transferBlocks();

  pfAlgo_.setPFVertexParameters(true, primaryVertices_); 

  pfAlgo_.reconstructParticles( *pfBlocks_.get() );
  //   pfAlgoOther_.reconstructParticles( blockh );

  pfAlgo_.postMuonCleaning(muonsHandle_, *vertexh);
  if(usePFElectrons_) {
    pfCandidateElectronExtras_= pfAlgo_.transferElectronExtra();
    edm::OrphanHandle<reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection > electronExtraProd(&(*pfCandidateElectronExtras_),edm::ProductID(20));

  pfAlgo_.checkCleaning( rechitsCLEANED_ );

  if( debug_) cout<< pfAlgo_<<endl;
  pfCandidates_ = pfAlgo_.transferCandidates();
  //   pfCandidatesOther_ = pfAlgoOther_.transferCandidates();
  fillOutEventWithPFCandidates( *pfCandidates_ );

  if( debug_) cout<<"PFRootEventManager::particleFlow stop"<<endl;
void PFRootEventManager::pfCandCompare ( int  entry)

compare particle flow

Definition at line 2869 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Geom::deltaPhi(), i, pfCandCMSSW_, and pfCandidates_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  bool differentSize = pfCandCMSSW_.size() != pfCandidates_->size();
  if ( differentSize ) { 
    cout << "+++WARNING+++ PFCandidate size changed for entry " 
         << entry << " !" << endl
         << " - original size : " << pfCandCMSSW_.size() << endl 
         << " - current  size : " << pfCandidates_->size() << endl;
  } else { 
    for(unsigned i=0; i<pfCandidates_->size(); i++) {
      double deltaE = (*pfCandidates_)[i].energy()-pfCandCMSSW_[i].energy();
      double deltaEta = (*pfCandidates_)[i].eta()-pfCandCMSSW_[i].eta();
      double deltaPhi = (*pfCandidates_)[i].phi()-pfCandCMSSW_[i].phi();
      if ( fabs(deltaE) > 2E-5 ||
           fabs(deltaEta) > 1E-9 ||
           fabs(deltaPhi) > 1E-9 ) { 
        cout << "+++WARNING+++ PFCandidate " << i 
             << " changed  for entry " << entry << " ! " << endl 
             << " - Original : " << pfCandCMSSW_[i] << endl
             << " - Current  : " << (*pfCandidates_)[i] << endl
             << " DeltaE   = : " << deltaE << endl
             << " DeltaEta = : " << deltaEta << endl
             << " DeltaPhi = : " << deltaPhi << endl << endl;

void PFRootEventManager::PreprocessRecHits ( reco::PFRecHitCollection rechits,
bool  findNeighbours 

preprocess a rechit vector from a given rechit branch

Definition at line 2491 of file

References i, and setRecHitNeigbours().

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

  map<unsigned, unsigned> detId2index;

  for(unsigned i=0; i<rechits.size(); i++) { 
      detId2index.insert( make_pair(rechits[i].detId(), i) );
  if(findNeighbours) {
    for(unsigned i=0; i<rechits.size(); i++) { 
      setRecHitNeigbours( rechits[i], detId2index );
void PFRootEventManager::PreprocessRecTracks ( reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection rectracks)

Definition at line 2479 of file

  for( unsigned i=0; i<recTracks.size(); ++i ) {     
void PFRootEventManager::PreprocessRecTracks ( reco::PFRecTrackCollection rectracks)

preprocess a rectrack vector from a given rectrack branch

Definition at line 2470 of file

  for( unsigned i=0; i<recTracks.size(); ++i ) {     
void PFRootEventManager::print ( std::ostream &  out = std::cout,
int  maxNLines = -1 
) const
void PFRootEventManager::printCluster ( const reco::PFCluster cluster,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 
) const

Definition at line 4050 of file

References reco::PFCluster::energy(), relval_parameters_module::energy, eta(), phi, reco::CaloCluster::position(), and printClustersEMin_.

Referenced by printClusters().

  if(!out) return;

  double eta = cluster.position().Eta();
  double phi = cluster.position().Phi();
  double energy =;

  if(energy<printClustersEMin_)  return;

  TCutG* cutg = (TCutG*) gROOT->FindObject("CUTG");
  if( !cutg || cutg->IsInside( eta, phi ) ) 
void PFRootEventManager::printClusters ( const reco::PFClusterCollection clusters,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 
) const

print clusters

Definition at line 4042 of file

References printCluster().

  for(unsigned i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) {
    printCluster(clusters[i], out);
void PFRootEventManager::printGenParticles ( std::ostream &  out = std::cout,
int  maxNLines = -1 
) const

print the HepMC truth

Definition at line 3796 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, eta(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, edm::HepMCProduct::GetEvent(), getGenParticleName(), gen::k, MCTruth_, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, submitDQMOfflineCAF::nLines, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and printGenParticlesPtMin_.

Referenced by DialogFrame::doPrintGenParticles().

  const HepMC::GenEvent* myGenEvent = MCTruth_.GetEvent();
  if(!myGenEvent) return;

  out<<"GenParticles ==========================================="<<endl;

  std::cout << "Id  Gen Name       eta    phi     pT     E    Vtx1   " 
            << " x      y      z   " 
            << "Moth  Vtx2  eta   phi     R      Z   Da1  Da2 Ecal?" 
            << std::endl;

  int nLines = 0;
  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator 
          piter  = myGenEvent->particles_begin();
        piter != myGenEvent->particles_end(); 
        ++piter ) {
    if( nLines == maxNLines) break;
    HepMC::GenParticle* p = *piter;
    /* */
    int partId = p->pdg_id();

    // We have here a subset of particles only. 
    // To be filled according to the needs.
    /*switch(partId) {
      case    1: { name = "d"; break; } 
      case    2: { name = "u"; break; } 
      case    3: { name = "s"; break; } 
      case    4: { name = "c"; break; } 
      case    5: { name = "b"; break; } 
      case    6: { name = "t"; break; } 
      case   -1: { name = "~d"; break; } 
      case   -2: { name = "~u"; break; } 
      case   -3: { name = "~s"; break; } 
      case   -4: { name = "~c"; break; } 
      case   -5: { name = "~b"; break; } 
      case   -6: { name = "~t"; break; } 
      case   11: { name = "e-"; break; }
      case  -11: { name = "e+"; break; }
      case   12: { name = "nu_e"; break; }
      case  -12: { name = "~nu_e"; break; }
      case   13: { name = "mu-"; break; }
      case  -13: { name = "mu+"; break; }
      case   14: { name = "nu_mu"; break; }
      case  -14: { name = "~nu_mu"; break; }
      case   15: { name = "tau-"; break; }
      case  -15: { name = "tau+"; break; }
      case   16: { name = "nu_tau"; break; }
      case  -16: { name = "~nu_tau"; break; }
      case   21: { name = "gluon"; break; }
      case   22: { name = "gamma"; break; }
      case   23: { name = "Z0"; break; }
      case   24: { name = "W+"; break; }
      case   25: { name = "H0"; break; }
      case  -24: { name = "W-"; break; }
      case  111: { name = "pi0"; break; }
      case  113: { name = "rho0"; break; }
      case  223: { name = "omega"; break; }
      case  333: { name = "phi"; break; }
      case  443: { name = "J/psi"; break; }
      case  553: { name = "Upsilon"; break; }
      case  130: { name = "K0L"; break; }
      case  211: { name = "pi+"; break; }
      case -211: { name = "pi-"; break; }
      case  213: { name = "rho+"; break; }
      case -213: { name = "rho-"; break; }
      case  221: { name = "eta"; break; }
      case  331: { name = "eta'"; break; }
      case  441: { name = "etac"; break; }
      case  551: { name = "etab"; break; }
      case  310: { name = "K0S"; break; }
      case  311: { name = "K0"; break; }
      case -311: { name = "Kbar0"; break; }
      case  321: { name = "K+"; break; }
      case -321: { name = "K-"; break; }
      case  411: { name = "D+"; break; }
      case -411: { name = "D-"; break; }
      case  421: { name = "D0"; break; }
      case  431: { name = "Ds_+"; break; }
      case -431: { name = "Ds_-"; break; }
      case  511: { name = "B0"; break; }
      case  521: { name = "B+"; break; }
      case -521: { name = "B-"; break; }
      case  531: { name = "Bs_0"; break; }
      case  541: { name = "Bc_+"; break; }
      case -541: { name = "Bc_+"; break; }
      case  313: { name = "K*0"; break; }
      case -313: { name = "K*bar0"; break; }
      case  323: { name = "K*+"; break; }
      case -323: { name = "K*-"; break; }
      case  413: { name = "D*+"; break; }
      case -413: { name = "D*-"; break; }
      case  423: { name = "D*0"; break; }
      case  513: { name = "B*0"; break; }
      case  523: { name = "B*+"; break; }
      case -523: { name = "B*-"; break; }
      case  533: { name = "B*_s0"; break; }
      case  543: { name = "B*_c+"; break; }
      case -543: { name = "B*_c-"; break; }
      case  1114: { name = "Delta-"; break; }
      case -1114: { name = "Deltabar+"; break; }
      case -2112: { name = "nbar0"; break; }
      case  2112: { name = "n"; break; }
      case  2114: { name = "Delta0"; break; }
      case -2114: { name = "Deltabar0"; break; }
      case  3122: { name = "Lambda0"; break; }
      case -3122: { name = "Lambdabar0"; break; }
      case  3112: { name = "Sigma-"; break; }
      case -3112: { name = "Sigmabar+"; break; }
      case  3212: { name = "Sigma0"; break; }
      case -3212: { name = "Sigmabar0"; break; }
      case  3214: { name = "Sigma*0"; break; }
      case -3214: { name = "Sigma*bar0"; break; }
      case  3222: { name = "Sigma+"; break; }
      case -3222: { name = "Sigmabar-"; break; }
      case  2212: { name = "p"; break; }
      case -2212: { name = "~p"; break; }
      case -2214: { name = "Delta-"; break; }
      case  2214: { name = "Delta+"; break; }
      case -2224: { name = "Deltabar--"; break; }
      case  2224: { name = "Delta++"; break; }
      default: { 
      name = "unknown"; 
      cout << "Unknown code : " << partId << endl;
    std::string latexString;
    std::string name = getGenParticleName(partId,latexString);

    math::XYZTLorentzVector momentum1(p->momentum().px(),
                                      p->momentum().e() );

    if(<printGenParticlesPtMin_) continue;

    int vertexId1 = 0;

    if ( !p->production_vertex() && p->pdg_id() == 2212 ) continue;

    math::XYZVector vertex1;
    vertexId1 = -1;

    if(p->production_vertex() ) {
      vertex1.SetCoordinates( p->production_vertex()->position().x()/10.,
                              p->production_vertex()->position().z()/10. );
      vertexId1 = p->production_vertex()->barcode();

    out.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
    out.setf(std::ios::right, std::ios::adjustfield);
    out << std::setw(4) << p->barcode() << " " 
        << name;
    for(unsigned int k=0;k<11-name.length() && k<12; k++) out << " ";  
    double eta = momentum1.eta();
    if ( eta > +10. ) eta = +10.;
    if ( eta < -10. ) eta = -10.;
    out << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << eta << " " 
        << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << momentum1.phi() << " " 
        << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << << " " 
        << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << momentum1.e() << " " 
        << std::setw(4) << vertexId1 << " " 
        << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex1.x() << " " 
        << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex1.y() << " " 
        << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex1.z() << " ";

    if( p->production_vertex() ) {
      if ( p->production_vertex()->particles_in_size() ) {
        const HepMC::GenParticle* mother = 
        out << std::setw(4) << mother->barcode() << " ";
        out << "     " ;

    if ( p->end_vertex() ) {  
      math::XYZTLorentzVector vertex2(p->end_vertex()->position().x()/10.,
      int vertexId2 = p->end_vertex()->barcode();

      std::vector<const HepMC::GenParticle*> children;
      HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator firstDaughterIt = 
      HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator lastDaughterIt = 
      for ( ; firstDaughterIt != lastDaughterIt ; ++firstDaughterIt ) {

      out << std::setw(4) << vertexId2 << " "
          << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << vertex2.eta() << " " 
          << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << vertex2.phi() << " " 
          << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(1) << << " " 
          << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex2.z() << " ";

      for ( unsigned id=0; id<children.size(); ++id )
        out << std::setw(4) << children[id]->barcode() << " ";
    out << std::endl;
void PFRootEventManager::printMCCalib ( std::ofstream &  out) const

print calibration information

Definition at line 3520 of file

References deltaR(), genJets_, edm::HepMCProduct::GetEvent(), MCTruth_, pfJets_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and trueParticles_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  if(!out) return;
  // if (!out.is_open()) return;

  // Use only for one PFSimParticle/GenParticles
  const HepMC::GenEvent* myGenEvent = MCTruth_.GetEvent();
  if(!myGenEvent) return;
  int nGen = 0;
  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator 
          piter  = myGenEvent->particles_begin();
          piter != myGenEvent->particles_end(); 
        ++piter ) nGen++;
  int nSim = trueParticles_.size();
  if ( nGen != 1 || nSim != 1 ) return;

  // One GenJet 
  if ( genJets_.size() != 1 ) return;
  double true_E = genJets_[0].p();
  double true_eta = genJets_[0].eta();
  double true_phi = genJets_[0].phi();

  // One particle-flow jet
  // if ( pfJets_.size() != 1 ) return;
  double rec_ECALEnergy = 0.;
  double rec_HCALEnergy = 0.;
  double deltaRMin = 999.;
  unsigned int theJet = 0;
  for ( unsigned int ijet=0; ijet<pfJets_.size(); ++ijet ) { 
    double rec_ECAL = pfJets_[ijet].neutralEmEnergy();
    double rec_HCAL = pfJets_[ijet].neutralHadronEnergy();
    double rec_eta = pfJets_[0].eta();
    double rec_phi = pfJets_[0].phi();
    double deltaR = std::sqrt( (rec_eta-true_eta)*(rec_eta-true_eta)
                             + (rec_phi-true_phi)*(rec_phi-true_phi) ); 
    if ( deltaR < deltaRMin ) { 
      deltaRMin = deltaR;
      rec_ECALEnergy = rec_ECAL;
      rec_HCALEnergy = rec_HCAL;
  if ( deltaRMin > 0.1 ) return;
  std::vector < PFCandidatePtr > constituents = pfJets_[theJet].getPFConstituents ();
  double pat_ECALEnergy = 0.;
  double pat_HCALEnergy = 0.;
  for (unsigned ic = 0; ic < constituents.size (); ++ic) {
    if ( constituents[ic]->particleId() < 4 ) continue;
    if ( constituents[ic]->particleId() == 4 ) 
      pat_ECALEnergy += constituents[ic]->rawEcalEnergy();
    else if ( constituents[ic]->particleId() == 5 ) 
      pat_HCALEnergy += constituents[ic]->rawHcalEnergy();

  out << true_eta << " " << true_phi << " " << true_E 
      << " " <<  rec_ECALEnergy << " " << rec_HCALEnergy
      << " " <<  pat_ECALEnergy << " " << pat_HCALEnergy
      << " " << deltaRMin << std::endl;
void PFRootEventManager::printRecHit ( const reco::PFRecHit rh,
unsigned  index,
const char *  seed = "    ",
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 
) const

Definition at line 4025 of file

References reco::PFRecHit::energy(), relval_parameters_module::energy, eta(), phi, reco::PFRecHit::position(), and printRecHitsEMin_.

Referenced by printRecHits().


  if(!out) return;
  double eta = rh.position().Eta();
  double phi = rh.position().Phi();
  double energy =;

  if(energy<printRecHitsEMin_)  return;

  TCutG* cutg = (TCutG*) gROOT->FindObject("CUTG");
  if( !cutg || cutg->IsInside( eta, phi ) ) 
    out<<index<<"\t"<<seedstatus<<" "<<rh<<endl; 
void PFRootEventManager::printRecHits ( const reco::PFRecHitCollection rechits,
const PFClusterAlgo clusterAlgo,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 
) const

print rechits

Definition at line 4014 of file

References PFClusterAlgo::isSeed(), dbtoconf::out, and printRecHit().


    for(unsigned i=0; i<rechits.size(); i++) {
      string seedstatus = "    ";
      if(clusterAlgo.isSeed(i) ) 
        seedstatus = "SEED";
      printRecHit(rechits[i], i, seedstatus.c_str(), out);
bool PFRootEventManager::processEntry ( int  entry) [virtual]

process one entry (pass the TTree entry)

Reimplemented in MyPFRootEventManager, and PFRootEventManagerColin.

Definition at line 1661 of file

References calibFile_, caloJetsCMSSW_, caloMetsCMSSW_, clustering(), clustersECAL_, clustersHCAL_, clustersHFEM_, clustersHFHAD_, clustersPS_, convBremGsfrecTracks_, conversion_, corrcaloJetsCMSSW_, gather_cfg::cout, DeltaMETcut, DeltaPhicut, doClustering_, doCompare_, doJets_, doMet_, doParticleFlow_, doPFCandidateBenchmark_, doPFDQM_, doPFJetBenchmark_, doPFMETBenchmark_, doTauBenchmark_, ev_, edm::EventID::event(), eventAccepted(), PFCandidateManager::fill(), PFJetMonitor::fill(), PFMETMonitor::fillOne(), genJets_, genParticlesCMSSW_, gsfrecTracks_, edm::EventBase::id(), iEvent, iEvent_, JECinCaloMet_, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), MET1cut, metManager_, muons_, outEvent_, outTree_, particleFlow(), pfCandCompare(), pfCandidateManager_, pfCandidates_, PFJetBenchmark_, pfJetMonitor_, pfJets_, pfMETMonitor_, pfMetsCMSSW_, pfNuclearTrackerVertex_, primaryVertices_, print(), printMCCalib(), PFJetBenchmark::process(), readFromSimulation(), rechitsCLEANED_, rechitsECAL_, rechitsHCAL_, rechitsHFEM_, rechitsHFHAD_, rechitsPS_, reconstructCaloJets(), reconstructGenJets(), reconstructPFJets(), recTracks_, PFJetBenchmark::resChargedHadEnergyMax(), reset(), PFJetBenchmark::resNeutralEmEnergyMax(), PFJetBenchmark::resNeutralHadEnergyMax(), PFJetBenchmark::resPtMax(), edm::EventID::run(), EventColin::setNumber(), stdTracks_, tauBenchmark(), fwlite::ChainEvent::to(), trueParticles_, v0_, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by DisplayManager::display(), DisplayManager::displayNextInteresting(), MyPFRootEventManager::processEntry(), PFRootEventManagerColin::processEntry(), and processEvent().



  iEvent_ = entry;
  bool exists = ev_->to(entry);
  if ( !exists ) { 
    std::cout << "Entry " << entry << " does not exist " << std::endl; 
    return false;
  const edm::EventBase& iEvent = *ev_;

  if( outEvent_ ) outEvent_->setNumber(entry);

  if(verbosity_ == VERBOSE  || 
     //entry < 10000 ||
     entry < 10 ||
     (entry < 100 && entry%10 == 0) || 
     (entry < 1000 && entry%100 == 0) || 
     entry%1000 == 0 ) 
    cout<<"process entry "<< entry 
        <<", run "<<
        <<", lumi "<<      
        <<", event:"<<
        << endl;

  bool goodevent =  readFromSimulation(entry);

  std::cout << "Rechits cleaned : " << std::endl;
  for(unsigned i=0; i<rechitsCLEANED_.size(); i++) {
    string seedstatus = "    ";
    printRecHit(rechitsCLEANED_[i], i, seedstatus.c_str());

  if(verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    cout<<"number of vertices             : "<<primaryVertices_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of recTracks            : "<<recTracks_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of gsfrecTracks         : "<<gsfrecTracks_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of convBremGsfrecTracks : "<<convBremGsfrecTracks_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of muons                : "<<muons_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of displaced vertices   : "<<pfNuclearTrackerVertex_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of conversions          : "<<conversion_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of v0                   : "<<v0_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of stdTracks            : "<<stdTracks_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of true particles       : "<<trueParticles_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of ECAL rechits         : "<<rechitsECAL_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of HCAL rechits         : "<<rechitsHCAL_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of HFEM rechits         : "<<rechitsHFEM_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of HFHAD rechits        : "<<rechitsHFHAD_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of HF Cleaned rechits   : "<<rechitsCLEANED_.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"number of PS rechits           : "<<rechitsPS_.size()<<endl;

  if( doClustering_ ) clustering(); 
  else if( verbosity_ == VERBOSE )
    cout<<"clustering is OFF - clusters come from the input file"<<endl; 

  if(verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    if(clustersECAL_.get() ) {
      cout<<"number of ECAL clusters : "<<clustersECAL_->size()<<endl;
    if(clustersHCAL_.get() ) {
      cout<<"number of HCAL clusters : "<<clustersHCAL_->size()<<endl;
    if(clustersHFEM_.get() ) {
      cout<<"number of HFEM clusters : "<<clustersHFEM_->size()<<endl;
    if(clustersHFHAD_.get() ) {
      cout<<"number of HFHAD clusters : "<<clustersHFHAD_->size()<<endl;
    if(clustersPS_.get() ) {
      cout<<"number of PS clusters : "<<clustersPS_->size()<<endl;

  if(doParticleFlow_) { 

    if (doCompare_) pfCandCompare(entry);

  if(doJets_) {
  // call print() in verbose mode
  if( verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) print();
  //COLIN the PFJet and PFMET benchmarks are very messy. 
  //COLIN    compare with the filling of the PFCandidateBenchmark, which is one line. 
  goodevent = eventAccepted(); 

  // evaluate PFJet Benchmark 
  if(doPFJetBenchmark_) { // start PFJet Benchmark

    PFJetBenchmark_.process(pfJets_, genJets_);
    double resPt = PFJetBenchmark_.resPtMax();
    double resChargedHadEnergy = PFJetBenchmark_.resChargedHadEnergyMax();
    double resNeutralHadEnergy = PFJetBenchmark_.resNeutralHadEnergyMax();
    double resNeutralEmEnergy = PFJetBenchmark_.resNeutralEmEnergyMax();
    if( verbosity_ == VERBOSE ){ //start debug print

      cout << " =====================PFJetBenchmark =================" << endl;
      cout<<"Resol Pt max "<<resPt
          <<" resChargedHadEnergy Max " << resChargedHadEnergy
          <<" resNeutralHadEnergy Max " << resNeutralHadEnergy
          << " resNeutralEmEnergy Max "<< resNeutralEmEnergy << endl;
    } // end debug print

    // PJ : printout for bad events (selected by the "if")
    if ( fabs(resPt) > 0.4 )
      std::cout << "'" << << ":" << << "-" 
                << << ":" << << "'," << std::endl;
    if ( resPt < -1. ) { 
      cout << " =====================PFJetBenchmark =================" << endl;
      cout<<"process entry "<< entry << endl;
      cout<<"Resol Pt max "<<resPt
          <<" resChargedHadEnergy Max " << resChargedHadEnergy
          <<" resNeutralHadEnergy Max " << resNeutralHadEnergy
          << " resNeutralEmEnergy Max "<< resNeutralEmEnergy 
          << " Jet pt " << genJets_[0].pt() << endl;
      // return true;
    } else { 
      // return false;
    //   if (resNeutralEmEnergy>0.5) return true;
    //   else return false;
  }// end PFJet Benchmark

  // Addition to have DQM histograms : by S. Dutta 
  reco::MET reComputedMet_;    
  reco::MET computedGenMet_;

  //COLIN would  be nice to move this long code to a separate function. 
  // is it necessary to re-set everything at each event?? 
  if(doPFMETBenchmark_) { // start PFMet Benchmark

    // Fill here the various met benchmarks
    // pfMET vs GenMET
    // cout events in tail
    metManager_->coutTailEvents(entry,DeltaMETcut,DeltaPhicut, MET1cut);

    // caloMET vs GenMET

    if ( doMet_ ) { 
      // recomputed pfMET vs GenMET
      metManager_->coutTailEvents(entry,DeltaMETcut,DeltaPhicut, MET1cut);

    if (JECinCaloMet_)
      // corrCaloMET vs GenMET
      metManager_->propagateJECtoMET2(caloJetsCMSSW_, corrcaloJetsCMSSW_);
  }// end PFMET Benchmark

  if( goodevent && doPFCandidateBenchmark_ ) {
    pfCandidateManager_.fill( *pfCandidates_, genParticlesCMSSW_);
  // Addition to have DQM histograms : by S. Dutta                                                                                                          
  if( goodevent && doPFDQM_ ) {
    float deltaMin, deltaMax;
    pfJetMonitor_.fill( pfJets_, genJets_, deltaMin, deltaMax);
    if (doPFMETBenchmark_) {
      pfMETMonitor_.fillOne( reComputedMet_, computedGenMet_, deltaMin, deltaMax);
  // evaluate tau Benchmark   
  if( goodevent && doTauBenchmark_) { // start tau Benchmark
    double deltaEt = 0.;
    deltaEt  = tauBenchmark( *pfCandidates_ ); 
    if( verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) cout<<"delta E_t ="<<deltaEt <<endl;
    //      cout<<"delta E_t ="<<deltaEt<<" delta E_t Other ="<<deltaEt1<<endl;

    //   if( deltaEt>0.4 ) {
    //     cout<<deltaEt<<endl;
    //     return true;
    //   }  
    //   else return false;

  } // end tau Benchmark

  if(goodevent && outTree_) 

  return goodevent;

bool PFRootEventManager::processEvent ( int  run,
int  lumi,
int  event 
) [virtual]

process one event (pass the CMS event number)

Definition at line 1649 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, eventToEntry(), and processEntry().

Referenced by DisplayManager::displayEvent().


  int entry = eventToEntry(run, lumi, event);
  if( entry < 0 ) {
    cout<<"event "<<event<<" is not present, sorry."<<endl;
    return false;
    return processEntry( entry ); 
void PFRootEventManager::readCMSSWJets ( )

Definition at line 4246 of file

References caloJetsCMSSW_, gather_cfg::cout, genJetsCMSSW_, i, and pfJetsCMSSW_.


  cout<<"CMSSW Gen jets : size = " <<  genJetsCMSSW_.size() << endl;
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < genJetsCMSSW_.size(); i++) {
    cout<<"Gen jet Et : " <<  genJetsCMSSW_[i].et() << endl;
  cout<<"CMSSW PF jets : size = " <<  pfJetsCMSSW_.size() << endl;
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pfJetsCMSSW_.size(); i++) {
    cout<<"PF jet Et : " <<  pfJetsCMSSW_[i].et() << endl;
  cout<<"CMSSW Calo jets : size = " <<  caloJetsCMSSW_.size() << endl;
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < caloJetsCMSSW_.size(); i++) {
    cout<<"Calo jet Et : " << caloJetsCMSSW_[i].et() << endl;
bool PFRootEventManager::readFromSimulation ( int  entry)

read data from simulation tree

Definition at line 1907 of file

References caloJetsCMSSW_, caloJetsHandle_, caloJetsTag_, caloMetsCMSSW_, caloMetsHandle_, caloMetsTag_, caloTowers_, caloTowersHandle_, caloTowersTag_, benchmark_cfg::cerr, convBremGsfrecTracks_, convBremGsfrecTracksHandle_, convBremGsfrecTracksTag_, conversion_, conversionHandle_, conversionTag_, corrcaloJetsCMSSW_, corrcaloJetsHandle_, corrcaloJetsTag_, countChargedAndPhotons(), gather_cfg::cout, displacedRecTracks_, displacedRecTracksHandle_, displacedRecTracksTag_, doTauBenchmark_, egammaElectronHandle_, egammaElectrons_, egammaElectronsTag_, ev_, fillOutEventWithSimParticles(), filterHadronicTaus_, filterNParticles_, filterTaus_, findRecHitNeighbours_, genJetsCMSSW_, genJetsHandle_, genJetsTag_, genParticlesCMSSW_, genParticlesforJets_, genParticlesforJetsHandle_, genParticlesforJetsTag_, genParticlesforMETHandle_, genParticlesforMETTag_, edm::EventBase::getByLabel(), gsfrecTracks_, gsfrecTracksHandle_, gsfrecTracksTag_, i, iEvent, isHadronicTau(), j, MCTruth_, MCTruthHandle_, MCTruthTag_, muons_, muonsHandle_, muonsTag_, pfCandCMSSW_, pfCandidateHandle_, pfCandidateTag_, pfJetsCMSSW_, pfJetsHandle_, pfJetsTag_, pfMetsCMSSW_, pfMetsHandle_, pfMetsTag_, pfNuclearTrackerVertex_, pfNuclearTrackerVertexHandle_, pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_, photonHandle_, photons_, photonTag_, PreprocessRecHits(), primaryVertices_, primaryVerticesHandle_, primaryVerticesTag_, rechitsCLEANED_, rechitsCLEANEDHandles_, rechitsCLEANEDTags_, rechitsCLEANEDV_, rechitsECAL_, rechitsECALHandle_, rechitsECALTag_, rechitsHCAL_, rechitsHCALHandle_, rechitsHCALTag_, rechitsHFEM_, rechitsHFEMHandle_, rechitsHFEMTag_, rechitsHFHAD_, rechitsHFHADHandle_, rechitsHFHADTag_, rechitsPS_, rechitsPSHandle_, rechitsPSTag_, recTracks_, recTracksHandle_, recTracksTag_, findQualityFiles::size, stdTracks_, stdTracksHandle_, stdTracksTag_, tcMetsCMSSW_, tcMetsHandle_, tcMetsTag_, trueParticles_, trueParticlesHandle_, trueParticlesTag_, useConvBremGsfTracks_, useEGElectrons_, useEGPhotons_, usePFConversions_, usePFNuclearInteractions_, usePFV0s_, v0_, v0Handle_, v0Tag_, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    cout <<"start reading from simulation"<<endl;

  // if(!tree_) return false;
  const edm::EventBase& iEvent = *ev_;

  bool foundstdTracks = iEvent.getByLabel(stdTracksTag_,stdTracksHandle_);
  if ( foundstdTracks ) { 
    stdTracks_ = *stdTracksHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << stdTracks_.size() << " standard tracks" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : stdTracks Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << stdTracksTag_<<endl;

  bool foundMCTruth = iEvent.getByLabel(MCTruthTag_,MCTruthHandle_);
  if ( foundMCTruth ) { 
    MCTruth_ = *MCTruthHandle_;
    // cout << "Found MC truth" << endl;
  } else { 
    // cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : MCTruth Collection not found : "
    //    <<entry << " " << MCTruthTag_<<endl;

  bool foundTP = iEvent.getByLabel(trueParticlesTag_,trueParticlesHandle_);
  if ( foundTP ) { 
    trueParticles_ = *trueParticlesHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << trueParticles_.size() << " true particles" << endl;
  } else { 
    //cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : trueParticles Collection not found : "
    //    <<entry << " " << trueParticlesTag_<<endl;

  bool foundECAL = iEvent.getByLabel(rechitsECALTag_,rechitsECALHandle_);
  if ( foundECAL ) { 
    rechitsECAL_ = *rechitsECALHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << rechitsECAL_.size() << " ECAL rechits" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : rechitsECAL Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << rechitsECALTag_<<endl;

  bool foundHCAL = iEvent.getByLabel(rechitsHCALTag_,rechitsHCALHandle_);
  if ( foundHCAL ) { 
    rechitsHCAL_ = *rechitsHCALHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << rechitsHCAL_.size() << " HCAL rechits" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : rechitsHCAL Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << rechitsHCALTag_<<endl;

  bool foundHFEM = iEvent.getByLabel(rechitsHFEMTag_,rechitsHFEMHandle_);
  if ( foundHFEM ) { 
    rechitsHFEM_ = *rechitsHFEMHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << rechitsHFEM_.size() << " HFEM rechits" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : rechitsHFEM Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << rechitsHFEMTag_<<endl;

  bool foundHFHAD = iEvent.getByLabel(rechitsHFHADTag_,rechitsHFHADHandle_);
  if ( foundHFHAD ) { 
    rechitsHFHAD_ = *rechitsHFHADHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << rechitsHFHAD_.size() << " HFHAD rechits" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : rechitsHFHAD Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << rechitsHFHADTag_<<endl;

  for ( unsigned i=0; i<rechitsCLEANEDTags_.size(); ++i ) { 
    bool foundCLEANED = iEvent.getByLabel(rechitsCLEANEDTags_[i],
    if ( foundCLEANED ) { 
      rechitsCLEANEDV_[i] = *(rechitsCLEANEDHandles_[i]);
      // cout << "Found " << rechitsCLEANEDV_[i].size() << " CLEANED rechits" << endl;
    } else { 
      cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : rechitsCLEANED Collection not found : "
          <<entry << " " << rechitsCLEANEDTags_[i]<<endl;


  bool foundPS = iEvent.getByLabel(rechitsPSTag_,rechitsPSHandle_);
  if ( foundPS ) { 
    rechitsPS_ = *rechitsPSHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << rechitsPS_.size() << " PS rechits" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : rechitsPS Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << rechitsPSTag_<<endl;

  bool foundCT = iEvent.getByLabel(caloTowersTag_,caloTowersHandle_);
  if ( foundCT ) { 
    caloTowers_ = *caloTowersHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << caloTowers_.size() << " calo Towers" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : caloTowers Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << caloTowersTag_<<endl;

  bool foundPV = iEvent.getByLabel(primaryVerticesTag_,primaryVerticesHandle_);
  if ( foundPV ) { 
    primaryVertices_ = *primaryVerticesHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << primaryVertices_.size() << " primary vertices" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : primaryVertices Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << primaryVerticesTag_<<endl;

  bool foundPFV = iEvent.getByLabel(pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_,pfNuclearTrackerVertexHandle_);
  if ( foundPFV ) { 
    pfNuclearTrackerVertex_ = *pfNuclearTrackerVertexHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << pfNuclearTrackerVertex_.size() << " secondary PF vertices" << endl;
  } else if ( usePFNuclearInteractions_ ) { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : pfNuclearTrackerVertex Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << pfNuclearTrackerVertexTag_<<endl;

  bool foundrecTracks = iEvent.getByLabel(recTracksTag_,recTracksHandle_);
  if ( foundrecTracks ) { 
    recTracks_ = *recTracksHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << recTracks_.size() << " PFRecTracks" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : recTracks Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << recTracksTag_<<endl;

  bool founddisplacedRecTracks = iEvent.getByLabel(displacedRecTracksTag_,displacedRecTracksHandle_);
  if ( founddisplacedRecTracks ) { 
    displacedRecTracks_ = *displacedRecTracksHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << displacedRecTracks_.size() << " PFRecTracks" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : displacedRecTracks Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << displacedRecTracksTag_<<endl;

  bool foundgsfrecTracks = iEvent.getByLabel(gsfrecTracksTag_,gsfrecTracksHandle_);
  if ( foundgsfrecTracks ) { 
    gsfrecTracks_ = *gsfrecTracksHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << gsfrecTracks_.size() << " GsfPFRecTracks" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : gsfrecTracks Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << gsfrecTracksTag_<<endl;

  bool foundconvBremGsfrecTracks = iEvent.getByLabel(convBremGsfrecTracksTag_,convBremGsfrecTracksHandle_);
  if ( foundconvBremGsfrecTracks ) { 
    convBremGsfrecTracks_ = *convBremGsfrecTracksHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << convBremGsfrecTracks_.size() << " ConvBremGsfPFRecTracks" << endl;
  } else if ( useConvBremGsfTracks_ ) { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : convBremGsfrecTracks Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << convBremGsfrecTracksTag_<<endl;

  bool foundmuons = iEvent.getByLabel(muonsTag_,muonsHandle_);
  if ( foundmuons ) { 
    muons_ = *muonsHandle_;
    cout << "Found " << muons_.size() << " muons" << endl;
    for ( unsigned imu=0; imu<muons_.size(); ++imu ) { 
      std::cout << " Muon " << imu << ":" << std::endl;
      reco::MuonRef muonref( &muons_, imu );
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : muons Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << muonsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundconversion = iEvent.getByLabel(conversionTag_,conversionHandle_);
  if ( foundconversion ) { 
    conversion_ = *conversionHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << conversion_.size() << " conversion" << endl;
  } else if ( usePFConversions_ ) { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : conversion Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << conversionTag_<<endl;

  bool foundv0 = iEvent.getByLabel(v0Tag_,v0Handle_);
  if ( foundv0 ) { 
    v0_ = *v0Handle_;
    // cout << "Found " << v0_.size() << " v0" << endl;
  } else if ( usePFV0s_ ) { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : v0 Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << v0Tag_<<endl;

  if(useEGPhotons_) {
    bool foundPhotons = iEvent.getByLabel(photonTag_,photonHandle_);
    if ( foundPhotons) {
      photons_ = *photonHandle_;    
    } else {
      cerr <<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : photon collection not found : " 
           << entry << " " << photonTag_ << endl;

  if(useEGElectrons_) {
    bool foundElectrons = iEvent.getByLabel(egammaElectronsTag_,egammaElectronHandle_);
    if ( foundElectrons) {
      //      std::cout << " Found collection " << std::endl;
      egammaElectrons_ = *egammaElectronHandle_;
    } else
        cerr <<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : electron collection not found : "
             << entry << " " << egammaElectronsTag_ << endl;

  bool foundgenJets = iEvent.getByLabel(genJetsTag_,genJetsHandle_);
  if ( foundgenJets ) { 
    genJetsCMSSW_ = *genJetsHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << genJetsCMSSW_.size() << " genJets" << endl;
  } else { 
    //cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : genJets Collection not found : "
    //    <<entry << " " << genJetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundgenParticlesforJets = iEvent.getByLabel(genParticlesforJetsTag_,genParticlesforJetsHandle_);
  if ( foundgenParticlesforJets ) { 
    genParticlesforJets_ = *genParticlesforJetsHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << genParticlesforJets_.size() << " genParticlesforJets" << endl;
  } else { 
    //cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : genParticlesforJets Collection not found : "
    //    <<entry << " " << genParticlesforJetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundgenParticlesforMET = iEvent.getByLabel(genParticlesforMETTag_,genParticlesforMETHandle_);
  if ( foundgenParticlesforMET ) { 
    genParticlesCMSSW_ = *genParticlesforMETHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << genParticlesCMSSW_.size() << " genParticlesforMET" << endl;
  } else { 
    //cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : genParticlesforMET Collection not found : "
    //    <<entry << " " << genParticlesforMETTag_<<endl;

  bool foundcaloJets = iEvent.getByLabel(caloJetsTag_,caloJetsHandle_);
  if ( foundcaloJets ) { 
    caloJetsCMSSW_ = *caloJetsHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << caloJetsCMSSW_.size() << " caloJets" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : caloJets Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << caloJetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundcorrcaloJets = iEvent.getByLabel(corrcaloJetsTag_,corrcaloJetsHandle_);
  if ( foundcorrcaloJets ) { 
    corrcaloJetsCMSSW_ = *corrcaloJetsHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << corrcaloJetsCMSSW_.size() << " corrcaloJets" << endl;
  } else { 
    //cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : corrcaloJets Collection not found : "
    //    <<entry << " " << corrcaloJetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundpfJets = iEvent.getByLabel(pfJetsTag_,pfJetsHandle_);
  if ( foundpfJets ) { 
    pfJetsCMSSW_ = *pfJetsHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << pfJetsCMSSW_.size() << " PFJets" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : PFJets Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << pfJetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundpfCands = iEvent.getByLabel(pfCandidateTag_,pfCandidateHandle_);
  if ( foundpfCands ) { 
    pfCandCMSSW_ = *pfCandidateHandle_;
    // cout << "Found " << pfCandCMSSW_.size() << " PFCandidates" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : PFCandidate Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << pfCandidateTag_<<endl;

  bool foundpfMets = iEvent.getByLabel(pfMetsTag_,pfMetsHandle_);
  if ( foundpfMets ) { 
    pfMetsCMSSW_ = *pfMetsHandle_;
    //cout << "Found " << pfMetsCMSSW_.size() << " PFMets" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : PFMets Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << pfMetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundtcMets = iEvent.getByLabel(tcMetsTag_,tcMetsHandle_);
  if ( foundtcMets ) { 
    tcMetsCMSSW_ = *tcMetsHandle_;
    //cout << "Found " << tcMetsCMSSW_.size() << " TCMets" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"TCRootEventManager::ProcessEntry : TCMets Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << tcMetsTag_<<endl;

  bool foundcaloMets = iEvent.getByLabel(caloMetsTag_,caloMetsHandle_);
  if ( foundcaloMets ) { 
    caloMetsCMSSW_ = *caloMetsHandle_;
    //cout << "Found " << caloMetsCMSSW_.size() << " CALOMets" << endl;
  } else { 
    cerr<<"CALORootEventManager::ProcessEntry : CALOMets Collection not found : "
        <<entry << " " << caloMetsTag_<<endl;

  // now can use the tree

  bool goodevent = true;
  if(trueParticles_.size() ) {
    // this is a filter to select single particle events.
    if(filterNParticles_ && doTauBenchmark_ &&
       trueParticles_.size() != filterNParticles_ ) {
      cout << "PFRootEventManager : event discarded Nparticles="
           <<filterNParticles_<< endl; 
      goodevent = false;
    if(goodevent && doTauBenchmark_ && filterHadronicTaus_ && !isHadronicTau() ) {
      cout << "PFRootEventManager : leptonic tau discarded " << endl; 
      goodevent =  false;
    if( goodevent && doTauBenchmark_ && !filterTaus_.empty() 
        && !countChargedAndPhotons() ) {
      assert( filterTaus_.size() == 2 );
      cout <<"PFRootEventManager : tau discarded: "
           <<"number of charged and neutral particles different from "
      goodevent =  false;      
      fillOutEventWithSimParticles( trueParticles_ );

  //   if(caloTowersBranch_) {
  //     if(goodevent)
  //       fillOutEventWithCaloTowers( caloTowers_ );
  //   } 

  if(rechitsECAL_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecHits( rechitsECAL_ , findRecHitNeighbours_);
  if(rechitsHCAL_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecHits( rechitsHCAL_ , findRecHitNeighbours_);
  if(rechitsHFEM_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecHits( rechitsHFEM_ , findRecHitNeighbours_);
  if(rechitsHFHAD_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecHits( rechitsHFHAD_ , findRecHitNeighbours_);
  for ( unsigned i=0; i<rechitsCLEANEDV_.size(); ++i ) { 
    if(rechitsCLEANEDV_[i].size()) {
      PreprocessRecHits( rechitsCLEANEDV_[i] , false);
      for ( unsigned j=0; j<rechitsCLEANEDV_[i].size(); ++j ) { 
        rechitsCLEANED_.push_back( (rechitsCLEANEDV_[i])[j] );

  if(rechitsPS_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecHits( rechitsPS_ , findRecHitNeighbours_);

  if ( recTracks_.size() ) { 
    PreprocessRecTracks( recTracks_);

  if ( displacedRecTracks_.size() ) { 
    //   cout << "preprocessing rec tracks" << endl;
    PreprocessRecTracks( displacedRecTracks_);

  if(gsfrecTracks_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecTracks( gsfrecTracks_);
  if(convBremGsfrecTracks_.size()) {
    PreprocessRecTracks( convBremGsfrecTracks_);

  return goodevent;
void PFRootEventManager::readOptions ( const char *  file,
bool  refresh = true,
bool  reconnect = false 

parse option file if(reconnect), the rootfile will be reopened, and the tree reconnected

Definition at line 131 of file

References calibFile_, calibration_, benchmark_cfg::cerr, clusterAlgoECAL_, clusterAlgoHCAL_, clusterAlgoHFEM_, clusterAlgoHFHAD_, clusterAlgoPS_, connect(), gather_cfg::cout, debug_, Benchmark::DEFAULT, DeltaMETcut, DeltaPhicut, deltaRMax, dir, doClustering_, doCompare_, doJets_, doMet_, doParticleFlow_, doPFCandidateBenchmark_, doPFDQM_, doPFJetBenchmark_, doPFMETBenchmark_, doTauBenchmark_, dqmFile_, egammaElectronsTag_, PFClusterAlgo::enableDebugging(), exception, cmsRelvalreport::exit, expand(), fastsim_, timingPdfMaker::file1, filterHadronicTaus_, filterNParticles_, filterTaus_, findRecHitNeighbours_, IO::GetOpt(), JECinCaloMet_, jetAlgo_, jetAlgoType_, jetMaker_, jetsDebug_, MET1cut, metManager_, mode, onlyTwoJets, options_, outEvent_, outFile_, EcalCondDB::outfilename, outjetfilename, outTree_, pfAlgo_, pfBlockAlgo_, pfCandidateManager_, pfjBenchmarkDebug, PFJetBenchmark_, pfJetMonitor_, pfMETMonitor_, plotAgainstReco, printClusters_, printClustersEMin_, printGenParticles_, printGenParticlesPtMin_, printMCTruthMatching_, printPFBlocks_, printPFCandidates_, printPFCandidatesPtMin_, printPFJets_, printPFJetsPtMin_, printRecHits_, printRecHitsEMin_, printSimParticles_, printSimParticlesPtMin_, PtMinSelector_cfg::ptMin, readSpecificOptions(), reset(), PFAlgo::setAlgo(), PFAlgo::setCandConnectorParameters(), PFClusterAlgo::setCleanRBXandHPDs(), PFJetAlgorithm::SetConeAngle(), FWLiteJetProducer::setConeAreaFraction(), PFJetAlgorithm::SetConeMerge(), FWLiteJetProducer::setConeRadius(), PFBlockAlgo::setDebug(), PFAlgo::setDebug(), FWLiteJetProducer::setDebug(), reco::PFCluster::setDepthCorParameters(), PFJetMonitor::setDirectory(), PFCandidateManager::setDirectory(), PFMETMonitor::setDirectory(), PFAlgo::setDisplacedVerticesParameters(), PFClusterAlgo::setHistos(), FWLiteJetProducer::setMaxIterations(), FWLiteJetProducer::setMaxPairSize(), FWLiteJetProducer::setmEInputCut(), FWLiteJetProducer::setmEtInputCut(), PFClusterAlgo::setNNeighbours(), FWLiteJetProducer::setOverlapThreshold(), PFCandidateManager::setParameters(), PFBlockAlgo::setParameters(), PFMETMonitor::setParameters(), PFAlgo::setParameters(), PFJetMonitor::setParameters(), PFAlgo::setPFEleParameters(), PFAlgo::setPFMuonAndFakeParameters(), PFAlgo::setPFPhotonParameters(), PFClusterAlgo::setPosCalcNCrystal(), PFClusterAlgo::setPosCalcP1(), PFAlgo::setPostHFCleaningParameters(), FWLiteJetProducer::setPtMin(), Benchmark::setRange(), FWLiteJetProducer::setRParam(), PFClusterAlgo::setS4S1CleanBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setS4S1CleanEndcap(), PFClusterAlgo::setS6S2DoubleSpikeBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setS6S2DoubleSpikeEndcap(), PFJetAlgorithm::SetSeedEt(), FWLiteJetProducer::setSeedThreshold(), PFClusterAlgo::setShowerSigma(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshCleanBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshCleanEndcap(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshDoubleSpikeBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshDoubleSpikeEndcap(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshEndcap(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshPtBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshPtEndcap(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshPtSeedBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshPtSeedEndcap(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshSeedBarrel(), PFClusterAlgo::setThreshSeedEndcap(), PFMETMonitor::setup(), PFCandidateManager::setup(), PFJetBenchmark::setup(), PFJetMonitor::setup(), PFClusterAlgo::setUseCornerCells(), PFBlockAlgo::setUseOptimization(), tauBenchmarkDebug_, thepfEnergyCalibrationHF_, FWLiteJetProducer::updateParameter(), useAtHLT, useConvBremPFRecTracks_, useEGElectrons_, useEGPhotons_, useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_, usePFElectrons_, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by PFRootEventManager().

  cout<<"calling PFRootEventManager::readOptions"<<endl;

  PFGeometry pfGeometry; // initialize geometry
  // cout<<"reading options "<<endl;

  try {
    if( !options_ )
      options_ = new IO(file);
    else if( refresh) {
      delete options_;
      options_ = new IO(file);
  catch( const string& err ) {

  debug_ = false; 
  options_->GetOpt("rootevent", "debug", debug_);

  // output text file for calibration
  string calibfilename;
  if (!calibfilename.empty()) { 
    calibFile_ = new std::ofstream(calibfilename.c_str());
    std::cout << "Calib file name " << calibfilename << " " << calibfilename.c_str() << std::endl;

  // output root file   ------------------------------------------

  if(!outFile_) {
    string outfilename;
    options_->GetOpt("root","outfile", outfilename);
    bool doOutTree = false;
    options_->GetOpt("root","outtree", doOutTree);
    if(doOutTree) {
      if(!outfilename.empty() ) {
        outFile_ = TFile::Open(outfilename.c_str(), "recreate");
        //options_->GetOpt("root","outtree", doOutTree);
        //if(doOutTree) {
        // cout<<"do tree"<<endl;
        outEvent_ = new EventColin();
        outTree_ = new TTree("Eff","");
        outTree_->Branch("event","EventColin", &outEvent_,32000,2);
      // cout<<"don't do tree"<<endl;
  // PFJet benchmark options and output jetfile to be open before input file!!!--

  doPFJetBenchmark_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("pfjet_benchmark", "on/off", doPFJetBenchmark_);
  if (doPFJetBenchmark_) {
    string outjetfilename;
    options_->GetOpt("pfjet_benchmark", "outjetfile", outjetfilename);
    bool pfjBenchmarkDebug;
    options_->GetOpt("pfjet_benchmark", "debug", pfjBenchmarkDebug);
    bool plotAgainstReco=0;
    options_->GetOpt("pfjet_benchmark", "plotAgainstReco", plotAgainstReco);
    bool onlyTwoJets=1;
    options_->GetOpt("pfjet_benchmark", "onlyTwoJets", onlyTwoJets);
    double deltaRMax=0.1;
    options_->GetOpt("pfjet_benchmark", "deltaRMax", deltaRMax);

    PFJetBenchmark_.setup( outjetfilename, 
                           deltaRMax );

// PFMET benchmark options and output jetfile to be open before input file!!!--

  doPFMETBenchmark_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "on/off", doPFMETBenchmark_);
  if (doPFMETBenchmark_) {
    //COLIN : looks like this benchmark is not written in the standard output file. Any particular reason for it? 
    doMet_ = false;
    options_->GetOpt("MET", "on/off", doMet_);

    JECinCaloMet_ = false;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "JECinCaloMET", JECinCaloMet_);

    std::string outmetfilename;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "outmetfile", outmetfilename);

    // define here the various benchmark comparison
    metManager_.reset( new METManager(outmetfilename) );
    if ( doMet_ ) metManager_->addGenBenchmark("recompPF");
    if (JECinCaloMet_) metManager_->addGenBenchmark("corrCalo");

    bool pfmetBenchmarkDebug;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "debug", pfmetBenchmarkDebug);
    MET1cut = 10.0;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "truemetcut", MET1cut);
    DeltaMETcut = 30.0;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "deltametcut", DeltaMETcut);
    DeltaPhicut = 0.8;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "deltaphicut", DeltaPhicut);

    std::vector<unsigned int> vIgnoreParticlesIDs;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "trueMetIgnoreParticlesIDs", vIgnoreParticlesIDs);
    //std::cout << "FL: vIgnoreParticlesIDs.size() = " << vIgnoreParticlesIDs.size() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "FL: first = " << vIgnoreParticlesIDs[0] << std::endl;

    std::vector<unsigned int> trueMetSpecificIdCut;
    std::vector<double> trueMetSpecificEtaCut;
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "trueMetSpecificIdCut", trueMetSpecificIdCut);
    options_->GetOpt("pfmet_benchmark", "trueMetSpecificEtaCut", trueMetSpecificEtaCut);
    if (trueMetSpecificIdCut.size()!=trueMetSpecificEtaCut.size()) std::cout << "Warning: PFRootEventManager: trueMetSpecificIdCut.size()!=trueMetSpecificEtaCut.size()" << std::endl;
    else metManager_->SetSpecificIdCut(&trueMetSpecificIdCut,&trueMetSpecificEtaCut);


  doPFCandidateBenchmark_ = true;
  options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "on/off", doPFCandidateBenchmark_); 
  if (doPFCandidateBenchmark_) {    
    cout<<"+++ Setting PFCandidate benchmark"<<endl;
    TDirectory* dir = outFile_->mkdir("DQMData");
    dir = dir->mkdir("PFTask");    
    dir = dir->mkdir("particleFlowManager");
    pfCandidateManager_.setDirectory( dir );

    float dRMax = 0.5; 
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "dRMax", dRMax); 
    float ptMin = 2; 
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "ptMin", ptMin); 
    bool matchCharge = true; 
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "matchCharge", matchCharge); 
    int mode = static_cast<int>(Benchmark::DEFAULT);
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "mode", mode); 
    pfCandidateManager_.setParameters( dRMax, matchCharge, 
    pfCandidateManager_.setRange( ptMin, 10e5, -4.5, 4.5, -10, 10);
    //COLIN need to set the subdirectory.  
    cout<<"+++ Done "<<endl;
  // Addition to have DQM histograms : by S. Dutta   
  doPFDQM_ = true;
  options_->GetOpt("pfDQM_monitor", "on/off", doPFDQM_); 

  if (doPFDQM_) {
    cout<<"+++ Setting PFDQM Monitoring " <<endl;
    string dqmfilename;
    dqmFile_ = 0;
    options_->GetOpt("pfDQM_monitor","DQMFilename", dqmfilename);
    dqmFile_ = TFile::Open(dqmfilename.c_str(), "recreate");

    TDirectory* dir = dqmFile_->mkdir("DQMData");
    TDirectory* dir1 = dir->mkdir("PFJetValidation");
    TDirectory* dir2 = dir->mkdir("PFMETValidation");
    pfJetMonitor_.setDirectory( dir1 );
    pfMETMonitor_.setDirectory( dir2 );
    float dRMax = 0.5;
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "dRMax", dRMax);
    float ptMin = 2;
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "ptMin", ptMin);
    bool matchCharge = true;
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "matchCharge", matchCharge);
    int mode = static_cast<int>(Benchmark::DEFAULT);
    options_->GetOpt("pfCandidate_benchmark", "mode", mode);

    pfJetMonitor_.setParameters( dRMax, matchCharge, static_cast<Benchmark::Mode>(mode),
                                 ptMin, 10e5, -4.5, 4.5, -10.0, 10.0, false);

    pfMETMonitor_.setParameters( static_cast<Benchmark::Mode>(mode),
                                 ptMin, 10e5, -4.5, 4.5, -10.0, 10.0, false);

  std::string outputFile0;
  TFile* file0 = 0;
  TH2F* hBNeighbour0 = 0;
  TH2F* hENeighbour0 = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "ECAL", outputFile0);
  if(!outputFile0.empty() ) {
    file0 = TFile::Open(outputFile0.c_str(),"recreate");
    hBNeighbour0 = new TH2F("BNeighbour0","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (ECAL Barrel)",500, 0., 0.5, 1000,0.,1.);
    hENeighbour0 = new TH2F("ENeighbour0","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (ECAL Endcap)",500, 0., 0.2, 1000,0.,1.);

  std::string outputFile1;
  TFile* file1 = 0;
  TH2F* hBNeighbour1 = 0;
  TH2F* hENeighbour1 = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "HCAL", outputFile1);
  if(!outputFile1.empty() ) {
    file1 = TFile::Open(outputFile1.c_str(),"recreate");
    hBNeighbour1 = new TH2F("BNeighbour1","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (HCAL Barrel)",500, 0., 0.05, 400,0.,1.);
    hENeighbour1 = new TH2F("ENeighbour1","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (HCAL Endcap)",500, 0., 0.05, 400,0.,1.);

  std::string outputFile2;
  TFile* file2 = 0;
  TH2F* hBNeighbour2 = 0;
  TH2F* hENeighbour2 = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "HFEM", outputFile2);
  if(!outputFile2.empty() ) {
    file2 = TFile::Open(outputFile2.c_str(),"recreate");
    hBNeighbour2 = new TH2F("BNeighbour2","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (HFEM Barrel)",500, 0., 0.02, 400,0.,1.);
    hENeighbour2 = new TH2F("ENeighbour2","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (HFEM Endcap)",500, 0., 0.02, 400,0.,1.);

  std::string outputFile3;
  TFile* file3 = 0;
  TH2F* hBNeighbour3 = 0;
  TH2F* hENeighbour3 = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "HFHAD", outputFile3);
  if(!outputFile3.empty() ) {
    file3 = TFile::Open(outputFile3.c_str(),"recreate");
    hBNeighbour3 = new TH2F("BNeighbour3","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (HFHAD Barrel)",500, 0., 0.02, 400,0.,1.);
    hENeighbour3 = new TH2F("ENeighbour3","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (HFHAD Endcap)",500, 0., 0.02, 400,0.,1.);

  std::string outputFile4;
  TFile* file4 = 0;
  TH2F* hBNeighbour4 = 0;
  TH2F* hENeighbour4 = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "Preshower", outputFile4);
  if(!outputFile4.empty() ) {
    file4 = TFile::Open(outputFile4.c_str(),"recreate");
    hBNeighbour4 = new TH2F("BNeighbour4","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (Preshower Barrel)",200, 0., 1000., 400,0.,1.);
    hENeighbour4 = new TH2F("ENeighbour4","f_{Neighbours} vs 1/E_{Seed} (Preshower Endcap)",200, 0., 1000., 400,0.,1.);

  // input root file --------------------------------------------

  if( reconnect )

  // filter --------------------------------------------------------------

  filterNParticles_ = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("filter", "nparticles", filterNParticles_);
  filterHadronicTaus_ = true;
  options_->GetOpt("filter", "hadronic_taus", filterHadronicTaus_);
  options_->GetOpt("filter", "taus", filterTaus_);
  if( !filterTaus_.empty() &&
      filterTaus_.size() != 2 ) {
    cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::ReadOptions, bad filter/taus option."<<endl
        <<"please use : "<<endl
        <<"\tfilter taus n_charged n_neutral"<<endl;
  // clustering parameters -----------------------------------------------

  doClustering_ = true;
  //options_->GetOpt("clustering", "on/off", doClustering_);
  bool clusteringDebug = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "debug", clusteringDebug );

  findRecHitNeighbours_ = true;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "findRecHitNeighbours", 
  double threshEcalBarrel = 0.1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Ecal_Barrel", threshEcalBarrel);
  double threshPtEcalBarrel = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Ecal_Barrel", threshPtEcalBarrel);
  double threshSeedEcalBarrel = 0.3;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_Ecal_Barrel", 

  double threshPtSeedEcalBarrel = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_Ecal_Barrel", 

  double threshCleanEcalBarrel = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_Ecal_Barrel", 

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanEcalBarrel;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_Ecal_Barrel", 

  double threshDoubleSpikeEcalBarrel = 10.;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_DoubleSpike_Ecal_Barrel", 

  double minS6S2DoubleSpikeEcalBarrel = 0.04;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Ecal_Barrel", 

  double threshEcalEndcap = 0.2;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Ecal_Endcap", threshEcalEndcap);

  double threshPtEcalEndcap = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Ecal_Endcap", threshPtEcalEndcap);

  double threshSeedEcalEndcap = 0.8;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_Ecal_Endcap",

  double threshPtSeedEcalEndcap = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_Ecal_Endcap",

  double threshCleanEcalEndcap = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_Ecal_Endcap", 

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanEcalEndcap;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_Ecal_Endcap", 

  double threshDoubleSpikeEcalEndcap = 1E9;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_DoubleSpike_Ecal_Endcap", 

  double minS6S2DoubleSpikeEcalEndcap = -1.;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS6S2_DoubleSpike_Ecal_Endcap", 

  double showerSigmaEcal = 3;  
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "shower_Sigma_Ecal",

  int nNeighboursEcal = 4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "neighbours_Ecal", nNeighboursEcal);
  int posCalcNCrystalEcal = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_nCrystal_Ecal", 

  double posCalcP1Ecal 
    = threshEcalBarrel<threshEcalEndcap ? threshEcalBarrel:threshEcalEndcap;
//   options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_p1_Ecal", 
//                    posCalcP1Ecal);
  bool useCornerCellsEcal = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "useCornerCells_Ecal",


  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshBarrel( threshEcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshSeedBarrel( threshSeedEcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshPtBarrel( threshPtEcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshPtSeedBarrel( threshPtSeedEcalBarrel );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshDoubleSpikeBarrel( threshDoubleSpikeEcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setS6S2DoubleSpikeBarrel( minS6S2DoubleSpikeEcalBarrel );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshEndcap( threshEcalEndcap );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshSeedEndcap( threshSeedEcalEndcap );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshPtEndcap( threshPtEcalEndcap );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshPtSeedEndcap( threshPtSeedEcalEndcap );


  clusterAlgoECAL_.setThreshDoubleSpikeEndcap( threshDoubleSpikeEcalEndcap );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setS6S2DoubleSpikeEndcap( minS6S2DoubleSpikeEcalEndcap );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.setNNeighbours( nNeighboursEcal );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setShowerSigma( showerSigmaEcal );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.setPosCalcNCrystal( posCalcNCrystalEcal );
  clusterAlgoECAL_.setPosCalcP1( posCalcP1Ecal );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.setUseCornerCells( useCornerCellsEcal );

  clusterAlgoECAL_.enableDebugging( clusteringDebug ); 

  int dcormode = 0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "depthCor_Mode", dcormode);
  double dcora = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "depthCor_A", dcora);
  double dcorb = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "depthCor_B", dcorb);
  double dcorap = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "depthCor_A_preshower", dcorap);
  double dcorbp = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "depthCor_B_preshower", dcorbp);

  //   if( dcormode > 0 && 
  //       dcora > -0.5 && 
  //       dcorb > -0.5 && 
  //       dcorap > -0.5 && 
  //       dcorbp > -0.5 ) {

  //     cout<<"set depth correction "
  //    <<dcormode<<" "<<dcora<<" "<<dcorb<<" "<<dcorap<<" "<<dcorbp<<endl;
  reco::PFCluster::setDepthCorParameters( dcormode, 
                                          dcora, dcorb, 
                                          dcorap, dcorbp);
  //   }
  //   else {
  //     reco::PFCluster::setDepthCorParameters( -1, 
  //                                        0,0 , 
  //                                        0,0 );
  //   }


  double threshHcalBarrel = 0.8;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Hcal_Barrel", threshHcalBarrel);
  double threshPtHcalBarrel = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Hcal_Barrel", threshPtHcalBarrel);
  double threshSeedHcalBarrel = 1.4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_Hcal_Barrel", 

  double threshPtSeedHcalBarrel = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_Hcal_Barrel", 

  double threshCleanHcalBarrel = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_Hcal_Barrel", 

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanHcalBarrel;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_Hcal_Barrel", 

  double threshHcalEndcap = 0.8;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Hcal_Endcap", threshHcalEndcap);

  double threshPtHcalEndcap = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Hcal_Endcap", threshPtHcalEndcap);

  double threshSeedHcalEndcap = 1.4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_Hcal_Endcap",

  double threshPtSeedHcalEndcap = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_Hcal_Endcap",

  double threshCleanHcalEndcap = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_Hcal_Endcap", 

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanHcalEndcap;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_Hcal_Endcap", 

  double showerSigmaHcal    = 15;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "shower_Sigma_Hcal",
  int nNeighboursHcal = 4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "neighbours_Hcal", nNeighboursHcal);

  int posCalcNCrystalHcal = 5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_nCrystal_Hcal",

  bool useCornerCellsHcal = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "useCornerCells_Hcal",

  bool cleanRBXandHPDs = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "cleanRBXandHPDs_Hcal",

  double posCalcP1Hcal 
    = threshHcalBarrel<threshHcalEndcap ? threshHcalBarrel:threshHcalEndcap;
//   options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_p1_Hcal", 
//                    posCalcP1Hcal);


  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshBarrel( threshHcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshSeedBarrel( threshSeedHcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshPtBarrel( threshPtHcalBarrel );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshPtSeedBarrel( threshPtSeedHcalBarrel );

  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshEndcap( threshHcalEndcap );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshSeedEndcap( threshSeedHcalEndcap );

  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshPtEndcap( threshPtHcalEndcap );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setThreshPtSeedEndcap( threshPtSeedHcalEndcap );


  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setNNeighbours( nNeighboursHcal );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setShowerSigma( showerSigmaHcal );

  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setPosCalcNCrystal( posCalcNCrystalHcal );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setPosCalcP1( posCalcP1Hcal );

  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setUseCornerCells( useCornerCellsHcal );
  clusterAlgoHCAL_.setCleanRBXandHPDs( cleanRBXandHPDs );

  clusterAlgoHCAL_.enableDebugging( clusteringDebug ); 

  // clustering HF EM 

  double threshHFEM = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_HFEM", threshHFEM);
  double threshPtHFEM = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_HFEM", threshPtHFEM);
  double threshSeedHFEM = 0.001;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_HFEM", 
  double threshPtSeedHFEM = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_HFEM", 
  double threshCleanHFEM = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_HFEM", 

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanHFEM;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_HFEM", 

  double showerSigmaHFEM    = 0.1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "shower_Sigma_HFEM",
  int nNeighboursHFEM = 4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "neighbours_HFEM", nNeighboursHFEM);

  int posCalcNCrystalHFEM = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_nCrystal_HFEM",

  bool useCornerCellsHFEM = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "useCornerCells_HFEM",

  double posCalcP1HFEM = threshHFEM;
//   options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_p1_HFEM", 
//                    posCalcP1HFEM);


  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setThreshEndcap( threshHFEM );
  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setThreshSeedEndcap( threshSeedHFEM );

  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setThreshPtEndcap( threshPtHFEM );
  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setThreshPtSeedEndcap( threshPtSeedHFEM );


  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setNNeighbours( nNeighboursHFEM );
  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setShowerSigma( showerSigmaHFEM );

  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setPosCalcNCrystal( posCalcNCrystalHFEM );
  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setPosCalcP1( posCalcP1HFEM );

  clusterAlgoHFEM_.setUseCornerCells( useCornerCellsHFEM );

  clusterAlgoHFEM_.enableDebugging( clusteringDebug ); 

  // clustering HFHAD 

  double threshHFHAD = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_HFHAD", threshHFHAD);
  double threshPtHFHAD = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_HFHAD", threshPtHFHAD);
  double threshSeedHFHAD = 0.001;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_HFHAD", 
  double threshPtSeedHFHAD = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_HFHAD", 
  double threshCleanHFHAD = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_HFHAD", 

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanHFHAD;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_HFHAD", 

  double showerSigmaHFHAD    = 0.1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "shower_Sigma_HFHAD",
  int nNeighboursHFHAD = 4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "neighbours_HFHAD", nNeighboursHFHAD);

  int posCalcNCrystalHFHAD = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_nCrystal_HFHAD",

  bool useCornerCellsHFHAD = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "useCornerCells_HFHAD",

  double posCalcP1HFHAD = threshHFHAD;
//   options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_p1_HFHAD", 
//                    posCalcP1HFHAD);


  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setThreshEndcap( threshHFHAD );
  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setThreshSeedEndcap( threshSeedHFHAD );

  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setThreshPtEndcap( threshPtHFHAD );
  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setThreshPtSeedEndcap( threshPtSeedHFHAD );


  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setNNeighbours( nNeighboursHFHAD );
  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setShowerSigma( showerSigmaHFHAD );

  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setPosCalcNCrystal( posCalcNCrystalHFHAD );
  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setPosCalcP1( posCalcP1HFHAD );

  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.setUseCornerCells( useCornerCellsHFHAD );

  clusterAlgoHFHAD_.enableDebugging( clusteringDebug ); 

  // clustering preshower

  double threshPS = 0.0001;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_PS", threshPS);
  double threshPtPS = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_PS", threshPtPS);
  double threshSeedPS = 0.001;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Seed_PS", 
  double threshPtSeedPS = 0.0;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Pt_Seed_PS", threshPtSeedPS);
  double threshCleanPS = 1E5;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "thresh_Clean_PS", threshCleanPS);

  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanPS;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "minS4S1_Clean_PS", minS4S1CleanPS);

  //Comment Michel: PSBarrel shall be removed?
  double threshPSBarrel     = threshPS;
  double threshSeedPSBarrel = threshSeedPS;

  double threshPtPSBarrel     = threshPtPS;
  double threshPtSeedPSBarrel = threshPtSeedPS;

  double threshCleanPSBarrel = threshCleanPS;
  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanPSBarrel = minS4S1CleanPS;

  double threshPSEndcap     = threshPS;
  double threshSeedPSEndcap = threshSeedPS;

  double threshPtPSEndcap     = threshPtPS;
  double threshPtSeedPSEndcap = threshPtSeedPS;

  double threshCleanPSEndcap = threshCleanPS;
  std::vector<double> minS4S1CleanPSEndcap = minS4S1CleanPS;

  double showerSigmaPS    = 0.1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "shower_Sigma_PS",
  int nNeighboursPS = 4;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "neighbours_PS", nNeighboursPS);

  int posCalcNCrystalPS = -1;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_nCrystal_PS",

  bool useCornerCellsPS = false;
  options_->GetOpt("clustering", "useCornerCells_PS",

  double posCalcP1PS = threshPS;
//   options_->GetOpt("clustering", "posCalc_p1_PS", 
//                    posCalcP1PS);


  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshBarrel( threshPSBarrel );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshSeedBarrel( threshSeedPSBarrel );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshPtBarrel( threshPtPSBarrel );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshPtSeedBarrel( threshPtSeedPSBarrel );

  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshEndcap( threshPSEndcap );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshSeedEndcap( threshSeedPSEndcap );

  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshPtEndcap( threshPtPSEndcap );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setThreshPtSeedEndcap( threshPtSeedPSEndcap );


  clusterAlgoPS_.setNNeighbours( nNeighboursPS );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setShowerSigma( showerSigmaPS );

  clusterAlgoPS_.setPosCalcNCrystal( posCalcNCrystalPS );
  clusterAlgoPS_.setPosCalcP1( posCalcP1PS );

  clusterAlgoPS_.setUseCornerCells( useCornerCellsPS );

  clusterAlgoPS_.enableDebugging( clusteringDebug ); 

  // options for particle flow ---------------------------------------------

  doParticleFlow_ = true;
  doCompare_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "on/off", doParticleFlow_);  
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "comparison", doCompare_);  

  useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_ = true;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker", useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_);  
  std::cout << "Use Track-ECAL link optimization: " << useKDTreeTrackEcalLinker_ << std::endl;

  std::vector<double> DPtovPtCut;
  std::vector<unsigned> NHitCut;
  bool useIterTracking;
  int nuclearInteractionsPurity;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "DPtoverPt_Cut", DPtovPtCut);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "NHit_Cut", NHitCut);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "useIterTracking", useIterTracking);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "nuclearInteractionsPurity", nuclearInteractionsPurity);
  std::vector<double> PhotonSelectionCuts;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow","photonSelection", PhotonSelectionCuts);

  try {
    pfBlockAlgo_.setParameters( DPtovPtCut, 
  catch( std::exception& err ) {
    cerr<<"exception setting PFBlockAlgo parameters: "
        <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
    delete this;

  bool blockAlgoDebug = false;
  options_->GetOpt("blockAlgo", "debug",  blockAlgoDebug);  
  pfBlockAlgo_.setDebug( blockAlgoDebug );

  bool AlgoDebug = false;
  options_->GetOpt("PFAlgo", "debug",  AlgoDebug);  
  pfAlgo_.setDebug( AlgoDebug );

  // read PFCluster calibration parameters
    calibration( new PFEnergyCalibration() );
  calibration_ = calibration;

  bool usePFSCEleCalib;
  std::vector<double>  calibPFSCEle_Fbrem_barrel; 
  std::vector<double>  calibPFSCEle_Fbrem_endcap;
  std::vector<double>  calibPFSCEle_barrel;
  std::vector<double>  calibPFSCEle_endcap;
    thePFSCEnergyCalibration (new PFSCEnergyCalibration(calibPFSCEle_Fbrem_barrel,calibPFSCEle_Fbrem_endcap,
                                                        calibPFSCEle_barrel,calibPFSCEle_endcap ));
  bool useEGammaSupercluster;
  double sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_barrel;
  double sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_endcap;
  double coneEcalIsoForEgammaSC;
  double sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_barrel;
  double sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_endcap;
  unsigned int nTrackIsoForEgammaSC;
  double coneTrackIsoForEgammaSC;

  //--ab: get calibration factors for HF:
  bool calibHF_use = false;
  std::vector<double>  calibHF_eta_step;
  std::vector<double>  calibHF_a_EMonly;
  std::vector<double>  calibHF_b_HADonly;
  std::vector<double>  calibHF_a_EMHAD;
  std::vector<double>  calibHF_b_EMHAD;


  boost::shared_ptr<PFEnergyCalibrationHF>  thepfEnergyCalibrationHF
    ( new PFEnergyCalibrationHF(calibHF_use,calibHF_eta_step,calibHF_a_EMonly,calibHF_b_HADonly,calibHF_a_EMHAD,calibHF_b_EMHAD) ) ;

  thepfEnergyCalibrationHF_ = thepfEnergyCalibrationHF;

  double nSigmaECAL = 99999;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "nsigma_ECAL", nSigmaECAL);
  double nSigmaHCAL = 99999;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "nsigma_HCAL", nSigmaHCAL);

  try {
    pfAlgo_.setParameters( nSigmaECAL, nSigmaHCAL, 
                           calibration, thepfEnergyCalibrationHF_);
  catch( std::exception& err ) {
    cerr<<"exception setting PFAlgo parameters: "
        <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
    delete this;

  std::vector<double> muonHCAL;
  std::vector<double> muonECAL;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "muon_HCAL", muonHCAL);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "muon_ECAL", muonECAL);
  assert ( muonHCAL.size() == 2 && muonECAL.size() == 2 );

  double nSigmaTRACK = 3.0;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "nsigma_TRACK", nSigmaTRACK);

  double ptError = 1.0;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "pt_error", ptError);
  std::vector<double> factors45;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "factors_45", factors45);
  assert ( factors45.size() == 2 );
  bool usePFMuonMomAssign = false;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFMuonMomAssign", usePFMuonMomAssign);
  try { 
  catch( std::exception& err ) {
    cerr<<"exception setting PFAlgo Muon and Fake parameters: "
        <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
    delete this;
  bool postHFCleaning = true;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "postHFCleaning", postHFCleaning);
  double minHFCleaningPt = 5.;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "minHFCleaningPt", minHFCleaningPt);
  double minSignificance = 2.5;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "minSignificance", minSignificance);
  double maxSignificance = 2.5;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "maxSignificance", maxSignificance);
  double minSignificanceReduction = 1.4;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "minSignificanceReduction", minSignificanceReduction);
  double maxDeltaPhiPt = 7.0;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "maxDeltaPhiPt", maxDeltaPhiPt);
  double minDeltaMet = 0.4;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "minDeltaMet", minDeltaMet);

  // Set post HF cleaning muon parameters
  try { 
  catch( std::exception& err ) {
    cerr<<"exception setting post HF cleaning parameters: "
        <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
    delete this;
  useAtHLT = false;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "useAtHLT", useAtHLT);
  cout<<"use HLT tracking "<<useAtHLT<<endl;

  usePFElectrons_ = false;   // set true to use PFElectrons
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFElectrons", usePFElectrons_);
  cout<<"use PFElectrons "<<usePFElectrons_<<endl;

  if( usePFElectrons_ ) { 
    // PFElectrons options -----------------------------
    double mvaEleCut = -1.;  // if = -1. get all the pre-id electrons
    options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "electron_mvaCut", mvaEleCut);

    bool applyCrackCorrections=true;

    string mvaWeightFileEleID = "";
    options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "electronID_mvaWeightFile", 
    mvaWeightFileEleID = expand(mvaWeightFileEleID);

    std::string egammaElectronstagname;
    egammaElectronsTag_ =  edm::InputTag(egammaElectronstagname);
    try { 
    catch( std::exception& err ) {
      cerr<<"exception setting PFAlgo Electron parameters: "
          <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
      delete this;

  bool usePFPhotons = true;   
  string mvaWeightFileConvID = "";
  double mvaConvCut=-1.;
  double sumPtTrackIsoForPhoton=2.0;
  double sumPtTrackIsoSlopeForPhoton=0.001;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFPhotons", usePFPhotons);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "conv_mvaCut", mvaConvCut);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "convID_mvaWeightFile", mvaWeightFileConvID); 
  // cout<<"use PFPhotons "<<usePFPhotons<<endl;

  if( usePFPhotons ) { 
    // PFPhoton options -----------------------------
    try { 

    catch( std::exception& err ) {
      cerr<<"exception setting PFAlgo Photon parameters: "
          <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
      delete this;

  bool rejectTracks_Bad = true;
  bool rejectTracks_Step45 = true;
  bool usePFConversions = false;   // set true to use PFConversions
  bool usePFNuclearInteractions = false;
  bool usePFV0s = false;

  double dptRel_DispVtx = 10;

  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFConversions", usePFConversions);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFV0s", usePFV0s);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "usePFNuclearInteractions", usePFNuclearInteractions);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "dptRel_DispVtx",  dptRel_DispVtx);

  try { 

  catch( std::exception& err ) {
    cerr<<"exception setting PFAlgo displaced vertex parameters: "
        <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
    delete this;

  bool bCorrect = false;
  bool bCalibPrimary = false;
  double dptRel_PrimaryTrack = 0;
  double dptRel_MergedTrack = 0;
  double ptErrorSecondary = 0;
  vector<double> nuclCalibFactors;

  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "bCorrect", bCorrect);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "bCalibPrimary", bCalibPrimary);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "dptRel_PrimaryTrack", dptRel_PrimaryTrack);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "dptRel_MergedTrack", dptRel_MergedTrack);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "ptErrorSecondary", ptErrorSecondary);
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "nuclCalibFactors", nuclCalibFactors);

  try { 
    pfAlgo_.setCandConnectorParameters(bCorrect, bCalibPrimary, dptRel_PrimaryTrack, dptRel_MergedTrack, ptErrorSecondary, nuclCalibFactors);
  catch( std::exception& err ) {
    cerr<<"exception setting PFAlgo cand connector parameters: "
        <<err.what()<<". terminating."<<endl;
    delete this;

  int    algo = 2;
  options_->GetOpt("particle_flow", "algorithm", algo);

  pfAlgo_.setAlgo( algo );
  //   pfAlgoOther_.setAlgo( 1 );

  // jets options ---------------------------------

  doJets_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "on/off", doJets_);

  jetsDebug_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "debug", jetsDebug_);

  jetAlgoType_=3; //FastJet as Default
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "algo", jetAlgoType_);

  double mEtInputCut = 0.5;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "EtInputCut",  mEtInputCut);           

  double mEInputCut = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "EInputCut",  mEInputCut);  

  double seedThreshold  = 1.0;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "seedThreshold", seedThreshold);

  double coneRadius = 0.5;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "coneRadius", coneRadius);             

  double coneAreaFraction= 1.0;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "coneAreaFraction",  coneAreaFraction);   

  int maxPairSize=2;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "maxPairSize",  maxPairSize);  

  int maxIterations=100;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "maxIterations",  maxIterations);      

  double overlapThreshold  = 0.75;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "overlapThreshold", overlapThreshold);

  double ptMin = 10.;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "ptMin",  ptMin);      

  double rparam = 1.0;
  options_->GetOpt("jets", "rParam",  rparam);    
  jetMaker_.setmEtInputCut (mEtInputCut);
  jetMaker_.setMaxIterations(maxIterations) ;
  jetMaker_.setOverlapThreshold(overlapThreshold) ;
  jetMaker_.setPtMin (ptMin);
  jetMaker_.setRParam (rparam);
  cout <<"Opt: doJets? " << doJets_  <<endl; 
  cout <<"Opt: jetsDebug " << jetsDebug_  <<endl; 
  cout <<"Opt: algoType " << jetAlgoType_  <<endl; 
  cout <<"----------------------------------" << endl;

  // tau benchmark options ---------------------------------

  doTauBenchmark_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("tau_benchmark", "on/off", doTauBenchmark_);
  if (doTauBenchmark_) {
    double coneAngle = 0.5;
    options_->GetOpt("tau_benchmark", "cone_angle", coneAngle);
    double seedEt    = 0.4;
    options_->GetOpt("tau_benchmark", "seed_et", seedEt);
    double coneMerge = 100.0;
    options_->GetOpt("tau_benchmark", "cone_merge", coneMerge);
    options_->GetOpt("tau_benchmark", "debug", tauBenchmarkDebug_);

    // cout<<"jets debug "<<jetsDebug_<<endl;
    if( tauBenchmarkDebug_ ) {
      cout << "Tau Benchmark Options : ";
      cout << "Angle=" << coneAngle << " seedEt=" << seedEt 
           << " Merge=" << coneMerge << endl;


  // print flags -------------

  printRecHits_ = false;
  printRecHitsEMin_ = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "rechits", printRecHits_ );
  options_->GetOpt("print", "rechits_emin", printRecHitsEMin_ );
  printClusters_ = false;
  printClustersEMin_ = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "clusters", printClusters_ );
  options_->GetOpt("print", "clusters_emin", printClustersEMin_ );

  printPFBlocks_ = false;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "PFBlocks", printPFBlocks_ );
  printPFCandidates_ = true;
  printPFCandidatesPtMin_ = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "PFCandidates", printPFCandidates_ );
  options_->GetOpt("print", "PFCandidates_ptmin", printPFCandidatesPtMin_ );
  printPFJets_ = true;
  printPFJetsPtMin_ = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "jets", printPFJets_ );
  options_->GetOpt("print", "jets_ptmin", printPFJetsPtMin_ );
  printSimParticles_ = true;
  printSimParticlesPtMin_ = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "simParticles", printSimParticles_ );
  options_->GetOpt("print", "simParticles_ptmin", printSimParticlesPtMin_ );

  printGenParticles_ = true;
  printGenParticlesPtMin_ = 0.;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "genParticles", printGenParticles_ );
  options_->GetOpt("print", "genParticles_ptmin", printGenParticlesPtMin_ );

  //MCTruthMatching Tool set to false by default
  //can only be used with fastsim and the UnFoldedMode set to true
  //when generating the simulated file
  printMCTruthMatching_ = false; 
  options_->GetOpt("print", "mctruthmatching", printMCTruthMatching_ );  

  verbosity_ = VERBOSE;
  options_->GetOpt("print", "verbosity", verbosity_ );
  cout<<"verbosity : "<<verbosity_<<endl;


virtual void PFRootEventManager::readSpecificOptions ( const char *  file) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in PFRootEventManagerColin.

Definition at line 225 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

void PFRootEventManager::reconstructCaloJets ( )

reconstruct calo jets

Definition at line 2975 of file

References caloJets_, caloTowers_, caloTowersPtrs_, edm::PtrVectorBase::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, i, jetsDebug_, ProtoJet::pt(), edm::PtrVector< T >::push_back(), reconstructFWLiteJets(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size(), VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE || jetsDebug_ ) {
    cout<<"start reconstruct CaloJets --- "<<endl;

  for( unsigned i=0; i<caloTowers_.size(); i++) {
    reco::CandidatePtr candPtr( &caloTowers_, i );
    caloTowersPtrs_.push_back( candPtr );
  reconstructFWLiteJets( caloTowersPtrs_, caloJets_ );

  if (jetsDebug_ ) {
    for(unsigned ipj=0; ipj<caloJets_.size(); ipj++) {
      const ProtoJet& protojet = caloJets_[ipj];      
      cout<<" calo jet "<<ipj<<" "<< <<endl;

void PFRootEventManager::reconstructFWLiteJets ( const reco::CandidatePtrVector Candidates,
std::vector< ProtoJet > &  output 

used by the reconstruct*Jets functions

Produce jet collection using CMS Iterative Cone Algorithm

Definition at line 3058 of file

References FWLiteJetProducer::applyCuts(), gather_cfg::cout, collect_tpl::input, jetAlgoType_, jetMaker_, FWLiteJetProducer::makeFastJets(), FWLiteJetProducer::makeIterativeConeJets(), and FWLiteJetProducer::makeMidpointJets().

Referenced by reconstructCaloJets(), reconstructGenJets(), and reconstructPFJets().


  // cout<<"!!! Make FWLite Jets  "<<endl;  
  JetReco::InputCollection input;
  // vector<ProtoJet> output;
  jetMaker_.applyCuts (Candidates, &input); 
  if (jetAlgoType_==1) {// ICone 
    jetMaker_.makeIterativeConeJets(input, &output);
  if (jetAlgoType_==2) {// MCone
    jetMaker_.makeMidpointJets(input, &output);
  if (jetAlgoType_==3) {// Fastjet
    jetMaker_.makeFastJets(input, &output);  
  if((jetAlgoType_>3)||(jetAlgoType_<0)) {
    cout<<"Unknown Jet Algo ! " <<jetAlgoType_ << endl;
  //if (jetsDebug_) cout<<"Proto Jet Size " <<output.size()<<endl;

void PFRootEventManager::reconstructGenJets ( )

reconstruct gen jets

Definition at line 2899 of file

References abs, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::begin(), edm::PtrVectorBase::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), genJets_, genParticlesforJets_, genParticlesforJetsPtrs_, ProtoJet::getTowerList(), i, getHLTprescales::index, reco::isNeutrino(), ProtoJet::jetArea(), jetsDebug_, reco::makeSpecific(), ProtoJet::nPasses(), reco::LeafCandidate::p(), ProtoJet::p4(), reco::LeafCandidate::pdgId(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), ProtoJet::pileup(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), edm::PtrVector< T >::push_back(), reconstructFWLiteJets(), edm::refToPtr(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size(), timingPdfMaker::specific, reco::LeafCandidate::status(), VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE || jetsDebug_) {
    cout<<"start reconstruct GenJets  --- "<<endl;
    cout<< " input gen particles for jet: all neutrinos removed ; muons present" << endl;


  if ( !genParticlesforJets_.size() ) return;

  for(unsigned i=0; i<genParticlesforJets_.size(); i++) {

    const reco::GenParticle&    genPart = *(genParticlesforJets_[i]);

    // remove all muons/neutrinos for PFJet studies
    //    if (reco::isNeutrino( genPart ) || reco::isMuon( genPart )) continue;
    //    remove all neutrinos for PFJet studies
    if (reco::isNeutrino( genPart )) continue;
    // Work-around a bug in the pythia di-jet gun.
    if (std::abs(genPart.pdgId())<7 || std::abs(genPart.pdgId())==21 ) continue;

    if (jetsDebug_ ) {
      cout << "      #" << i << "  PDG code:" << genPart.pdgId() 
           << " status " << genPart.status()
           << ", p/pt/eta/phi: " << genPart.p() << '/' << 
           << '/' << genPart.eta() << '/' << genPart.phi() << endl;
    genParticlesforJetsPtrs_.push_back( refToPtr(genParticlesforJets_[i]) );
  vector<ProtoJet> protoJets;
  reconstructFWLiteJets(genParticlesforJetsPtrs_, protoJets );

  // Convert Protojets to GenJets
  int ijet = 0;
  typedef vector <ProtoJet>::const_iterator IPJ;
  for  (IPJ ipj = protoJets.begin(); ipj != protoJets.end (); ipj++) {
    const ProtoJet& protojet = *ipj;
    const ProtoJet::Constituents& constituents = protojet.getTowerList();
    reco::Jet::Point vertex (0,0,0); // do not have true vertex yet, use default
    GenJet::Specific specific;
    JetMaker::makeSpecific(constituents, &specific);
    // constructor without constituents
    GenJet newJet (protojet.p4(), vertex, specific);
    // last step is to copy the constituents into the jet (new jet definition since 18X)
    // namespace reco {
    //class Jet : public CompositeRefBaseCandidate {
    // public:
    //  typedef reco::CandidateBaseRefVector Constituents;
    ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator constituent = constituents.begin();
    for (; constituent != constituents.end(); ++constituent) {
      // find index of this ProtoJet constituent in the overall collection PFconstit
      // see class IndexedCandidate in JetRecoTypes.h
      uint index = constituent->index();
      newJet.addDaughter( genParticlesforJetsPtrs_[index] );
    }  // end loop on ProtoJet constituents
    // last step: copy ProtoJet Variables into Jet
    if (jetsDebug_ ) cout<<" gen jet "<<ijet<<" "<<newJet.print()<<endl;
    genJets_.push_back (newJet);
  } // end loop on protojets iterator IPJ
void PFRootEventManager::reconstructPFJets ( )

reconstruct pf jets

Definition at line 3001 of file

References reco::CompositePtrCandidate::begin(), edm::PtrVectorBase::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, ProtoJet::getTowerList(), i, getHLTprescales::index, ProtoJet::jetArea(), jetsDebug_, reco::makeSpecific(), ProtoJet::nPasses(), ProtoJet::p4(), pfCandidates_, pfCandidatesPtrs_, pfJets_, ProtoJet::pileup(), edm::PtrVector< T >::push_back(), reconstructFWLiteJets(), timingPdfMaker::specific, VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().


  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE || jetsDebug_) {
    cout<<"start reconstruct PF Jets --- "<<endl;
  for( unsigned i=0; i<pfCandidates_->size(); i++) {
    reco::CandidatePtr candPtr( pfCandidates_.get(), i );
    pfCandidatesPtrs_.push_back( candPtr );

  vector<ProtoJet> protoJets;
  reconstructFWLiteJets(pfCandidatesPtrs_, protoJets );

  // Convert Protojets to PFJets

  int ijet = 0;
  typedef vector <ProtoJet>::const_iterator IPJ;
  for  (IPJ ipj = protoJets.begin(); ipj != protoJets.end (); ipj++) {
    const ProtoJet& protojet = *ipj;
    const ProtoJet::Constituents& constituents = protojet.getTowerList();
    reco::Jet::Point vertex (0,0,0); // do not have true vertex yet, use default
    PFJet::Specific specific;
    JetMaker::makeSpecific(constituents, &specific);
    // constructor without constituents
    PFJet newJet (protojet.p4(), vertex, specific);
    // last step is to copy the constituents into the jet (new jet definition since 18X)
    // namespace reco {
    //class Jet : public CompositeRefBaseCandidate {
    // public:
    //  typedef reco::CandidateBaseRefVector Constituents;
    ProtoJet::Constituents::const_iterator constituent = constituents.begin();
    for (; constituent != constituents.end(); ++constituent) {
      // find index of this ProtoJet constituent in the overall collection PFconstit
      // see class IndexedCandidate in JetRecoTypes.h
      uint index = constituent->index();
    }  // end loop on ProtoJet constituents
    // last step: copy ProtoJet Variables into Jet
    if (jetsDebug_ )  cout<<" PF jet "<<ijet<<" "<<newJet.print()<<endl;
    pfJets_.push_back (newJet);
  } // end loop on protojets iterator IPJ

void PFRootEventManager::reset ( void  )

reset before next event

Definition at line 118 of file

References ev_, fwlite::ChainEvent::getTFile(), fwlite::ChainEvent::isValid(), outEvent_, outTree_, and EventColin::reset().

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().


  if(outEvent_) {

  if ( ev_ && ev_->isValid() ) 
void PFRootEventManager::setRecHitNeigbours ( reco::PFRecHit rh,
const std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &  detId2index 

for a given rechit, find the indices of the rechit neighbours, and store these indices in the rechit. The search is done in a detid to index map

Definition at line 2513 of file

References reco::PFRecHit::add4Neighbour(), reco::PFRecHit::add8Neighbour(), reco::PFRecHit::clearNeighbours(), i, reco::PFRecHit::neighboursIds4(), and reco::PFRecHit::neighboursIds8().

Referenced by PreprocessRecHits().



  vector<unsigned> neighbours4DetId = rh.neighboursIds4();
  vector<unsigned> neighbours8DetId = rh.neighboursIds8();
  for( unsigned i=0; i<neighbours4DetId.size(); i++) {
    unsigned detId = neighbours4DetId[i];
    //     cout<<"finding n for detId "<<detId<<endl;
    const map<unsigned, unsigned>::const_iterator& it = detId2index.find(detId);
    if(it != detId2index.end() ) {
      //       cout<<"found n index "<<it->second<<endl;
      rh.add4Neighbour( it->second );

  for( unsigned i=0; i<neighbours8DetId.size(); i++) {
    unsigned detId = neighbours8DetId[i];
    //     cout<<"finding n for detId "<<detId<<endl;
    const map<unsigned, unsigned>::const_iterator& it = detId2index.find(detId);
    if(it != detId2index.end() ) {
      //       cout<<"found n index "<<it->second<<endl;
      rh.add8Neighbour( it->second );

edm::InputTag PFRootEventManager::stringToTag ( const std::vector< std::string > &  tagname)

returns an InputTag from a vector of strings

Definition at line 4611 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.


  if ( tagname.size() == 1 ) 
    return edm::InputTag(tagname[0]);

  else if ( tagname.size() == 2 ) 
    return edm::InputTag(tagname[0], tagname[1]);

  else if ( tagname.size() == 3 ) 
    return tagname[2] == '*' ? 
      edm::InputTag(tagname[0], tagname[1]) :
      edm::InputTag(tagname[0], tagname[1], tagname[2]);
  else {
    cout << "Invalid tag name with " << tagname.size() << " strings "<< endl;
    return edm::InputTag();
double PFRootEventManager::tauBenchmark ( const reco::PFCandidateCollection candidates)

COLIN need to get rid of this mess.

performs the tau benchmark TODO move this function and the associated datamembers out of here use an official benchmark from RecoParticleFlow/Benchmark

Definition at line 3085 of file

References abs, EventColin::addJetEHT(), EventColin::addJetMC(), EventColin::addJetPF(), caloTowers_, benchmark_cfg::cerr, reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), PFJetAlgorithm::Clear(), gather_cfg::cout, EventColin::Jet::e, EventColin::Jet::ee, EventColin::Jet::eh, relval_parameters_module::energy, EventColin::Jet::et, eta(), EventColin::Jet::eta, EventColin::Jet::ete, EventColin::Jet::eth, fastsim_, PFJetAlgorithm::FindJets(), edm::HepMCProduct::GetEvent(), h_deltaETvisible_MCEHT_, h_deltaETvisible_MCPF_, i, reco::isNeutrino(), metsig::jet, jetAlgo_, MCTruth_, reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::momentum(), outEvent_, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), reco::PFCandidate::particleId(), reco::PFSimParticle::pdgCode(), phi, EventColin::Jet::phi, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size(), mathSSE::sqrt(), tauBenchmarkDebug_, trueParticles_, Utils::VectorEPRtoXYZ(), VERBOSE, and verbosity_.

Referenced by processEntry().

  //std::cout << "building jets from MC particles," 
  //    << "PF particles and caloTowers" << std::endl;
  //initialize Jets Reconstruction

  //COLIN The following comment is not really adequate, 
  // since partTOTMC is not an action..
  // one should say what this variable is for.
  // see my comment later 
//   TLorentzVector partTOTMC;

  // colin: the following is not necessary
  // since the lorentz vectors are initialized to 0,0,0,0. 
  // partTOTMC.SetPxPyPzE(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  //Colin: this vector vectPART is not necessary !!
  //it was just an efficient copy of trueparticles_.....
//   vector<reco::PFSimParticle> vectPART;
//   for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
//     const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];
//     vectPART.push_back(ptc);
//   }//loop

  //COLIN one must not loop on trueParticles_ to find taus. 
  //the code was giving wrong results on non single tau events. 

  // first check that this is a single tau event. 

  TLorentzVector partTOTMC;
  bool tauFound = false;
  bool tooManyTaus = false;
  if (fastsim_){

    for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
      const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];
      if (std::abs(ptc.pdgCode()) == 15) {
        // this is a tau
        if( i ) tooManyTaus = true;
        else tauFound=true;
    if(!tauFound || tooManyTaus ) {
      // cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::tauBenchmark : not a single tau event"<<endl;
      return -9999;
    // loop on the daugthers of the tau
    const std::vector<int>& ptcdaughters = trueParticles_[0].daughterIds();
    // will contain the sum of the lorentz vectors of the visible daughters
    // of the tau.
    for ( unsigned int dapt=0; dapt < ptcdaughters.size(); ++dapt) {
      const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& tpatvtx 
        = trueParticles_[ptcdaughters[dapt]].trajectoryPoint(0);
      TLorentzVector partMC;
      partTOTMC += partMC;
      if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
        int pdgcode =  trueParticles_[ptcdaughters[dapt]].pdgCode();
        cout << pdgcode << endl;
        cout << tpatvtx << endl;
        cout << partMC.Px() << " " << partMC.Py() << " " 
             << partMC.Pz() << " " << partMC.E()
             << " PT=" 
             << sqrt(partMC.Px()*partMC.Px()+partMC.Py()*partMC.Py()) 
             << endl;
    }//loop daughter

    uint itau=0;
    const HepMC::GenEvent* myGenEvent = MCTruth_.GetEvent();
    for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator 
            piter  = myGenEvent->particles_begin();
          piter != myGenEvent->particles_end(); 
          ++piter ) {
      if (std::abs((*piter)->pdg_id())==15){
        for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator bp =
              bp != (*piter)->end_vertex()->particles_out_const_end(); ++bp ) {
          uint nuId=std::abs((*bp)->pdg_id());
          bool isNeutrino=(nuId==12)||(nuId==14)||(nuId==16);
          if (!isNeutrino){

            TLorentzVector partMC;
            partTOTMC += partMC;
    if (itau>1) tooManyTaus=true;

    if(!tauFound || tooManyTaus ) {
      cerr<<"PFRootEventManager::tauBenchmark : not a single tau event"<<endl;
      return -9999;

  EventColin::Jet jetmc;

  jetmc.eta = partTOTMC.Eta();
  jetmc.phi = partTOTMC.Phi(); = partTOTMC.Et();
  jetmc.e = partTOTMC.E();
  if(outEvent_) outEvent_->addJetMC( jetmc );

  //MC JETS RECONSTRUCTION (visible energy)
  for ( unsigned i=0;  i < trueParticles_.size(); i++) {
  const reco::PFSimParticle& ptc = trueParticles_[i];
  const std::vector<int>& ptcdaughters = ptc.daughterIds();
  if(ptcdaughters.size() != 0) continue;
  //TAKE INFO AT VERTEX //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint& tpatvtx = ptc.trajectoryPoint(0);
  TLorentzVector partMC;
  partTOTMC += partMC;
  if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
  int pdgcode = ptc.pdgCode();
  cout << pdgcode << endl;
  cout << tpatvtx << endl;
  cout << partMC.Px() << " " << partMC.Py() << " " 
  << partMC.Pz() << " " << partMC.E() 
  << " PT=" 
  << sqrt(partMC.Px()*partMC.Px()+partMC.Py()*partMC.Py()) 
  << endl;
  }//loop true particles
  if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
    cout << " ET Vector=" << partTOTMC.Et() 
         << " " << partTOTMC.Eta() 
         << " " << partTOTMC.Phi() << endl; cout << endl;

  //cout << endl;  
  //cout << "THERE ARE " << caloTowers_.size() << " CALO TOWERS" << endl;

  vector<TLorentzVector> allcalotowers;
  //   vector<double>         allemenergy;
  //   vector<double>         allhadenergy;
  double threshCaloTowers = 1E-10;
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < caloTowers_.size(); ++i) {
    if(caloTowers_[i].energy() < threshCaloTowers) {
      //     cout<<"skipping calotower"<<endl;

    TLorentzVector caloT;
    TVector3 pepr( caloTowers_[i].eta(),
    TVector3 pxyz = Utils::VectorEPRtoXYZ( pepr );
    //     allemenergy.push_back( caloTowers_[i].emEnergy() );
    //     allhadenergy.push_back( caloTowers_[i].hadEnergy() );
  }//loop calo towers
  if ( tauBenchmarkDebug_)  
    cout << " RETRIEVED " << allcalotowers.size() 
         << " CALOTOWER 4-VECTORS " << endl;
  //ECAL+HCAL tower jets computation
  const vector< PFJetAlgorithm::Jet >&  caloTjets 
    = jetAlgo_.FindJets( &allcalotowers );
  //cout << caloTjets.size() << " CaloTower Jets found" << endl;
  double JetEHTETmax = 0.0;
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < caloTjets.size(); i++) {
    TLorentzVector jetmom = caloTjets[i].GetMomentum();
    double jetcalo_pt = sqrt(jetmom.Px()*jetmom.Px()+jetmom.Py()*jetmom.Py());
    double jetcalo_et = jetmom.Et();

    EventColin::Jet jet;
    jet.eta = jetmom.Eta();
    jet.phi = jetmom.Phi();  = jetmom.Et();
    jet.e   = jetmom.E();
    const vector<int>& indexes = caloTjets[i].GetIndexes();
    for( unsigned ii=0; ii<indexes.size(); ii++){   +=  caloTowers_[ indexes[ii] ].emEnergy();   +=  caloTowers_[ indexes[ii] ].hadEnergy();
      jet.ete   +=  caloTowers_[ indexes[ii] ].emEt();
      jet.eth   +=  caloTowers_[ indexes[ii] ].hadEt();
    if(outEvent_) outEvent_->addJetEHT( jet );

    if ( tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
      cout << " ECAL+HCAL jet : " << caloTjets[i] << endl;
      cout << jetmom.Px() << " " << jetmom.Py() << " " 
           << jetmom.Pz() << " " << jetmom.E() 
           << " PT=" << jetcalo_pt << endl;

    if (jetcalo_et >= JetEHTETmax) 
      JetEHTETmax = jetcalo_et;
  }//loop MCjets

  vector<TLorentzVector> allrecparticles;
  //   if ( tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
  //     cout << endl;
  //     cout << " THERE ARE " << pfBlocks_.size() << " EFLOW BLOCKS" << endl;
  //   }//debug

  //   for ( unsigned iefb = 0; iefb < pfBlocks_.size(); iefb++) {
  //       const std::vector< PFBlockParticle >& recparticles 
  //    = pfBlocks_[iefb].particles();

  for(unsigned i=0; i<candidates.size(); i++) {
    //       if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) 
    //  cout << " there are " << recparticles.size() 
    //       << " particle in this block" << endl;
    const reco::PFCandidate& candidate = candidates[i];

    if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
      cout << i << " " << candidate << endl;
      int type = candidate.particleId();
      cout << " type= " << type << " " << candidate.charge() 
           << endl;

    const math::XYZTLorentzVector& PFpart = candidate.p4();
    TLorentzVector partRec(PFpart.Px(), 
    //loading 4-vectors of Rec particles
    allrecparticles.push_back( partRec );

  }//loop on candidates

  if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) 
    cout << " THERE ARE " << allrecparticles.size() 
         << " RECONSTRUCTED 4-VECTORS" << endl;

  const vector< PFJetAlgorithm::Jet >&  PFjets 
    = jetAlgo_.FindJets( &allrecparticles );

  if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) 
    cout << PFjets.size() << " PF Jets found" << endl;
  double JetPFETmax = 0.0;
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < PFjets.size(); i++) {
    TLorentzVector jetmom = PFjets[i].GetMomentum();
    double jetpf_pt = sqrt(jetmom.Px()*jetmom.Px()+jetmom.Py()*jetmom.Py());
    double jetpf_et = jetmom.Et();

    EventColin::Jet jet;
    jet.eta = jetmom.Eta();
    jet.phi = jetmom.Phi();  = jetmom.Et();
    jet.e   = jetmom.E();

    if(outEvent_) outEvent_->addJetPF( jet );

    if (tauBenchmarkDebug_) {
      cout <<" Rec jet : "<< PFjets[i] <<endl;
      cout << jetmom.Px() << " " << jetmom.Py() << " " 
           << jetmom.Pz() << " " << jetmom.E() 
           << " PT=" << jetpf_pt << " eta="<< jetmom.Eta() 
           << " Phi=" << jetmom.Phi() << endl;
      cout << "------------------------------------------------" << endl;
    if (jetpf_et >= JetPFETmax)  
      JetPFETmax = jetpf_et;
  }//loop PF jets

  //fill histos

  double deltaEtEHT = JetEHTETmax - partTOTMC.Et();
  double deltaEt = JetPFETmax - partTOTMC.Et();
  h_deltaETvisible_MCPF_ ->Fill(deltaEt);

  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE ) {
    cout << "tau benchmark E_T(PF) - E_T(true) = " << deltaEt << endl;

  return deltaEt/partTOTMC.Et();
bool PFRootEventManager::trackInsideGCut ( const reco::PFTrack track) const

is PFTrack inside cut G ? yes if at least one trajectory point is inside.

Definition at line 4070 of file

References i, pos, and reco::PFTrack::trajectoryPoints().


  TCutG* cutg = (TCutG*) gROOT->FindObject("CUTG");
  if(!cutg) return true;
  const vector< reco::PFTrajectoryPoint >& points = track.trajectoryPoints();
  for( unsigned i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
    if( ! points[i].isValid() ) continue;
    const math::XYZPoint& pos = points[i].position();
    if( cutg->IsInside( pos.Eta(), pos.Phi() ) ) return true;

  // no point inside cut
  return false;
TTree* PFRootEventManager::tree ( ) [inline]

get tree

Definition at line 331 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

References tree_.

{return tree_;}
void PFRootEventManager::write ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented in MyPFRootEventManager, and PFRootEventManagerColin.

Definition at line 1594 of file

References clusterAlgoECAL_, clusterAlgoHCAL_, clusterAlgoHFEM_, clusterAlgoHFHAD_, clusterAlgoPS_, gather_cfg::cout, doPFDQM_, doPFJetBenchmark_, doPFMETBenchmark_, dqmFile_, metManager_, outFile_, PFJetBenchmark_, pfJetMonitor_, pfMETMonitor_, PFJetBenchmark::write(), PFClusterAlgo::write(), and Benchmark::write().


  if(doPFJetBenchmark_) PFJetBenchmark_.write();
  if(doPFMETBenchmark_) metManager_->write();
  // Addition to have DQM histograms : by S. Dutta                                                                                                       
  if (doPFDQM_) {
    cout << " Writing DQM root file " << endl;
  if(outFile_) {
//     outFile_->cd(); 
//     // write histos here
//     cout<<"writing output to "<<outFile_->GetName()<<endl;
//     h_deltaETvisible_MCEHT_->Write();
//     h_deltaETvisible_MCPF_->Write();
//     if(outTree_) outTree_->Write();
//     if(doPFCandidateBenchmark_) pfCandidateBenchmark_.write();

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 871 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 868 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

calo Jets

Definition at line 621 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by reconstructCaloJets().

Definition at line 636 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readCMSSWJets(), and readFromSimulation().

CMSSW calo Jets.

Definition at line 634 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 635 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Calo MET.

Definition at line 647 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 655 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 653 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 654 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 508 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), reconstructCaloJets(), and tauBenchmark().

input collection of calotowers

Definition at line 506 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

for the reconstruction of jets. The elements will point to the objects in caloTowers_ has to be global to have a lifetime = lifetime of PFJets

Definition at line 513 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by reconstructCaloJets().

Definition at line 507 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

clustering algorithm for ECAL

Definition at line 688 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by clustering(), DisplayManager::createGRecHit(), DisplayManager::loadGRecHits(), readOptions(), and write().

clustering algorithm for HCAL

Definition at line 691 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by clustering(), DisplayManager::createGRecHit(), DisplayManager::loadGRecHits(), readOptions(), and write().

clustering algorithm for HF, electro-magnetic layer

Definition at line 694 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by clustering(), DisplayManager::createGRecHit(), DisplayManager::loadGRecHits(), readOptions(), and write().

clustering algorithm for HF, hadronic layer

Definition at line 697 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by clustering(), DisplayManager::createGRecHit(), DisplayManager::loadGRecHits(), readOptions(), and write().

clustering algorithm for PS

Definition at line 700 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by clustering(), DisplayManager::createGRecHit(), DisplayManager::loadGRecHits(), readOptions(), and write().

particle data table.

Definition at line 867 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

clusters ECAL

Definition at line 481 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 482 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

clusters HCAL

Definition at line 486 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 487 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

clusters HCAL

Definition at line 491 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 492 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

clusters HCAL

Definition at line 496 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 497 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

clusters PS

Definition at line 501 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 502 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 542 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().

reconstructed secondary GSF tracks

Definition at line 540 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 541 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 557 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 555 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 556 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 641 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().

CMSSW corrected calo Jets.

Definition at line 639 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 640 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

debug printouts for this PFRootEventManager on/off

Definition at line 819 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 716 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 717 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 527 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 523 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 525 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

clustering on/off. If on, rechits from tree are used to form clusters. If off, clusters from tree are used.

Definition at line 783 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

comparison with pf CMSSW

Definition at line 789 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

jets on/off

Definition at line 795 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

MET on/off.

Definition at line 798 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

particle flow on/off

Definition at line 786 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 720 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 732 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().

PFJet benchmark on/off.

Definition at line 813 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().

PFMET benchmark on/off.

Definition at line 816 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().

tau benchmark on/off

Definition at line 807 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 733 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), and write().

Definition at line 535 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 537 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 536 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

event auxiliary information

Definition at line 447 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 444 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Fastsim or fullsim.

Definition at line 830 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), and tauBenchmark().

input file

Definition at line 673 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 775 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 773 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 777 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by countChargedAndPhotons(), readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

find rechit neighbours ?

Definition at line 822 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

gen Jets

Definition at line 590 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by printMCCalib(), processEntry(), and reconstructGenJets().

Definition at line 631 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readCMSSWJets(), and readFromSimulation().

CMSSW gen Jets.

Definition at line 629 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 630 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 595 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 587 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), and reconstructGenJets().

input collection of gen particles

Definition at line 585 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

gen particle base candidates (input for gen jets new since 1_8_0) the vector of references to genParticles genParticlesforJets_ is converted to a PtrVector, which is the input to jet reco

Definition at line 600 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by reconstructGenJets().

Definition at line 586 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

CMSSW GenParticles.

Definition at line 593 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 594 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

reconstructed GSF tracks

Definition at line 530 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 531 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

output histo dET ( EHT - MC)

Definition at line 435 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by PFRootEventManager(), and tauBenchmark().

output histo dET ( PF - MC)

Definition at line 438 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by PFRootEventManager(), and tauBenchmark().

current event

Definition at line 416 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by eventNumber(), and processEntry().

std::vector<std::string> PFRootEventManager::inFileNames_

input file names

Definition at line 676 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect().

propagate the Jet Energy Corrections to the caloMET on/off

Definition at line 801 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

native jet algorithm

Definition at line 724 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), and tauBenchmark().

jet algo type

Definition at line 804 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), and reconstructFWLiteJets().

wrapper to official jet algorithms

Definition at line 727 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), and reconstructFWLiteJets().

debug printouts for jet algo on/off

Definition at line 826 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), reconstructCaloJets(), reconstructGenJets(), and reconstructPFJets().

Definition at line 878 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by eventToEntry(), and initializeEventInformation().

MC truth.

Definition at line 580 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 581 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

PFMET Benchmark.

Definition at line 715 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 873 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().

Definition at line 552 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 550 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 551 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

options file parser

Definition at line 419 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), readOptions(), PFRootEventManagerColin::readSpecificOptions(), and ~PFRootEventManager().

output filename

Definition at line 682 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

output tree

Definition at line 428 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and reset().

particle flow algorithm

Definition at line 707 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readOptions().

algorithm for building the particle flow blocks

Definition at line 704 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 670 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by pfCandCompare(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 609 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow().

CMSSW PF candidates.

Definition at line 668 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 719 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readOptions().

reconstructed pfCandidates

Definition at line 606 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by highPtPFCandidate(), particleFlow(), pfCandCompare(), processEntry(), and reconstructPFJets().

for the reconstruction of jets. The elements will point to the objects in pfCandidates_ has to be global to have a lifetime = lifetime of PFJets TODO make the other candidate PtrVectors for jets global as well

Definition at line 615 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by reconstructPFJets().

Definition at line 669 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

PFJet Benchmark.

Definition at line 712 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().

Definition at line 730 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().

PF Jets.

Definition at line 618 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by highPtJet(), printMCCalib(), processEntry(), and reconstructPFJets().

Definition at line 626 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readCMSSWJets(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 624 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 625 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 731 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), readOptions(), and write().


Definition at line 644 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 665 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 663 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 664 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 572 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 570 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 571 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 560 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 562 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 561 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 519 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().

reconstructed primary vertices

Definition at line 517 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 518 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

print clusters yes/no

Definition at line 743 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by DialogFrame::createCmdFrame(), readOptions(), and DialogFrame::selectPrintOption().

Definition at line 744 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by printCluster(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 763 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by printGenParticles(), and readOptions().

Definition at line 766 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

print PFBlocks yes/no

Definition at line 747 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by DialogFrame::createCmdFrame(), readOptions(), and DialogFrame::selectPrintOption().

print PFCandidates yes/no

Definition at line 750 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by DialogFrame::createCmdFrame(), readOptions(), and DialogFrame::selectPrintOption().

Definition at line 751 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

print PFJets yes/no

Definition at line 754 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by DialogFrame::createCmdFrame(), readOptions(), and DialogFrame::selectPrintOption().

Definition at line 755 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

print rechits yes/no

Definition at line 739 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by DialogFrame::createCmdFrame(), readOptions(), and DialogFrame::selectPrintOption().

Definition at line 740 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by printRecHit(), and readOptions().

print true particles yes/no

Definition at line 758 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by DialogFrame::createCmdFrame(), readOptions(), and DialogFrame::selectPrintOption().

Definition at line 759 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

Definition at line 473 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 471 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 472 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

rechits HF CLEANED

Definition at line 470 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

rechits ECAL

Definition at line 450 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 451 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

rechits HCAL

Definition at line 455 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 456 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

rechits HF EM

Definition at line 460 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 461 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

rechits HF HAD

Definition at line 465 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 466 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

rechits PS

Definition at line 476 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 477 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

reconstructed tracks

Definition at line 522 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 524 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 547 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().

standard reconstructed tracks

Definition at line 545 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 546 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

tau benchmark debug

Definition at line 810 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions(), and tauBenchmark().


Definition at line 650 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Definition at line 660 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 658 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 659 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 869 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

input tree

Definition at line 425 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by tree().

true particles

Definition at line 575 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 576 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Use HLT tracking.

Definition at line 857 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readOptions().

Use Secondary Gsf Tracks.

Definition at line 842 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Use Conv Brem KF Tracks.

Definition at line 845 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readOptions().

Use EGElectrons.

Definition at line 854 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

Use EGPhotons.

Definition at line 848 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation(), and readOptions().

ECAL-track link optimization.

Definition at line 792 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readOptions().

Use of conversions in PFAlgo.

Definition at line 833 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Use PFElectrons.

Definition at line 851 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), and readOptions().

Use of PFDisplacedVertex in PFAlgo.

Definition at line 839 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Use of V0 in PFAlgo.

Definition at line 836 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 567 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by particleFlow(), processEntry(), and readFromSimulation().


Definition at line 565 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by readFromSimulation().

Definition at line 566 of file PFRootEventManager.h.

Referenced by connect(), and readFromSimulation().