Functions | Variables

duplicateReflexLibrarySearch Namespace Reference


def getReleaseBaseDir
def getXmlName
def searchClassDefXml
def searchDuplicatePlugins
def searchEdmPluginDump


string action = 'store_true'
 default = False,
tuple dumpGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "EdmPluginDump options")
 equivDict = \
string help = "Search for duplicate definitions"
dictionary ignoreEdmDP
dictionary packageMatchDict = {}
list packageREs = []
tuple parser
 typedefsDict = \
tuple xmlGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "ClassDef XML options")

Function Documentation

def duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::getReleaseBaseDir ( )
return CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE or CMSSW_BASE depending on the
dev area of release area 

Definition at line 77 of file

00078                         :
00079     """ return CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE or CMSSW_BASE depending on the
00080     dev area of release area """
00081     baseDir = os.environ.get('CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE')
00082     if not len (baseDir):
00083         baseDir = os.environ.get('CMSSW_BASE')
00084     return baseDir

def duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::getXmlName (   line)
Given a line from EDM plugin dump, try to get XML file name.

Definition at line 338 of file

00339                      :
00340     """Given a line from EDM plugin dump, try to get XML file name."""
00341     global packageMatchDict
00342     retval = packageMatchDict.get (line)
00343     if retval:
00344         return retval
00345     for regex in packageREs:
00346         match = (line)
00347         if match:
00348             xmlFile = "./%s/%s/src/classes_def.xml" % \
00349                       (,
00350             if os.path.exists (xmlFile):
00351                 packageMatchDict [line] = xmlFile
00352                 return xmlFile
00353             #return "**%s/%s**" % (, If
00354     # we're here, then we haven't been successful yet.  Let's try the
00355     # brute force approach.
00356     # Try 1
00357     cmd = 'find . -name classes_def.xml -print | grep %s' % line
00358     output = commands.getoutput (cmd).split ('\n')
00359     if output and len (output) == 1:
00360         retval = output[0];
00361         if retval:
00362             packageMatchDict [line] = retval
00363             return retval
00364     # Try 2
00365     cmd = 'find . -name "BuildFile" -exec grep -q %s {} \; -print' % line
00366     output = commands.getoutput (cmd).split ('\n')
00367     if output and len (output) == 1:
00368         retval = output[0];
00369         if retval:
00370             retval = retval + ' (%s)' % line
00371             packageMatchDict [line] = retval
00372             return retval
00373     return "**" +  line + "**"

def duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::searchClassDefXml (   srcDir)
Searches through the requested directory looking at
'classes_def.xml' files looking for duplicate Reflex definitions.

Definition at line 86 of file

00087                               :
00088     """ Searches through the requested directory looking at
00089     'classes_def.xml' files looking for duplicate Reflex definitions."""
00090     # compile necessary RE statements
00091     classNameRE    = re.compile (r'class\s+name\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"')
00092     spacesRE       = re.compile (r'\s+')
00093     stdRE          = re.compile (r'std::')
00094     srcClassNameRE = re.compile (r'(\w+)/src/classes_def.xml')
00095     ignoreSrcRE    = re.compile (r'.*/FWCore/Skeletons/scripts/mkTemplates/.+')
00096     braketRE       = re.compile (r'<.+>')
00097     # get the source directory we want
00098     if not len (srcDir):
00099         try:
00100             srcDir = getReleaseBaseDir() + '/src'
00101         except:
00102             raise RuntimeError, "$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE not found."
00103     try:
00104         os.chdir (srcDir)
00105     except:
00106         raise RuntimeError, "'%s' is not a valid directory." % srcDir
00107     print "Searching for 'classes_def.xml' in '%s'." % srcDir
00108     xmlFiles = commands.getoutput ('find . -name "*classes_def.xml" -print').\
00109                split ('\n')
00110     # print out the XML files, if requested
00111     if options.showXMLs:
00112         pprint.pprint (xmlFiles)
00113     # try and figure out the names of the packages
00114     xmlPackages = []
00115     packagesREs = {}
00116     equivREs    = {}
00117     explicitREs = []
00118     for item in equivDict:
00119         for pack in item:
00120             for equiv in item[pack]:
00121                 explicitREs.append( (re.compile(r'\b' + equiv + r'\b'),pack))
00122     if options.lostDefs:
00123         for filename in xmlFiles:
00124             if (not filename) or (ignoreSrcRE.match(filename)): continue
00125             match = (filename)
00126             if not match: continue
00127             packageName =
00128             xmlPackages.append (packageName)
00129             matchString = r'\b' + packageName + r'\b'
00130             packagesREs[packageName] = re.compile (matchString)
00131             equivList = equivREs.setdefault (packageName, [])
00132             for item in equivDict:
00133                 for equiv in item.get (packageName, []):
00134                     matchString = re.compile(r'\b' + equiv + r'\b')
00135                     equivList.append( (matchString, equiv) )
00136             equivList.append( (packagesREs[packageName], packageName) )
00137     #pprint.pprint (equivREs, width=109)
00138     classDict = {}
00139     ncdict = {'class' : 'className'}
00140     for filename in xmlFiles:
00141         if (not filename) or (ignoreSrcRE.match(filename)): continue
00142         dupProblems     = ''
00143         exceptName      = ''
00144         regexList       = []
00145         localObjects    = []
00146         simpleObjectREs = []
00147         if options.lostDefs:
00148             lostMatch = (filename)
00149             if lostMatch:
00150                 exceptName = (1)
00151                 regexList = equivREs[exceptName]
00152                 xcount = len(regexList)-1
00153                 if not regexList[xcount][0].search (exceptName):
00154                     print '%s not found in' % exceptName,
00155                     print regexList[xcount][0]
00156                     sys.exit()
00157             else: continue
00158         if options.verbose:
00159             print "filename", filename
00160         try:
00161             xmlObj = xml2obj (filename = filename,
00162                               filtering = True,
00163                               nameChangeDict = ncdict)
00164         except Exception as detail:
00165             print "File %s is malformed XML.  Please fix." % filename
00166             print "  ", detail
00167             continue
00168         try:
00169             classList = xmlObj.selection.className
00170         except:
00171             try:
00172                 classList = xmlObj.className
00173             except:
00174                 # this isn't a real classes_def.xml file.  Skip it
00175                 print "**** SKIPPING '%s' - Doesn't seem to have proper information." % filename
00176                 continue
00177         for piece in classList:
00178             try:
00179                 className = spacesRE.sub ('',
00180             except:
00181                 # must be one of these class pattern things.  Skip it
00182                 #print "     skipping %s" % filename, piece.__repr__()
00183                 continue
00184             className = stdRE.sub    ('', className)
00185             # print "  ", className
00186             # Now get rid of any typedefs
00187             for typedef, tdList in typedefsDict.iteritems():
00188                 for alias in tdList:
00189                     className = re.sub (alias, typedef, className)
00190             classDict.setdefault (className, set()).add (filename)
00191             # should we check for lost definitions?
00192             if not options.lostDefs:
00193                 continue
00194             localObjects.append (className)
00195             if options.lazyLostDefs and not (className):
00196                 #print "  ", className
00197                 matchString = r'\b' + className + r'\b'
00198                 simpleObjectREs.append( (re.compile (matchString), className ) )
00199         for className in localObjects:
00200             # if we see our name (or equivalent) here, then let's
00201             # skip complaining about this
00202             foundEquiv = False
00203             for equivRE in regexList:
00204                 #print "searching %s for %s" % (equivRE[1], className)
00205                 if equivRE[0].search (className):
00206                     foundEquiv = True
00207                     break
00208             for simpleRE in simpleObjectREs:
00209                 if simpleRE[0].search (className):
00210                     foundEquiv = True
00211                     if options.verbose and simpleRE[1] != className:
00212                         print "    Using %s to ignore %s" \
00213                               % (simpleRE[1], className)                    
00214                     break
00215             if foundEquiv: continue
00216             for exRes in explicitREs:
00217                 if exRes[0].search(className):
00218                     dupProblems += "  %s : %s\n" % (exRes[1], className)
00219                     foundEquiv = True
00220                     break
00221             if foundEquiv: continue
00222             for packageName in xmlPackages:
00223                 # don't bother looking for the name of this
00224                 # package in this package
00225                 if packagesREs[packageName].search (className):
00226                     dupProblems += "  %s : %s\n" % (packageName, className)
00227                     break
00228         # for piece
00229         if dupProblems:
00230             print '\n%s\n%s\n' % (filename, dupProblems)
00231     # for filename
00232     if options.dups:
00233         for name, fileSet in sorted( classDict.iteritems() ):
00234             if len (fileSet) < 2:
00235                 continue
00236             print name
00237             fileList = list (fileSet)
00238             fileList.sort()
00239             for filename in fileList:
00240                 print "  ", filename
00241             print
00242         # for name, fileSet
00243     # if not noDups
00244     #pprint.pprint (classDict)

def duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::searchDuplicatePlugins (   edmpluginFile)
Searches the edmpluginFile to find any duplicate

Definition at line 246 of file

00247                                           :
00248     """ Searches the edmpluginFile to find any duplicate
00249     plugins."""
00250     cmd = "cat %s | awk '{print $2\" \"$1}' | sort | uniq | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | grep '2 ' | awk '{print $2}'" % edmpluginFile
00251     output = commands.getoutput (cmd).split('\n')
00252     for line in output:
00253       if ignoreEdmDP.has_key(line): continue
00254       line = line.replace("*","\*")
00255       cmd = "cat %s | grep ' %s ' | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq " % (edmpluginFile,line)
00256       out1 = commands.getoutput (cmd).split('\n')
00257       print line
00258       for plugin in out1:
00259         if plugin:
00260             print "   **"+plugin+"**"
00261       print

def duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::searchEdmPluginDump (   edmpluginFile,
Searches the edmpluginFile to find any duplicate Reflex

Definition at line 262 of file

00263                                                :
00264     """ Searches the edmpluginFile to find any duplicate Reflex
00265     definitions."""
00266     if not len (edmpluginFile):
00267         try:
00268             edmpluginFile = getReleaseBaseDir() + '/lib/' + \
00269                             os.environ.get('SCRAM_ARCH') + '/.edmplugincache'
00270         except:
00271             raise RuntimeError,  \
00272                   "$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE or $SCRAM_ARCH not found."
00273     if not len (srcDir):
00274         try:
00275             srcDir = getReleaseBaseDir() + '/src'
00276         except:
00277             raise RuntimeError, "$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE not found."
00278     try:
00279         os.chdir (srcDir)
00280     except:
00281         raise RuntimeError, "'%s' is not a valid directory." % srcDir
00282     searchDuplicatePlugins (edmpluginFile)
00283     packageNames = commands.getoutput ('ls -1').split ('\n')
00284     global packageREs
00285     #print "pN", packageNames
00286     for package in packageNames:
00287         packageREs.append( re.compile( r'^(' + package + r')(\S+)$') )
00288     # read the pipe of the grep command
00289     prevLine = ''
00290     searchREs = [];
00291     doSearch = False
00292     if options.searchFor:
00293         fixSpacesRE = re.compile (r'\s+');
00294         doSearch = True
00295         words = options.searchFor.split('|')
00296         #print "words:", words
00297         for word in words:
00298             word = fixSpacesRE.sub (r'.*', word);
00299             searchREs.append( re.compile (word) )
00300     problemSet = set()
00301     cmd = "grep Reflex %s | awk '{print $2}' | sort" % edmpluginFile
00302     for line in commands.getoutput (cmd).split('\n'):
00303         if doSearch:
00304             for regex in searchREs:
00305                 if (line):
00306                     problemSet.add (line)
00307                     break
00308         else:
00309             if line == prevLine:
00310                 if not ignoreEdmDP.has_key(line):
00311                     problemSet.add (line)
00312             # print line
00313             prevLine = line
00314     # Look up in which libraries the problems are found
00315     pluginCapRE = re.compile (r'plugin(\S+?)')
00316     fixStarsRE  = re.compile (r'\*')
00317     lcgReflexRE = re.compile (r'^LCGReflex/')
00318     percentRE   = re.compile (r'%')
00319     problemList = sorted (list (problemSet))    
00320     for problem in problemList:
00321         # Unbackwhacked stars will mess with the grep command.  So
00322         # let's fix them now and not worry about it
00323         fixedProblem = fixStarsRE.sub (r'\*', problem)
00324         cmd = 'grep "%s" %s | awk \'{print $1}\'' % (fixedProblem,
00325                                                      edmpluginFile)
00326         # print 'cmd', cmd
00327         output = commands.getoutput (cmd).split('\n')
00328         problem = lcgReflexRE.sub (r'', problem)
00329         problem = percentRE.sub   (r' ', problem)
00330         print problem
00331         #if doSearch: continue
00332         for line in output:
00333             match = pluginCapRE.match (line)
00334             if match:                          
00335                 line =
00336             print "  ", getXmlName (line)
00337         print

Variable Documentation

string duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::action = 'store_true'

Definition at line 393 of file

Definition at line 387 of file

tuple duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::dumpGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "EdmPluginDump options")

Definition at line 385 of file

Definition at line 33 of file

string duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::help = "Search for duplicate definitions"

Definition at line 388 of file

Initial value:
00001 {
00002   'LCGReflex/__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<std::basic_string<char>*,std::vector<std::basic_string<char>%>%>' : 1,
00003   '' : 1
00004 }

Definition at line 72 of file

Definition at line 377 of file

Definition at line 376 of file

Initial value:
00001 optparse.OptionParser("Usage: %prog [options]\n"\
00002                                     "Searches classes_def.xml for duplicate "\
00003                                     "definitions")

Definition at line 381 of file

Definition at line 15 of file

tuple duplicateReflexLibrarySearch::xmlGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "ClassDef XML options")

Definition at line 384 of file