Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes

CSCMake2DRecHit Class Reference

#include <CSCMake2DRecHit.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CSCMake2DRecHit (const edm::ParameterSet &)
float findWireBx (std::vector< int > timeBinsOn, float tpeak, const CSCDetId &id)
CSCRecHit2D hitFromStripAndWire (const CSCDetId &id, const CSCLayer *layer, const CSCWireHit &wHit, const CSCStripHit &sHit)
 Make 2D hits when have both wire and strip hit available in same layer.
bool isHitInFiducial (const CSCLayer *layer, const CSCRecHit2D &rh)
 Test if rechit is in fiducial volume.
void setConditions (const CSCRecoConditions *reco)
 Pass pointer to conditions data onwards.
 ~CSCMake2DRecHit ()

Public Attributes

CSCDetId id_
const CSCLayerlayer_
const CSCLayerGeometrylayergeom_
const CSCChamberSpecsspecs_

Private Attributes

float maxGattiChi2
const std::auto_ptr
< CSCFindPeakTime
const CSCRecoConditionsrecoConditions_
int stripWireDeltaTime
bool useCalib
bool useGatti
bool useTimingCorrections

Detailed Description

The overlap between strip hits and wire hits is used to determined 2D RecHit. For layers where only strip or wire hits are present, pseudo 2D hits are formed.

: Dominique Fortin - UCR

Definition at line 30 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSCMake2DRecHit::CSCMake2DRecHit ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]

Definition at line 25 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), stripWireDeltaTime, useCalib, useTimingCorrections, and xMatchGatti_.

  peakTimeFinder_( new CSCFindPeakTime( ps ) ){
  useCalib            = ps.getParameter<bool>("CSCUseCalibrations");
  stripWireDeltaTime  = ps.getParameter<int>("CSCstripWireDeltaTime"); //@@ Non-standard  CSC*s*trip...
  useTimingCorrections= ps.getParameter<bool>("CSCUseTimingCorrections");

  xMatchGatti_        = new CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti( ps );

CSCMake2DRecHit::~CSCMake2DRecHit ( )

Definition at line 37 of file

References xMatchGatti_.

  delete xMatchGatti_;

Member Function Documentation

float CSCMake2DRecHit::findWireBx ( std::vector< int >  timeBinsOn,
float  tpeak,
const CSCDetId id 

Definition at line 256 of file

References CSCRecoConditions::anodeBXoffset(), diffTreeTool::diff, j, and recoConditions_.

Referenced by hitFromStripAndWire().

  // Determine the wire Bx from the vector of time bins on for the wire digi with peak time as an intial estimate.
  // Assumes that a single hit should create either one time bin on or two consecutive time bins on
  // so algorithm looks for bin on nearest to peak time and checks if it has a bin on consecutive with it
  float anode_bx_offset = recoConditions_->anodeBXoffset(id);
  float wireBx=-1;
  float timeGuess=tpeak/25.+ anode_bx_offset;  
  float diffMin=9999.;
  int bestMatch=-9;
  for (int j=0; j<(int)timeBinsOn.size(); j++) {
    double diff=timeGuess-timeBinsOn[j];
    // Find bin on closest to peak time
    if (fabs(diff)<fabs(diffMin)) {
  int side=diffMin/fabs(diffMin);
  bool unchanged=true;
  // First check if bin on the same side as peak time is on
  if ((bestMatch+side)>-1 && (bestMatch+side)<(int)timeBinsOn.size()) {      // Make sure one next to it within vector limits
    if (timeBinsOn[bestMatch]==(timeBinsOn[bestMatch+side]-side)) {      // See if next bin on in vector is consecutive in time
      // Set time to the average of the two bins
  // If no match is found then check the other side
  if ((bestMatch-side)>-1 && (bestMatch-side)<(int)timeBinsOn.size() && unchanged) {       // Make sure one next to it exists
    if (timeBinsOn[bestMatch]==(timeBinsOn[bestMatch-side]+side)) {    // See if nextbin on is consecutive in time
  return wireBx - anode_bx_offset; // expect collision muons to be centered near 0 bx
CSCRecHit2D CSCMake2DRecHit::hitFromStripAndWire ( const CSCDetId id,
const CSCLayer layer,
const CSCWireHit wHit,
const CSCStripHit sHit 

Make 2D hits when have both wire and strip hit available in same layer.

store rechit

Retrive the L1APhase+strips combination


Retrive the Bx + wgroups combination




To see RecHit content (L1A feature included) (to be commented out)

Definition at line 42 of file

References ecalMGPA::adc(), CSCLayer::chamber(), CSCRecoConditions::chamberTimingCorrection(), CSCRecoConditions::chipCorrection(), CSCStripHit::deadStrip(), CSCWireHit::deadWG(), findWireBx(), CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti::findXOnStrip(), CSCLayer::geometry(), CSCDetId::iChamberType(), id_, CSCLayerGeometry::inside(), gen::k, layer_, layergeom_, CSCLayerGeometry::localError(), LogTrace, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), CSCLayerGeometry::middleWireOfGroup(), CSCChamberSpecs::nStrips(), CSCLayerGeometry::numberOfWiresPerGroup(), peakTimeFinder_, position, edm::RangeMap< ID, C, P >::put(), recoConditions_, CSCStripHit::s_adc(), CSCStripHit::s_adcRaw(), funct::sin(), CSCChamber::specs(), specs_, CSCLayerGeometry::stripAngle(), CSCLayerGeometry::stripPitch(), CSCStripHit::strips(), RecoTauPiZeroBuilderPlugins_cfi::strips, CSCStripHit::stripsl1a(), CSCStripHit::stripsTotal(), CSCLayerGeometry::stripWireIntersection(), matplotRender::t, CSCWireHit::timeBinsOn(), tmax, CSCStripHit::tmax(), GeomDet::toGlobal(), useTimingCorrections, CSCWireHit::wgroups(), CSCWireHit::wgroupsBXandWire(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), xMatchGatti_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), CSCLayerGeometry::yOfWire(), and CSCLayerGeometry::yResolution().

Referenced by CSCRecHitDBuilder::build().

  // Cache layer info for ease of access
  layer_        = layer;
  layergeom_    = layer_->geometry();
  specs_        = layer->chamber()->specs();
  id_           = id;
  const float sqrt_12 = 3.4641;
  float tpeak = -99.;
  CSCRecHit2D::ADCContainer adcMap;
  CSCRecHit2D::ChannelContainer wgroups;
  // Find wire hit position and wire properties
  wgroups = wHit.wgroups();

  int wg_left = wgroups[0];;
  int wg_right = wgroups[wgroups.size()-1];
  int Nwires1 = layergeom_->numberOfWiresPerGroup( wg_left );
  int Nwires2 = layergeom_->numberOfWiresPerGroup( wg_right );

  float Mwire1 = layergeom_->middleWireOfGroup( wg_left );
  float Mwire2 = layergeom_->middleWireOfGroup( wg_right );
  int centerWire_left = (int) (Mwire1 - Nwires1 / 2. + 0.5);
  int centerWire_right = (int) (Mwire2 + Nwires2 / 2.);
  float centerWire = (centerWire_left + centerWire_right) / 2.;

  //---- WGs around dead HV segment regions may need special treatment...
  //---- This is not addressed here.
  float sigmaWire = 0.;
  if(wHit.deadWG()>0 || wgroups.size()>2){
    //---- worst possible case; take most conservative approach
    for(unsigned int iWG=0;iWG<wgroups.size();iWG++){
      sigmaWire+=layergeom_->yResolution( wgroups[iWG] );
  else if(2==wgroups.size()){
    //---- 2 WGs - get the larger error (overestimation if a single track is passing
    //---- between the WGs; underestimation if there are two separate signal sources)
    if(layergeom_->yResolution( wgroups[0] ) > layergeom_->yResolution( wgroups[1] )){
      sigmaWire  = layergeom_->yResolution( wgroups[0]);
      sigmaWire  = layergeom_->yResolution( wgroups[1]);
  else if(1==wgroups.size()){
    //---- simple - just 1 WG
    sigmaWire  = layergeom_->yResolution( wgroups[0]);
  // Find strips position and properties
  CSCRecHit2D::ChannelContainer strips = sHit.strips();
  int tmax = sHit.tmax();
  int nStrip = strips.size();
  int idCenterStrip = nStrip/2;
  int centerStrip = strips[idCenterStrip];
  // Retrieve strip pulseheights from the CSCStripHit
  const std::vector<float>& adc    = sHit.s_adc();
  const std::vector<float>& adcRaw = sHit.s_adcRaw();

  std::vector<float> adc2;
  std::vector<float> adc2Raw;

  LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "CSCMake2DRecHit: dump of adc values to be added to rechit follows...";

  for ( int iStrip = 0; iStrip < nStrip; ++iStrip) {

    for ( int t = 0; t < 4; ++t ){
    // OLD: Rechit takes _calibrated_ adc values
    // adcMap.put( strips[iStrip], adc2.begin(), adc2.end() ); 
    // NEW: Rechit takes _raw_ adc values
    adcMap.put( strips[iStrip], adc2Raw.begin(), adc2Raw.end() ); 

    LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "CSCMake2DRecHit: strip = " << strips[iStrip] << 
      " adcs= " << adc2Raw[0] << " " << adc2Raw[1] << " " << adc2Raw[2] << " " << adc2Raw[3];


  //The tpeak finding for both edge and non-edge strips has been moved to here
  //tpeak will be a const argument for xMatchGatti_->findXOnStrip
  float adcArray[4];
  for ( int t = 0; t < 4; ++t ) {
    int k = t+4*(idCenterStrip);
    adcArray[t] = adc[k];
  tpeak = peakTimeFinder_->peakTime( tmax, adcArray, tpeak ); 
  // Just for completeness, the start time of the pulse is 133 ns earlier, according to Stan :)
  float t_zero = tpeak - 133.;
  LogTrace("CSCRecHit|CSCMake2DRecHit") << "CSCMake2DRecHit: " << 
    id << " strip=" << centerStrip << ", t_zero=" << t_zero << ", tpeak=" << tpeak;

  float positionWithinTheStrip= -99.;
  float sigmaWithinTheStrip = -99.;
  int quality = -1;
  LocalPoint lp0(0., 0.);
  float stripWidth = -99.;
  // If at the edge, then used 1 strip cluster only
  if ( centerStrip == 1 || centerStrip == specs_->nStrips() || nStrip < 2 ) {
    lp0 = layergeom_->stripWireIntersection( centerStrip, centerWire);
    positionWithinTheStrip = 0.;
    stripWidth = layergeom_->stripPitch(lp0);
    sigmaWithinTheStrip = stripWidth / sqrt_12;
    quality = 2;
  else {
    // If not at the edge, used cluster of size ClusterSize:
    LocalPoint lp11  = layergeom_->stripWireIntersection( centerStrip, centerWire);
    stripWidth = layergeom_->stripPitch( lp11 );
    //---- Calculate local position within the strip
    float xWithinChamber = lp11.x();
    quality = 0;
    if(layergeom_->inside(lp11 )){// save time; this hit is to be discarded anyway - see isHitInFiducial(...)

      xMatchGatti_->findXOnStrip( id, layer_, sHit, centerStrip, 
                                  stripWidth,  tpeak, positionWithinTheStrip, 
                                  sigmaWithinTheStrip, quality);
    lp0 = LocalPoint( xWithinChamber, layergeom_->yOfWire(centerWire, xWithinChamber) );

  // compute the errors in local x and y
  LocalError localerr = layergeom_->localError( centerStrip, 
                                                sigmaWithinTheStrip, sigmaWire );

  // Before storing the recHit, take the opportunity to change its time
  if (useTimingCorrections){
    float chipCorrection = recoConditions_->chipCorrection(id,centerStrip);
    float phaseCorrection = (sHit.stripsl1a()[0]>> (15-0) & 0x1)*25.;
    float chamberCorrection = recoConditions_->chamberTimingCorrection(id);

    GlobalPoint gp0 = layer_->toGlobal(lp0);
    float tofCorrection = gp0.mag()/29.9792458;
    float signalPropagationSpeed[11] = {0.0, -78, -76, -188, -262, -97, -99, -90, -99, -99, -113};
    float position = lp0.y()/sin(layergeom_->stripAngle(centerStrip));
    float yCorrection = position/signalPropagationSpeed[id_.iChamberType()];
    //printf("RecHit in e:%d s:%d r:%d c:%d l:%d strip:%d \n",id.endcap(),id.station(), id.ring(),id.chamber(),id.layer(),centerStrip);
    //printf("\t tpeak before = %5.2f \t chipCorr %5.2f phaseCorr %5.2f chamberCorr %5.2f tofCorr %5.2f \n",
    //     tpeak,chipCorrection, phaseCorrection,chamberCorrection,tofCorrection);
    //printf("localy = %5.2f, yCorr = %5.2f \n",lp0.y(),yCorrection);
    tpeak = tpeak + chipCorrection + phaseCorrection + chamberCorrection-tofCorrection+yCorrection;
    //printf("\t tpeak after = %5.2f\n",tpeak);

  // Calculate wire time to the half bx level using time bins on
  // Store wire time with a precision of 0.01 as an int (multiply by 100)
  // Convert from bx to ns (multiply by 25)
  int scaledWireTime = 100*findWireBx(wHit.timeBinsOn(), tpeak,id)*25; 

   CSCRecHit2D::ChannelContainer L1A_and_strips = sHit.stripsTotal();        

   CSCRecHit2D::ChannelContainer BX_and_wgroups = wHit.wgroupsBXandWire();   
  // (sigmaWithinTheStrip/stripWidth) is in strip widths just like positionWithinTheStrip is!
     CSCRecHit2D rechit( id, lp0, localerr, L1A_and_strips,                  
     //adcMap, wgroups, tpeak, positionWithinTheStrip,
      adcMap, BX_and_wgroups, tpeak, positionWithinTheStrip,        
      sigmaWithinTheStrip/stripWidth, quality, sHit.deadStrip(), wHit.deadWG(), scaledWireTime);

  // rechit.print();

  LogTrace("CSCRecHit") << "CSCMake2DRecHit: rechit created in layer " << id << "... \n" << rechit << "\n";

  return rechit;

bool CSCMake2DRecHit::isHitInFiducial ( const CSCLayer layer,
const CSCRecHit2D rh 

Test if rechit is in fiducial volume.

Definition at line 233 of file

References CSCLayer::geometry(), CSCLayerGeometry::inside(), layergeom_, and CSCRecHit2D::localPosition().

Referenced by CSCRecHitDBuilder::build().


  bool isInFiducial = true;
  const CSCLayerGeometry* layergeom_ = layer->geometry();
  LocalPoint rhPosition =  rh.localPosition();
  // is the rechit within the chamber? 
  //(the problem occurs in ME11a/b otherwise it is OK)
  // we could use also 
  //bool inside( const Local3DPoint&, const LocalError&, float scale=1.f ) const;
    isInFiducial = false;
  return isInFiducial;
void CSCMake2DRecHit::setConditions ( const CSCRecoConditions reco)

Pass pointer to conditions data onwards.

Definition at line 250 of file

References dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, recoConditions_, CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti::setConditions(), and xMatchGatti_.

Referenced by CSCRecHitDBuilder::setConditions().

  xMatchGatti_->setConditions( reco );
  // And cache for use here
  recoConditions_ = reco;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 54 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by hitFromStripAndWire().

Definition at line 51 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by hitFromStripAndWire().

Definition at line 52 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by hitFromStripAndWire(), and isHitInFiducial().

Definition at line 62 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

const std::auto_ptr<CSCFindPeakTime> CSCMake2DRecHit::peakTimeFinder_ [private]

Definition at line 69 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by hitFromStripAndWire().

Definition at line 67 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by findWireBx(), hitFromStripAndWire(), and setConditions().

Definition at line 53 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by hitFromStripAndWire().

Definition at line 60 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by CSCMake2DRecHit().

bool CSCMake2DRecHit::useCalib [private]

Definition at line 58 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by CSCMake2DRecHit().

bool CSCMake2DRecHit::useGatti [private]

Definition at line 61 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Definition at line 59 of file CSCMake2DRecHit.h.

Referenced by CSCMake2DRecHit(), and hitFromStripAndWire().