Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTMuonSLToSL Class Reference

#include <DTMuonSLToSL.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTMuonSLToSL:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void calculationSLToSL ()
 DTMuonSLToSL (std::string, int, float, float, TFile *)
TMatrixD returnbSLMatrix (float, float, float)
TMatrixD returnCSLMatrix (float, float, float)
void setBranchTree ()
 ~DTMuonSLToSL ()

Private Attributes

float cov [3][3]
float dx
float dz
float phiy
float ptMax
float ptMin
int srC
int stC
TTree * ttreeOutput
int whC

Detailed Description

2010/02/25 11:33:32
Luca Scodellaro <>

Definition at line 18 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTMuonSLToSL::DTMuonSLToSL ( std::string  path,
int  n_files,
float  MaxPt,
float  MinPt,
TFile *  f_ 

Definition at line 22 of file


Member Function Documentation

void DTMuonSLToSL::calculationSLToSL ( )

Definition at line 26 of file

References trackerHits::c, cov, dx, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dxdzSlSL1, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dxdzSlSL3, dz, DTMuonLocalAlignment::f, i, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nhits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nseg, phiy, DTMuonLocalAlignment::pt, ptMax, ptMin, returnbSLMatrix(), returnCSLMatrix(), asciidump::s, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sr, srC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, relativeConstraints::station, stC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::tali, ttreeOutput, DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh, whC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xSL1SL3, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xSL3SL1, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xSlSL1, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xSlSL3, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::zc.

Referenced by DTMuonSLToSL().


  TMatrixD ****C13 = new TMatrixD ***[5];
  TMatrixD ****b13 = new TMatrixD ***[5];
  TMatrixD ****C31 = new TMatrixD ***[5];
  TMatrixD ****b31 = new TMatrixD ***[5];
  for(int whI = -2; whI < 3; ++whI) {
    C13[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
    b13[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
    C31[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
    b31[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
    for(int stI = 1; stI < 5; ++stI) {
      C13[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14];
      b13[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14];
      C31[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14];
      b31[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14];
      for(int seI = 1; seI < 15; ++seI) {
        if(seI > 12 && stI != 4) continue;
        C13[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(3,3);
        b13[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(3,1);
        C31[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(3,3);
        b31[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(3,1);
  //Run over the TTree  
  Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tali->GetEntries();
  for (Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) {
    //Basic cuts
    if(pt > ptMax || pt < ptMin) continue;
    bool repeatedHits = false;  
    for(int counter = 0; counter < nseg; ++counter) {
      //Make sure there are no repeated hits
      for(int counterHi = 0; counterHi < nhits[counter]; counterHi++) {
        for(int counterHj = 0; counterHj < nhits[counter]; counterHj++) {
          if(counterHi == counterHj) continue;
          if(zc[counter][counterHi] == zc[counter][counterHj]) {
            repeatedHits = true;
      if(repeatedHits == true) continue;
      float x_13 = xSlSL3[counter]; float xp_13 = xSL1SL3[counter];
      float x_31 = xSlSL1[counter]; float xp_31 = xSL3SL1[counter];
      //float tanphi = dxdzSl[counter];
      float tanphi_13 = dxdzSlSL1[counter];
      float tanphi_31 = dxdzSlSL3[counter];
      int wheel = wh[counter];
      int station = st[counter];
      int sector = sr[counter];

      if(fabs(x_13-xp_13)< 3 && fabs(x_31-xp_31) && fabs(tanphi_13-tanphi_31)<0.06) {
        *(C13[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += returnCSLMatrix(x_13, xp_13, tanphi_13);
        *(b13[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += returnbSLMatrix(x_13, xp_13, tanphi_13);
        *(C31[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += returnCSLMatrix(x_31, xp_31, tanphi_31);
        *(b31[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += returnbSLMatrix(x_31, xp_31, tanphi_31);

  for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) {
    for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) {
      for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
        if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue;
        TMatrixD solution13(3,1);
        TMatrixD solution31(3,1);
        TMatrixD C31_copy = *(C31[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
        TMatrixD C13_copy = *(C13[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
        TMatrixD b31_copy = *(b31[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
        TMatrixD b13_copy = *(b13[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);

        solution13 = C13_copy * b13_copy;
        solution31 = C31_copy * b31_copy;
        whC = wheel; stC = station; srC = sector;
        dx = solution13(0,0); dz = solution13(1,0);
        phiy = solution13(2,0);
        for(int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
          for(int s = 0; s < 3; ++s) {
            cov[c][s] = C13_copy(c, s);
TMatrixD DTMuonSLToSL::returnbSLMatrix ( float  x,
float  xp,
float  tanphi 

Definition at line 145 of file

Referenced by calculationSLToSL().


  TMatrixD matrix(3,1);

  matrix(0,0) = -(x-xp);
  matrix(1,0) = -(x-xp)*tanphi;
  matrix(2,0) = -(x-xp)*tanphi*xp;

  return matrix;

TMatrixD DTMuonSLToSL::returnCSLMatrix ( float  x,
float  xp,
float  tanphi 

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by calculationSLToSL().


  TMatrixD matrix(3,3);

  matrix(0,0) = 1.0;
  matrix(1,0) = tanphi;
  matrix(0,1) = tanphi;
  matrix(1,1) = tanphi*tanphi;
  matrix(0,2) = tanphi*xp;
  matrix(2,0) = tanphi*xp;
  matrix(2,2) = tanphi*tanphi*xp*xp;
  matrix(2,1) = tanphi*tanphi*xp;
  matrix(1,2) = tanphi*tanphi*xp;

  return matrix;

void DTMuonSLToSL::setBranchTree ( )

Definition at line 158 of file

References cov, dx, dz, phiy, srC, stC, ttreeOutput, and whC.

Referenced by DTMuonSLToSL().


  ttreeOutput = new TTree("DTSLToSLResult", "DTSLToSLResult");

  ttreeOutput->Branch("wh", &whC, "wh/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("st", &stC, "st/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("sr", &srC, "sr/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("dx", &dx, "dx/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("dz", &dz, "dz/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("phiy", &phiy, "phiy/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("cov", cov, "cov[3][3]/F");


Member Data Documentation

float DTMuonSLToSL::cov[3][3] [private]

Definition at line 40 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonSLToSL::dx [private]

Definition at line 39 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonSLToSL::dz [private]

Definition at line 39 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonSLToSL::phiy [private]

Definition at line 39 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonSLToSL::ptMax [private]

Definition at line 43 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and DTMuonSLToSL().

float DTMuonSLToSL::ptMin [private]

Definition at line 43 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and DTMuonSLToSL().

int DTMuonSLToSL::srC [private]

Definition at line 38 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

int DTMuonSLToSL::stC [private]

Definition at line 38 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

TTree* DTMuonSLToSL::ttreeOutput [private]

Definition at line 45 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().

int DTMuonSLToSL::whC [private]

Definition at line 38 of file DTMuonSLToSL.h.

Referenced by calculationSLToSL(), and setBranchTree().