Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

HDRShower Class Reference

#include <HDRShower.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool computeShower ()
float getR ()
 HDRShower (const RandomEngine *engine, HDShowerParametrization *myParam, EcalHitMaker *myGrid, HcalHitMaker *myHcalHitMaker, int onECAL, double epart)
void setFuncParam ()
bool setHit (float espot, float theta)
void thetaFunction (int nthetaStep)
virtual ~HDRShower ()

Private Attributes

float decal
float depthECAL
float depthGAP
double depthStart
double e
float EcalShift
float EgridTable [NEnergyScan]
float eHDspot
std::vector< float > elastspot
float EsCut
double lambdaEM
double lambdaHD
float maxDepth
int nthetaStep
int onEcal
bool qstatus
const RandomEnginerandom
float rpdf [R_range]
float Theta1amp [NEnergyScan]
float Theta1ampSig [NEnergyScan]
float Theta1Lambda [NEnergyScan]
float Theta1LambdaSig [NEnergyScan]
float ThetaLam21 [NEnergyScan]
float ThetaLam21Sig [NEnergyScan]
std::vector< int > thetaSpots
float thetaStep
double x0EM
double x0HD

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file HDRShower.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HDRShower::HDRShower ( const RandomEngine engine,
HDShowerParametrization myParam,
EcalHitMaker myGrid,
HcalHitMaker myHcalHitMaker,
int  onECAL,
double  epart 

Definition at line 23 of file

References e, EcalShift, eHDspot, EsCut, nthetaStep, and setFuncParam().

  : theParam(myParam),

  eHDspot = 0.2;
  EsCut = 0.050;
  EcalShift = 0.12;
  nthetaStep = 10;

  if(e < 0) e = 0.;
virtual HDRShower::~HDRShower ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 33 of file HDRShower.h.


Member Function Documentation

bool HDRShower::computeShower ( )

Definition at line 46 of file

References decal, depthECAL, depthGAP, depthStart, e, EcalHitMaker::ecalHcalGapTotalL0(), EcalShift, EcalHitMaker::ecalTotalL0(), eHDspot, elastspot, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), EcalHitMaker::getPads(), EcalHitMaker::hcalTotalL0(), i, j, funct::log(), M_PI, maxDepth, nthetaStep, onEcal, qstatus, random, setHit(), theGrid, theta(), thetaFunction(), thetaSpots, and thetaStep.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

  if(onEcal) {
    depthECAL = theGrid->ecalTotalL0();         // ECAL depth segment
    depthGAP  = theGrid->ecalHcalGapTotalL0();  // GAP  depth segment
  else depthECAL = depthGAP  = 0;

  float depthHCAL = theGrid->hcalTotalL0();    // HCAL depth segment

  //  maxDepth   = depthECAL + depthGAP + depthHCAL - 1.0;
  maxDepth   = depthECAL + depthHCAL - 0.5;
  depthStart = log(1./random->flatShoot()); // starting point lambda unts

  if( depthStart > maxDepth ) { 
    depthStart = maxDepth *  random->flatShoot();
    if( depthStart < 0.) depthStart = 0.;
  if( depthStart < EcalShift) depthStart = EcalShift;

  decal = (depthECAL + depthStart)*0.5;
  qstatus = false;
  if(decal < depthECAL) {
    qstatus = theGrid->getPads(decal);
//    if(!qstatus)
//      cout<<" depth rejected by getQuads(decal="<<decal<<") status="<<qstatus
//        <<" depthECAL="<<depthECAL<<endl;


  thetaStep = 0.5*M_PI/nthetaStep;
  int maxLoops = 10000;
  float esum = e;
  for(int itheta = 0; itheta < nthetaStep; itheta++) {
    float theta, es;
    for(int i=0; i<=thetaSpots[itheta]; i++) {
      if(i == thetaSpots[itheta]) es = elastspot[itheta];
      else es = eHDspot;
      float loops = 0;
      for(int j=0; j<maxLoops; j++) {
        theta = (itheta+random->flatShoot())*thetaStep;
        if( setHit(es, theta) ) break;
      esum -= es;  // to check only
float HDRShower::getR ( )

Definition at line 127 of file

References RandomEngine::flatShoot(), i, lambdaHD, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, csvReporter::r, R_range, random, and rpdf.

Referenced by setHit().

  float p = random->flatShoot();
  unsigned int i = 0; while( rpdf[i]<p && i<R_range-1) { i++; }
  float r;
  float dr = rpdf[i+1] - rpdf[i];
  if(dr != 0.0)
    r=(float(i+1) + (p - rpdf[i])/(rpdf[i+1] - rpdf[i]))/lambdaHD;
  else r = float(i+1)/lambdaHD;
void HDRShower::setFuncParam ( )

Definition at line 195 of file

References debug, e, HDShowerParametrization::ecalProperties(), EgridTable, funct::exp(), HDShowerParametrization::hcalProperties(), i, HCALProperties::interactionLength(), ECALProperties::interactionLength(), lambdaEM, lambdafit, lambdaHD, funct::log(), LogDebug, NEnergyScan, onEcal, funct::pow(), csvReporter::r, R_range, HCALProperties::radLenIncm(), rpdf, theParam, Theta1amp, Theta1ampSig, Theta1Lambda, Theta1LambdaSig, ThetaLam21, ThetaLam21Sig, x, and x0HD.

Referenced by HDRShower().

  lambdaHD = theParam->hcalProperties()->interactionLength();
  x0HD     = theParam->hcalProperties()->radLenIncm();
    lambdaEM = theParam->ecalProperties()->interactionLength();
  else lambdaEM = lambdaHD;

    LogDebug("FastCalorimetry") <<"setFuncParam-> lambdaEM="<<lambdaEM<<" lambdaHD="<<lambdaHD<<endl; 

  float _EgridTable[NEnergyScan] = { 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 300, 500 };
  float _Theta1amp[NEnergyScan] = { 1.57, 2.05, 2.27, 2.52, 2.66, 2.76, 2.76};
  float _Theta1ampSig[NEnergyScan]={2.40, 1.50, 1.25, 1.0,  0.8,  0.52, 0.52};
  float _Theta1Lambda[NEnergyScan] = { 
   0.086, 0.092, 0.88, 0.80, 0.0713, 0.0536, 0.0536 };
  float _Theta1LambdaSig[NEnergyScan] = { 
    0.038, 0.037, 0.027,0.03, 0.023,  0.018, 0.018 };

  float _ThetaLam21[NEnergyScan] =  { 2.8, 2.44, 2.6, 2.77, 3.16, 3.56, 3.56 };
  float _ThetaLam21Sig[NEnergyScan]={ 1.8, 0.97, 0.87, 0.77, 0.7, 0.49, 0.49 };

  for(int i=0; i<NEnergyScan; i++) {
    EgridTable[i]   = _EgridTable[i];
    Theta1amp[i]    = _Theta1amp[i];
    Theta1ampSig[i] = _Theta1ampSig[i];
    Theta1Lambda[i] = _Theta1Lambda[i];
    Theta1LambdaSig[i] = _Theta1LambdaSig[i];
    ThetaLam21[i]   = _ThetaLam21[i];
    ThetaLam21Sig[i]= _ThetaLam21Sig[i];

#define lambdafit 15.05
  float R_alfa = -0.0993 + 0.1114*log(e);
  float R_p = 0.589191 + 0.0463392 *log(e);
  float R_beta_lam=(0.54134 -0.00011148*e)/4.0*lambdafit;//was fitted in 4cmbin
  float LamOverX0 = lambdaHD/x0HD; // 10.52
  //  int R_range = 100; // 7 lambda
  //  rpdf.erase(rpdf.begin(),rpdf.end());

  rpdf[0] = 0.;  
  for(int i=1; i<R_range; i++) {
    float x = (float(i))/lambdaHD;
    float r = pow(x,R_alfa)*
      (R_p*exp(-R_beta_lam*x) + (1-R_p)*exp(-LamOverX0*R_beta_lam*x));
    rpdf[i] = r;
    //    rpdf.push_back(r);

  for(int i=1; i<R_range; i++) rpdf[i] += rpdf[i-1];
  for(int i=0; i<R_range; i++) rpdf[i] /= rpdf[R_range -1];
bool HDRShower::setHit ( float  espot,
float  theta 

Definition at line 98 of file

References EcalHitMaker::addHit(), HcalHitMaker::addHit(), funct::cos(), depthECAL, depthGAP, depthStart, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), getR(), M_PI, maxDepth, onEcal, phi, qstatus, random, query::result, HcalHitMaker::setDepth(), HcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), EcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), funct::sin(), theGrid, and theHcalHitMaker.

Referenced by computeShower().


  float phi = 2.*M_PI*random->flatShoot(); // temporary: 1st approximation
  float rshower = getR();     // temporary: 1st approximation

  float d = depthStart + rshower*cos(theta);
  if(d + depthGAP > maxDepth) return(false);

  // Commented (F.B) to remove a warning. Not used anywhere ? 
  //  bool inHcal = !onEcal || d>depthECAL || !qstatus;
  bool result = 0;
  if( !onEcal || d>depthECAL || !qstatus) { // in HCAL (HF or HB, HE)
    d += depthGAP;
    bool setHDdepth = theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(d);
    if( setHDdepth) {
    result = theHcalHitMaker->addHit(rshower*sin(theta),phi,0);
    else LogWarning("FastCalorimetry") <<" setHit in HCAL failed d="<<d
             <<" maxDepth="<<maxDepth<<" onEcal'"<<onEcal<<endl;
  else {
    //    bool status = theGrid->getQuads(d);
    result = theGrid->addHit(rshower*sin(theta),phi,0);
void HDRShower::thetaFunction ( int  nthetaStep)

Definition at line 138 of file

References a, trackerHits::c, e, EgridTable, eHDspot, elastspot, EsCut, funct::exp(), RandomEngine::flatShoot(), RandomEngine::gaussShoot(), i, gen::k, n, NEnergyScan, nthetaStep, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, random, theta(), Theta1amp, Theta1ampSig, Theta1Lambda, Theta1LambdaSig, ThetaLam21, ThetaLam21Sig, thetaSpots, and thetaStep.

Referenced by computeShower().

  int i = 0; while( EgridTable[i]<e && i<NEnergyScan) { i++; }

  float amean, asig, lambda1, lambda1sig,lam21,lam21sig; 
  amean = Theta1amp[i]; asig = Theta1ampSig[i];
  lambda1 = Theta1Lambda[i]; lambda1sig = Theta1LambdaSig[i]; 
  lam21 = ThetaLam21[i]; lam21sig = ThetaLam21Sig[i];
  if(i==0) i=1;  //extrapolation to the left
  float c = (e-EgridTable[i-1])/(EgridTable[i]-EgridTable[i-1]);

  amean += (Theta1amp[i]-Theta1amp[i-1]) * c;
  asig += (Theta1ampSig[i]-Theta1ampSig[i-1]) * c;
  lambda1 +=(Theta1Lambda[i]-Theta1Lambda[i-1])  * c;
  lambda1sig += (Theta1LambdaSig[i]-Theta1LambdaSig[i-1]) * c;
  lam21 += (ThetaLam21[i]-ThetaLam21[i-1]) * c;
  lam21sig += (ThetaLam21Sig[i]-ThetaLam21Sig[i-1]) * c;

  float a = exp(amean + asig*random->gaussShoot());
  float L1 = lambda1 + lambda1sig*random->gaussShoot();
  if(L1 < 0.02) L1 = 0.02;
  float L2 = L1*(lam21 + lam21sig*random->gaussShoot());

  vector<double> pdf;
  double sum = 0;
  for(int it=0; it<nthetaStep; it++) {
    float theta = it*thetaStep;
    float p = a*exp(L1*theta) + exp(L2*theta);
    sum += p;
  float ntot = e/eHDspot;
  float esum=0;
  for(int i=0; i<nthetaStep; i++) {
    float fn = ntot*pdf[i]/sum;
    elastspot.push_back((fn - int(fn))*eHDspot);

  for(int i=0; i<nthetaStep; i++)
    if(elastspot[i] <EsCut) {
      esum += elastspot[i]; elastspot[i] = 0; }

  float en = esum/EsCut; int n = int(en); 
  en = esum - n*EsCut;

  for(int i=0; i<=n; i++) {
    int k = int(nthetaStep*random->flatShoot());
    if(k<0 || k>nthetaStep-1) k = k%nthetaStep;
    if(i == n) elastspot[k] += en;
    else elastspot[k] += EsCut;

Member Data Documentation

float HDRShower::decal [private]

Definition at line 66 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower().

float HDRShower::depthECAL [private]

Definition at line 61 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and setHit().

float HDRShower::depthGAP [private]

Definition at line 61 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and setHit().

double HDRShower::depthStart [private]

Definition at line 54 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and setHit().

double HDRShower::e [private]

Definition at line 47 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), HDRShower(), setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::EcalShift [private]

Definition at line 57 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and HDRShower().

float HDRShower::EgridTable[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 68 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::eHDspot [private]

Definition at line 55 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), HDRShower(), and thetaFunction().

std::vector<float> HDRShower::elastspot [private]

Definition at line 63 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::EsCut [private]

Definition at line 56 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by HDRShower(), and thetaFunction().

double HDRShower::lambdaEM [private]

Definition at line 53 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam().

double HDRShower::lambdaHD [private]

Definition at line 53 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by getR(), and setFuncParam().

float HDRShower::maxDepth [private]

Definition at line 61 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and setHit().

int HDRShower::nthetaStep [private]

Definition at line 58 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), HDRShower(), and thetaFunction().

int HDRShower::onEcal [private]

Definition at line 46 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), setFuncParam(), and setHit().

bool HDRShower::qstatus [private]

Definition at line 65 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and setHit().

const RandomEngine* HDRShower::random [private]

Definition at line 77 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), getR(), setHit(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::rpdf[R_range] [private]

Definition at line 64 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by getR(), and setFuncParam().

Definition at line 44 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and setHit().

Definition at line 45 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setHit().

Definition at line 43 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam().

float HDRShower::Theta1amp[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 69 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::Theta1ampSig[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 70 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::Theta1Lambda[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 71 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::Theta1LambdaSig[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 72 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::ThetaLam21[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 73 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::ThetaLam21Sig[NEnergyScan] [private]

Definition at line 74 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam(), and thetaFunction().

std::vector<int> HDRShower::thetaSpots [private]

Definition at line 62 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and thetaFunction().

float HDRShower::thetaStep [private]

Definition at line 60 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by computeShower(), and thetaFunction().

double HDRShower::x0EM [private]

Definition at line 53 of file HDRShower.h.

double HDRShower::x0HD [private]

Definition at line 53 of file HDRShower.h.

Referenced by setFuncParam().