Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

ConversionTools Class Reference

#include <ConversionTools.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ConversionTools ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool hasMatchedConversion (const reco::GsfElectron &ele, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, bool allowCkfMatch=true, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=0)
static bool hasMatchedConversion (const reco::TrackRef &trk, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=1)
static bool hasMatchedConversion (const reco::SuperCluster &sc, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float dRMax=0.1, float dEtaMax=999., float dPhiMax=999., float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=1)
static bool hasMatchedPromptElectron (const reco::SuperClusterRef &sc, const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &eleCol, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=0)
static bool isGoodConversion (const reco::Conversion &conv, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=1)
static reco::ConversionRef matchedConversion (const reco::SuperCluster &sc, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float dRMax=0.1, float dEtaMax=999., float dPhiMax=999., float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=1)
static reco::ConversionRef matchedConversion (const reco::GsfElectron &ele, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, bool allowCkfMatch=true, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=0)
static reco::ConversionRef matchedConversion (const reco::TrackRef &trk, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=1)
static reco::GsfElectronRef matchedPromptElectron (const reco::SuperClusterRef &sc, const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &eleCol, const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &convCol, const math::XYZPoint &beamspot, float lxyMin=2.0, float probMin=1e-6, unsigned int nHitsBeforeVtxMax=0)
static bool matchesConversion (const reco::GsfTrackRef &trk, const reco::Conversion &conv)
static bool matchesConversion (const reco::TrackRef &trk, const reco::Conversion &conv)
static bool matchesConversion (const reco::SuperCluster &sc, const reco::Conversion &conv, float dRMax=0.1, float dEtaMax=999., float dPhiMax=999.)
static bool matchesConversion (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &trk, const reco::Conversion &conv)
static bool matchesConversion (const reco::GsfElectron &ele, const reco::Conversion &conv, bool allowCkfMatch=true)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file ConversionTools.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConversionTools::ConversionTools ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file ConversionTools.h.


Member Function Documentation

bool ConversionTools::hasMatchedConversion ( const reco::GsfElectron ele,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
bool  allowCkfMatch = true,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 145 of file

  //check if a given electron candidate matches to at least one conversion candidate in the
  //collection which also passes the selection cuts, optionally match with the closestckf track in
  //in addition to just the gsf track (enabled in default arguments)
  for (ConversionCollection::const_iterator it = convCol->begin(); it!=convCol->end(); ++it) {
    if (!matchesConversion(ele, *it, allowCkfMatch)) continue;
    if (!isGoodConversion(*it,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    return true;
  return false;
bool ConversionTools::hasMatchedConversion ( const reco::TrackRef trk,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 165 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull().

  //check if a given track matches to at least one conversion candidate in the
  //collection which also passes the selection cuts
  if (trk.isNull()) return false;
  for (ConversionCollection::const_iterator it = convCol->begin(); it!=convCol->end(); ++it) {
    if (!matchesConversion(trk, *it)) continue;
    if (!isGoodConversion(*it,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    return true;
  return false;
bool ConversionTools::hasMatchedConversion ( const reco::SuperCluster sc,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  dRMax = 0.1,
float  dEtaMax = 999.,
float  dPhiMax = 999.,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 186 of file

  //check if a given SuperCluster matches to at least one conversion candidate in the
  //collection which also passes the selection cuts

  for (ConversionCollection::const_iterator it = convCol->begin(); it!=convCol->end(); ++it) {
    if (!matchesConversion(sc, *it)) continue;
    if (!isGoodConversion(*it,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    return true;
  return false;

bool ConversionTools::hasMatchedPromptElectron ( const reco::SuperClusterRef sc,
const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &  eleCol,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 292 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull().


  //check if a given SuperCluster matches to at least one GsfElectron having zero expected inner hits
  //and not matching any conversion in the collection passing the quality cuts

  if (sc.isNull()) return false;
  for (GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator it = eleCol->begin(); it!=eleCol->end(); ++it) {
    //match electron to supercluster
    if (it->superCluster()!=sc) continue;

    //check expected inner hits
    if (it->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits()>0) continue;

    //check if electron is matching to a conversion
    if (hasMatchedConversion(*it,convCol,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    return true;
  return false;

bool ConversionTools::isGoodConversion ( const reco::Conversion conv,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 19 of file

References reco::Vertex::chi2(), reco::Conversion::conversionVertex(), reco::Vertex::isValid(), reco::Vertex::ndof(), reco::Conversion::nHitsBeforeVtx(), reco::Conversion::refittedPairMomentum(), reco::Vertex::x(), and reco::Vertex::y().

  //Check if a given conversion candidate passes the conversion selection cuts
  const reco::Vertex &vtx = conv.conversionVertex();

  //vertex validity
  if (!vtx.isValid()) return false;

  //fit probability
  if (TMath::Prob( vtx.chi2(),  vtx.ndof() )<probMin) return false;

  //compute transverse decay length
  math::XYZVector mom(conv.refittedPairMomentum()); 
  double dbsx = vtx.x() - beamspot.x();
  double dbsy = vtx.y() - beamspot.y();
  double lxy = (mom.x()*dbsx + mom.y()*dbsy)/mom.rho();

  //transverse decay length  
  if ( lxy<lxyMin )
    return false;
  //loop through daughters to check nhitsbeforevtx
  for (std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator it = conv.nHitsBeforeVtx().begin(); it!=conv.nHitsBeforeVtx().end(); ++it) {
    if ( (*it)>nHitsBeforeVtxMax ) return false;
  return true;
reco::ConversionRef ConversionTools::matchedConversion ( const reco::SuperCluster sc,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  dRMax = 0.1,
float  dEtaMax = 999.,
float  dPhiMax = 999.,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 264 of file

References edm::match(), and rho.


  //check if a given SuperCluster matches to at least one conversion candidate in the
  //collection which also passes the selection cuts
  //If multiple conversions are found, returned reference corresponds to minimum
  //conversion radius

  ConversionRef match;
  double minRho = 999.;
  for (ConversionCollection::const_iterator it = convCol->begin(); it!=convCol->end(); ++it) {
    float rho = it->conversionVertex().position().rho();
    if (rho>minRho) continue;
    if (!matchesConversion(sc, *it, dRMax,dEtaMax,dPhiMax)) continue;
    if (!isGoodConversion(*it,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    minRho = rho;
    match = ConversionRef(convCol,it-convCol->begin());
  return match;

reco::ConversionRef ConversionTools::matchedConversion ( const reco::GsfElectron ele,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
bool  allowCkfMatch = true,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 207 of file

References edm::match(), and rho.

  //check if a given electron candidate matches to at least one conversion candidate in the
  //collection which also passes the selection cuts, optionally match with the closestckf track in
  //in addition to just the gsf track (enabled in default arguments)
  //If multiple conversions are found, returned reference corresponds to minimum
  //conversion radius
  ConversionRef match;
  double minRho = 999.;
  for (ConversionCollection::const_iterator it = convCol->begin(); it!=convCol->end(); ++it) {
    float rho = it->conversionVertex().position().rho();
    if (rho>minRho) continue;
    if (!matchesConversion(ele, *it, allowCkfMatch)) continue;
    if (!isGoodConversion(*it,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    minRho = rho;
    match = ConversionRef(convCol,it-convCol->begin());
  return match;
reco::ConversionRef ConversionTools::matchedConversion ( const reco::TrackRef trk,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 1 
) [static]

Definition at line 235 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), edm::match(), and rho.

  //check if a given track matches to at least one conversion candidate in the
  //collection which also passes the selection cuts
  //If multiple conversions are found, returned reference corresponds to minimum
  //conversion radius
  ConversionRef match;

  if (trk.isNull()) return match;
  double minRho = 999.;
  for (ConversionCollection::const_iterator it = convCol->begin(); it!=convCol->end(); ++it) {
    float rho = it->conversionVertex().position().rho();
    if (rho>minRho) continue;
    if (!matchesConversion(trk, *it)) continue;
    if (!isGoodConversion(*it,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    minRho = rho;
    match = ConversionRef(convCol,it-convCol->begin());
  return match;
reco::GsfElectronRef ConversionTools::matchedPromptElectron ( const reco::SuperClusterRef sc,
const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &  eleCol,
const edm::Handle< reco::ConversionCollection > &  convCol,
const math::XYZPoint beamspot,
float  lxyMin = 2.0,
float  probMin = 1e-6,
unsigned int  nHitsBeforeVtxMax = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 322 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), and edm::match().


  //check if a given SuperCluster matches to at least one GsfElectron having zero expected inner hits
  //and not matching any conversion in the collection passing the quality cuts

  GsfElectronRef match;

  if (sc.isNull()) return match;
  for (GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator it = eleCol->begin(); it!=eleCol->end(); ++it) {
    //match electron to supercluster
    if (it->superCluster()!=sc) continue;

    //check expected inner hits
    if (it->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits()>0) continue;

    //check if electron is matching to a conversion
    if (hasMatchedConversion(*it,convCol,beamspot,lxyMin,probMin,nHitsBeforeVtxMax)) continue;
    match = GsfElectronRef(eleCol,it-eleCol->begin());
  return match;

bool ConversionTools::matchesConversion ( const reco::GsfTrackRef trk,
const reco::Conversion conv 
) [static]

Definition at line 128 of file

References convBrem_cff::convTracks, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::ProductID::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), and reco::Conversion::tracks().


  //check if given track matches given conversion (matching by ref)

  if (trk.isNull()) return false;

  const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > &convTracks = conv.tracks();
  for (std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> >::const_iterator it=convTracks.begin(); it!=convTracks.end(); ++it) {
    if (>id() && trk.key()==it->key()) return true;

  return false;
bool ConversionTools::matchesConversion ( const reco::TrackRef trk,
const reco::Conversion conv 
) [static]

Definition at line 112 of file

References convBrem_cff::convTracks, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::ProductID::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), and reco::Conversion::tracks().


  //check if given track matches given conversion (matching by ref)

  if (trk.isNull()) return false;

  const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > &convTracks = conv.tracks();
  for (std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> >::const_iterator it=convTracks.begin(); it!=convTracks.end(); ++it) {
    if (>id() && trk.key()==it->key()) return true;

  return false;
bool ConversionTools::matchesConversion ( const reco::SuperCluster sc,
const reco::Conversion conv,
float  dRMax = 0.1,
float  dEtaMax = 999.,
float  dPhiMax = 999. 
) [static]

Definition at line 68 of file

References reco::Conversion::conversionVertex(), Geom::deltaPhi(), deltaR(), dPhi(), reco::Vertex::position(), reco::CaloCluster::position(), and reco::Conversion::refittedPairMomentum().


  //check if a given SuperCluster matches a given conversion (no quality cuts applied)
  //matching is geometric between conversion momentum and vector joining conversion vertex
  //to supercluster position

  math::XYZVector mom(conv.refittedPairMomentum());
  math::XYZPoint scpos(sc.position());
  math::XYZPoint cvtx(conv.conversionVertex().position());

  math::XYZVector cscvector = scpos - cvtx;
  float dR = reco::deltaR(mom,cscvector);
  float dEta = mom.eta() - cscvector.eta();
  float dPhi = reco::deltaPhi(mom.phi(),cscvector.phi());

  if (dR>dRMax) return false;
  if (dEta>dEtaMax) return false;
  if (dPhi>dPhiMax) return false;

  return true;

bool ConversionTools::matchesConversion ( const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &  trk,
const reco::Conversion conv 
) [static]

Definition at line 96 of file

References convBrem_cff::convTracks, edm::RefToBase< T >::id(), edm::ProductID::id(), edm::RefToBase< T >::isNull(), edm::RefToBase< T >::key(), and reco::Conversion::tracks().


  //check if given track matches given conversion (matching by ref)

  if (trk.isNull()) return false;

  const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > &convTracks = conv.tracks();
  for (std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> >::const_iterator it=convTracks.begin(); it!=convTracks.end(); ++it) {
    if (>id() && trk.key()==it->key()) return true;

  return false;
bool ConversionTools::matchesConversion ( const reco::GsfElectron ele,
const reco::Conversion conv,
bool  allowCkfMatch = true 
) [static]

Definition at line 51 of file

References reco::GsfElectron::closestCtfTrackRef(), convBrem_cff::convTracks, reco::GsfElectron::gsfTrack(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::ProductID::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), and reco::Conversion::tracks().


  //check if a given GsfElectron matches a given conversion (no quality cuts applied)
  //matching is always attempted through the gsf track ref, and optionally attempted through the
  //closest ctf track ref

  const std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > &convTracks = conv.tracks();
  for (std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> >::const_iterator it=convTracks.begin(); it!=convTracks.end(); ++it) {
    if ( ele.gsfTrack().isNonnull() && ele.gsfTrack().id()==it->id() && ele.gsfTrack().key()==it->key()) return true;
    else if ( allowCkfMatch && ele.closestCtfTrackRef().isNonnull() && ele.closestCtfTrackRef().id()==it->id() && ele.closestCtfTrackRef().key()==it->key() ) return true;

  return false;