
python::OfflineClient_cff Namespace Reference


tuple client

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("SiStripCommissioningOfflineClient",
00002   # general parameters
00003   FilePath         = cms.untracked.string('/tmp'),
00004   RunNumber        = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
00005   UseClientFile    = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00006   SaveClientFile   = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00007   SummaryXmlFile   = cms.untracked.FileInPath('DQM/SiStripCommissioningClients/data/summary.xml'),
00008   # individual parameters
00009   ApvTimingParameters      = cms.PSet(),
00010   CalibrationParameters    = cms.PSet(),
00011   DaqScopeModeParameters   = cms.PSet(),
00012   FastFedCablingParameters = cms.PSet(),
00013   FedCablingParameters     = cms.PSet(),
00014   FedTiming                = cms.PSet(),
00015   FineDelayParameters      = cms.PSet(),
00016   LatencyParams            = cms.PSet(),
00017   NoiseParameters          = cms.PSet(),
00018   OptoScanParameters       = cms.PSet(
00019     TargetGain = cms.double(0.8)    # target gain (0.8 = 640ADC for tickmark)
00020   ),
00021   PedestalsParameters      = cms.PSet(
00022     DeadStripMax  = cms.double(10),  # number times the noise spread below mean noise
00023     NoisyStripMin = cms.double(5),  # number times the noise spread above mean noise
00024     HighThreshold = cms.double(5),  # analysis-wide high threshold for the fed zero suppression
00025     LowThreshold  = cms.double(2)   # analysis-wide low threshold for the fed zero suppression
00026   ),
00027   PedsOnlyParameters       = cms.PSet(),
00028   SamplingParameters       = cms.PSet(),
00029   VpspScanParameters       = cms.PSet(),
00030 )

Definition at line 3 of file

Referenced by StormStorageMaker::getTURL(), and main().