Classes | Enumerations | Functions

muon Namespace Reference


struct  SelectionTypeStringToEnum
 a lightweight "map" for selection type string label and enum value More...


enum  AlgorithmType { TMLastStation, TM2DCompatibility, TMOneStation }
enum  SelectionType {
  All = 0, AllGlobalMuons = 1, AllStandAloneMuons = 2, AllTrackerMuons = 3,
  TrackerMuonArbitrated = 4, AllArbitrated = 5, GlobalMuonPromptTight = 6, TMLastStationLoose = 7,
  TMLastStationTight = 8, TM2DCompatibilityLoose = 9, TM2DCompatibilityTight = 10, TMOneStationLoose = 11,
  TMOneStationTight = 12, TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose = 13, TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight = 14, GMTkChiCompatibility = 15,
  GMStaChiCompatibility = 16, GMTkKinkTight = 17, TMLastStationAngLoose = 18, TMLastStationAngTight = 19,
  TMOneStationAngLoose = 20, TMOneStationAngTight = 21, TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose = 22, TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight = 23

Selector type.



float caloCompatibility (const reco::Muon &muon)
reco::TrackRef getTevRefitTrack (const reco::TrackRef &combinedTrack, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &map)
bool isGoodMuon (const reco::Muon &muon, SelectionType type, reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType=reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration)
 main GoodMuon wrapper call
bool isGoodMuon (const reco::Muon &muon, AlgorithmType type, double minCompatibility, reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType)
bool isGoodMuon (const reco::Muon &muon, AlgorithmType type, int minNumberOfMatches, double maxAbsDx, double maxAbsPullX, double maxAbsDy, double maxAbsPullY, double maxChamberDist, double maxChamberDistPull, reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType, bool syncMinNMatchesNRequiredStationsInBarrelOnly=true, bool applyAlsoAngularCuts=false)
bool overlap (const reco::Muon &muon1, const reco::Muon &muon2, double pullX=1.0, double pullY=1.0, bool checkAdjacentChambers=false)
unsigned int RequiredStationMask (const reco::Muon &muon, double maxChamberDist, double maxChamberDistPull, reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType)
float segmentCompatibility (const reco::Muon &muon, reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType=reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration)
SelectionType selectionTypeFromString (const std::string &label)
reco::TrackRef sigmaSwitch (const reco::TrackRef &combinedTrack, const reco::TrackRef &trackerTrack, const double nSigma=2., const double ptThreshold=200.)
reco::TrackRef sigmaSwitch (const reco::Muon &muon, const double nSigma=2., const double ptThreshold=200.)
reco::TrackRef tevOptimized (const reco::TrackRef &combinedTrack, const reco::TrackRef &trackerTrack, const reco::TrackRef &tpfmsTrack, const reco::TrackRef &pickyTrack, const double tune1=30., const double tune2=0.)
reco::TrackRef tevOptimized (const reco::Muon &muon, const double tune1=30., const double tune2=0.)
reco::TrackRef tevOptimized (const reco::Muon &muon, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &tevMap1, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &tevMap2, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &tevMap3)
reco::TrackRef tevOptimized (const reco::TrackRef &combinedTrack, const reco::TrackRef &trackerTrack, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &tevMap1, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &tevMap2, const reco::TrackToTrackMap &tevMap3)
reco::TrackRef tevOptimizedOld (const reco::TrackRef &combinedTrack, const reco::TrackRef &trackerTrack, const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap1, const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap2, const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap3)
reco::TrackRef tevOptimizedOld (const reco::Muon &muon, const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap1, const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap2, const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap3)
reco::TrackRef TMR (const reco::TrackRef &trackerTrack, const reco::TrackRef &fmsTrack, const double tune=4.)
double trackProbability (const reco::TrackRef track)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 61 of file MuonSelectors.h.

Selector type.


Definition at line 16 of file MuonSelectors.h.

      All = 0,                      // dummy options - always true
      AllGlobalMuons = 1,           // checks isGlobalMuon flag
      AllStandAloneMuons = 2,       // checks isStandAloneMuon flag
      AllTrackerMuons = 3,          // checks isTrackerMuon flag
      TrackerMuonArbitrated = 4,    // resolve ambiguity of sharing segments
      AllArbitrated = 5,            // all muons with the tracker muon arbitrated
      GlobalMuonPromptTight = 6,    // global muons with tighter fit requirements
      TMLastStationLoose = 7,       // penetration depth loose selector
      TMLastStationTight = 8,       // penetration depth tight selector
      TM2DCompatibilityLoose = 9,   // likelihood based loose selector
      TM2DCompatibilityTight = 10,  // likelihood based tight selector
      TMOneStationLoose = 11,       // require one well matched segment
      TMOneStationTight = 12,       // require one well matched segment
      TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose = 13, // combination of TMLastStation and TMOneStation
      TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight = 14, // combination of TMLastStation and TMOneStation
      GMTkChiCompatibility = 15,    // require tk stub have good chi2 relative to glb track
      GMStaChiCompatibility = 16,   // require sta stub have good chi2 compatibility relative to glb track
      GMTkKinkTight = 17,           // require a small kink value in the tracker stub
      TMLastStationAngLoose = 18,   // TMLastStationLoose with additional angular cuts
      TMLastStationAngTight = 19,   // TMLastStationTight with additional angular cuts
      TMOneStationAngLoose = 20,    // TMOneStationLoose with additional angular cuts
      TMOneStationAngTight = 21,    // TMOneStationTight with additional angular cuts
      // The two algorithms that follow are identical to what were known as
      // TMLastStationOptimizedLowPt* (sans the Barrel) as late as revision
      // 1.7 of this file. The names were changed because indeed the low pt
      // optimization applies only to the barrel region, whereas the sel-
      // ectors above are more efficient at low pt in the endcaps, which is
      // what we feel is more suggestive of the algorithm name. This will be
      // less confusing for future generations of CMS members, I hope...
      TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose = 22, // combination of TMLastStation and TMOneStation but with low pT optimization in barrel only
      TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight = 23  // combination of TMLastStation and TMOneStation but with low pT optimization in barrel only

Function Documentation

float muon::caloCompatibility ( const reco::Muon muon)
reco::TrackRef muon::getTevRefitTrack ( const reco::TrackRef combinedTrack,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap map 

Definition at line 47 of file MuonCocktails.h.

References edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::end(), and edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::find().

Referenced by tevOptimized().

    reco::TrackToTrackMap::const_iterator it = map.find(combinedTrack);
    return it == map.end() ? reco::TrackRef() : it->val;
bool muon::isGoodMuon ( const reco::Muon muon,
SelectionType  type,
reco::Muon::ArbitrationType  arbitrationType = reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration 

main GoodMuon wrapper call

Definition at line 533 of file

References All, AllArbitrated, AllGlobalMuons, AllStandAloneMuons, AllTrackerMuons, reco::Muon::combinedQuality(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), GlobalMuonPromptTight, reco::Muon::globalTrack(), GMStaChiCompatibility, GMTkChiCompatibility, GMTkKinkTight, reco::Muon::innerTrack(), reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), reco::Muon::isQualityValid(), reco::Muon::isStandAloneMuon(), reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), reco::Muon::outerTrack(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), TM2DCompatibility, TM2DCompatibilityLoose, TM2DCompatibilityTight, TMLastStation, TMLastStationAngLoose, TMLastStationAngTight, TMLastStationLoose, TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose, TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight, TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose, TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight, TMLastStationTight, TMOneStation, TMOneStationAngLoose, TMOneStationAngTight, TMOneStationLoose, TMOneStationTight, and TrackerMuonArbitrated.

Referenced by ExampleMuonAnalyzer::analyze(), MuonIdVal::analyze(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::analyze(), HiggsDQM::analyze(), BPhysicsOniaDQM::analyze(), MuonCosmicCompatibilityFiller::checkMuonID(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstMuon::discriminate(), WMuNuSelector::filter(), WMuNuValidator::filter(), HLTDiMuonGlbTrkFilter::filter(), PFMuonAlgo::isGlobalLooseMuon(), PFMuonAlgo::isGlobalTightMuon(), PFMuonAlgo::isTightMuonPOG(), PFMuonAlgo::isTrackerLooseMuon(), PFMuonAlgo::isTrackerTightMuon(), JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchMuons(), pat::MuonSelector::muIdSelection_(), pat::Muon::muonID(), PFMuonAlgo::printMuonProperties(), SoftLepton::produce(), MuonTrackProducer::produce(), MuonRefProducer::produce(), MuonSelectionTypeValueMapProducer::produce(), and FourVectorHLTOffline::selectMuons().

  switch (type)
    case muon::All:
      return true;
    case muon::AllGlobalMuons:
      return muon.isGlobalMuon();
    case muon::AllTrackerMuons:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon();
    case muon::AllStandAloneMuons:
      return muon.isStandAloneMuon();
    case muon::TrackerMuonArbitrated:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && muon.numberOfMatches(arbitrationType)>0;
    case muon::AllArbitrated:
      return ! muon.isTrackerMuon() || muon.numberOfMatches(arbitrationType)>0;
    case muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight:
      return muon.isGlobalMuon() && muon.globalTrack()->normalizedChi2()<10. && muon.globalTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits() >0;
      // For "Loose" algorithms we choose maximum y quantity cuts of 1E9 instead of
      // 9999 as before.  We do this because the muon methods return 999999 (note
      // there are six 9's) when the requested information is not available.  For
      // example, if a muon fails to traverse the z measuring superlayer in a station
      // in the DT, then all methods involving segmentY in this station return
      // 999999 to demonstrate that the information is missing.  In order to not
      // penalize muons for missing y information in Loose algorithms where we do
      // not care at all about y information, we raise these limits.  In the
      // TMLastStation and TMOneStation algorithms we actually use this huge number
      // to determine whether to consider y information at all.
    case muon::TMLastStationLoose:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,1E9,1E9,-3,-3,arbitrationType,true,false);
    case muon::TMLastStationTight:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,3,3,-3,-3,arbitrationType,true,false);
    case muon::TMOneStationLoose:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,1E9,1E9,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,false);
    case muon::TMOneStationTight:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,3,3,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,false);
    case muon::TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose:
      if ( < 8. && fabs(muon.eta()) < 1.2)
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,1E9,1E9,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,false);
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,1E9,1E9,-3,-3,arbitrationType,false,false);
    case muon::TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight:
      if ( < 8. && fabs(muon.eta()) < 1.2)
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,3,3,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,false);
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,3,3,-3,-3,arbitrationType,false,false);
      //compatibility loose
    case muon::TM2DCompatibilityLoose:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TM2DCompatibility,0.7,arbitrationType);
      //compatibility tight
    case muon::TM2DCompatibilityTight:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TM2DCompatibility,1.0,arbitrationType);
    case muon::GMTkChiCompatibility:
      return muon.isGlobalMuon() && muon.isQualityValid() && fabs(muon.combinedQuality().trkRelChi2 - muon.innerTrack()->normalizedChi2()) < 2.0;
    case muon::GMStaChiCompatibility:
      return muon.isGlobalMuon() && muon.isQualityValid() && fabs(muon.combinedQuality().staRelChi2 - muon.outerTrack()->normalizedChi2()) < 2.0;
    case muon::GMTkKinkTight:
      return muon.isGlobalMuon() && muon.isQualityValid() && muon.combinedQuality().trkKink < 100.0;
    case muon::TMLastStationAngLoose:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,1E9,1E9,-3,-3,arbitrationType,false,true);
    case muon::TMLastStationAngTight:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,3,3,-3,-3,arbitrationType,false,true);
    case muon::TMOneStationAngLoose:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,1E9,1E9,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,true);
    case muon::TMOneStationAngTight:
      return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,3,3,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,true);
    case muon::TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose:
      if ( < 8. && fabs(muon.eta()) < 1.2)
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,1E9,1E9,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,false);
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,1E9,1E9,-3,-3,arbitrationType,true,false);
    case muon::TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight:
      if ( < 8. && fabs(muon.eta()) < 1.2)
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMOneStation,1,3,3,3,3,1E9,1E9,arbitrationType,false,false);
        return muon.isTrackerMuon() && isGoodMuon(muon,TMLastStation,2,3,3,3,3,-3,-3,arbitrationType,true,false);
      return false;
bool muon::isGoodMuon ( const reco::Muon muon,
AlgorithmType  type,
double  minCompatibility,
reco::Muon::ArbitrationType  arbitrationType 

Definition at line 286 of file

References caloCompatibility(), reco::Muon::isMatchesValid(), segmentCompatibility(), and TM2DCompatibility.

  if (!muon.isMatchesValid()) return false;
  bool goodMuon = false;
  switch( type ) {
  case TM2DCompatibility:
    // Simplistic first cut in the 2D segment- vs calo-compatibility plane. Will have to be refined!
    if( ( (0.8*caloCompatibility( muon ))+(1.2*segmentCompatibility( muon, arbitrationType )) ) > minCompatibility ) goodMuon = true;
    else goodMuon = false;
    return goodMuon;
  default : 
    //  LogTrace("MuonIdentification")<<"            // Invalid Algorithm Type called!";
    goodMuon = false;
    return goodMuon;
bool muon::isGoodMuon ( const reco::Muon muon,
AlgorithmType  type,
int  minNumberOfMatches,
double  maxAbsDx,
double  maxAbsPullX,
double  maxAbsDy,
double  maxAbsPullY,
double  maxChamberDist,
double  maxChamberDistPull,
reco::Muon::ArbitrationType  arbitrationType,
bool  syncMinNMatchesNRequiredStationsInBarrelOnly = true,
bool  applyAlsoAngularCuts = false 

Definition at line 308 of file

References reco::Muon::dX(), reco::Muon::dY(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::Muon::isMatchesValid(), reco::Muon::pullDxDz(), reco::Muon::pullDyDz(), reco::Muon::pullX(), reco::Muon::pullY(), RequiredStationMask(), relativeConstraints::station, reco::Muon::stationMask(), TMLastStation, and TMOneStation.

   if (!muon.isMatchesValid()) return false;
   bool goodMuon = false;

   if (type == TMLastStation) {
      // To satisfy my own paranoia, if the user specifies that the
      // minimum number of matches is zero, then return true.
      if(minNumberOfMatches == 0) return true;

      unsigned int theStationMask = muon.stationMask(arbitrationType);
      unsigned int theRequiredStationMask = RequiredStationMask(muon, maxChamberDist, maxChamberDistPull, arbitrationType);

      // Require that there be at least a minimum number of segments
      int numSegs = 0;
      int numRequiredStations = 0;
      for(int it = 0; it < 8; ++it) {
         if(theStationMask & 1<<it) ++numSegs;
         if(theRequiredStationMask & 1<<it) ++numRequiredStations;

      // Make sure the minimum number of matches is not greater than
      // the number of required stations but still greater than zero
      if (syncMinNMatchesNRequiredStationsInBarrelOnly) {
         // Note that we only do this in the barrel region!
         if (fabs(muon.eta()) < 1.2) {
            if(minNumberOfMatches > numRequiredStations)
               minNumberOfMatches = numRequiredStations;
            if(minNumberOfMatches < 1) //SK: this only happens for negative values
               minNumberOfMatches = 1;
      } else {
         if(minNumberOfMatches > numRequiredStations)
            minNumberOfMatches = numRequiredStations;
         if(minNumberOfMatches < 1) //SK: this only happens for negative values
            minNumberOfMatches = 1;

      if(numSegs >= minNumberOfMatches) goodMuon = 1;

      // Require that last required station have segment
      // If there are zero required stations keep track
      // of the last station with a segment so that we may
      // apply the quality cuts below to it instead
      int lastSegBit = 0;
      if(theRequiredStationMask) {
         for(int stationIdx = 7; stationIdx >= 0; --stationIdx)
           if(theRequiredStationMask & 1<<stationIdx){
               if(theStationMask & 1<<stationIdx) {
                  lastSegBit = stationIdx;
                  goodMuon &= 1;
               } else {
                  goodMuon = false;
      } else {
         for(int stationIdx = 7; stationIdx >= 0; --stationIdx)
            if(theStationMask & 1<<stationIdx) {
               lastSegBit = stationIdx;

      if(!goodMuon) return false;

      // Impose pull cuts on last segment
      int station = 0, detector = 0;
      station  = lastSegBit < 4 ? lastSegBit+1 : lastSegBit-3;
      detector = lastSegBit < 4 ? 1 : 2;

      // Check x information
      if(fabs(muon.pullX(station,detector,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullX &&
            fabs(muon.dX(station,detector,arbitrationType)) > maxAbsDx)
         return false;

      if(applyAlsoAngularCuts && fabs(muon.pullDxDz(station,detector,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullX)
         return false;

      // Is this a tight algorithm, i.e. do we bother to check y information?
      if (maxAbsDy < 999999) { // really if maxAbsDy < 1E9 as currently defined

         // Check y information
         if (detector == 2) { // CSC
            if(fabs(muon.pullY(station,2,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY &&
                  fabs(muon.dY(station,2,arbitrationType)) > maxAbsDy)
               return false;

            if(applyAlsoAngularCuts && fabs(muon.pullDyDz(station,2,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY)
               return false;
         } else {
            // In DT, if this is a "Tight" algorithm and the last segment is
            // missing y information (always the case in station 4!!!), impose
            // respective cuts on the next station in the stationMask that has
            // a segment with y information.  If there are no segments with y
            // information then there is nothing to penalize. Should we
            // penalize in Tight for having zero segments with y information?
            // That is the fundamental question.  Of course I am being uber
            // paranoid; if this is a good muon then there will probably be at
            // least one segment with y information but not always.  Suppose
            // somehow a muon only creates segments in station 4, then we
            // definitely do not want to require that there be at least one
            // segment with y information because we will lose it completely.

            for (int stationIdx = station; stationIdx > 0; --stationIdx) {
               if(! (theStationMask & 1<<(stationIdx-1)))  // don't bother if the station is not in the stationMask

               if(muon.dY(stationIdx,1,arbitrationType) > 999998) // no y-information

               if(fabs(muon.pullY(stationIdx,1,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY &&
                     fabs(muon.dY(stationIdx,1,arbitrationType)) > maxAbsDy) {
                  return false;

               if(applyAlsoAngularCuts && fabs(muon.pullDyDz(stationIdx,1,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY)
                  return false;

               // If we get this far then great this is a good muon
               return true;

      return goodMuon;
   } // TMLastStation

   // TMOneStation requires only that there be one "good" segment, regardless
   // of the required stations.  We do not penalize if there are absolutely zero
   // segments with y information in the Tight algorithm.  Maybe I'm being
   // paranoid but so be it.  If it's really a good muon then we will probably
   // find at least one segment with both x and y information but you never
   // know, and I don't want to deal with a potential inefficiency in the DT
   // like we did with the original TMLastStation.  Incidentally, not penalizing
   // for total lack of y information in the Tight algorithm is what is done in
   // the new TMLastStation
   if (type == TMOneStation) {
      unsigned int theStationMask = muon.stationMask(arbitrationType);

      // Of course there must be at least one segment
      if (! theStationMask) return false;

      int  station = 0, detector = 0;
      // Keep track of whether or not there is a DT segment with y information.
      // In the end, if it turns out there are absolutely zero DT segments with
      // y information, require only that there was a segment with good x info.
      // This of course only applies to the Tight algorithms.
      bool existsGoodDTSegX = false;
      bool existsDTSegY = false;

      // Impose cuts on the segments in the station mask until we find a good one
      // Might as well start with the lowest bit to speed things up.
      for(int stationIdx = 0; stationIdx <= 7; ++stationIdx)
         if(theStationMask & 1<<stationIdx) {
            station  = stationIdx < 4 ? stationIdx+1 : stationIdx-3;
            detector = stationIdx < 4 ? 1 : 2;

            if((fabs(muon.pullX(station,detector,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullX &&
                  fabs(muon.dX(station,detector,arbitrationType)) > maxAbsDx) ||
                  (applyAlsoAngularCuts && fabs(muon.pullDxDz(station,detector,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullX))
            else if (detector == 1)
               existsGoodDTSegX = true;

            // Is this a tight algorithm?  If yes, use y information
            if (maxAbsDy < 999999) {
               if (detector == 2) { // CSC
                  if((fabs(muon.pullY(station,2,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY &&
                        fabs(muon.dY(station,2,arbitrationType)) > maxAbsDy) ||
                        (applyAlsoAngularCuts && fabs(muon.pullDyDz(station,2,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY))
               } else {

                  if(muon.dY(station,1,arbitrationType) > 999998) // no y-information
                     existsDTSegY = true;

                  if((fabs(muon.pullY(station,1,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY &&
                        fabs(muon.dY(station,1,arbitrationType)) > maxAbsDy) ||
                        (applyAlsoAngularCuts && fabs(muon.pullDyDz(station,1,arbitrationType,1)) > maxAbsPullY)) {

            // If we get this far then great this is a good muon
            return true;

      // If we get this far then for sure there are no "good" CSC segments. For
      // DT, check if there were any segments with y information.  If there
      // were none, but there was a segment with good x, then we're happy. If 
      // there WERE segments with y information, then they must have been shit
      // since we are here so fail it.  Of course, if this is a Loose algorithm
      // then fail immediately since if we had good x we would already have
      // returned true
      if (maxAbsDy < 999999) {
         if (existsDTSegY)
            return false;
         else if (existsGoodDTSegX)
            return true;
      } else
         return false;
   } // TMOneStation

   return goodMuon;
bool muon::overlap ( const reco::Muon muon1,
const reco::Muon muon2,
double  pullX = 1.0,
double  pullY = 1.0,
bool  checkAdjacentChambers = false 

Definition at line 639 of file

References abs, CSCDetId::chamber(), MuonSubdetId::CSC, CSC(), CSCDetId::endcap(), reco::Muon::matches(), reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), CSCDetId::ring(), reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration, mathSSE::sqrt(), and CSCDetId::station().

Referenced by CSCCFEBData::digis(), TopDiLeptonOffline::MonitorEnsemble::fill(), PFElecTkProducer::isSharingEcalEnergyWithEgSC(), main(), IsolationProducerForTracks::produce(), MatchedProbeMaker< T >::produce(), MuonMesh::pruneMesh(), CSCEventData::selfTest(), CMSMidpointAlgorithm::splitAndMerge(), edm::EventSelector::testSelectionOverlap(), and PFBlockAlgo::testSuperClusterPFCluster().

  unsigned int nMatches1 = muon1.numberOfMatches(reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration);
  unsigned int nMatches2 = muon2.numberOfMatches(reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration);
  unsigned int betterMuon = ( > ? 1 : 2 );
  for ( std::vector<reco::MuonChamberMatch>::const_iterator chamber1 = muon1.matches().begin();
           chamber1 != muon1.matches().end(); ++chamber1 )
    for ( std::vector<reco::MuonChamberMatch>::const_iterator chamber2 = muon2.matches().begin();
          chamber2 != muon2.matches().end(); ++chamber2 )
        // if ( (chamber1->segmentMatches.empty() || chamber2->segmentMatches.empty()) ) continue;
        // handle case where both muons have information about the same chamber
        // here we know how close they are 
        if ( chamber1->id == chamber2->id ){
          // found the same chamber
          if ( fabs(chamber1->x-chamber2->x) < 
               pullX * sqrt(chamber1->xErr*chamber1->xErr+chamber2->xErr*chamber2->xErr) )
              if ( betterMuon == 1 )
              if ( nMatches1==0 || nMatches2==0 ) return true;
          if ( fabs(chamber1->y-chamber2->y) < 
               pullY * sqrt(chamber1->yErr*chamber1->yErr+chamber2->yErr*chamber2->yErr) )
              if ( betterMuon == 1 )
              if ( nMatches1==0 || nMatches2==0 ) return true;
        } else {
          if ( ! checkAdjacentChambers ) continue;
          // check if tracks are pointing into overlaping region of the CSC detector
          if ( chamber1->id.subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::CSC || 
               chamber2->id.subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::CSC ) continue;
          CSCDetId id1(chamber1->id);
          CSCDetId id2(chamber2->id);
          if ( id1.endcap()  != id2.endcap() )  continue;
          if ( id1.station() != id2.station() ) continue;
          if ( id1.ring()    != id2.ring() )    continue;
          if ( abs(id1.chamber() - id2.chamber())>1 ) continue;
          // FIXME: we don't handle 18->1; 36->1 transitions since 
          // I don't know how to check for sure how many chambers
          // are there. Probably need to hard code some checks.
          // Now we have to make sure that both tracks are close to an edge
          // FIXME: ignored Y coordinate for now
          if ( fabs(chamber1->edgeX) > chamber1->xErr*pullX ) continue;
          if ( fabs(chamber2->edgeX) > chamber2->xErr*pullX ) continue;
          if ( chamber1->x * chamber2->x < 0 ) { // check if the same edge
            if ( betterMuon == 1 )
            if ( nMatches1==0 || nMatches2==0 ) return true;
  return false;
unsigned int muon::RequiredStationMask ( const reco::Muon muon,
double  maxChamberDist,
double  maxChamberDistPull,
reco::Muon::ArbitrationType  arbitrationType 

Definition at line 51 of file

References reco::Muon::trackDist(), and reco::Muon::trackDistErr().

Referenced by isGoodMuon().

   unsigned int theMask = 0;

   for(int stationIdx = 1; stationIdx < 5; ++stationIdx)
      for(int detectorIdx = 1; detectorIdx < 3; ++detectorIdx)
         if(muon.trackDist(stationIdx,detectorIdx,arbitrationType) < maxChamberDist &&
               muon.trackDist(stationIdx,detectorIdx,arbitrationType)/muon.trackDistErr(stationIdx,detectorIdx,arbitrationType) < maxChamberDistPull)
            theMask += 1<<((stationIdx-1)+4*(detectorIdx-1));

   return theMask;
float muon::segmentCompatibility ( const reco::Muon muon,
reco::Muon::ArbitrationType  arbitrationType = reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration 

Definition at line 73 of file

References reco::Muon::dX(), reco::Muon::dY(), i, siStripFEDMonitor_P5_cff::Max, reco::Muon::pullX(), reco::Muon::pullY(), reco::Muon::segmentX(), and reco::Muon::trackDist().

Referenced by ExampleMuonAnalyzer::analyze(), MuonIdVal::analyze(), HiggsDQM::analyze(), MuonCosmicCompatibilityFiller::checkMuonSegments(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstMuon::discriminate(), TauDiscriminationAgainstMuon< TauType, TauDiscriminator >::evaluateMuonVeto(), isGoodMuon(), and pat::MuonSelector::muIdSelection_().

  bool use_weight_regain_at_chamber_boundary = true;
  bool use_match_dist_penalty = true;

  int nr_of_stations_crossed = 0;
  int nr_of_stations_with_segment = 0;
  std::vector<int> stations_w_track(8);
  std::vector<int> station_has_segmentmatch(8);
  std::vector<int> station_was_crossed(8);
  std::vector<float> stations_w_track_at_boundary(8);
  std::vector<float> station_weight(8);
  int position_in_stations = 0;
  float full_weight = 0.;

  for(int i = 1; i<=8; ++i) {
    // ********************************************************;
    // *** fill local info for this muon (do some counting) ***;
    // ************** begin ***********************************;
    if(i<=4) { // this is the section for the DTs
      if( muon.trackDist(i,1,arbitrationType) < 999999 ) { //current "raw" info that a track is close to a chamber
        station_was_crossed[i-1] = 1;
        if(muon.trackDist(i,1,arbitrationType) > -10. ) stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1] = muon.trackDist(i,1,arbitrationType); 
        else stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1] = 0.;
      if( muon.segmentX(i,1,arbitrationType) < 999999 ) { //current "raw" info that a segment is matched to the current track
        station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] = 1;
    else     { // this is the section for the CSCs
      if( muon.trackDist(i-4,2,arbitrationType) < 999999 ) { //current "raw" info that a track is close to a chamber
        station_was_crossed[i-1] = 1;
        if(muon.trackDist(i-4,2,arbitrationType) > -10. ) stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1] = muon.trackDist(i-4,2,arbitrationType);
        else stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1] = 0.;
      if( muon.segmentX(i-4,2,arbitrationType) < 999999 ) { //current "raw" info that a segment is matched to the current track
        station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] = 1;
    // rough estimation of chamber border efficiency (should be parametrized better, this is just a quick guess):
    // TF1 * merf = new TF1("merf","-0.5*(TMath::Erf(x/6.)-1)",-100,100);
    // use above value to "unpunish" missing segment if close to border, i.e. rather than not adding any weight, add
    // the one from the function. Only for dist ~> -10 cm, else full punish!.

    // ********************************************************;
    // *** fill local info for this muon (do some counting) ***;
    // ************** end *************************************;

  // ********************************************************;
  // *** calculate weights for each station *****************;
  // ************** begin ***********************************;
  //    const float slope = 0.5;
  //    const float attenuate_weight_regain = 1.;
  // if attenuate_weight_regain < 1., additional punishment if track is close to boundary and no segment
  const float attenuate_weight_regain = 0.5; 

  for(int i = 1; i<=8; ++i) { // loop over all possible stations

    // first set all weights if a station has been crossed
    // later penalize if a station did not have a matching segment

    //old logic      if(station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] > 0 ) { // the track has an associated segment at the current station
    if( station_was_crossed[i-1] > 0 ) { // the track crossed this chamber (or was nearby)
      // - Apply a weight depending on the "depth" of the muon passage. 
      // - The station_weight is later reduced for stations with badly matched segments. 
      // - Even if there is no segment but the track passes close to a chamber boundary, the
      //   weight is set non zero and can go up to 0.5 of the full weight if the track is quite
      //   far from any station.

      switch ( nr_of_stations_crossed ) { // define different weights depending on how many stations were crossed
      case 1 : 
        station_weight[i-1] =  1.;
      case 2 :
        if     ( position_in_stations == 1 ) station_weight[i-1] =  0.33;
        else                                 station_weight[i-1] =  0.67;
      case 3 : 
        if     ( position_in_stations == 1 ) station_weight[i-1] =  0.23;
        else if( position_in_stations == 2 ) station_weight[i-1] =  0.33;
        else                                 station_weight[i-1] =  0.44;
      case 4 : 
        if     ( position_in_stations == 1 ) station_weight[i-1] =  0.10;
        else if( position_in_stations == 2 ) station_weight[i-1] =  0.20;
        else if( position_in_stations == 3 ) station_weight[i-1] =  0.30;
        else                                 station_weight[i-1] =  0.40;
      default : 
//      LogTrace("MuonIdentification")<<"            // Message: A muon candidate track has more than 4 stations with matching segments.";
//      LogTrace("MuonIdentification")<<"            // Did not expect this - please let me know:";
        // for all other cases
        station_weight[i-1] = 1./nr_of_stations_crossed;

      if( use_weight_regain_at_chamber_boundary ) { // reconstitute some weight if there is no match but the segment is close to a boundary:
        if(station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] <= 0 && stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1] != 0. ) {
          // if segment is not present but track in inefficient region, do not count as "missing match" but add some reduced weight. 
          // original "match weight" is currently reduced by at least attenuate_weight_regain, variing with an error function down to 0 if the track is 
          // inside the chamber.
          station_weight[i-1] = station_weight[i-1]*attenuate_weight_regain*0.5*(TMath::Erf(stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1]/6.)+1.); // remark: the additional scale of 0.5 normalizes Err to run from 0 to 1 in y
        else if(station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] <= 0 && stations_w_track_at_boundary[i-1] == 0.) { // no segment match and track well inside chamber
          // full penalization
          station_weight[i-1] = 0.;
      else { // always fully penalize tracks with no matching segment, whether the segment is close to the boundary or not.
        if(station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] <= 0) station_weight[i-1] = 0.;

      if( station_has_segmentmatch[i-1] > 0 && 42 == 42 ) { // if track has matching segment, but the matching is not high quality, penalize
        if(i<=4) { // we are in the DTs
          if( muon.dY(i,1,arbitrationType) < 999999 && muon.dX(i,1,arbitrationType) < 999999) { // have both X and Y match
               TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(muon.pullX(i,1,arbitrationType),2.)+TMath::Power(muon.pullY(i,1,arbitrationType),2.))> 1. ) {
              // reduce weight
              if(use_match_dist_penalty) {
                // only use pull if 3 sigma is not smaller than 3 cm
                if(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(muon.dX(i,1,arbitrationType),2.)+TMath::Power(muon.dY(i,1,arbitrationType),2.)) < 3. && TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(muon.pullX(i,1,arbitrationType),2.)+TMath::Power(muon.pullY(i,1,arbitrationType),2.)) > 3. ) { 
                  station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(
                else {
                  station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(
          else if (muon.dY(i,1,arbitrationType) >= 999999) { // has no match in Y
            if( muon.pullX(i,1,arbitrationType) > 1. ) { // has a match in X. Pull larger that 1 to avoid increasing the weight (just penalize, don't anti-penalize)
              // reduce weight
              if(use_match_dist_penalty) {
                // only use pull if 3 sigma is not smaller than 3 cm
                if( muon.dX(i,1,arbitrationType) < 3. && muon.pullX(i,1,arbitrationType) > 3. ) { 
                  station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(TMath::Max((double)muon.dX(i,1,arbitrationType),(double)1.),.25);
                else {
                  station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(muon.pullX(i,1,arbitrationType),.25);
          else { // has no match in X
            if( muon.pullY(i,1,arbitrationType) > 1. ) { // has a match in Y. Pull larger that 1 to avoid increasing the weight (just penalize, don't anti-penalize)
              // reduce weight
              if(use_match_dist_penalty) {
                // only use pull if 3 sigma is not smaller than 3 cm
                if( muon.dY(i,1,arbitrationType) < 3. && muon.pullY(i,1,arbitrationType) > 3. ) { 
                  station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(TMath::Max((double)muon.dY(i,1,arbitrationType),(double)1.),.25);
                else {
                  station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(muon.pullY(i,1,arbitrationType),.25);
        else { // We are in the CSCs
             TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(muon.pullX(i-4,2,arbitrationType),2.)+TMath::Power(muon.pullY(i-4,2,arbitrationType),2.)) > 1. ) {
            // reduce weight
            if(use_match_dist_penalty) {
              // only use pull if 3 sigma is not smaller than 3 cm
              if(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(muon.dX(i-4,2,arbitrationType),2.)+TMath::Power(muon.dY(i-4,2,arbitrationType),2.)) < 3. && TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(muon.pullX(i-4,2,arbitrationType),2.)+TMath::Power(muon.pullY(i-4,2,arbitrationType),2.)) > 3. ) { 
                station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(
              else {
                station_weight[i-1] *= 1./TMath::Power(
      // Thoughts:
      // - should penalize if the segment has only x OR y info
      // - should also use the segment direction, as it now works!
    else { // track did not pass a chamber in this station - just reset weight
      station_weight[i-1] = 0.;
    //increment final weight for muon:
    full_weight += station_weight[i-1];

  // if we don't expect any matches, we set the compatibility to
  // 0.5 as the track is as compatible with a muon as it is with
  // background - we should maybe rather set it to -0.5!
  if( nr_of_stations_crossed == 0 ) {
    //      full_weight = attenuate_weight_regain*0.5;
    full_weight = 0.5;

  // ********************************************************;
  // *** calculate weights for each station *****************;
  // ************** end *************************************;

  return full_weight;

SelectionType muon::selectionTypeFromString ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 7 of file

References All, AllArbitrated, AllGlobalMuons, AllStandAloneMuons, AllTrackerMuons, Exception, newFWLiteAna::found, GlobalMuonPromptTight, GMStaChiCompatibility, GMTkChiCompatibility, GMTkKinkTight, i, muon::SelectionTypeStringToEnum::label, TM2DCompatibilityLoose, TM2DCompatibilityTight, TMLastStationAngLoose, TMLastStationAngTight, TMLastStationLoose, TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose, TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight, TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose, TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight, TMLastStationTight, TMOneStationAngLoose, TMOneStationAngTight, TMOneStationLoose, TMOneStationTight, TrackerMuonArbitrated, muon::SelectionTypeStringToEnum::value, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by pat::Muon::muonID(), MuonSelectionTypeValueMapProducer::MuonSelectionTypeValueMapProducer(), and MuonTrackProducer::produce().

   static SelectionTypeStringToEnum selectionTypeStringToEnumMap[] = {
      { "All", All },
      { "AllGlobalMuons", AllGlobalMuons },
      { "AllStandAloneMuons", AllStandAloneMuons },
      { "AllTrackerMuons", AllTrackerMuons },
      { "TrackerMuonArbitrated", TrackerMuonArbitrated },
      { "AllArbitrated", AllArbitrated },
      { "GlobalMuonPromptTight", GlobalMuonPromptTight },
      { "TMLastStationLoose", TMLastStationLoose },
      { "TMLastStationTight", TMLastStationTight },
      { "TM2DCompatibilityLoose", TM2DCompatibilityLoose },
      { "TM2DCompatibilityTight", TM2DCompatibilityTight },
      { "TMOneStationLoose", TMOneStationLoose },
      { "TMOneStationTight", TMOneStationTight },
      { "TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose", TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtLoose },
      { "TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight", TMLastStationOptimizedLowPtTight },
      { "GMTkChiCompatibility", GMTkChiCompatibility },
      { "GMStaChiCompatibility", GMStaChiCompatibility},
      { "GMTkKinkTight", GMTkKinkTight},
      { "TMLastStationAngLoose", TMLastStationAngLoose },
      { "TMLastStationAngTight", TMLastStationAngTight },
      { "TMOneStationAngLoose", TMOneStationAngLoose },
      { "TMOneStationAngTight", TMOneStationAngTight },
      { "TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose", TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtLoose },
      { "TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight", TMLastStationOptimizedBarrelLowPtTight },
      { 0, (SelectionType)-1 }

   SelectionType value = (SelectionType)-1;
   bool found = false;
   for(int i = 0; selectionTypeStringToEnumMap[i].label && (! found); ++i)
      if (! strcmp(label.c_str(), selectionTypeStringToEnumMap[i].label)) {
         found = true;
         value = selectionTypeStringToEnumMap[i].value;

   // in case of unrecognized selection type
   if (! found) throw cms::Exception("MuonSelectorError") << label << " is not a recognized SelectionType";
   return value;
reco::TrackRef muon::sigmaSwitch ( const reco::TrackRef combinedTrack,
const reco::TrackRef trackerTrack,
const double  nSigma = 2.,
const double  ptThreshold = 200. 

Definition at line 143 of file

References delta, and dtDQMClient_cfg::threshold.

Referenced by sigmaSwitch().

  // If either the global or tracker-only fits have pT below threshold
  // (default 200 GeV), return the tracker-only fit.
  if (combinedTrack->pt() < ptThreshold || trackerTrack->pt() < ptThreshold)
    return trackerTrack;
  // If both are above the pT threshold, compare the difference in
  // q/p: if less than two sigma of the tracker-only track, switch to
  // global. Otherwise, use tracker-only.
  const double delta = fabs(trackerTrack->qoverp() - combinedTrack->qoverp());
  const double threshold = nSigma * trackerTrack->qoverpError();
  return delta > threshold ? trackerTrack : combinedTrack;
reco::TrackRef muon::sigmaSwitch ( const reco::Muon muon,
const double  nSigma = 2.,
const double  ptThreshold = 200. 

Definition at line 97 of file MuonCocktails.h.

References reco::Muon::globalTrack(), reco::Muon::innerTrack(), and sigmaSwitch().

    return muon::sigmaSwitch(muon.globalTrack(),
reco::TrackRef muon::tevOptimized ( const reco::TrackRef combinedTrack,
const reco::TrackRef trackerTrack,
const reco::TrackRef tpfmsTrack,
const reco::TrackRef pickyTrack,
const double  tune1 = 30.,
const double  tune2 = 0. 

Definition at line 8 of file

References i, and trackProbability().

Referenced by MuonsFromRefitTracksProducer::produce(), and tevOptimized().

  // Array for convenience below.
  const reco::TrackRef refit[4] = { 

  // Calculate the log(tail probabilities). If there's a problem,
  // signify this with prob == 0. The current problems recognized are:
  // the track being not available, whether the (re)fit failed or it's
  // just not in the event, or if the (re)fit ended up with no valid
  // hits.
  double prob[4] = {0.};
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) 
    if (refit[i].isNonnull() && refit[i]->numberOfValidHits()) 
      prob[i] = muon::trackProbability(refit[i]); 

  //std::cout << "Probabilities: " << prob[0] << " " << prob[1] << " " << prob[2] << " " << prob[3] << std::endl;

  // Start with picky.
  int chosen = 3;

  // If there's a problem with picky, make the default one of the
  // other tracks. Try TPFMS first, then global, then tracker-only.
  if (prob[3] == 0.) { 
    if      (prob[2] > 0.) chosen = 2;
    else if (prob[1] > 0.) chosen = 1;
    else if (prob[0] > 0.) chosen = 0;

  // Now the algorithm: switch from picky to tracker-only if the
  // difference, log(tail prob(picky)) - log(tail prob(tracker-only))
  // is greater than a tuned value (currently 30). Then compare the
  // so-picked track to TPFMS in the same manner using another tuned
  // value.
  if (prob[0] > 0. && prob[3] > 0. && (prob[3] - prob[0]) > tune1)
    chosen = 0;
  if (prob[2] > 0. && (prob[chosen] - prob[2]) > tune2)
    chosen = 2;

  // Done. Return the chosen track (which can be the global track in
  // very rare cases).
  return refit[chosen];
reco::TrackRef muon::tevOptimized ( const reco::Muon muon,
const double  tune1 = 30.,
const double  tune2 = 0. 
reco::TrackRef muon::tevOptimized ( const reco::Muon muon,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap1,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap2,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap3 

Definition at line 64 of file MuonCocktails.h.

References reco::Muon::combinedMuon(), getTevRefitTrack(), tevOptimized(), and reco::Muon::track().

    return tevOptimized(muon.combinedMuon(),
                        getTevRefitTrack(muon.combinedMuon(), tevMap2),
                        getTevRefitTrack(muon.combinedMuon(), tevMap3));
reco::TrackRef muon::tevOptimized ( const reco::TrackRef combinedTrack,
const reco::TrackRef trackerTrack,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap1,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap2,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap tevMap3 

Definition at line 53 of file MuonCocktails.h.

References getTevRefitTrack(), and tevOptimized().

    return tevOptimized(combinedTrack,
                        getTevRefitTrack(combinedTrack, tevMap2),
                        getTevRefitTrack(combinedTrack, tevMap3));
reco::TrackRef muon::tevOptimizedOld ( const reco::TrackRef combinedTrack,
const reco::TrackRef trackerTrack,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap  tevMap1,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap  tevMap2,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap  tevMap3 

Definition at line 63 of file

References edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::end(), edm::AssociationMap< Tag >::find(), i, convertSQLiteXML::ok, query::result, and trackProbability().

Referenced by tevOptimizedOld().


  std::vector<reco::TrackRef> refit(4);
  reco::TrackRef result;
  bool ok[4];
  ok[0] = true; // Assume tracker track OK.
  reco::TrackToTrackMap::const_iterator gmrTrack = tevMap1.find(combinedTrack);
  reco::TrackToTrackMap::const_iterator fmsTrack = tevMap2.find(combinedTrack);
  reco::TrackToTrackMap::const_iterator pmrTrack = tevMap3.find(combinedTrack);

  ok[1] = gmrTrack != tevMap1.end();
  ok[2] = fmsTrack != tevMap2.end();
  ok[3] = pmrTrack != tevMap3.end();

  double prob[4];

  if (ok[0]) refit[0] = trackerTrack;
  if (ok[1]) refit[1] = (*gmrTrack).val;
  if (ok[2]) refit[2] = (*fmsTrack).val;
  if (ok[3]) refit[3] = (*pmrTrack).val;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
    prob[i] = (ok[i] && refit[i]->numberOfValidHits())
      ? trackProbability(refit[i]) : 0.0; 

//  std::cout << "Probabilities: " << prob[0] << " " << prob[1] << " " << prob[2] << " " << prob[3] << std::endl;

  if (prob[1] ) result = refit[1];
  if ((prob[1] == 0) && prob[3]) result = refit[3];
  if (prob[1] && prob[3] && ((prob[1] - prob[3]) > 0.05 ))  result = refit[3];

  if (prob[0] && prob[2] && fabs(prob[2] - prob[0]) > 30.) {
    result = refit[0];
    return result;

  if ((prob[1] == 0) && (prob[3] == 0) && prob[2]) result = refit[2];

  reco::TrackRef tmin;
  double probmin = 0.0;

  if (prob[1] && prob[3]) {
    probmin = prob[3]; tmin = refit[3];
    if ( prob[1] < prob[3] ) { probmin = prob[1]; tmin = refit[1]; }
  } else if ((prob[3] == 0) && prob[1]) { 
    probmin = prob[1]; tmin = refit[1]; 
  } else if ((prob[1] == 0) && prob[3]) {
    probmin = prob[3]; tmin = refit[3]; 

  if (probmin && prob[2] && ( (probmin - prob[2]) > 3.5 )) {
    result = refit[2];

  return result;
reco::TrackRef muon::tevOptimizedOld ( const reco::Muon muon,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap  tevMap1,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap  tevMap2,
const reco::TrackToTrackMap  tevMap3 

Definition at line 82 of file MuonCocktails.h.

References reco::Muon::combinedMuon(), tevOptimizedOld(), and reco::Muon::track().

    return tevOptimizedOld(muon.combinedMuon(), muon.track(), tevMap1, tevMap2, tevMap3);
reco::TrackRef muon::TMR ( const reco::TrackRef trackerTrack,
const reco::TrackRef fmsTrack,
const double  tune = 4. 

Definition at line 163 of file

References edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), and trackProbability().

  double probTK  = 0;
  double probFMS = 0;
  if (trackerTrack.isNonnull() && trackerTrack->numberOfValidHits())
    probTK = muon::trackProbability(trackerTrack);
  if (fmsTrack.isNonnull() && fmsTrack->numberOfValidHits())
    probFMS = muon::trackProbability(fmsTrack);
  bool TKok  = probTK > 0;
  bool FMSok = probFMS > 0;

  if (TKok && FMSok) {
    if (probFMS - probTK > tune)
      return trackerTrack;
      return fmsTrack;
  else if (FMSok)
    return fmsTrack;
  else if (TKok)
    return trackerTrack;
    return reco::TrackRef();
double muon::trackProbability ( const reco::TrackRef  track)

Definition at line 129 of file

References funct::log().

Referenced by HistogramProbabilityEstimator::probability(), tevOptimized(), tevOptimizedOld(), tevOptimizedTMR(), and TMR().


  int nDOF = (int)track->ndof();
  if ( nDOF > 0 && track->chi2()> 0) { 
    return -log(TMath::Prob(track->chi2(), nDOF));
  } else { 
    return 0.0;
