Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes

TFParams Class Reference

#include <TFParams.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double computePulseWidth (int, double, double)
void copie_colonne_mat (matrice, matrice, int)
void diff_mat (matrice, matrice, matrice)
double f3deg (int, double parom[dimout], double mask[dimmat], double adcpj[dimmat], double errpj[dimmat][dimmat])
double fitpj (double **, double *, double **, double noise_val, int debug)
double inv3x3 (double a[3][3], double b[3][3])
double inverpj (int, double g[dimmat][dimmat], double ginv[dimmat][dimmat])
void inverse_mat (matrice, matrice)
double lastShape (Double_t *, Double_t *)
double lastShape2 (Double_t *, Double_t *)
double mixShape (Double_t *, Double_t *)
double parab (double *, Int_t, Int_t, double *)
Double_t polfit (Int_t ns, Int_t imax, Double_t par3d[dimout], Double_t errpj[dimmat][dimmat], double *)
void print_mat (matrice)
void print_mat_nk (matrice, int)
void produit_mat (matrice, matrice, matrice)
void produit_mat_int (matrice, matrice, matrice)
double pulseShapepj (Double_t *, Double_t *)
double pulseShapepj2 (Double_t *, Double_t *)
void set_const (int, int, int, double, double, int)
void somme_mat_int (matrice, matrice)
void somme_mat_int_scale (matrice, matrice, double)
 TFParams (int size=SDIM2, int size_sh=PLSHDIM)
void transpose_mat (matrice, matrice)
void zero_mat (matrice)
void zero_mat_nk (matrice, int)
 ~TFParams ()

Public Attributes

char name_mat [10]

Private Attributes

double a1ini
double a2ini
double a3ini
double adclu [26]
int nevtmax
int ns
int nsmax
int nsmin
double step_shape
double weight_matrix [10][10]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file TFParams.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TFParams::TFParams ( int  size = SDIM2,
int  size_sh = PLSHDIM 

Definition at line 26 of file

References i, and j.


  //int  sdim = size;
  //int plshdim = size_sh;

for (int i=0 ; i<10 ; i++) {
  for (int j=0 ; j<10 ; j++) {
      weight_matrix[i][j] = 8.; 

TFParams::~TFParams ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 66 of file TFParams.h.


Member Function Documentation

double TFParams::computePulseWidth ( int  methode,
double  alpha_here,
double  beta_here 

Definition at line 1252 of file

References dt, testEve_cfg::level, evf::evtn::offset(), and tablePrinter::width.


// level of amplitude where we calculate the width ( level = 0.5 if at 50 % )
//   (level = 0.3 if at 30 % )
  double level = 0.30 ;
// fixed parameters
  double amplitude   = 1.00 ;
  double offset      = 7.00;  
  double amp_max     = amplitude;

// steps in time
  double t_min       =  offset-4.50;
  double t_max       =  offset+12.50;

  int    t_step_max  = 3000;
  double delta_t     =  (double)((t_max-t_min)/t_step_max);
// Loop over time ( Loop 2  --> get width )
  int    t_amp_half_flag =    0;
  double t_amp_half_min  =  999.; 
  double t_amp_half_max  = -999.; 

  for (int t_step=0; t_step<t_step_max; t_step++){

       double t_val = t_min + (double)t_step*delta_t;
       double albet = alpha_here*beta_here ;
       double dt = t_val-offset ;
       double amp =0;

       if( methode == 2 ) { // electronic function
          if( (t_val-offset) > -albet) {

            amp =  amplitude*TMath::Power( ( 1 + ( dt / (alpha_here*beta_here) ) ) , alpha_here ) * TMath::Exp(-1.0*(dt/beta_here));
          } else {
            amp = 1. ;

       if( amp > (amp_max*level) && t_amp_half_flag == 0) {
           t_amp_half_flag = 1;
           t_amp_half_min = t_val;

       if( amp < (amp_max*level) && t_amp_half_flag == 1) {
           t_amp_half_flag = 2;
           t_amp_half_max = t_val;

// Compute Width
  double width = (t_amp_half_max - t_amp_half_min);

  return width;
void TFParams::copie_colonne_mat ( matrice  A,
matrice  M,
int  nk 

Definition at line 655 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, gen::k, matrice::nb_colonnes, and matrice::nb_lignes.

  int i,j ;
  int k ;
 /* resultat de la copie de A dans un vecteur colonne M */
  k = 0 ;
  for(i=0 ; i< A.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j < A.nb_colonnes ; j++) {
      M.coeff[nk][k] = A.coeff[i][j] ;
   printf(" copie nk %d  i %d j %d k %d A %e M %e \n ",nk,i,j,k,A.coeff[i][j],
      k++ ;
  return  ;
void TFParams::diff_mat ( matrice  A,
matrice  B,
matrice  M 

Definition at line 636 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, matrice::nb_lignes, and NULL.

  int i,j ;
//resultat de la difference A-B = M 
  if(A.nb_lignes != B.nb_lignes) {
    printf( " Erreur : difference de matrices de tailles incompatibles \n ");
    M.coeff = NULL ;
    return ;
  M.nb_lignes = A.nb_lignes ;
  M.nb_colonnes = A.nb_colonnes ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j < M.nb_colonnes ; j++) {
      M.coeff[i][j] = A.coeff[i][j] - B.coeff[i][j] ;
  return  ;
double TFParams::f3deg ( int  nmxu,
double  parom[dimout],
double  mask[dimmat],
double  adcpj[dimmat],
double  errpj[dimmat][dimmat] 

Definition at line 893 of file

References delta, dimmat, f, h, i, gen::k, prof2calltree::l, asciidump::s, mathSSE::sqrt(), matplotRender::t, and tmp.

/*                                                                   */
/*  fit   3rd degree polynomial                                      */
/*  nmxu = nb of samples in sample data array adcpj[]
    parom   values of parameters
    errpj  inverse of the error matrix
    fplo3dg uses only the diagonal terms of errpj[][]
  int i , k , l , iworst ;
  double  h , t2 , tm , delta , tmp ;
  double xki2 , dif , difmx , deglib   ;
  double t[dimmat] ,  f[dimmat][4]   ;
  double cov[dimmat][dimmat] , bv[4] , invcov[dimmat][dimmat] , s , deter  ;
  deglib=(double)nmxu - 4.  ;
  for ( i=0 ; i<nmxu ; i++ ) {
    t[i]=i ;
    f[i][0]=1. ;
    f[i][1]=t[i]  ;
    f[i][2]=t[i]*t[i]  ;
    f[i][3]=f[i][2]*t[i] ;
/*   computation of covariance matrix     */
  for ( k=0 ; k<4 ; k++ ) {
    for ( l=0 ; l<4 ; l++ ) {
      s=0.   ;
      for (i=0 ; i<nmxu ; i++ ) {
        s=s+f[i][k]*f[i][l]*errpj[i][i]*mask[i]   ;
      cov[k][l]=s  ;
    s=0.    ;
    for (i=0 ; i<nmxu ; i++ ) {
        s=s+f[i][k]*adcpj[i]*errpj[i][i]*mask[i]   ;
      bv[k]=s  ;
/*     parameters                          */
  deter = inverpj ( 4 , cov , invcov );
  for ( k=0 ; k<4 ; k++ ) {
    s=0.  ;
    for ( l=0 ; l<4 ; l++ ) {
      s=s+bv[l]*invcov[l][k]   ;
    parom[k]=s  ;

  if( parom[3] == 0. ){
    parom[4] = -1000.;
    parom[5] = -1000.;
    parom[6] = -1000.;
    return 1000000.;
/*    worst hit and ki2                    */
  xki2=0.    ;
  difmx=0.   ;
    for (i=0 ; i<nmxu ; i++ ){
      t2=t[i]*t[i]  ;
      h= parom[0]+parom[1]*t[i]+parom[2]*t2+parom[3]*t2*t[i] ;
      dif=(adcpj[i]-h)*mask[i]     ;
        if(dif > difmx) {
          iworst=i  ;
          difmx=dif ;
    if(deglib > 0.5) xki2=xki2/deglib ;
/*     amplitude and maximum position                    */
  delta=parom[2]*parom[2]-3.*parom[3]*parom[1]  ;
  if(delta > 0.){
    delta=sqrt(delta)  ;
    tm=-(delta+parom[2])/(3.*parom[3])  ;
    tmp=(delta-parom[2])/(3.*parom[3])  ;
    parom[4] = -1000.;
    parom[5] = -1000.;
    parom[6] = -1000.;
    return xki2  ;
  parom[4]= tm  ;
  parom[5]= parom[0]+parom[1]*tm+parom[2]*tm*tm+parom[3]*tm*tm*tm ;
  parom[6]= tmp ;
  // printf("par --------> %f %f %f %f \n",parom[3],parom[2],parom[1],parom[0]);
   return xki2  ;
double TFParams::fitpj ( double **  adcval,
double *  parout,
double **  db_i,
double  noise_val,
int  debug 

Definition at line 39 of file

References alpha, beta, funct::C, matrice::coeff, gather_cfg::cout, cree_mat(), cree_mat_prod(), funct::D, delta, dimmat, dt, funct::exp(), i, j, gen::k, funct::log(), nsamp, ntrack, funct::pow(), matplotRender::t, X, and Gflash::Z.

Referenced by HcalSiPMShape::computeShape().

#define dimn 10
#define dimin 10
#define plshdim 300
#define nsamp 10                                            
#define ntrack 500       
  //#define debug debug1

  // ******************************************************************
  // *  Definitions of variables used in the routine                    
  // ******************************************************************
  double a1,a2,a3,a1i,a2i,a3i,b1,b2;
  int iter,nevt;
  double errpj[dimmat][dimmat]  ;
  double bi[ntrack][2],dbi[ntrack][2];
  double zi[ntrack][2] ;
  double par3degre[3] ;
  int    ioktk[ntrack],iokchi2[ntrack],nk,nborn_min=0,nborn_max=0;
  double cti[ntrack][6],dm1i[ntrack][4]; 
  double aiter[10][3];       
  double par[4],tsig[1];
  double amp,delta[nsamp],delta2,fun;
  double num_fit_min[ntrack],num_fit_max[ntrack] ;
  int i,j,k,imax[ntrack];

  double noise_initialvalue,one_over_noisesq ;
  double ampmax[ntrack],dt,t;
  double chi2, chi2s, da1[nsamp], da2[nsamp], db1[nsamp], db2[nsamp] ;
  double chi2tot;
  double fact1,fact2,expo;
  double albet,dtsbeta,variab,alpha,beta,puiss ;
  double  unsurs1 ,unsurs2 ;
  double fit3 ;
  int numb_a,numb_b,numb_ab,numb_b2,numb_x,ndimi,ndimj ;

  fun=0; chi2s=0; chi2tot=0;
  matrice A_CROISS,ZMCT ;

  double *amplu ;
  amplu = new double[nsamp] ;
  parout[0] = 0. ;
  parout[1] = 0. ;
  parout[2] = 0. ;

  //  Define Error Matrix 

  noise_initialvalue = noise_val ;
  one_over_noisesq=1./(noise_initialvalue * noise_initialvalue)  ;
  for ( i=0 ; i<dimmat ; i++ ) {
    for ( j=0 ; j<dimmat ; j++ ) {
      errpj[i][j] = 0.  ;
    errpj[i][i]=one_over_noisesq  ;
  //  Initialisation of fit parameters 

  a1 = a1ini ;
  a2 = a2ini ;
  a3 = a3ini ;
  if( METHODE==2) {
    a2 = a3ini ;   // for lastshape BETA is the third parameter ( ... ! )
  a1i = a1 ;
  a2i = a2 ;
  a3i = a3 ;
  if (debug==1){
    printf(" ------> __> valeurs de a1 %f a2 %f a3 %f\n",a1,a2,a3) ;
  for (i=0 ; i<ntrack ; i++) {
    iokchi2[i]=1 ;
    for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) {
      bi[i][j] = (double)0. ;
      dbi[i][j] = (double)0. ;
      zi[i][j]=(double)0. ;
      cti[i][j]=(double)0. ;
      dm1i[i][j]=(double)0. ;

  ndimi = 2 ;
  ndimj = 2 ;
  numb_a = 2 ;

  //  Matrices initialisation

  numb_x = 1 ;
  numb_b = 2 ;
  numb_ab = numb_a*numb_b ;
  numb_b2 = numb_b*numb_b ;
  DA = cree_mat(numb_a,numb_x) ;
  DAT = cree_mat(numb_x,numb_a) ;
  BK = cree_mat_prod(DA,DAT) ;
  DB = cree_mat(numb_b,numb_x) ;
  DBT = cree_mat(numb_x,numb_b) ;
  C = cree_mat(numb_a,numb_b) ;
  CT = cree_mat(numb_b,numb_a) ;
  D = cree_mat_prod(DB,DBT) ;
  DM1 = cree_mat_prod(DB,DBT) ;
  CDM1 = cree_mat_prod(C,DM1) ;
  CDM1CT = cree_mat_prod(CDM1,CT) ;
  Z = cree_mat(numb_b,numb_x) ;
  CDM1Z =cree_mat_prod(CDM1,Z) ;
  YK =cree_mat(numb_a,numb_x) ;
  Y =cree_mat(numb_a,numb_x) ;
  B = cree_mat_prod(DA,DAT) ;
  X = cree_mat_prod(DA,DAT) ;
  XINV = cree_mat_prod(DA,DAT) ;
  RES2=cree_mat(numb_a,numb_x) ;
  A_CROISS = cree_mat(numb_a,numb_x) ;
  ZMCT = cree_mat(numb_b,numb_x) ;

  // First Loop on iterations //                            
  for (iter=0 ; iter < 6 ; iter++) {


    //    Set zeros for general matrices
    if (debug==1){
      printf(" Debut de l'iteration numero %d \n",iter) ;
    zero_mat(CDM1Z) ;
    zero_mat(Y) ;
    zero_mat(CDM1CT) ;
    zero_mat(B) ;
    zero_mat(X) ;
    zero_mat(CDM1) ;

    nk = -1 ;   
    aiter[iter][0] = a1 ;
    aiter[iter][1] = a2 ;
    if (debug==1){
      printf( " resultats injectes a iterations %d \n",iter) ;
      printf( " parametre a1 = %f \n",a1) ;
      printf( " parametre a2 = %f \n",a2) ;
      printf( " chi2 du fit chi2s = %f \n",chi2s) ;
      printf(" value de nevtmax _______________ %d \n",nevtmax) ;
    //  Loop on events //
    for (nevt=0 ; nevt < nevtmax ; nevt++) {
      //       B1 = BI[nk,1] est la normalisation du signal                    
      //       B2 = BI[nk,2] ewst le dephasage par rapport a une            
      //                 fonction centree en zero                                 
      //        Nous choisissons ici de demarrer avec les resultats           
      //            de l'ajustement parabolique mais il faudra bien             
      //            entendu verifier que cela ne biaise pas le resultat !      
      //            mise a zero des matrices utilisees dans la boucle             
      zero_mat(Z) ;
      zero_mat(YK) ;
      zero_mat(BK) ;
      zero_mat(C) ;
      zero_mat(D) ;
      nk=nevt ;  
      ampmax[nk] = 0. ;
      imax[nk] = 0 ;
      for ( k = 0 ; k < 10 ; k++) {     
        amplu[k]=adcval[nevt][k] ; 
        if (amplu[k] > ampmax[nk] ) {
          ampmax[nk] = amplu[k] ;
          imax[nk] = k ; 
      if( iter == 0 ) {

        // start with degree 3 polynomial .... 
        //fit3 =polfit(ns ,imax[nk] ,par3degre ,errpj ,amplu ) ;
        //      std::cout << "Poly Fit Param  :"<< par3degre[0] <<" "<< par3degre[1]<< std::endl; 
        // start with parabol
        //fit3 = parab(amplu,4,12,par3degre) ;
        fit3 = parab(amplu,2,9,par3degre) ;
        //std::cout << "Parab Fit Param :"<< par3degre[0] <<" "<< par3degre[1]<< std::endl; 

        // start with basic initial values
        //par3degre[0]= ampmax+ampmax/10. ;
        //par3degre[1]= (double)imax[nk]+0.1 ;
        //bi[nk][0] = ampmax[nk] ;
        //bi[nk][1] = (double)imax[nk] ;

        num_fit_min[nevt] = (double)imax[nk] - (double)nsmin ;
        num_fit_max[nevt] = (double)imax[nk] + (double)nsmax ;
        bi[nk][0] = par3degre[0] ;
        bi[nk][1] = par3degre[1] ;
        if (debug==1){
          printf("---------> depart ampmax[%d]=%f   maximum %f tim %f \n",
      } else {
        //  in other iterations  :                                              
        //   increment bi[][] parameters with bdi[][]                         
        //   calculated in previous                                           
        //   iteration                                                                      

        bi[nk][0] +=  dbi[nk][0] ;
        bi[nk][1] +=  dbi[nk][1] ;
        if (debug==1){
          printf("iter %d valeur de max %f et norma %f poly 3 \n",iter,bi[nk][1],bi[nk][0]) ;
      b1 = bi[nk][0] ;
      b2 = bi[nk][1] ;

      // Loop on samples //                         
      chi2 = 0. ;
      ioktk[nk] = 0 ;
      ns =nborn_max-nborn_min+1 ;
      for (k=0 ; k < 10 ; k++){
        //      calculation of fonction used to fit
        dt =(double)k - b2 ;
        t = (double)k ;
        amp = amplu[k] ;
        if (debug==1){
          printf(" CHECK sample %f ampli %f \n",t,amp) ;
        //unsurs1 = 1./sig_err ;
        //unsurs2 = 1./(sig_err*sig_err) ;
        //unsurs1 = 0.1 ;
        //unsurs2 = 0.01 ;

        // Pulse shape function used: pulseShapepj
        nborn_min = (int)num_fit_min[nevt] ;
        nborn_max = (int)num_fit_max[nevt] ;
        if(k < nborn_min || k > nborn_max ) continue ;
        tsig[0] =(double)k  ;

        if(METHODE==2) {
        par[0]=  b1 ;
        par[1] = b2 ;
        par[2] = a1 ;
        par[3] = a2 ;
        fun = pulseShapepj( tsig , par) ;
        if (debug==1){
          printf(" valeur ampli %f et function %f min %d max %d \n",amp,fun,nsmin,nsmax) ;
          printf("min %f max %f \n",num_fit_min[nevt],num_fit_max[nevt]) ;
        //       we need to determine a1,a2 which are global parameters         
        //        and  b1, b2 which are parameters for each individual signal: 
        //        b1, b2 = amplitude and time event by event
        //        a1, a2 = alpha and beta global      
        //        we first begin to calculate the derivatives used in the following calculation                                              
          alpha = a1 ;
          beta  = a2 ;
          if(dt > -albet)  { 
            variab = (double)1. + dt/albet ;
            dtsbeta = dt/beta ;
            expo = exp(-dtsbeta) ;       
            puiss = pow(variab,alpha) ;
            fact1 = puiss*expo ;         
            db1[k] = unsurs1*fun/b1 ;
            fact2 =  fun ;
            db2[k] = unsurs1*fact2*dtsbeta/(albet*variab) ;
            da1[k] = unsurs1*fact2*(log(variab)-dtsbeta/(alpha*variab)) ;
            da2[k] = unsurs1*fact2*dtsbeta*dtsbeta/(albet*variab) ;
        delta[k] = (amp - fun)*unsurs1 ;
        if (debug==1){
          printf(" ------->iter %d valeur de k %d amp %f fun %f delta %f \n",
                 iter,k,amp,fun,delta[k]) ;
          printf(" -----> valeur de k %d delta %f da1 %f da2 %f  \n",
                 k,delta[k],da1[k],da2[k]) ;

        chi2 = chi2 + delta[k]*delta[k]     ;
        if (debug==1){
          printf(" CHECK chi2 %f deltachi2 %f sample %d iter %d \n",chi2,delta[k]*delta[k],k, iter) ;

      // End Loop on samples //                     
      double wk1wk2 ;

      // Start Loop on samples //                           

      for(int k1=nborn_min ; k1<nborn_max+1 ; k1++) {
        wk1wk2 = 1. ;
        int k2 = k1 ;
        DA.coeff[0][0] = da1[k1]*wk1wk2 ;
        DA.coeff[1][0] = da2[k1]*wk1wk2 ;
        DAT.coeff[0][0]= da1[k2] ;
        DAT.coeff[0][1]= da2[k2] ;
        DB.coeff[0][0] = db1[k1]*wk1wk2 ;
        DB.coeff[1][0] = db2[k1]*wk1wk2 ;
        DBT.coeff[0][0]= db1[k2] ;
        DBT.coeff[0][1]= db2[k2] ;
        //  Compute derivative matrix : matrix b[2][2]  
        produit_mat_int(DA,DAT,BK) ;
        //  Compute matrix c[2][2]                                  
        produit_mat_int(DA,DBT,C) ;
        //  Compute matrix d[2][2]                                   
        produit_mat_int(DB,DBT,D) ;
        //  Compute matrix y[3] and z[2] depending of delta (amp-fun)        
        delta2 = delta[k2] ;
        somme_mat_int_scale(DA,YK,delta2) ;                     
        somme_mat_int_scale(DB,Z,delta2) ;
        ioktk[nk]++ ;
      // End Loop on samples //                     
      //  Remove events with a bad shape 
      if(ioktk[nk] < 4 ) {
        printf(" event rejected because npamp_used = %d \n",ioktk[nk]);
        continue ;
      chi2s = chi2/(2. + (double)ns + 2.)  ;      

      if (debug==1){
        if (nevt==198 || nevt==199){
          std::cout << "adc123 pour l'evt " << nevt <<" = "<<adcval[nevt][nborn_min]<<" = "<<adcval[nevt][imax[nevt]]<<" = "<<adcval[nevt][nborn_max]<<std::endl;
          std::cout << "chi2s  pour l'evt " << nevt <<" = "<< chi2s<<" "<< chi2<<" "<< ns<<"  "<<iter<<std::endl;
          std::cout << "chi2tot           " << nevt <<" = "<< chi2tot<<"  "<<iter<<std::endl;
      //  Transpose matrix C ---> CT                        
      transpose_mat(C,CT) ;
      //  Calculate DM1 (inverse of D matrix 2x2)                 
      inverse_mat(D,DM1) ;

      //  Set matrix product c*d in memory in order to compute variations    
      //   of parameters B at the end of the iteration loop                   
      //   the variations of parameters b are dependant of the variations of  
      //   parameters da[1],da[2]                                            
      cti[nk][0] = CT.coeff[0][0]  ;
      cti[nk][1] = CT.coeff[0][1]  ;
      cti[nk][2] = CT.coeff[1][0]  ;
      cti[nk][3] = CT.coeff[1][1]  ;
       dm1i[nk][0] = DM1.coeff[0][0] ;
       dm1i[nk][1] = DM1.coeff[0][1] ;
       dm1i[nk][2] = DM1.coeff[1][0] ;
       dm1i[nk][3] = DM1.coeff[1][1] ; 

       zi[nk][0] = Z.coeff[0][0]  ;
       zi[nk][1] = Z.coeff[1][0]  ;

       //   Sum the matrix b and y after every event            
       for( k=0 ; k< numb_a ; k++) {
         Y.coeff[k][0] += YK.coeff[k][0] ;
       somme_mat_int(BK,B) ;

       //   Calculate c(d-1)                                     

      produit_mat(C,DM1,CDM1) ;

      // Compute c(d-1)ct                                         

      // Compute c(d-1)z                                          
      produit_mat_int(CDM1,Z,CDM1Z) ;

      // End Loop on events //                      
    //  Compute b-cdm1ct
    diff_mat(B,CDM1CT,X) ;
    inverse_mat(X,XINV) ;
    diff_mat(Y,CDM1Z,RES2) ;

    // Calculation is now easy for da[0] da[1]                         
    produit_mat(XINV,RES2,A_CROISS) ;

    //  A la fin, on peut iterer en mesurant l'accroissement a apporter
    //    des parametres globaux par la formule db[i] = dm1(z-ct*da[i])  
    for( k=0 ; k< nk+1 ; k++) {
      if(METHODE ==2 ) {
        ZMCT.coeff[0][0] = zi[k][0] - (cti[k][0]*A_CROISS.coeff[0][0]+
                                       cti[k][1]*A_CROISS.coeff[1][0]) ;
        ZMCT.coeff[1][0] = zi[k][1] - (cti[k][2]*A_CROISS.coeff[0][0]+
                                       cti[k][3]*A_CROISS.coeff[1][0]) ;
      dbi[k][0] = dm1i[k][0]*ZMCT.coeff[0][0] + dm1i[k][1]*ZMCT.coeff[1][0] ;
      dbi[k][1] = dm1i[k][2]*ZMCT.coeff[0][0] + dm1i[k][3]*ZMCT.coeff[1][0] ;
      if (debug==1){
        if( k < 100 ){
          printf(" variations de b1= %f et b2= %f  \n",dbi[k][0],dbi[k][1]) ;
      db_i[k][0] = bi[k][0]+ dbi[k][0]   ;
      db_i[k][1] = bi[k][1]+ dbi[k][1]   ;
    //   dbi[0] et dbi[1] mesurent les variations a apporter aux       
    //   parametres du signal                                          
    a1 += A_CROISS.coeff[0][0] ;
    a2 += A_CROISS.coeff[1][0] ;

    if (debug==1){
      printf(" CHECK croiss coef0: %f  croiss coef1: %f iter %d \n",fabs(A_CROISS.coeff[0][0]),fabs(A_CROISS.coeff[1][0]), iter);
    if(fabs(A_CROISS.coeff[0][0]) < 0.001 && fabs(A_CROISS.coeff[1][0]) < 0.001)
  //  End Loop on iterations //

  parout[0] = a1 ;
  parout[1] = a2 ;
  parout[2] = a3 ;
  if (debug==1){
    printf( " resultats trouves au bout de %d iterations \n",iter) ;
    printf( " parametre a1 = %f \n",a1) ;
    printf( " parametre a2 = %f \n",a2) ;

  if (debug==1){
    std::cout << " Final chi2 / NDOF  :  "<< chi2tot/nevtmax << std::endl;
    std::cout << " Final (alpha,beta) : ("<< a1<<","<<a2<<")"<< std::endl;

  return chi2tot/nevtmax ;

double TFParams::inv3x3 ( double  a[3][3],
double  b[3][3] 

Definition at line 1043 of file

References i, and j.

/*   a[ligne][colonne]   b[ligne][colonne]   */
int i , j   ;
double  deter=0.  ;
      b[0][0]=a[1][1]*a[2][2]-a[2][1]*a[1][2] ;
      b[1][1]=a[0][0]*a[2][2]-a[2][0]*a[0][2] ;
      b[2][2]=a[0][0]*a[1][1]-a[0][1]*a[1][0] ;
      printf("a[x][x] %e %e %e %e %e %e %e \n",a[0][0],a[1][1],a[0][1],a[1][0],
      b[0][1]=a[2][1]*a[0][2]-a[0][1]*a[2][2] ;
      b[0][2]=a[0][1]*a[1][2]-a[1][1]*a[0][2] ;
      b[1][0]=a[1][2]*a[2][0]-a[1][0]*a[2][2] ;
      b[1][2]=a[1][0]*a[0][2]-a[0][0]*a[1][2] ;
      b[2][0]=a[1][0]*a[2][1]-a[1][1]*a[2][0] ;
      b[2][1]=a[0][1]*a[2][0]-a[0][0]*a[2][1] ;
      deter=a[0][0]*b[0][0] + a[1][0]*b[0][1] + a[2][0]*b[0][2] ;
      printf(" deter = %e \n",deter) ;
 for ( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) {
   for ( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) {
     printf(" avant division a[3][3] %d %d  %e \n",i,j,a[i][j]) ;
     printf(" avant division b[3][3] %d %d  %e %e \n",i,j,b[i][j],deter) ;
     b[i][j] = b[i][j]/deter  ;
     printf(" valeur de b[3][3] apres division %d %d  %e %e \n",i,j,b[i][j],deter) ;
  return deter ;
double TFParams::inverpj ( int  n,
double  g[dimmat][dimmat],
double  ginv[dimmat][dimmat] 

Definition at line 981 of file

References dimmat, g, i, j, gen::k, n, csvReporter::r, asciidump::s, and mathSSE::sqrt().

/*                                                                   */
/*  inversion d une matrice symetrique definie positive de taille n  */
/*  J.P. Pansart   Novembre 99                                       */
/*                                                                   */
int i , j , k , jj  ;
double r ,  s  ;
double deter=0  ;
double al[dimmat][dimmat] , be[dimmat][dimmat]  ;
/*   initialisation                                                  */
 for( i=0 ; i<n ; i++ ) {
   for ( j=0 ; j<n ; j++ ) {
    al[i][j] = 0.  ;
    be[i][j] = 0.  ;
/*  decomposition en vecteurs sur une base orthonormee               */
 al[0][0] =  sqrt( g[0][0] )  ;
 for ( i=1 ; i<n ; i++ ) {
 al[i][0] = g[0][i] / al[0][0]  ;
   for ( j=1 ; j<=i ; j++ ) {
    s=0.   ;
    for ( k=0 ; k<=j-1 ; k++ ) {
     s=s+ al[i][k] * al[j][k]  ;
    r= g[i][j] - s   ;
   if( j < i ) al[i][j] = r/al[j][j]  ;
   if( j == i ) al[i][j] =  sqrt ( r)  ;
/*  inversion de la matrice al                                       */
 be[0][0] = 1./al[0][0]  ;
 for ( i=1 ; i<n ; i++ ) {
 be[i][i] = 1. / al[i][i]  ;
   for ( j=0 ; j<i ; j++ ) {
    jj=i-j-1  ;
    s=0.   ;
    for ( k=jj+1 ; k<=i ; k++ ) {
     s=s+ be[i][k] * al[k][jj]  ;
    be[i][jj]=-s/al[jj][jj]  ;
/*   calcul de la matrice ginv                                       */
 for ( i=0 ; i<n ; i++ ) {
   for ( j=0 ; j<n ; j++ ) {
    s=0.   ;
    for ( k=0 ; k<n ; k++ ) {
     s=s+ be[k][i] * be[k][j]  ;
    ginv[i][j]=s  ;
    //    if (debug==1){
    //printf("valeur de la matrice %d %d %f \n",i,j,ginv[i][j]) ;
  return deter ;
void TFParams::inverse_mat ( matrice  A,
matrice  M 

Definition at line 803 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, and matrice::nb_lignes.

/*   A[ligne][colonne]   B[ligne][colonne]   */
int i , j   ;
double  deter=0.  ;
/*  M est la matrice inverse de A */
 if(A.nb_lignes != A.nb_colonnes) {
   printf( " attention matrice non inversible !!!! %d lignes %d colonnes \n",
           A.nb_lignes,A.nb_colonnes) ;
   return ;
  zero_mat(M) ;
  if(A.nb_lignes == 2) {
    deter = A.coeff[0][0]*A.coeff[1][1] - A.coeff[0][1]*A.coeff[1][0] ;
    M.coeff[0][0] = A.coeff[1][1]/deter ;
    M.coeff[0][1] = -A.coeff[0][1]/deter ;
    M.coeff[1][0] = -A.coeff[1][0]/deter ;
    M.coeff[1][1] = A.coeff[0][0]/deter ;
 else if(A.nb_lignes == 3) {
      M.coeff[0][0]=A.coeff[1][1]*A.coeff[2][2]-A.coeff[2][1]*A.coeff[1][2] ;
      M.coeff[1][1]=A.coeff[0][0]*A.coeff[2][2]-A.coeff[2][0]*A.coeff[0][2] ;

      M.coeff[2][2]=A.coeff[0][0]*A.coeff[1][1]-A.coeff[0][1]*A.coeff[1][0] ;
      M.coeff[0][1]=A.coeff[2][1]*A.coeff[0][2]-A.coeff[0][1]*A.coeff[2][2] ;
      M.coeff[0][2]=A.coeff[0][1]*A.coeff[1][2]-A.coeff[1][1]*A.coeff[0][2] ;
      M.coeff[1][0]=A.coeff[1][2]*A.coeff[2][0]-A.coeff[1][0]*A.coeff[2][2] ;
      M.coeff[1][2]=A.coeff[1][0]*A.coeff[0][2]-A.coeff[0][0]*A.coeff[1][2] ;
      M.coeff[2][0]=A.coeff[1][0]*A.coeff[2][1]-A.coeff[1][1]*A.coeff[2][0] ;
      M.coeff[2][1]=A.coeff[0][1]*A.coeff[2][0]-A.coeff[0][0]*A.coeff[2][1] ;
        +A.coeff[2][0]*M.coeff[0][2] ;
      for ( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) {
        for ( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) M.coeff[i][j] = M.coeff[i][j]/deter  ;
 else {
 printf(" Attention , on ne peut inverser la MATRICE %d \n",A.nb_lignes) ;
 return ;
 return ;
double TFParams::lastShape ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 1109 of file

References alpha, beta, dt, and funct::exp().


  Double_t fitfun;
  Double_t alpha, beta;
  Double_t dt,alphadt,exponent ;
  Double_t b1,b2 ;
  b1 = par[0] ;
  b2 = par[1] ;
  alpha = par[2] ;
  beta  = par[3] ;
  dt= x[0] - b2  ;
  alphadt = alpha*dt ;
  exponent = -(alphadt+(exp(-alphadt)-1.))/beta ; 
  fitfun = b1*exp(exponent) ; 
  return fitfun;
double TFParams::lastShape2 ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 1126 of file

References alpha, beta, dt, and funct::exp().


  Double_t fitfun;
  Double_t alpha, beta;
  Double_t dt,expo1,dt2,exponent ;
  Double_t b1,b2 ;
  b1 = par[0] ;
  b2 = par[1] ;
  alpha = par[2] ;
  beta  = par[3] ;
  dt= x[0] - b2  ;
  expo1 = exp(-beta*dt) ;
  dt2 = dt*dt ;
  exponent = -(alpha*dt2+(expo1-1.)) ;
  fitfun = b1*exp(exponent) ; 
  return fitfun;
double TFParams::mixShape ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 1219 of file

References alpha, beta, dt, funct::exp(), funct::pow(), and matplotRender::t.

  Double_t fitval0,fitval;
  Double_t alpha,beta,fact,puiss;
  Double_t dt,alpha2dt,exponent ;
  Double_t b1,b2,alpha2,t ;
  b1 = par[0] ;
  b2 = par[1] ;
  alpha  = par[2] ;
  alpha2 = par[3] ;
  beta   = par[4] ;
  t = x[0] ;
  dt= x[0]-b2  ;
  if(t>0.) {
  fact = t/b2 ;
  puiss = pow(fact,alpha) ;
  fitval0 = puiss*exp(-alpha*dt/b2) ;
  fitval0=1. ;
  dt = x[0] - b2 ;
  alpha2dt = dt*alpha2 ;
  exponent = -(alpha2dt+(exp(-alpha2dt)-1.))/beta ;
  fitval = b1*fitval0*exp(exponent) ;  
  return fitval;
double TFParams::parab ( double *  ,
Int_t  ,
Int_t  ,
double *   

Definition at line 1180 of file

References dt, and gen::k.

/* Now we calculate the parabolic adjustement in order to get        */
/*    maximum and time max                                           */
  double denom,dt,amp1,amp2,amp3 ; 
  double ampmax = 0. ;                          
  int imax = 0 ;
  int k ;
  for ( k = nmin ; k < nmax ; k++) {
    if (ampl[k] > ampmax ) {
      ampmax = ampl[k] ;
      imax = k ;
        amp1 = ampl[imax-1] ;
        amp2 = ampl[imax] ;
        amp3 = ampl[imax+1] ;
        denom=2.*amp2-amp1-amp3  ;
/*                                                                   */       
          dt =0.5*(amp3-amp1)/denom  ;
        else {
          //printf("denom =%f\n",denom)  ;
          dt=0.5  ;
/*                                                                   */        
/* ampmax correspond au maximum d'amplitude parabolique et dt        */
/* decalage en temps par rapport au sample maximum soit k + dt       */
        parout[0] =amp2+(amp3-amp1)*dt*0.25 ;
        parout[1] = (double)imax + dt ;
        parout[2] = (double)imax ;
return denom ;
Double_t TFParams::polfit ( Int_t  ns,
Int_t  imax,
Double_t  par3d[dimout],
Double_t  errpj[dimmat][dimmat],
double *  adcpj 

Definition at line 847 of file

References dimmat, dimout, h, and i.

  double val , val2 , val3 , adfmx[dimmat] , parfp3[dimout]  ;
  double ius[dimmat], maskp3[dimmat] ;
  double deglib,fit3,tm,h,xki2 ;
  int i ,nus ,ilow,isup ;
  val=adcpj[imax] ;
  val2=val/2.  ;
  val3=val/3.  ;
  ilow=0       ;
  isup=ns    ;
  deglib=-4.  ;
  for (i=0 ; i<ns ; i++ ){
    deglib=deglib+1.  ;
    ius[i] = 1. ;
    if((adcpj[i] < val3) && (i<imax) ){
      ilow=i  ;
    if(adcpj[i] > val2 ){
      isup=i  ;
  ilow=ilow+1   ;
  if(ilow == imax )ilow=ilow-1 ;
  if(isup-ilow < 3) isup=ilow+3 ;
  nus=0  ;
  for(i=ilow ; i<=isup ; i++){
    adfmx[nus]=adcpj[i]  ;
    maskp3[nus] =0. ;
    if(ius[i] == 1) {
      maskp3[nus]=1. ;
      nus=nus+1    ;
  if(nus < 4) return 10000. ;
  xki2 =  f3deg (  nus , parfp3 ,  maskp3 , adfmx ,  errpj ) ;
  tm= parfp3[4]  ;
  h=parfp3[5] ;
  tm=tm+(double)ilow  ;
  par3d[0] = h ;
  par3d[1] = tm ;
  fit3 = xki2 ;
  return fit3 ;
void TFParams::print_mat ( matrice  M)

Definition at line 765 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, matrice::nb_lignes, and NULL.

  int i,j ;
  if( M.coeff == NULL) 
    printf(" erreur : affichage d'une matrice vide \n") ;
  printf(" m_nli %d M_ncol %d \n",M.nb_lignes,M.nb_colonnes) ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) 
      printf(" MATRICE i= %d j= %d ---> %e \n",i,j,M.coeff[i][j]) ;
  //printf(" apres passage d'impression \n") ;
  return ;
void TFParams::print_mat_nk ( matrice  M,
int  nk 

Definition at line 792 of file

References matrice::coeff, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, matrice::nb_lignes, and NULL.

  int j ;
  if( M.coeff == NULL)
    printf(" erreur : affichage d'une matrice vide \n") ;
  printf(" nk = %d m_nli %d M_ncol %d \n",nk,M.nb_lignes,M.nb_colonnes) ;
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) 
      printf(" MATRICE nk= %d j= %d  ---> %e \n",nk,j,M.coeff[nk][j]) ;    
  printf(" apres passage d'impression \n") ;
  return ;
void TFParams::produit_mat ( matrice  A,
matrice  B,
matrice  M 

Definition at line 595 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, gen::k, matrice::nb_colonnes, matrice::nb_lignes, and NULL.

  int i,j,k ;
//  resultat du produit A*B = M 
  if(A.nb_colonnes != B.nb_lignes) {
    printf( " Erreur : produit de matrices de tailles incompatibles \n ");
    M.coeff = NULL ;
    return ;
  M.nb_lignes = A.nb_lignes ;
  M.nb_colonnes = B.nb_colonnes ;
  zero_mat(M) ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) {
      for(k=0 ; k< A.nb_colonnes; k++){
        M.coeff[i][j] += A.coeff[i][k]*B.coeff[k][j] ;
  return  ;
void TFParams::produit_mat_int ( matrice  A,
matrice  B,
matrice  M 

Definition at line 617 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, gen::k, matrice::nb_colonnes, matrice::nb_lignes, and NULL.

  int i,j,k ;
  if(A.nb_colonnes != B.nb_lignes) {
    printf( " Erreur : produit de matrices de tailles incompatibles \n ");
    M.coeff = NULL ;
    return ;
  M.nb_lignes = A.nb_lignes ;
  M.nb_colonnes = B.nb_colonnes ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) {
      for(k=0 ; k< A.nb_colonnes; k++){
        M.coeff[i][j] += A.coeff[i][k]*B.coeff[k][j] ;
  return  ;
double TFParams::pulseShapepj ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 1072 of file

References alpha, beta, dt, funct::exp(), h, and funct::pow().


  Double_t fitfun;
  Double_t ped, h, tm, alpha, beta;
  Double_t  dt, dtsbeta, albet, variab, puiss ;
  Double_t b1,b2,a1,a2 ;
  b1 = par[0] ;
  b2 = par[1] ;
  a1 = par[2] ;
  a2 = par[3] ;

  ped   =  0. ;
  h     =  b1 ;
  tm    =  b2 ;
  alpha =  a1 ;
  beta  =  a2 ;
  dt= x[0] - tm  ;
  //printf(" par %f %f %f %f dt = %f albet = %f",b1,b2,a1,a2,dt,albet) ;
  albet = alpha*beta ;
  if( albet <= 0 )return( (Double_t)0. );

  if(dt > -albet)  {
    dtsbeta=dt/beta ;
    variab=1.+dt/albet ;
    fitfun=h*puiss*exp(-dtsbeta) + ped;
    //printf(" dt = %f h = %f puiss = %f exp(-dtsbeta) %f \n",dt,h,puiss,
    // exp(-dtsbeta)) ;
  else {
      fitfun = ped;

  return fitfun;
Double_t TFParams::pulseShapepj2 ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 1145 of file

References alpha, beta, dt, funct::exp(), h, and funct::pow().


  Double_t fitfun;
  Double_t ped, h, tm, alpha, beta;
  Double_t  dt, dtsbeta, albet, variab, puiss;
  Double_t b1,b2,a1,a2 ;
  b1 = par[0] ;
  b2 = par[1] ;
  a1 = par[2] ;
  a2 = par[3] ;
  ped   =  0. ;
  h     =  b1 ;
  tm    =  b2 ;
  alpha =  a1 ;
  beta  =  a2 ;
  dt= x[0]  ;
  albet = alpha*beta ;
  if( albet <= 0 )return( (Double_t)0. );

  if(dt > -albet)  {
    dtsbeta=dt/beta ;
    variab=1.+dt/albet ;
    fitfun=h*puiss*exp(-dtsbeta) + ped;
  else {
    fitfun = ped;

  /*  printf( "fitfun %f %f %f %f, %f %f %f\n", ped, h, tm, alpha, beta, *x, fitfun );  */

  return fitfun;
void TFParams::set_const ( int  n_samples,
int  sample_min,
int  sample_max,
double  alpha,
double  beta,
int  nevtmaximum 

Definition at line 581 of file

References alpha, beta, and SDIM2.

Referenced by HcalSiPMShape::computeShape().

  ns      = n_samples;
  nsmin   = sample_min ;
  nsmax   = sample_max ;
  nevtmax = nevtmaximum ;
  a1ini = alpha ;
  a2ini = 0.0 ;
  a3ini = beta ;
  step_shape = .04;
  METHODE = 2;
  if(ns > SDIM2) printf("warning: NbOfsamples exceed maximum\n");
void TFParams::somme_mat_int ( matrice  A,
matrice  M 

Definition at line 672 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, matrice::nb_lignes, and NULL.

  int i,j;
 /* resultat de la somme integree M += A */
  if(A.nb_lignes != M.nb_lignes) {
    printf( " Erreur : somme de matrices de tailles incompatibles \n ");
    M.coeff = NULL ;
    return ;
  M.nb_lignes = A.nb_lignes ;
  M.nb_colonnes = A.nb_colonnes ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) 
      M.coeff[i][j] += A.coeff[i][j] ;
  return  ;
void TFParams::somme_mat_int_scale ( matrice  A,
matrice  M,
double  delta 

Definition at line 689 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, and matrice::nb_lignes.

  int i,j ;
  M.nb_lignes = A.nb_lignes ;
  M.nb_colonnes = A.nb_colonnes ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) M.coeff[i][j] += A.coeff[i][j]*delta ;
  return  ;
void TFParams::transpose_mat ( matrice  A,
matrice  M 

Definition at line 699 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, and matrice::nb_lignes.

  int i,j;
// resultat de la transposition = matrice M 
  for(i=0 ; i< A.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< A.nb_colonnes ; j++) {
        M.coeff[j][i] = A.coeff[i][j]  ;
  return  ;
void TFParams::zero_mat ( matrice  M)

Definition at line 778 of file

References matrice::coeff, i, j, matrice::nb_colonnes, and matrice::nb_lignes.

  int i,j ;
  for(i=0 ; i< M.nb_lignes; i++) {
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) M.coeff[i][j]=0. ; 
  return ;
void TFParams::zero_mat_nk ( matrice  M,
int  nk 

Definition at line 786 of file

References matrice::coeff, j, and matrice::nb_colonnes.

  int j ;
    for(j=0 ; j< M.nb_colonnes ; j++) M.coeff[nk][j]=0. ;
  return ;

Member Data Documentation

double TFParams::a1ini [private]

Definition at line 55 of file TFParams.h.

double TFParams::a2ini [private]

Definition at line 56 of file TFParams.h.

double TFParams::a3ini [private]

Definition at line 57 of file TFParams.h.

double TFParams::adclu[26] [private]

Definition at line 59 of file TFParams.h.

int TFParams::METHODE [private]

Definition at line 61 of file TFParams.h.

Definition at line 79 of file TFParams.h.

int TFParams::nevtmax [private]

Definition at line 54 of file TFParams.h.

int TFParams::ns [private]

Definition at line 51 of file TFParams.h.

int TFParams::nsmax [private]

Definition at line 53 of file TFParams.h.

int TFParams::nsmin [private]

Definition at line 52 of file TFParams.h.

double TFParams::step_shape [private]

Definition at line 58 of file TFParams.h.

double TFParams::weight_matrix[10][10] [private]

Definition at line 60 of file TFParams.h.