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Variables | |
tuple | caloEventShapeVars |
tuple | pfEventShapeVars = copy.deepcopy(caloEventShapeVars) |
tuple | produceEventShapeVars = cms.Sequence( caloEventShapeVars * pfEventShapeVars ) |
00001 cms.EDProducer("EventShapeVarsProducer", 00002 # name of input collection used for computation of event-shape variables 00003 # (any collection of objects inheriting from reco::Candidate can be used as input) 00004 src = cms.InputTag("towerMaker"), 00005 00006 # momentum dependence of sphericity and aplanarity variables and of C and D quantities 00007 # (r = 2. corresponds to the conventionally used default, but raises issues of infrared safety in QCD calculations; 00008 # see https://cepa.fnal.gov/psm/simulation/mcgen/lund/pythia_manual/pythia6.3/pythia6301/node213.html for more details) 00009 r = cms.double(2.) 00010 )
Definition at line 4 of file EventShapeVars_cff.py.
tuple EventShapeVars_cff::pfEventShapeVars = copy.deepcopy(caloEventShapeVars) |
Definition at line 15 of file EventShapeVars_cff.py.
tuple EventShapeVars_cff::produceEventShapeVars = cms.Sequence( caloEventShapeVars * pfEventShapeVars ) |
Definition at line 18 of file EventShapeVars_cff.py.