Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

HLTAlCa Class Reference

#include <HLTAlCa.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Handle< EBRecHitCollection > &ebrechits, const edm::Handle< EERecHitCollection > &eerechits, const edm::Handle< HBHERecHitCollection > &hbherechits, const edm::Handle< HORecHitCollection > &horechits, const edm::Handle< HFRecHitCollection > &hfrechits, const edm::Handle< EBRecHitCollection > &pi0ebrechits, const edm::Handle< EERecHitCollection > &pi0eerechits, const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > &l1extemi, const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > &l1extemn, const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > &l1extjetc, const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > &l1extjetf, const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > &l1exttaujet, const edm::ESHandle< EcalElectronicsMapping > &ecalmapping, const edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > &geoHandle, const edm::ESHandle< CaloTopology > &pTopology, const edm::ESHandle< L1CaloGeometry > &l1CaloGeom, TTree *tree)
 HLTAlCa ()
void setup (const edm::ParameterSet &pSet, TTree *tree)

Private Member Functions

int convertSmToFedNumbBarrel (int ieta, int smId)
void convxtalid (Int_t &nphi, Int_t &neta)
int diff_neta_s (Int_t neta1, Int_t neta2)
int diff_nphi_s (Int_t nphi1, Int_t nphi2)
std::vector< int > ListOfFEDS (double etaLow, double etaHigh, double phiLow, double phiHigh, double etamargin, double phimargin)

Private Attributes

bool _Debug
bool _Monte
edm::InputTag barrelHits_
edm::InputTag CentralSource_
int clusEtaSize_
int clusPhiSize_
double clusSeedThr_
double clusSeedThrEndCap_
int debug_
std::vector< EBDetIddetIdEBRecHits
std::vector< EEDetIddetIdEERecHits
bool doSelForEtaBarrel_
std::vector< EcalRecHitEBRecHits
std::vector< EcalRecHitEERecHits
double EMregionEtaMargin_
double EMregionPhiMargin_
edm::InputTag endcapHits_
float * etaClusAll
int evtCounter
std::vector< int > FEDListUsed
std::vector< int > FEDListUsedBarrel
std::vector< int > FEDListUsedEndcap
bool first_
edm::InputTag ForwardSource_
int gammaCandEtaSize_
int gammaCandPhiSize_
const CaloSubdetectorGeometrygeometry_eb
const CaloSubdetectorGeometrygeometry_ee
const CaloSubdetectorGeometrygeometry_es
bool Jets_
bool JETSdoCentral_
bool JETSdoForward_
bool JETSdoTau_
double JETSregionEtaMargin_
double JETSregionPhiMargin_
edm::InputTag l1IsolatedTag_
edm::InputTag l1NonIsolatedTag_
edm::InputTag l1SeedFilterTag_
double massHighPi0Cand_
double massLowPi0Cand_
int Nalcapi0clusters
int nClusAll
long int nEBRHSavedTotal
long int nEERHSavedTotal
long int nEvtPassedEBTotal
long int nEvtPassedEETotal
long int nEvtPassedTotal
long int nEvtProcessedTotal
float ohHighestEnergyEBRecHit
float ohHighestEnergyEERecHit
float ohHighestEnergyHBHERecHit
float ohHighestEnergyHFRecHit
float ohHighestEnergyHORecHit
bool ParameterLogWeighted_
double ParameterT0_barl_
double ParameterT0_endc_
double ParameterT0_endcPresh_
double ParameterW0_
double ParameterX0_
float * phiClusAll
std::string pi0BarrelHits_
std::string pi0EndcapHits_
PositionCalc posCalculator_
std::map< std::string, double > providedParameters
float * ptClusAll
double Ptmin_jets_
double Ptmin_taujets_
double ptMinEMObj_
double ptMinForIsolation_
double ptMinForIsolationEndCap_
double ptMinForIsolationEta_
bool RegionalMatch_
bool removePi0CandidatesForEta_
float * s4s9ClusAll
double seleEtaBeltDeta_
double seleEtaBeltDR_
double seleIsoEta_
double seleMinvMaxEta_
double seleMinvMaxPi0_
double seleMinvMaxPi0EndCap_
double seleMinvMinEta_
double seleMinvMinPi0_
double seleMinvMinPi0EndCap_
int seleNRHMax_
double selePi0BeltDeta_
double selePi0BeltDR_
double selePi0Iso_
double selePi0IsoEndCap_
double selePtEta_
double selePtGammaEndCap_
double selePtGammaEta_
double selePtGammaOne_
double selePtGammaTwo_
double selePtPi0_
double selePtPi0EndCap_
double seleS4S9GammaEndCap_
double seleS4S9GammaEta_
double seleS4S9GammaOne_
double seleS4S9GammaTwo_
double seleXtalMinEnergy_
bool storeIsoClusRecHit_
bool storeIsoClusRecHitEta_
edm::InputTag TauSource_
const CaloSubdetectorTopologytopology_eb
const CaloSubdetectorTopologytopology_ee
bool useEndCapEG_

Static Private Attributes

static const int MAXCLUS = 2000
static const int MAXPI0S = 200

Detailed Description

$Date: November 2006 $Revision:

P. Bargassa - Rice U.

Definition at line 61 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTAlCa::HLTAlCa ( )

Definition at line 14 of file

References _Debug, _Monte, evtCounter, first_, and TheMapping.


  //set parameter defaults 

  TheMapping = new EcalElectronicsMapping(); 
  first_ = true;

Member Function Documentation

void HLTAlCa::analyze ( const edm::Handle< EBRecHitCollection > &  ebrechits,
const edm::Handle< EERecHitCollection > &  eerechits,
const edm::Handle< HBHERecHitCollection > &  hbherechits,
const edm::Handle< HORecHitCollection > &  horechits,
const edm::Handle< HFRecHitCollection > &  hfrechits,
const edm::Handle< EBRecHitCollection > &  pi0ebrechits,
const edm::Handle< EERecHitCollection > &  pi0eerechits,
const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > &  l1extemi,
const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > &  l1extemn,
const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > &  l1extjetc,
const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > &  l1extjetf,
const edm::Handle< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > &  l1exttaujet,
const edm::ESHandle< EcalElectronicsMapping > &  ecalmapping,
const edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > &  geoHandle,
const edm::ESHandle< CaloTopology > &  pTopology,
const edm::ESHandle< L1CaloGeometry > &  l1CaloGeom,
TTree *  tree 

Analyze the Data

once again. check FED of this det.

Definition at line 82 of file

References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), PositionCalc::Calculate_Location(), clusEtaSize_, clusPhiSize_, clusSeedThr_, clusSeedThrEndCap_, convxtalid(), funct::cos(), EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), EcalElectronicsMapping::DCCid(), detIdEBRecHits, detIdEERecHits, diff_neta_s(), diff_nphi_s(), EBRecHits, DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, EcalPreshower, EERecHits, EMregionEtaMargin_, EMregionPhiMargin_, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), relval_parameters_module::energy, epsilon, eta(), etaClusAll, funct::exp(), FEDListUsed, FEDListUsedBarrel, FEDListUsedEndcap, spr::find(), first_, geometry_eb, geometry_ee, geometry_es, EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), CaloSubdetectorTopology::getWindow(), i, EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), j, Jets_, JETSdoCentral_, JETSdoForward_, JETSdoTau_, JETSregionEtaMargin_, JETSregionPhiMargin_, ListOfFEDS(), MAXCLUS, n, Nalcapi0clusters, nClusAll, ohHighestEnergyEBRecHit, ohHighestEnergyEERecHit, ohHighestEnergyHBHERecHit, ohHighestEnergyHFRecHit, ohHighestEnergyHORecHit, phi, phiClusAll, posCalculator_, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), ptClusAll, Ptmin_jets_, ptMinEMObj_, RegionalMatch_, s4s9ClusAll, seleXtalMinEnergy_, funct::sin(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), mathSSE::sqrt(), TheMapping, topology_eb, and topology_ee.


  //  std::cout << " Beginning HLTAlCa " << std::endl;

  ohHighestEnergyEERecHit = -1.0;
  ohHighestEnergyEBRecHit = -1.0;
  ohHighestEnergyHBHERecHit = -1.0; 
  ohHighestEnergyHORecHit = -1.0; 
  ohHighestEnergyHFRecHit = -1.0; 

  int neerechits = 0;
  int nebrechits = 0;
  int nhbherechits = 0; 
  int nhorechits = 0; 
  int nhfrechits = 0; 

  if (ebrechits.isValid()) {
    EBRecHitCollection myebrechits;
    myebrechits = * ebrechits;
    nebrechits = myebrechits.size();
    float ebrechitenergy = -1.0;

    typedef EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator ebrechititer;

    for (ebrechititer i=myebrechits.begin(); i!=myebrechits.end(); i++) {
      ebrechitenergy = i->energy();
      if(ebrechitenergy > ohHighestEnergyEBRecHit)
        ohHighestEnergyEBRecHit = ebrechitenergy;
  else {nebrechits = 0;}

  if (eerechits.isValid()) { 
    EERecHitCollection myeerechits; 
    myeerechits = * eerechits; 
    neerechits = myeerechits.size(); 
    float eerechitenergy = -1.0; 

    typedef EERecHitCollection::const_iterator eerechititer; 
    for (eerechititer i=myeerechits.begin(); i!=myeerechits.end(); i++) { 
      eerechitenergy = i->energy(); 
      if(eerechitenergy > ohHighestEnergyEERecHit) 
        ohHighestEnergyEERecHit = eerechitenergy; 
  else {neerechits = 0;} 

  if (hbherechits.isValid()) {  
    HBHERecHitCollection myhbherechits;  
    myhbherechits = * hbherechits;  
    nhbherechits = myhbherechits.size();  
    float hbherechitenergy = -1.0;  
    typedef HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hbherechititer;  
    for (hbherechititer i=myhbherechits.begin(); i!=myhbherechits.end(); i++) {  
      hbherechitenergy = i->energy();  
      if(hbherechitenergy > ohHighestEnergyHBHERecHit)  
        ohHighestEnergyHBHERecHit = hbherechitenergy;  
  else {nhbherechits = 0;}  

  if (horechits.isValid()) {   
    HORecHitCollection myhorechits;   
    myhorechits = * horechits;   
    nhorechits = myhorechits.size();   
    float horechitenergy = -1.0;   
    typedef HORecHitCollection::const_iterator horechititer;   
    for (horechititer i=myhorechits.begin(); i!=myhorechits.end(); i++) {   
      horechitenergy = i->energy();   
      if(horechitenergy > ohHighestEnergyHORecHit)   
        ohHighestEnergyHORecHit = horechitenergy;   
  else {nhorechits = 0;}   

  if (hfrechits.isValid()) {   
    HFRecHitCollection myhfrechits;   
    myhfrechits = * hfrechits;   
    nhfrechits = myhfrechits.size();   
    float hfrechitenergy = -1.0;   
    typedef HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator hfrechititer;   
    for (hfrechititer i=myhfrechits.begin(); i!=myhfrechits.end(); i++) {   
      hfrechitenergy = i->energy();   
      if(hfrechitenergy > ohHighestEnergyHFRecHit)   
        ohHighestEnergyHFRecHit = hfrechitenergy;   
  else {nhfrechits = 0;}   

  // Start of AlCa pi0 trigger variables here

  if (first_) { 

  const EcalElectronicsMapping* TheMapping_ = ecalmapping.product(); 
  *TheMapping = *TheMapping_; 
  first_ = false; 

  geometry_eb = geoHandle->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal,EcalBarrel); 
  geometry_ee = geoHandle->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal,EcalEndcap); 
  geometry_es = geoHandle->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalPreshower); 
  topology_eb = pTopology->getSubdetectorTopology(DetId::Ecal,EcalBarrel); 
  topology_ee = pTopology->getSubdetectorTopology(DetId::Ecal,EcalEndcap); 

  // End pi0 setup 
  //first get all the FEDs around EM objects with PT > defined value. 
  std::vector<int>::iterator it; 
  if( RegionalMatch_){
    for( l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection::const_iterator emItr = l1EGIso->begin();
         emItr != l1EGIso->end() ;++emItr ){
      float pt = emItr -> pt();
      if( pt< ptMinEMObj_ ) continue; 
      int etaIndex = emItr->gctEmCand()->etaIndex() ;
      int phiIndex = emItr->gctEmCand()->phiIndex() ;
      double etaLow  = l1CaloGeom->etaBinLowEdge( etaIndex ) ;
      double etaHigh = l1CaloGeom->etaBinHighEdge( etaIndex ) ;
      double phiLow  = l1CaloGeom->emJetPhiBinLowEdge( phiIndex ) ;
      double phiHigh = l1CaloGeom->emJetPhiBinHighEdge( phiIndex ) ;
      std::vector<int> feds = ListOfFEDS(etaLow, etaHigh, phiLow, phiHigh, EMregionEtaMargin_, EMregionPhiMargin_);
      for (int n=0; n < (int)feds.size(); n++) {
        int fed = feds[n];
        it = find(FEDListUsed.begin(),FEDListUsed.end(),fed);
        if( it == FEDListUsed.end()){
    for( l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection::const_iterator emItr = l1EGNonIso->begin();
         emItr != l1EGNonIso->end() ;++emItr ){
      float pt = emItr -> pt();

      if( pt< ptMinEMObj_ ) continue; 

      int etaIndex = emItr->gctEmCand()->etaIndex() ;
      int phiIndex = emItr->gctEmCand()->phiIndex() ;
      double etaLow  = l1CaloGeom->etaBinLowEdge( etaIndex ) ;
      double etaHigh = l1CaloGeom->etaBinHighEdge( etaIndex ) ;
      double phiLow  = l1CaloGeom->emJetPhiBinLowEdge( phiIndex ) ;
      double phiHigh = l1CaloGeom->emJetPhiBinHighEdge( phiIndex ) ;
      std::vector<int> feds = ListOfFEDS(etaLow, etaHigh, phiLow, phiHigh, EMregionEtaMargin_, EMregionPhiMargin_);
      for (int n=0; n < (int)feds.size(); n++) {
        int fed = feds[n];
        it = find(FEDListUsed.begin(),FEDListUsed.end(),fed);
        if( it == FEDListUsed.end()){

    if( Jets_ ){
      double epsilon = 0.01;
      if (JETSdoCentral_) {
        for (l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection::const_iterator jetItr=l1extjetc->begin(); jetItr != l1extjetc->end(); jetItr++) {
          double pt    =   jetItr-> pt();
          double eta   =   jetItr-> eta();
          double phi   =   jetItr-> phi();
          if (pt < Ptmin_jets_ ) continue;
          std::vector<int> feds = ListOfFEDS(eta, eta, phi-epsilon, phi+epsilon, JETSregionEtaMargin_, JETSregionPhiMargin_);
          for (int n=0; n < (int)feds.size(); n++) {
            int fed = feds[n];
            it = find(FEDListUsed.begin(),FEDListUsed.end(),fed);
            if( it == FEDListUsed.end()){
      if (JETSdoForward_) {
        for (l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection::const_iterator jetItr=l1extjetf->begin(); jetItr != l1extjetf->end(); jetItr++) {
          double pt    =  jetItr -> pt();
          double eta   =  jetItr -> eta();
          double phi   =  jetItr -> phi();
          if (pt < Ptmin_jets_ ) continue;
          std::vector<int> feds = ListOfFEDS(eta, eta, phi-epsilon, phi+epsilon, JETSregionEtaMargin_, JETSregionPhiMargin_);
          for (int n=0; n < (int)feds.size(); n++) {
            int fed = feds[n];
            it = find(FEDListUsed.begin(),FEDListUsed.end(),fed);
            if( it == FEDListUsed.end()){
      if (JETSdoTau_) {
        for (l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection::const_iterator jetItr=l1exttaujet->begin(); jetItr != l1exttaujet->end(); jetItr++) {
          double pt    =  jetItr -> pt();
          double eta   =  jetItr -> eta();
          double phi   =  jetItr -> phi();
          if (pt < Ptmin_jets_ ) continue;
          std::vector<int> feds = ListOfFEDS(eta, eta, phi-epsilon, phi+epsilon, JETSregionEtaMargin_, JETSregionPhiMargin_);
          for (int n=0; n < (int)feds.size(); n++) {
            int fed = feds[n];
            it = find(FEDListUsed.begin(),FEDListUsed.end(),fed);
            if( it == FEDListUsed.end()){

  //separate into barrel and endcap to speed up when checking 
  for(  int j=0; j< int(FEDListUsed.size());j++){ 
    int fed = FEDListUsed[j]; 
    if( fed >= 10 && fed <= 45){ 
    }else FEDListUsedEndcap.push_back(fed); 
  //==============Start to process barrel part==================/// 

  if (pi0ebrechits.isValid()) { 

    const EcalRecHitCollection *hitCollection_p = pi0ebrechits.product(); 
    std::vector<EcalRecHit> seeds; 
    std::vector<EBDetId> usedXtals; 
    EBRecHits.clear();  // EcalRecHit 
    EBRecHits.clear();  // EcalRecHit 
    EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator itb; 
    for (itb=pi0ebrechits->begin(); itb!=pi0ebrechits->end(); itb++) { 
      double energy = itb->energy(); 
      if( energy < seleXtalMinEnergy_) continue;  
      EBDetId det = itb->id(); 
      if (RegionalMatch_){ 
        int fed = TheMapping->DCCid(det); 
        it = find(FEDListUsedBarrel.begin(),FEDListUsedBarrel.end(),fed); 
        if(it == FEDListUsedBarrel.end()) continue;  
      if (energy > clusSeedThr_) seeds.push_back(*itb);       
    int nClus;
    std::vector<float> eClus;
    std::vector<float> etClus;
    std::vector<float> etaClus;
    std::vector<float> phiClus;
    std::vector<EBDetId> max_hit;
    std::vector< std::vector<EcalRecHit> > RecHitsCluster;
    std::vector<float> s4s9Clus;
    // Make own simple clusters (3x3, 5x5 or clusPhiSize_ x clusEtaSize_)
    sort(seeds.begin(), seeds.end(), eecalRecHitLess());
    Nalcapi0clusters = 0;
    nClusAll = 0; 
    for (std::vector<EcalRecHit>::iterator itseed=seeds.begin(); itseed!=seeds.end(); itseed++) {
      EBDetId seed_id = itseed->id();
      std::vector<EBDetId>::const_iterator usedIds;
      bool seedAlreadyUsed=false;
      for(usedIds=usedXtals.begin(); usedIds!=usedXtals.end(); usedIds++){
      std::vector<DetId> clus_v = topology_eb->getWindow(seed_id,clusEtaSize_,clusPhiSize_);
      std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> > clus_used;
      std::vector<EcalRecHit> RecHitsInWindow;
      double simple_energy = 0; 
      for (std::vector<DetId>::iterator det=clus_v.begin(); det!=clus_v.end(); det++) {
        EBDetId EBdet = *det;
        bool  HitAlreadyUsed=false;
        for(usedIds=usedXtals.begin(); usedIds!=usedXtals.end(); usedIds++){
          if (RegionalMatch_){
            int fed = TheMapping->DCCid(EBdet);
            it = find(FEDListUsedBarrel.begin(),FEDListUsedBarrel.end(),fed);
            if(it == FEDListUsedBarrel.end()) continue; 
          std::vector<EBDetId>::iterator itdet = find( detIdEBRecHits.begin(),detIdEBRecHits.end(),EBdet);
          if(itdet == detIdEBRecHits.end()) continue; 
          int nn = int(itdet - detIdEBRecHits.begin());
          clus_used.push_back( std::pair<DetId, float>(*det, 1) );
          simple_energy = simple_energy + EBRecHits[nn].energy();
      math::XYZPoint clus_pos = posCalculator_.Calculate_Location(clus_used,hitCollection_p,geometry_eb,geometry_es);
      float theta_s = 2. * atan(exp(-clus_pos.eta()));
      float p0x_s = simple_energy * sin(theta_s) * cos(clus_pos.phi());
      float p0y_s = simple_energy * sin(theta_s) * sin(clus_pos.phi());
      float et_s = sqrt( p0x_s*p0x_s + p0y_s*p0y_s);
      //Compute S4/S9 variable
      //We are not sure to have 9 RecHits so need to check eta and phi:
      //check s4s9
      float s4s9_tmp[4];
      for(int i=0;i<4;i++)s4s9_tmp[i]= 0;
      int seed_ieta = seed_id.ieta();
      int seed_iphi = seed_id.iphi();
      convxtalid( seed_iphi,seed_ieta);
      for(unsigned int j=0; j<RecHitsInWindow.size();j++){
        EBDetId det = (EBDetId)RecHitsInWindow[j].id(); 
        int ieta = det.ieta();
        int iphi = det.iphi();
        float en = RecHitsInWindow[j].energy(); 
        int dx = diff_neta_s(seed_ieta,ieta);
        int dy = diff_nphi_s(seed_iphi,iphi);
        if(dx <= 0 && dy <=0) s4s9_tmp[0] += en; 
        if(dx >= 0 && dy <=0) s4s9_tmp[1] += en; 
        if(dx <= 0 && dy >=0) s4s9_tmp[2] += en; 
        if(dx >= 0 && dy >=0) s4s9_tmp[3] += en; 
      float s4s9_max = *std::max_element( s4s9_tmp,s4s9_tmp+4)/simple_energy; 
        ptClusAll[nClusAll] = et_s;
        etaClusAll[nClusAll] = clus_pos.eta();
        phiClusAll[nClusAll] = clus_pos.phi();
        s4s9ClusAll[nClusAll] = s4s9_max;

  //==============Start of  Endcap ==================//

  if (pi0eerechits.isValid()) {  
    const EcalRecHitCollection *hitCollection_e = pi0eerechits.product();  
    EERecHits.clear();  // EcalRecHit
    std::vector<EcalRecHit> seedsEndCap;
    std::vector<EEDetId> usedXtalsEndCap;
    EERecHitCollection::const_iterator ite;
    for (ite=pi0eerechits->begin(); ite!=pi0eerechits->end(); ite++) {
      double energy = ite->energy();
      if( energy < seleXtalMinEnergy_) continue; 
      EEDetId det = ite->id();
      if (RegionalMatch_){
        EcalElectronicsId elid = TheMapping->getElectronicsId(det);
        int fed = elid.dccId();
        it = find(FEDListUsedEndcap.begin(),FEDListUsedEndcap.end(),fed);
        if(it == FEDListUsedEndcap.end()) continue; 
      if (energy > clusSeedThrEndCap_) seedsEndCap.push_back(*ite);
    //Create empty output collections
    std::auto_ptr< EERecHitCollection > pi0EERecHitCollection( new EERecHitCollection );
    int nClusEndCap;
    std::vector<float> eClusEndCap;
    std::vector<float> etClusEndCap;
    std::vector<float> etaClusEndCap;
    std::vector<float> phiClusEndCap;
    std::vector< std::vector<EcalRecHit> > RecHitsClusterEndCap;
    std::vector<float> s4s9ClusEndCap;
    // Make own simple clusters (3x3, 5x5 or clusPhiSize_ x clusEtaSize_)
    sort(seedsEndCap.begin(), seedsEndCap.end(), eecalRecHitLess());
    for (std::vector<EcalRecHit>::iterator itseed=seedsEndCap.begin(); itseed!=seedsEndCap.end(); itseed++) {
      EEDetId seed_id = itseed->id();
      std::vector<EEDetId>::const_iterator usedIds;
      bool seedAlreadyUsed=false;
      for(usedIds=usedXtalsEndCap.begin(); usedIds!=usedXtalsEndCap.end(); usedIds++){
      std::vector<DetId> clus_v = topology_ee->getWindow(seed_id,clusEtaSize_,clusPhiSize_);
      std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> > clus_used;
      std::vector<EcalRecHit> RecHitsInWindow;
      double simple_energy = 0; 
      for (std::vector<DetId>::iterator det=clus_v.begin(); det!=clus_v.end(); det++) {
        EEDetId EEdet = *det;
        bool  HitAlreadyUsed=false;
        for(usedIds=usedXtalsEndCap.begin(); usedIds!=usedXtalsEndCap.end(); usedIds++){
        //once again. check FED of this det.
        if (RegionalMatch_){
          EcalElectronicsId elid = TheMapping->getElectronicsId(EEdet);
          int fed = elid.dccId();
          it = find(FEDListUsedEndcap.begin(),FEDListUsedEndcap.end(),fed);
          if(it == FEDListUsedEndcap.end()) continue; 
        std::vector<EEDetId>::iterator itdet = find( detIdEERecHits.begin(),detIdEERecHits.end(),EEdet);
        if(itdet == detIdEERecHits.end()) continue; 
        int nn = int(itdet - detIdEERecHits.begin());
        clus_used.push_back( std::pair<DetId, float>(*det, 1) );
        simple_energy = simple_energy + EERecHits[nn].energy();
      math::XYZPoint clus_pos = posCalculator_.Calculate_Location(clus_used,hitCollection_e,geometry_ee,geometry_es);
      float theta_s = 2. * atan(exp(-clus_pos.eta()));
      float p0x_s = simple_energy * sin(theta_s) * cos(clus_pos.phi());
      float p0y_s = simple_energy * sin(theta_s) * sin(clus_pos.phi());
      float et_s = sqrt( p0x_s*p0x_s + p0y_s*p0y_s);
      //Compute S4/S9 variable
      //We are not sure to have 9 RecHits so need to check eta and phi:
      float s4s9_tmp[4];
      for(int i=0;i<4;i++) s4s9_tmp[i]= 0; 
      int ixSeed = seed_id.ix();
      int iySeed = seed_id.iy();
      for(unsigned int j=0; j<RecHitsInWindow.size();j++){
        EEDetId det_this = (EEDetId)RecHitsInWindow[j].id(); 
        int dx = ixSeed - det_this.ix();
        int dy = iySeed - det_this.iy();
        float en = RecHitsInWindow[j].energy(); 
        if(dx <= 0 && dy <=0) s4s9_tmp[0] += en; 
        if(dx >= 0 && dy <=0) s4s9_tmp[1] += en; 
        if(dx <= 0 && dy >=0) s4s9_tmp[2] += en; 
        if(dx >= 0 && dy >=0) s4s9_tmp[3] += en; 
      float s4s9_max = *std::max_element( s4s9_tmp,s4s9_tmp+4)/simple_energy;
        ptClusAll[nClusAll] = et_s;
        etaClusAll[nClusAll] = clus_pos.eta();
        phiClusAll[nClusAll] = clus_pos.phi();
        s4s9ClusAll[nClusAll] = s4s9_max;

  // If no barrel OR endcap rechits, set everything to 0
  if(!(pi0eerechits.isValid()) && !(pi0ebrechits.isValid()))
    Nalcapi0clusters = 0;
int HLTAlCa::convertSmToFedNumbBarrel ( int  ieta,
int  smId 
) [private]

Definition at line 743 of file

  if( ieta<=-1) return smId - 9; 
  else return smId + 27; 
void HLTAlCa::convxtalid ( Int_t &  nphi,
Int_t &  neta 
) [private]

Definition at line 752 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

Referenced by analyze().

  // Barrel only
  // Output nphi 0...359; neta 0...84; nside=+1 (for eta>0), or 0 (for eta<0).
  // neta will be [-85,-1] , or [0,84], the minus sign indicates the z<0 side.
  if(neta > 0) neta -= 1;
  if(nphi > 359) nphi=nphi-360;
  // final check
  if(nphi >359 || nphi <0 || neta< -85 || neta > 84)
      std::cout <<" unexpected fatal error in HLTPi0::convxtalid "<<  nphi <<  " " << neta <<  " " <<std::endl;
} //end of convxtalid
int HLTAlCa::diff_neta_s ( Int_t  neta1,
Int_t  neta2 
) [private]

Definition at line 772 of file

Referenced by analyze().

  Int_t mdiff;
  return mdiff;
int HLTAlCa::diff_nphi_s ( Int_t  nphi1,
Int_t  nphi2 
) [private]

Definition at line 780 of file

References abs.

Referenced by analyze().

  Int_t mdiff; 
  if(std::abs(nphi1-nphi2) < (360-std::abs(nphi1-nphi2))) { 
  else { 
    if(nphi1>nphi2) mdiff=-mdiff; 
  return mdiff; 
std::vector< int > HLTAlCa::ListOfFEDS ( double  etaLow,
double  etaHigh,
double  phiLow,
double  phiHigh,
double  etamargin,
double  phimargin 
) [private]

Definition at line 691 of file

References cond::ecalcond::all, createTree::dd, reco_application_2006h2rawdata_ecalLocalReco_cfg::FEDs, EcalElectronicsMapping::GetFED(), EcalElectronicsMapping::GetListofFEDs(), Geom::pi(), pi, and TheMapping.

Referenced by analyze().


  std::vector<int> FEDs;

  if (phimargin > Geom::pi()) phimargin =  Geom::pi() ;

  etaLow -= etamargin;
  etaHigh += etamargin;
  double phiMinus = phiLow - phimargin;
  double phiPlus = phiHigh + phimargin;

  bool all = false;
  double dd = fabs(phiPlus-phiMinus);

  if (dd > 2.*Geom::pi() ) all = true;

  while (phiPlus > Geom::pi()) { phiPlus -= 2.*Geom::pi() ; }
  while (phiMinus < 0) { phiMinus += 2.*Geom::pi() ; }
  if ( phiMinus > Geom::pi()) phiMinus -= 2.*Geom::pi() ;

  double dphi = phiPlus - phiMinus;
  if (dphi < 0) dphi += 2.*Geom::pi() ;

  if (dphi > Geom::pi()) {
    int fed_low1 = TheMapping->GetFED(etaLow,phiMinus*180./Geom::pi());
    int fed_low2 = TheMapping->GetFED(etaLow,phiPlus*180./Geom::pi());

    if (fed_low1 == fed_low2) all = true;
    int fed_hi1 = TheMapping->GetFED(etaHigh,phiMinus*180./Geom::pi());
    int fed_hi2 = TheMapping->GetFED(etaHigh,phiPlus*180./Geom::pi());
    if (fed_hi1 == fed_hi2) all = true;

  if (all) {

    phiMinus = -20 * Geom::pi() / 180.;  // -20 deg
    phiPlus = -40 * Geom::pi() / 180.;  // -20 deg

  const EcalEtaPhiRegion ecalregion(etaLow,etaHigh,phiMinus,phiPlus);

  FEDs = TheMapping->GetListofFEDs(ecalregion);

  return FEDs;

void HLTAlCa::setup ( const edm::ParameterSet pSet,
TTree *  tree 

Definition at line 26 of file

References _Debug, _Monte, clusEtaSize_, clusPhiSize_, clusSeedThr_, clusSeedThrEndCap_, EMregionEtaMargin_, EMregionPhiMargin_, etaClusAll, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameterNames(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), Jets_, JETSdoCentral_, JETSdoForward_, JETSdoTau_, JETSregionEtaMargin_, JETSregionPhiMargin_, Nalcapi0clusters, ohHighestEnergyEBRecHit, ohHighestEnergyEERecHit, ohHighestEnergyHBHERecHit, ohHighestEnergyHFRecHit, ohHighestEnergyHORecHit, phiClusAll, posCalculator_, ptClusAll, Ptmin_jets_, ptMinEMObj_, RegionalMatch_, s4s9ClusAll, and seleXtalMinEnergy_.

  edm::ParameterSet myEmParams = pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("RunParameters") ;
  std::vector<std::string> parameterNames = myEmParams.getParameterNames() ;

  for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator iParam = parameterNames.begin();
        iParam != parameterNames.end(); iParam++ ){
    if  ( (*iParam) == "Monte" ) _Monte =  myEmParams.getParameter<bool>( *iParam );
    else if ( (*iParam) == "Debug" ) _Debug =  myEmParams.getParameter<bool>( *iParam );

  // AlCa-specific parameters
  clusSeedThr_ = pSet.getParameter<double> ("clusSeedThr"); 
  clusSeedThrEndCap_ = pSet.getParameter<double> ("clusSeedThrEndCap"); 
  clusEtaSize_ = pSet.getParameter<int> ("clusEtaSize"); 
  clusPhiSize_ = pSet.getParameter<int> ("clusPhiSize"); 
  seleXtalMinEnergy_ = pSet.getParameter<double> ("seleXtalMinEnergy"); 
  RegionalMatch_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RegionalMatch",true); 
  ptMinEMObj_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("ptMinEMObj"); 
  EMregionEtaMargin_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("EMregionEtaMargin"); 
  EMregionPhiMargin_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("EMregionPhiMargin"); 
  Jets_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Jets",false); 
  JETSdoCentral_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("JETSdoCentral",true); 
  JETSdoForward_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("JETSdoForward",true); 
  JETSdoTau_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("JETSdoTau",true); 
  JETSregionEtaMargin_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("JETS_regionEtaMargin",1.0); 
  JETSregionPhiMargin_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("JETS_regionPhiMargin",1.0); 
  Ptmin_jets_ = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("Ptmin_jets",0.); 

  // Parameters for the position calculation:
  edm::ParameterSet posCalcParameters = 
  posCalculator_ = PositionCalc(posCalcParameters);

  const int kMaxClus = 2000; 
  ptClusAll = new float[kMaxClus]; 
  etaClusAll = new float[kMaxClus]; 
  phiClusAll = new float[kMaxClus]; 
  s4s9ClusAll = new float[kMaxClus]; 

  // AlCa-specific branches of the tree 

Member Data Documentation

bool HLTAlCa::_Debug [private]

Definition at line 196 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by HLTAlCa(), and setup().

bool HLTAlCa::_Monte [private]

Definition at line 196 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by HLTAlCa(), and setup().

Definition at line 89 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 135 of file HLTAlCa.h.

int HLTAlCa::clusEtaSize_ [private]

Definition at line 96 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTAlCa::clusPhiSize_ [private]

Definition at line 97 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::clusSeedThr_ [private]

Definition at line 95 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::clusSeedThrEndCap_ [private]

Definition at line 98 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTAlCa::debug_ [private]

Definition at line 145 of file HLTAlCa.h.

std::vector<EBDetId> HLTAlCa::detIdEBRecHits [private]

Definition at line 126 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<EEDetId> HLTAlCa::detIdEERecHits [private]

Definition at line 128 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 155 of file HLTAlCa.h.

std::vector<EcalRecHit> HLTAlCa::EBRecHits [private]

Definition at line 127 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<EcalRecHit> HLTAlCa::EERecHits [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double HLTAlCa::EMregionEtaMargin_ [private]

Definition at line 147 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::EMregionPhiMargin_ [private]

Definition at line 148 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 90 of file HLTAlCa.h.

float * HLTAlCa::etaClusAll [private]

Definition at line 193 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTAlCa::evtCounter [private]

Definition at line 198 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by HLTAlCa().

std::vector<int> HLTAlCa::FEDListUsed [private]

Definition at line 150 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<int> HLTAlCa::FEDListUsedBarrel [private]

Definition at line 151 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<int> HLTAlCa::FEDListUsedEndcap [private]

Definition at line 152 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool HLTAlCa::first_ [private]

Definition at line 146 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HLTAlCa().

Definition at line 136 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 93 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 94 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 172 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 173 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 174 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool HLTAlCa::Jets_ [private]

Definition at line 134 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

bool HLTAlCa::JETSdoCentral_ [private]

Definition at line 138 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

bool HLTAlCa::JETSdoForward_ [private]

Definition at line 139 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

bool HLTAlCa::JETSdoTau_ [private]

Definition at line 140 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 143 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 144 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 123 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 124 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 125 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::massHighPi0Cand_ [private]

Definition at line 168 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::massLowPi0Cand_ [private]

Definition at line 167 of file HLTAlCa.h.

const int HLTAlCa::MAXCLUS = 2000 [static, private]

Definition at line 178 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

const int HLTAlCa::MAXPI0S = 200 [static, private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 192 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTAlCa::nClusAll [private]

Definition at line 186 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

long int HLTAlCa::nEBRHSavedTotal [private]

Definition at line 180 of file HLTAlCa.h.

long int HLTAlCa::nEERHSavedTotal [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTAlCa.h.

long int HLTAlCa::nEvtPassedEBTotal [private]

Definition at line 184 of file HLTAlCa.h.

long int HLTAlCa::nEvtPassedEETotal [private]

Definition at line 183 of file HLTAlCa.h.

long int HLTAlCa::nEvtPassedTotal [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTAlCa.h.

long int HLTAlCa::nEvtProcessedTotal [private]

Definition at line 185 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 189 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 189 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 190 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 190 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 190 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 116 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::ParameterT0_barl_ [private]

Definition at line 118 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::ParameterT0_endc_ [private]

Definition at line 119 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 120 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::ParameterW0_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::ParameterX0_ [private]

Definition at line 117 of file HLTAlCa.h.

float * HLTAlCa::phiClusAll [private]

Definition at line 193 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

std::string HLTAlCa::pi0BarrelHits_ [private]

Definition at line 91 of file HLTAlCa.h.

std::string HLTAlCa::pi0EndcapHits_ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 177 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

std::map<std::string,double> HLTAlCa::providedParameters [private]

Definition at line 149 of file HLTAlCa.h.

float* HLTAlCa::ptClusAll [private]

Definition at line 193 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::Ptmin_jets_ [private]

Definition at line 141 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::Ptmin_taujets_ [private]

Definition at line 142 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::ptMinEMObj_ [private]

Definition at line 154 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::ptMinForIsolation_ [private]

Definition at line 130 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 132 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 161 of file HLTAlCa.h.

bool HLTAlCa::RegionalMatch_ [private]

Definition at line 153 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 166 of file HLTAlCa.h.

float * HLTAlCa::s4s9ClusAll [private]

Definition at line 193 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTAlCa::seleEtaBeltDeta_ [private]

Definition at line 164 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleEtaBeltDR_ [private]

Definition at line 163 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleIsoEta_ [private]

Definition at line 162 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleMinvMaxEta_ [private]

Definition at line 159 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleMinvMaxPi0_ [private]

Definition at line 102 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 107 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleMinvMinEta_ [private]

Definition at line 160 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleMinvMinPi0_ [private]

Definition at line 103 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 108 of file HLTAlCa.h.

int HLTAlCa::seleNRHMax_ [private]

Definition at line 109 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePi0BeltDeta_ [private]

Definition at line 114 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePi0BeltDR_ [private]

Definition at line 113 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePi0Iso_ [private]

Definition at line 115 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePi0IsoEndCap_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtEta_ [private]

Definition at line 157 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtGammaEndCap_ [private]

Definition at line 105 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtGammaEta_ [private]

Definition at line 156 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtGammaOne_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtGammaTwo_ [private]

Definition at line 100 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtPi0_ [private]

Definition at line 101 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::selePtPi0EndCap_ [private]

Definition at line 106 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 112 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleS4S9GammaEta_ [private]

Definition at line 158 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleS4S9GammaOne_ [private]

Definition at line 110 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleS4S9GammaTwo_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file HLTAlCa.h.

double HLTAlCa::seleXtalMinEnergy_ [private]

Definition at line 104 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 131 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 165 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 137 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Definition at line 170 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze(), HLTAlCa(), and ListOfFEDS().

Definition at line 175 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 176 of file HLTAlCa.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool HLTAlCa::useEndCapEG_ [private]

Definition at line 133 of file HLTAlCa.h.