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Variables | |
tuple | electronMcFakeHistosCfg |
tuple | ElectronMcFakeValidator |
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 Nbinxyz = cms.int32(50), 00003 Nbinp = cms.int32(50), Nbinp2D = cms.int32(50), Pmax = cms.double(300.0), 00004 Nbinpt = cms.int32(50), Nbinpt2D = cms.int32(50), Nbinpteff = cms.int32(19),Ptmax = cms.double(100.0), 00005 Nbinfhits = cms.int32(30), Fhitsmax = cms.double(30.0), 00006 Nbinlhits = cms.int32(5), Lhitsmax = cms.double(10.0), 00007 Nbineta = cms.int32(50), Nbineta2D = cms.int32(50),Etamin = cms.double(-2.5), Etamax = cms.double(2.5), 00008 Nbindeta = cms.int32(100), Detamin = cms.double(-0.005), Detamax = cms.double(0.005), 00009 Nbindetamatch = cms.int32(100), Nbindetamatch2D = cms.int32(50), Detamatchmin = cms.double(-0.05), Detamatchmax = cms.double(0.05), 00010 Nbinphi = cms.int32(64), Nbinphi2D = cms.int32(32), Phimin = cms.double(-3.2), Phimax = cms.double(3.2), 00011 Nbindphi = cms.int32(100), Dphimin = cms.double(-0.01), Dphimax = cms.double(0.01), 00012 Nbindphimatch = cms.int32(100), Nbindphimatch2D = cms.int32(50), Dphimatchmin = cms.double(-0.2), Dphimatchmax = cms.double(0.2), 00013 Nbineop = cms.int32(50), Nbineop2D = cms.int32(30), Eopmax = cms.double(5.0), Eopmaxsht = cms.double(3.0), 00014 Nbinmee = cms.int32(100), Meemin = cms.double(0.0), Meemax = cms.double(150.), 00015 Nbinhoe = cms.int32(100), Hoemin = cms.double(0.0), Hoemax = cms.double(0.5), 00016 Nbinpopmatching = cms.int32(75), Popmatchingmin = cms.double(0.0), Popmatchingmax = cms.double(1.5) 00017 )
Definition at line 4 of file ElectronMcFakeValidator_cfi.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("ElectronMcFakeValidator", 00002 matchingObjectCollection = cms.InputTag("iterativeCone5GenJets"), 00003 electronCollection = cms.InputTag("gsfElectrons"), 00004 electronCoreCollection = cms.InputTag("gsfElectronCores"), 00005 electronTrackCollection = cms.InputTag("electronGsfTracks"), 00006 electronSeedCollection = cms.InputTag("electronMergedSeeds"), 00007 beamSpot = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"), 00008 readAOD = cms.bool(False), 00009 outputFile = cms.string(""), 00010 MaxPt = cms.double(100.0), 00011 DeltaR = cms.double(0.3), 00012 MaxAbsEta = cms.double(2.5), 00013 histosCfg = cms.PSet(electronMcFakeHistosCfg) 00014 )
Definition at line 22 of file ElectronMcFakeValidator_cfi.py.