Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

TEcnaGui Class Reference

#include <TEcnaGui.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Calculations (const TString)
void CleanBatchFiles (const TString)
void DisplayInEntryField (TGTextEntry *, Double_t &)
void DisplayInEntryField (TGTextEntry *, Int_t &)
void DisplayInEntryField (TGTextEntry *, const TString)
void DoButtonAna ()
void DoButtonChan ()
void DoButtonChNb ()
void DoButtonClone ()
void DoButtonColPal ()
void DoButtonExit ()
void DoButtonFev ()
void DoButtonGent ()
void DoButtonHelp ()
void DoButtonLev ()
void DoButtonLogx ()
void DoButtonLogy ()
void DoButtonNbSampForCalc ()
void DoButtonNors ()
void DoButtonProjy ()
void DoButtonRev ()
void DoButtonRoot ()
void DoButtonRul ()
void DoButtonRun ()
void DoButtonSamp ()
void DoButtonStex ()
void DoButtonStexNb ()
void DoButtonStinA ()
void DoButtonStinB ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_HFN_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_LFN_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_MCs_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_NOE_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_Ped_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_SCs_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxD_TNo_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVmaxHFccMos ()
void DoButtonVmaxLFccMos ()
void DoButtonVmaxLHFcc ()
void DoButtonVminD_HFN_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminD_LFN_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminD_MCs_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminD_NOE_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminD_Ped_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminD_SCs_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminD_TNo_ChNb ()
void DoButtonVminHFccMos ()
void DoButtonVminLFccMos ()
void DoButtonVminLHFcc ()
void HandleMenu (Int_t)
void InitKeys ()
void MessageCnaCommandReplyA (const TString)
void MessageCnaCommandReplyB (const TString)
void SubmitOnBatchSystem (const TString)
 TEcnaGui (const TGWindow *, UInt_t, UInt_t, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalMeanOfCorss (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalMeanOfCorssRuns (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns (const TString, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution (const TString)
void ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals (const TString)
void ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins (const TString)
void ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString)
void ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins (const TString)
void ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise ()
void ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise ()
void ViewSorSMeanOfCorss ()
void ViewSorSNumberOfEvents ()
void ViewSorSPedestals ()
void ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss ()
void ViewSorSTotalNoise ()
void ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc ()
void ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc ()
void ViewStexStinNumbering ()
void ViewStinCorrelationSamples (const Int_t &)
void ViewStinCovarianceSamples (const Int_t &)
void ViewStinCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &)
virtual ~TEcnaGui ()

Private Attributes

TGTextButton * fAnaBut
Int_t fAnaButC
TGCompositeFrame * fAnaFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fAnaNorsRunFrame
TGTextEntry * fAnaText
TGTextButton * fButChNb
Int_t fButChNbC
TGTextButton * fButClone
Int_t fButCloneC
TGCheckButton * fButColPal
Int_t fButColPalC
TGTextButton * fButExit
Int_t fButExitC
TGTextButton * fButHelp
Int_t fButHelpC
TGCheckButton * fButLogx
Int_t fButLogxC
TGCheckButton * fButLogy
Int_t fButLogyC
TGCheckButton * fButProjy
Int_t fButProjyC
TGTextButton * fButRoot
Int_t fButRootC
TGTextButton * fButStexNb
Int_t fButStexNbC
Int_t fCdelete
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
TGTextButton * fChanBut
Int_t fChanButC
TGCompositeFrame * fChanFrame
TGTextEntry * fChanText
TGCompositeFrame * fChSpFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fChSubFrame
Int_t fCnaCommand
Int_t fCnaError
UInt_t fCnaH
TGWindow * fCnaP
UInt_t fCnaW
Int_t fCnew
Int_t fCnewRoot
TGCompositeFrame * fColorExitFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fCompStnbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fCompStRqFrame
Int_t fConfirmCalcScc
Int_t fConfirmRunNumber
TString fConfirmRunNumberString
Int_t fConfirmSubmit
TGTextBuffer * fEntryAnaNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryChanNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryFevNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryGentNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryLevNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryNbSampForCalcNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryNorsNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryRevNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryRulNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryRunNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntrySampNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryStexNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryStinANumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryStinBNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_HFN_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_LFN_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_MCs_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_NOE_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_Ped_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_SCs_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxD_TNo_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxHFccMosNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxLFccMosNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVmaxLHFccNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_HFN_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_LFN_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_MCs_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_NOE_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_Ped_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_SCs_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminD_TNo_ChNbNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminHFccMosNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminLFccMosNumber
TGTextBuffer * fEntryVminLHFccNumber
TGTextButton * fFevBut
TGCompositeFrame * fFevFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fFevLevStexFrame
TGTextEntry * fFevText
TGTextButton * fGentBut
TGCompositeFrame * fGentFrame
TGTextEntry * fGentText
Int_t fgMaxCar
TString fKeyAnaType
Int_t fKeyChanNumber
TString fKeyColPal
TString fKeyFileNameRunList
Int_t fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber
TString fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString
TString fKeyGeneralTitle
Int_t fKeyLastReqEvtNumber
TString fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString
Int_t fKeyNbOfSampForCalc
TString fKeyNbOfSampForCalcString
Int_t fKeyNbOfSamples
TString fKeyNbOfSamplesString
TString fKeyProjY
Int_t fKeyReqNbOfEvts
TString fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString
TString fKeyRunListInitCode
Int_t fKeyRunNumber
TString fKeyRunNumberString
Int_t fKeySampNumber
TString fKeyScaleX
TString fKeyScaleY
Int_t fKeyStexNumber
TString fKeyStexNumberString
Int_t fKeyStinANumber
Int_t fKeyStinBNumber
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVmaxHFccMos
Double_t fKeyVmaxLFccMos
Double_t fKeyVmaxLHFcc
Double_t fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb
Double_t fKeyVminHFccMos
Double_t fKeyVminLFccMos
Double_t fKeyVminLHFcc
TGCompositeFrame * fLastFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutAnaBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutAnaField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutAnaNorsRunFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutBottLeft
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutBottRight
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutCenterXTop
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutCenterYLeft
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutCenterYRight
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutChanBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutChanField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutChSpFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutChSubFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutCloneBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutColorExitFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutColPalBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutCompStnbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutCompStRqFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExitBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutFevBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutFevFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutFevFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutFevLevStexFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutGeneral
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutGentBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutGentFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutGentFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutHelpBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutLevBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutLevFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutLevFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutLogxBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutLogyBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarAdcProj
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarHFccMos
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarLFccMos
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutMenuBarLHFcc
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNbSampForCalcBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNorsBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutNorsField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutProjyBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRevBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRevFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRevFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRootBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRulBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRulFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRulFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRunBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRunCleanFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRunComputFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutRunField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutSampBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutSampField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutSpSubFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStexBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStexFieldFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStexFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStexHozFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStexNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStexUpFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStinABut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStinAField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStinBBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStinBField
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutStinSpFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutTopLeft
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutTopRight
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutTxSubFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutTySubFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxHFccMosBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxLFccMosBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxLHFccBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxLHFccFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmaxLHFccFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminHFccMosBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminHFccMosFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminHFccMosFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminLFccMosBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminLFccMosFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminLFccMosFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminLHFccBut
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminLHFccFieldText
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVminLHFccFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmHFccMosFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmLFccMosFrame
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutVmmLHFccFrame
TGTextButton * fLevBut
TGCompositeFrame * fLevFrame
TGTextEntry * fLevText
TGCompositeFrame * fLinLogFrame
TString fMemoColPal
TString fMemoProjY
TString fMemoScaleX
TString fMemoScaleY
TGPopupMenu * fMenuAdcProj
Int_t fMenuAdcProjLineLinyFullC
Int_t fMenuAdcProjLineLinySameC
Int_t fMenuAdcProjSampLineFullC
Int_t fMenuAdcProjSampLineSameC
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarAdcProj
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarClean
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarComput
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarCorss
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarCorssAll
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarCovss
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarCovssAll
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_MSp_Samp
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_SSp_Samp
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarHFccMos
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarHFCorcc
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarHistory
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarLFccMos
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarLFCorcc
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarLHFcc
TGMenuBar * fMenuBarSubmit
TGPopupMenu * fMenuClean
Int_t fMenuCleanAllC
Int_t fMenuCleanJobC
Int_t fMenuCleanPythC
Int_t fMenuCleanSubC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuComput
Int_t fMenuComputSccC
Int_t fMenuComputStdC
Int_t fMenuComputSttC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuCorss
TGPopupMenu * fMenuCorssAll
Int_t fMenuCorssAllColzC
Int_t fMenuCorssAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuCorssBoxC
Int_t fMenuCorssColzC
Int_t fMenuCorssContzC
Int_t fMenuCorssLegoC
Int_t fMenuCorssSurf1C
Int_t fMenuCorssSurf2C
Int_t fMenuCorssSurf3C
Int_t fMenuCorssSurf4C
Int_t fMenuCorssTextC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuCovss
TGPopupMenu * fMenuCovssAll
Int_t fMenuCovssAllColzC
Int_t fMenuCovssAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuCovssBoxC
Int_t fMenuCovssColzC
Int_t fMenuCovssContzC
Int_t fMenuCovssLegoC
Int_t fMenuCovssSurf1C
Int_t fMenuCovssSurf2C
Int_t fMenuCovssSurf3C
Int_t fMenuCovssSurf4C
Int_t fMenuCovssTextC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_HFN_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_HFN_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_HFN_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_HFN_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSameC
Int_t fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSamePC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_LFN_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_LFN_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_LFN_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_LFN_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSameC
Int_t fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSamePC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_MCs_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_MCs_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_MCs_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_MCs_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSameC
Int_t fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSamePC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_MSp_Samp
Int_t fMenuD_MSp_SampLineFullC
Int_t fMenuD_MSp_SampLineSameC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_NOE_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_NOE_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_NOE_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_NOE_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_NOE_ChNbSameC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_Ped_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_Ped_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_Ped_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_Ped_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_Ped_ChNbSameC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_SCs_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_SCs_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_SCs_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_SCs_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSameC
Int_t fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSamePC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_SSp_Samp
Int_t fMenuD_SSp_SampLineFullC
Int_t fMenuD_SSp_SampLineSameC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuD_TNo_ChNb
Int_t fMenuD_TNo_ChNbAsciiFileC
Int_t fMenuD_TNo_ChNbFullC
Int_t fMenuD_TNo_ChNbHocoVecoC
Int_t fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSameC
Int_t fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSamePC
Int_t fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC
Int_t fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC
Int_t fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC
Int_t fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC
Int_t fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC
Int_t fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC
Int_t fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC
Int_t fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC
Int_t fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC
Int_t fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC
Int_t fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC
Int_t fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC
Int_t fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC
Int_t fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC
Int_t fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC
Int_t fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC
Int_t fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC
Int_t fMenuHFccColzC
Int_t fMenuHFccLegoC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuHFccMos
Int_t fMenuHFccMosColzC
Int_t fMenuHFccMosLegoC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuHFCorcc
Int_t fMenuHFCorccColzC
Int_t fMenuHFCorccLegoC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuHistory
Int_t fMenuLFccColzC
Int_t fMenuLFccLegoC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuLFccMos
Int_t fMenuLFccMosColzC
Int_t fMenuLFccMosLegoC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuLFCorcc
Int_t fMenuLFCorccColzC
Int_t fMenuLFCorccLegoC
TGPopupMenu * fMenuLHFcc
TGPopupMenu * fMenuSubmit
Int_t fMenuSubmit1ndC
Int_t fMenuSubmit1nhC
Int_t fMenuSubmit1nwC
Int_t fMenuSubmit8nhC
Int_t fMenuSubmit8nmC
TGTextButton * fNbSampForCalcBut
TGCompositeFrame * fNbSampForCalcFrame
TGTextEntry * fNbSampForCalcText
TGTextButton * fNorsBut
Int_t fNorsButC
TGCompositeFrame * fNorsFrame
TGTextEntry * fNorsText
TString fOptAscii
TString fOptPlotFull
TString fOptPlotSame
TString fOptPlotSameP
TString fPythonFileName
TGTextButton * fRevBut
TGCompositeFrame * fRevFrame
TGTextEntry * fRevText
TGTextButton * fRulBut
TGCompositeFrame * fRulFrame
TGTextEntry * fRulText
TGTextButton * fRunBut
Int_t fRunButC
TGCompositeFrame * fRunFrame
TGTextEntry * fRunText
TGTextButton * fSampBut
Int_t fSampButC
TGCompositeFrame * fSampFrame
TGTextEntry * fSampText
TGCompositeFrame * fSpSubFrame
TGTextButton * fStexBut
TGCompositeFrame * fStexFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fStexHozFrame
TString fStexName
TGTextEntry * fStexText
TGCompositeFrame * fStexUpFrame
TGTextButton * fStinABut
Int_t fStinAButC
TGCompositeFrame * fStinAFrame
TGTextEntry * fStinAText
TGTextButton * fStinBBut
Int_t fStinBButC
TGCompositeFrame * fStinBFrame
TGTextEntry * fStinBText
TString fStinName
TGCompositeFrame * fStinSpFrame
TString fSubDet
TGCompositeFrame * fTxSubFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fTySubFrame
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVmaxHFccMosBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxHFccMosFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxHFccMosText
TGTextButton * fVmaxLFccMosBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxLFccMosFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxLFccMosText
TGTextButton * fVmaxLHFccBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVmaxLHFccFrame
TGTextEntry * fVmaxLHFccText
TGTextButton * fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_HFN_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_LFN_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_MCs_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_NOE_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_Ped_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_SCs_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminD_TNo_ChNbText
TGTextButton * fVminHFccMosBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminHFccMosFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminHFccMosText
TGTextButton * fVminLFccMosBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminLFccMosFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminLFccMosText
TGTextButton * fVminLHFccBut
TGCompositeFrame * fVminLHFccFrame
TGTextEntry * fVminLHFccText
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmHFccMosFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmLFccMosFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVmmLHFccFrame
TGCompositeFrame * fVoidFrame

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file TEcnaGui.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TEcnaGui::TEcnaGui ( const TGWindow *  p,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h,
const TString  SubDet 

Definition at line 779 of file

References DisplayInEntryField(), fAnaBut, fAnaButC, fAnaFrame, fAnaNorsRunFrame, fAnaText, fButChNb, fButChNbC, fButClone, fButCloneC, fButColPal, fButColPalC, fButExit, fButExitC, fButHelp, fButHelpC, fButLogx, fButLogxC, fButLogy, fButLogyC, fButProjy, fButProjyC, fButRoot, fButRootC, fButStexNb, fButStexNbC, fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fChanBut, fChanButC, fChanFrame, fChanText, fChSpFrame, fChSubFrame, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnaH, fCnaP, fCnaParCout, fCnaParHistos, fCnaParPaths, fCnaW, fCnaWrite, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fColorExitFrame, fCompStnbFrame, fCompStRqFrame, fConfirmCalcScc, fConfirmRunNumber, fConfirmSubmit, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fEntryAnaNumber, fEntryChanNumber, fEntryFevNumber, fEntryGentNumber, fEntryLevNumber, fEntryNbSampForCalcNumber, fEntryNorsNumber, fEntryRevNumber, fEntryRulNumber, fEntryRunNumber, fEntrySampNumber, fEntryStexNumber, fEntryStinANumber, fEntryStinBNumber, fEntryVmaxD_HFN_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxD_LFN_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxD_MCs_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxD_NOE_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxD_Ped_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxD_SCs_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxD_TNo_ChNbNumber, fEntryVmaxHFccMosNumber, fEntryVmaxLFccMosNumber, fEntryVmaxLHFccNumber, fEntryVminD_HFN_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminD_LFN_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminD_MCs_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminD_NOE_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminD_Ped_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminD_SCs_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminD_TNo_ChNbNumber, fEntryVminHFccMosNumber, fEntryVminLFccMosNumber, fEntryVminLHFccNumber, fFevBut, fFevFrame, fFevLevStexFrame, fFevText, fGentBut, fGentFrame, fGentText, fgMaxCar, fHistos, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSampForCalc, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySampNumber, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinANumber, fKeyStinBNumber, fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb, fKeyVmaxHFccMos, fKeyVmaxLFccMos, fKeyVmaxLHFcc, fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb, fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb, fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb, fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb, fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb, fKeyVminHFccMos, fKeyVminLFccMos, fKeyVminLHFcc, fLastFrame, fLayoutAnaBut, fLayoutAnaField, fLayoutAnaNorsRunFrame, fLayoutBottLeft, fLayoutBottRight, fLayoutCenterXTop, fLayoutCenterYLeft, fLayoutCenterYRight, fLayoutChanBut, fLayoutChanField, fLayoutChNbBut, fLayoutChSpFrame, fLayoutChSubFrame, fLayoutCloneBut, fLayoutColorExitFrame, fLayoutColPalBut, fLayoutCompStnbFrame, fLayoutCompStRqFrame, fLayoutExitBut, fLayoutFevBut, fLayoutFevFieldFrame, fLayoutFevFieldText, fLayoutFevLevStexFrame, fLayoutGeneral, fLayoutGentBut, fLayoutGentFieldFrame, fLayoutGentFieldText, fLayoutHelpBut, fLayoutLevBut, fLayoutLevFieldFrame, fLayoutLevFieldText, fLayoutLogxBut, fLayoutLogyBut, fLayoutMenuBarAdcProj, fLayoutMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarHFccMos, fLayoutMenuBarLFccMos, fLayoutMenuBarLHFcc, fLayoutNbSampForCalcBut, fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldFrame, fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldText, fLayoutNorsBut, fLayoutNorsField, fLayoutProjyBut, fLayoutRevBut, fLayoutRevFieldFrame, fLayoutRevFieldText, fLayoutRootBut, fLayoutRulBut, fLayoutRulFieldFrame, fLayoutRulFieldText, fLayoutRunBut, fLayoutRunField, fLayoutSampBut, fLayoutSampField, fLayoutSpSubFrame, fLayoutStexBut, fLayoutStexFieldFrame, fLayoutStexFieldText, fLayoutStexHozFrame, fLayoutStexNbBut, fLayoutStexUpFrame, fLayoutStinABut, fLayoutStinAField, fLayoutStinBBut, fLayoutStinBField, fLayoutStinSpFrame, fLayoutTopLeft, fLayoutTopRight, fLayoutTxSubFrame, fLayoutTySubFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut, fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxHFccMosBut, fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFieldText, fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmaxLFccMosBut, fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFieldText, fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmaxLHFccBut, fLayoutVmaxLHFccFieldText, fLayoutVmaxLHFccFrame, fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbBut, fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFieldText, fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminHFccMosBut, fLayoutVminHFccMosFieldText, fLayoutVminHFccMosFrame, fLayoutVminLFccMosBut, fLayoutVminLFccMosFieldText, fLayoutVminLFccMosFrame, fLayoutVminLHFccBut, fLayoutVminLHFccFieldText, fLayoutVminLHFccFrame, fLayoutVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmHFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmmLFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmmLHFccFrame, fLevBut, fLevFrame, fLevText, fLinLogFrame, fMemoColPal, fMemoProjY, fMemoScaleX, fMemoScaleY, fMenuAdcProj, fMenuAdcProjLineLinyFullC, fMenuAdcProjLineLinySameC, fMenuAdcProjSampLineFullC, fMenuAdcProjSampLineSameC, fMenuBarAdcProj, fMenuBarClean, fMenuBarComput, fMenuBarCorss, fMenuBarCorssAll, fMenuBarCovss, fMenuBarCovssAll, fMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb, fMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb, fMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb, fMenuBarD_MSp_Samp, fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb, fMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb, fMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb, fMenuBarD_SSp_Samp, fMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb, fMenuBarHFccMos, fMenuBarHFCorcc, fMenuBarHistory, fMenuBarLFccMos, fMenuBarLFCorcc, fMenuBarLHFcc, fMenuBarSubmit, fMenuClean, fMenuCleanAllC, fMenuCleanJobC, fMenuCleanPythC, fMenuCleanSubC, fMenuComput, fMenuComputSccC, fMenuComputStdC, fMenuComputSttC, fMenuCorss, fMenuCorssAll, fMenuCorssAllColzC, fMenuCorssAsciiFileC, fMenuCorssBoxC, fMenuCorssColzC, fMenuCorssContzC, fMenuCorssLegoC, fMenuCorssSurf1C, fMenuCorssSurf2C, fMenuCorssSurf3C, fMenuCorssSurf4C, fMenuCorssTextC, fMenuCovss, fMenuCovssAll, fMenuCovssAllColzC, fMenuCovssAsciiFileC, fMenuCovssBoxC, fMenuCovssColzC, fMenuCovssContzC, fMenuCovssLegoC, fMenuCovssSurf1C, fMenuCovssSurf2C, fMenuCovssSurf3C, fMenuCovssSurf4C, fMenuCovssTextC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNb, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNb, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNb, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_MSp_Samp, fMenuD_MSp_SampLineFullC, fMenuD_MSp_SampLineSameC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNb, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNb, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNb, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_SSp_Samp, fMenuD_SSp_SampLineFullC, fMenuD_SSp_SampLineSameC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNb, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSamePC, fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuHFccColzC, fMenuHFccLegoC, fMenuHFccMos, fMenuHFccMosColzC, fMenuHFccMosLegoC, fMenuHFCorcc, fMenuHFCorccColzC, fMenuHFCorccLegoC, fMenuHistory, fMenuLFccColzC, fMenuLFccLegoC, fMenuLFccMos, fMenuLFccMosColzC, fMenuLFccMosLegoC, fMenuLFCorcc, fMenuLFCorccColzC, fMenuLFCorccLegoC, fMenuLHFcc, fMenuSubmit, fMenuSubmit1ndC, fMenuSubmit1nhC, fMenuSubmit1nwC, fMenuSubmit8nhC, fMenuSubmit8nmC, fMyRootFile, fNbSampForCalcBut, fNbSampForCalcFrame, fNbSampForCalcText, fNorsBut, fNorsButC, fNorsFrame, fNorsText, fOptAscii, fOptPlotFull, fOptPlotSame, fOptPlotSameP, fRevBut, fRevFrame, fRevText, fRulBut, fRulFrame, fRulText, fRunBut, fRunButC, fRunFrame, fRunText, fSampBut, fSampButC, fSampFrame, fSampText, fSpSubFrame, fStexBut, fStexFrame, fStexHozFrame, fStexName, fStexText, fStexUpFrame, fStinABut, fStinAButC, fStinAFrame, fStinAText, fStinBBut, fStinBButC, fStinBFrame, fStinBText, fStinName, fStinSpFrame, fSubDet, fTTBELL, fTxSubFrame, fTySubFrame, fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText, fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText, fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText, fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText, fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText, fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText, fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut, fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText, fVmaxHFccMosBut, fVmaxHFccMosFrame, fVmaxHFccMosText, fVmaxLFccMosBut, fVmaxLFccMosFrame, fVmaxLFccMosText, fVmaxLHFccBut, fVmaxLHFccFrame, fVmaxLHFccText, fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut, fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fVminD_HFN_ChNbText, fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut, fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fVminD_LFN_ChNbText, fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut, fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fVminD_MCs_ChNbText, fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut, fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fVminD_NOE_ChNbText, fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut, fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fVminD_Ped_ChNbText, fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut, fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fVminD_SCs_ChNbText, fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut, fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fVminD_TNo_ChNbText, fVminHFccMosBut, fVminHFccMosFrame, fVminHFccMosText, fVminLFccMosBut, fVminLFccMosFrame, fVminLFccMosText, fVminLHFccBut, fVminLHFccFrame, fVminLHFccText, fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fVmmHFccMosFrame, fVmmLFccMosFrame, fVmmLHFccFrame, fVoidFrame, h, and InitKeys().

  TGMainFrame(p, w, h) 
//Constructor with arguments. Gui box making

 // cout << "[Info Management] CLASS: TEcnaGui.           CREATE OBJECT: this = " << this << endl;

  // cout << "TEcnaGui> Entering constructor with arguments" << endl;
  // cout << "            fCnew = " << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << endl;

//========================= GENERAL INITIALISATION 

  fCnew        = 0;
  fCdelete     = 0;
  fCnewRoot    = 0;
  fCdeleteRoot = 0;

  fCnaP = (TGWindow *)p;
  fCnaW = w;
  fCnaH = h;

  fgMaxCar = (Int_t)512;
  fTTBELL = '\007';

  //........................ init View and Cna parameters
  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fSubDet = SubDet.Data();


  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){fStexName = "SM";  fStinName = "tower";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){fStexName = "Dee"; fStinName = "SC";}

  fCnaParPaths   = 0; fCnaParPaths   = new TEcnaParPaths();                        //fCnew++;
  fEcal          = 0; fEcal          = new TEcnaParEcal(fSubDet.Data());           //fCnew++;
  fEcalNumbering = 0; fEcalNumbering = new TEcnaNumbering(fSubDet.Data(), fEcal);  //fCnew++;
  fCnaParHistos  = 0;
  fCnaParHistos  = new TEcnaParHistos(fSubDet.Data(), fEcal, fEcalNumbering );      //fCnew++;
  fCnaParCout = 0;
  fCnaWrite   = 0;
  fHistos     = 0;
  fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data(), fCnaParPaths, fCnaParCout,
                            fEcal, fCnaParHistos, fEcalNumbering, fCnaWrite);       fCnew++;
  fMyRootFile = 0;

  //................. Init Keys

  //................ Init CNA Command and error numbering
  fCnaCommand = 0;
  fCnaError   = 0;
  //................ Init Confirm flags
  fConfirmSubmit    = 0;
  fConfirmRunNumber = 0;
  fConfirmCalcScc   = 0;

  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Init GUI DIALOG BOX pointers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  fLayoutGeneral      = 0;
  fLayoutBottLeft     = 0;
  fLayoutBottRight    = 0;
  fLayoutTopLeft      = 0;
  fLayoutTopRight     = 0;  
  fLayoutCenterYLeft  = 0;
  fLayoutCenterYRight = 0; 

  fVoidFrame = 0;

  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame Analysis + 1st requested evt number + Run number
  fAnaNorsRunFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutAnaNorsRunFrame = 0;
  //--------------------------------- Sub-Frame Analysis Name (Button+Entry Field)
  fAnaFrame       = 0;
  fAnaBut         = 0;
  fLayoutAnaBut   = 0;
  fAnaText        = 0;
  fEntryAnaNumber = 0;
  fLayoutAnaField = 0;
  //--------------------------------- SubFrame: first requested evt number
  fFevFrame            = 0;
  fFevBut              = 0;
  fLayoutFevBut        = 0;
  fFevText             = 0;
  fEntryFevNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutFevFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutFevFieldFrame = 0;
  //-------------------------------- Sub-Frame Run number (Button+Entry Field)  
  fRunFrame       = 0;  
  fRunBut         = 0;
  fLayoutRunBut   = 0;
  fRunText        = 0;
  fEntryRunNumber = 0;
  fLayoutRunField = 0;

 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame Nb Of Samples + Last requested evt number + Clean + submit
  fFevLevStexFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutFevLevStexFrame = 0;
  //-------------------------------- Sub-Frame: Nb Of Requesred Samples (Button+Entry Field)  
  fNorsFrame       = 0;
  fNorsBut         = 0;
  fLayoutNorsBut   = 0;
  fNorsText        = 0;
  fEntryNorsNumber = 0;
  fLayoutNorsField = 0;
  //---------------------------- SubFrame: last requested event number
  fLevFrame            = 0;
  fLevBut              = 0;
  fLayoutLevBut        = 0;
  fLevText             = 0;
  fEntryLevNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutLevFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutLevFieldFrame = 0;
  //................................ Menu for Clean
  fMenuClean    = 0;
  fMenuBarClean = 0;
  //................................ Menu for SUBMIT
  fMenuSubmit    = 0;
  fMenuBarSubmit = 0;

  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame StexStin number +  Nb of Req evts
  fCompStRqFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutCompStRqFrame = 0;

  //---------------------------- SubFrame: Stex number
  fStexFrame            = 0;
  fStexBut              = 0;
  fLayoutStexBut        = 0;
  fStexText             = 0;
  fEntryStexNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutStexFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutStexFieldFrame = 0;

  //---------------------------- SubFrame: number of requested events
  fRevFrame            = 0;
  fRevBut              = 0;
  fLayoutRevBut        = 0;
  fRevText             = 0;
  fEntryRevNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutRevFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutRevFieldFrame = 0;

  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame StexStin numbering +  Nb of samp for Calc + Calculations
  fCompStnbFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutCompStnbFrame = 0;

  //................................ Stex Stin Numbering view (Button)
  fButStexNb       = 0;
  fLayoutStexNbBut = 0;

  //---------------------------- SubFrame: NbSampForCalc
  fNbSampForCalcFrame            = 0;
  fNbSampForCalcBut              = 0;
  fLayoutNbSampForCalcBut        = 0;
  fNbSampForCalcText             = 0;
  fEntryNbSampForCalcNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldFrame = 0;

  //................................ Menu for Calculations
  fMenuComput    = 0;
  fMenuBarComput = 0;


  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frame for quantities relative to the Stex
  fStexUpFrame       = 0; 

  //................................ Menus+Ymin+Ymax for the Stex ............................

  //...................................... Nb of evts in the data
  fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_NOE_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_NOE_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_NOE_ChNb           = 0;
  fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb        = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb  = 0;

  fLayoutVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame = 0;

  fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_Ped_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_Ped_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_Ped_ChNb          = 0;
  fMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb = 0;

  fLayoutVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame = 0;

  fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_TNo_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFieldText = 0;

  fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_TNo_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_TNo_ChNb          = 0;
  fMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame = 0;

  fLayoutVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame = 0;

  fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_MCs_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_MCs_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_MCs_ChNb          = 0;
  fMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb = 0;
  fLayoutVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame = 0;

  //............................................... Frame Sig + Menus Sig
  fStexHozFrame       = 0; 

  fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_LFN_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_LFN_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_LFN_ChNb          = 0;
  fMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb = 0;

  fLayoutVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame = 0;

  fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_HFN_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_HFN_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_HFN_ChNb          = 0; 
  fMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb = 0;

  fLayoutVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame = 0;

  fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxD_SCs_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame           = 0;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbBut       = 0;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbText            = 0;
  fEntryVminD_SCs_ChNbNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame     = 0;

  fMenuD_SCs_ChNb          = 0;
  fMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb = 0;

  fLayoutVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame = 0;


  //...................................... Low Freq Cor(c,c') for each pair of  Stins
  fVmmLFccMosFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxLFccMosFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxLFccMosBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosBut       = 0;
  fVmaxLFccMosText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxLFccMosNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFrame     = 0;

  fVminLFccMosFrame           = 0;
  fVminLFccMosBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminLFccMosBut       = 0;
  fVminLFccMosText            = 0;
  fEntryVminLFccMosNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminLFccMosFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminLFccMosFrame     = 0;

  fMenuLFccMos          = 0;
  fMenuBarLFccMos       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarLFccMos = 0;

  fLayoutVmmLFccMosFrame = 0;

  //...................................... High Freq Cor(c,c') for each pair of  Stins
  fVmmHFccMosFrame       = 0;

  fVmaxHFccMosFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxHFccMosBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosBut       = 0;
  fVmaxHFccMosText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxHFccMosNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFrame     = 0;

  fVminHFccMosFrame           = 0;
  fVminHFccMosBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminHFccMosBut       = 0;
  fVminHFccMosText            = 0;
  fEntryVminHFccMosNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminHFccMosFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminHFccMosFrame     = 0;

  fMenuHFccMos          = 0;
  fMenuBarHFccMos       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarHFccMos = 0;

  fLayoutVmmHFccMosFrame = 0;

  //...................................... LF and HF Cor(c,c')
  fVmmLHFccFrame            = 0;

  fVmaxLHFccFrame           = 0;
  fVmaxLHFccBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxLHFccBut       = 0;
  fVmaxLHFccText            = 0;
  fEntryVmaxLHFccNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxLHFccFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVmaxLHFccFrame     = 0;

  fVminLHFccFrame           = 0;
  fVminLHFccBut             = 0;
  fLayoutVminLHFccBut       = 0;
  fVminLHFccText            = 0;
  fEntryVminLHFccNumber     = 0;
  fLayoutVminLHFccFieldText = 0;
  fLayoutVminLHFccFrame     = 0;

  fMenuLHFcc          = 0;
  fMenuBarLHFcc       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarLHFcc = 0;

  fLayoutVmmLHFccFrame = 0;

  fLayoutStexHozFrame = 0;

  fLayoutStexUpFrame = 0;

  //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame Stin_A + Stin_B
  fStinSpFrame      = 0;
  fLayoutStinSpFrame = 0;
  //----------------------------------- SubFrame Stin_A (Button + EntryField)

  fTxSubFrame       = 0; 
  fLayoutTxSubFrame = 0;

  fStinAFrame     = 0;
  fStinABut       = 0;
  fLayoutStinABut = 0; 

  fStinAText        = 0;
  fEntryStinANumber = 0; 
  fLayoutStinAField = 0;
  //............................ Stin Crystal Numbering view (Button)
  fButChNb       = 0;
  fLayoutChNbBut = 0;

  //............................ Menus Stin_A
  fMenuCorssAll    = 0;
  fMenuBarCorssAll = 0;

  fMenuCovssAll    = 0;
  fMenuBarCovssAll = 0;

  //----------------------------------- SubFrame Stin_B (Button + EntryField)
  fTySubFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutTySubFrame = 0;

  fStinBFrame     = 0;
  fStinBBut       = 0;
  fLayoutStinBBut = 0;

  fStinBText        = 0;  
  fEntryStinBNumber = 0;
  fLayoutStinBField = 0;

  //.................................. Menus for Horizontal frame (Stin_A + Stin_B)
  fMenuBarLFCorcc = 0;
  fMenuLFCorcc    = 0; 

  fMenuBarHFCorcc = 0;  
  fMenuHFCorcc    = 0;

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++ Horizontal frame channel number (Stin_A crystal number) + sample number
  fChSpFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutChSpFrame = 0;

  //------------------------------------- SubFrame Channel (Button + EntryField)
  fChanFrame       = 0;
  fChanBut         = 0;
  fChanText        = 0;
  fEntryChanNumber = 0;
  fLayoutChanBut   = 0;
  fLayoutChanField = 0;

  fChSubFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutChSubFrame = 0;

  //................................ Menus Stin_A crystal number
  fMenuCorss    = 0;
  fMenuBarCorss = 0;

  fMenuCovss    = 0; 
  fMenuBarCovss = 0;

  fMenuD_MSp_Samp    = 0;
  fMenuBarD_MSp_Samp = 0;

  fMenuD_SSp_Samp    = 0;
  fMenuBarD_SSp_Samp = 0;

  //------------------------------------ SubFrame Sample (Button + EntryField)
  fSampFrame = 0;
  fSampBut   = 0;

  fSampText        = 0;  
  fEntrySampNumber = 0;
  fLayoutSampBut   = 0;
  fLayoutSampField = 0;

  fSpSubFrame       = 0;
  fLayoutSpSubFrame = 0;

  //................................ Menus Sample number

  //     (no menu in this SubFrame)

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frame: Run List (Rul) (Button + EntryField)
  fRulFrame            = 0;
  fRulBut              = 0;
  fLayoutRulBut        = 0;
  fRulText             = 0;
  fEntryRulNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutRulFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutRulFieldFrame = 0;

  //................................ Menus for time evolution
  fMenuHistory    = 0;
  fMenuBarHistory = 0;

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Menu Event Distribution
  fMenuAdcProj          = 0;
  fMenuBarAdcProj       = 0;
  fLayoutMenuBarAdcProj = 0;

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LinLog + Color Palette Frame
  fLinLogFrame = 0;  

  //---------------------------------- Lin/Log X
  fButLogx         = 0;
  fLayoutLogxBut   = 0;
  //---------------------------------- Lin/Log Y
  fButLogy         = 0;
  fLayoutLogyBut   = 0;
  //---------------------------------- Proj Y
  fButProjy        = 0;
  fLayoutProjyBut  = 0;

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frame: General Title (Gent) (Button + EntryField)
  fGentFrame            = 0;
  fGentBut              = 0;
  fLayoutGentBut        = 0;
  fGentText             = 0;
  fEntryGentNumber      = 0;
  fLayoutGentFieldText  = 0;
  fLayoutGentFieldFrame = 0;

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Color + Exit
  //---------------------------------- Color Palette
  fButColPal       = 0;
  fLayoutColPalBut = 0;
  //---------------------------------- Exit
  fButExit       = 0;   
  fLayoutExitBut = 0;

  //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Last Frame
  fLastFrame = 0;   

  //--------------------------------- Clone Last Canvas (Button)
  fButClone       = 0;
  fLayoutCloneBut = 0;

  //--------------------------------- Root version (Button)
  fButRoot       = 0;
  fLayoutRootBut = 0;

  //--------------------------------- Help (Button)
  fButHelp       = 0;
  fLayoutHelpBut = 0;

  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of init GUI DIALOG BOX pointers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  //........ Init Buttons codes with input widgets:
  //         run, channel, sample

  fAnaButC  = 1;
  fRunButC  = 2;

   //.................. Init codes Menu bars (all the numbers must be different)

  fMenuSubmit8nmC  = 2011;
  fMenuSubmit1nhC  = 2012;
  fMenuSubmit8nhC  = 2013;
  fMenuSubmit1ndC  = 2014;
  fMenuSubmit1nwC  = 2015;

  fMenuCleanSubC  = 3011;
  fMenuCleanJobC  = 3012;
  fMenuCleanPythC = 3013;
  fMenuCleanAllC  = 3014;

  fMenuComputStdC = 3111;
  fMenuComputSccC = 3112;
  fMenuComputSttC = 3113;

  fMenuD_NOE_ChNbFullC      = 600101;
  fMenuD_NOE_ChNbSameC      = 600102;
  fMenuD_NOE_ChNbAsciiFileC = 600104;

  fMenuD_Ped_ChNbFullC      = 123051;
  fMenuD_Ped_ChNbSameC      = 123052;
  fMenuD_Ped_ChNbAsciiFileC = 123054;

  fMenuD_TNo_ChNbFullC      = 123061;
  fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSameC      = 123062;
  fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSamePC     = 123063;
  fMenuD_TNo_ChNbAsciiFileC = 123064;

  fMenuD_MCs_ChNbFullC      = 123071;
  fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSameC      = 123072;
  fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSamePC     = 123073;
  fMenuD_MCs_ChNbAsciiFileC = 123074;

  fMenuD_LFN_ChNbFullC      = 800051;
  fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSameC      = 800052;
  fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSamePC     = 800053;
  fMenuD_LFN_ChNbAsciiFileC = 800054;

  fMenuD_HFN_ChNbFullC      = 800061;
  fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSameC      = 800062;
  fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSamePC     = 800063;
  fMenuD_HFN_ChNbAsciiFileC = 800064;

  fMenuD_SCs_ChNbFullC      = 800071;
  fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSameC      = 800072;
  fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSamePC     = 800073;
  fMenuD_SCs_ChNbAsciiFileC = 800074;

  fMenuLFccColzC = 70010;
  fMenuLFccLegoC = 70011;
  fMenuHFccColzC = 70020;
  fMenuHFccLegoC = 70021;

  fMenuLFccMosColzC = 70110;
  fMenuLFccMosLegoC = 70111;
  fMenuHFccMosColzC = 70120;
  fMenuHFccMosLegoC = 70121;

  fMenuD_NOE_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524051;
  fMenuD_Ped_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524052;
  fMenuD_TNo_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524053;
  fMenuD_MCs_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524054;
  fMenuD_LFN_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524055;
  fMenuD_HFN_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524056;
  fMenuD_SCs_ChNbHocoVecoC = 524057;

  fStinAButC = 90009; 
  fStinBButC = 90010;

  fChanButC = 6;
  fSampButC = 7;

  fMenuCorssAllColzC = 10;
  fMenuCovssAllColzC = 11;
  fMenuCorssColzC      = 221;
  fMenuCorssBoxC       = 222;
  fMenuCorssTextC      = 223;
  fMenuCorssContzC     = 224;
  fMenuCorssLegoC      = 225;
  fMenuCorssSurf1C     = 226;
  fMenuCorssSurf2C     = 227;
  fMenuCorssSurf3C     = 228;
  fMenuCorssSurf4C     = 229;
  fMenuCorssAsciiFileC = 220;

  fMenuCovssColzC      = 231;
  fMenuCovssBoxC       = 232;
  fMenuCovssTextC      = 233;
  fMenuCovssContzC     = 234;
  fMenuCovssLegoC      = 235;
  fMenuCovssSurf1C     = 236;
  fMenuCovssSurf2C     = 237;
  fMenuCovssSurf3C     = 238;
  fMenuCovssSurf4C     = 239;
  fMenuCovssAsciiFileC = 230;
  fMenuD_MSp_SampLineFullC = 411;
  fMenuD_MSp_SampLineSameC = 412;

  fMenuD_SSp_SampLineFullC = 421;
  fMenuD_SSp_SampLineSameC = 422;
  fMenuLFCorccColzC = 51;
  fMenuLFCorccLegoC = 52;

  fMenuHFCorccColzC = 61;
  fMenuHFCorccLegoC = 62;
  fMenuAdcProjSampLineFullC = 711;
  fMenuAdcProjSampLineSameC = 712;
  fMenuAdcProjLineLinyFullC = 713;
  fMenuAdcProjLineLinySameC = 714;

  fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC = 811;
  fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC = 812;

  fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC  = 821;
  fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC  = 822;
  fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC = 823;

  fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC  = 824;
  fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC  = 825;
  fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC = 826;

  fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC  = 827;
  fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC  = 828;
  fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC = 829;

  fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC  = 831;
  fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC  = 832;
  fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC = 833;

  fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC  = 841;
  fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC  = 842;
  fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC = 843;

 //...................... Init Button codes: Root version, Help, Exit
  fButStexNbC = 90;
  fButChNbC   = 91;
  fButCloneC  = 95;
  fButRootC   = 96;
  fButHelpC   = 97;
  fButExitC   = 98;

  //=================================== LIN/LOG + Y proj + Color palette flags
  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fMemoScaleX = "LIN";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fMemoScaleY = "LIN";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fMemoProjY = "normal";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fMemoColPal = "ECCNAColor";

  //=================================== Init option codes =================================

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fOptPlotFull = "ONLYONE";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fOptPlotSame = "SAME";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fOptPlotSameP = "SAME n";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fOptAscii = "ASCII";


  //                      B O X     M A K I N G

//......................... Background colors

  //TColor* my_color = new TColor();
  //Color_t orange  = (Color_t)my_color->GetColor("#FF6611");  // orange

  Pixel_t SubDetColor = GetBackground();

  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){SubDetColor = GetBackground();}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){SubDetColor = GetBackground();}

  // Bool_t GlobFont = kFALSE;

  //Pixel_t BkgColMainWindow  = (Pixel_t)SubDetColor;
  //Pixel_t BkgColChSpFrame   = (Pixel_t)SubDetColor;
  //Pixel_t BkgColStexUpFrame = (Pixel_t)SubDetColor;

  //  Pixel_t BkgColButExit     = (Pixel_t)555888;

  // enum ELayoutHints {
  //   kLHintsNoHints = 0,
  //   kLHintsLeft    = BIT(0),
  //   kLHintsCenterX = BIT(1),
  //   kLHintsRight   = BIT(2),
  //   kLHintsTop     = BIT(3),
  //   kLHintsCenterY = BIT(4),
  //   kLHintsBottom  = BIT(5),
  //   kLHintsExpandX = BIT(6),
  //   kLHintsExpandY = BIT(7),
  //   kLHintsNormal  = (kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop)
  //   bits 8-11 used by ETableLayoutHints
  // };

  fLayoutGeneral      = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY);   fCnew++;
  fLayoutBottLeft     = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsLeft    | kLHintsBottom);    fCnew++;
  fLayoutTopLeft      = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsLeft    | kLHintsTop);       fCnew++;
  fLayoutBottRight    = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsRight   | kLHintsBottom);    fCnew++;
  fLayoutTopRight     = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsRight   | kLHintsTop);       fCnew++;
  fLayoutCenterYLeft  = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsLeft    | kLHintsCenterY);   fCnew++;  
  fLayoutCenterYRight = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsRight   | kLHintsCenterY);   fCnew++;  
  fLayoutCenterXTop   = new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsTop);       fCnew++;  

  fVoidFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kVerticalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //......................... Pads border

  Int_t xB1 = 0;

  //                 SECTOR 1:  Python-source, Submit, File Parameters, Calculations
  //TString xPyfButText = " Source file for python (DBS)";

  //Int_t pyf_buf_lenght = 220;

  //fPyfFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  //fPyfBut= new TGTextButton(fPyfFrame, xPyfButText);                        fCnew++;
  //fPyfBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonPyf()");
  //  ("Click here to register the name of the file written on the right");
  //fLayoutPyfBut =
  //  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  //fPyfFrame->AddFrame(fPyfBut,  fLayoutPyfBut);

  //fEntryPyfNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                               fCnew++;
  //fPyfText = new TGTextEntry(fPyfFrame, fEntryPyfNumber);             fCnew++;
  //fPyfText->SetToolTipText("File containing the data file names \n of the python file source sector.\n Click here and enter the name of this file");
  //fPyfText->Resize(pyf_buf_lenght, fPyfText->GetDefaultHeight());
  //fPyfText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonPyf()");
  //fLayoutPyfFieldText =
  //  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);  fCnew++;
  //fPyfFrame->AddFrame(fPyfText, fLayoutPyfFieldText);

  //fLayoutPyfFieldFrame =
  //  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  //AddFrame(fPyfFrame, fLayoutPyfFieldFrame);

  //             Horizontal frame Analysis + First requested evt number + Run number
  fAnaNorsRunFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,
                                          GetDefaultFrameBackground());   fCnew++;

 //=================================== ANALYSIS NAME (type of analysis)
  TString xAnaButText  = " Analysis ";
  Int_t typ_of_ana_buf_lenght = 80;
  fAnaFrame =  new TGCompositeFrame(fAnaNorsRunFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame,
                                    kSunkenFrame);                    fCnew++;
  //..................... Button  
  fAnaBut = new TGTextButton(fAnaFrame, xAnaButText, fAnaButC);       fCnew++;
  fAnaBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonAna()");
  // fAnaBut->Resize(typ_of_ana_buf_lenght, fAnaBut->GetDefaultHeight());
  fAnaBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the analysis name written on the right");
  //fAnaBut->SetFont("courier", GlobFont);
  fLayoutAnaBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  fAnaFrame->AddFrame(fAnaBut,  fLayoutAnaBut);
  //...................... Entry field
  fEntryAnaNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                               fCnew++;
  fAnaText = new TGTextEntry(fAnaFrame, fEntryAnaNumber);             fCnew++;
    ("Click and enter the analysis name (code for type of analysis)");
  fAnaText->Resize(typ_of_ana_buf_lenght, fAnaText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fAnaText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonAna()");
  fLayoutAnaField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  fAnaFrame->AddFrame(fAnaText, fLayoutAnaField);

  //=================================== FIRST REQUESTED EVENT NUMBER
  TString xFirstReqEvtNumberButText = " 1st event#  ";
  Int_t first_evt_buf_lenght   = 65;
  fFevFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(fAnaNorsRunFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  fFevBut= new TGTextButton(fFevFrame, xFirstReqEvtNumberButText);                fCnew++;
  fFevBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonFev()");
    ("Click here to register the number of the first requested event number");
  fLayoutFevBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  fFevFrame->AddFrame(fFevBut,  fLayoutFevBut);

  fEntryFevNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                               fCnew++;
  fFevText = new TGTextEntry(fFevFrame, fEntryFevNumber);             fCnew++;
  fFevText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the first requested event number");
  fFevText->Resize(first_evt_buf_lenght, fFevText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fFevText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonFev()");
  fLayoutFevFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);  fCnew++;
  fFevFrame->AddFrame(fFevText, fLayoutFevFieldText);

 //=================================== RUN
  TString xRunButText  = " Run ";
  Int_t run_buf_lenght = 65;
  fRunFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(fAnaNorsRunFrame,0,0,
                                   kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);   fCnew++;
  fRunBut = new TGTextButton(fRunFrame, xRunButText, fRunButC);       fCnew++;
  fRunBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRun()");
  fRunBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the run number");
  // fRunBut->SetFont("helvetica", GlobFont);
  fLayoutRunBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);  fCnew++;
  fRunFrame->AddFrame(fRunBut,  fLayoutRunBut);
  fEntryRunNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                               fCnew++;
  fRunText = new TGTextEntry(fRunFrame, fEntryRunNumber);             fCnew++;
  fRunText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the run number");
  fRunText->Resize(run_buf_lenght, fRunText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fRunText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRun()");
  fLayoutRunField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);    fCnew++;
  fRunFrame->AddFrame(fRunText, fLayoutRunField);

  //-------------------------- display frame ana + Fev + Run
  fAnaNorsRunFrame->AddFrame(fAnaFrame, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fAnaNorsRunFrame->AddFrame(fFevFrame, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fLayoutAnaNorsRunFrame =  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,
                                              xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);    fCnew++;

  AddFrame(fAnaNorsRunFrame, fLayoutAnaNorsRunFrame);

  //    Horizontal frame Nb Of Samples + last requested evt number + Clean + Submit       
  fFevLevStexFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,
                                          GetDefaultFrameBackground());            fCnew++;

 //=================================== Number Of Requested Samples
  TString xNorsButText  = "Nb Samp in File";
  Int_t nors_buf_lenght = 45;
  fNorsFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(fFevLevStexFrame,0,0, kHorizontalFrame,
                                    kSunkenFrame);                                 fCnew++;  
  //..................... Button  
  fNorsBut = new TGTextButton(fNorsFrame, xNorsButText, fNorsButC);                fCnew++;
  fNorsBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonNors()");
  //fNorsBut->Resize(nors_buf_lenght, fNorsBut->GetDefaultHeight());
  fNorsBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the value written on the right");
  //fNorsBut->SetFont("courier", GlobFont);
  fLayoutNorsBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                 fCnew++;
  fNorsFrame->AddFrame(fNorsBut,  fLayoutNorsBut);
  //...................... Entry field
  fEntryNorsNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                          fCnew++;
  fNorsText = new TGTextEntry(fNorsFrame, fEntryNorsNumber);                      fCnew++;
  fNorsText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the number of required samples");
  fNorsText->Resize(nors_buf_lenght, fNorsText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fNorsText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonNors()");
  fLayoutNorsField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);              fCnew++;
  fNorsFrame->AddFrame(fNorsText, fLayoutNorsField);

  //=================================== LAST REQUESTED EVENT NUMBER
  TString xLastReqEvtButText  = " Last event# ";
  Int_t last_evt_buf_lenght = 65;
  fLevFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(fFevLevStexFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  fLevBut = new TGTextButton(fLevFrame, xLastReqEvtButText);                      fCnew++;
  fLevBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonLev()");
  fLevBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the last requested event number");
  fLayoutLevBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                 fCnew++;
  fLevFrame->AddFrame(fLevBut,  fLayoutLevBut);

  fEntryLevNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                           fCnew++;
  fLevText = new TGTextEntry(fLevFrame, fEntryLevNumber);                         fCnew++;
  fLevText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the last requested event number");
  fLevText->Resize(last_evt_buf_lenght, fLevText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fLevText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonLev()");
  fLayoutLevFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);             fCnew++;
  fLevFrame->AddFrame(fLevText, fLayoutLevFieldText);

  //----------------------------------- Clean
  TString xMenuBarClean  = "Clean  ";

  fMenuClean = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                fCnew++;
  fMenuClean->AddEntry("Submission scripts",fMenuCleanSubC);
  fMenuClean->AddEntry("LSFJOB reports",fMenuCleanJobC);
  fMenuClean->AddEntry("Python files",fMenuCleanPythC);

  fMenuClean->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarClean = new TGMenuBar(fFevLevStexFrame , 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);        fCnew++;
  fMenuBarClean->AddPopup(xMenuBarClean, fMenuClean, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //--------------------------------- SUBMIT IN BATCH MODE
  TString xMenuBarSubmit  = " Submit ";
  fMenuSubmit = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                               fCnew++;

  fMenuSubmit->AddEntry(" -q 8nm ",fMenuSubmit8nmC);
  fMenuSubmit->AddEntry(" -q 1nh ",fMenuSubmit1nhC);
  fMenuSubmit->AddEntry(" -q 8nh ",fMenuSubmit8nhC);
  fMenuSubmit->AddEntry(" -q 1nd ",fMenuSubmit1ndC);
  fMenuSubmit->AddEntry(" -q 1nw ",fMenuSubmit1nwC);

  fMenuSubmit->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarSubmit = new TGMenuBar(fFevLevStexFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);        fCnew++;
  fMenuBarSubmit->AddPopup(xMenuBarSubmit, fMenuSubmit, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //-------------------------- display frame Nors + Lev + Clean + Submit
  fFevLevStexFrame->AddFrame(fLevFrame, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fFevLevStexFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarSubmit, fLayoutTopRight);
  fFevLevStexFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarClean, fLayoutTopRight);

  fLayoutFevLevStexFrame =  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,
                                              xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                 fCnew++;

  AddFrame(fFevLevStexFrame, fLayoutFevLevStexFrame);

  //      Horizontal Frame: StexNumber + Nb of Requested events
  fCompStRqFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,
                                       GetDefaultFrameBackground());              fCnew++;

  //----------------------------------- STEX NUMBER
  TString xSumoButText;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xSumoButText = "  SM#   (0=EB)  ";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xSumoButText = " Dee#  (0=EE)  ";} 

  Int_t stex_number_buf_lenght = 36;
  fStexFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(fCompStRqFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);   fCnew++;

  fStexBut = new TGTextButton(fStexFrame, xSumoButText);                          fCnew++;
  fStexBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonStex()");
  fStexBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the number written on the right");
  //fStexBut->SetFont("courier", GlobFont);
  fLayoutStexBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);  fCnew++;
  fStexFrame->AddFrame(fStexBut,  fLayoutStexBut);

  fEntryStexNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                          fCnew++;
  fStexText = new TGTextEntry(fStexFrame, fEntryStexNumber);                      fCnew++;

  TString xStexNumber;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xStexNumber = "Click and enter the SM number";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xStexNumber = "Click and enter the Dee number";}
  fStexText->Resize(stex_number_buf_lenght, fStexText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fStexText, fKeyStexNumber);
  fStexText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonStex()");
  fLayoutStexFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);             fCnew++;
  fStexFrame->AddFrame(fStexText, fLayoutStexFieldText);
  //=================================== NUMBER OF REQUESTED EVENTS
  TString xNbOfReqEvtButText  = " Nb of events ";
  Int_t nbof_evt_buf_lenght = 65;
  fRevFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(fCompStRqFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  fRevBut = new TGTextButton(fRevFrame, xNbOfReqEvtButText);                      fCnew++;
  fRevBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRev()");
  fRevBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the requested number of events");
  fLayoutRevBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                 fCnew++;
  fRevFrame->AddFrame(fRevBut,  fLayoutRevBut);

  fEntryRevNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                           fCnew++;
  fRevText = new TGTextEntry(fRevFrame, fEntryRevNumber);                         fCnew++;
  fRevText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the requested number of events");
  fRevText->Resize(nbof_evt_buf_lenght, fRevText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fRevText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRev()");
  fLayoutRevFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);             fCnew++;
  fRevFrame->AddFrame(fRevText, fLayoutRevFieldText);

  //-------------------------- display frame stex number + Nb of req evts

  fLayoutCompStRqFrame =  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,
                                            xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                  fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fCompStRqFrame, fLayoutCompStRqFrame);
  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //      Horizontal Frame: StexStin numbering + NbSampForCalc + Calculations
  fCompStnbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,
                                       GetDefaultFrameBackground());              fCnew++;

  // ---------------------------------STEX STIN NUMBERING VIEW BUTTON
  //............ Button texts and lenghts of the input widgets
  TString xStexNbButText;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xStexNbButText = "SM Tower Numbering";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xStexNbButText = "Dee SC Numbering";}
  fButStexNb = new TGTextButton(fCompStnbFrame, xStexNbButText, fButStexNbC);     fCnew++;
  fButStexNb->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonStexNb()");

  //----------------------------------- Nb Of Samples For Calculations
  TString xNbSampForCalcButText = "Nb Samp Calc";
  Int_t nb_of_samp_calc_buf_lenght = 28;
  fNbSampForCalcFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(fCompStnbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);   fCnew++;

  fNbSampForCalcBut = new TGTextButton(fNbSampForCalcFrame, xNbSampForCalcButText);                          fCnew++;
  fNbSampForCalcBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonNbSampForCalc()");
  fNbSampForCalcBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the number written on the right");
  //fNbSampForCalcBut->SetFont("courier", GlobFont);
  fLayoutNbSampForCalcBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);  fCnew++;
  fNbSampForCalcFrame->AddFrame(fNbSampForCalcBut,  fLayoutNbSampForCalcBut);

  fEntryNbSampForCalcNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                          fCnew++;
  fNbSampForCalcText = new TGTextEntry(fNbSampForCalcFrame, fEntryNbSampForCalcNumber);                      fCnew++;

  TString xNbSampForCalcNumber = "Click and enter the nb of samples for calculations";
  fNbSampForCalcText->Resize(nb_of_samp_calc_buf_lenght, fNbSampForCalcText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fNbSampForCalcText, fKeyNbOfSampForCalc);
  fNbSampForCalcText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonNbSampForCalc()");
  fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);             fCnew++;
  fNbSampForCalcFrame->AddFrame(fNbSampForCalcText, fLayoutNbSampForCalcFieldText);
  //--------------------------------- Calculations Menu
  TString xMenuBarComput  = "Calculations  ";
  fMenuComput = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                              fCnew++;
  fMenuComput->AddEntry("Standard ( Pedestals, Noises, Cor(s,s) )",fMenuComputStdC);
  fMenuComput->AddEntry("Standard + |Cor(t,t')|  (long time)",fMenuComputSttC);
  fMenuComput->AddEntry("Standard + |Cor(t,t')| + |Cor(c,c')|  (long time + big file)",fMenuComputSccC);

  fMenuComput->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarComput = new TGMenuBar(fCompStnbFrame , 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);        fCnew++;
  fMenuBarComput->AddPopup(xMenuBarComput, fMenuComput, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //-------------------------- display frame stexstin numbering + Nb samp for calc + Calculations

  fLayoutCompStnbFrame =  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,
                                            xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                  fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fCompStnbFrame, fLayoutCompStnbFrame);
  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //                             SECTOR 2: Stex's if SM # 0 or Stas's if SM =0 
  Int_t minmax_buf_lenght = 45;

  fStexUpFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (this,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground());                    fCnew++;
  TString xYminButText = " Ymin ";
  TString xYmaxButText = " Ymax ";
  //########################################### Composite frame number of events found in the data
  fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                        fCnew++;
  //...................................... Menu number of events found in the data

  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                 fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);     fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_NOE_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_NOE_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                               fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText =
    new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_NOE_ChNbNumber);           fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText, fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb);
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_NOE_ChNb()");

  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);            fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);               fCnew++;
  fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_NOE_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame       
    (fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                 fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);     fCnew++;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_NOE_ChNb()");
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);               fCnew++;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVminD_NOE_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                              fCnew++;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbText =
    new TGTextEntry(fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_NOE_ChNbNumber);          fCnew++;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_NOE_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_NOE_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);           fCnew++;
  fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_NOE_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);              fCnew++;
  fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_NOE_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... MenuBar strings
  TString xHistoChannels = "1D Histo";
  TString xHistoChannelsSame = "1D Histo SAME" ;
  TString xHistoChannelsSameP = "1D Histo SAME n";
  TString xHistoProjection = "1D Histo Projection";
  TString xHistoProjectionSame = "1D Histo Projection SAME";
  TString xHistoProjectionSameP = "1D Histo Projection SAME n";
  TString xHocoVecoViewSorS = "2D, Histo";
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xHocoVecoViewSorS = "2D, Histo (eta,phi)";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xHocoVecoViewSorS = "2D, Histo (IX,IY)";}
  TString xAsciiFileStex = "1D Histo, write in ASCII file";

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuD_NOE_ChNb = "Numbers of events ";
  fMenuD_NOE_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                   fCnew++;
  fMenuD_NOE_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);         fCnew++;

  //fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb->SetMinWidth(200);    // <= N'A STRICTEMENT AUCUN EFFET.

  fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_NOE_ChNb, fMenuD_NOE_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);             fCnew++;
  fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_NOE_ChNb);
  fLayoutVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fStexUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_NOE_ChNbFrame);

  //............................. Expectation values + Sigmas Vertical frame
  fStexHozFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(fStexUpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame,
                         GetDefaultFrameBackground());                   fCnew++;

  //########################################### Composite frame ev of ev (pedestals)
  fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);          fCnew++;

  //...................................... Menu ev of ev

  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                           fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);               fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_Ped_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_Ped_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                         fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_Ped_ChNbNumber); fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_Ped_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                      fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_Ped_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                           fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);               fCnew++;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_Ped_ChNb()");
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                          fCnew++;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbBut);

  fEntryVminD_Ped_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                         fCnew++;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_Ped_ChNbNumber); fCnew++;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_Ped_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_Ped_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                  fCnew++;
  fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_Ped_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                     fCnew++;
  fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_Ped_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuD_Ped_ChNb = "       Pedestals ";
  fMenuD_Ped_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                               fCnew++;
  fMenuD_Ped_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);     fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_Ped_ChNb, fMenuD_Ped_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);         fCnew++;
  fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_Ped_ChNb);  

  fLayoutVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                     fCnew++;
  fStexHozFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_Ped_ChNbFrame);

  //########################################### Composite frame for TOTAL NOISE
  fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                                  fCnew++;

  //...................................... Menu ev of sig 
  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                            fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);                fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_TNo_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                           fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_TNo_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                          fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_TNo_ChNbNumber);  fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_TNo_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                       fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                          fCnew++;
  fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_TNo_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                            fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);                fCnew++;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_TNo_ChNb()");
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                           fCnew++;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbBut);

  fEntryVminD_TNo_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                          fCnew++;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_TNo_ChNbNumber);  fCnew++;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_TNo_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_TNo_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                 fCnew++;
  fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_TNo_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_TNo_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuD_TNo_ChNb =  "        Total Noise ";
  fMenuD_TNo_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                              fCnew++;
  fMenuD_TNo_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);    fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_TNo_ChNb, fMenuD_TNo_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);        fCnew++;
  fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_TNo_ChNb);

  fLayoutVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                     fCnew++;
  fStexHozFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_TNo_ChNbFrame);

  //########################################### Composite frame for LOW FREQUENCY NOISE
  fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                                     fCnew++;

  //...................................... Menu sig of ev (LOW FREQUENCY NOISE)
  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                               fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);                   fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_LFN_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                              fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_LFN_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                             fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_LFN_ChNbNumber);     fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_LFN_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                          fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                             fCnew++;
  fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_LFN_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                               fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);                   fCnew++;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_LFN_ChNb()");
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                             fCnew++;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVminD_LFN_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                            fCnew++;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_LFN_ChNbNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_LFN_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_LFN_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_LFN_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                            fCnew++;
  fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_LFN_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuD_LFN_ChNb =      " Low Frequency Noise ";
  fMenuD_LFN_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                      fCnew++;
  fMenuD_LFN_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);            fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_LFN_ChNb, fMenuD_LFN_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_LFN_ChNb);
  fLayoutVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                            fCnew++;
  fStexHozFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_LFN_ChNbFrame);

  //########################################### Composite frame for HIGH FREQUENCY NOISE
  fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                                    fCnew++;

  //...................................... Menu sig of sig (HIGH FREQUENCY NOISE)
  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                              fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);                  fCnew++; 
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_HFN_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                             fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_HFN_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                            fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_HFN_ChNbNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_HFN_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                            fCnew++;
  fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_HFN_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                              fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);                  fCnew++;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_HFN_ChNb()");
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                          fCnew++;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVminD_HFN_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                         fCnew++;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_HFN_ChNbNumber); fCnew++;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_HFN_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_HFN_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                      fCnew++;
  fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_HFN_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_HFN_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuD_HFN_ChNb =  " High Frequency Noise ";
  fMenuD_HFN_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                              fCnew++;
  fMenuD_HFN_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);    fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_HFN_ChNb, fMenuD_HFN_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);        fCnew++;
  fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_HFN_ChNb);

  fLayoutVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fStexHozFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_HFN_ChNbFrame);

  //########################################### Composite frame for MEAN OF COR(s,s')
  fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                            fCnew++;

  //...................................... Menu ev of Corss

  //...................................... Frame
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                              fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);                  fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_MCs_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                             fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_MCs_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                            fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_MCs_ChNbNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText, fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb);
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_MCs_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                            fCnew++;
  fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_MCs_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                              fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);                  fCnew++;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_MCs_ChNb()");
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                             fCnew++;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVminD_MCs_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                            fCnew++;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_MCs_ChNbNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_MCs_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_MCs_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_MCs_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                            fCnew++;
  fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_MCs_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Mean of cor(s,s')
  TString xMenuD_MCs_ChNb = "     Mean of cor(s,s') ";
  fMenuD_MCs_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                   fCnew++;
  fMenuD_MCs_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);         fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_MCs_ChNb, fMenuD_MCs_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);             fCnew++;
  fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_MCs_ChNb);

  fLayoutVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fStexHozFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_MCs_ChNbFrame);

  //########################################### Composite frame for SIG OF COR(s,s')
  fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame 
    (fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                                 fCnew++;

  //...................................... Menu sig of Corss
  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                           fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame, xYmaxButText);               fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_SCs_ChNb()");
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                          fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVmaxD_SCs_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                         fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fEntryVmaxD_SCs_ChNbNumber); fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxD_SCs_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                      fCnew++;
  fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText, fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                         fCnew++;
  fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmaxD_SCs_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                           fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut = new TGTextButton(fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame, xYminButText);               fCnew++;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_SCs_ChNb()");
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                          fCnew++;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut,  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbBut);
  fEntryVminD_SCs_ChNbNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                         fCnew++;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbText = new TGTextEntry(fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fEntryVminD_SCs_ChNbNumber); fCnew++;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminD_SCs_ChNbText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminD_SCs_ChNb()");
  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                 fCnew++;
  fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_SCs_ChNbText, fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFieldText);
  fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVminD_SCs_ChNbFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuD_SCs_ChNb = "   Sigma of cor(s,s') ";
  fMenuD_SCs_ChNb = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                              fCnew++;
  fMenuD_SCs_ChNb->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb = new TGMenuBar(fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);    fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb->AddPopup(xMenuD_SCs_ChNb, fMenuD_SCs_ChNb, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);        fCnew++;
  fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb, fLayoutMenuBarD_SCs_ChNb);

  fLayoutVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fStexHozFrame->AddFrame(fVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame, fLayoutVmmD_SCs_ChNbFrame);


  //------------------------------------------- subframe
  fLayoutStexHozFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                fCnew++;
  fStexUpFrame->AddFrame(fStexHozFrame, fLayoutStexHozFrame);
  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //########################################### Composite frame corcc in Stins
  fVmmLHFccFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                            fCnew++;
  //............ Menu Low and High Frequency correlations between channels for each Stin of Stex

  //...................................... Frame for Ymax
  fVmaxLHFccFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmLHFccFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                          fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxLHFccBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxLHFccFrame, xYmaxButText);                   fCnew++;
  fVmaxLHFccBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxLHFcc()");
  fVmaxLHFccBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxLHFccBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  //fVmaxLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxLHFccBut,  fLayoutVmaxLHFccBut);
  fEntryVmaxLHFccNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                        fCnew++;
  fVmaxLHFccText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxLHFccFrame, fEntryVmaxLHFccNumber);          fCnew++;
  fVmaxLHFccText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxLHFccText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxLHFccText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxLHFccText, fKeyVmaxLHFcc);
  fVmaxLHFccText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxLHFcc()");

  fLayoutVmaxLHFccFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  //fVmaxLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxLHFccText, fLayoutVmaxLHFccFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxLHFccFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  //fVmmLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxLHFccFrame, fLayoutVmaxLHFccFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminLHFccFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmLHFccFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                          fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field
  fVminLHFccBut = new TGTextButton(fVminLHFccFrame, xYminButText);                   fCnew++;
  fVminLHFccBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminLHFcc()");
  fVminLHFccBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminLHFccBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  //fVminLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fVminLHFccBut,  fLayoutVminLHFccBut);
  fEntryVminLHFccNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                        fCnew++;
  fVminLHFccText = new TGTextEntry(fVminLHFccFrame, fEntryVminLHFccNumber);          fCnew++;
  fVminLHFccText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminLHFccText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminLHFccText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminLHFccText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminLHFcc()");
  fLayoutVminLHFccFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  //fVminLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fVminLHFccText, fLayoutVminLHFccFieldText);
  fLayoutVminLHFccFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  //fVmmLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fVminLHFccFrame, fLayoutVminLHFccFrame);

  //........................................... Frame
  TString xLFccViewSorS;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xLFccViewSorS = "Low Frequency Cor(c,c'), 2D view SM ";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xLFccViewSorS = "Low Frequency Cor(c,c'), 2D view Dee";}
  TString xHFccViewSorS;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xHFccViewSorS = "High Frequency Cor(c,c'), 2D view SM ";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xHFccViewSorS = "High Frequency Cor(c,c'), 2D view Dee";}

  TString xMenuLHFcc;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuLHFcc = "LF, HF Cor(c,c') for each tower";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuLHFcc = "LF, HF Cor(c,c') for each SC";}
  fMenuLHFcc = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                  fCnew++;
  fMenuLHFcc->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarLHFcc = new TGMenuBar(fVmmLHFccFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);             fCnew++;
  fMenuBarLHFcc->AddPopup(xMenuLHFcc, fMenuLHFcc, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarLHFcc = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);            fCnew++;
  //fVmmLHFccFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarLHFcc, fLayoutMenuBarLHFcc);
   fLayoutVmmLHFccFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
   fStexUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmLHFccFrame, fLayoutVmmLHFccFrame);

  //################################# Composite frame Low Freq Cor(c,c') for each pair of Stins
  fVmmLFccMosFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                            fCnew++;
  //...................................... Menu correlations between Stins 
  //...................................... Frame
  fVmaxLFccMosFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmLFccMosFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                        fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxLFccMosBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxLFccMosFrame, xYmaxButText);               fCnew++;
  fVmaxLFccMosBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxLFccMos()");
  fVmaxLFccMosBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fVmaxLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxLFccMosBut,  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosBut);
  fEntryVmaxLFccMosNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                      fCnew++;
  fVmaxLFccMosText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxLFccMosFrame, fEntryVmaxLFccMosNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVmaxLFccMosText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxLFccMosText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxLFccMosText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxLFccMosText, fKeyVmaxLFccMos);
  fVmaxLFccMosText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxLFccMos()");

  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  fVmaxLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxLFccMosText, fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fVmmLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxLFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmaxLFccMosFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminLFccMosFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmLFccMosFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                        fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminLFccMosBut = new TGTextButton(fVminLFccMosFrame, xYminButText);               fCnew++;
  fVminLFccMosBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminLFccMos()");
  fVminLFccMosBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminLFccMosBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fVminLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVminLFccMosBut,  fLayoutVminLFccMosBut);
  fEntryVminLFccMosNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                      fCnew++;
  fVminLFccMosText = new TGTextEntry(fVminLFccMosFrame, fEntryVminLFccMosNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVminLFccMosText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminLFccMosText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminLFccMosText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminLFccMosText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminLFccMos()");
  fLayoutVminLFccMosFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  fVminLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVminLFccMosText, fLayoutVminLFccMosFieldText);
  fLayoutVminLFccMosFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fVmmLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVminLFccMosFrame, fLayoutVminLFccMosFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuLFccMos;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuLFccMos = "Mean LF |Cor(c,c')| in (tow,tow')";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuLFccMos = "Mean LF |Cor(c,c')| in (SC,SC')";}

  fMenuLFccMos = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                fCnew++;
  fMenuLFccMos->AddEntry("2D, COLZ ",fMenuLFccMosColzC);
  fMenuLFccMos->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z" ,fMenuLFccMosLegoC);
  fMenuLFccMos->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarLFccMos = new TGMenuBar(fVmmLFccMosFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);         fCnew++;
  fMenuBarLFccMos->AddPopup(xMenuLFccMos, fMenuLFccMos, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarLFccMos = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);          fCnew++;
  fVmmLFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarLFccMos, fLayoutMenuBarLFccMos);
  fLayoutVmmLFccMosFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fStexUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmLFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmmLFccMosFrame);
  //################################# Composite frame High Freq Cor(c,c') for each pair of Stins
  fVmmHFccMosFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                            fCnew++;
  //...................................... Menu correlations between Stins 
  //...................................... Frame
  fVmaxHFccMosFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmHFccMosFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                        fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Max + Entry field 
  fVmaxHFccMosBut = new TGTextButton(fVmaxHFccMosFrame, xYmaxButText);               fCnew++;
  fVmaxHFccMosBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxHFccMos()");
  fVmaxHFccMosBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fVmaxHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxHFccMosBut,  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosBut);
  fEntryVmaxHFccMosNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                      fCnew++;
  fVmaxHFccMosText = new TGTextEntry(fVmaxHFccMosFrame, fEntryVmaxHFccMosNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVmaxHFccMosText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymax");
  fVmaxHFccMosText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVmaxHFccMosText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fVmaxHFccMosText, fKeyVmaxHFccMos);
  fVmaxHFccMosText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVmaxHFccMos()");

  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  fVmaxHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxHFccMosText, fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFieldText);
  fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fVmmHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVmaxHFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmaxHFccMosFrame);

  //...................................... Frame for Ymin
  fVminHFccMosFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fVmmHFccMosFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);                        fCnew++;
  //...................................... Button Min + Entry field 
  fVminHFccMosBut = new TGTextButton(fVminHFccMosFrame, xYminButText);               fCnew++;
  fVminHFccMosBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminHFccMos()");
  fVminHFccMosBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
  fLayoutVminHFccMosBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                    fCnew++;
  fVminHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVminHFccMosBut,  fLayoutVminHFccMosBut);
  fEntryVminHFccMosNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                      fCnew++;
  fVminHFccMosText = new TGTextEntry(fVminHFccMosFrame, fEntryVminHFccMosNumber);    fCnew++;
  fVminHFccMosText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter ymin");
  fVminHFccMosText->Resize(minmax_buf_lenght, fVminHFccMosText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fVminHFccMosText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonVminHFccMos()");
  fLayoutVminHFccMosFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                fCnew++;
  fVminHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVminHFccMosText, fLayoutVminHFccMosFieldText);
  fLayoutVminHFccMosFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fVmmHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fVminHFccMosFrame, fLayoutVminHFccMosFrame);

  //...................................... Frame
  TString xMenuHFccMos;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuHFccMos = "Mean HF |Cor(c,c')| in (tow,tow')";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuHFccMos = "Mean HF |Cor(c,c')| in (SC,SC')";}

  fMenuHFccMos = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                                fCnew++;
  fMenuHFccMos->AddEntry("2D, COLZ ",fMenuHFccMosColzC);
  fMenuHFccMos->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z" ,fMenuHFccMosLegoC);
  fMenuHFccMos->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarHFccMos = new TGMenuBar(fVmmHFccMosFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);         fCnew++;
  fMenuBarHFccMos->AddPopup(xMenuHFccMos, fMenuHFccMos, fLayoutGeneral);
  fLayoutMenuBarHFccMos = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);          fCnew++;
  fVmmHFccMosFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarHFccMos, fLayoutMenuBarHFccMos);
  fLayoutVmmHFccMosFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fStexUpFrame->AddFrame(fVmmHFccMosFrame, fLayoutVmmHFccMosFrame);

  //======================================= "Stex" frame =====================================
  fLayoutStexUpFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);              fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fStexUpFrame, fLayoutStexUpFrame);

  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //                             SECTOR 3: Stin's

  //-------------------------------- Stin A & Stin B FRAME
  fStinSpFrame =
    new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,
                         GetDefaultFrameBackground());                               fCnew++;

  TString xStinAButText = "?";
  TString xStinBButText = "?";
  Int_t Stin_buf_lenght = 10;

  if ( fSubDet == "EB" )
    {xStinAButText = "      Tower# [1,68]     "; xStinBButText  = "     Tower'# [1,68]      "; Stin_buf_lenght =  50;}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" && ( fKeyStexNumber == 1 || fKeyStexNumber == 3 ) )
    {xStinAButText = "SC# for const. [150,298] "; xStinBButText  = "SC'# for const. [150,298] "; Stin_buf_lenght =  50;}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" && ( fKeyStexNumber == 2 || fKeyStexNumber == 4 ) )
    {xStinAButText = "SC# for const. [  1,149] "; xStinBButText  = "SC'# for const. [  1,149] "; Stin_buf_lenght =  50;}

  //============================= STIN A =====================================
  TString xStinNumberText;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" )
    {xStinNumberText = "Click here to register the tower number written on the right";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" )
    {xStinNumberText = "Click here to register the SC number written on the right";}

  TString xStinNumberValue;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" )
    {xStinNumberValue = "Click and enter the tower number";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" )
    {xStinNumberValue = "Click and enter the SC number";}

  fTxSubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStinSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground());     fCnew++;

  fStinAFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fTxSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame);                    fCnew++;

  fStinABut = new TGTextButton(fStinAFrame, xStinAButText, fStinAButC);   fCnew++;
  fStinABut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonStinA()");
  fStinABut->Resize(Stin_buf_lenght, fStinABut->GetDefaultHeight());
  fLayoutStinABut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);         fCnew++;
  fStinAFrame->AddFrame(fStinABut,  fLayoutStinABut);

  fEntryStinANumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                 fCnew++;
  fStinAText = new TGTextEntry(fStinAFrame, fEntryStinANumber);           fCnew++;
  fStinAText->Resize(Stin_buf_lenght, fStinAText->GetDefaultHeight());

  Int_t StinAValue = 0;
  if( fSubDet == "EB"){StinAValue = fKeyStinANumber;}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" && fKeyStexNumber != 0 )
    {StinAValue = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinANumber);}

  fStinAText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui",this, "DoButtonStinA()");
  fLayoutStinAField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 );        fCnew++;
  fStinAFrame->AddFrame(fStinAText, fLayoutStinAField);
  fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fStinAFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //========================== STIN A CRYSTAL NUMBERING VIEW
  TString xChNbButText;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" ){xChNbButText = "Tower Xtal Numbering ";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" ){xChNbButText = "   SC Xtal Numbering  ";}

  fButChNb = new TGTextButton(fTxSubFrame, xChNbButText, fButChNbC);      fCnew++;
  fButChNb->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonChNb()");
  fLayoutChNbBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);      fCnew++;
  fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fButChNb, fLayoutChNbBut); 

  //---------------- menus relative to the Stin A subframe 

  //===================== Menus relative to the Stin A ======================
  TString xMenuBarCorGlob;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuBarCorGlob = " Cor(s,s') in Xtals (Tower view)";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuBarCorGlob = " Cor(s,s') in Xtals (SC view)";}

  TString xMenuBarCovGlob;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuBarCovGlob = " Cov(s,s') in Xtals (Tower view)";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuBarCovGlob = " Cov(s,s') in Xtals (SC view)";}

  //................. Menu correlations between samples for all the channels. Global view
  fMenuCorssAll = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                      fCnew++;
  fMenuCorssAll->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCorssAllColzC);
  fMenuCorssAll->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarCorssAll =  new TGMenuBar(fTxSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);   fCnew++;
  fMenuBarCorssAll->AddPopup(xMenuBarCorGlob, fMenuCorssAll, fLayoutGeneral);
  //fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCorssAll, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //................. Menu covariances between samples for all the channels. Global view
  fMenuCovssAll = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                      fCnew++;
  fMenuCovssAll->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuCovssAllColzC);
  fMenuCovssAll->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarCovssAll =  new TGMenuBar(fTxSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);   fCnew++;
  fMenuBarCovssAll->AddPopup(xMenuBarCovGlob, fMenuCovssAll, fLayoutGeneral);
  //fTxSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCovssAll, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //------------------ Add Stin A frame to the subframe 
  fLayoutTxSubFrame = 
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);        fCnew++;
  fStinSpFrame->AddFrame(fTxSubFrame, fLayoutTxSubFrame);

  //============================= STIN B =====================================
  fTySubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fStinSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground());  fCnew++;

  fStinBFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fTySubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame);                 fCnew++;

  fStinBBut =
    new TGTextButton(fStinBFrame, xStinBButText, fStinBButC);          fCnew++;
  fStinBBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonStinB()");
  fStinBBut->Resize(Stin_buf_lenght, fStinBBut->GetDefaultHeight());
  fLayoutStinBBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);   fCnew++;
  fStinBFrame->AddFrame(fStinBBut,  fLayoutStinBBut);

  fEntryStinBNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                              fCnew++;
  fStinBText = new TGTextEntry(fStinBFrame, fEntryStinBNumber);        fCnew++;
  fStinBText->Resize(Stin_buf_lenght, fStinBText->GetDefaultHeight());

  Int_t StinBValue = 0;
  if( fSubDet == "EB"){StinBValue = fKeyStinBNumber;}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" && fKeyStexNumber != 0 )
    {StinBValue = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinBNumber);}
  DisplayInEntryField(fStinBText, StinBValue);

  fStinBText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui",this, "DoButtonStinB()");
  fLayoutStinBField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 );    fCnew++;
  fStinBFrame->AddFrame(fStinBText, fLayoutStinBField);
  fTySubFrame->AddFrame(fStinBFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //---------------- menus relative to the Stin B subframe 

  //                    (no such menus )

  //------------------ Add Stin B subframe to the frame 
  fLayoutTySubFrame =  new TGLayoutHints
    (kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                   fCnew++;

  fStinSpFrame->AddFrame(fTySubFrame, fLayoutTySubFrame);

  //---------------------- composite frame (Stin X, Stin Y)
  fLayoutStinSpFrame =  new TGLayoutHints
    (kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fStinSpFrame, fLayoutStinSpFrame);

  //------------------ menus relatives to the Horizontal frame (Stin_A + Stin_B)
  TString xMenuBarLFCorcc;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuBarLFCorcc = " Low Frequency Cor(Xtal tower, Xtal tower')";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuBarLFCorcc = " Low Frequency Cor(Xtal SC, Xtal SC')";}

  TString xMenuBarHFCorcc;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" ){xMenuBarHFCorcc = " High Frequency Cor(Xtal tower, Xtal tower')";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" ){xMenuBarHFCorcc = " High Frequency Cor(Xtal SC, Xtal SC')";}

  //...................... Menu LF correlations between channels
  fMenuLFCorcc = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                   fCnew++;
  fMenuLFCorcc->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuLFCorccColzC);
  fMenuLFCorcc->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuLFCorccLegoC);
  fMenuLFCorcc->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarLFCorcc = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);        fCnew++;
  fMenuBarLFCorcc->AddPopup(xMenuBarLFCorcc, fMenuLFCorcc, fLayoutTopRight);
  AddFrame(fMenuBarLFCorcc, fLayoutGeneral);

  //...................... Menu HF correlations between channels
  fMenuHFCorcc = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                   fCnew++;
  fMenuHFCorcc->AddEntry("2D, COLZ",fMenuHFCorccColzC);
  fMenuHFCorcc->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuHFCorccLegoC);
  fMenuHFCorcc->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this,"HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarHFCorcc = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);        fCnew++;
  fMenuBarHFCorcc->AddPopup(xMenuBarHFCorcc, fMenuHFCorcc, fLayoutTopRight);
  AddFrame(fMenuBarHFCorcc, fLayoutGeneral);

  //                             SECTOR 4: Channels, Samples

  fChSpFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,
                                    GetDefaultFrameBackground());     fCnew++;

  TString xChanButText;
  if ( fSubDet == "EB" ){xChanButText = " Channel# in tower [0,24] ";}
  if ( fSubDet == "EE" ){xChanButText = " Crystal# in SC [1,25] ";}

  TString xSampButText  = " Sample# [1,10] ";

  Int_t chan_buf_lenght =  50;
  Int_t samp_buf_lenght =  50;

  TString xMenuBarCorss    = " Correlations between samples";
  TString xMenuBarCovss    = " Covariances between samples";
  TString xMenuBarEvs      = " Expectation values of the samples";
  TString xMenuBarSigs     = " Sigmas of the samples";

  //=================================== CHANNEL (CRYSTAL)
  fChSubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fChSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground());   fCnew++;

  fChanFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fChSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame);                fCnew++;

  fChanBut =
    new TGTextButton(fChanFrame, xChanButText, fChanButC);            fCnew++;
  fChanBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonChan()");
  fChanBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the channel number written to the right");
  fChanBut->Resize(chan_buf_lenght, fChanBut->GetDefaultHeight());
  fLayoutChanBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);   fCnew++;
  fChanFrame->AddFrame(fChanBut,  fLayoutChanBut);

  fEntryChanNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                              fCnew++;
  fChanText = new TGTextEntry(fChanFrame, fEntryChanNumber);          fCnew++;
  fChanText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the channel number");
  fChanText->Resize(chan_buf_lenght, fChanText->GetDefaultHeight());

  Int_t xReadChanNumber = 0;
  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){xReadChanNumber = 0;}         // offset =  0 (EB: electronic channel number)
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){xReadChanNumber = 1;}         // offset = +1 (EE: xtal number for construction)
  DisplayInEntryField(fChanText, xReadChanNumber);

  fChanText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui",this, "DoButtonChan()");
  fLayoutChanField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 );    fCnew++;
  fChanFrame->AddFrame(fChanText, fLayoutChanField);
  fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fChanFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //--------------------- Menus relative to the channel SubFrame -------------
  //...................... Menu correlations between samples

  fMenuCorss = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                   fCnew++;
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("2D, COLZ", fMenuCorssColzC);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("2D, BOX",  fMenuCorssBoxC);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("2D, TEXT", fMenuCorssTextC);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("2D, CONTZ",fMenuCorssContzC);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuCorssLegoC);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, SURF1Z",fMenuCorssSurf1C);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, SURF2Z",fMenuCorssSurf2C);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, SURF3Z",fMenuCorssSurf3C);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("3D, SURF4" ,fMenuCorssSurf4C);
  fMenuCorss->AddEntry("2D, Write in ASCII file",fMenuCorssAsciiFileC);
  fMenuCorss->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarCorss = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++;
  fMenuBarCorss->AddPopup(xMenuBarCorss, fMenuCorss, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCorss, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //...................... Menu covariances between samples

  fMenuCovss = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                   fCnew++;
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("2D, COLZ", fMenuCovssColzC);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("2D, BOX",  fMenuCovssBoxC);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("2D, TEXT", fMenuCovssTextC);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("2D, CONTZ",fMenuCovssContzC);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, LEGO2Z",fMenuCovssLegoC);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, SURF1Z",fMenuCovssSurf1C);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, SURF2Z",fMenuCovssSurf2C);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, SURF3Z",fMenuCovssSurf3C);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("3D, SURF4" ,fMenuCovssSurf4C);
  fMenuCovss->AddEntry("2D, Write in ASCII file",fMenuCovssAsciiFileC);
  fMenuCovss->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarCovss = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++;
  fMenuBarCovss->AddPopup(xMenuBarCovss, fMenuCovss, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarCovss, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //...................... Menu expectation values of the samples

  fMenuD_MSp_Samp = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                      fCnew++;
  fMenuD_MSp_Samp->AddEntry("1D Histo ",fMenuD_MSp_SampLineFullC);
  fMenuD_MSp_Samp->AddEntry("1D Histo SAME",fMenuD_MSp_SampLineSameC);
  fMenuD_MSp_Samp->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_MSp_Samp = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);    fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_MSp_Samp->AddPopup(xMenuBarEvs, fMenuD_MSp_Samp, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_MSp_Samp, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //...................... Menu sigmas/variances of the samples

  fMenuD_SSp_Samp = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                     fCnew++;
  fMenuD_SSp_Samp->AddEntry("1D Histo ",fMenuD_SSp_SampLineFullC);
  fMenuD_SSp_Samp->AddEntry("1D Histo SAME",fMenuD_SSp_SampLineSameC);
  fMenuD_SSp_Samp->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarD_SSp_Samp = new TGMenuBar(fChSubFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);   fCnew++;
  fMenuBarD_SSp_Samp->AddPopup(xMenuBarSigs, fMenuD_SSp_Samp, fLayoutTopLeft);
  fChSubFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBarD_SSp_Samp, fLayoutTopLeft);

  //------------------ Add Channel subframe to the frame 
  fLayoutChSubFrame =  new TGLayoutHints
    (kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                   fCnew++;
  fChSpFrame->AddFrame(fChSubFrame, fLayoutChSubFrame);

  //=================================== SAMPLE
  fSpSubFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fChSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground());   fCnew++;

  fSampFrame = new TGCompositeFrame
    (fSpSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);               fCnew++;

  fSampBut = new TGTextButton(fSampFrame, xSampButText, fSampButC);   fCnew++;
  fSampBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonSamp()");
  fSampBut->SetToolTipText("Click here to register the sample number written to the right");
  fSampBut->Resize(samp_buf_lenght, fSampBut->GetDefaultHeight());
  fLayoutSampBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  fSampFrame->AddFrame(fSampBut, fLayoutSampBut);

  fEntrySampNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                              fCnew++;
  fSampText = new TGTextEntry(fSampFrame, fEntrySampNumber);          fCnew++;
  fSampText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the sample number");
  fSampText->Resize(samp_buf_lenght, fSampText->GetDefaultHeight());
  Int_t xKeySampNumber = fKeySampNumber+1;
  DisplayInEntryField(fSampText, xKeySampNumber);
  fSampText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui",this, "DoButtonSamp()");
  fLayoutSampField =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 );   fCnew++;
  fSampFrame->AddFrame(fSampText, fLayoutSampField);


  fLayoutSpSubFrame =  new TGLayoutHints
    (kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                  fCnew++;
  fChSpFrame->AddFrame(fSpSubFrame, fLayoutSpSubFrame);

  //---------------------- composite frame (channel/sample+menus)
  fLayoutChSpFrame =  new TGLayoutHints
    (kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);                fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fChSpFrame, fLayoutChSpFrame);

 //====================== Menu histogram of the distribution
 //                       for a given (channel, sample)
  fMenuAdcProj = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                 fCnew++;
  fMenuAdcProj->AddEntry("1D Histo ",fMenuAdcProjSampLineFullC);
  fMenuAdcProj->AddEntry("1D Histo SAME",fMenuAdcProjSampLineSameC);
  fMenuAdcProj->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");

  fMenuBarAdcProj = new TGMenuBar(this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);      fCnew++;

  TString xEvtDistrib;
  xEvtDistrib = "ADC sample values for (Xtal, Sample)";

  fMenuBarAdcProj->AddPopup(xEvtDistrib, fMenuAdcProj, fLayoutGeneral);

  fLayoutMenuBarAdcProj =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);               fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fMenuBarAdcProj, fLayoutMenuBarAdcProj);

  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //                             SECTOR 5: Time Evolution / history plots
  TString xRunListButText = " List of run file name for history plots ";
  Int_t run_list_buf_lenght = 170;

  fRulFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  fRulBut= new TGTextButton(fRulFrame, xRunListButText);                        fCnew++;
  fRulBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRul()");
    ("Click here to register the name of the file \n containing the run list (written on the right)");
  fLayoutRulBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  fRulFrame->AddFrame(fRulBut,  fLayoutRulBut);

  fEntryRulNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                               fCnew++;
  fRulText = new TGTextEntry(fRulFrame, fEntryRulNumber);             fCnew++;
  fRulText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the name of the file \n containing the run list");
  fRulText->Resize(run_list_buf_lenght, fRulText->GetDefaultHeight());
  fRulText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRul()");
  fLayoutRulFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);  fCnew++;
  fRulFrame->AddFrame(fRulText, fLayoutRulFieldText);

  fLayoutRulFieldFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);     fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fRulFrame, fLayoutRulFieldFrame);

  //...................... Menu history plot (evolution in time)
  TString xMenuBarHistory = " Menu for history plots";
  fMenuHistory = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot());                 fCnew++;
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Pedestals ",fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Pedestals SAME",fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Total Noise ",fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Total Noise SAME",fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Total Noise SAME n",fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Low Frequency Noise ",fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Low Frequency Noise SAME",fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Low Frequency Noise SAME n",fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, High Frequency Noise ",fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, High Frequency Noise SAME",fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, High Frequency Noise SAME n",fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Mean of cor(s,s') ",fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Mean of cor(s,s') SAME",fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Mean of cor(s,s') SAME n",fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Sigma of cor(s,s') ",fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Sigma of cor(s,s') SAME",fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC);
  fMenuHistory->AddEntry("1D, Sigma of cor(s,s') SAME n",fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC);

  fMenuHistory->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TEcnaGui", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
  fMenuBarHistory = new TGMenuBar(this , 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame);        fCnew++;
  fMenuBarHistory->AddPopup(xMenuBarHistory, fMenuHistory, fLayoutTopLeft);
  AddFrame(fMenuBarHistory, fLayoutTopLeft);

  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //                             SECTOR 6: Last Buttons

  //========================== LinLog frame: buttons: LinX/LogX, LinY/LogY, Projection on Y Axis

  fLinLogFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);    fCnew++;

  //-------------------------- Lin X <-> Log X
  TString xLogxButText     = " LOG X ";
  fButLogx = new TGCheckButton(fLinLogFrame, xLogxButText, fButLogxC);                fCnew++;
  fButLogx->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonLogx()");
  fLayoutLogxBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);   fCnew++;
  fLinLogFrame->AddFrame(fButLogx, fLayoutLogxBut);

  //-------------------------- Lin Y <-> Log Y
  TString xLogyButText     = " LOG Y ";
  fButLogy = new TGCheckButton(fLinLogFrame, xLogyButText, fButLogyC);                fCnew++;
  fButLogy->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonLogy()");
  fLayoutLogyBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);   fCnew++;
  fLinLogFrame->AddFrame(fButLogy, fLayoutLogyBut);

  //-------------------------- Projection
  TString xProjyButText     = " Y projection ";
  fButProjy = new TGCheckButton(fLinLogFrame, xProjyButText, fButProjyC);             fCnew++;
  fButProjy->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonProjy()");
  fLayoutProjyBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);  fCnew++;
  fLinLogFrame->AddFrame(fButProjy, fLayoutProjyBut);

  AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutBottRight);
  AddFrame(fLinLogFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //======================================== GENERAL TITLE FOR THE PLOTS
  TString xGenTitleButText  = " General title for plots ";
  Int_t gen_title_buf_lenght  = 220;

  fGentFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
  fGentBut= new TGTextButton(fGentFrame, xGenTitleButText);                      fCnew++;
  fGentBut->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonGent()");
    ("Click here to register the general title (written on the right)");
  fLayoutGentBut =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);       fCnew++;
  fGentFrame->AddFrame(fGentBut,  fLayoutGentBut);

  fEntryGentNumber = new TGTextBuffer();                                fCnew++;
  fGentText = new TGTextEntry(fGentFrame, fEntryGentNumber);            fCnew++;
  fGentText->SetToolTipText("Click and enter the general title");
  fGentText->Resize(gen_title_buf_lenght, fGentText->GetDefaultHeight());
  DisplayInEntryField(fGentText, fKeyGeneralTitle);
  fGentText->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonGent()");
  fLayoutGentFieldText =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);    fCnew++;
  fGentFrame->AddFrame(fGentText, fLayoutGentFieldText);

  fLayoutGentFieldFrame =
    new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);       fCnew++;
  AddFrame(fGentFrame, fLayoutGentFieldFrame);

  //========================== Color Palette + EXIT
  fColorExitFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame,
                                         GetDefaultFrameBackground());  fCnew++;

  //-------------------------- Black/Red/Blue <-> Rainbow
  TString xColPalButText     = " Colors ";
  fButColPal = new TGCheckButton(fColorExitFrame, xColPalButText, fButColPalC);       fCnew++;
  fButColPal->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonColPal()");
  fLayoutColPalBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
  fColorExitFrame->AddFrame(fButColPal, fLayoutColPalBut);

  //-------------------------- Exit
  TString xExitButText     = " Exit ";
  fButExit = new TGTextButton(fColorExitFrame, xExitButText, fButExitC);              fCnew++;
  fButExit->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonExit()");
  fLayoutExitBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);  fCnew++;
  fColorExitFrame->AddFrame(fButExit, fLayoutExitBut);
  fLayoutColorExitFrame =  new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX,
                                            xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);     fCnew++;

  //AddFrame(fVoidFrame, fLayoutBottRight);
  AddFrame(fColorExitFrame, fLayoutColorExitFrame);

  //========================== Last frame: buttons: ROOT version, Help

  fLastFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);      fCnew++;

  //-------------------------- Clone Last Canvas
  TString xCloneButText     = " Clone Last Canvas ";
  fButClone = new TGTextButton(fLastFrame, xCloneButText, fButCloneC);                fCnew++;
  fButClone->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonClone()");
  fLayoutCloneBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);  fCnew++;
  fLastFrame->AddFrame(fButClone, fLayoutCloneBut);

  //-------------------------- ROOT version
  TString xRootButText     = " ROOT Version ";
  fButRoot = new TGTextButton(fLastFrame, xRootButText, fButRootC);                   fCnew++;
  fButRoot->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonRoot()");
  fLayoutRootBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);   fCnew++;
  fLastFrame->AddFrame(fButRoot, fLayoutRootBut);

  //-------------------------- HELP
  TString xHelpButText     = " Help ";
  fButHelp = new TGTextButton(fLastFrame, xHelpButText, fButHelpC);                   fCnew++;
  fButHelp->Connect("Clicked()","TEcnaGui", this, "DoButtonHelp()");
  fLayoutHelpBut = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);   fCnew++;
  fLastFrame->AddFrame(fButHelp, fLayoutHelpBut);

  AddFrame(fLastFrame, fLayoutGeneral);

  //................................. Window


  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){SetWindowName("CMS  Ecal Correlated Noise Analysis  <EB>");}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" ){SetWindowName("CMS  Ecal Correlated Noise Analysis  <EE>");}

virtual TEcnaGui::~TEcnaGui ( ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void TEcnaGui::Calculations ( const TString  calc_code)

Definition at line 5090 of file

References TEcnaRun::AveragedHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRun::AveragedLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRun::AveragedMeanOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRun::AveragedPedestals(), TEcnaRun::AveragedSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRun::AveragedTotalNoise(), TEcnaRun::CorrelationsBetweenSamples(), gather_cfg::cout, fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnew, fConfirmCalcScc, fEcal, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSampForCalc, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyStexNumber, fSubDet, fTTBELL, TEcnaRun::GetNewRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRun::GetReadyToCompute(), TEcnaRun::GetReadyToReadData(), TEcnaRun::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaRun::MeanOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRun::Pedestals(), TEcnaRun::ReadEventDistributions(), TEcnaRun::SampleMeans(), TEcnaRun::SampleSigmas(), TEcnaRun::SigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRun::TotalNoise(), and TEcnaRun::WriteNewRootFile().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

  //Calculations of quantities (Pedestals, correlations, ... )

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Calculations requested with code: " << calc_code
       << endl;

  //===== Check if Analysis name is right 
  if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed1"   || fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed1"  ||   
      fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed6"   || fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed6"  || 
      fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed12"  || fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed12" || 
      fKeyAnaType == "AdcPeg12"  || fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPeg12" ||
      fKeyAnaType == "AdcLaser"  || fKeyAnaType == "AdcSLaser" || 
      fKeyAnaType == "AdcPes12"  || fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPes12"  )
      //------------ Check if Std or (Scc or Stt)-Confirmed
      if( calc_code == "Std" || ( ( calc_code == "Scc" || calc_code == "Stt" ) && fConfirmCalcScc == 1 ) )
          if( fKeyNbOfSamples >= fKeyNbOfSampForCalc )
              Int_t nStexMin = fKeyStexNumber;
              Int_t nStexMax = fKeyStexNumber;
              if( fKeyStexNumber == 0 ){nStexMin = 1; nStexMax = fEcal->MaxStexInStas();}

              for( Int_t nStex = nStexMin; nStex<= nStexMax; nStex++)
                  Int_t n_samp_fic = fKeyNbOfSamples;

                  //....................... READ the "ADC" (AdcPed.., AdcLaser..., ...) file
                  TEcnaRun* MyRun = 0; 
                  if ( MyRun == 0 ){MyRun = new TEcnaRun(fSubDet.Data(), n_samp_fic);       fCnew++;}

                  MyRun->GetReadyToReadData(fKeyAnaType.Data(),    fKeyRunNumber,
                                            fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, nStex);

                  if( MyRun->ReadEventDistributions(fKeyNbOfSampForCalc) == kTRUE )
                      cout << "*TEcnaGui::Calculations> File "
                           << MyRun->GetRootFileNameShort() << " has been found. Starting calculations."
                           << endl;
                      //............... Calculations
                      if( calc_code == "Std" ||
                          ( (calc_code == "Scc" || calc_code == "Stt") && fConfirmCalcScc == 1 ) )
                          //-------------- Standard calculations: pedestals, noises, correlations between samples

                          MyRun->Pedestals();                          // Mean, Noise => mean over Xtal's

                          MyRun->AveragedPedestals();                   // Averaged => mean over Stin's
                      if( (calc_code == "Scc" || calc_code == "Stt") && fConfirmCalcScc == 1 )
                          if( calc_code == "Scc" )
                              //------ Additional calculations:
                              //       "correlations" between Xtals and Stins (long time, big file)
                              cout << "*TEcnaGui::Calculations> Please, wait." << endl;
                              MyRun->LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels();     //   (big file)
                              MyRun->HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels();    //   (big file) 
                          if( calc_code == "Stt" )
                              //---Additional calculations:
                              //   "correlations" between Stins (long time, "normal" size file)
                              cout << "*TEcnaGui::Calculations> Please, wait." << endl;
                              // if MyRun->LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels() is not called by the user,
                              // it is automatically called by MyRun->LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins()
                              // but the corresponding file is not written.
                              //  (idem for "HighFrequency")
                      //.......................... WRITE results in file 
                      TString calc_file_name = "?";
                      if( calc_code == "Std" )
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed1"   ){calc_file_name = "StdPed1";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed6"   ){calc_file_name = "StdPed6";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed12"  ){calc_file_name = "StdPed12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPeg12"  ){calc_file_name = "StdPeg12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcLaser"  ){calc_file_name = "StdLaser";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPes12"  ){calc_file_name = "StdPes12";}

                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed1"  ){calc_file_name = "StdSPed1";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed6"  ){calc_file_name = "StdSPed6";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed12" ){calc_file_name = "StdSPed12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPeg12" ){calc_file_name = "StdSPeg12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSLaser" ){calc_file_name = "StdSLaser";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPes12" ){calc_file_name = "StdSPes12";}
                      if( calc_code == "Scc" )
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed1"   ){calc_file_name = "SccPed1";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed6"   ){calc_file_name = "SccPed6";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed12"  ){calc_file_name = "SccPed12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPeg12"  ){calc_file_name = "SccPeg12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcLaser"  ){calc_file_name = "SccLaser";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPes12"  ){calc_file_name = "SccPes12" ;}

                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed1"  ){calc_file_name = "SccSPed1";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed6"  ){calc_file_name = "SccSPed6";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed12" ){calc_file_name = "SccSPed12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPeg12" ){calc_file_name = "SccSPeg12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSLaser" ){calc_file_name = "SccSLaser";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPes12" ){calc_file_name = "SccSPes12";}

                      if( calc_code == "Stt" )
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed1"   ){calc_file_name = "SttPed1";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed6"   ){calc_file_name = "SttPed6";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPed12"  ){calc_file_name = "SttPed12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPeg12"  ){calc_file_name = "SttPeg12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcLaser"  ){calc_file_name = "SttLaser";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcPes12"  ){calc_file_name = "SttPes12" ;}

                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed1"  ){calc_file_name = "SttSPed1";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed6"  ){calc_file_name = "SttSPed6";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPed12" ){calc_file_name = "SttSPed12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPeg12" ){calc_file_name = "SttSPeg12";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSLaser" ){calc_file_name = "SttSLaser";}
                          if( fKeyAnaType == "AdcSPes12" ){calc_file_name = "SttSPes12";}

                      if( MyRun->WriteNewRootFile(calc_file_name.Data()) == kTRUE )
                          cout << "*TEcnaGui::Calculations> Done. Write ROOT file: "
                               << MyRun->GetNewRootFileNameShort() << " OK" << endl << endl;
                          cout << "!TEcnaGui::Calculations> Writing ROOT file failure for file "
                               << MyRun->GetNewRootFileNameShort()
                               << fTTBELL << endl << endl;
                      cout << "!TEcnaGui::Calculations> " << MyRun->GetRootFileNameShort() << ": file not found."
                           << fTTBELL << endl << endl;
                  delete MyRun; MyRun = 0;                    fCdelete++;
                } // end of for( Int_t nStex = nStexMin; nStex<= nStexMax; nStex++)
              fConfirmCalcScc = 0;
            } // end of if( fKeyNbOfSamples >= fKeyNbOfSampForCalc )
              cout << "!TEcnaGui::Calculations> *** ERROR *** Number of samples in file (=" << fKeyNbOfSamples
                   << ") less than number of samples for calculations (= " << fKeyNbOfSampForCalc << "). " << endl;
        } // end of if( calc_code == "Std" || ( ( calc_code == "Scc" || calc_code == "Stt" ) && fConfirmCalcScc == 1 ) )
          cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
               << "]> Calculation requested with option " << calc_code
               << ". This can last more than 5 minutes. Please, click again to confirm."
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          fConfirmCalcScc = 1;
      cout << "!TEcnaGui::Calculations> fKeyAnaType = " << fKeyAnaType
           << "  : wrong code in analysis name. Code should be 'Adc'" << endl
           << "                        List of available standard analysis names for calculations: " << endl
           << "                        AdcPed1,  AdcPed6,  AdcPed12,  AdcPeg12,  AdcLaser,  AdcPes12," << endl
           << "                        AdcSPed1, AdcSPed6, AdcSPed12, AdcSPeg12, AdcSLaser, AdcSPes12."
           << fTTBELL << endl;
void TEcnaGui::CleanBatchFiles ( const TString  clean_code)

Definition at line 4944 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaParPaths, fTTBELL, TEcnaParPaths::PathModulesData(), and TEcnaParPaths::PathTestSlc().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

  //Clean of python files, submission scripts,...

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Clean requested with code: " << clean_code
       << endl;

  //================================ CLEAN SUBMISSION SCRIPTS ===================================
  if( clean_code == "Sub"  || clean_code == "All")
      //.......................... get the path "modules/data"
      // /afs/
      TString ModulesdataPath = fCnaParPaths->PathModulesData();

      //----------------------------------------- submission clean script: command text
      //......................................... submission clean script: script name
      TString CnaCleanSubmissionCommand = ModulesdataPath;
      TString CleanSubmissionScriptName = "EcnaSystemScriptCleanSubmissionScripts";
      const Text_t *t_CleanSubmissionScriptName = (const Text_t *)CleanSubmissionScriptName.Data();

      //......................................... arguments -> test/slc... path
      //.......................... get the path "test/slc4_ia32_gcc345"
      // /afs/
      TString TestslcPath = fCnaParPaths->PathTestSlc();
      CnaCleanSubmissionCommand.Append(' ');
      const Text_t *t_modules_data_path = (const Text_t *)TestslcPath.Data();

      //----------------------------------------- Exec CleanSubmission Command (csh before command text)
      const Text_t *t_cnacleansubmissioncommand = (const Text_t *)CnaCleanSubmissionCommand.Data();
      TString CnaExecCleanSubmissionCommand = "csh ";

      Int_t i_exec_cleansubmission = gSystem->Exec(CnaExecCleanSubmissionCommand.Data());

      if( i_exec_cleansubmission != 0 )
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for submission script clean was executed with error code = "
               << i_exec_cleansubmission << "."  << endl
               << "          Command: " << CnaExecCleanSubmissionCommand.Data() << endl
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for submission script clean"
               << " was successfully executed." << endl
               << "          (Command: " << CnaExecCleanSubmissionCommand.Data() << ")" << endl;          


  //================================= CLEAN LSFJOB REPORTS ======================================
  if( clean_code == "Job"  || clean_code == "All")
      //.......................... get the path "modules/data"
      // /afs/
      TString ModulesdataPath = fCnaParPaths->PathModulesData();

      //----------------------------------------- jobreport clean script: command text
      //......................................... jobreport clean script: script name
      TString CnaCleanJobreportCommand = ModulesdataPath;
      TString CleanJobreportScriptName = "EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports";
      const Text_t *t_CleanJobreportScriptName = (const Text_t *)CleanJobreportScriptName.Data();

      //......................................... arguments -> test/slc... path
      //.......................... get the path "test/slc4_ia32_gcc345"
      // /afs/
      TString TestslcPath = fCnaParPaths->PathTestSlc();
      CnaCleanJobreportCommand.Append(' ');
      const Text_t *t_modules_data_path = (const Text_t *)TestslcPath.Data();

      //----------------------------------------- Exec CleanJobreport Command (csh before command text)
      const Text_t *t_cnacleanjobreportcommand = (const Text_t *)CnaCleanJobreportCommand.Data();
      TString CnaExecCleanJobreportCommand = "csh ";

      Int_t i_exec_cleanjobreport = gSystem->Exec(CnaExecCleanJobreportCommand.Data());

      if( i_exec_cleanjobreport != 0 )
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for LSFJOB report clean was executed with error code = "
               << i_exec_cleanjobreport << "."  << endl
               << "          Command: " << CnaExecCleanJobreportCommand.Data() << endl
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for LSFJOB report clean"
               << " was successfully executed." << endl
               << "          (Command: " << CnaExecCleanJobreportCommand.Data() << ")" << endl;   

  //==================================== CLEAN PYTHON FILES =====================================
  if( clean_code == "Pyth" || clean_code == "All")
      //.......................... get the path "modules/data"
      // /afs/
      TString ModulesdataPath = fCnaParPaths->PathModulesData();

      //----------------------------------------- python file clean script: command text
      //......................................... python file clean script: script name
      TString CnaCleanPythonCommand = ModulesdataPath;
      TString CleanPythonScriptName = "EcnaSystemScriptCleanPythonFiles";
      const Text_t *t_CleanPythonScriptName = (const Text_t *)CleanPythonScriptName.Data();

      //......................................... arguments -> modules:data path
      CnaCleanPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      const Text_t *t_modules_data_path = (const Text_t *)ModulesdataPath.Data();

      //----------------------------------------- Exec CleanPython Command (csh before command text)
      const Text_t *t_cnacleanpythoncommand = (const Text_t *)CnaCleanPythonCommand.Data();
      TString CnaExecCleanPythonCommand = "csh ";

      Int_t i_exec_cleanpython = gSystem->Exec(CnaExecCleanPythonCommand.Data());

      if( i_exec_cleanpython != 0 )
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for python file clean was executed with error code = "
               << i_exec_cleanpython << "."  << endl
               << "          Command: " << CnaExecCleanPythonCommand.Data() << endl
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for python file clean"
               << " was successfully executed." << endl
               << "          (Command: " << CnaExecCleanPythonCommand.Data() << ")" << endl;      
void TEcnaGui::DisplayInEntryField ( TGTextEntry *  StringOfField,
const TString  value 

Definition at line 6715 of file

void TEcnaGui::DisplayInEntryField ( TGTextEntry *  StringOfField,
Int_t &  value 

Definition at line 6700 of file

References fCdelete, and fCnew.

Referenced by DoButtonNbSampForCalc(), DoButtonNors(), DoButtonStex(), and TEcnaGui().

  char* f_in = new char[20];          fCnew++;
  sprintf( f_in, "%d", value );
  delete [] f_in;                     fCdelete++;
void TEcnaGui::DisplayInEntryField ( TGTextEntry *  StringOfField,
Double_t &  value 

Definition at line 6708 of file

References fCdelete, and fCnew.

  char* f_in = new char[20];          fCnew++;
  sprintf( f_in, "%g", value );
  delete [] f_in;                     fCdelete++;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonAna ( )

Definition at line 3347 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fAnaText, fCnaCommand, and fKeyAnaType.

//Registration of the type of the analysis

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fAnaText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyAnaType = bufferchain;
  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of analysis name -> "
       << fKeyAnaType << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonChan ( )

Definition at line 4065 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fChanText, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fEcal, fKeyChanNumber, fStinName, fSubDet, fTTBELL, and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin().

//Registration of the channel number

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fChanText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  Int_t xReadNumber = atoi(bufferchain);

  Int_t Choffset = -1;
  TString ChString = "?";

  if( fSubDet == "EB"){Choffset = 0; ChString = "channel";}
  if( fSubDet == "EE"){Choffset = 1; ChString = "crystal";}

  fKeyChanNumber = xReadNumber-Choffset;   // fKeyChanNumber : range = [0,25]
  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of " << ChString.Data() << " number -> "
       << xReadNumber << endl;
  if ( (fKeyChanNumber < 0) || (fKeyChanNumber > fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()-1 )  )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> "
           << ChString.Data() << " number in " << fStinName.Data() << " = " << xReadNumber
           << ": out of range ( range = [" << Choffset << ","
           << fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()-1+Choffset << "] )"
           << fTTBELL << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonChNb ( )

Definition at line 4058 of file

References fKeyStinANumber, and ViewStinCrystalNumbering().

//Display of StinA Channel numbering
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonClone ( )

Definition at line 4247 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, fSubDet, and TEcnaHistos::PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas().

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Clone last canvas. " << endl;

  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());      /*fCnew++*/ ;}
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonColPal ( )

Definition at line 4218 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyColPal, and fMemoColPal.

  if( fMemoColPal == "ECCNAColor"   ){fKeyColPal = "Rainbow";}
  if( fMemoColPal == "Rainbow" ){fKeyColPal = "ECCNAColor";}
  fMemoColPal = fKeyColPal;

  TString sColPalComment = "?";
  if( fKeyColPal == "ECCNAColor" )
    {sColPalComment = "ECNAColor option: black-red-blue-green-brown-purple (default)";}
  if( fKeyColPal == "Rainbow"    )
    {sColPalComment = "Rainbow option:   red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-purple";}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Color palette -> " << sColPalComment << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonExit ( )

Definition at line 4235 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fButExit, and fCnaCommand.

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Exit CNA session."
       << endl;
  //............................ Quit the ROOT session
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonFev ( )

Definition at line 3448 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fFevText, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString, and fTTBELL.

//Registration of the first requested event number

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fFevText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString = bufferchain;
  fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber = atoi(bufferchain);

  if ( fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber <= 0)
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *ERROR* ===> "
           << " First event number = " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber
           << ": negative. " << endl 
           << fTTBELL << endl;

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of first requested event number -> "
       << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonGent ( )

Definition at line 4165 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fGentText, and fKeyGeneralTitle.

//Register the general title
  //........................... get info from the entry field
  char* listchain = (char*)fGentText->GetBuffer()->GetString();  
  fKeyGeneralTitle = listchain;
  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of general title -> "
       << fKeyGeneralTitle.Data() << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonHelp ( )

Definition at line 4265 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and fCnaCommand.

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> HELP: for documentation, see the ECNA web page: " << endl
       << ""
       << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonLev ( )

Definition at line 3472 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString, and fLevText.

//Registration of the last requested event number

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fLevText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString = bufferchain;
  fKeyLastReqEvtNumber = atoi(bufferchain);

  if ( fKeyLastReqEvtNumber <= fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *WARNING* ===> "
           << " Last requested event number = " << fKeyLastReqEvtNumber
           << ": less than first requested event number (= " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber << ")." 
           << endl;

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of last requested event number -> "
       << fKeyLastReqEvtNumber << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonLogx ( )

Definition at line 4184 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyScaleX, and fMemoScaleX.

  if( fMemoScaleX == "LOG"){fKeyScaleX = "LIN";}
  if( fMemoScaleX == "LIN"){fKeyScaleX = "LOG";}
  fMemoScaleX = fKeyScaleX;

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> X axis -> " << fKeyScaleX << " scale " << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonLogy ( )

Definition at line 4194 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyScaleY, and fMemoScaleY.

  if( fMemoScaleY == "LOG" ){fKeyScaleY = "LIN";}
  if( fMemoScaleY == "LIN" ){fKeyScaleY = "LOG";}
  fMemoScaleY = fKeyScaleY;

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Y axis -> " << fKeyScaleY << " scale " << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonNbSampForCalc ( )

Definition at line 3406 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DisplayInEntryField(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyNbOfSampForCalc, fKeyNbOfSampForCalcString, fKeyNbOfSamples, fNbSampForCalcText, and fTTBELL.

//Registration of the number of samples (ROOT file)

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fNbSampForCalcText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyNbOfSampForCalcString = bufferchain;
  fKeyNbOfSampForCalc = atoi(bufferchain);

  if ( !(fKeyNbOfSampForCalc >= 1 && fKeyNbOfSampForCalc <= fKeyNbOfSamples) )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===>"
           << " Number of required samples for calculations = " << fKeyNbOfSampForCalc
           << ": OUT OF RANGE, " << endl 
           << "                                        forced to the default value (="
           << fKeyNbOfSamples << ")." << fTTBELL << endl;
      fKeyNbOfSampForCalc = fKeyNbOfSamples;
  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of number of samples for calculations -> "
       << fKeyNbOfSampForCalc << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonNors ( )

Definition at line 3363 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DisplayInEntryField(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fEcal, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyNbOfSamplesString, fNorsText, fSampBut, fTTBELL, and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC().

//Registration of the number of samples (ROOT file)

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fNorsText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyNbOfSamplesString = bufferchain;
  fKeyNbOfSamples = atoi(bufferchain);

  if ( !(fKeyNbOfSamples >= 1 && fKeyNbOfSamples <= fEcal->MaxSampADC()) )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===>"
           << " Number of required samples for reading ROOT file = " << fKeyNbOfSamples
           << ": OUT OF RANGE, " << endl 
           << "                                        forced to the default value (="
           << fEcal->MaxSampADC() << ")." << fTTBELL << endl;
      fKeyNbOfSamples = fEcal->MaxSampADC();

  //................... Update of Sample Button Text according to the number of sample
  TString xSampButText = " Sample [?,?] ";
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  1 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,1] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  2 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,2] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  3 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,3] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  4 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,4] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  5 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,5] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  6 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,6] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  7 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,7] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  8 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,8] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples ==  9 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,9] ";}
  if( fKeyNbOfSamples == 10 ){xSampButText  = " Sample [1,10] ";}
  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of number of samples in ROOT file -> "
       << fKeyNbOfSamples << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonProjy ( )

Definition at line 4205 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyProjY, and fMemoProjY.

  if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection" ){fKeyProjY = "normal";}
  if( fMemoProjY == "normal"       ){fKeyProjY = "Y projection";}
  fMemoProjY = fKeyProjY;

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> 1D Histo display -> " << fKeyProjY << " mode " << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonRev ( )

Definition at line 3496 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString, and fRevText.

//Registration of the nb ofrequested events

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fRevText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString = bufferchain;
  fKeyReqNbOfEvts = atoi(bufferchain);

  Int_t nb_range_evts = fKeyLastReqEvtNumber - fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber + 1;

  if( fKeyLastReqEvtNumber < fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber)
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *WARNING* ===> "
           << " Last requested event number = " << fKeyLastReqEvtNumber
           << " less than first requested event number = " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber
           << endl;

  if ( fKeyLastReqEvtNumber >= fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber && fKeyReqNbOfEvts > nb_range_evts )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *WARNING* ===> "
           << " Nb of requested events = " << fKeyReqNbOfEvts
           << ": out of range (range = " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber << ","
           << fKeyLastReqEvtNumber << ") => " << nb_range_evts << " events."
           << endl;

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of requested number of events -> "
       << fKeyReqNbOfEvts << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonRoot ( )

Definition at line 4257 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and fCnaCommand.

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> This is ROOT version " << gROOT->GetVersion()
       << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonRul ( )

Definition at line 4122 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyFileNameRunList, fKeyRunListInitCode, fRulText, and fTTBELL.

//Register the name of the file containing the list of run parameters

  //........................... get info from the entry field
  char* listchain = (char*)fRulText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  if( listchain[0] == '\0' )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *ERROR* ===> "
           << " Empty file name in entry for TIME EVOLUTION plots."
           << fTTBELL << endl;
      fKeyFileNameRunList = fKeyRunListInitCode;
      char tchiffr[10] = {'0', '1', '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9' };
      //............. test of the first character (figure => run number, letter => file name)
      if( listchain[0] == tchiffr [0] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [1] ||
          listchain[0] == tchiffr [2] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [3] ||
          listchain[0] == tchiffr [4] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [5] ||
          listchain[0] == tchiffr [6] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [7] ||
          listchain[0] == tchiffr [8] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [9] )
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *ERROR* ===> "
               << " Please, enter a file name beginning with an alphabetic letter."
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          fKeyFileNameRunList = listchain;
          cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
               << "]> Registration of run list file name for history plots -> "
               << fKeyFileNameRunList.Data() << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonRun ( )

Definition at line 3433 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyRunNumberString, and fRunText.

//Register run number
  //........................... get info from the entry field
  char* bufferchain = (char*)fRunText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyRunNumberString = bufferchain;
  fKeyRunNumber = atoi(bufferchain);
  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of run number -> "
       << fKeyRunNumber << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonSamp ( )

Definition at line 4096 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeySampNumber, fSampText, and fTTBELL.

//Registration of the sample number

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fSampText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  Int_t xKeySampNumber = atoi(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of sample number -> "
       << xKeySampNumber << endl;

  if ( (xKeySampNumber < 1) || (xKeySampNumber > fKeyNbOfSamples )  )
      cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> "
           << " Sample number = " << xKeySampNumber
           << ": out of range ( range = [ 1 ," << fKeyNbOfSamples << " ] )"
           << fTTBELL << endl;

  fKeySampNumber = xKeySampNumber-1;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonStex ( )

Definition at line 3533 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DisplayInEntryField(), fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStexNumberString, fKeyStinANumber, fKeyStinBNumber, fStexText, fStinABut, fStinAText, fStinBBut, fStinBText, fSubDet, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxDeeInEE(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMInEB(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMInEBMinus(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMInEBPlus().

//Registration of the Stex number

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fStexText->GetBuffer()->GetString();
  fKeyStexNumberString = bufferchain;
  fKeyStexNumber = atoi(bufferchain);

  if( fSubDet == "EB" )
      cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
           << "]> Registration of SuperModule number -> "
           << fKeyStexNumber << endl;

      //.......... Positive number for EB- [-1,-18] -> [19,36]  
      if( fKeyStexNumber < 0 ){fKeyStexNumber = - fKeyStexNumber + fEcal->MaxSMInEB()/2;}

      if( (fKeyStexNumber < 0) || (fKeyStexNumber > fEcal->MaxSMInEB() )  )
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> "
               << " EB / SM number = " << fKeyStexNumber
               << ": out of range. Range = 0 (EB) or [ 1 ," << fEcal->MaxSMInEB() << " ] (SM)"
               << " or [ -" << fEcal->MaxSMInEBMinus() << ", +" <<  fEcal->MaxSMInEBPlus() << "] (SM)"
               << fTTBELL << endl;

  if( fSubDet == "EE" )
      //................... Update of SC Button Text according to the Dee Number
      TString xStinAButText = "?";
      TString xStinBButText = "?";
      Int_t Stin_buf_lenght = 10;
      if ( fSubDet == "EE" && ( fKeyStexNumber == 1 || fKeyStexNumber == 3 ) )
        {xStinAButText = "SC for const. [150,298] "; xStinBButText  = "SC' for const. [150,298] ";
        Stin_buf_lenght =  50; fStinABut->SetText(xStinAButText); fStinBBut->SetText(xStinBButText);}
      if ( fSubDet == "EE" && ( fKeyStexNumber == 2 || fKeyStexNumber == 4 ) )
        {xStinAButText = "SC for const. [  1,149] "; xStinBButText  = "SC' for const. [  1,149] ";
        Stin_buf_lenght =  50; fStinABut->SetText(xStinAButText); fStinBBut->SetText(xStinBButText);}

      if ( fSubDet == "EE" && ( fKeyStexNumber == 0 ) )
        {xStinAButText = "SC for const.           "; xStinBButText  = "SC' for const.           ";
        Stin_buf_lenght =  50; fStinABut->SetText(xStinAButText); fStinBBut->SetText(xStinBButText);}
      //................... Update of SC widget according to the Dee Number
      if( fKeyStexNumber > 0 )
          Int_t StinAValue = fKeyStinANumber;
          if( fSubDet == "EE" )
            {StinAValue = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinANumber);}
          Int_t StinBValue = fKeyStinBNumber;
          if( fSubDet == "EE" )
            {StinBValue = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinBNumber);}
      //............................................ Command message
      cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
           << "]> Registration of Dee number -> "
           << fKeyStexNumber << endl;
      if ( (fKeyStexNumber < 0) || (fKeyStexNumber > fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() )  )
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> "
               << " EE / Dee number = " << fKeyStexNumber
               << ": out of range. Range = 0 (EE) or [ 1 ," << fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() << " ] (Dee)"
               << fTTBELL << endl;
    }  // -- end of if( fSubDet == "EE" ) -------
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonStexNb ( )

Definition at line 3933 of file

References ViewStexStinNumbering().

  ViewStexStinNumbering();  // message in the method
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonStinA ( )

Definition at line 3938 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinANumber, fStinAText, fStinName, fSubDet, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxDeeInEE(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCForConsInDee(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().

//Registration of the Stin A number (A = X coordinate for cor(c,c') plots)

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fStinAText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  Int_t xReadStinANumberForCons = atoi(bufferchain);

  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){fKeyStinANumber = xReadStinANumberForCons;}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" )
    {fKeyStinANumber = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fKeyStexNumber, xReadStinANumberForCons);}

  if( fSubDet == "EB" )
      cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
           << "]> Registration of " << fStinName.Data() << " number -> "
           << xReadStinANumberForCons << endl;

      if ( (fKeyStinANumber < 1) || (fKeyStinANumber > fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex())  )
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " << fStinName.Data()
               << " number = " << fKeyStinANumber
               << ": out of range ( range = [ 1 ," << fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() << " ] ) "
               << fTTBELL << endl;
  if( fSubDet == "EE" )
      cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
           << "]> Registration of " << fStinName.Data() << " number for construction -> "
           << xReadStinANumberForCons << endl;

      if( fKeyStexNumber > 0 && fKeyStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() )
          Int_t off_set_cons = 0;
          if( fKeyStexNumber == 1 || fKeyStexNumber == 3 ){off_set_cons = fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();}
          if( xReadStinANumberForCons <= off_set_cons ||
              xReadStinANumberForCons > fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()+off_set_cons )
              cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> SC nb for construction = "
                   << xReadStinANumberForCons << ". Out of range ( range = [ " << off_set_cons+1
                   << "," << fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()+off_set_cons << "] )"
                   << fTTBELL << endl;
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> DeeNumber = " <<  fKeyStexNumber
               << ". Out of range ( range = [1," << fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() << "] )"
               << fTTBELL << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonStinB ( )

Definition at line 4001 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinBNumber, fStinBText, fStinName, fSubDet, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxDeeInEE(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCForConsInDee(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().

//Registration of the Stin B number (B = Y coordinate for cor(c,c') plots)

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fStinBText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  Int_t xReadStinBNumberForCons = atoi(bufferchain);

  if( fSubDet == "EB" ){fKeyStinBNumber = xReadStinBNumberForCons;}
  if( fSubDet == "EE" )
    {fKeyStinBNumber = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fKeyStexNumber, xReadStinBNumberForCons);}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of " << fStinName.Data() << "' number -> "
       << xReadStinBNumberForCons << endl;

  if( fSubDet == "EB" )
      if ( (fKeyStinBNumber < 1) || (fKeyStinBNumber > fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex())  )
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> " << fStinName.Data()
               << "' number = " << fKeyStinBNumber
               << ": out of range ( range = [ 1 ," << fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() << " ] ) "
               << fTTBELL << endl;
  if( fSubDet == "EE" )
      if( fKeyStexNumber > 0 && fKeyStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() )
          Int_t off_set_cons = 0;
          if( fKeyStexNumber == 1 || fKeyStexNumber == 3 ){off_set_cons = fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();}
          if( xReadStinBNumberForCons < off_set_cons ||
              xReadStinBNumberForCons > fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()+off_set_cons )
              cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> SC nb for construction = "
                   << xReadStinBNumberForCons << ". Out of range ( range = [ " << off_set_cons+1
                   << "," << fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()+off_set_cons << "] )"
                   << fTTBELL << endl;
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> DeeNumber = " <<  fKeyStexNumber
               << ". Out of range ( range = [1," << fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() << "] )"
               << fTTBELL << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_HFN_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3787 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb, and fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for sigmas of sample sigmas

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'high frequency noise' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_LFN_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3755 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb, and fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for sigmas of sample means 

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'low frequency noise' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_MCs_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3722 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb, and fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for mean of cor(s,s')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'mean of cor(s,s')' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_NOE_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3626 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb, and fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for number of events

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'number of events' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_Ped_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3658 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb, and fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for pedestals

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'pedestal' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_SCs_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3819 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb, and fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for sigmas of cor(s,s')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'sigma of cor(s,s')' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxD_TNo_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3690 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb, and fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymax for mean of sample sigmas (noise)

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'total noise' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxHFccMos ( )

Definition at line 3883 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxHFccMos, and fVmaxHFccMosText.

//Registration of Ymax for HF Mean Cor(c,c')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxHFccMosText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxHFccMos = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'mean HF |cor(c,c')|' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxHFccMos << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxLFccMos ( )

Definition at line 3851 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxLFccMos, and fVmaxLFccMosText.

//Registration of Ymax for LF Mean Cor(c,c')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxLFccMosText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxLFccMos = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'mean LF |cor(c,c')|' -> "
       << fKeyVmaxLFccMos << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVmaxLHFcc ( )

Definition at line 3916 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVmaxLHFcc, fStinName, and fVmaxLHFccText.

//Registration of Ymax for cov(c,c') in Stins

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVmaxLHFccText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVmaxLHFcc = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'cor(c,c') in "
       << fStinName.Data() << "s' -> " << fKeyVmaxLHFcc << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_HFN_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3771 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb, and fVminD_HFN_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for sigmas of sample sigmas

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_HFN_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'high frequency noise' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_LFN_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3739 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb, and fVminD_LFN_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for sigmas of sample means

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_LFN_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'low frequency noise' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_MCs_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3706 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb, and fVminD_MCs_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for mean of cor(s,s')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_MCs_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'mean of cor(s,s')' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_NOE_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3610 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb, and fVminD_NOE_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for number of events

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_NOE_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'number of events' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_Ped_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3642 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb, and fVminD_Ped_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for pedestals

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_Ped_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'pedestal' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_SCs_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3803 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb, and fVminD_SCs_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for sigmas of cor(s,s')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_SCs_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'sigma of cor(s,s')' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminD_TNo_ChNb ( )

Definition at line 3674 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb, and fVminD_TNo_ChNbText.

//Registration of Ymin for mean of sample sigmas (noise)

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminD_TNo_ChNbText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'total noise' -> "
       << fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminHFccMos ( )

Definition at line 3867 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminHFccMos, and fVminHFccMosText.

//Registration of Ymin for HF Mean Cor(c,c')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminHFccMosText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminHFccMos = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'mean HF |cor(c,c')|' -> "
       << fKeyVminHFccMos << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminLFccMos ( )

Definition at line 3835 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminLFccMos, and fVminLFccMosText.

//Registration of Ymin for LF Mean Cor(c,c')

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminLFccMosText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminLFccMos = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'mean LF |cor(c,c')|' -> "
       << fKeyVminLFccMos << endl;
void TEcnaGui::DoButtonVminLHFcc ( )

Definition at line 3900 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fKeyVminLHFcc, fStinName, and fVminLHFccText.

//Registration of Ymin for cov(c,c') in Stins

  char* bufferchain;
  bufferchain = (char*)fVminLHFccText->GetBuffer()->GetString();

  fKeyVminLHFcc = (Double_t)atof(bufferchain);

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'cor(c,c') in "
       << fStinName.Data() << "s' -> " << fKeyVminLHFcc << endl;
void TEcnaGui::HandleMenu ( Int_t  id)

Definition at line 4279 of file

References Calculations(), CleanBatchFiles(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaError, fEcalNumbering, fKeyChanNumber, fKeyFileNameRunList, fKeyRunListInitCode, fKeySampNumber, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinANumber, fKeyStinBNumber, fMemoProjY, fMenuAdcProjSampLineFullC, fMenuAdcProjSampLineSameC, fMenuCleanAllC, fMenuCleanJobC, fMenuCleanPythC, fMenuCleanSubC, fMenuComputSccC, fMenuComputStdC, fMenuComputSttC, fMenuCorssAllColzC, fMenuCorssAsciiFileC, fMenuCorssBoxC, fMenuCorssColzC, fMenuCorssContzC, fMenuCorssLegoC, fMenuCorssSurf1C, fMenuCorssSurf2C, fMenuCorssSurf3C, fMenuCorssSurf4C, fMenuCorssTextC, fMenuCovssAllColzC, fMenuCovssAsciiFileC, fMenuCovssBoxC, fMenuCovssColzC, fMenuCovssContzC, fMenuCovssLegoC, fMenuCovssSurf1C, fMenuCovssSurf2C, fMenuCovssSurf3C, fMenuCovssSurf4C, fMenuCovssTextC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_MSp_SampLineFullC, fMenuD_MSp_SampLineSameC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_NOE_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_Ped_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSamePC, fMenuD_SSp_SampLineFullC, fMenuD_SSp_SampLineSameC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbAsciiFileC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbFullC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbHocoVecoC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSameC, fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSamePC, fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC, fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC, fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC, fMenuHFccColzC, fMenuHFccMosColzC, fMenuHFccMosLegoC, fMenuHFCorccColzC, fMenuHFCorccLegoC, fMenuLFccColzC, fMenuLFccMosColzC, fMenuLFccMosLegoC, fMenuLFCorccColzC, fMenuLFCorccLegoC, fMenuSubmit1ndC, fMenuSubmit1nhC, fMenuSubmit1nwC, fMenuSubmit8nhC, fMenuSubmit8nmC, fOptAscii, fOptPlotFull, fOptPlotSame, fOptPlotSameP, fSubDet, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), SubmitOnBatchSystem(), ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanOfCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalMeanOfCorssRuns(), ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(), ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), ViewSorSMeanOfCorss(), ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), ViewSorSPedestals(), ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSorSTotalNoise(), ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

  //.................... SUBMIT on batch system

  if( id == fMenuSubmit8nmC ){SubmitOnBatchSystem("8nm");}
  if( id == fMenuSubmit1nhC ){SubmitOnBatchSystem("1nh");}
  if( id == fMenuSubmit8nhC ){SubmitOnBatchSystem("8nh");}
  if( id == fMenuSubmit1ndC ){SubmitOnBatchSystem("1nd");}
  if( id == fMenuSubmit1nwC ){SubmitOnBatchSystem("1nw");}

  //.................... Clean
  if( id == fMenuCleanSubC  ){CleanBatchFiles("Sub");}
  if( id == fMenuCleanJobC  ){CleanBatchFiles("Job");}
  if( id == fMenuCleanPythC ){CleanBatchFiles("Pyth");}
  if( id == fMenuCleanAllC  ){CleanBatchFiles("All");}

  //.................... Calculations
  if( id == fMenuComputStdC ){Calculations("Std");}
  if( id == fMenuComputSttC ){Calculations("Stt");}
  if( id == fMenuComputSccC ){Calculations("Scc");}

  //.................... Nb of events in Stex
  if( id == fMenuD_NOE_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_NOE_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_NOE_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSNumberOfEvents();}
  if( id == fMenuD_NOE_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //.................... Pedestal in Stex                  (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_Ped_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_Ped_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_Ped_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSPedestals();}
  if( id == fMenuD_Ped_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //.................... Total noise in Stex                 (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_TNo_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_TNo_ChNbSamePC)
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotSameP);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotSameP);}
  if( id == fMenuD_TNo_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSTotalNoise();}
  if( id == fMenuD_TNo_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //.................... Low Frequency noise in Stex                 (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_LFN_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_LFN_ChNbSamePC)
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotSameP);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotSameP);}
  if( id == fMenuD_LFN_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise();}
  if( id == fMenuD_LFN_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //.................... High Frequency noise in Stex                 (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_HFN_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_HFN_ChNbSamePC)
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptPlotSameP);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(fOptPlotSameP);}
  if( id == fMenuD_HFN_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise();}
  if( id == fMenuD_HFN_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //.................... Mean of Corss in Stex                 (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_MCs_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_MCs_ChNbSamePC)
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotSameP);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotSameP);}
  if( id == fMenuD_MCs_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSMeanOfCorss();}
  if( id == fMenuD_MCs_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //.................... Sigma of Corss in the Stex                 (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_SCs_ChNbFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotSame);}
  if( id == fMenuD_SCs_ChNbSamePC)
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      ){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptPlotSameP);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection"){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(fOptPlotSameP);}
  if( id == fMenuD_SCs_ChNbHocoVecoC   ){ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss();}
  if( id == fMenuD_SCs_ChNbAsciiFileC  ){ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(fOptAscii);}

  //............................... Low Freq Mean Cor(c,c') for each pair of Stins                 (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuLFccMosColzC ){ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins("COLZ");}
  if( id == fMenuLFccMosLegoC ){ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins("LEGO2Z");}
  //............................... High Freq Mean Cor(c,c') for each pair of Stins
  if( id == fMenuHFccMosColzC ){ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins("COLZ");}
  if( id == fMenuHFccMosLegoC ){ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins("LEGO2Z");}

  //............................... Corcc for each Stin in the Stex
  if( id == fMenuLFccColzC ){ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc();}
  if( id == fMenuHFccColzC ){ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc();}

  //--------> Nb for Cons for Stin numbers in case of EE
  Int_t cKeyStinANumber = fKeyStinANumber;
  if( fSubDet == "EE" && fKeyStexNumber != 0 )
    {cKeyStinANumber = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinANumber);}
  Int_t cKeyStinBNumber = fKeyStinBNumber;
  if( fSubDet == "EE" && fKeyStexNumber != 0 )
    {cKeyStinBNumber = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStinBNumber);}

  //............................... Low Frequency Correlations and covariances between channels
  if( id == fMenuLFCorccColzC )
    {ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(cKeyStinANumber, cKeyStinBNumber, "COLZ");}
  if( id == fMenuLFCorccLegoC )
    {ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(cKeyStinANumber, cKeyStinBNumber, "LEGO2Z");}

  if( id == fMenuHFCorccColzC )
    {ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(cKeyStinANumber, cKeyStinBNumber, "COLZ");}
  if( id == fMenuHFCorccLegoC )
    {ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(cKeyStinANumber, cKeyStinBNumber, "LEGO2Z");}

  //.................................... Correlations and covariances between samples     (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuCorssColzC      ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "COLZ");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssBoxC       ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "BOX");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssTextC      ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "TEXT");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssContzC     ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "CONTZ");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssLegoC      ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "LEGO2Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssSurf1C     ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF1Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssSurf2C     ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF2Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssSurf3C     ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF3Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssSurf4C     ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF4");}
  if( id == fMenuCorssAsciiFileC ){ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "ASCII");}

  if( id == fMenuCovssColzC      ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "COLZ");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssBoxC       ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "BOX");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssTextC      ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "TEXT");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssContzC     ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "CONTZ");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssLegoC      ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "LEGO2Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssSurf1C     ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF1Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssSurf2C     ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF2Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssSurf3C     ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF3Z");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssSurf4C     ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "SURF4");}
  if( id == fMenuCovssAsciiFileC ){ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, "ASCII");}

  //.................... Correlations and covariances between samples for all channels of a Stin
  if( id == fMenuCorssAllColzC ){ViewStinCorrelationSamples(cKeyStinANumber);}
  if( id == fMenuCovssAllColzC ){ViewStinCovarianceSamples(cKeyStinANumber);}
  //..................................... Expectation values of the samples (pedestals)       (HandleMenu)
  if( id == fMenuD_MSp_SampLineFullC )
    {ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_MSp_SampLineSameC )
    {ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
  //..................................... Sigmas of the samples
  if( id == fMenuD_SSp_SampLineFullC )
    {ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuD_SSp_SampLineSameC )
    {ViewHistoCrystalSigmasOfSamples(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
  //..................................... Evolution in time (ViewHistime, except EvolSamp -> Viewhisto)
  if(   id == fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC || id == fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC  
     || id == fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC || id == fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC || id == fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC
     || id == fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC || id == fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC || id == fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC
     || id == fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC || id == fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC || id == fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC
     || id == fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC || id == fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC || id == fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC
     || id == fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC || id == fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC || id == fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC)
      if(fKeyFileNameRunList == fKeyRunListInitCode )
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===> "
               << " EMPTY STRING for list of run file name (TIME EVOLUTION plots)." << fTTBELL << endl;}
          //........................................ Pedestals                 (HandleMenu / ViewHistime)
          if( id == fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmFullC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                             cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                 cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
          if( id == fMenuH_Ped_DatePolmSameC )
            { if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                           cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
            if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                               cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}

          //........................................ Total noise
          if( id == fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmFullC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                              cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                  cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
          if( id == fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSameC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                              cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                  cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
          if( id == fMenuH_TNo_DatePolmSamePC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                              cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                  cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}

          //........................................ Low frequency noise                 (HandleMenu / ViewHistime)
          if( id == fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmFullC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                     cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                         cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
          if( id == fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSameC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                     cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                         cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
          if( id == fMenuH_LFN_DatePolmSamePC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                     cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                         cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
          //........................................ High frequency noise
          if( id == fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmFullC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                      cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                          cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
          if( id == fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSameC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                      cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                          cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
          if( id == fMenuH_HFN_DatePolmSamePC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                      cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                          cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
          //........................................ Mean of Corss                 (HandleMenu / ViewHistime)
          if( id == fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmFullC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                               cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                   cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
          if( id == fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSameC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                               cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                   cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
          if( id == fMenuH_MCs_DatePolmSamePC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                               cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                   cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
          //........................................ Sigmas of Corss
          if( id == fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmFullC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                    cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
          if( id == fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSameC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                    cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
          if( id == fMenuH_SCs_DatePolmSamePC )
              if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
                                                cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}
              if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
                                                    cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fOptPlotSameP);}

  //...................................... SampTime                               (HandleMenu / ADC)
  if( id == fMenuAdcProjSampLineFullC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
        {ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fKeySampNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
        {ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fKeySampNumber, fOptPlotFull);}
  if( id == fMenuAdcProjSampLineSameC )
      if( fMemoProjY == "normal"      )
        {ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fKeySampNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
      if( fMemoProjY == "Y projection")
        {ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(cKeyStinANumber, fKeyChanNumber, fKeySampNumber, fOptPlotSame);}
void TEcnaGui::InitKeys ( )

Definition at line 6607 of file

References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fgMaxCar, fKeyAnaType, fKeyChanNumber, fKeyColPal, fKeyFileNameRunList, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString, fKeyNbOfSampForCalc, fKeyNbOfSampForCalcString, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyNbOfSamplesString, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString, fKeyRunListInitCode, fKeyRunNumber, fKeySampNumber, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyStexNumberString, fKeyStinANumber, fKeyStinBNumber, fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb, fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb, fKeyVmaxHFccMos, fKeyVmaxLFccMos, fKeyVmaxLHFcc, fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb, fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb, fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb, fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb, fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb, fKeyVminHFccMos, fKeyVminLFccMos, fKeyVminLHFcc, fSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC().

Referenced by TEcnaGui().

  //.....Input widgets for: analysis, run, channel, sample,
  //                        number of events, first event number, etc...
  //fKeyPyf = "";

  fKeyAnaType = "StdPed12";
  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fKeyRunListInitCode = "0123";

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fKeyFileNameRunList = fKeyRunListInitCode.Data();

  fKeyNbOfSamples = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
  fKeyNbOfSamplesString = "10";  // ! THE NUMBER IN STRING MUST BE EQUAL TO fKeyNbOfSamples VALUE

  fKeyNbOfSampForCalc = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
  fKeyNbOfSampForCalcString = "10";  // ! THE NUMBER IN STRING MUST BE EQUAL TO fKeyNbOfSampForCalc VALUE

  fKeyRunNumber  = 0;

  fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber = 1;
  fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString = "1";  // ! THE NUMBER IN STRING MUST BE EQUAL TO fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber VALUE

  fKeyLastReqEvtNumber = 0;
  fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString = "0";  // ! THE NUMBER IN STRING MUST BE EQUAL TO fKeyLastReqEvtNumber VALUE

  fKeyReqNbOfEvts = 150;
  fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString = "150";  // ! THE NUMBER IN STRING MUST BE EQUAL TO fKeyReqNbOfEvts VALUE

  fKeyStexNumber = 1;
  fKeyStexNumberString = "1";  // ! THE NUMBER IN STRING MUST BE EQUAL TO fKeyStexNumber VALUE

  fKeyChanNumber = 0;
  fKeySampNumber = 0;

  fKeyStinANumber = 1;
  fKeyStinBNumber = 1;
  if( fSubDet == "EE" )
    {if( fKeyStexNumber == 1 || fKeyStexNumber == 3 )
        fKeyStinANumber = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fKeyStexNumber, 150);
        fKeyStinBNumber = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fKeyStexNumber, 150);

  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fKeyScaleX = "LIN";
  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
  fKeyScaleY = "LIN";
  fKeyGeneralTitle = "Ecal Correlated Noise Analysis";

  fKeyColPal = "ECCNAColor";

  //.... ymin and ymax values => values which are displayed on the dialog box

  fKeyVminD_NOE_ChNb = (Double_t)0.; 
  fKeyVmaxD_NOE_ChNb = (Double_t)1000.;
  fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb = (Double_t)0.; 
  fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb = (Double_t)0.;

  fKeyVminD_TNo_ChNb = (Double_t)0.; 
  fKeyVmaxD_TNo_ChNb = (Double_t)0.;

  fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb = (Double_t)0.; 
  fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb = (Double_t)0.;

  fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb = (Double_t)0.;
  fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb = (Double_t)0.;

  fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb = (Double_t)(-1.); 
  fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb = (Double_t)1.;

  fKeyVminD_SCs_ChNb = (Double_t)0.; 
  fKeyVmaxD_SCs_ChNb = (Double_t)0.; 

  fKeyVminLHFcc = fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb;
  fKeyVmaxLHFcc = fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb;

  fKeyVminLFccMos = (Double_t)-1.; 
  fKeyVmaxLFccMos = (Double_t)1.;
  fKeyVminHFccMos = (Double_t)0.; 
  fKeyVmaxHFccMos = (Double_t)1.;

  fKeyFileNameRunList = "";
void TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyA ( const TString  first_same_plot)

Definition at line 5293 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyStexNumber, and fStexName.

Referenced by ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), ViewSorSMeanOfCorss(), ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), ViewSorSPedestals(), ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSorSTotalNoise(), ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

  // reply message of the Cna command

  cout << ". Analysis: " << fKeyAnaType << ", Run: " << fKeyRunNumber
       << ", 1st req. evt#: " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber
       << ", last req. evt#: " << fKeyLastReqEvtNumber << endl;
  if( first_same_plot == "ASCII" )
      cout  << "                   " << fStexName.Data() << ": " << fKeyStexNumber
            << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;
void TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB ( const TString  first_same_plot)

Definition at line 5308 of file

References TEcnaHistos::AsciiFileName(), gather_cfg::cout, fHistos, fKeyStexNumber, fStexName, TEcnaHistos::StatusDataExist(), and TEcnaHistos::StatusFileFound().

Referenced by ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSMeanOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), ViewSorSMeanOfCorss(), ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), ViewSorSPedestals(), ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), ViewSorSTotalNoise(), ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

  // reply message of the Cna command

  if( first_same_plot == "ASCII" )
      if(fKeyStexNumber > 0)
          if( fHistos->StatusFileFound() == kTRUE && fHistos->StatusDataExist() == kTRUE )
              TString xAsciiFileName = fHistos->AsciiFileName();
              if( xAsciiFileName != "?" )
                {cout  << "               Histo written in ASCII file: " << xAsciiFileName.Data();}
          cout  << "               No writing in ASCII file since "
                << fStexName.Data() << " number = " << fKeyStexNumber;
      cout << endl;
void TEcnaGui::SubmitOnBatchSystem ( const TString  QueueCode)

Definition at line 4696 of file

References TEcnaParPaths::CMSSWSubsystem(), TEcnaParPaths::CMSSWVersion(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnaParPaths, fConfirmRunNumber, fConfirmRunNumberString, fConfirmSubmit, fKeyAnaType, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString, fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString, fKeyNbOfSamplesString, fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString, fKeyRunNumber, fKeyRunNumberString, fKeyStexNumberString, fPythonFileName, fStexName, fTTBELL, and TEcnaParPaths::PathModulesData().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

  //Submit job in batch mode
  if( (fConfirmSubmit == 1) && (fConfirmRunNumber == fKeyRunNumber) )
      cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
           << "]> Submitting job in batch mode for run " << fConfirmRunNumber << endl;

      //.......................... get the path "modules/data"
      // /afs/
      TString ModulesdataPath = fCnaParPaths->PathModulesData();

      //---------------------------------- python file building script: command text
      TString CnaPythonCommand = ModulesdataPath;

      //......................................... Script for python file building: script name
      TString PythonScriptName = "EcnaSystemScriptPython";
      const Text_t *t_PythonScriptName = (const Text_t *)PythonScriptName.Data();

      //......................................... Script for python file building: arguments
      //  In the calling command, TString arguments must be of the form: \"STRING1\"  \"STRING2\"  etc...

      //......................................... arguments -> Run number
      //.......... ${1}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');

      //......................................... arguments -> Analyzer parameters
      //.......... ${2}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_StringAnaType = (const Text_t *)fKeyAnaType.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //.......... ${3}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_NbOfSamplesString = (const Text_t *)fKeyNbOfSamplesString.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //.......... ${4}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_FirstReqEvtNumberString = (const Text_t *)fKeyFirstReqEvtNumberString.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //.......... ${5}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_LastReqEvtNumberString = (const Text_t *)fKeyLastReqEvtNumberString.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //.......... ${6}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_ReqNbOfEvtsString = (const Text_t *)fKeyReqNbOfEvtsString.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //.......... ${7}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_fStexName = (const Text_t *)fStexName.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //.......... ${8}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');
      const Text_t *t_StexNumberString = (const Text_t *)fKeyStexNumberString.Data();
      CnaPythonCommand.Append('\\'); CnaPythonCommand.Append('\"');

      //......................................... arguments -> python file name
      //.......... ${9}
      // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Build the name
      fPythonFileName = "EcnaPython_";



      const Text_t *t_fConfirmRunNumberString = (const Text_t *)fConfirmRunNumberString.Data();





      fPythonFileName.Append(t_StexNumberString);      //  <== (python file name without extension .py)
      // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      const Text_t *t_fPythonFileName = (const Text_t *)fPythonFileName.Data();

      //......................................... arguments -> modules:data path
      //.......... ${9}
      CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      const Text_t *t_modules_data_path = (const Text_t *)ModulesdataPath.Data();

      //......................................... arguments -> last evt number (without "")
      //.......... ${10}
      //CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');

      //......................................... arguments -> SourceForPythonFileName
      //.......... ${11}
      //CnaPythonCommand.Append(' ');
      //const Text_t *t_Pyf = (const Text_t *)fKeyPyf.Data();

      //---------------------------------- Exec python file building command (csh before command text)  
      const Text_t *t_cnapythoncommand = (const Text_t *)CnaPythonCommand.Data();
      TString CnaExecPythonCommand = "csh ";

      Int_t i_exec_python = gSystem->Exec(CnaExecPythonCommand.Data());

      if( i_exec_python != 0 )
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for python file building was executed with error code = "
               << i_exec_python << "." << endl
               << "           Check if CMSSW version in command below is the same as in file ~/ECNA/CMSSW_parameters"
               << endl
               << "           Command: " << CnaExecPythonCommand.Data() << endl
               << "           Run number = " << fConfirmRunNumber << endl
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for python file building was successfully executed." << endl
               << "          python file: " << fPythonFileName.Data() << ".py" << endl
               << "          (Command: " << CnaExecPythonCommand.Data() << ")" << endl;

          //========================================================== Job submission script
          TString CnaSubmitCommand = ModulesdataPath;

          //......................................... Script for job submission: command name
          TString SubmitScriptName = "EcnaSystemScriptSubmit";
          const Text_t *t_SubmitScriptName= (const Text_t *)SubmitScriptName.Data();

          //......................................... Script for job submission: arguments
          const Text_t *t_cmssw_version = (const Text_t *)fCnaParPaths->CMSSWVersion().Data();
          CnaSubmitCommand.Append(' ');
          CnaSubmitCommand.Append(' ');

          const Text_t *t_cmssw_subsystem = (const Text_t *)fCnaParPaths->CMSSWSubsystem().Data();
          CnaSubmitCommand.Append(' ');

          const Text_t *t_cfgp_file = (const Text_t *)fPythonFileName.Data();
          CnaSubmitCommand.Append(' ');
          const Text_t *t_QueueCode = (const Text_t *)QueueCode.Data();

          //----------------------------------------- Exec Submit Command (csh before command text)
          const Text_t *t_cnasubmitcommand = (const Text_t *)CnaSubmitCommand.Data();
          TString CnaExecSubmitCommand = "csh ";

          Int_t i_exec_submit = gSystem->Exec(CnaExecSubmitCommand.Data());
          if( i_exec_submit != 0 )
              cout << "*TEcnaGui> Script for job submission was executed with error code = "
                   << i_exec_submit << "."  << endl
                   << "          Command: " << CnaExecSubmitCommand.Data() << endl
                   << "          The following CMSSW parameters may be wrong:" << endl
                   << "          CMSSW version, subsystem name, subdirectory name in test/" << endl
                   << "          Check these parameters in file $HOME/ECNA/cmssw_parameters" << endl
                   << "          and make change if necessary."  << endl
                   << "          Then, exit and restart before SUBMIT again." << endl
                   << fTTBELL << endl;
              cout << "*TEcnaGui> Job with configuration file: " << fPythonFileName.Data()
                   << " was successfully submitted." << endl
                   << "          (Command: " << CnaExecSubmitCommand.Data() << ")" << endl;       
          fConfirmSubmit          = 0;
          fConfirmRunNumber       = 0;
          fConfirmRunNumberString = "0";
      if( fKeyAnaType.BeginsWith("Adc") )
          cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
               << "]> Request for submitting job in batch mode for run " << fKeyRunNumber
               << ". Syntax OK. Please, click again to confirm."
               << fTTBELL << endl;
          fConfirmSubmit          = 1;
          fConfirmRunNumber       = fKeyRunNumber;
          fConfirmRunNumberString = fKeyRunNumberString;
          cout << "   !TEcnaGui (" << fCnaError << ") *** ERROR *** ===>"
               << " Analysis name = " << fKeyAnaType
               << ": should begin with 'Adc'."
               << " Please, change the analysis name." << fTTBELL << endl;
          fConfirmSubmit          = 0;
          fConfirmRunNumber       = 0;
          fConfirmRunNumberString = "0";
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 

Definition at line 6455 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), fKeyAnaType, fKeyColPal, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb, fStinName, fSubDet, TEcnaHistos::SetGeneralTitle(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalTimeHighFrequencyNoise().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

// Plot the graph of High Frequency Noise evolution for a given channel
  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());       /*fCnew++*/ ;}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> High frequency noise history"
       << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name
       << ", " << fStinName.Data() << ": " << cStexStin_A << ", channel: " << i0StinEcha
       << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;

  fHistos->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY);  fHistos->SetHistoScaleX(fKeyScaleX);
  fHistos->FileParameters(fKeyAnaType, fKeyNbOfSamples, 0,
                          fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyStexNumber);
  fHistos->XtalTimeHighFrequencyNoise(run_par_file_name, cStexStin_A, i0StinEcha, first_same_plot);
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 

Definition at line 6480 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), fKeyAnaType, fKeyColPal, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyVmaxD_HFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_HFN_ChNb, fStinName, fSubDet, TEcnaHistos::SetGeneralTitle(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

// Plot the graph of High Frequency Noise evolution for a given channel
  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());       /*fCnew++*/ ;}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> High frequency noise history distribution"
       << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name
       << ", " << fStinName.Data() << ": " << cStexStin_A << ", channel: " << i0StinEcha
       << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;

  fHistos->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY);  fHistos->SetHistoScaleX(fKeyScaleX);
  fHistos->FileParameters(fKeyAnaType, fKeyNbOfSamples, 0,
                          fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyStexNumber);
  fHistos->XtalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(run_par_file_name, cStexStin_A, i0StinEcha, first_same_plot);
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 

Definition at line 6405 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), fKeyAnaType, fKeyColPal, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb, fStinName, fSubDet, TEcnaHistos::SetGeneralTitle(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalTimeLowFrequencyNoise().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

// Plot the graph of Low Frequency Noise evolution for a given channel
  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());       /*fCnew++*/ ;}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Low frequency noise history"
       << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name
       << ", " << fStinName.Data() << ": " << cStexStin_A << ", channel: " << i0StinEcha
       << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;

  fHistos->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY);  fHistos->SetHistoScaleX(fKeyScaleX);
  fHistos->FileParameters(fKeyAnaType, fKeyNbOfSamples, 0,
                          fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyStexNumber);
  fHistos->XtalTimeLowFrequencyNoise(run_par_file_name, cStexStin_A, i0StinEcha, first_same_plot);
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 

Definition at line 6430 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), fKeyAnaType, fKeyColPal, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyVmaxD_LFN_ChNb, fKeyVminD_LFN_ChNb, fStinName, fSubDet, TEcnaHistos::SetGeneralTitle(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

// Plot the graph of Low Frequency Noise evolution for a given channel
  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());       /*fCnew++*/ ;}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Low frequency noise history distribution"
       << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name
       << ", " << fStinName.Data() << ": " << cStexStin_A << ", channel: " << i0StinEcha
       << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;

  fHistos->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY);  fHistos->SetHistoScaleX(fKeyScaleX);
  fHistos->FileParameters(fKeyAnaType, fKeyNbOfSamples, 0,
                          fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyStexNumber);
  fHistos->XtalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(run_par_file_name, cStexStin_A, i0StinEcha, first_same_plot);
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanOfCorss ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanOfCorssRuns ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 

Definition at line 6530 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), fKeyAnaType, fKeyColPal, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyVmaxD_MCs_ChNb, fKeyVminD_MCs_ChNb, fStinName, fSubDet, TEcnaHistos::SetGeneralTitle(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalMeanOfCorssRuns().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

// Plot the graph for Mean of Corss evolution for a given channel

  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());       /*fCnew++*/ ;}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Mean of corss history distribution"
       << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name
       << ", " << fStinName.Data() << ": " << cStexStin_A << ", channel: " << i0StinEcha
       << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;

  fHistos->SetHistoScaleY(fKeyScaleY);  fHistos->SetHistoScaleX(fKeyScaleX);
  fHistos->FileParameters(fKeyAnaType, fKeyNbOfSamples, 0,
                          fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyStexNumber);
  fHistos->XtalMeanOfCorssRuns(run_par_file_name, cStexStin_A, i0StinEcha, first_same_plot);
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 
void TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns ( const TString  run_par_file_name,
const Int_t &  cStexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString  first_same_plot 

Definition at line 6329 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaCommand, fHistos, TEcnaHistos::FileParameters(), fKeyAnaType, fKeyColPal, fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber, fKeyGeneralTitle, fKeyLastReqEvtNumber, fKeyNbOfSamples, fKeyReqNbOfEvts, fKeyScaleX, fKeyScaleY, fKeyStexNumber, fKeyVmaxD_Ped_ChNb, fKeyVminD_Ped_ChNb, fStinName, fSubDet, TEcnaHistos::SetGeneralTitle(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX(), TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY(), and TEcnaHistos::XtalPedestalsRuns().

Referenced by HandleMenu().

// Plot the graph of Pedestals evolution for a given channel

  if( fHistos == 0 ){fHistos = new TEcnaHistos(fSubDet.Data());       /*fCnew++*/ ;}

  cout << "   *TEcnaGui [" << fCnaCommand
       << "]> Pedestal history distribution"
       << ". Run parameters file name: " << run_par_file_name
       << ", " << fStinName.Data() << ": " << cStexStin_A << ", channel: " << i0StinEcha
       << ", option: " << first_same_plot << endl;
