00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 TkLasBeamFitter = cms.EDProducer( 00004 "TkLasBeamFitter", 00005 src = cms.InputTag("LaserAlignment", "tkLaserBeams"), 00006 # Fit Beam Splitters? If not, preset values are taken 00007 fitBeamSplitters = cms.bool( True ), 00008 # AT fit params: 6 is recommended; only other valid values are '3' or '5' 00009 # '3': slope, offset, Beam Splitters are fitted 00010 # '5': rotations of both ATs are fitted as well 00011 # '6': relative shift of ATs in phi-z-plane is fitted 00012 numberOfFittedAtParameters = cms.uint32( 6 ) 00013 ) 00014