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AlignmentMuonSelector Class Reference

#include <AlignmentMuonSelector.h>

List of all members.


struct  ComparePt
 compare two muons in pt (used by theNHighestPtMuons) More...

Public Types

typedef std::vector< const
reco::Muon * > 

Public Member Functions

 AlignmentMuonSelector (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
Muons select (const Muons &muons, const edm::Event &evt) const
 select muons
 ~AlignmentMuonSelector ()

Private Member Functions

Muons basicCuts (const Muons &muons) const
 apply basic cuts on pt,eta,phi,nhit
Muons theBestMassPairCombinationMuons (const Muons &muons) const
 filter only those muons giving best mass pair combination
Muons theNHighestPtMuons (const Muons &muons) const
 filter the n highest pt muons

Private Attributes

bool applyBasicCuts
 private data members
bool applyMassPairFilter
bool applyMultiplicityFilter
bool applyNHighestPt
double chi2nMaxGB
double chi2nMaxSA
double chi2nMaxTO
double etaMax
double etaMin
double maxMassPair
double minMassPair
int minMultiplicity
int nHighestPt
double nHitMaxGB
double nHitMaxSA
double nHitMaxTO
double nHitMinGB
double nHitMinSA
double nHitMinTO
double phiMax
double phiMin
double pMax
double pMin
ComparePt ptComparator
double ptMax
double ptMin

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<const reco::Muon*> AlignmentMuonSelector::Muons

Definition at line 29 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlignmentMuonSelector::AlignmentMuonSelector ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)


Definition at line 10 of file

References applyBasicCuts, applyMassPairFilter, applyMultiplicityFilter, applyNHighestPt, chi2nMaxGB, chi2nMaxSA, chi2nMaxTO, etaMax, etaMin, maxMassPair, minMassPair, minMultiplicity, nHighestPt, nHitMaxGB, nHitMaxSA, nHitMaxTO, nHitMinGB, nHitMinSA, nHitMinTO, phiMax, phiMin, pMax, pMin, ptMax, and ptMin.

  applyBasicCuts( cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyBasicCuts" ) ),
  applyNHighestPt( cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyNHighestPt" ) ),
  applyMultiplicityFilter( cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyMultiplicityFilter" ) ),
  applyMassPairFilter( cfg.getParameter<bool>( "applyMassPairFilter" ) ),
  nHighestPt( cfg.getParameter<int>( "nHighestPt" ) ),
  minMultiplicity ( cfg.getParameter<int>( "minMultiplicity" ) ),
  pMin( cfg.getParameter<double>( "pMin" ) ),
  pMax( cfg.getParameter<double>( "pMax" ) ),
  ptMin( cfg.getParameter<double>( "ptMin" ) ),
  ptMax( cfg.getParameter<double>( "ptMax" ) ),
  etaMin( cfg.getParameter<double>( "etaMin" ) ),
  etaMax( cfg.getParameter<double>( "etaMax" ) ),
  phiMin( cfg.getParameter<double>( "phiMin" ) ),
  phiMax( cfg.getParameter<double>( "phiMax" ) ),
  nHitMinSA( cfg.getParameter<double>( "nHitMinSA" ) ),
  nHitMaxSA( cfg.getParameter<double>( "nHitMaxSA" ) ),
  chi2nMaxSA( cfg.getParameter<double>( "chi2nMaxSA") ),
  nHitMinGB( cfg.getParameter<double>( "nHitMinGB" ) ),
  nHitMaxGB( cfg.getParameter<double>( "nHitMaxGB" ) ),
  chi2nMaxGB( cfg.getParameter<double>( "chi2nMaxGB") ),
  nHitMinTO( cfg.getParameter<double>( "nHitMinTO" ) ),
  nHitMaxTO( cfg.getParameter<double>( "nHitMaxTO" ) ),
  chi2nMaxTO( cfg.getParameter<double>( "chi2nMaxTO" ) ),
  minMassPair( cfg.getParameter<double>( "minMassPair" ) ),
  maxMassPair( cfg.getParameter<double>( "maxMassPair" ) )

  if (applyBasicCuts)
          << "applying basic muon cuts ..."
          << "\npmin,pmax:           " << pMin   << "," << pMax
          << "\nptmin,ptmax:         " << ptMin   << "," << ptMax 
          << "\netamin,etamax:       " << etaMin  << "," << etaMax
          << "\nphimin,phimax:       " << phiMin  << "," << phiMax
          << "\nnhitminSA,nhitmaxSA: " << nHitMinSA << "," << nHitMaxSA
          << "\nchi2nmaxSA:          " << chi2nMaxSA<< ","
          << "\nnhitminGB,nhitmaxGB: " << nHitMinGB << "," << nHitMaxGB
          << "\nchi2nmaxGB:          " << chi2nMaxGB<< ","
          << "\nnhitminTO,nhitmaxTO: " << nHitMinTO << "," << nHitMaxTO
          << "\nchi2nmaxTO:          " << chi2nMaxTO;

  if (applyNHighestPt)
          << "filter N muons with highest Pt N=" << nHighestPt;

  if (applyMultiplicityFilter)
          << "apply multiplicity filter N>=" << minMultiplicity;

  if (applyMassPairFilter)
          << "apply Mass Pair filter minMassPair=" << minMassPair << " maxMassPair=" << maxMassPair;

AlignmentMuonSelector::~AlignmentMuonSelector ( )


Definition at line 68 of file


Member Function Documentation

AlignmentMuonSelector::Muons AlignmentMuonSelector::basicCuts ( const Muons muons) const [private]

apply basic cuts on pt,eta,phi,nhit

Definition at line 105 of file

References chi2nMaxGB, chi2nMaxSA, chi2nMaxTO, reco::Muon::combinedMuon(), eta(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), etaMax, etaMin, reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), reco::Muon::isStandAloneMuon(), reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), nHitMaxGB, nHitMaxSA, nHitMaxTO, nHitMinGB, nHitMinSA, nHitMinTO, L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, reco::LeafCandidate::p(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), phi, phiMax, phiMin, pMax, pMin, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), ptMax, ptMin, query::result, reco::Muon::standAloneMuon(), and reco::Muon::track().

Referenced by select().

  Muons result;

  for(Muons::const_iterator it=muons.begin();
      it!=muons.end();it++) {
    const reco::Muon* muonp=*it;
    float p=muonp->p();
    float pt=muonp->pt();
    float eta=muonp->eta();
    float phi=muonp->phi();

    int nhitSA=0;float chi2nSA=9999.;
    nhitSA = muonp->standAloneMuon()->numberOfValidHits();// standAlone Muon
    chi2nSA = muonp->standAloneMuon()->normalizedChi2();  // standAlone Muon
    int nhitGB=0;float chi2nGB=9999.;
    nhitGB = muonp->combinedMuon()->numberOfValidHits();// global Muon
    chi2nGB = muonp->combinedMuon()->normalizedChi2();  // global Muon
        int nhitTO=0;float chi2nTO=9999.;
    nhitTO = muonp->track()->numberOfValidHits();       // Tracker Only
    chi2nTO = muonp->track()->normalizedChi2();         // Tracker Only
    edm::LogInfo("AlignmentMuonSelector") << " pt,eta,phi,nhitSA,chi2nSA,nhitGB,chi2nGB,nhitTO,chi2nTO: "
      <<pt<<","<<eta<<","<<phi<<","<<nhitSA<< ","<<chi2nSA<<","<<nhitGB<< ","<<chi2nGB<<","<<nhitTO<< ","<<chi2nTO;

    if (p>pMin && p<pMax
       && pt>ptMin && pt<ptMax 
       && eta>etaMin && eta<etaMax 
       && phi>phiMin && phi<phiMax 
       && nhitSA>=nHitMinSA && nhitSA<=nHitMaxSA
       && chi2nSA<chi2nMaxSA 
       && nhitGB>=nHitMinGB && nhitGB<=nHitMaxGB
       && chi2nGB<chi2nMaxGB 
       && nhitTO>=nHitMinTO && nhitTO<=nHitMaxTO
       && chi2nTO<chi2nMaxTO) {

  return result;
AlignmentMuonSelector::Muons AlignmentMuonSelector::select ( const Muons muons,
const edm::Event evt 
) const

select muons

Definition at line 75 of file

References applyBasicCuts, applyMassPairFilter, applyMultiplicityFilter, applyNHighestPt, basicCuts(), minMultiplicity, patZpeak::muons, query::result, theBestMassPairCombinationMuons(), and theNHighestPtMuons().

Referenced by MuonConfigSelector::select().

  Muons result=muons;

  // apply basic muon cuts (if selected)
  if (applyBasicCuts)  result= this->basicCuts(result);

  // filter N muons with highest Pt (if selected)
  if (applyNHighestPt) result= this->theNHighestPtMuons(result);

  // apply minimum multiplicity requirement (if selected)
  if (applyMultiplicityFilter) {
    if (result.size()<(unsigned int)minMultiplicity) result.clear();

  // apply mass pair requirement (if selected)
  if (applyMassPairFilter) {
    if (result.size()<2) result.clear();  // at least 2 muons are require for a mass pair...
    else result = this->theBestMassPairCombinationMuons(result);

  edm::LogInfo("AlignmentMuonSelector") << "muons all,kept: " << muons.size() << "," << result.size();

  return result;

AlignmentMuonSelector::Muons AlignmentMuonSelector::theBestMassPairCombinationMuons ( const Muons muons) const [private]

filter only those muons giving best mass pair combination

Definition at line 176 of file

References maxMassPair, minMassPair, patZpeak::muons, ptComparator, query::result, and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by select().

  Muons sortedMuons=muons;
  Muons result;
  TLorentzVector mu1,mu2,pair;
  double mass=0, minDiff=999999.;

  // sort in pt

  // copy best mass pair combination muons to result vector
  // Criteria: 
  // a) maxMassPair !=    minMassPair: the two highest pt muons with mass pair inside the given mass window
  // b) maxMassPair ==    minMassPair: the muon pair with massPair closest to given mass value
   for (Muons::const_iterator it1=sortedMuons.begin();
           it1!=sortedMuons.end(); it1++) {
           for (Muons::const_iterator it2=it1+1;
           it2!=sortedMuons.end(); it2++) {
           mu1 = TLorentzVector((*it1)->momentum().x(),(*it1)->momentum().y(),(*it1)->momentum().z(),(*it1)->p());
           mu2 = TLorentzVector((*it2)->momentum().x(),(*it2)->momentum().y(),(*it2)->momentum().z(),(*it2)->p());
           mass = pair.M();
        if(     maxMassPair !=    minMassPair){
           if(mass<maxMassPair && mass>minMassPair) { result.push_back(*it1); result.push_back(*it2); break;}
           if(fabs(mass-maxMassPair)< minDiff) { minDiff=fabs(mass-maxMassPair); result.clear(); result.push_back(*it1); result.push_back(*it2);}

  return result;
AlignmentMuonSelector::Muons AlignmentMuonSelector::theNHighestPtMuons ( const Muons muons) const [private]

filter the n highest pt muons

Definition at line 155 of file

References patZpeak::muons, n, nHighestPt, ptComparator, query::result, and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by select().

  Muons sortedMuons=muons;
  Muons result;

  // sort in pt

  // copy theMuonMult highest pt muons to result vector
  int n=0;
  for (Muons::const_iterator it=sortedMuons.begin();
           it!=sortedMuons.end(); it++) {
        if (n<nHighestPt) { result.push_back(*it); n++; }

  return result;

Member Data Documentation

private data members

Definition at line 60 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and select().

Definition at line 60 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and select().

Definition at line 60 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and select().

Definition at line 60 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and select().

Definition at line 64 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 63 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 65 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 61 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and select().

Definition at line 61 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and theNHighestPtMuons().

Definition at line 64 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 63 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 65 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 64 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 63 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 65 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

double AlignmentMuonSelector::pMax [private]

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

double AlignmentMuonSelector::pMin [private]

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

Definition at line 57 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by theBestMassPairCombinationMuons(), and theNHighestPtMuons().

double AlignmentMuonSelector::ptMax [private]

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().

double AlignmentMuonSelector::ptMin [private]

Definition at line 62 of file AlignmentMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by AlignmentMuonSelector(), and basicCuts().