Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Friends

ESIntegrityClient Class Reference

#include <ESIntegrityClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for ESIntegrityClient:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (void)
void beginJob (DQMStore *dqmStore)
void beginRun (void)
void cleanup (void)
void endJob (void)
void endLumiAnalyze (void)
void endRun (void)
 ESIntegrityClient (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
int getEvtPerJob ()
 Get Functions.
int getEvtPerRun ()
void setup (void)
void softReset (bool flag)
virtual ~ESIntegrityClient ()

Private Attributes

bool cloneME_
bool debug_
bool enableCleanup_
int fed_ [2][2][40][40]
int fedStatus_ [56]
int fiber_ [2][2][40][40]
int fiberStatus_ [56][36]
TH1F * hBXDiff_
TH1F * hFED_
TH2F * hFiberBadStatus_
TH2F * hFiberOff_
TH1F * hKBC_
TH1F * hKEC_
TH2F * hKF1_
TH2F * hKF2_
TH1F * hL1ADiff_
TH1F * hOrbitNumberDiff_
TH1F * hSLinkCRCErr_
int ievt_
int jevt_
int kchip_ [2][2][40][40]
edm::FileInPath lookup_
MonitorElementmeFED_ [2][2]
MonitorElementmeKCHIP_ [2][2]
std::string prefixME_
int slinkCRCStatus_ [56]
int syncStatus_ [56]
bool verbose_


class ESSummaryClient

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ESIntegrityClient::ESIntegrityClient ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 14 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, j, gen::k, m, and z.


  cloneME_       = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("cloneME", true);
  verbose_       = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", true);
  debug_         = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug", false);
  prefixME_      = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("prefixME", "");
  enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup", false);
  lookup_        = ps.getUntrackedParameter<FileInPath>("LookupTable", edm::FileInPath("EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat"));

  // read in look-up table
  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) 
    for (int j=0; j<2; ++j) 
      for (int k=0; k<40; ++k) 
        for (int m=0; m<40; ++m) {
          fed_[i][j][k][m] = -1; 
          kchip_[i][j][k][m] = -1;

  for (int i=0; i<56; ++i) {
    fedStatus_[i] = -1;
    syncStatus_[i] = -1;
    slinkCRCStatus_[i] = -1;
    for (int j=0; j<36; ++j)
      fiberStatus_[i][j] = -1;

  int nLines_, z, iz, ip, ix, iy, fed, kchip, pace, bundle, fiber, optorx;
  ifstream file;;
  if( file.is_open() ) {
    file >> nLines_;
    for (int i=0; i<nLines_; ++i) {
      file>> iz >> ip >> ix >> iy >> fed >> kchip >> pace >> bundle >> fiber >> optorx;
      z = (iz==-1) ? 2:iz;
      fed_[z-1][ip-1][ix-1][iy-1] = fed;
      kchip_[z-1][ip-1][ix-1][iy-1] = kchip;
      fiber_[z-1][ip-1][ix-1][iy-1] = (fiber-1)+(optorx-1)*12;
  else {
    cout<<"ESIntegrityClient : Look up table file can not be found in "<<lookup_.fullPath().c_str()<<endl;

  hFED_ = 0;
  hFiberOff_ = 0;
  hFiberBadStatus_ = 0;
  hKF1_ = 0;
  hKF2_ = 0;
  hKBC_ = 0;
  hKEC_ = 0; 
  hL1ADiff_ = 0;
  hBXDiff_ = 0;
  hOrbitNumberDiff_ = 0;
  hSLinkCRCErr_ = 0; 

  ievt_ = 0;
  jevt_ = 0;
ESIntegrityClient::~ESIntegrityClient ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 76 of file


Member Function Documentation

void ESIntegrityClient::analyze ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 142 of file

References trackerHits::histo, i, and j.


  char histo[200];

  double nDI_FedErr[56];
  for (int i=0; i<56; ++i) nDI_FedErr[i] = 0;

  MonitorElement* me = 0;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES FEDs used for data taking").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hFED_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hFED_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES Fiber Off").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hFiberOff_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hFiberOff_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES Fiber Bad Status").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hFiberBadStatus_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hFiberBadStatus_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES SLink CRC Errors").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hSLinkCRCErr_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hSLinkCRCErr_ ); 

  int xval = 0;
  int nevFEDs = 0;
  if (hFED_) {
    for (int i=1; i<=56; ++i) 
      if (nevFEDs < hFED_->GetBinContent(i))
        nevFEDs = (int) hFED_->GetBinContent(i);

  // FED integrity
  for (int i=1; i<=56; ++i) {
    if (hFED_) {
      if (hFED_->GetBinContent(i) > 0) 
        fedStatus_[i-1] = 1;      
    if (hSLinkCRCErr_) {
      if (hSLinkCRCErr_->GetBinContent(i) > 0) 
        slinkCRCStatus_[i] = 1;
    for (int j=0; j<36; ++j) {
      if (hFiberBadStatus_) {
        if (hFiberBadStatus_->GetBinContent(i, j+1) > 0) 
          fiberStatus_[i-1][j] = 2; // bad
          fiberStatus_[i-1][j] = 1; // good
      if (hFiberOff_) 
        if (hFiberOff_->GetBinContent(i, j+1) > 0) {
          fiberStatus_[i-1][j] = 0; // off

  // obtain MEs from ESRawDataTask
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESRawDataTask/ES L1A DCC errors").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hL1ADiff_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hL1ADiff_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESRawDataTask/ES BX DCC errors").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBXDiff_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBXDiff_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESRawDataTask/ES Orbit Number DCC errors").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hOrbitNumberDiff_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hOrbitNumberDiff_ ); 

  for (int i=1; i<=56; ++i) {
    if (hL1ADiff_ && hBXDiff_) {
      if (hL1ADiff_->GetBinContent(i) > 0 || hBXDiff_->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
        syncStatus_[i-1] = 1;
        if (hL1ADiff_->GetBinContent(i) > nDI_FedErr[i-1]) nDI_FedErr[i-1] = hL1ADiff_->GetBinContent(i);
        if (hBXDiff_->GetBinContent(i) > nDI_FedErr[i-1]) nDI_FedErr[i-1] = hBXDiff_->GetBinContent(i);
    //if (hOrbitNumberDiff_->GetBinContent(i) > 0) syncStatus_[i-1] = 1;

  // KCHIP integrity
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES KChip Flag 1 Error codes").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hKF1_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hKF1_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES KChip Flag 2 Error codes").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hKF2_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hKF2_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES KChip BC mismatch with OptoRX").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hKBC_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hKBC_ ); 

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityTask/ES KChip EC mismatch with OptoRX").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hKEC_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hKEC_ ); 

  Int_t kchip_xval[1550];
  for (int i=0; i<=1550; ++i) {

    xval = 3;
    Int_t kErr = 0;
    for (int j=1; j<16; ++j) { 
      if (hKF1_) {
        if (hKF1_->GetBinContent(i, j+1)>0) {
          xval = 2;
      if (hKF2_) {
        if (hKF2_->GetBinContent(i, j+1)>0) {
          xval = 4;
    if (hKBC_) {
      if (hKBC_->GetBinContent(i)>0) {
        xval = 5;
    if (hKEC_) {
      if (hKEC_->GetBinContent(i)>0) {
        xval = 6;
    if (kErr>1) xval = 7; 
    kchip_xval[i] = xval;

  // detailed KCHIP summary (i.e. summary 2)
  for (int iz=0; iz<2; ++iz) 
    for (int ip=0; ip<2; ++ip)
      for (int ix=0; ix<40; ++ix)
        for (int iy=0; iy<40; ++iy) {
          if (fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy] == -1) continue;
          if (fedStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520]==-1 || fiberStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520][fiber_[iz][ip][ix][iy]] == 0)
            kchip_xval[kchip_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-1] = 0;
          if ((kchip_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-2) >= 0) 
            meKCHIP_[iz][ip]->setBinContent(ix+1, iy+1, kchip_xval[kchip_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-2]); 

  // FED, Fiber, KCHIP summary (i.e. summary 1) 
  Int_t nErr = 0;
  for (int iz=0; iz<2; ++iz) 
    for (int ip=0; ip<2; ++ip)
      for (int ix=0; ix<40; ++ix)
        for (int iy=0; iy<40; ++iy) {

          if (fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy] == -1) continue;
          nErr = 0;

          if (fedStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520] == 1) {

            if (hFED_) {
              if (hFED_->GetBinContent(fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520+1) == nevFEDs) 
                xval = 3;
              else {
                xval = 4; // FED problem

            if (fiberStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520][fiber_[iz][ip][ix][iy]] == 2) {
              xval = 2; // fiber problem
            if (fiberStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520][fiber_[iz][ip][ix][iy]] == 0) {
              xval = 0; // fiber off
            if (kchip_xval[kchip_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-1] != 3 && kchip_xval[kchip_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-1] != 0) {
              xval = 5; // kchip problem
            if (syncStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520] == 1) {
              xval = 6;
            if (slinkCRCStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520] == 1) {
              xval = 8;
            if (nErr > 1) xval = 7;
          } else if (fedStatus_[fed_[iz][ip][ix][iy]-520] == -1) {
            xval = 0;
          meFED_[iz][ip]->setBinContent(ix+1, iy+1, xval); 
void ESIntegrityClient::beginJob ( DQMStore dqmStore) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 79 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.


  dqmStore_ = dqmStore;

  if ( debug_ ) cout << "ESIntegrityClient: beginJob" << endl;

  ievt_ = 0;
  jevt_ = 0;
void ESIntegrityClient::beginRun ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 89 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and HcalObjRepresent::setup().


  if ( debug_ ) cout << "ESIntegrityClient: beginRun" << endl;

  jevt_ = 0;


void ESIntegrityClient::cleanup ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 136 of file


  if ( ! enableCleanup_ ) return;

void ESIntegrityClient::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 99 of file

References edm::cleanup(), and gather_cfg::cout.


  if ( debug_ ) cout << "ESIntegrityClient: endJob, ievt = " << ievt_ << endl;


void ESIntegrityClient::endLumiAnalyze ( void  ) [inline, virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 59 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

void ESIntegrityClient::endRun ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 107 of file

References edm::cleanup(), and gather_cfg::cout.


  if ( debug_ ) cout << "ESIntegrityClient: endRun, jevt = " << jevt_ << endl;


int ESIntegrityClient::getEvtPerJob ( void  ) [inline]

Get Functions.

Definition at line 55 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

References ievt_.

{ return ievt_; }
int ESIntegrityClient::getEvtPerRun ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 56 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

References jevt_.

{ return jevt_; }
void ESIntegrityClient::setup ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements ESClient.

Definition at line 115 of file

References trackerHits::histo, i, and j.


  char histo[200];

  dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/ESIntegrityClient" );

  for (int i=0 ; i<2; ++i) 
    for (int j=0 ; j<2; ++j) {
      int iz = (i==0)? 1:-1;
      sprintf(histo, "ES Integrity Summary 1 Z %d P %d", iz, j+1);
      meFED_[i][j] = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 40, 0.5, 40.5, 40, 0.5, 40.5);
      meFED_[i][j]->setAxisTitle("Si X", 1);
      meFED_[i][j]->setAxisTitle("Si Y", 2);
      sprintf(histo, "ES Integrity Summary 2 Z %d P %d", iz, j+1);
      meKCHIP_[i][j] = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 40, 0.5, 40.5, 40, 0.5, 40.5);
      meKCHIP_[i][j]->setAxisTitle("Si X", 1);
      meKCHIP_[i][j]->setAxisTitle("Si Y", 2);
void ESIntegrityClient::softReset ( bool  flag)


Definition at line 337 of file


Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ESSummaryClient [friend]

Definition at line 20 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 73 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

bool ESIntegrityClient::debug_ [private]

Definition at line 75 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 82 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 76 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

int ESIntegrityClient::fed_[2][2][40][40] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

int ESIntegrityClient::fedStatus_[56] [private]

Definition at line 68 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

int ESIntegrityClient::fiber_[2][2][40][40] [private]

Definition at line 67 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

int ESIntegrityClient::fiberStatus_[56][36] [private]

Definition at line 69 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

TH1F* ESIntegrityClient::hBXDiff_ [private]

Definition at line 95 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

TH1F* ESIntegrityClient::hFED_ [private]

Definition at line 87 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 89 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 88 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

TH1F* ESIntegrityClient::hKBC_ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

TH1F* ESIntegrityClient::hKEC_ [private]

Definition at line 93 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

TH2F* ESIntegrityClient::hKF1_ [private]

Definition at line 90 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

TH2F* ESIntegrityClient::hKF2_ [private]

Definition at line 91 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 94 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 96 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 97 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

int ESIntegrityClient::ievt_ [private]

Definition at line 63 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Referenced by getEvtPerJob().

int ESIntegrityClient::jevt_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Referenced by getEvtPerRun().

int ESIntegrityClient::kchip_[2][2][40][40] [private]

Definition at line 66 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 80 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 84 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 85 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

std::string ESIntegrityClient::prefixME_ [private]

Definition at line 78 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 71 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

int ESIntegrityClient::syncStatus_[56] [private]

Definition at line 70 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.

Definition at line 74 of file ESIntegrityClient.h.