Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X Class Reference

Inherits FWCore::GuiBrowsers::ConfigToolBase::ConfigToolBase.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __call__
def __init__
def getDefaultParameters
def toolCode

Private Attributes


Static Private Attributes

tuple _defaultParameters = dicttypes.SortedKeysDict()
string _label = 'switchJetCollection35X'

Detailed Description

Switch the collection of jets in PAT from the default value to a
new jet collection. This is a re-implementation to run the 36X
version of PAT on 35X input samples.

Definition at line 558 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X::__init__ (   self)

Definition at line 569 of file

00570                       :
00571         ConfigToolBase.__init__(self)
00572         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'jetCollection',self._defaultValue,'Input jet collection', cms.InputTag)
00573         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'doJTA',True, "run b tagging sequence for new jet collection and add it to the new pat jet collection")
00574         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'doBTagging',True, 'run JetTracksAssociation and JetCharge and add it to the new pat jet collection (will autom. be true if doBTagging is set to true)')
00575         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'jetCorrLabel',None, "algorithm and type of JEC; use 'None' for no JEC; examples are ('AK5','Calo'), ('SC7','Calo'), ('KT4','PF')", tuple,acceptNoneValue=True)
00576         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'doType1MET',True, "if jetCorrLabel is not 'None', set this to 'True' to redo the Type1 MET correction for the new jet colleection; at the moment it must be 'False' for non CaloJets otherwise the JetMET POG module crashes. ")
00577         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'genJetCollection',cms.InputTag("ak5GenJets"), "GenJet collection to match to")
00578         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'doJetID',True, "add jetId variables to the added jet collection")
00579         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'jetIdLabel',"ak5", " specify the label prefix of the xxxJetID object; in general it is the jet collection tag like ak5, kt4 sc5, aso. For more information have a look to SWGuidePATTools#add_JetCollection")
00580         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters,'postfix',"", "postfix of default sequence")
00582         self._parameters=copy.deepcopy(self._defaultParameters)
00583         self._comment = ""

Member Function Documentation

def cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X::__call__ (   self,
  jetCollection = None,
  doJTA = None,
  doBTagging = None,
  jetCorrLabel = None,
  doType1MET = None,
  genJetCollection = None,
  doJetID = None,
  jetIdLabel = None,
  postfix = None 

Definition at line 587 of file

00597                                            :
00599         if jetCollection  is None:
00600             jetCollection=self._defaultParameters['jetCollection'].value
00601         if doJTA is None:
00602             doJTA=self._defaultParameters['doJTA'].value
00603         if doBTagging is None:
00604             doBTagging=self._defaultParameters['doBTagging'].value
00605         if jetCorrLabel  is None:
00606             jetCorrLabel=self._defaultParameters['jetCorrLabel'].value
00607         if doType1MET  is None:
00608             doType1MET=self._defaultParameters['doType1MET'].value
00609         if genJetCollection  is None:
00610             genJetCollection=self._defaultParameters['genJetCollection'].value
00611         if doJetID  is None:
00612             doJetID=self._defaultParameters['doJetID'].value
00613         if jetIdLabel  is None:
00614             jetIdLabel=self._defaultParameters['jetIdLabel'].value
00615         if postfix  is None:
00616             postfix=self._defaultParameters['postfix'].value
00618         self.setParameter('jetCollection',jetCollection)
00619         self.setParameter('doJTA',doJTA)
00620         self.setParameter('doBTagging',doBTagging)
00621         self.setParameter('jetCorrLabel',jetCorrLabel)
00622         self.setParameter('doType1MET',doType1MET)
00623         self.setParameter('genJetCollection',genJetCollection)
00624         self.setParameter('doJetID',doJetID)
00625         self.setParameter('jetIdLabel',jetIdLabel)
00626         self.setParameter('postfix',postfix)
00628         self.apply(process)

def cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X::getDefaultParameters (   self)

Definition at line 584 of file

00585                                   :
00586         return self._defaultParameters

def cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X::toolCode (   self,

Definition at line 629 of file

00630                                :
00631         jetCollection=self._parameters['jetCollection'].value
00632         doJTA=self._parameters['doJTA'].value
00633         doBTagging=self._parameters['doBTagging'].value
00634         jetCorrLabel=self._parameters['jetCorrLabel'].value
00635         doType1MET =self._parameters['doType1MET'].value
00636         genJetCollection=self._parameters['genJetCollection'].value
00637         doJetID=self._parameters['doJetID'].value
00638         jetIdLabel=self._parameters['jetIdLabel'].value
00639         postfix=self._parameters['postfix'].value
00642         ## save label of old input jet collection
00643         oldLabel = applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).jetSource;
00645         ## replace input jet collection for generator matches
00646         applyPostfix(process, "patJetPartonMatch", postfix).src = jetCollection
00647         applyPostfix(process, "patJetGenJetMatch", postfix).src = jetCollection
00648         applyPostfix(process, "patJetGenJetMatch", postfix).matched = genJetCollection
00649         applyPostfix(process, "patJetPartonAssociation", postfix).jets = jetCollection
00650         ## replace input jet collection for pat jet production
00651         applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).jetSource = jetCollection
00653         ## make VInputTag from strings
00654         def vit(*args) : return cms.VInputTag( *[ cms.InputTag(x) for x in args ] )
00656         if (doJTA or doBTagging):
00657             ## replace jet track association
00658             process.load("RecoJets.JetAssociationProducers.ak5JTA_cff")
00659             from RecoJets.JetAssociationProducers.ak5JTA_cff import ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex
00660             setattr(process, "jetTracksAssociatorAtVertex"+postfix, ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex.clone(jets = jetCollection))
00661             getattr(process, "patDefaultSequence"+postfix).replace(
00662                 applyPostfix(process, "patJetCharge", postfix),
00663                 getattr(process, "jetTracksAssociatorAtVertex" + postfix) #module with postfix that is not n patDefaultSequence
00664                 + applyPostfix(process, "patJetCharge", postfix)
00665                 )
00667             applyPostfix(process, "patJetCharge", postfix).src = 'jetTracksAssociatorAtVertex'+postfix
00668             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).trackAssociationSource = 'jetTracksAssociatorAtVertex'+postfix
00669         else:
00670             ## remove the jet track association from the std
00671             ## sequence
00672             removeIfInSequence(process,  "patJetCharge",  "patDefaultSequence", postfix)
00673             ## switch embedding of track association and jet
00674             ## charge estimate to 'False'
00675             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).addAssociatedTracks = False
00676             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).addJetCharge = False
00678         if (doBTagging):
00679             ## replace b tagging sequence; add postfix label 'AOD' as crab will
00680             ## crash when confronted with empy labels
00681             (btagSeq, btagLabels) = runBTagging35X(process, jetCollection, 'AOD',postfix)
00682             ## add b tagging sequence before running the allLayer1Jets modules
00683             getattr(process, "patDefaultSequence"+postfix).replace(
00684                 getattr( process,"jetTracksAssociatorAtVertex"+postfix),
00685                 getattr( process,"jetTracksAssociatorAtVertex"+postfix) + btagSeq
00686                 )
00688             ## replace corresponding tags for pat jet production
00689             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).trackAssociationSource = btagLabels['jta']
00690             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).tagInfoSources = cms.VInputTag( *[ cms.InputTag(x) for x in btagLabels['tagInfos'] ] )
00691             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).discriminatorSources = cms.VInputTag( *[ cms.InputTag(x) for x in btagLabels['jetTags']  ] )
00692         else:
00693             ## remove b tagging from the std sequence
00694             removeIfInSequence(process,  "secondaryVertexNegativeTagInfos",  "patDefaultSequence", postfix)
00695             removeIfInSequence(process,  "simpleSecondaryVertexNegativeBJetTags",  "patDefaultSequence", postfix)
00697             ## switch embedding of b tagging for pat
00698             ## jet production to 'False'
00699             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).addBTagInfo = False
00701         if (doJetID):
00702             jetIdLabelNew = jetIdLabel + 'JetID'
00703             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).jetIDMap = cms.InputTag( jetIdLabelNew )
00704         else:
00705             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).addJetID = cms.bool(False)
00708         if (jetCorrLabel!=None):
00709             ## replace jet energy corrections; catch
00710             ## a couple of exceptions first
00711             if (jetCorrLabel == False ):
00712                 raise ValueError, "In switchJetCollection 'jetCorrLabel' must be set to 'None', not 'False'"
00713             if (jetCorrLabel == "None"):
00714                 raise ValueError, "In switchJetCollection 'jetCorrLabel' must be set to 'None' (without quotes)"
00715             ## check for the correct format
00716             if (type(jetCorrLabel)!=type(('AK5','Calo'))):
00717                 raise ValueError, "In switchJetCollection 'jetCorrLabel' must be 'None', or of type ('Algo','Type')"
00719             ## switch JEC parameters to the new jet collection
00720             applyPostfix(process, "patJetCorrFactors", postfix).jetSource = jetCollection
00721             switchJECParameters(applyPostfix(process, "patJetCorrFactors", postfix), jetCorrLabel[0], jetCorrLabel[1], oldAlgo='AK5',oldType='Calo')
00723             ## switch type1MET corrections off for PFJets
00724             if( jetCollection.__str__().find('PFJets')>=0 ):
00725                 print '================================================='
00726                 print 'Type1MET corrections are switched off for PFJets.'
00727                 print 'of type %s%s.' % (jetCorrLabel[0].swapcase(), jetCorrLabel[1])
00728                 print 'Users are recommened to use pfMET together with  '
00729                 print 'PFJets.'
00730                 print '================================================='
00731                 doType1MET=False
00733             ## redo the type1MET correction for the new jet collection
00734             if (doType1MET):
00735                 ## in case there is no jet correction service in the paths add it
00736                 ## as L2L3 if possible, as combined from L2 and L3 otherwise
00737                 if not hasattr( process, '%s%sL2L3' % (jetCorrLabel[0].swapcase(), jetCorrLabel[1]) ):
00738                     setattr( process, '%s%sL2L3' % (jetCorrLabel[0].swapcase(), jetCorrLabel[1]),
00739                              cms.ESSource("JetCorrectionServiceChain",
00740                                           correctors = cms.vstring('%s%sL2Relative' % (jetCorrLabel[0].swapcase(), jetCorrLabel[1]),
00741                                                                    '%s%sL3Absolute' % (jetCorrLabel[0].swapcase(), jetCorrLabel[1])
00742                                                                    )
00743                                           )
00744                              )
00745                 ## configure the type1MET correction the following muonMET
00746                 ## corrections have the metJESCorAK5CaloJet as input and
00747                 ## are automatically correct
00748                 applyPostfix(process, "metJESCorAK5CaloJet", postfix).inputUncorJetsLabel = jetCollection.value()
00749                 applyPostfix(process, "metJESCorAK5CaloJet", postfix).corrector = '%s%sL2L3' % (jetCorrLabel[0].swapcase(), jetCorrLabel[1])
00750         else:
00751             ## remove the jetCorrFactors from the std sequence
00752             process.patJetMETCorrections.remove(process.patJetCorrFactors)
00753             ## switch embedding of jetCorrFactors off
00754             ## for pat jet production
00755             applyPostfix(process, "patJets", postfix).addJetCorrFactors = False
00758 switchJetCollection35X=SwitchJetCollection35X()

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 569 of file

tuple cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X::_defaultParameters = dicttypes.SortedKeysDict() [static, private]

Definition at line 568 of file

string cmsswVersionTools::SwitchJetCollection35X::_label = 'switchJetCollection35X' [static, private]

Definition at line 567 of file

Definition at line 569 of file