Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

tauTools::AddTauCollection Class Reference

Inherits FWCore::GuiBrowsers::ConfigToolBase::ConfigToolBase.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __call__
def __init__
def getDefaultParameters
def toolCode

Private Attributes


Static Private Attributes

tuple _defaultParameters = dicttypes.SortedKeysDict()
string _label = 'addTauCollection'

Detailed Description

Add a new collection of taus. Takes the configuration from the
already configured standard tau collection as starting point;
replaces before calling addTauCollection will also affect the
new tau collections

Definition at line 280 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def tauTools::AddTauCollection::__init__ (   self)

Definition at line 289 of file

00290                       :
00291         ConfigToolBase.__init__(self)
00292         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters, 'tauCollection',
00293                           self._defaultValue, 'Input tau collection', cms.InputTag)
00294         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters, 'algoLabel',
00295                           self._defaultValue, "label to indicate the tau algorithm (e.g.'shrinkingCone')", str)
00296         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters, 'typeLabel',
00297                           self._defaultValue, "label to indicate the type of constituents (either 'PFTau' or 'Tau')", str)
00298         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters, 'doPFIsoDeposits',
00299                           True, "run sequence for computing particle-flow based IsoDeposits")
00300         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters, 'standardAlgo',
00301                           "shrinkingCone", "standard algorithm label of the collection from which the clones " \
00302                          + "for the new tau collection will be taken from " \
00303                          + "(note that this tau collection has to be available in the event before hand)")
00304         self.addParameter(self._defaultParameters, 'standardType',
00305                           "PFTau", "standard constituent type label of the collection from which the clones " \
00306                          + " for the new tau collection will be taken from "\
00307                          + "(note that this tau collection has to be available in the event before hand)")
00309         self._parameters=copy.deepcopy(self._defaultParameters)
00310         self._comment = ""

Member Function Documentation

def tauTools::AddTauCollection::__call__ (   self,
  tauCollection = None,
  algoLabel = None,
  typeLabel = None,
  doPFIsoDeposits = None,
  standardAlgo = None,
  standardType = None 

Definition at line 314 of file

00321                                            :
00323         if tauCollection is None:
00324             tauCollection = self._defaultParameters['tauCollection'].value
00325         if algoLabel is None:
00326             algoLabel = self._defaultParameters['algoLabel'].value
00327         if typeLabel is None:
00328             typeLabel = self._defaultParameters['typeLabel'].value
00329         if doPFIsoDeposits is None:
00330             doPFIsoDeposits = self._defaultParameters['doPFIsoDeposits'].value
00331         if standardAlgo is None:
00332             standardAlgo = self._defaultParameters['standardAlgo'].value
00333         if standardType is None:
00334             standardType = self._defaultParameters['standardType'].value
00336         self.setParameter('tauCollection', tauCollection)
00337         self.setParameter('algoLabel', algoLabel)
00338         self.setParameter('typeLabel', typeLabel)
00339         self.setParameter('doPFIsoDeposits', doPFIsoDeposits)
00340         self.setParameter('standardAlgo', standardAlgo)
00341         self.setParameter('standardType', standardType)
00343         self.apply(process) 
def tauTools::AddTauCollection::getDefaultParameters (   self)

Definition at line 311 of file

00312                                   :
00313         return self._defaultParameters

def tauTools::AddTauCollection::toolCode (   self,

Definition at line 344 of file

00344                                :        
00345         tauCollection = self._parameters['tauCollection'].value
00346         algoLabel = self._parameters['algoLabel'].value
00347         typeLabel = self._parameters['typeLabel'].value
00348         doPFIsoDeposits = self._parameters['doPFIsoDeposits'].value
00349         standardAlgo = self._parameters['standardAlgo'].value
00350         standardType = self._parameters['standardType'].value
00352         ## disable computation of particle-flow based IsoDeposits
00353         ## in case tau is of CaloTau type
00354         if typeLabel == 'Tau':
00355 #            print "NO PF Isolation will be computed for CaloTau (this could be improved later)"
00356             doPFIsoDeposits = False
00358         ## create old module label from standardAlgo
00359         ## and standardType and return
00360         def oldLabel(prefix = ''):
00361             if prefix == '':
00362                 return "patTaus"
00363             else:
00364                 return prefix + "PatTaus"
00366         ## capitalize first character of appended part
00367         ## when creating new module label
00368         ## (giving e.g. "patTausCaloRecoTau")
00369         def capitalize(label):
00370             return label[0].capitalize() + label[1:]    
00372         ## create new module label from old module
00373         ## label and return
00374         def newLabel(oldLabel):
00375             newLabel = oldLabel
00376             if ( oldLabel.find(standardAlgo) >= 0 and oldLabel.find(standardType) >= 0 ):
00377                 oldLabel = oldLabel.replace(standardAlgo, algoLabel).replace(standardType, typeLabel)
00378             else:
00379                 oldLabel = oldLabel + capitalize(algoLabel + typeLabel)
00380             return oldLabel
00382         ## clone module and add it to the patDefaultSequence
00383         def addClone(hook, **replaceStatements):
00384             ## create a clone of the hook with corresponding
00385             ## parameter replacements
00386             newModule = getattr(process, hook).clone(**replaceStatements)
00387             ## add the module to the sequence
00388             addModuleToSequence(hook, newModule)
00390         ## clone module for computing particle-flow IsoDeposits
00391         def addPFIsoDepositClone(hook, **replaceStatements):
00392             newModule = getattr(process, hook).clone(**replaceStatements)
00393             newModuleIsoDepositExtractor = getattr(newModule, "ExtractorPSet")
00394             setattr(newModuleIsoDepositExtractor, "tauSource", getattr(newModule, "src"))
00395             addModuleToSequence(hook, newModule)
00397         ## add module to the patDefaultSequence
00398         def addModuleToSequence(hook, newModule):
00399             hookModule = getattr(process, hook)
00400             ## add the new module with standardAlgo &
00401             ## standardType replaced in module label
00402             setattr(process, newLabel(hook), newModule)
00403             ## add new module to default sequence
00404             ## just behind the hookModule
00405             process.patDefaultSequence.replace( hookModule, hookModule*newModule )        
00407         ## add a clone of patTaus
00408         addClone(oldLabel(), tauSource = tauCollection)
00410         ## add a clone of selectedPatTaus    
00411         addClone(oldLabel('selected'), src = cms.InputTag(newLabel(oldLabel())))
00413         ## add a clone of cleanPatTaus    
00414         addClone(oldLabel('clean'), src=cms.InputTag(newLabel(oldLabel('selected'))))
00416         ## get attributes of new module
00417         newTaus = getattr(process, newLabel(oldLabel()))
00419         ## add a clone of gen tau matching
00420         addClone('tauMatch', src = tauCollection)
00421         addClone('tauGenJetMatch', src = tauCollection)
00423         ## add a clone of IsoDeposits computed based on particle-flow
00424         if doPFIsoDeposits:
00425             addPFIsoDepositClone('tauIsoDepositPFCandidates', src = tauCollection)
00426             addPFIsoDepositClone('tauIsoDepositPFChargedHadrons', src = tauCollection)
00427             addPFIsoDepositClone('tauIsoDepositPFNeutralHadrons', src = tauCollection)
00428             addPFIsoDepositClone('tauIsoDepositPFGammas', src = tauCollection)
00430         ## fix label for input tag
00431         def fixInputTag(x): x.setModuleLabel(newLabel(x.moduleLabel))
00433         ## provide patTau inputs with individual labels
00434         fixInputTag(newTaus.genParticleMatch)
00435         fixInputTag(newTaus.genJetMatch)
00436         fixInputTag(newTaus.isoDeposits.pfAllParticles)
00437         fixInputTag(newTaus.isoDeposits.pfNeutralHadron)
00438         fixInputTag(newTaus.isoDeposits.pfChargedHadron)
00439         fixInputTag(newTaus.isoDeposits.pfGamma)
00440         fixInputTag(newTaus.userIsolation.pfAllParticles.src)
00441         fixInputTag(newTaus.userIsolation.pfNeutralHadron.src)
00442         fixInputTag(newTaus.userIsolation.pfChargedHadron.src)
00443         fixInputTag(newTaus.userIsolation.pfGamma.src)
00445         ## set discriminators
00446         ## (using switchTauCollection functions)
00447         oldTaus = getattr(process, oldLabel())
00448 #        if typeLabel == 'Tau':
00449 #            switchToCaloTau(process,
00450 #                            pfTauLabel = getattr(oldTaus, "tauSource"),
00451 #                            caloTauLabel = getattr(newTaus, "tauSource"),
00452 #                            patTauLabel = capitalize(algoLabel + typeLabel))
00453 #        else:
00454         switchToPFTauByType(process, pfTauType = algoLabel + typeLabel,
00455                                 pfTauLabelNew = getattr(newTaus, "tauSource"),
00456                                 pfTauLabelOld = getattr(oldTaus, "tauSource"),
00457                                 patTauLabel = capitalize(algoLabel + typeLabel))
00459 addTauCollection=AddTauCollection()

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 289 of file

tuple tauTools::AddTauCollection::_defaultParameters = dicttypes.SortedKeysDict() [static, private]

Definition at line 288 of file

string tauTools::AddTauCollection::_label = 'addTauCollection' [static, private]

Definition at line 287 of file

Definition at line 289 of file