Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

MuonSensitiveDetector Class Reference

#include <MuonSensitiveDetector.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonSensitiveDetector:
SensitiveTkDetector Observer< const BeginOfEvent * > Observer< const EndOfEvent * > SensitiveDetector

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void EndOfEvent (G4HCofThisEvent *)
void fillHits (edm::PSimHitContainer &, std::string use)
std::vector< std::string > getNames ()
const MuonSlaveSDGetSlaveMuon () const
 MuonSensitiveDetector (std::string, const DDCompactView &, SensitiveDetectorCatalog &, edm::ParameterSet const &, const SimTrackManager *)
virtual G4bool ProcessHits (G4Step *, G4TouchableHistory *)
virtual uint32_t setDetUnitId (G4Step *)
std::string type ()
virtual ~MuonSensitiveDetector ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void clearHits ()
void createHit (G4Step *)
Local3DPoint FinalStepPositionVsParent (G4Step *currentStep, G4int levelsUp)
TrackInformationgetOrCreateTrackInformation (const G4Track *theTrack)
Local3DPoint InitialStepPositionVsParent (G4Step *currentStep, G4int levelsUp)
bool newHit (G4Step *)
void saveHit ()
void storeVolumeAndTrack (G4Step *)
Local3DPoint toOrcaRef (Local3DPoint in, G4Step *s)
Global3DPoint toOrcaUnits (Global3DPoint)
Local3DPoint toOrcaUnits (Local3DPoint)
void update (const ::EndOfEvent *)
void update (const BeginOfEvent *)
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.
void updateHit (G4Step *)

Private Attributes

bool printHits
bool STallMuonsPersistent
double STenergyPersistentCut
uint32_t theDetUnitId
Global3DPoint theGlobalEntry
const SimTrackManagertheManager
G4VPhysicalVolume * thePV
unsigned int theTrackID

Detailed Description

implementation of SensitiveDetector for the muon detector; a MuonSlaveSD handles the interfacing to the database; numbering scheme are booked according to the detector name

Arno Straessner, CERN <>

Modification: 19/05/03. P.Arce Add SimTracks selection

Definition at line 44 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonSensitiveDetector::MuonSensitiveDetector ( std::string  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
SensitiveDetectorCatalog clg,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p,
const SimTrackManager manager 

Definition at line 29 of file

References SensitiveDetector::AssignSD(), detector, g4numbering, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), MuonSubDetector::isEndcap(), MuonSubDetector::isRpc(), LogDebug, SensitiveDetectorCatalog::logicalNames(), myG4TrackToParticleID, numbering, printHits, SensitiveDetector::Register(), slaveMuon, STallMuonsPersistent, STenergyPersistentCut, theG4ProcessTypeEnumerator, theManager, thePrinter, and theRotation.

  : SensitiveTkDetector(name, cpv, clg, p),
    thePV(0), theHit(0), theDetUnitId(0), theTrackID(0), theManager(manager)
  edm::ParameterSet m_MuonSD = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("MuonSD");
  STenergyPersistentCut = m_MuonSD.getParameter<double>("EnergyThresholdForPersistency");//Default 1. GeV
  STallMuonsPersistent = m_MuonSD.getParameter<bool>("AllMuonsPersistent");
  printHits  = m_MuonSD.getParameter<bool>("PrintHits");
  // Here simply create 1 MuonSlaveSD for the moment
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "create MuonSubDetector "<<name<<std::endl;

  detector = new MuonSubDetector(name);

  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "create MuonFrameRotation"<<std::endl;

 if (detector->isEndcap()) {
   //    cout << "MuonFrameRotation create MuonEndcapFrameRotation"<<endl;
    theRotation=new MuonEndcapFrameRotation();
  } else if (detector->isRpc()) {
    //    cout << "MuonFrameRotation create MuonRpcFrameRotation"<<endl;
    theRotation=new MuonRpcFrameRotation( cpv );
  }  else {
    theRotation = 0;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "create MuonSlaveSD"<<std::endl;
  slaveMuon  = new MuonSlaveSD(detector,theManager);
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "create MuonSimHitNumberingScheme"<<std::endl;
  numbering  = new MuonSimHitNumberingScheme(detector, cpv);
  g4numbering = new MuonG4Numbering(cpv);

  // Now attach the right detectors (LogicalVolumes) to me
  std::vector<std::string>  lvNames = clg.logicalNames(name);
  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = lvNames.begin();  it != lvNames.end(); it++){
    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << name << " MuonSensitiveDetector:: attaching SD to LV " << *it << std::endl;

  if (printHits) {
    thePrinter = new SimHitPrinter("HitPositionOSCAR.dat");

    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "  EnergyThresholdForPersistency " << STenergyPersistentCut << " AllMuonsPersistent " <<  STallMuonsPersistent << std::endl;
    theG4ProcessTypeEnumerator = new G4ProcessTypeEnumerator;
    myG4TrackToParticleID = new G4TrackToParticleID;

MuonSensitiveDetector::~MuonSensitiveDetector ( ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void MuonSensitiveDetector::clearHits ( ) [private, virtual]

Implements SensitiveDetector.

Definition at line 119 of file

References TrackingSlaveSD::Initialize(), LogDebug, and slaveMuon.

Referenced by update().

  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "MuonSensitiveDetector::clearHits"<<std::endl;
void MuonSensitiveDetector::createHit ( G4Step *  aStep) [private]

Definition at line 194 of file

References abs, SensitiveDetector::ConvertToLocal3DPoint(), detector, SensitiveDetector::FinalStepPosition(), FinalStepPositionVsParent(), getOrCreateTrackInformation(), info, SensitiveDetector::InitialStepPosition(), InitialStepPositionVsParent(), MuonSubDetector::isBarrel(), MuonSubDetector::isEndcap(), SensitiveDetector::LocalCoordinates, LogDebug, mag(), myG4TrackToParticleID, L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, p2, G4TrackToParticleID::particleID(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), printHits, G4ProcessTypeEnumerator::processId(), setDetUnitId(), STallMuonsPersistent, STenergyPersistentCut, TrackInformation::storeTrack(), storeVolumeAndTrack(), theDetUnitId, theG4ProcessTypeEnumerator, theGlobalEntry, theHit, thePV, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::theta(), theTrackID, toOrcaRef(), toOrcaUnits(), csvLumiCalc::unit, SensitiveDetector::WorldCoordinates, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by ProcessHits().


  G4Track * theTrack  = aStep->GetTrack(); 

  Local3DPoint theEntryPoint;
  Local3DPoint theExitPoint;

  if (detector->isBarrel()) {
    theEntryPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(InitialStepPositionVsParent(aStep,1),aStep)); // 1 level up
    theExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPositionVsParent(aStep,1),aStep));  
  } else if (detector->isEndcap()) {
    // save local z at current level
    theEntryPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(InitialStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates),aStep));
    theExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates),aStep));
    float zentry = theEntryPoint.z();
    float zexit = theExitPoint.z();
    Local3DPoint tempEntryPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(InitialStepPositionVsParent(aStep,4),aStep)); // 4 levels up
    Local3DPoint tempExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPositionVsParent(aStep,4),aStep));
    // reset local z from z wrt deep-parent volume to z wrt low-level volume
    theEntryPoint = Local3DPoint( tempEntryPoint.x(), tempEntryPoint.y(), zentry );
    theExitPoint  = Local3DPoint( tempExitPoint.x(), tempExitPoint.y(), zexit );
  } else {
    theEntryPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(InitialStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates),aStep));
    theExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates),aStep)); 

  float thePabs             = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum().mag()/GeV;
  float theTof              = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime()/nanosecond;
  float theEnergyLoss       = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/GeV;
  //  int theParticleType     = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
  int theParticleType     = myG4TrackToParticleID->particleID(theTrack);
  G4ThreeVector gmd  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentumDirection();
  G4ThreeVector lmd = ((G4TouchableHistory *)(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable()))->GetHistory()
  Local3DPoint lnmd = toOrcaRef(ConvertToLocal3DPoint(lmd),aStep);
  float theThetaAtEntry = lnmd.theta();
  float thePhiAtEntry = lnmd.phi();

  storeVolumeAndTrack( aStep );
  theDetUnitId              = setDetUnitId(aStep);

  Global3DPoint theGlobalPos;
  if (printHits) {   
    const G4RotationMatrix * theGlobalRot;
    Local3DPoint theGlobalHelp = InitialStepPosition(aStep,WorldCoordinates);
    theGlobalEntry = toOrcaUnits(Global3DPoint (theGlobalHelp.x(),theGlobalHelp.y(),theGlobalHelp.z()));

    G4StepPoint * preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
    G4TouchableHistory * theTouchable=(G4TouchableHistory *)
    theGlobalPos = toOrcaUnits(Global3DPoint (theGlobalHelp.x(),theGlobalHelp.y(),theGlobalHelp.z()));
    theGlobalRot = theTouchable->GetRotation();
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "MuonSensitiveDetector::createHit UpdatablePSimHit"<<std::endl;

  theHit = new UpdatablePSimHit(theEntryPoint,theExitPoint,thePabs,theTof,

  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<"=== NEW ==================> ELOSS   = "<<theEnergyLoss<<" "
  const G4VProcess* p = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep();
  const G4VProcess* p2 = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep();
  if (p)
    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<" POST PROCESS = "<<p->GetProcessName()<<std::endl;
  if (p2)
    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<" PRE  PROCESS = "<<p2->GetProcessName()<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit theta " << theThetaAtEntry<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit phi   " << thePhiAtEntry<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit pabs  " << thePabs<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit tof   " << theTof<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit track " << theTrackID<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit entry " << theEntryPoint<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit exit  " << theExitPoint<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit eloss " << theEnergyLoss << std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit detid " << theDetUnitId<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit delta " << (theExitPoint-theEntryPoint)<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit deltu " << (theExitPoint-theEntryPoint).unit();
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << " " << (theExitPoint-theEntryPoint).mag()<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit glob  " << theGlobalEntry<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit dpos  " << theGlobalPos<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "newhit drot  " << std::endl;
  //  theGlobalRot->print(LogDebug("MuonSimDebug"));

  //----- SimTracks: Make it persistent?
  int thePID = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << " checking simtrack " << thePID << " " << thePabs << " STenergyPersistentCut " << STenergyPersistentCut << std::endl;

  if( thePabs*GeV > STenergyPersistentCut 
      || ( abs(thePID) == 13 && STallMuonsPersistent ) ){
    TrackInformation* info = getOrCreateTrackInformation(theTrack);
    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<" track leaving hit in muons made selected for persistency"<<std::endl;

void MuonSensitiveDetector::EndOfEvent ( G4HCofThisEvent *  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from SensitiveDetector.

Definition at line 381 of file

References saveHit().

//  TimeMe t("MuonSensitiveDetector::EndOfEvent", false);
 // LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "MuonSensitiveDetector::EndOfEvent saving last hit en event " << std::endl;
void MuonSensitiveDetector::fillHits ( edm::PSimHitContainer c,
std::string  use 
) [virtual]

Implements SensitiveTkDetector.

Definition at line 389 of file

References TrackingSlaveSD::hits(), n, TrackingSlaveSD::name(), and slaveMuon.

  // do it once for low, once for High

  if (slaveMuon->name() == n) c=slaveMuon->hits();

Local3DPoint MuonSensitiveDetector::FinalStepPositionVsParent ( G4Step *  currentStep,
G4int  levelsUp 
) [private]

Definition at line 419 of file

References SensitiveDetector::ConvertToLocal3DPoint().

Referenced by createHit(), and updateHit().

  G4StepPoint * postStepPoint = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint();
  G4StepPoint * preStepPoint  = currentStep->GetPreStepPoint();
  G4ThreeVector globalCoordinates = postStepPoint->GetPosition();
  G4TouchableHistory * theTouchable = (G4TouchableHistory *)

  G4int depth = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetDepth();
  G4ThreeVector localCoordinates = theTouchable->GetHistory()

  return ConvertToLocal3DPoint(localCoordinates); 
std::vector< std::string > MuonSensitiveDetector::getNames ( ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from SensitiveDetector.

Definition at line 398 of file

References TrackingSlaveSD::name(), slaveMuon, and cond::rpcobtemp::temp.

  std::vector<std::string> temp;
  return temp;
TrackInformation * MuonSensitiveDetector::getOrCreateTrackInformation ( const G4Track *  theTrack) [private]

Definition at line 365 of file

References benchmark_cfg::cerr, info, and cond::rpcobtemp::temp.

Referenced by createHit().

  G4VUserTrackInformation* temp = gTrack->GetUserInformation();
  if (temp == 0){
    std::cerr <<" ERROR: no G4VUserTrackInformation available"<<std::endl;
    TrackInformation* info = dynamic_cast<TrackInformation*>(temp);
    if (info ==0){
      std::cerr <<" ERROR: TkSimTrackSelection: the UserInformation does not appear to be a TrackInformation"<<std::endl;
    return info;
const MuonSlaveSD* MuonSensitiveDetector::GetSlaveMuon ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 63 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

References slaveMuon.

    return slaveMuon; }
Local3DPoint MuonSensitiveDetector::InitialStepPositionVsParent ( G4Step *  currentStep,
G4int  levelsUp 
) [private]

Transform from local coordinates of a volume to local coordinates of a parent volume one or more levels up the volume hierarchy: e.g. levelsUp = 1 for immediate parent.
This is done by moving from local_1 -> global -> local_2.

Definition at line 404 of file

References SensitiveDetector::ConvertToLocal3DPoint().

Referenced by createHit().

  G4StepPoint * preStepPoint = currentStep->GetPreStepPoint();
  G4ThreeVector globalCoordinates = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
  G4TouchableHistory * theTouchable=(G4TouchableHistory *)

  G4int depth = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetDepth();
  G4ThreeVector localCoordinates = theTouchable->GetHistory()
  return ConvertToLocal3DPoint(localCoordinates); 
bool MuonSensitiveDetector::newHit ( G4Step *  aStep) [private]

Definition at line 181 of file

References setDetUnitId(), matplotRender::t, theDetUnitId, thePV, and theTrackID.

Referenced by ProcessHits().

  G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume();
  G4Track * t  = aStep->GetTrack();
  uint32_t currentUnitId=setDetUnitId(aStep);
  unsigned int currentTrackID=t->GetTrackID();
  //unsigned int currentEventID=G4EventManager::GetEventManager()->GetConstCurrentEvent()->GetEventID();
  bool changed=((pv!=thePV) || 
                (currentUnitId!=theDetUnitId) || 
  return changed;
bool MuonSensitiveDetector::ProcessHits ( G4Step *  aStep,
G4TouchableHistory *  ROhist 
) [virtual]

Implements SensitiveDetector.

Definition at line 125 of file

References createHit(), SensitiveDetector::InitialStepPosition(), LogDebug, newHit(), saveHit(), storeVolumeAndTrack(), updateHit(), and SensitiveDetector::WorldCoordinates.

  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<" MuonSensitiveDetector::ProcessHits "<<InitialStepPosition(aStep,WorldCoordinates)<<std::endl;

 // TimeMe t1( theHitTimer, false);

  if (aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()>0.){
    // do not count neutrals that are killed by User Limits MinEKine
    if( aStep->GetTrack()->GetDynamicParticle()->GetCharge() != 0 ){
      if (newHit(aStep)) {
      } else {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  return false;
void MuonSensitiveDetector::saveHit ( ) [private]

Definition at line 344 of file

References detector, PSimHit::detUnitId(), PSimHit::entryPoint(), PSimHit::exitPoint(), MuonSubDetector::name(), SimHitPrinter::printGlobal(), printHits, SimHitPrinter::printId(), SimHitPrinter::printLocal(), TrackingSlaveSD::processHits(), slaveMuon, SimHitPrinter::startNewSimHit(), theGlobalEntry, theHit, and thePrinter.

Referenced by EndOfEvent(), and ProcessHits().


  if (theHit) {
    if (printHits) {
      //      thePrinter->printTrack(theHit->trackId());
    // seems the hit does not want to be deleted
    // done by the hit collection?
    delete theHit;
    theHit = 0; //set it to 0, because you are checking that is 0

uint32_t MuonSensitiveDetector::setDetUnitId ( G4Step *  aStep) [virtual]

Implements SensitiveDetector.

Definition at line 150 of file

References MuonSimHitNumberingScheme::baseNumberToUnitNumber(), g4numbering, numbering, and MuonG4Numbering::PhysicalVolumeToBaseNumber().

Referenced by createHit(), and newHit().

  //  G4VPhysicalVolume * pv = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume();
  MuonBaseNumber num = g4numbering->PhysicalVolumeToBaseNumber(aStep);
  return numbering->baseNumberToUnitNumber(num);
void MuonSensitiveDetector::storeVolumeAndTrack ( G4Step *  aStep) [private]

Definition at line 173 of file

References matplotRender::t, thePV, and theTrackID.

Referenced by createHit(), and ProcessHits().

  G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume();
  G4Track * t  = aStep->GetTrack();
Local3DPoint MuonSensitiveDetector::toOrcaRef ( Local3DPoint  in,
G4Step *  s 
) [private]

Definition at line 158 of file

References theRotation, and MuonFrameRotation::transformPoint().

Referenced by createHit(), and updateHit().

  if (theRotation !=0 ) {
    return theRotation->transformPoint(in,s);
  return (in);
Global3DPoint MuonSensitiveDetector::toOrcaUnits ( Global3DPoint  in) [private]
Local3DPoint MuonSensitiveDetector::toOrcaUnits ( Local3DPoint  in) [private]
std::string MuonSensitiveDetector::type ( )
void MuonSensitiveDetector::update ( const ::EndOfEvent ev) [private]

Definition at line 113 of file

void MuonSensitiveDetector::update ( const BeginOfEvent ) [private, virtual]

This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives.

Implements Observer< const BeginOfEvent * >.

Definition at line 103 of file

References clearHits(), theDetUnitId, thePV, and theTrackID.


  //----- Initialize variables to check if two steps belong to same hit
  thePV = 0;
  theDetUnitId = 0;
  theTrackID = 0;

void MuonSensitiveDetector::updateHit ( G4Step *  aStep) [private]

Definition at line 299 of file

References UpdatablePSimHit::addEnergyLoss(), benchmark_cfg::cerr, detector, PSimHit::energyLoss(), PSimHit::entryPoint(), SensitiveDetector::FinalStepPosition(), FinalStepPositionVsParent(), MuonSubDetector::isBarrel(), MuonSubDetector::isEndcap(), SensitiveDetector::LocalCoordinates, LogDebug, mag(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, p2, theDetUnitId, theHit, thePV, toOrcaRef(), toOrcaUnits(), csvLumiCalc::unit, UpdatablePSimHit::updateExitPoint(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by ProcessHits().

  //  float thePabs             = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum().mag()/GeV;
  //  Local3DPoint theEntryPoint= InitialStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates);  

  Local3DPoint theExitPoint;

  if (detector->isBarrel()) {
    theExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPositionVsParent(aStep,1),aStep));  
  } else if (detector->isEndcap()) {
    // save local z at current level
    theExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates),aStep));
    float zexit = theExitPoint.z();
    Local3DPoint tempExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPositionVsParent(aStep,4),aStep));
    theExitPoint  = Local3DPoint( tempExitPoint.x(), tempExitPoint.y(), zexit );
  } else {
    theExitPoint= toOrcaUnits(toOrcaRef(FinalStepPosition(aStep,LocalCoordinates),aStep)); 

  float theEnergyLoss = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/GeV;  

  if( theHit == 0 ){ 
    std::cerr << "!!ERRROR in MuonSensitiveDetector::updateHit. It is called when there is no hit " << std::endl;


  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<"=== UPDATE ===============> ELOSS   = "<<theEnergyLoss<<" "
  const G4VProcess* p = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep();
  const G4VProcess* p2 = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep();
  if (p)
    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<" POST PROCESS = "<<p->GetProcessName()<<std::endl;
  if (p2)
    LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") <<" PRE  PROCESS = "<<p2->GetProcessName()<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "updhit exit  " << theExitPoint<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "updhit eloss " << theHit->energyLoss() <<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "updhit detid " << theDetUnitId<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "updhit delta " << (theExitPoint-theHit->entryPoint())<<std::endl;
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << "updhit deltu " << (theExitPoint-theHit->entryPoint()).unit();
  LogDebug("MuonSimDebug") << " " << (theExitPoint-theHit->entryPoint()).mag()<<std::endl; 


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 103 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), MuonSensitiveDetector(), and saveHit().

Definition at line 109 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), and MuonSensitiveDetector().

Definition at line 108 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), and MuonSensitiveDetector().

Definition at line 100 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), newHit(), update(), and updateHit().

Definition at line 105 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), and saveHit().

Definition at line 99 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), saveHit(), and updateHit().

Definition at line 114 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by MuonSensitiveDetector().

Definition at line 104 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by MuonSensitiveDetector(), and saveHit().

G4VPhysicalVolume* MuonSensitiveDetector::thePV [private]

Definition at line 98 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), newHit(), storeVolumeAndTrack(), update(), and updateHit().

unsigned int MuonSensitiveDetector::theTrackID [private]

Definition at line 101 of file MuonSensitiveDetector.h.

Referenced by createHit(), newHit(), storeVolumeAndTrack(), and update().