Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

EcalRecHitProducer Class Reference

#include <EcalRecHitProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalRecHitProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EcalRecHitProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es)
 ~EcalRecHitProducer ()

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag ebDetIdToBeRecovered_
edm::InputTag ebFEToBeRecovered_
std::string ebRechitCollection_
edm::InputTag ebUncalibRecHitCollection_
edm::InputTag eeDetIdToBeRecovered_
edm::InputTag eeFEToBeRecovered_
std::string eeRechitCollection_
edm::InputTag eeUncalibRecHitCollection_
bool killDeadChannels_
bool recoverEBFE_
bool recoverEBIsolatedChannels_
bool recoverEBVFE_
bool recoverEEFE_
bool recoverEEIsolatedChannels_
bool recoverEEVFE_

Detailed Description

produce ECAL rechits from uncalibrated rechits

Id:,v 2011/05/20 13:47:51 argiro Exp
2011/05/20 13:47:51
Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN, March 2006

produce ECAL rechits from uncalibrated rechits

EcalRecHitProducer.h,v 1.4 2011/01/12 13:59:24 argiro Exp
2011/01/12 13:59:24
Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN, March 2006

Definition at line 25 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalRecHitProducer::EcalRecHitProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]

Definition at line 31 of file

References cleaningAlgo_, ebDetIdToBeRecovered_, ebFEToBeRecovered_, ebRechitCollection_, ebUncalibRecHitCollection_, eeDetIdToBeRecovered_, eeFEToBeRecovered_, eeRechitCollection_, eeUncalibRecHitCollection_, reco::get(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), killDeadChannels_, recoverEBFE_, recoverEBIsolatedChannels_, recoverEBVFE_, recoverEEFE_, recoverEEIsolatedChannels_, recoverEEVFE_, worker_, and workerRecover_.

        ebUncalibRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EBuncalibRecHitCollection");
        eeUncalibRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EEuncalibRecHitCollection");
        ebRechitCollection_        = ps.getParameter<std::string>("EBrechitCollection");
        eeRechitCollection_        = ps.getParameter<std::string>("EErechitCollection");

        recoverEBIsolatedChannels_   = ps.getParameter<bool>("recoverEBIsolatedChannels");
        recoverEEIsolatedChannels_   = ps.getParameter<bool>("recoverEEIsolatedChannels");
        recoverEBVFE_                = ps.getParameter<bool>("recoverEBVFE");
        recoverEEVFE_                = ps.getParameter<bool>("recoverEEVFE");
        recoverEBFE_                 = ps.getParameter<bool>("recoverEBFE");
        recoverEEFE_                 = ps.getParameter<bool>("recoverEEFE");
        killDeadChannels_            = ps.getParameter<bool>("killDeadChannels");

        ebDetIdToBeRecovered_        = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ebDetIdToBeRecovered");
        eeDetIdToBeRecovered_        = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("eeDetIdToBeRecovered");
        ebFEToBeRecovered_           = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ebFEToBeRecovered");
        eeFEToBeRecovered_           = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("eeFEToBeRecovered");

        produces< EBRecHitCollection >(ebRechitCollection_);
        produces< EERecHitCollection >(eeRechitCollection_);

        std::string componentType = ps.getParameter<std::string>("algo");
        worker_ = EcalRecHitWorkerFactory::get()->create(componentType, ps);

        // to recover problematic channels
        componentType = ps.getParameter<std::string>("algoRecover");
        workerRecover_ = EcalRecHitWorkerFactory::get()->create(componentType, ps);

        edm::ParameterSet cleaningPs = 
        cleaningAlgo_ = new EcalCleaningAlgo(cleaningPs);
EcalRecHitProducer::~EcalRecHitProducer ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

References cleaningAlgo_, worker_, and workerRecover_.

        delete worker_;
        delete workerRecover_;
        delete cleaningAlgo_;

Member Function Documentation

void EcalRecHitProducer::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 74 of file

References EcalCleaningAlgo::checkTopology(), cleaningAlgo_, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EB_FE, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EB_single, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EB_VFE, ebDetIdToBeRecovered_, ebFEToBeRecovered_, ebRechitCollection_, ebUncalibRecHitCollection_, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EE_FE, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EE_single, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EE_VFE, eeDetIdToBeRecovered_, eeFEToBeRecovered_, eeRechitCollection_, eeUncalibRecHitCollection_, EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), EcalChannelStatusCode::getStatusCode(), edm::InputTag::instance(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), EcalRecHit::kGood, killDeadChannels_, edm::InputTag::label(), LogDebug, edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::Event::put(), recoverEBFE_, recoverEBIsolatedChannels_, recoverEBVFE_, recoverEEFE_, recoverEEIsolatedChannels_, recoverEEVFE_, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::run(), EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::set(), EEDetId::validDetId(), worker_, and workerRecover_.

        using namespace edm;

        Handle< EBUncalibratedRecHitCollection > pEBUncalibRecHits;
        Handle< EEUncalibratedRecHitCollection > pEEUncalibRecHits;

        const EBUncalibratedRecHitCollection*  ebUncalibRecHits = 0;
        const EEUncalibratedRecHitCollection*  eeUncalibRecHits = 0; 

        // get the barrel uncalib rechit collection
        if ( ebUncalibRecHitCollection_.label() != "" && ebUncalibRecHitCollection_.instance() != "" ) {
                evt.getByLabel( ebUncalibRecHitCollection_, pEBUncalibRecHits);
                if ( pEBUncalibRecHits.isValid() ) {
                        ebUncalibRecHits = pEBUncalibRecHits.product();
                        LogDebug("EcalRecHitDebug") << "total # EB uncalibrated rechits: " << ebUncalibRecHits->size();
                } else {
                        edm::LogError("EcalRecHitError") << "Error! can't get the product " << ebUncalibRecHitCollection_;

        if ( eeUncalibRecHitCollection_.label() != "" && eeUncalibRecHitCollection_.instance() != "" ) {
                evt.getByLabel( eeUncalibRecHitCollection_, pEEUncalibRecHits);
                if ( pEEUncalibRecHits.isValid() ) {
                        eeUncalibRecHits = pEEUncalibRecHits.product(); // get a ptr to the product
                        LogDebug("EcalRecHitDebug") << "total # EE uncalibrated rechits: " << eeUncalibRecHits->size();
                } else {
                        edm::LogError("EcalRecHitError") << "Error! can't get the product " << eeUncalibRecHitCollection_;

        // collection of rechits to put in the event
        std::auto_ptr< EBRecHitCollection > ebRecHits( new EBRecHitCollection );
        std::auto_ptr< EERecHitCollection > eeRecHits( new EERecHitCollection );


        if ( recoverEBIsolatedChannels_ || recoverEEIsolatedChannels_
                || recoverEBFE_ || recoverEEFE_
                || recoverEBVFE_ || recoverEEVFE_
                || killDeadChannels_ ) {

        if (ebUncalibRecHits)
                // loop over uncalibrated rechits to make calibrated ones
                for(EBUncalibratedRecHitCollection::const_iterator it  = ebUncalibRecHits->begin(); it != ebUncalibRecHits->end(); ++it) {
                        worker_->run(evt, *it, *ebRecHits);

        if (eeUncalibRecHits)
                // loop over uncalibrated rechits to make calibrated ones
                for(EEUncalibratedRecHitCollection::const_iterator it  = eeUncalibRecHits->begin(); it != eeUncalibRecHits->end(); ++it) {
                        worker_->run(evt, *it, *eeRecHits);

        // sort collections before attempting recovery, to avoid insertion of double recHits
        if ( recoverEBIsolatedChannels_ || recoverEBFE_ || killDeadChannels_ )
                edm::Handle< std::set<EBDetId> > pEBDetId;
                const std::set<EBDetId> * detIds = 0;
                if ( ebDetIdToBeRecovered_.label() != "" && ebDetIdToBeRecovered_.instance() != "" ) {
                        evt.getByLabel( ebDetIdToBeRecovered_, pEBDetId);
                        if ( pEBDetId.isValid() ) {
                                detIds = pEBDetId.product();
                        } else {
                                edm::LogError("EcalRecHitError") << "Error! can't get the product " << ebDetIdToBeRecovered_;
                if ( detIds ) {
                        edm::ESHandle<EcalChannelStatus> chStatus;
                        for( std::set<EBDetId>::const_iterator it = detIds->begin(); it != detIds->end(); ++it ) {
                                // get channel status map to treat dead VFE separately
                                EcalChannelStatusMap::const_iterator chit = chStatus->find( *it );
                                EcalChannelStatusCode chStatusCode = 1;
                                if ( chit != chStatus->end() ) {
                                        chStatusCode = *chit;
                                } else {
                                        edm::LogError("EcalRecHitProducerError") << "No channel status found for xtal "
                                                << (*it).rawId()
                                                << "! something wrong with EcalChannelStatus in your DB? ";
                                EcalUncalibratedRecHit urh;
                                if ( (chStatusCode.getStatusCode() & 0x001F) == 12 ) { // dead VFE (from DB info)
                                        // uses the EcalUncalibratedRecHit to pass the DetId info
                                        urh = EcalUncalibratedRecHit( *it, 0, 0, 0, 0, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EB_VFE );
                                        if ( recoverEBVFE_ || killDeadChannels_ ) workerRecover_->run( evt, urh, *ebRecHits );
                                } else {
                                        // uses the EcalUncalibratedRecHit to pass the DetId info
                                        urh = EcalUncalibratedRecHit( *it, 0, 0, 0, 0, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EB_single );
                                        if ( recoverEBIsolatedChannels_ || killDeadChannels_ ) workerRecover_->run( evt, urh, *ebRecHits );

        if ( recoverEEIsolatedChannels_ || recoverEEVFE_ || killDeadChannels_ )
                edm::Handle< std::set<EEDetId> > pEEDetId;
                const std::set<EEDetId> * detIds = 0;
                if ( eeDetIdToBeRecovered_.label() != "" && eeDetIdToBeRecovered_.instance() != "" ) {
                        evt.getByLabel( eeDetIdToBeRecovered_, pEEDetId);
                        if ( pEEDetId.isValid() ) {
                                detIds = pEEDetId.product();
                        } else {
                                edm::LogError("EcalRecHitError") << "Error! can't get the product " << eeDetIdToBeRecovered_;
                if ( detIds ) {
                        edm::ESHandle<EcalChannelStatus> chStatus;
                        for( std::set<EEDetId>::const_iterator it = detIds->begin(); it != detIds->end(); ++it ) {
                                // get channel status map to treat dead VFE separately
                                EcalChannelStatusMap::const_iterator chit = chStatus->find( *it );
                                EcalChannelStatusCode chStatusCode = 1;
                                if ( chit != chStatus->end() ) {
                                        chStatusCode = *chit;
                                } else {
                                        edm::LogError("EcalRecHitProducerError") << "No channel status found for xtal "
                                                << (*it).rawId()
                                                << "! something wrong with EcalChannelStatus in your DB? ";
                                EcalUncalibratedRecHit urh;
                                if ( (chStatusCode.getStatusCode() & 0x001F) == 12 ) { // dead VFE (from DB info)
                                        // uses the EcalUncalibratedRecHit to pass the DetId info
                                        urh = EcalUncalibratedRecHit( *it, 0, 0, 0, 0, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EE_VFE );
                                        if ( recoverEEVFE_ || killDeadChannels_ ) workerRecover_->run( evt, urh, *eeRecHits );
                                } else {
                                        // uses the EcalUncalibratedRecHit to pass the DetId info
                                        urh = EcalUncalibratedRecHit( *it, 0, 0, 0, 0, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EE_single );
                                        if ( recoverEEIsolatedChannels_ || killDeadChannels_ ) workerRecover_->run( evt, urh, *eeRecHits );

        if ( recoverEBFE_ || killDeadChannels_ )
                edm::Handle< std::set<EcalTrigTowerDetId> > pEBFEId;
                const std::set<EcalTrigTowerDetId> * ttIds = 0;
                if ( ebFEToBeRecovered_.label() != "" && ebFEToBeRecovered_.instance() != "" ) {
                        evt.getByLabel( ebFEToBeRecovered_, pEBFEId);
                        if ( pEBFEId.isValid() ) {
                                ttIds = pEBFEId.product();
                        } else {
                                edm::LogError("EcalRecHitError") << "Error! can't get the product " << ebFEToBeRecovered_;
                if ( ttIds ) {
                        for( std::set<EcalTrigTowerDetId>::const_iterator it = ttIds->begin(); it != ttIds->end(); ++it ) {
                                // uses the EcalUncalibratedRecHit to pass the DetId info
                                int ieta = (((*it).ietaAbs()-1)*5+1)*(*it).zside(); // from EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap
                                int iphi = ((*it).iphi()-1)*5+11;                   // from EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap
                                if( iphi <= 0 ) iphi += 360;                        // from EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap
                                EcalUncalibratedRecHit urh( EBDetId(ieta, iphi, EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE), 0, 0, 0, 0, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EB_FE );
                                workerRecover_->run( evt, urh, *ebRecHits );

        if ( recoverEEFE_ || killDeadChannels_ )
                edm::Handle< std::set<EcalScDetId> > pEEFEId;
                const std::set<EcalScDetId> * scIds = 0;
                if ( eeFEToBeRecovered_.label() != "" && eeFEToBeRecovered_.instance() != "" ) {
                        evt.getByLabel( eeFEToBeRecovered_, pEEFEId);
                        if ( pEEFEId.isValid() ) {
                                scIds = pEEFEId.product();
                        } else {
                                edm::LogError("EcalRecHitError") << "Error! can't get the product " << eeFEToBeRecovered_;
                if ( scIds ) {
                        for( std::set<EcalScDetId>::const_iterator it = scIds->begin(); it != scIds->end(); ++it ) {
                                // uses the EcalUncalibratedRecHit to pass the DetId info
                                if (EEDetId::validDetId( ((*it).ix()-1)*5+1, ((*it).iy()-1)*5+1, (*it).zside() )) {
                                        EcalUncalibratedRecHit urh( EEDetId( ((*it).ix()-1)*5+1, ((*it).iy()-1)*5+1, (*it).zside() ), 0, 0, 0, 0, EcalRecHitWorkerBaseClass::EE_FE );
                                        workerRecover_->run( evt, urh, *eeRecHits );

        // if not sorted, find will not work

        // cleaning of anomalous signals, aka spikes
        EcalRecHitCollection::iterator rh;
        for (rh=ebRecHits->begin(); rh!=ebRecHits->end(); ++rh){
          EcalRecHit::Flags state=cleaningAlgo_->checkTopology(rh->id(),*ebRecHits);
          if (state!=EcalRecHit::kGood) { 
        for (rh=eeRecHits->begin(); rh!=eeRecHits->end(); ++rh){
          EcalRecHit::Flags state=cleaningAlgo_->checkTopology(rh->id(),*eeRecHits);
          if (state!=EcalRecHit::kGood) {

        // put the collection of recunstructed hits in the event   
        LogInfo("EcalRecHitInfo") << "total # EB calibrated rechits: " << ebRecHits->size();
        LogInfo("EcalRecHitInfo") << "total # EE calibrated rechits: " << eeRecHits->size();

        evt.put( ebRecHits, ebRechitCollection_ );
        evt.put( eeRecHits, eeRechitCollection_ );

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 55 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), produce(), and ~EcalRecHitProducer().

Definition at line 47 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 49 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 36 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 34 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 48 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 50 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 37 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 35 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 45 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 43 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 39 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 41 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 44 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 40 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 42 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 52 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), produce(), and ~EcalRecHitProducer().

Definition at line 53 of file EcalRecHitProducer.h.

Referenced by EcalRecHitProducer(), produce(), and ~EcalRecHitProducer().