Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

gen::HydjetHadronizer Class Reference

#include <HydjetHadronizer.h>

Inheritance diagram for gen::HydjetHadronizer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const char * classname () const
bool decay ()
bool declareSpecialSettings (const std::vector< std::string >)
bool declareStableParticles (const std::vector< int >)
void finalizeEvent ()
bool generatePartonsAndHadronize ()
bool hadronize ()
 HydjetHadronizer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
bool initializeForExternalPartons ()
bool initializeForInternalPartons ()
bool residualDecay ()
void statistics ()
virtual ~HydjetHadronizer ()

Private Member Functions

void add_heavy_ion_rec (HepMC::GenEvent *evt)
HepMC::GenParticle * build_hyjet (int index, int barcode)
HepMC::GenVertex * build_hyjet_vertex (int i, int id)
bool call_hyinit (double energy, double a, int ifb, double bmin, double bmax, double bfix, int nh)
bool get_particles (HepMC::GenEvent *evt)
bool hydjet_init (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
double nuclear_radius () const
void rotateEvtPlane ()

Private Attributes

double abeamtarget_
double bfixed_
double bmax_
double bmin_
int cflag_
double comenergy
double cosphi0_
bool docollisionalenloss_
 DEFAULT = true.
bool doradiativeenloss_
bool embedding_
HepMC::GenEvent * evt
double fracsoftmult_
 DEFAULT = true.
double hadfreeztemp_
std::string hymode_
unsigned int maxEventsToPrint_
double maxlongy_
double maxtrany_
int nhard_
int nmultiplicity_
unsigned int nquarkflavor_
int nsoft_
int nsub_
double phi0_
edm::ParameterSet pset_
unsigned int pythiaPylistVerbosity_
double qgpt0_
double qgptau0_
bool rotate_
unsigned int shadowingswitch_
double signn_
double sinphi0_
edm::InputTag src_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 34 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HydjetHadronizer::HydjetHadronizer ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 54 of file

References embedding_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), LogDebug, maxEventsToPrint_, pythiaPylistVerbosity_, and src_.

    maxEventsToPrint_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEventsToPrint", 1)),
    pythiaPylistVerbosity_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("pythiaPylistVerbosity", 0)),
    pythia6Service_(new Pythia6Service(pset))
  // Default constructor

  // PYLIST Verbosity Level
  // Valid PYLIST arguments are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13
  pythiaPylistVerbosity_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("pythiaPylistVerbosity",0);
  LogDebug("PYLISTverbosity") << "Pythia PYLIST verbosity level = " << pythiaPylistVerbosity_;

  //Max number of events printed on verbosity level 
  maxEventsToPrint_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEventsToPrint",0);
  LogDebug("Events2Print") << "Number of events to be printed = " << maxEventsToPrint_;

  if(embedding_) src_ = pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("backgroundLabel");
HydjetHadronizer::~HydjetHadronizer ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 106 of file

References pythia6Service_.

  // destructor
  delete pythia6Service_;

Member Function Documentation

void HydjetHadronizer::add_heavy_ion_rec ( HepMC::GenEvent *  evt) [private]

Definition at line 115 of file

References hyfpar, hyjpar, npart, nsub_, nuclear_radius(), and phi0_.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().

  // heavy ion record in the final CMSSW Event
   double npart = hyfpar.npart;
   int nproj = static_cast<int>(npart / 2);
   int ntarg = static_cast<int>(npart - nproj);

  HepMC::HeavyIon* hi = new HepMC::HeavyIon(
    nsub_,                               // Ncoll_hard/N of SubEvents
    nproj,                               // Npart_proj
    ntarg,                               // Npart_targ
    static_cast<int>(hyfpar.nbcol),      // Ncoll
    0,                                   // spectator_neutrons
    0,                                   // spectator_protons
    0,                                   // N_Nwounded_collisions
    0,                                   // Nwounded_N_collisions
    0,                                   // Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions
    hyfpar.bgen * nuclear_radius(),      // impact_parameter in [fm]
    phi0_,                                // event_plane_angle
    0,                                   // eccentricity
    hyjpar.sigin                         // sigma_inel_NN

  delete hi;
HepMC::GenParticle * HydjetHadronizer::build_hyjet ( int  index,
int  barcode 
) [private]

Definition at line 143 of file

References crabWrap::convertStatus(), cosphi0_, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, hyjets, getHLTprescales::index, gen::p, sinphi0_, x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by get_particles().

   // Build particle object corresponding to index in hyjets (soft+hard)  

   double x0 = hyjets.phj[0][index];
   double y0 = hyjets.phj[1][index];

   double x = x0*cosphi0_-y0*sinphi0_;
   double y = y0*cosphi0_+x0*sinphi0_;

   HepMC::GenParticle* p = new HepMC::GenParticle(
     HepMC::FourVector(x,                                 // px
                       y,                                 // py
                       hyjets.phj[2][index],              // pz
                       hyjets.phj[3][index]),             // E
                       hyjets.khj[1][index],              // id
                       convertStatus(hyjets.khj[0][index] // status

   return p;
HepMC::GenVertex * HydjetHadronizer::build_hyjet_vertex ( int  i,
int  id 
) [private]

Definition at line 168 of file

References cosphi0_, hyjets, i, sinphi0_, matplotRender::t, x, detailsBasic3DVector::y, and z.

Referenced by get_particles().

   // build verteces for the hyjets stored events                        

   double x0=hyjets.vhj[0][i];
   double y0=hyjets.vhj[1][i];
   double x = x0*cosphi0_-y0*sinphi0_;
   double y = y0*cosphi0_+x0*sinphi0_;
   double z=hyjets.vhj[2][i];
   double t=hyjets.vhj[4][i];

   HepMC::GenVertex* vertex = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(x,y,z,t),id);
   return vertex;
bool HydjetHadronizer::call_hyinit ( double  energy,
double  a,
int  ifb,
double  bmin,
double  bmax,
double  bfix,
int  nh 
) [private]

Definition at line 338 of file

References HYINIT.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

  // initialize hydjet  

   return true;
const char * HydjetHadronizer::classname ( ) const

Definition at line 481 of file

   return "gen::HydjetHadronizer";
bool HydjetHadronizer::decay ( )

Definition at line 463 of file

  return true;
bool gen::HydjetHadronizer::declareSpecialSettings ( const std::vector< std::string >  ) [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

{ return true; }
bool HydjetHadronizer::declareStableParticles ( const std::vector< int >  pdg)

Definition at line 435 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), gather_cfg::cout, i, and gen::pycomp_().

  for ( size_t i=0; i < pdg.size(); i++ ) {
    int pyCode = pycomp_( pdg[i] );
    std::ostringstream pyCard ;
    pyCard << "MDCY(" << pyCode << ",1)=0";
    std::cout << pyCard.str() << std::endl;
    call_pygive( pyCard.str() );
  return true;
void HydjetHadronizer::finalizeEvent ( )

Definition at line 473 of file

bool HydjetHadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize ( )

Definition at line 185 of file

References add_heavy_ion_rec(), bfixed_, cflag_, funct::cos(), cosphi0_, embedding_, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), edm::errors::EventCorruption, evt, except, get_particles(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), gen::BaseHadronizer::getEDMEvent(), HYEVNT, hyflow, hyfpar, hyjpar, collect_tpl::input, nhard_, nsoft_, nsub_, phi0_, pypars, pyqpar, pythia6Service_, rotate_, rotateEvtPlane(), funct::sin(), sinphi0_, and src_.

   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(pythia6Service_);
   // generate single event
     cflag_ = 0;
     const edm::Event& e = getEDMEvent();
     Handle<HepMCProduct> input;
     const HepMC::GenEvent * inev = input->GetEvent();
     const HepMC::HeavyIon* hi = inev->heavy_ion();
       bfixed_ = hi->impact_parameter();
       phi0_ = hi->event_plane_angle();
       sinphi0_ = sin(phi0_);
       cosphi0_ = cos(phi0_);
       LogWarning("EventEmbedding")<<"Background event does not have heavy ion record!";
   }else if(rotate_) rotateEvtPlane();

   nsoft_    = 0;
   nhard_    = 0;

   edm::LogInfo("HYDJETmode") << "##### HYDJET  nhsel = " << hyjpar.nhsel;
   edm::LogInfo("HYDJETfpart") << "##### HYDJET fpart = " << hyflow.fpart;
   edm::LogInfo("HYDJETtf") << "##### HYDJET hadron freez-out temp, Tf = " << hyflow.Tf;
   edm::LogInfo("HYDJETinTemp") << "##### HYDJET: QGP init temperature, T0 ="<<pyqpar.T0u;
   edm::LogInfo("HYDJETinTau") << "##### HYDJET: QGP formation time,tau0 ="<<pyqpar.tau0u;

   // generate a HYDJET event
   int ntry = 0;
   while(nsoft_ == 0 && nhard_ == 0){
      if(ntry > 100){
         edm::LogError("HydjetEmptyEvent") << "##### HYDJET: No Particles generated, Number of tries ="<<ntry;

         // Throw an exception.  Use the EventCorruption exception since it maps onto SkipEvent
         // which is what we want to do here.

         std::ostringstream sstr;
         sstr << "HydjetHadronizerProducer: No particles generated after " << ntry << " tries.\n";
         edm::Exception except(edm::errors::EventCorruption, sstr.str());
         throw except;
      } else {
         nsoft_    = hyfpar.nhyd;
         nsub_     = hyjpar.njet;
         nhard_    = hyfpar.npyt;

   if(hyjpar.nhsel < 3) nsub_++;

   // event information
   HepMC::GenEvent *evt = new HepMC::GenEvent();

   if(nhard_>0 || nsoft_>0) get_particles(evt); 

   evt->set_signal_process_id(pypars.msti[0]);      // type of the process
   evt->set_event_scale(pypars.pari[16]);           // Q^2

   return true;
bool HydjetHadronizer::get_particles ( HepMC::GenEvent *  evt) [private]

Definition at line 255 of file

References build_hyjet(), build_hyjet_vertex(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, hyjets, hyjpar, i, LogDebug, nhard_, nsoft_, and nsub_.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().

   // Hard particles. The first nhard_ lines from hyjets array.                
   // Pythia/Pyquen sub-events (sub-collisions) for a given event              
   // Return T/F if success/failure
   // Create particles from lujet entries, assign them into vertices and
   // put the vertices in the GenEvent, for each SubEvent
   // The SubEvent information is kept by storing indeces of main vertices
   // of subevents as a vector in GenHIEvent.

   LogDebug("SubEvent")<< "Number of sub events "<<nsub_;
   LogDebug("Hydjet")<<"Number of hard events "<<hyjpar.njet;
   LogDebug("Hydjet")<<"Number of hard particles "<<nhard_;
   LogDebug("Hydjet")<<"Number of soft particles "<<nsoft_;

   vector<HepMC::GenVertex*>  sub_vertices(nsub_);

   int ihy  = 0;
   for(int isub=0;isub<nsub_;isub++){
      LogDebug("SubEvent") <<"Sub Event ID : "<<isub;

      int sub_up = (isub+1)*50000; // Upper limit in mother index, determining the range of Sub-Event
      vector<HepMC::GenParticle*> particles;
      vector<int>                 mother_ids;
      vector<HepMC::GenVertex*>   prods;

      sub_vertices[isub] = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(0,0,0,0),isub);
      if(!evt->signal_process_vertex()) evt->set_signal_process_vertex(sub_vertices[isub]);

      while(ihy<nhard_+nsoft_ && (hyjets.khj[2][ihy] < sub_up || ihy > nhard_ )){
         LogDebug("DecayChain")<<"Mother index : "<<hyjets.khj[2][ihy];


      //Produce Vertices and add them to the GenEvent. Remember that GenParticles are adopted by
      //GenVertex and GenVertex is adopted by GenEvent.

      LogDebug("Hydjet")<<"Number of particles in vector "<<particles.size();

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i<particles.size(); i++) {
         HepMC::GenParticle* part = particles[i];

         //The Fortran code is modified to preserve mother id info, by seperating the beginning
         //mother indices of successive subevents by 5000
         int mid = mother_ids[i]-isub*50000-1;
         LogDebug("DecayChain")<<"Particle "<<i;
         LogDebug("DecayChain")<<"Mother's ID "<<mid;
         LogDebug("DecayChain")<<"Particle's PDG ID "<<part->pdg_id();

         if(mid <= 0){

         if(mid > 0){
            HepMC::GenParticle* mother = particles[mid];
            LogDebug("DecayChain")<<"Mother's PDG ID "<<mother->pdg_id();

            HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vertex = mother->end_vertex();
               prod_vertex = prods[i];
               prods[i]=0; // mark to protect deletion
      // cleanup vertices not assigned to evt
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i<prods.size(); i++) {
         if(prods[i]) delete prods[i];
   return true;
bool HydjetHadronizer::hadronize ( )

Definition at line 458 of file

  return false;
bool HydjetHadronizer::hydjet_init ( const edm::ParameterSet pset) [private]

Definition at line 350 of file

References docollisionalenloss_, doradiativeenloss_, fracsoftmult_, hadfreeztemp_, hyflow, hyjpar, hymode_, maxlongy_, maxtrany_, nquarkflavor_, pyqpar, qgpt0_, qgptau0_, shadowingswitch_, and signn_.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

  // set hydjet options

  // hydjet running mode mode
  // kHydroOnly --- nhsel=0 jet production off (pure HYDRO event), nhsel=0
  // kHydroJets --- nhsle=1 jet production on, jet quenching off (HYDRO+njet*PYTHIA events)
  // kHydroQJet --- nhsel=2 jet production & jet quenching on (HYDRO+njet*PYQUEN events)
  // kJetsOnly  --- nhsel=3 jet production on, jet quenching off, HYDRO off (njet*PYTHIA events)
  // kQJetsOnly --- nhsel=4 jet production & jet quenching on, HYDRO off (njet*PYQUEN events)

  if(hymode_ == "kHydroOnly") hyjpar.nhsel=0;
  else if ( hymode_ == "kHydroJets") hyjpar.nhsel=1;
  else if ( hymode_ == "kHydroQJets") hyjpar.nhsel=2;
  else if ( hymode_ == "kJetsOnly") hyjpar.nhsel=3;
  else if ( hymode_ == "kQJetsOnly") hyjpar.nhsel=4;
  else  hyjpar.nhsel=2;

  // fraction of soft hydro induced multiplicity 
  hyflow.fpart =  fracsoftmult_; 

  // hadron freez-out temperature
  hyflow.Tf   = hadfreeztemp_;

  // maximum longitudinal collective rapidity
  hyflow.ylfl = maxlongy_;
  // maximum transverse collective rapidity
  hyflow.ytfl = maxtrany_;  

  // shadowing on=1, off=0
  hyjpar.ishad  = shadowingswitch_;

  // set inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section
  hyjpar.sigin  = signn_;

  // number of active quark flavors in qgp
  pyqpar.nfu    = nquarkflavor_;

  // initial temperature of QGP
  pyqpar.T0u    = qgpt0_;

  // proper time of QGP formation
  pyqpar.tau0u  = qgptau0_;

  // type of medium induced partonic energy loss
  if( doradiativeenloss_ && docollisionalenloss_ ){
    edm::LogInfo("HydjetEnLoss") << "##### Radiative AND Collisional partonic energy loss ON ####";
    pyqpar.ienglu = 0; 
  } else if ( doradiativeenloss_ ) {
    edm::LogInfo("HydjetenLoss") << "##### Only RADIATIVE partonic energy loss ON ####";
    pyqpar.ienglu = 1; 
  } else if ( docollisionalenloss_ ) {
    edm::LogInfo("HydjetEnLoss") << "##### Only COLLISIONAL partonic energy loss ON ####";
    pyqpar.ienglu = 2; 
  } else {
    edm::LogInfo("HydjetEnLoss") << "##### Radiative AND Collisional partonic energy loss ON ####";
    pyqpar.ienglu = 0; 
  return true;
bool gen::HydjetHadronizer::initializeForExternalPartons ( )
bool HydjetHadronizer::initializeForInternalPartons ( )

Definition at line 414 of file

References abeamtarget_, bfixed_, bmax_, bmin_, call_hyinit(), cflag_, comenergy, hydjet_init(), nmultiplicity_, nuclear_radius(), pset_, pythia6Service_, and gen::Pythia6Service::setGeneralParams().


   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(pythia6Service_);

   // the input impact parameter (bxx_) is in [fm]; transform in [fm/RA] for hydjet usage
   const float ra = nuclear_radius();
   LogInfo("RAScaling")<<"Nuclear radius(RA) =  "<<ra;
   bmin_     /= ra;
   bmax_     /= ra;
   bfixed_   /= ra;

   // hydjet running options 
   // initialize hydjet
   LogInfo("HYDJETinAction") << "##### Calling HYINIT("<<comenergy<<","<<abeamtarget_<<","
                             <<cflag_<<","<<bmin_<<","<<bmax_<<","<<bfixed_<<","<<nmultiplicity_<<") ####";
   return true;
double HydjetHadronizer::nuclear_radius ( ) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 121 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

References abeamtarget_, and funct::pow().

Referenced by add_heavy_ion_rec(), and initializeForInternalPartons().

    // Return the nuclear radius derived from the 
    // beam/target atomic mass number.

    return 1.15 * pow((double)abeamtarget_, 1./3.);
bool HydjetHadronizer::residualDecay ( )

Definition at line 468 of file

  return true;
void HydjetHadronizer::rotateEvtPlane ( ) [private]

Definition at line 448 of file

References funct::cos(), cosphi0_, phi0_, pi, gen::pyr_(), funct::sin(), and sinphi0_.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().

  const double pi = 3.14159265358979;
  phi0_ = 2.*pi*gen::pyr_(0) - pi;
  sinphi0_ = sin(phi0_);
  cosphi0_ = cos(phi0_);
void HydjetHadronizer::statistics ( )

Definition at line 477 of file


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 65 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons(), and nuclear_radius().

Definition at line 66 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and initializeForInternalPartons().

double gen::HydjetHadronizer::bmax_ [private]

Definition at line 67 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

double gen::HydjetHadronizer::bmin_ [private]

Definition at line 69 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

Definition at line 71 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and initializeForInternalPartons().

Definition at line 75 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

DEFAULT = true.

Definition at line 77 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 76 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 74 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and HydjetHadronizer().

HepMC::GenEvent* gen::HydjetHadronizer::evt [private]

Definition at line 63 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().

DEFAULT = true.

Definition at line 78 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 84 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

std::string gen::HydjetHadronizer::hymode_ [private]

Definition at line 86 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 87 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by HydjetHadronizer().

Definition at line 88 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 91 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 95 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and get_particles().

Definition at line 96 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

unsigned int gen::HydjetHadronizer::nquarkflavor_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 98 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and get_particles().

double gen::HydjetHadronizer::phi0_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

number of active quark flavors in qgp DEFAULT=0; allowed values: 0,1,2,3.

Definition at line 101 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by HydjetHadronizer().

Definition at line 102 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 104 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 110 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().

Definition at line 112 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 114 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by hydjet_init().

Definition at line 118 of file HydjetHadronizer.h.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and HydjetHadronizer().