Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

L1ExtraParticlesProd Class Reference

#include <L1ExtraParticlesProd.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1ExtraParticlesProd:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 L1ExtraParticlesProd (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~L1ExtraParticlesProd ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector gctLorentzVector (const double &et, const L1GctCand &cand, const L1CaloGeometry *geom, bool central)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag cenJetSource_
bool centralBxOnly_
edm::InputTag etHadSource_
edm::InputTag etMissSource_
edm::InputTag etTotSource_
edm::InputTag forJetSource_
edm::InputTag hfRingBitCountsSource_
edm::InputTag hfRingEtSumsSource_
edm::InputTag htMissSource_
bool ignoreHtMiss_
edm::InputTag isoEmSource_
edm::InputTag muonSource_
edm::InputTag nonIsoEmSource_
bool produceCaloParticles_
bool produceMuonParticles_
edm::InputTag tauJetSource_

Static Private Attributes

static double muonMassGeV_ = 0.105658369

Detailed Description


Werner Sun

Description: producer of L1Extra particle objects from Level-1 hardware objects.


Definition at line 42 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1ExtraParticlesProd::L1ExtraParticlesProd ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 68 of file

   : produceMuonParticles_( iConfig.getParameter< bool >(
      "produceMuonParticles" ) ),
     muonSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "muonSource" ) ),
     produceCaloParticles_( iConfig.getParameter< bool >(
        "produceCaloParticles" ) ),
     isoEmSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "isolatedEmSource" ) ),
     nonIsoEmSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "nonIsolatedEmSource" ) ),
     cenJetSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "centralJetSource" ) ),
     forJetSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "forwardJetSource" ) ),
     tauJetSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "tauJetSource" ) ),
     etTotSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "etTotalSource" ) ),
     etHadSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "etHadSource" ) ),
     etMissSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "etMissSource" ) ),
     htMissSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "htMissSource" ) ),
     hfRingEtSumsSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "hfRingEtSumsSource" ) ),
     hfRingBitCountsSource_( iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag >(
        "hfRingBitCountsSource" ) ),
     centralBxOnly_( iConfig.getParameter< bool >( "centralBxOnly" ) ),
     ignoreHtMiss_( iConfig.getParameter< bool >( "ignoreHtMiss" ) )
   using namespace l1extra ;

   //register your products
   produces< L1EmParticleCollection >( "Isolated" ) ;
   produces< L1EmParticleCollection >( "NonIsolated" ) ;
   produces< L1JetParticleCollection >( "Central" ) ;
   produces< L1JetParticleCollection >( "Forward" ) ;
   produces< L1JetParticleCollection >( "Tau" ) ;
   produces< L1MuonParticleCollection >() ;
   produces< L1EtMissParticleCollection >( "MET" ) ;
   produces< L1EtMissParticleCollection >( "MHT" ) ;
   produces< L1HFRingsCollection >() ;

   //now do what ever other initialization is needed
L1ExtraParticlesProd::~L1ExtraParticlesProd ( )

Definition at line 117 of file

   // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)


Member Function Documentation

void L1ExtraParticlesProd::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 1092 of file

void L1ExtraParticlesProd::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 1098 of file

math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector L1ExtraParticlesProd::gctLorentzVector ( const double &  et,
const L1GctCand cand,
const L1CaloGeometry geom,
bool  central 
) [private]

Definition at line 1064 of file

References L1CaloGeometry::emJetPhiBinCenter(), eta(), L1CaloGeometry::etaBinCenter(), L1GctCand::etaIndex(), phi, and L1GctCand::phiIndex().

Referenced by produce().

   // To keep x and y components non-zero.
   double etCorr = et + 1.e-6 ; // protect against roundoff, not only for et=0

   double eta = geom->etaBinCenter( cand.etaIndex(), central ) ;

//    double tanThOver2 = exp( -eta ) ;
//    double ez = etCorr * ( 1. - tanThOver2 * tanThOver2 ) / ( 2. * tanThOver2 );
//    double e  = etCorr * ( 1. + tanThOver2 * tanThOver2 ) / ( 2. * tanThOver2 );

   double phi = geom->emJetPhiBinCenter( cand.phiIndex() ) ;

//    return math::XYZTLorentzVector( etCorr * cos( phi ),
//                                 etCorr * sin( phi ),
//                                 ez,
//                                 e ) ;
   return math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector( etCorr,
                                        0. ) ;
void L1ExtraParticlesProd::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 132 of file

References cenJetSource_, centralBxOnly_, eta(), etHadSource_, etMissSource_, L1CaloGeometry::etSumPhiBinCenter(), etTotSource_, forJetSource_, gctLorentzVector(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), hfRingBitCountsSource_, hfRingEtSumsSource_, htMissSource_, L1CaloGeometry::htSumPhiBinCenter(), i, ignoreHtMiss_, isoEmSource_, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), L1GctEtHad::kEtHadMaxValue, L1GctEtMiss::kEtMissMaxValue, L1GctEtTotal::kEtTotalMaxValue, LogDebug, muonMassGeV_, muonSource_, nonIsoEmSource_, p4, phi, produceCaloParticles_, produceMuonParticles_, edm::Event::put(), tauJetSource_, and funct::true.

   using namespace edm ;
   using namespace l1extra ;
   using namespace std ;

   // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Muons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   auto_ptr< L1MuonParticleCollection > muColl(
     new L1MuonParticleCollection );

   if( produceMuonParticles_ )
      ESHandle< L1MuTriggerScales > muScales ;
      iSetup.get< L1MuTriggerScalesRcd >().get( muScales ) ;

      ESHandle< L1MuTriggerPtScale > muPtScale ;
      iSetup.get< L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd >().get( muPtScale ) ;

      Handle< L1MuGMTReadoutCollection > hwMuCollection ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( muonSource_, hwMuCollection ) ;

      vector< L1MuGMTExtendedCand > hwMuCands ;

      if( !hwMuCollection.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1MuGMTReadoutCollection with " << muonSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
          if( centralBxOnly_ )
              // Get GMT candidates from central bunch crossing only
              hwMuCands = hwMuCollection->getRecord().getGMTCands() ;
              // Get GMT candidates from all bunch crossings
              vector< L1MuGMTReadoutRecord > records = hwMuCollection->getRecords();
              vector< L1MuGMTReadoutRecord >::const_iterator rItr = records.begin();
              vector< L1MuGMTReadoutRecord >::const_iterator rEnd = records.end();

              for( ; rItr != rEnd ; ++rItr )
                  vector< L1MuGMTExtendedCand > tmpCands = rItr->getGMTCands() ;

                  hwMuCands.insert( hwMuCands.end(),
                                    tmpCands.end() ) ;

//       cout << "HW muons" << endl ;
          vector< L1MuGMTExtendedCand >::const_iterator muItr = hwMuCands.begin() ;
          vector< L1MuGMTExtendedCand >::const_iterator muEnd = hwMuCands.end() ;
          for( int i = 0 ; muItr != muEnd ; ++muItr, ++i )
//       cout << "#" << i
//            << " name " << muItr->name()
//            << " empty " << muItr->empty()
//            << " pt " << muItr->ptIndex()
//            << " eta " << muItr->etaIndex()
//            << " phi " << muItr->phiIndex()
//            << " iso " << muItr->isol()
//            << " mip " << muItr->mip()
//            << " bx " << muItr->bx()
//            << endl ;

              if( !muItr->empty() )
                  // keep x and y components non-zero and protect against roundoff.
                  double pt =
                    muPtScale->getPtScale()->getLowEdge( muItr->ptIndex() ) + 1.e-6 ;

//          cout << "L1Extra pt " << pt << endl ;

                  double eta =
                    muScales->getGMTEtaScale()->getCenter( muItr->etaIndex() ) ;

                  double phi =
                    muScales->getPhiScale()->getLowEdge( muItr->phiIndex() ) ;

                  math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector p4( pt,
                                                   muonMassGeV_ ) ;

                                    L1MuonParticle( muItr->charge(),
                                                    muItr->bx() )
                                    ) ;
   OrphanHandle< L1MuonParticleCollection > muHandle =
     iEvent.put( muColl );

   // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calorimeter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   auto_ptr< L1EmParticleCollection > isoEmColl(
      new L1EmParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1EmParticleCollection > nonIsoEmColl(
      new L1EmParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1JetParticleCollection > cenJetColl(
      new L1JetParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1JetParticleCollection > forJetColl(
      new L1JetParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1JetParticleCollection > tauJetColl(
      new L1JetParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1EtMissParticleCollection > etMissColl(
      new L1EtMissParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1EtMissParticleCollection > htMissColl(
      new L1EtMissParticleCollection );

   auto_ptr< L1HFRingsCollection > hfRingsColl( new L1HFRingsCollection );

   if( produceCaloParticles_ )
      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geometry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      ESHandle< L1CaloGeometry > caloGeomESH ;
      iSetup.get< L1CaloGeometryRecord >().get( caloGeomESH ) ;
      const L1CaloGeometry* caloGeom = &( *caloGeomESH ) ;

      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      ESHandle< L1CaloEtScale > emScale ;
      iSetup.get< L1EmEtScaleRcd >().get( emScale ) ;

      // Isolated EM
      Handle< L1GctEmCandCollection > hwIsoEmCands ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( isoEmSource_, hwIsoEmCands ) ;

      if( !hwIsoEmCands.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctEmCandCollection with " << isoEmSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
//       cout << "HW iso EM" << endl ;

          L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator emItr = hwIsoEmCands->begin() ;
          L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator emEnd = hwIsoEmCands->end() ;
          for( int i = 0 ; emItr != emEnd ; ++emItr, ++i )
//       cout << "#" << i
//            << " name " << emItr->name()
//            << " empty " << emItr->empty()
//            << " rank " << emItr->rank()
//            << " eta " << emItr->etaIndex()
//            << " sign " << emItr->etaSign()
//            << " phi " << emItr->phiIndex()
//            << " iso " << emItr->isolated()
//            << " bx " << emItr->bx()
//            << endl ;

              if( !emItr->empty() &&
                  ( !centralBxOnly_ || emItr->bx() == 0 ) )
                  double et = emScale->et( emItr->rank() ) ;

//          cout << "L1Extra et " << et << endl ;

                                       L1EmParticle( gctLorentzVector( et, *emItr, caloGeom, true ),
                                                     Ref< L1GctEmCandCollection >( hwIsoEmCands,
                                                                                   i ),
                                                     emItr->bx() ) ) ;

      // Non-isolated EM
      Handle< L1GctEmCandCollection > hwNonIsoEmCands ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( nonIsoEmSource_, hwNonIsoEmCands ) ;

      if( !hwNonIsoEmCands.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctEmCandCollection with " << nonIsoEmSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
//       cout << "HW non-iso EM" << endl ;
          L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator emItr = hwNonIsoEmCands->begin() ;
          L1GctEmCandCollection::const_iterator emEnd = hwNonIsoEmCands->end() ;
          for( int i = 0 ; emItr != emEnd ; ++emItr, ++i )
//       cout << "#" << i
//            << " name " << emItr->name()
//            << " empty " << emItr->empty()
//            << " rank " << emItr->rank()
//            << " eta " << emItr->etaIndex()
//            << " sign " << emItr->etaSign()
//            << " phi " << emItr->phiIndex()
//            << " iso " << emItr->isolated()
//            << " bx " << emItr->bx()
//            << endl ;

              if( !emItr->empty() &&
                  ( !centralBxOnly_ || emItr->bx() == 0 ) )
                  double et = emScale->et( emItr->rank() ) ;

//          cout << "L1Extra et " << et << endl ;

                                          L1EmParticle( gctLorentzVector( et, *emItr, caloGeom, true ),
                                                        Ref< L1GctEmCandCollection >( hwNonIsoEmCands,
                                                                                      i ),
                                                        emItr->bx() ) );

      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      ESHandle< L1CaloEtScale > jetScale ;
      iSetup.get< L1JetEtScaleRcd >().get( jetScale ) ;

      // Central jets.
      Handle< L1GctJetCandCollection > hwCenJetCands ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( cenJetSource_, hwCenJetCands ) ;

      if( !hwCenJetCands.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctJetCandCollection with " << cenJetSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
//       cout << "HW central jets" << endl ;
          L1GctJetCandCollection::const_iterator jetItr = hwCenJetCands->begin() ;
          L1GctJetCandCollection::const_iterator jetEnd = hwCenJetCands->end() ;
          for( int i = 0 ; jetItr != jetEnd ; ++jetItr, ++i )
//       cout << "#" << i
//            << " name " << jetItr->name()
//            << " empty " << jetItr->empty()
//            << " rank " << jetItr->rank()
//            << " eta " << jetItr->etaIndex()
//            << " sign " << jetItr->etaSign()
//            << " phi " << jetItr->phiIndex()
//            << " cen " << jetItr->isCentral()
//            << " for " << jetItr->isForward()
//            << " tau " << jetItr->isTau()
//            << " bx " << jetItr->bx()
//            << endl ;

              if( !jetItr->empty() &&
                  ( !centralBxOnly_ || jetItr->bx() == 0 ) )
                  double et = jetScale->et( jetItr->rank() ) ;

//          cout << "L1Extra et " << et << endl ;

                                        L1JetParticle( gctLorentzVector( et, *jetItr, caloGeom, true ),
                                                       Ref< L1GctJetCandCollection >( hwCenJetCands,
                                                                                      i ),
                                                       jetItr->bx() ) ) ;

      // Forward jets.
      Handle< L1GctJetCandCollection > hwForJetCands ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( forJetSource_, hwForJetCands ) ;

      if( !hwForJetCands.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctEmCandCollection with " << forJetSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
//       cout << "HW forward jets" << endl ;
          L1GctJetCandCollection::const_iterator jetItr = hwForJetCands->begin() ;
          L1GctJetCandCollection::const_iterator jetEnd = hwForJetCands->end() ;
          for( int i = 0 ; jetItr != jetEnd ; ++jetItr, ++i )
//       cout << "#" << i
//            << " name " << jetItr->name()
//            << " empty " << jetItr->empty()
//            << " rank " << jetItr->rank()
//            << " eta " << jetItr->etaIndex()
//            << " sign " << jetItr->etaSign()
//            << " phi " << jetItr->phiIndex()
//            << " cen " << jetItr->isCentral()
//            << " for " << jetItr->isForward()
//            << " tau " << jetItr->isTau()
//            << " bx " << jetItr->bx()
//            << endl ;

              if( !jetItr->empty() &&
                  ( !centralBxOnly_ || jetItr->bx() == 0 ) )
                  double et = jetScale->et( jetItr->rank() ) ;

//          cout << "L1Extra et " << et << endl ;

                                        L1JetParticle( gctLorentzVector( et, *jetItr, caloGeom, false ),
                                                       Ref< L1GctJetCandCollection >( hwForJetCands,
                                                                                      i ),
                                                       jetItr->bx() ) ) ;

      // Tau jets.
//       cout << "HW tau jets" << endl ;
      Handle< L1GctJetCandCollection > hwTauJetCands ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( tauJetSource_, hwTauJetCands ) ;

      if( !hwTauJetCands.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctJetCandCollection with " << tauJetSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
          L1GctJetCandCollection::const_iterator jetItr = hwTauJetCands->begin() ;
          L1GctJetCandCollection::const_iterator jetEnd = hwTauJetCands->end() ;
          for( int i = 0 ; jetItr != jetEnd ; ++jetItr, ++i )
//       cout << "#" << i
//            << " name " << jetItr->name()
//            << " empty " << jetItr->empty()
//            << " rank " << jetItr->rank()
//            << " eta " << jetItr->etaIndex()
//            << " sign " << jetItr->etaSign()
//            << " phi " << jetItr->phiIndex()
//            << " cen " << jetItr->isCentral()
//            << " for " << jetItr->isForward()
//            << " tau " << jetItr->isTau()
//            << " bx " << jetItr->bx()
//            << endl ;

              if( !jetItr->empty() &&
                  ( !centralBxOnly_ || jetItr->bx() == 0 ) )
                  double et = jetScale->et( jetItr->rank() ) ;

//          cout << "L1Extra et " << et << endl ;

                                        L1JetParticle( gctLorentzVector( et, *jetItr, caloGeom, true ),
                                                       Ref< L1GctJetCandCollection >( hwTauJetCands,
                                                                                      i ),
                                                       jetItr->bx() ) ) ;

      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ET Sums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      double etSumLSB = jetScale->linearLsb() ;

      Handle< L1GctEtTotalCollection > hwEtTotColl ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( etTotSource_, hwEtTotColl ) ;

      Handle< L1GctEtMissCollection > hwEtMissColl ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( etMissSource_, hwEtMissColl ) ;

      if( !hwEtTotColl.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctEtTotalCollection with " << etTotSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
      else if( !hwEtMissColl.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctEtMissCollection with " << etMissSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
          // Make a L1EtMissParticle even if either L1GctEtTotal or L1GctEtMiss
          // is missing for a given bx.  Keep track of which L1GctEtMiss objects
          // have a corresponding L1GctEtTotal object.
          std::vector< bool > etMissMatched ;

          L1GctEtMissCollection::const_iterator hwEtMissItr =
            hwEtMissColl->begin() ;
          L1GctEtMissCollection::const_iterator hwEtMissEnd =
            hwEtMissColl->end() ;
          for( ; hwEtMissItr != hwEtMissEnd ; ++hwEtMissItr )
              etMissMatched.push_back( false ) ;
          // Collate energy sums by bx
          L1GctEtTotalCollection::const_iterator hwEtTotItr =
            hwEtTotColl->begin() ;
          L1GctEtTotalCollection::const_iterator hwEtTotEnd =
            hwEtTotColl->end() ;

          int iTot = 0 ;
          for( ; hwEtTotItr != hwEtTotEnd ; ++hwEtTotItr, ++iTot )
              int bx = hwEtTotItr->bx() ;

              if( !centralBxOnly_ || bx == 0 )
                  // ET bin low edge
                  double etTot =
                    ( hwEtTotItr->overFlow() ?
                      ( double ) L1GctEtTotal::kEtTotalMaxValue :
                      ( double ) hwEtTotItr->et() ) * etSumLSB + 1.e-6 ;

                  int iMiss = 0 ;
                  hwEtMissItr = hwEtMissColl->begin() ;
                  hwEtMissEnd = hwEtMissColl->end() ;
                  for( ; hwEtMissItr != hwEtMissEnd ; ++hwEtMissItr, ++iMiss )
                      if( hwEtMissItr->bx() == bx )
                          etMissMatched[ iMiss ] = true ;
                          break ;

                  double etMiss = 0. ;
                  double phi = 0. ;
                  math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector p4 ;
                  Ref< L1GctEtMissCollection > metRef ;

                  // If a L1GctEtMiss with the right bx is not found, itr == end.
                  if( hwEtMissItr != hwEtMissEnd )
                      // ET bin low edge
                      etMiss =
                        ( hwEtMissItr->overFlow() ?
                          ( double ) L1GctEtMiss::kEtMissMaxValue :
                          ( double ) hwEtMissItr->et() ) * etSumLSB + 1.e-6 ;
                      // keep x and y components non-zero and
                      // protect against roundoff.

                      phi = caloGeom->etSumPhiBinCenter( hwEtMissItr->phi() ) ;

                      p4 = math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector( etMiss,
                                                         0. ) ;

                      metRef = Ref< L1GctEtMissCollection >( hwEtMissColl, iMiss ) ;

//             cout << "HW ET Sums " << endl
//                  << "MET: phi " << hwEtMissItr->phi() << " = " << phi
//                  << " et " << hwEtMissItr->et() << " = " << etMiss
//                  << " EtTot " << hwEtTotItr->et() << " = " << etTot
//                  << " bx " << bx
//                  << endl ;
//         else
//           {
//             cout << "HW ET Sums " << endl
//                  << "MET: phi " << phi
//                  << " et "<< etMiss
//                  << " EtTot " << hwEtTotItr->et() << " = " << etTot
//                  << " bx " << bx
//                  << endl ;
//           }

                                                         Ref< L1GctEtTotalCollection >( hwEtTotColl, iTot ),
                                                         Ref< L1GctHtMissCollection >(),
                                                         Ref< L1GctEtHadCollection >(),
                                                         ) ) ;

          if( !centralBxOnly_ )
              // Make L1EtMissParticles for those L1GctEtMiss objects without
              // a matched L1GctEtTotal object.

              double etTot = 0. ;

              hwEtMissItr = hwEtMissColl->begin() ;
              hwEtMissEnd = hwEtMissColl->end() ;
              int iMiss = 0 ;
              for( ; hwEtMissItr != hwEtMissEnd ; ++hwEtMissItr, ++iMiss )
                  if( !etMissMatched[ iMiss ] )
                      int bx = hwEtMissItr->bx() ;

                      // ET bin low edge
                      double etMiss =
                        ( hwEtMissItr->overFlow() ?
                          ( double ) L1GctEtMiss::kEtMissMaxValue :
                          ( double ) hwEtMissItr->et() ) * etSumLSB + 1.e-6 ;
                      // keep x and y components non-zero and
                      // protect against roundoff.

                      double phi =
                        caloGeom->etSumPhiBinCenter( hwEtMissItr->phi() ) ;

                      math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector p4( etMiss,
                                                       0. ) ;

//                cout << "HW ET Sums " << endl
//                     << "MET: phi " << hwEtMissItr->phi() << " = " << phi
//                     << " et " << hwEtMissItr->et() << " = " << etMiss
//                     << " EtTot " << etTot
//                     << " bx " << bx
//                     << endl ;

                                                             Ref< L1GctEtMissCollection >( hwEtMissColl, iMiss ),
                                                             Ref< L1GctEtTotalCollection >(),
                                                             Ref< L1GctHtMissCollection >(),
                                                             Ref< L1GctEtHadCollection >(),
                                                             ) ) ;

      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HT Sums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Handle< L1GctEtHadCollection > hwEtHadColl ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( etHadSource_, hwEtHadColl ) ;

      Handle< L1GctHtMissCollection > hwHtMissColl ;
      if( !ignoreHtMiss_ )
          iEvent.getByLabel( htMissSource_, hwHtMissColl ) ;

      ESHandle< L1GctJetFinderParams > jetFinderParams ;
      iSetup.get< L1GctJetFinderParamsRcd >().get( jetFinderParams ) ;
      double htSumLSB = jetFinderParams->getHtLsbGeV();

      ESHandle< L1CaloEtScale > htMissScale ;
      std::vector< bool > htMissMatched ;
      if( !ignoreHtMiss_ )
          iSetup.get< L1HtMissScaleRcd >().get( htMissScale ) ;

          if( !hwEtHadColl.isValid() )
                << "\nWarning: L1GctEtHadCollection with " << etHadSource_
                << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
                << std::endl;
          else if( !hwHtMissColl.isValid() )
                << "\nWarning: L1GctHtMissCollection with " << htMissSource_
                << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
                << std::endl;
              // Make a L1EtMissParticle even if either L1GctEtHad or L1GctHtMiss
              // is missing for a given bx. Keep track of which L1GctHtMiss objects
              // have a corresponding L1GctHtTotal object.
              L1GctHtMissCollection::const_iterator hwHtMissItr =
                hwHtMissColl->begin() ;
              L1GctHtMissCollection::const_iterator hwHtMissEnd =
                hwHtMissColl->end() ;
              for( ; hwHtMissItr != hwHtMissEnd ; ++hwHtMissItr )
                  htMissMatched.push_back( false ) ;

      if( !hwEtHadColl.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctEtHadCollection with " << etHadSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
      else if( !hwHtMissColl.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctHtMissCollection with " << htMissSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
          L1GctEtHadCollection::const_iterator hwEtHadItr =
            hwEtHadColl->begin() ;
          L1GctEtHadCollection::const_iterator hwEtHadEnd =
            hwEtHadColl->end() ;

          int iHad = 0 ;
          for( ; hwEtHadItr != hwEtHadEnd ; ++hwEtHadItr, ++iHad )
              int bx = hwEtHadItr->bx() ;

              if( !centralBxOnly_ || bx == 0 )
                  // HT bin low edge
                  double htTot =
                    ( hwEtHadItr->overFlow() ?
                      ( double ) L1GctEtHad::kEtHadMaxValue :
                      ( double ) hwEtHadItr->et() ) * htSumLSB + 1.e-6 ;

                  double htMiss = 0. ;
                  double phi = 0. ;
                  math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector p4 ;
                  Ref< L1GctHtMissCollection > mhtRef ;

                  if( !ignoreHtMiss_ )
                      L1GctHtMissCollection::const_iterator hwHtMissItr =
                        hwHtMissColl->begin() ;
                      L1GctHtMissCollection::const_iterator hwHtMissEnd =
                        hwHtMissColl->end() ;

                      int iMiss = 0 ;
                      for( ; hwHtMissItr != hwHtMissEnd ; ++hwHtMissItr, ++iMiss )
                          if( hwHtMissItr->bx() == bx )
                              htMissMatched[ iMiss ] = true ;
                              break ;

                      // If a L1GctHtMiss with the right bx is not found, itr == end.
                      if( hwHtMissItr != hwHtMissEnd )
                          // HT bin low edge
                          htMiss =
                            htMissScale->et( hwHtMissItr->overFlow() ?
                                             htMissScale->rankScaleMax() :
                                             hwHtMissItr->et() ) + 1.e-6 ;
                          // keep x and y components non-zero and
                          // protect against roundoff.

                          phi =
                            caloGeom->htSumPhiBinCenter( hwHtMissItr->phi() ) ;

                          p4 = math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector( htMiss,
                                                             0. ) ;

                          mhtRef=Ref< L1GctHtMissCollection >( hwHtMissColl, iMiss );

//                 cout << "HW HT Sums " << endl
//                      << "MHT: phi " << hwHtMissItr->phi() << " = " << phi
//                      << " ht " << hwHtMissItr->et() << " = " << htMiss
//                      << " HtTot " << hwEtHadItr->et() << " = " << htTot
//                      << " bx " << bx
//                      << endl ;
//             else
//               {
//                 cout << "HW HT Sums " << endl
//                      << "MHT: phi " << phi
//                      << " ht " << htMiss
//                      << " HtTot " << hwEtHadItr->et() << " = " << htTot
//                      << " bx " << bx
//                      << endl ;
//               }

                                                         Ref< L1GctEtMissCollection >(),
                                                         Ref< L1GctEtTotalCollection >(),
                                                         Ref< L1GctEtHadCollection >( hwEtHadColl, iHad ),
                                                         ) ) ;

          if( !centralBxOnly_  && !ignoreHtMiss_ )
              // Make L1EtMissParticles for those L1GctHtMiss objects without
              // a matched L1GctHtTotal object.
              double htTot = 0. ;

              L1GctHtMissCollection::const_iterator hwHtMissItr =
                hwHtMissColl->begin() ;
              L1GctHtMissCollection::const_iterator hwHtMissEnd =
                hwHtMissColl->end() ;

              int iMiss = 0 ;
              for( ; hwHtMissItr != hwHtMissEnd ; ++hwHtMissItr, ++iMiss )
                  if( !htMissMatched[ iMiss ] )
                      int bx = hwHtMissItr->bx() ;

                      // HT bin low edge
                      double htMiss =
                        htMissScale->et( hwHtMissItr->overFlow() ?
                                         htMissScale->rankScaleMax() :
                                         hwHtMissItr->et() ) + 1.e-6 ;
                      // keep x and y components non-zero and
                      // protect against roundoff.

                      double phi =
                        caloGeom->htSumPhiBinCenter( hwHtMissItr->phi() ) ;

                      math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector p4( htMiss,
                                                       0. ) ;

//                cout << "HW HT Sums " << endl
//                     << "MHT: phi " << hwHtMissItr->phi() << " = " << phi
//                     << " ht " << hwHtMissItr->et() << " = " << htMiss
//                     << " HtTot " << htTot
//                     << " bx " << bx
//                     << endl ;

                                                             Ref< L1GctEtMissCollection >(),
                                                             Ref< L1GctEtTotalCollection >(),
                                                             Ref< L1GctHtMissCollection >( hwHtMissColl, iMiss ),
                                                             Ref< L1GctEtHadCollection >(),
                                                             ) ) ;

      // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HF Rings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Handle< L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection > hwHFEtSumsColl ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( hfRingEtSumsSource_, hwHFEtSumsColl ) ;

      Handle< L1GctHFBitCountsCollection > hwHFBitCountsColl ;
      iEvent.getByLabel( hfRingBitCountsSource_, hwHFBitCountsColl ) ;

      ESHandle< L1CaloEtScale > hfRingEtScale ;
      iSetup.get< L1HfRingEtScaleRcd >().get( hfRingEtScale ) ;

      if( !hwHFEtSumsColl.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection with " << hfRingEtSumsSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
      else if( !hwHFBitCountsColl.isValid() )
            << "\nWarning: L1GctHFBitCountsCollection with " << hfRingBitCountsSource_
            << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event."
            << std::endl;
          L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection::const_iterator hwHFEtSumsItr =
            hwHFEtSumsColl->begin() ;
          L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection::const_iterator hwHFEtSumsEnd =
            hwHFEtSumsColl->end() ;

          int iEtSums = 0 ;
          for( ; hwHFEtSumsItr != hwHFEtSumsEnd ; ++hwHFEtSumsItr, ++iEtSums )
              int bx = hwHFEtSumsItr->bx() ;

              if( !centralBxOnly_ || bx == 0 )
                  L1GctHFBitCountsCollection::const_iterator hwHFBitCountsItr =
                    hwHFBitCountsColl->begin() ;
                  L1GctHFBitCountsCollection::const_iterator hwHFBitCountsEnd =
                    hwHFBitCountsColl->end() ;

                  int iBitCounts = 0 ;
                  for( ; hwHFBitCountsItr != hwHFBitCountsEnd ;
                       ++hwHFBitCountsItr, ++iBitCounts )
                      if( hwHFBitCountsItr->bx() == bx )
                          break ;

                  // If a L1GctHFBitCounts with the right bx is not found, itr == end.
                  if( hwHFBitCountsItr != hwHFBitCountsEnd )
                      // Construct L1HFRings only if both HW objects are present.

                      // cout << "HF Rings " << endl

                      // HF Et sums
                      double etSums[ L1HFRings::kNumRings ] ;
                      etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing1PosEta ] =
                        hfRingEtScale->et( hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 0 ) ) + 1.e-6 ;
                      etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing1NegEta ] =
                        hfRingEtScale->et( hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 1 ) ) + 1.e-6 ;
                      etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing2PosEta ] =
                        hfRingEtScale->et( hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 2 ) ) + 1.e-6 ;
                      etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing2NegEta ] =
                        hfRingEtScale->et( hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 3 ) ) + 1.e-6 ;
                      // protect against roundoff.

//             cout << "HF Et Sums "
//                  << hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 0 ) << " = "
//                  << etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing1PosEta ] << " "
//                  << hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 1 ) << " = "
//                  << etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing1NegEta ] << " "
//                  << hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 2 ) << " = "
//                  << etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing2PosEta ] << " "
//                  << hwHFEtSumsItr->etSum( 3 ) << " = "
//                  << etSums[ L1HFRings::kRing2NegEta ]
//                  << endl ;

                      // HF bit counts
                      int bitCounts[ L1HFRings::kNumRings ] ;
                      bitCounts[ L1HFRings::kRing1PosEta ] =
                        hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 0 ) ;
                      bitCounts[ L1HFRings::kRing1NegEta ] =
                        hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 1 ) ;
                      bitCounts[ L1HFRings::kRing2PosEta ] =
                        hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 2 ) ;
                      bitCounts[ L1HFRings::kRing2NegEta ] =
                        hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 3 ) ;

//             cout << "HF bit counts "
//                  << hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 0 ) << " "
//                  << hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 1 ) << " "
//                  << hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 2 ) << " "
//                  << hwHFBitCountsItr->bitCount( 3 ) << " "
//                  << endl ;

                                             L1HFRings( etSums,
                                                        Ref< L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection >( hwHFEtSumsColl,
                                                                                            iEtSums ),
                                                        Ref< L1GctHFBitCountsCollection >( hwHFBitCountsColl,
                                                                                           iBitCounts ),
                                                        ) ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1EmParticleCollection > isoEmHandle =
     iEvent.put( isoEmColl, "Isolated" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1EmParticleCollection > nonIsoEmHandle =
     iEvent.put( nonIsoEmColl, "NonIsolated" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1JetParticleCollection > cenJetHandle =
     iEvent.put( cenJetColl, "Central" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1JetParticleCollection > forJetHandle =
     iEvent.put( forJetColl, "Forward" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1JetParticleCollection > tauJetHandle =
     iEvent.put( tauJetColl, "Tau" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1EtMissParticleCollection > etMissCollHandle =
     iEvent.put( etMissColl, "MET" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1EtMissParticleCollection > htMissCollHandle =
     iEvent.put( htMissColl, "MHT" ) ;

   OrphanHandle< L1HFRingsCollection > hfRingsCollHandle =
     iEvent.put( hfRingsColl ) ;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 65 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 77 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 69 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 70 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 68 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 66 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 73 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 72 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 71 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 81 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 63 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

double L1ExtraParticlesProd::muonMassGeV_ = 0.105658369 [static, private]

Definition at line 75 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 60 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 64 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 62 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 59 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 67 of file L1ExtraParticlesProd.h.

Referenced by produce().