Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

L2MuonSeedGenerator Class Reference

#include <L2MuonSeedGenerator.h>

Inheritance diagram for L2MuonSeedGenerator:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 L2MuonSeedGenerator (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 ~L2MuonSeedGenerator ()

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag theL1GMTReadoutCollection
const double theL1MaxEta
const double theL1MinPt
const unsigned theL1MinQuality
std::string thePropagatorName
 the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update
edm::InputTag theSource

Detailed Description

L2 muon seed generator: Transform the L1 informations in seeds for the L2 muon reconstruction

2009/05/27 08:07:23
A.Everett, R.Bellan, J. Alcaraz

ORCA's author: N. Neumeister

L2 muon seed generator: Transform the L1 informations in seeds for the L2 muon reconstruction

2010/02/11 00:14:22
A.Everett, R.Bellan

ORCA's author: N. Neumeister

Definition at line 31 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L2MuonSeedGenerator::L2MuonSeedGenerator ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]


Definition at line 63 of file

References Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer_cfi::Chi2MeasurementEstimator, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), MuonServiceProxy_cff::MuonServiceProxy, theEstimator, and theService.

  theL1MinQuality(iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("L1MinQuality")){
  // service parameters
  ParameterSet serviceParameters = iConfig.getParameter<ParameterSet>("ServiceParameters");
  // the services
  theService = new MuonServiceProxy(serviceParameters);

  // the estimator
  theEstimator = new Chi2MeasurementEstimator(10000.);

L2MuonSeedGenerator::~L2MuonSeedGenerator ( )


Definition at line 84 of file

References theEstimator, and theService.

  if (theService) delete theService;
  if (theEstimator) delete theEstimator;

Member Function Documentation

void L2MuonSeedGenerator::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 89 of file

References alongMomentum, Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), L1MuGMTCand::charge_valid(), GeometricSearchDet::compatibleDets(), funct::cos(), CSCDetId, debug, DTChamberId, MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpFTS(), MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpLayer(), MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpMuonId(), MuonPatternRecoDumper::dumpTSOS(), L1MuGMTCand::empty(), error, eta(), funct::exp(), GeomDet::geographicalId(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getBrlRPCCands(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getCSCCands(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getDTBXCands(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::getDTCSCIndex(), L1MuGMTReadoutRecord::getFwdRPCCands(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::getRPCIndex(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::isFwd(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::isRPC(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), LogTrace, metname, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, TrajectoryStateTransform::persistentState(), phi, Geom::pi(), pos, GeometricSearchDet::position(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), edm::Event::put(), L1MuGMTCand::quality(), CosmicsPD_Skims::radius, Cylinder::radius(), DetId::rawId(), funct::sin(), evf::utils::state, GeometricSearchDet::surface(), theEstimator, theL1GMTReadoutCollection, theL1MaxEta, theL1MinPt, theL1MinQuality, thePropagatorName, theService, theSource, theta(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

  const std::string metname = "Muon|RecoMuon|L2MuonSeedGenerator";
  MuonPatternRecoDumper debug;

  auto_ptr<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection> output(new L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection());
  // Muon particles and GMT readout collection
  edm::Handle<L1MuGMTReadoutCollection> gmtrc_handle;
  L1MuGMTReadoutRecord const& gmtrr = gmtrc_handle.product()->getRecord(0);

  edm::Handle<L1MuonParticleCollection> muColl;
  iEvent.getByLabel(theSource, muColl);
  LogTrace(metname) << "Number of muons " << muColl->size() << endl;
  L1MuonParticleCollection::const_iterator it;
  L1MuonParticleRef::key_type l1ParticleIndex = 0;

  for(it = muColl->begin(); it != muColl->end(); ++it,++l1ParticleIndex) {
    const L1MuGMTExtendedCand muonCand = (*it).gmtMuonCand();
    unsigned int quality = 0;
    bool valid_charge = false;;

    if ( muonCand.empty() ) {
      LogWarning(metname) << "L2MuonSeedGenerator: WARNING, no L1MuGMTCand! " << endl;
      LogWarning(metname) << "L2MuonSeedGenerator:   this should make sense only within MC tests" << endl;
      // FIXME! Temporary to handle the MC input
      quality = 7;
      valid_charge = true;
    else {
      quality =  muonCand.quality();
      valid_charge = muonCand.charge_valid();
    float pt    =  (*it).pt();
    float eta   =  (*it).eta();
    float theta =  2*atan(exp(-eta));
    float phi   =  (*it).phi();      
    int charge  =  (*it).charge();
    // Set charge=0 for the time being if the valid charge bit is zero
    if (!valid_charge) charge = 0;
    bool barrel = !(*it).isForward();

    // Get a better eta and charge from regional information
    // Phi has the same resolution in GMT than regionally, is not it?
    if ( !(muonCand.empty()) ) {
      int idx = -1;
      vector<L1MuRegionalCand> rmc;
      if ( !muonCand.isRPC() ) {
            idx = muonCand.getDTCSCIndex();
            if (muonCand.isFwd()) rmc = gmtrr.getCSCCands();
            else rmc = gmtrr.getDTBXCands();
      } else {
            idx = muonCand.getRPCIndex();
            if (muonCand.isFwd()) rmc = gmtrr.getFwdRPCCands();
            else rmc = gmtrr.getBrlRPCCands();
      if (idx>=0) {
            eta = rmc[idx].etaValue();
            //phi = rmc[idx].phiValue();
            // Use this charge if the valid charge bit is zero
            if (!valid_charge) charge = rmc[idx].chargeValue();

    if ( pt < theL1MinPt || fabs(eta) > theL1MaxEta ) continue;
    LogTrace(metname) << "New L2 Muon Seed";
    LogTrace(metname) << "Pt = " << pt << " GeV/c";
    LogTrace(metname) << "eta = " << eta;
    LogTrace(metname) << "theta = " << theta << " rad";
    LogTrace(metname) << "phi = " << phi << " rad";
    LogTrace(metname) << "charge = "<< charge;
    LogTrace(metname) << "In Barrel? = "<< barrel;
    if ( quality <= theL1MinQuality ) continue;
    LogTrace(metname) << "quality = "<< quality; 
    // Update the services

    const DetLayer *detLayer = 0;
    float radius = 0.;
    CLHEP::Hep3Vector vec(0.,1.,0.);
    // Get the det layer on which the state should be put
    if ( barrel ){
      LogTrace(metname) << "The seed is in the barrel";
      // MB2
      DetId id = DTChamberId(0,2,0);
      detLayer = theService->detLayerGeometry()->idToLayer(id);
      LogTrace(metname) << "L2 Layer: " << debug.dumpLayer(detLayer);
      const BoundSurface* sur = &(detLayer->surface());
      const BoundCylinder* bc = dynamic_cast<const BoundCylinder*>(sur);

      radius = fabs(bc->radius()/sin(theta));

      LogTrace(metname) << "radius "<<radius;

      if ( pt < 3.5 ) pt = 3.5;
    else { 
      LogTrace(metname) << "The seed is in the endcap";
      DetId id;
      // ME2
      if ( theta < Geom::pi()/2. )
        id = CSCDetId(1,2,0,0,0); 
        id = CSCDetId(2,2,0,0,0); 
      detLayer = theService->detLayerGeometry()->idToLayer(id);
      LogTrace(metname) << "L2 Layer: " << debug.dumpLayer(detLayer);

      radius = fabs(detLayer->position().z()/cos(theta));      
      if( pt < 1.0) pt = 1.0;
    GlobalPoint pos(vec.x(),vec.y(),vec.z());
    GlobalVector mom(pt*cos(phi), pt*sin(phi), pt*cos(theta)/sin(theta));

    GlobalTrajectoryParameters param(pos,mom,charge,&*theService->magneticField());
    AlgebraicSymMatrix mat(5,0);
    mat[0][0] = (0.25/pt)*(0.25/pt);  // sigma^2(charge/abs_momentum)
    if ( !barrel ) mat[0][0] = (0.4/pt)*(0.4/pt);

    //Assign q/pt = 0 +- 1/pt if charge has been declared invalid
    if (!valid_charge) mat[0][0] = (1./pt)*(1./pt);
    mat[1][1] = 0.05*0.05;        // sigma^2(lambda)
    mat[2][2] = 0.2*0.2;          // sigma^2(phi)
    mat[3][3] = 20.*20.;          // sigma^2(x_transverse))
    mat[4][4] = 20.*20.;          // sigma^2(y_transverse))
    CurvilinearTrajectoryError error(mat);

    const FreeTrajectoryState state(param,error);
    LogTrace(metname) << "Free trajectory State from the parameters";
    LogTrace(metname) << debug.dumpFTS(state);

    // Propagate the state on the MB2/ME2 surface
    TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos = theService->propagator(thePropagatorName)->propagate(state, detLayer->surface());
    LogTrace(metname) << "State after the propagation on the layer";
    LogTrace(metname) << debug.dumpLayer(detLayer);
    LogTrace(metname) << debug.dumpFTS(state);

    if (tsos.isValid()) {
      // Get the compatible dets on the layer
      std::vector< pair<const GeomDet*,TrajectoryStateOnSurface> > 
        detsWithStates = detLayer->compatibleDets(tsos, 
      if (detsWithStates.size()){
        TrajectoryStateTransform tsTransform;
        TrajectoryStateOnSurface newTSOS = detsWithStates.front().second;
        const GeomDet *newTSOSDet = detsWithStates.front().first;
        LogTrace(metname) << "Most compatible det";
        LogTrace(metname) << debug.dumpMuonId(newTSOSDet->geographicalId());

        if (newTSOS.isValid()){

          LogTrace(metname) << "State on it";
          LogTrace(metname) << debug.dumpTSOS(newTSOS);
          // convert the TSOS into a PTSOD
          PTrajectoryStateOnDet *seedTSOS = tsTransform.persistentState( newTSOS,newTSOSDet->geographicalId().rawId());
          edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> container;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 56 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), produce(), and ~L2MuonSeedGenerator().

Definition at line 46 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by produce().

const double L2MuonSeedGenerator::theL1MaxEta [private]

Definition at line 50 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by produce().

const double L2MuonSeedGenerator::theL1MinPt [private]

Definition at line 49 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by produce().

const unsigned L2MuonSeedGenerator::theL1MinQuality [private]

Definition at line 51 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 47 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by produce().

the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update

Definition at line 54 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by L2MuonSeedGenerator(), produce(), and ~L2MuonSeedGenerator().

Definition at line 45 of file L2MuonSeedGenerator.h.

Referenced by produce().