Classes | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

HLTEgamma Class Reference

#include <HLTEgamma.h>

List of all members.


struct  OpenHLTElectron
struct  OpenHLTPhoton

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::PhotonCollection > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronNonIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &NonIsoTrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1IsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackNonIsolMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition, std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::ValueMap< float > > > &eIDValueMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::SuperClusterCollection > &electronHFClusterHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &electronHFElectronHandle, TTree *tree)
void clear (void)
 HLTEgamma ()
void setup (const edm::ParameterSet &pSet, TTree *tree)

Private Member Functions

void CalculateDetaDphi (const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition, const reco::ElectronRef eleref, float &deltaeta, float &deltaphi, bool useTrackProjectionToEcal)
void MakeL1IsolatedElectrons (std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1IsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition)
void MakeL1IsolatedPhotons (std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools)
void MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons (std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronNonIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDNonIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition)
void MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons (std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDNonIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools)

Private Attributes

float * eld0corr
float * eldcot
float * eldeltaEtaIn
float * eldeltaPhiIn
float * eldist
float * ele
float * elecaliso
float * elECaloIsoR03
int * eleId
float * elet
float * eleta
float * elFbrem
float * elhcaliso
float * elHCaloIsoR03
float * elhOverE
float * elIP
bool * elIsEcalDriven
int * elmishits
int * elNLostHits
float * elphi
float * elpt
bool * elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent
float * elscEt
float * elsigmaietaieta
float * elTrkChi2NDF
float * eltrkiso
float * elTrkIsoR03
float * heleClusShap
float * heleDeta
float * heleDphi
float * heleE
float * heleeiso
float * heleet
float * heleeta
float * helehiso
float * helehovereh
int * helel1iso
int * heleNewSC
float * helep
float * helephi
int * helePixelSeeds
float * heleR9
float * heleR9ID
float * heletiso
float * hhfcluster2Dcut
float * hhfclustere9e25
float * hhfeleeta
float * hhfelept
float * hphotClusShap
float * hphoteiso
float * hphotet
float * hphoteta
float * hphothiso
float * hphothovereh
int * hphotl1iso
float * hphotphi
float * hphotR9
float * hphotR9ID
float * hphottiso
int nele
int nhltele
int nhltgam
int nhlthfeclus
int nhlthfele
int nphoton
float * photone
float * photonet
float * photoneta
float * photonphi
float * photonpt

Detailed Description

$Date: November 2006 $Revision:

P. Bargassa - Rice U.

Definition at line 60 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTEgamma::HLTEgamma ( )

Definition at line 34 of file


Member Function Documentation

void HLTEgamma::analyze ( const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &  electrons,
const edm::Handle< reco::PhotonCollection > &  photons,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronNonIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  NonIsoTrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  TrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1IsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoNonIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackNonIsolMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools,
const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition,
std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::ValueMap< float > > > &  eIDValueMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::SuperClusterCollection > &  electronHFClusterHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  electronHFElectronHandle,
TTree *  tree 

Analyze the Data

Definition at line 256 of file

References clear(), eld0corr, eldcot, eldeltaEtaIn, eldeltaPhiIn, eldist, ele, elecaliso, elECaloIsoR03, elet, eleta, elFbrem, elhcaliso, elHCaloIsoR03, elhOverE, elIP, elIsEcalDriven, elmishits, elNLostHits, elphi, elpt, elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent, elscEt, elsigmaietaieta, elTrkChi2NDF, eltrkiso, elTrkIsoR03, funct::exp(), heleClusShap, heleDeta, heleDphi, heleE, heleeiso, heleet, heleeta, helehiso, helehovereh, helel1iso, heleNewSC, helep, helephi, helePixelSeeds, heleR9, heleR9ID, heletiso, hhfcluster2Dcut, hhfclustere9e25, hhfeleeta, hhfelept, hphotClusShap, hphoteiso, hphotet, hphoteta, hphothiso, hphothovereh, hphotl1iso, hphotphi, hphotR9, hphotR9ID, hphottiso, i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), MakeL1IsolatedElectrons(), MakeL1IsolatedPhotons(), MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons(), MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons(), nele, nhltele, nhltgam, nhlthfeclus, nhlthfele, nphoton, photone, photonet, photoneta, photonphi, photonpt, funct::sin(), and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by HLTAnalyzer::analyze().

  // reset the tree variables

  if (electrons.isValid()) {  
    reco::GsfElectronCollection myelectrons( electrons->begin(), electrons->end() );  
    nele = myelectrons.size();  
    std::sort(myelectrons.begin(), myelectrons.end(), EtGreater());  
    int iel = 0;  
    for (reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator i = myelectrons.begin(); i != myelectrons.end(); i++) {  
      elpt[iel]  = i->pt();  
      elphi[iel] = i->phi();  
      eleta[iel] = i->eta();  
      elet[iel]  = i->et();  
      ele[iel]   = i->energy();  
        elNLostHits[iel]   = i->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfLostHits();  
        elIP[iel]          = i->gsfTrack()->dxy(BSPosition);    
        elTrkChi2NDF[iel]  = i->gsfTrack()->normalizedChi2();  
      else {  
        elNLostHits[iel]  = -99.;  
        elIP[iel]         = -99.;  
        elTrkChi2NDF[iel] = -99.;  
      elTrkIsoR03[iel]     = i->dr03TkSumPt();  
      elECaloIsoR03[iel]   = i->dr03EcalRecHitSumEt();  
      elHCaloIsoR03[iel]   = i->dr03HcalTowerSumEt();  
      elIsEcalDriven[iel]  = i->ecalDrivenSeed();  
      elFbrem[iel]         = i->fbrem();  
      elscEt[iel] = i->superCluster()->energy()*sin((2*atan(exp(-i->superCluster()->eta())))); 
      elhOverE[iel] = i->hadronicOverEm(); 
      elsigmaietaieta[iel] = i->sigmaIetaIeta(); 
      eldeltaPhiIn[iel] = i->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(); 
      eldeltaEtaIn[iel] = i->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx(); 
      elmishits[iel] = i->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits(); 
      eltrkiso[iel] = i->dr03TkSumPt(); 
      elecaliso[iel] = i->dr03EcalRecHitSumEt(); 
      elhcaliso[iel] = i->dr03HcalTowerSumEt(); 
      eld0corr[iel]= - (i->gsfTrack()->dxy(BSPosition)); 
      // conversion info will be available after 3_10_X 
      eldist[iel] = 0;// fabs(i->convDist()); 
      eldcot[iel] = 0; //fabs(i->convDcot()); 
  } else {  
    nele = 0;  

  if (photons.isValid()) {
    reco::PhotonCollection myphotons(* photons);
    nphoton = myphotons.size();
    std::sort(myphotons.begin(), myphotons.end(), EtGreater());
    int ipho = 0;
    for (reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator i = myphotons.begin(); i!= myphotons.end(); i++) {
      photonpt[ipho] = i->pt();
      photonphi[ipho] = i->phi();
      photoneta[ipho] = i->eta();
      photonet[ipho] = i->et();
      photone[ipho] = i->energy();
  } else {
    nphoton = 0;

  std::vector<OpenHLTPhoton> theHLTPhotons;

  std::sort(theHLTPhotons.begin(), theHLTPhotons.end(), EtGreater());
  nhltgam = theHLTPhotons.size();

  for (int u = 0; u < nhltgam; u++) {
    hphotet[u]    = theHLTPhotons[u].Et;
    hphoteta[u]   = theHLTPhotons[u].eta;
    hphotphi[u]   = theHLTPhotons[u].phi;
    hphoteiso[u]  = theHLTPhotons[u].ecalIsol;
    hphothiso[u]  = theHLTPhotons[u].hcalIsol;
    hphottiso[u]  = theHLTPhotons[u].trackIsol;
    hphotl1iso[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].L1Isolated;
    hphotClusShap[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].clusterShape;
    hphothovereh[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].hovereh; 
    hphotR9[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].r9;
    hphotR9ID[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].r9ID;

  std::vector<OpenHLTElectron> theHLTElectrons;

  std::sort(theHLTElectrons.begin(), theHLTElectrons.end(), EtGreater());
  nhltele = theHLTElectrons.size();

  for (int u = 0; u < nhltele; u++) {
    heleet[u]         = theHLTElectrons[u].Et;
    heleeta[u]        = theHLTElectrons[u].eta;
    helephi[u]        = theHLTElectrons[u].phi;
    heleE[u]          = theHLTElectrons[u].E;
    helep[u]          = theHLTElectrons[u].p;
    helehiso[u]       = theHLTElectrons[u].hcalIsol;
    helePixelSeeds[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].pixelSeeds;
    heletiso[u]       = theHLTElectrons[u].trackIsol;
    heleeiso[u]       = theHLTElectrons[u].ecalIsol; 
    helel1iso[u]      = theHLTElectrons[u].L1Isolated;
    heleNewSC[u]      = theHLTElectrons[u].newSC;
    heleClusShap[u]   = theHLTElectrons[u].clusterShape;
    heleDeta[u]       = theHLTElectrons[u].Deta;
    heleDphi[u]       = theHLTElectrons[u].Dphi;
    heleR9[u]         = theHLTElectrons[u].r9;  
    helehovereh[u]    = theHLTElectrons[u].hovereh;
    heleR9ID[u]       = theHLTElectrons[u].r9ID;

  if(electronHFElectrons.isValid()) {
    for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator hfelecand = electronHFElectrons->begin(); 
         hfelecand!= electronHFElectrons->end(); hfelecand++) { 
      hhfelept[nhlthfele] = hfelecand->pt();
      hhfeleeta[nhlthfele] = hfelecand->eta(); 
  if(electronHFECALClusters.isValid()) { 
    for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator hfeleclus = electronHFECALClusters->begin();
        hfeleclus!= electronHFECALClusters->end(); hfeleclus++) {
      hhfclustere9e25[nhlthfeclus] = -999.;
      hhfcluster2Dcut[nhlthfeclus] = -999.;
void HLTEgamma::CalculateDetaDphi ( const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition,
const reco::ElectronRef  eleref,
float &  deltaeta,
float &  deltaphi,
bool  useTrackProjectionToEcal 
) [private]

Definition at line 954 of file

References ECALPositionCalculator::ecalPhi(), and edm::ESHandle< T >::product().

Referenced by MakeL1IsolatedElectrons(), and MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons().

  const reco::SuperClusterRef theClus = eleref->superCluster();
  math::XYZVector scv(theClus->x(), theClus->y(), theClus->z());
  const math::XYZVector trackMom =  eleref->track()->momentum();

    math::XYZPoint SCcorrPosition(theClus->x()-BSPosition.x(), theClus->y()-BSPosition.y() , theClus->z()-eleref->track()->vz() );
    deltaeta = SCcorrPosition.eta()-eleref->track()->eta();
      ECALPositionCalculator posCalc;
      const math::XYZPoint vertex(BSPosition.x(),BSPosition.y(),eleref->track()->vz());
      float phi1= posCalc.ecalPhi(theMagField.product(),trackMom,vertex,1);
      float phi2= posCalc.ecalPhi(theMagField.product(),trackMom,vertex,-1);
      float deltaphi1=fabs( phi1 - theClus->position().phi() );
      if(deltaphi1>6.283185308) deltaphi1 -= 6.283185308;
      if(deltaphi1>3.141592654) deltaphi1 = 6.283185308-deltaphi1;
      float deltaphi2=fabs( phi2 - theClus->position().phi() );
      if(deltaphi2>6.283185308) deltaphi2 -= 6.283185308;
      if(deltaphi2>3.141592654) deltaphi2 = 6.283185308-deltaphi2;
      deltaphi = deltaphi1;
      if(deltaphi2<deltaphi1){ deltaphi = deltaphi2;}
    else {
      if(deltaphi>6.283185308) deltaphi -= 6.283185308;
      if(deltaphi>3.141592654) deltaphi = 6.283185308-deltaphi;

void HLTEgamma::clear ( void  )

Definition at line 193 of file

References ele, elECaloIsoR03, elet, eleta, elFbrem, elHCaloIsoR03, elIP, elIsEcalDriven, elNLostHits, elphi, elpt, elTrkChi2NDF, elTrkIsoR03, heleClusShap, heleDeta, heleDphi, heleE, heleeiso, heleet, heleeta, helehiso, helehovereh, helel1iso, heleNewSC, helep, helephi, helePixelSeeds, heletiso, hhfcluster2Dcut, hhfclustere9e25, hhfeleeta, hhfelept, hphotClusShap, hphoteiso, hphotet, hphoteta, hphothiso, hphotl1iso, hphotphi, hphottiso, kMaxEl, kMaxhEle, kMaxhPhot, kMaxPhot, nele, nhltele, nhltgam, nhlthfeclus, nhlthfele, nphoton, photone, photonet, photoneta, photonphi, and photonpt.

Referenced by analyze().

  std::memset(elpt,             '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(elphi,            '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(eleta,            '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(elet,             '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(ele,              '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(ele,              '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(int));
  std::memset(elIP,             '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));  
  std::memset(elNLostHits,      '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(int));  
  std::memset(elTrkChi2NDF,     '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));     
  std::memset(elTrkIsoR03,      '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));  
  std::memset(elECaloIsoR03,    '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));  
  std::memset(elHCaloIsoR03,    '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));  
  std::memset(elIsEcalDriven,   '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(bool));  
  std::memset(elFbrem,          '\0', kMaxEl     * sizeof(float));  

  std::memset(photonpt,         '\0', kMaxPhot   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(photonphi,        '\0', kMaxPhot   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(photoneta,        '\0', kMaxPhot   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(photonet,         '\0', kMaxPhot   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(photone,          '\0', kMaxPhot   * sizeof(float));

  std::memset(hphotet,          '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hphoteta,         '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hphotphi,         '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hphoteiso,        '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hphothiso,        '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hphottiso,        '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hphotl1iso,       '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(int));
  std::memset(hphotClusShap,    '\0', kMaxhPhot  * sizeof(float));

  std::memset(heleet,           '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(heleeta,          '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(helephi,          '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(heleE,            '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(helep,            '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(helehiso,         '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(heletiso,         '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(heleeiso,         '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float)); 
  std::memset(helehovereh,      '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(helel1iso,        '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(int));
  std::memset(helePixelSeeds,   '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(int));
  std::memset(heleNewSC,        '\0', kMaxhEle   * sizeof(int));
  std::memset(heleClusShap,     '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(heleDeta,         '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(heleDphi,         '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));

  std::memset(hhfelept,         '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hhfeleeta,        '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hhfclustere9e25,  '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));
  std::memset(hhfcluster2Dcut,  '\0', kMaxhEle  * sizeof(float));

  nele      = 0;
  nphoton   = 0;
  nhltgam   = 0;
  nhltele   = 0;
  nhlthfele   = 0; 
  nhlthfeclus = 0; 
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1IsolatedElectrons ( std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &  electrons,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1IsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  TrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools,
const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition 
) [private]

Definition at line 640 of file

References CalculateDetaDphi(), edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Deta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Dphi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::E, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::ecalIsol, ele, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::newSC, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::p, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::pixelSeeds, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), and HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::trackIsol.

Referenced by analyze().

  // if there are electrons, then the isolation maps and the SC should be in the event; if not it is an error
  if (recoIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
    for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoIsolecalcands->begin();
         recoecalcand!= recoIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
      // get the ref to the SC:
      reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoIsolecalcands, distance(recoIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));
      reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = ref->superCluster();
      //reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = recoecalcand->superCluster();

      OpenHLTElectron ele;
      ele.hcalIsol   = -999;
      ele.trackIsol  = -999;
      ele.ecalIsol   = -999;
      ele.L1Isolated = true;
      ele.p          = -999;
      ele.pixelSeeds = -999;
      ele.newSC      = true;
      ele.clusterShape = -999;
      ele.Dphi = 700; 
      ele.Deta = 700;
      ele.hovereh = -999;
      ele.Et         = recoecalcand->et();
      ele.eta        = recoecalcand->eta();
      ele.phi        = recoecalcand->phi();
      ele.E          = recrSC->energy();
      //Get the cluster shape
      //      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
      double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
      //      float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
      //      if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
      //        sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
      //      }
      ele.clusterShape = sigmaee;
      ele.r9 = -999.;
      ele.r9ID = -999.;

      // fill the ecal Isolation 
      if (EcalIsolMap.isValid()) { 
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*EcalIsolMap).find(ref); 
        if (mapi !=(*EcalIsolMap).end()) { ele.ecalIsol = mapi->val;} 
      // fill the hcal Isolation
      if (HcalEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
        //reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoIsolecalcands, distance(recoIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand)) );
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( ref );
        if (mapi !=(*HcalEleIsolMap).end()) { ele.hcalIsol = mapi->val; }
      // fill the R9   
      if (electronR9IsoMap.isValid()) {   
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9IsoMap).find( ref );   
        if (mapi !=(*electronR9IsoMap).end()) { ele.r9 = mapi->val; }   
      // fill the H for H/E 
      if (photonHoverEHIsoMap.isValid()) { 
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*photonHoverEHIsoMap).find(ref);   
        if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHIsoMap).end()) { ele.hovereh = mapi->val;} 
      // fill the R9ID
      if (electronR9IDIsoMap.isValid()) {
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9IDIsoMap).find( ref );
        if (mapi !=(*electronR9IDIsoMap).end()) { ele.r9ID = mapi->val; }

      // look if the SC has associated pixelSeeds
      int nmatch = 0;

      if (L1IsoPixelSeedsMap.isValid()) {
        for (reco::ElectronSeedCollection::const_iterator it = L1IsoPixelSeedsMap->begin();
             it != L1IsoPixelSeedsMap->end(); it++) {
          edm::RefToBase<reco::CaloCluster> caloCluster = it->caloCluster() ;
          reco::SuperClusterRef scRef = caloCluster.castTo<reco::SuperClusterRef>() ;
          if (&(*recrSC) ==  &(*scRef)) { nmatch++; }

      ele.pixelSeeds = nmatch;

      // look if the SC was promoted to an electron:
      if (electronIsoHandle.isValid()) {
        bool FirstElectron = true;
        reco::ElectronRef electronref;
        for (reco::ElectronCollection::const_iterator iElectron = electronIsoHandle->begin();
             iElectron != electronIsoHandle->end(); iElectron++) {
          // 1) find the SC from the electron
          electronref = reco::ElectronRef(electronIsoHandle, iElectron - electronIsoHandle->begin());
          const reco::SuperClusterRef theClus = electronref->superCluster(); // SC from the electron;
          if (&(*recrSC) ==  &(*theClus)) {     // ref is the RecoEcalCandidateRef corresponding to the electron
            if (FirstElectron) {                // the first electron is stored in ele, keeping the ele.newSC = true
              FirstElectron = false;
              ele.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
              float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
              CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
              ele.Dphi=dphi; ele.Deta=deta;
              // fill the track Isolation
              if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
                reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find(electronref);
                if (mapTr != (*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele.trackIsol = mapTr->val; }
            else {
              // FirstElectron is false, i.e. the SC of this electron is common to another electron.
              // A new  OpenHLTElectron is inserted in the theHLTElectrons vector setting newSC = false
              OpenHLTElectron ele2;
              ele2.hcalIsol  = ele.hcalIsol;
              ele2.trackIsol = -999;
              ele2.Dphi = 700; 
              ele2.Deta = 700;
              ele2.Et  = ele.Et;
              ele2.eta = ele.eta;
              ele2.phi = ele.phi;
              ele2.E   = ele.E;
              ele2.L1Isolated = ele.L1Isolated;
              ele2.pixelSeeds = ele.pixelSeeds;
              ele2.clusterShape = ele.clusterShape;
              ele2.newSC = false;
              ele2.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
              ele2.r9 = ele.r9;
              ele2.hovereh = ele.hovereh;
              ele2.ecalIsol = ele.ecalIsol;
              ele2.r9ID = ele.r9ID;
              float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
              CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
              ele2.Dphi=dphi; ele2.Deta=deta;
              // fill the track Isolation
              if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
                reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find( electronref);
                if (mapTr !=(*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele2.trackIsol = mapTr->val;}
        } // end of loop over electrons
      } // end of if (electronIsoHandle) {

      //store the electron into the vector
    } // end of loop over ecalCandidates
  } // end of if (recoIsolecalcands) {
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1IsolatedPhotons ( std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &  photons,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools 
) [private]

Definition at line 476 of file

References HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::ecalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), and HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::trackIsol.

Referenced by analyze().

  // Iterator to the isolation-map
  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi;

  if (recoIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
    // loop over SuperCluster and fill the HLTPhotons

    for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoIsolecalcands->begin();
         recoecalcand!= recoIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {

      OpenHLTPhoton pho;
      pho.ecalIsol   = -999;
      pho.hcalIsol   = -999;
      pho.trackIsol  = -999;
      pho.clusterShape = -999;
      pho.L1Isolated = true;
      pho.Et         = recoecalcand->et();
      pho.eta        = recoecalcand->eta();
      pho.phi        = recoecalcand->phi();
      pho.r9         = -999.;
      pho.hovereh    = -999.;
      pho.r9ID       = -999.;

      //Get the cluster shape
      //      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
      double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
      //      float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
      //      if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
      //        sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
      //      }
      pho.clusterShape = sigmaee;

      // Method to get the reference to the candidate
      reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoIsolecalcands, distance(recoIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));

      // First/Second member of the Map: Ref-to-Candidate(mapi)/Isolation(->val)
      // fill the ecal Isolation
      if (EcalIsolMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*EcalIsolMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*EcalIsolMap).end()) { pho.ecalIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the hcal Isolation
      if (HcalIsolMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*HcalIsolMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*HcalIsolMap).end()) { pho.hcalIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the track Isolation
      if (TrackIsolMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*TrackIsolMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*TrackIsolMap).end()) { pho.trackIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the R9
      if (photonR9IsoMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*photonR9IsoMap).find(ref); 
        if (mapi !=(*photonR9IsoMap).end()) { pho.r9 = mapi->val;} 
      // fill the H for H/E
      if (photonHoverEHIsoMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*photonHoverEHIsoMap).find(ref);  
        if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHIsoMap).end()) { pho.hovereh = mapi->val;}
      // fill the R9ID
      if (photonR9IDIsoMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*photonR9IDIsoMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*photonR9IDIsoMap).end()) { pho.r9ID = mapi->val;}

      // store the photon into the vector
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons ( std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &  electrons,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronNonIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoNonIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  TrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDNonIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools,
const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition 
) [private]

Definition at line 797 of file

References CalculateDetaDphi(), edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Deta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Dphi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::E, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::ecalIsol, ele, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::newSC, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::p, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::pixelSeeds, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), and HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::trackIsol.

Referenced by analyze().

  // if there are electrons, then the isolation maps and the SC should be in the event; if not it is an error
  if (recoNonIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
    for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoNonIsolecalcands->begin();
         recoecalcand!= recoNonIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
      //get the ref to the SC:
      reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoNonIsolecalcands, distance(recoNonIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));
      reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = ref->superCluster();
      //reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = recoecalcand->superCluster();

      OpenHLTElectron ele;
      ele.hcalIsol   = -999;
      ele.trackIsol  = -999;
      ele.ecalIsol   = -999; 
      ele.L1Isolated = false;
      ele.p          = -999;
      ele.pixelSeeds = -999;
      ele.newSC      = true;
      ele.clusterShape = -999;
      ele.Dphi = 700; 
      ele.Deta = 700;
      ele.r9 = -999.;
      ele.r9ID = -999.;
      ele.hovereh = -999; 
      ele.Et         = recoecalcand->et();
      ele.eta        = recoecalcand->eta();
      ele.phi        = recoecalcand->phi();
      ele.E          = recrSC->energy();
      //Get the cluster shape
      //      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
      double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
      //      float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
      //      if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
      //        sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
      //      }
      ele.clusterShape = sigmaee;

      // fill the ecal Isolation 
      if (EcalNonIsolMap.isValid()) { 
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*EcalNonIsolMap).find(ref); 
        if (mapi !=(*EcalNonIsolMap).end()) { ele.ecalIsol = mapi->val;} 
      // fill the hcal Isolation
      if (HcalEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
        // reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoNonIsolecalcands, distance(recoNonIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand)) );
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( ref );
        if (mapi !=(*HcalEleIsolMap).end()) {ele.hcalIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the R9    
      if (electronR9NonIsoMap.isValid()) {    
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9NonIsoMap).find( ref );    
        if (mapi !=(*electronR9NonIsoMap).end()) { ele.r9 = mapi->val; }    
      // fill the H for H/E 
      if (photonHoverEHNonIsoMap.isValid()) { 
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).find(ref);   
        if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).end()) { ele.hovereh = mapi->val;} 
      // fill the R9ID
      if (electronR9IDNonIsoMap.isValid()) {
        reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9IDNonIsoMap).find( ref );
        if (mapi !=(*electronR9IDNonIsoMap).end()) { ele.r9ID = mapi->val; }

      // look if the SC has associated pixelSeeds
      int nmatch = 0;

      if (L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap.isValid()) {
        for (reco::ElectronSeedCollection::const_iterator it = L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap->begin();
             it != L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap->end(); it++) {
          edm::RefToBase<reco::CaloCluster> caloCluster = it->caloCluster() ;
          reco::SuperClusterRef scRef = caloCluster.castTo<reco::SuperClusterRef>() ;
          if (&(*recrSC) == &(*scRef)) { nmatch++;}

      ele.pixelSeeds = nmatch;

      // look if the SC was promoted to an electron:
      if (electronNonIsoHandle.isValid()) {
        bool FirstElectron = true;
        reco::ElectronRef electronref;
        for (reco::ElectronCollection::const_iterator iElectron = electronNonIsoHandle->begin(); 
             iElectron != electronNonIsoHandle->end();iElectron++) {
          // 1) find the SC from the electron
          electronref = reco::ElectronRef(electronNonIsoHandle, iElectron - electronNonIsoHandle->begin());
          const reco::SuperClusterRef theClus = electronref->superCluster(); //SC from the electron;
          if (&(*recrSC) ==  &(*theClus)) { // ref is the RecoEcalCandidateRef corresponding to the electron
            if (FirstElectron) { //the first electron is stored in ele, keeping the ele.newSC = true
              FirstElectron = false;
              ele.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
              float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
              CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
              ele.Dphi=dphi; ele.Deta=deta;

              // fill the track Isolation
              if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
                reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find( electronref);
                if (mapTr !=(*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele.trackIsol = mapTr->val;}
            } else {
              // FirstElectron is false, i.e. the SC of this electron is common to another electron.
              // A new OpenHLTElectron is inserted in the theHLTElectrons vector setting newSC = false
              OpenHLTElectron ele2;
              ele2.hcalIsol   = ele.hcalIsol;
              ele2.trackIsol  =-999;
              ele2.ecalIsol = ele.ecalIsol;
              ele2.Dphi = 700; 
              ele2.Deta = 700;
              ele2.Et         = ele.Et;
              ele2.eta        = ele.eta;
              ele2.phi        = ele.phi;
              ele2.E          = ele.E;
              ele2.L1Isolated = ele.L1Isolated;
              ele2.pixelSeeds = ele.pixelSeeds;
              ele2.clusterShape = ele.clusterShape;
              ele2.newSC      = false;
              ele2.p          = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
              ele2.r9         = ele.r9;
              ele2.hovereh = ele.hovereh; 
              ele2.r9ID       = ele.r9ID;
              float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
              CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
              ele2.Dphi=dphi; ele2.Deta=deta;

              // fill the track Isolation
              if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
                reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find( electronref);
                if (mapTr !=(*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele2.trackIsol = mapTr->val;}
        } // end of loop over electrons
      } // end of if (electronNonIsoHandle) {

      // store the electron into the vector
    } // end of loop over ecalCandidates
  } // end of if (recoNonIsolecalcands) {
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons ( std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &  photons,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoNonIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDNonIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools 
) [private]

Definition at line 561 of file

References HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::ecalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), and HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::trackIsol.

Referenced by analyze().

  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi;

  if (recoNonIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
    for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoNonIsolecalcands->begin();
         recoecalcand!= recoNonIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
      // loop over SuperCluster and fill the HLTPhotons
      OpenHLTPhoton pho;
      pho.ecalIsol   = -999;
      pho.hcalIsol   = -999;
      pho.trackIsol  = -999;
      pho.clusterShape = -999;
      pho.L1Isolated = false;
      pho.Et         = recoecalcand->et();
      pho.eta        = recoecalcand->eta();
      pho.phi        = recoecalcand->phi();
      pho.r9         = -999; 
      pho.hovereh    = -999.;
      pho.r9ID       = -999.;

      //Get the cluster shape
      //      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
      std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
      double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
      //      float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
      //      if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
      //        sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
      //      }
      pho.clusterShape = sigmaee;

      reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoNonIsolecalcands, distance(recoNonIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));

      // fill the ecal Isolation
      if (EcalNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*EcalNonIsolMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*EcalNonIsolMap).end()) { pho.ecalIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the hcal Isolation
      if (HcalNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*HcalNonIsolMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*HcalNonIsolMap).end()) { pho.hcalIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the track Isolation
      if (TrackNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*TrackNonIsolMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*TrackNonIsolMap).end()) { pho.trackIsol = mapi->val;}
      // fill the R9 
      if (photonR9NonIsoMap.isValid()) { 
        mapi = (*photonR9NonIsoMap).find(ref);  
        if (mapi !=(*photonR9NonIsoMap).end()) { pho.r9 = mapi->val;}  
      // fill the H for H/E 
      if (photonHoverEHNonIsoMap.isValid()) { 
        mapi = (*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).find(ref);   
        if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).end()) { pho.hovereh = mapi->val;} 
      // fill the R9ID
      if (photonR9IDNonIsoMap.isValid()) {
        mapi = (*photonR9IDNonIsoMap).find(ref);
        if (mapi !=(*photonR9IDNonIsoMap).end()) { pho.r9ID = mapi->val;}

      // store the photon into the vector
void HLTEgamma::setup ( const edm::ParameterSet pSet,
TTree *  tree 

Definition at line 38 of file

References eld0corr, eldcot, eldeltaEtaIn, eldeltaPhiIn, eldist, ele, elecaliso, elECaloIsoR03, eleId, elet, eleta, elFbrem, elhcaliso, elHCaloIsoR03, elhOverE, elIP, elIsEcalDriven, elmishits, elNLostHits, elphi, elpt, elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent, elscEt, elsigmaietaieta, elTrkChi2NDF, eltrkiso, elTrkIsoR03, heleClusShap, heleDeta, heleDphi, heleE, heleeiso, heleet, heleeta, helehiso, helehovereh, helel1iso, heleNewSC, helep, helephi, helePixelSeeds, heleR9, heleR9ID, heletiso, hhfcluster2Dcut, hhfclustere9e25, hhfeleeta, hhfelept, hphotClusShap, hphoteiso, hphotet, hphoteta, hphothiso, hphothovereh, hphotl1iso, hphotphi, hphotR9, hphotR9ID, hphottiso, kMaxEl, kMaxhEle, kMaxhPhot, kMaxPhot, nele, nhltele, nhltgam, nhlthfeclus, nhlthfele, nphoton, photone, photonet, photoneta, photonphi, and photonpt.

Referenced by HLTAnalyzer::HLTAnalyzer().

  elpt              = new float[kMaxEl];
  elphi             = new float[kMaxEl];
  eleta             = new float[kMaxEl];
  elet              = new float[kMaxEl];
  ele               = new float[kMaxEl];
  eleId             = new int[kMaxEl];// RL  + 2*RT + 4*L +  4*T 
  elIP              = new float[kMaxEl];  
  elNLostHits       = new int[kMaxEl];  
  elTrkChi2NDF      = new float[kMaxEl];        
  elTrkIsoR03       = new float[kMaxEl];  
  elECaloIsoR03     = new float[kMaxEl];  
  elHCaloIsoR03     = new float[kMaxEl];  
  elIsEcalDriven    = new bool[kMaxEl];  
  elFbrem           = new float[kMaxEl];      
  elmishits         = new int[kMaxEl]; 
  eldist            = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  eldcot            = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  eltrkiso          = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  elecaliso         = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  elhcaliso         = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  elsigmaietaieta   = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  eldeltaPhiIn      = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  eldeltaEtaIn      = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  elhOverE          = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  elscEt            = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  eld0corr          = new float[kMaxEl]; 
  elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent = new bool[kMaxEl]; 
  photonpt          = new float[kMaxPhot];
  photonphi         = new float[kMaxPhot];
  photoneta         = new float[kMaxPhot];
  photonet          = new float[kMaxPhot];
  photone           = new float[kMaxPhot];

  hphotet           = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphoteta          = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphotphi          = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphoteiso         = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphothiso         = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphottiso         = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphotl1iso        = new int[kMaxhPhot];
  hphotClusShap     = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphotR9           = new float[kMaxhPhot]; 
  hphothovereh      = new float[kMaxhPhot];
  hphotR9ID         = new float[kMaxhPhot];

  heleet            = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleeta           = new float[kMaxhEle];
  helephi           = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleE             = new float[kMaxhEle];
  helep             = new float[kMaxhEle];
  helehiso          = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleeiso          = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heletiso          = new float[kMaxhEle];
  helel1iso         = new int[kMaxhEle];
  helePixelSeeds    = new int[kMaxhEle];
  heleNewSC         = new int[kMaxhEle];
  heleClusShap      = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleDeta          = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleDphi          = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleR9            = new float[kMaxhEle]; 
  helehovereh       = new float[kMaxhEle];
  heleR9ID          = new float[kMaxhEle];

  hhfelept         = new float[kMaxhEle];
  hhfeleeta        = new float[kMaxhEle]; 
  hhfclustere9e25  = new float[kMaxhEle]; 
  hhfcluster2Dcut  = new float[kMaxhEle]; 

  nele        = 0;
  nphoton     = 0;
  nhltgam     = 0;
  nhltele     = 0;
  nhlthfele   = 0;
  nhlthfeclus = 0;

  // Egamma-specific branches of the tree
  HltTree->Branch("NrecoElec",          & nele,             "NrecoElec/I");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecPt",         elpt,               "recoElecPt[NrecoElec]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecPhi",        elphi,              "recoElecPhi[NrecoElec]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecEta",        eleta,              "recoElecEta[NrecoElec]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecEt",         elet,               "recoElecEt[NrecoElec]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecE",          ele,                "recoElecE[NrecoElec]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecEleID",      eleId,              "recoElecEleID[NrecoElec]/I");
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecIP",           elIP,            "recoElecIP[NrecoElec]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecNLostHits",    elNLostHits,     "recoElecNLostHits[NrecoElec]/I");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecChi2NDF",      elTrkChi2NDF,    "recoElecChi2NDF[NrecoElec]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecTrkIsoR03",    elTrkIsoR03,     "recoElecTrkIsoR03[NrecoElec]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecECaloIsoR03",  elECaloIsoR03,   "recoElecECaloIsoR03[NrecoElec]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecHCaloIsoR03",  elHCaloIsoR03,   "recoElecHCaloIsoR03[NrecoElec]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecIsEcalDriven", elIsEcalDriven,  "recoElecIsEcalDriven[NrecoElec]/O");        
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecFbrem",        elFbrem,         "recoElecFbrem[NrecoElec]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecmishits",                  elmishits,                "recoElecmishits[NrecoElec]/I"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdist",                     eldist,                   "recoElecdist[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdcot",                     eldcot,                   "recoElecdcot[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElectrkiso",                   eltrkiso,                 "recoElectrkiso[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElececaliso",                  elecaliso,                "recoElececaliso[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElechcaliso",                  elhcaliso,                "recoElechcaliso[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecsigmaietaieta",            elsigmaietaieta,          "recoElecsigmaietaieta[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdeltaPhiIn",               eldeltaPhiIn,             "recoElecdeltaPhiIn[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdeltaEtaIn",               eldeltaEtaIn,             "recoElecdeltaEtaIn[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElechOverE",                   elhOverE,                 "recoElechOverE[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecscEt",                     elscEt,                   "recoElecscEt[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecd0corr",                   eld0corr,                 "recoElecd0corr[NrecoElec]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("recoElecqGsfCtfScPixConsistent",   elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent, "recoElecqGsfCtfScPixConsistent[NrecoElec]/O");  

  HltTree->Branch("NrecoPhot",          &nphoton,           "NrecoPhot/I");
  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotPt",         photonpt,           "recoPhotPt[NrecoPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotPhi",        photonphi,          "recoPhotPhi[NrecoPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotEta",        photoneta,          "recoPhotEta[NrecoPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotEt",         photonet,           "recoPhotEt[NrecoPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotE",          photone,            "recoPhotE[NrecoPhot]/F");

  HltTree->Branch("NohPhot",            & nhltgam,          "NohPhot/I");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotEt",           hphotet,            "ohPhotEt[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotEta",          hphoteta,           "ohPhotEta[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotPhi",          hphotphi,           "ohPhotPhi[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotEiso",         hphoteiso,          "ohPhotEiso[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotHiso",         hphothiso,          "ohPhotHiso[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotTiso",         hphottiso,          "ohPhotTiso[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotL1iso",        hphotl1iso,         "ohPhotL1iso[NohPhot]/I");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotClusShap",     hphotClusShap,      "ohPhotClusShap[NohPhot]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotR9",           hphotR9,            "ohPhotR9[NohPhot]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotHforHoverE",   hphothovereh,       "ohPhotHforHoverE[NohPhot]/F");   
  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotR9ID",         hphotR9ID,          "ohPhotR9ID[NohPhot]/F");

  HltTree->Branch("NohEle",             & nhltele,          "NohEle/I");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleEt",            heleet,             "ohEleEt[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleEta",           heleeta,            "ohEleEta[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohElePhi",           helephi,            "ohElePhi[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleE",             heleE,              "ohEleE[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleP",             helep,              "ohEleP[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleHiso",          helehiso,           "ohEleHiso[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleTiso",          heletiso,           "ohEleTiso[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleEiso",          heleeiso,           "ohEleEiso[NohEle]/F"); 
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleL1iso",         helel1iso,          "ohEleLiso[NohEle]/I");
  HltTree->Branch("ohElePixelSeeds",    helePixelSeeds,     "ohElePixelSeeds[NohEle]/I");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleNewSC",         heleNewSC,          "ohEleNewSC[NohEle]/I");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleClusShap",      heleClusShap,       "ohEleClusShap[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleDeta",          heleDeta,           "ohEleDeta[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleDphi",          heleDphi,           "ohEleDphi[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleR9",            heleR9,             "ohEleR9[NohEle]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleHforHoverE",    helehovereh,        "ohEleHforHoverE[NohEle]/F");    
  HltTree->Branch("ohEleR9ID",          heleR9ID,           "ohEleR9ID[NohEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("NohHFEle",           &nhlthfele ,        "NohHFEle/I"); 
  HltTree->Branch("ohHFElePt",          hhfelept,           "ohHFElePt[NohHFEle]/F");
  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleEta",         hhfeleeta,          "ohHFElePt[NohHFEle]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("NohHFECALClus",      &nhlthfeclus,       "NohHFECALClus/I"); 
  HltTree->Branch("ohHFElee9e25",       hhfclustere9e25,    "ohHFElePt[NohHFECALClus]/F");  
  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEle2Dcut",       hhfcluster2Dcut,    "ohHFElePt[NohHFECALClus]/F");  

Member Data Documentation

float * HLTEgamma::eld0corr [private]

Definition at line 175 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eldcot [private]

Definition at line 178 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eldeltaEtaIn [private]

Definition at line 174 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eldeltaPhiIn [private]

Definition at line 174 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::eldist [private]

Definition at line 178 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::ele [private]
float * HLTEgamma::elecaliso [private]

Definition at line 173 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elECaloIsoR03 [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::eleId [private]

Definition at line 186 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elet [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eleta [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elFbrem [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elhcaliso [private]

Definition at line 173 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elHCaloIsoR03 [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elhOverE [private]

Definition at line 174 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elIP [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

bool* HLTEgamma::elIsEcalDriven [private]

Definition at line 187 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::elmishits [private]

Definition at line 177 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::elNLostHits [private]

Definition at line 186 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elphi [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::elpt [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

Definition at line 176 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::elscEt [private]

Definition at line 175 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::elsigmaietaieta [private]

Definition at line 174 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elTrkChi2NDF [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::eltrkiso [private]

Definition at line 173 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elTrkIsoR03 [private]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleClusShap [private]

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleDeta [private]

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleDphi [private]

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleE [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleeiso [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::heleet [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleeta [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helehiso [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helehovereh [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::helel1iso [private]

Definition at line 185 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::heleNewSC [private]

Definition at line 188 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helep [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helephi [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::helePixelSeeds [private]

Definition at line 185 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleR9 [private]

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleR9ID [private]

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heletiso [private]

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfcluster2Dcut [private]

Definition at line 191 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfclustere9e25 [private]

Definition at line 191 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfeleeta [private]

Definition at line 191 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hhfelept [private]

Definition at line 191 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hphotClusShap [private]

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphoteiso [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hphotet [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphoteta [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphothiso [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphothovereh [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::hphotl1iso [private]

Definition at line 185 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphotphi [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hphotR9 [private]

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphotR9ID [private]

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphottiso [private]

Definition at line 181 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nele [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhltele [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhltgam [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhlthfeclus [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhlthfele [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nphoton [private]

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photone [private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonet [private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photoneta [private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonphi [private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::photonpt [private]

Definition at line 179 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().