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Variables | |
tuple | HLT_HIPhoton15_DQM |
See HLT Config Browser, for up-to-date HLT paths https://cms-project-confdb-hltdev.web.cern.ch/cms-project-confdb-hltdev/browser/. |
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("EmDQM", 00002 triggerobject = cms.InputTag("hltTriggerSummaryRAW","","HLT"), 00003 pdgGen = cms.int32(22), 00004 genEtaAcc = cms.double(2.5), 00005 genEtAcc = cms.double(10.0), 00006 reqNum = cms.uint32(1), 00007 PtMax = cms.untracked.double(200.0), 00008 useHumanReadableHistTitles = cms.untracked.bool(False), 00009 00010 # Filters from collections listed above. theHLTOutputTypes defined at the following: 00011 # https://cmslxr.fnal.gov/lxr/source/DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerTypeDefs.h#030 00012 filters = cms.VPSet( 00013 cms.PSet( 00014 PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0), 00015 HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltHIL1sPhoton15","","HLT"), 00016 IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")), 00017 theHLTOutputTypes = cms.int32(-82), 00018 HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Level 1") 00019 ), 00020 cms.PSet( 00021 PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0), 00022 HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltHIPhoton15","","HLT"), 00023 IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")), 00024 theHLTOutputTypes = cms.int32(81), 00025 HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Photon 15") 00026 ) 00027 ) 00028 )
See HLT Config Browser, for up-to-date HLT paths https://cms-project-confdb-hltdev.web.cern.ch/cms-project-confdb-hltdev/browser/.
This config is for HLT_HIPhoton15 A single photon trigger, requiring at least one HLT photon with ET > 15 GeV. No isolation is required.
This path contains 5 steps: HLT_HIPhoton15 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltHIL1sPhoton15 + hltHIPrePhoton15 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusSequence + hltHIPhoton15 + HLTEndSequence )
The two filter steps: 1. hltHIL1sPhoton15 2. hltHIPhoton15
...are what go into the "HLTCollectionLabels" below.
Definition at line 29 of file HLT_HIPhoton15_DQM_cfi.py.