Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes

popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler Class Reference

#include <EcalPedestalsHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler:
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< EcalPedestals >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool checkPedestal (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
 EcalPedestalsHandler (edm::ParameterSet const &)
void getNewObjects ()
void getNewObjectsH2 ()
void getNewObjectsP5 ()
std::string id () const
 ~EcalPedestalsHandler ()

Public Attributes


Private Attributes

unsigned int m_firstRun
std::string m_gentag
unsigned int m_lastRun
std::string m_location
std::string m_locationsource
std::string m_name
std::string m_pass
std::string m_sid
std::string m_user
const EcalPedestalsmypedestals

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::EcalPedestalsHandler ( edm::ParameterSet const &  ps)

Definition at line 8 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), m_firstRun, m_gentag, m_lastRun, m_location, m_locationsource, m_pass, m_sid, and m_user.

  :    m_name(ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("name","EcalPedestalsHandler")) {

        std::cout << "EcalPedestals Source handler constructor\n" << std::endl;
        m_firstRun=static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi( ps.getParameter<std::string>("firstRun").c_str()));
        m_lastRun=static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi( ps.getParameter<std::string>("lastRun").c_str()));
        m_sid= ps.getParameter<std::string>("OnlineDBSID");
        m_user= ps.getParameter<std::string>("OnlineDBUser");
        m_pass= ps.getParameter<std::string>("OnlineDBPassword");
        m_locationsource= ps.getParameter<std::string>("LocationSource");

        std::cout << m_sid<<"/"<<m_user<<"/"<<m_pass<<"/"<<m_location<<"/"<<m_gentag   << std::endl;

popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::~EcalPedestalsHandler ( )

Definition at line 26 of file


Member Function Documentation

bool popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::checkPedestal ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 44 of file

References query::result.

  // true means all is standard and OK
  bool result=true;
  if(item->rms_x12 >3 || item->rms_x12<=0) result=false; 
  if(item->rms_x6 >2 || item->rms_x6<=0) result=false; 
  if(item->rms_x1 >1 || item->rms_x1<=0) result=false; 
  if(item->mean_x12>300 || item->mean_x12<=100) result=false; 
  if(item->mean_x1>300 || item->mean_x1<=100) result=false; 
  if(item->mean_x6>300 || item->mean_x6<=100) result=false; 
  return result; 
void popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::getNewObjects ( ) [virtual]

Implements popcon::PopConSourceHandler< EcalPedestals >.

Definition at line 31 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.


        std::cout << "------- Ecal - > getNewObjects\n";

        if(m_locationsource=="H2") {
        } else if (m_locationsource=="P5") {
void popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::getNewObjectsH2 ( )

Definition at line 451 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::endcap(), Exception, EcalLogicID::getID2(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG6(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG6(), MonRunList::getRuns(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::insert(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, DetId::rawId(), RunTag::setGeneralTag(), MonRunTag::setGeneralTag(), LocationDef::setLocation(), RunTag::setLocationDef(), MonVersionDef::setMonitoringVersion(), MonRunList::setMonRunTag(), MonRunTag::setMonVersionDef(), MonRunList::setRunTag(), RunTypeDef::setRunType(), RunTag::setRunTypeDef(), and EEDetId::validDetId().

        unsigned int max_since=0;
        max_since=static_cast<unsigned int>(tagInfo().lastInterval.first);
        std::cout << "max_since : "  << max_since << std::endl;
        Ref ped_db = lastPayload();
        std::cout << "retrieved last payload "  << std::endl;

        // we copy the last valid record to a temporary object peds
        EcalPedestals* peds = new EcalPedestals();

        // get from offline DB the last valid pedestal set ped_db
        //      edm::ESHandle<EcalPedestals> pedestals;
        //      esetup.get<EcalPedestalsRcd>().get(pedestals);

        // only positive endcap side and 
        // x from 86 to 95
        // y from 46 to 55 
        int ixmin=86;     int ixmax=95;
        int iymin=46;     int iymax=55;
        for(int iX=ixmin; iX<=ixmax ;++iX) {
          for(int iY=iymin; iY<=iymax; ++iY) {

            if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
              EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
              unsigned int hiee = eedetidpos.hashedIndex();
              EcalPedestals::Item aped= ped_db->endcap(hiee);

              // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
              EcalPedestals::Item item;
              item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
              item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
              item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
              item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
              item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
              item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;
              if(iX==ixmin && iY==iymin) std::cout<<"ped12 " << item.mean_x12<< std::endl;  

        std::cout <<"WOW: we just retrieved the last valid record from DB "<< std::endl;

        // here we retrieve all the runs after the last from online DB 

        std::cout << "Retrieving run list from ONLINE DB ... " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Making connection..." << std::flush;
        econn = new EcalCondDBInterface( m_sid, m_user, m_pass );
        std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;

        if (!econn)
            std::cout << " connection parameters " <<m_sid <<"/"<<m_user<<"/"<<m_pass<<std::endl;
            throw cms::Exception("OMDS not available");

        // these are the online conditions DB classes 
        RunList my_runlist ;
        RunTag  my_runtag;
        LocationDef my_locdef;
        RunTypeDef my_rundef;

      // here we retrieve the Monitoring run records
        MonVersionDef monverdef;
        MonRunTag mon_tag;
        MonRunList mon_list;
        //    mon_list=econn->fetchMonRunList(my_runtag, mon_tag);
        unsigned int min_run=max_since+1; // we have to add 1 to the last transferred one 
        unsigned int max_run=m_lastRun;
        mon_list=econn->fetchMonRunList(my_runtag, mon_tag,min_run,max_run );
        std::vector<MonRunIOV> mon_run_vec=  mon_list.getRuns();
        size_t mon_runs=mon_run_vec.size();
        std::cout <<"number of Mon runs is : "<< mon_runs<< std::endl;


          for(size_t kr=0; kr<mon_runs; kr++){

            unsigned int irun=static_cast<unsigned int>(mon_run_vec[kr].getRunIOV().getRunNumber());
            std::cout << "here is first sub run : "<< mon_run_vec[kr].getSubRunNumber() << std::endl;
            std::cout << "here is the run number: "<< mon_run_vec[kr].getRunIOV().getRunNumber() << std::endl;
            std::cout <<" retrieve the data for a given run"<< std::endl;
            if (mon_run_vec[kr].getSubRunNumber() <=1){ 

              // retrieve the data for a given run
              RunIOV runiov_prime = mon_run_vec[kr].getRunIOV();
              // retrieve the pedestals from OMDS for this run 
              std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat> dataset_mon;
              econn->fetchDataSet(&dataset_mon, &mon_run_vec[kr]);
              std::cout <<"OMDS record for run "<<irun  <<" is made of "<< dataset_mon.size() << std::endl;
              typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat>::const_iterator CImon;
              EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
              MonPedestalsDat  rd_ped;
              //int iEta=0;
              //int iPhi=0;
              int ix=0;
              int iy=0;
              for (CImon p = dataset_mon.begin(); p != dataset_mon.end(); p++) {
                ecid_xt = p->first;
                rd_ped  = p->second;
                //int sm_num=ecid_xt.getID1();
                int xt_num=ecid_xt.getID2(); // careful here !!! we number the channels from 1 to 1700


                EcalPedestals::Item item;
                item.mean_x1  =rd_ped.getPedMeanG1() ;
                item.rms_x1   =rd_ped.getPedRMSG1();
                item.mean_x6  =rd_ped.getPedMeanG6();
                item.rms_x6   =rd_ped.getPedRMSG6() ;
                item.mean_x12 =rd_ped.getPedMeanG12();
                item.rms_x12  =rd_ped.getPedRMSG12();
                EEDetId eedetidpos(ix,iy,1);
                // EBDetId ebdetid(iEta,iPhi);

                // here we change in the peds object only the values that are available in the online DB 
                // otherwise we keep the old value 
                if(ix==ixmin && iy==iymin) std::cout<<"ped12 " << item.mean_x12<< std::endl;  
              std::cout << "Generating popcon record for run " << irun << "..." << std::flush;

              // now I copy peds in pedtemp and I ship pedtemp to popcon
              // if I use always the same peds I always overwrite
              // so I really have to create new objects for each new run
              // popcon deletes everything for me 

              EcalPedestals* pedtemp = new EcalPedestals();

              for(int iX=ixmin; iX<=ixmax ;++iX) {
                for(int iY=iymin; iY<=iymax; ++iY) {
                  if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
                      EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
                      unsigned int hiee = eedetidpos.hashedIndex();
                      EcalPedestals::Item aped = peds->endcap(hiee);

                      EcalPedestals::Item item;
                      item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                      item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                      item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                      item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                      item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                      item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;
                      // here I copy the last valid value in the pedtemp object
                      if(iX==ixmin && iY==iymin) std::cout<<"ped12 " << item.mean_x12<< std::endl;  

              Time_t snc= (Time_t) irun ;
              std::cout << "Ecal - > end of getNewObjectsH2 -----------\n";

        delete econn;
        delete peds;  // this is the only one that popcon does not delete 
void popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::getNewObjectsP5 ( )

Definition at line 56 of file

References EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::barrel(), gather_cfg::cout, EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::endcap(), EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE, Exception, EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalLogicID::getName(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG6(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG6(), MonRunList::getRuns(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::insert(), EEDetId::IX_MAX, EEDetId::IX_MIN, EEDetId::IY_MAX, EEDetId::IY_MIN, EBDetId::MAX_IETA, EBDetId::MAX_IPHI, min, EBDetId::MIN_IPHI, L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, DetId::rawId(), RunTag::setGeneralTag(), MonRunTag::setGeneralTag(), LocationDef::setLocation(), RunTag::setLocationDef(), MonVersionDef::setMonitoringVersion(), MonRunList::setMonRunTag(), MonRunTag::setMonVersionDef(), MonRunList::setRunTag(), RunTypeDef::setRunType(), RunTag::setRunTypeDef(), EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, EEDetId::validDetId(), EBDetId::validDetId(), and x.


  std::ostringstream ss; 
  ss<<"ECAL ";

        unsigned int max_since=0;
        max_since=static_cast<unsigned int>(tagInfo().lastInterval.first);
        std::cout << "max_since : "  << max_since << std::endl;
        Ref ped_db = lastPayload();
        // we copy the last valid record to a temporary object peds
        EcalPedestals* peds = new EcalPedestals();
        std::cout << "retrieved last payload "  << std::endl;

        for(int iEta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; iEta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++iEta) {
          if(iEta==0) continue;
          for(int iPhi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iPhi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iPhi) {
            // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
            if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi))

                EBDetId ebdetid(iEta,iPhi,EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE);
                EcalPedestals::const_iterator it =ped_db->find(ebdetid.rawId());
                EcalPedestals::Item aped = (*it);

                // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
                EcalPedestals::Item item;
                item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;


        for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
          for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
            // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
            if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
                EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);

                EcalPedestals::const_iterator it =ped_db->find(eedetidpos.rawId());
                EcalPedestals::Item aped = (*it);

                //      unsigned int hiee = eedetidpos.hashedIndex();
                //      EcalPedestals::Item aped= ped_db->endcap(hiee);

                // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
                EcalPedestals::Item item;
                item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;

                EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);

                EcalPedestals::const_iterator it =ped_db->find(eedetidneg.rawId());
                EcalPedestals::Item aped = (*it);
                //     unsigned int hiee = eedetidneg.hashedIndex();
                //     EcalPedestals::Item aped= ped_db->endcap(hiee);

                // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
                EcalPedestals::Item item;
                item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;


        // here we retrieve all the runs after the last from online DB 

        std::cout << "Retrieving run list from ONLINE DB ... " << std::endl;
        econn = new EcalCondDBInterface( m_sid, m_user, m_pass );
        std::cout << "Connection done" << std::endl;
        if (!econn)
            std::cout << " Problem with OMDS: connection parameters " <<m_sid <<"/"<<m_user<<"/"<<m_pass<<std::endl;
            throw cms::Exception("OMDS not available");

        // these are the online conditions DB classes 
        RunList my_runlist ;
        RunTag  my_runtag;
        LocationDef my_locdef;
        RunTypeDef my_rundef;

      // here we retrieve the Monitoring run records
        MonVersionDef monverdef;
        MonRunTag mon_tag;
        //      mon_tag.setGeneralTag("CMSSW");
        MonRunList mon_list;
        //    mon_list=econn->fetchMonRunList(my_runtag, mon_tag);
        unsigned int min_run=0;
        if(m_firstRun<max_since) {
          min_run=max_since+1; // we have to add 1 to the last transferred one
        } else {

        unsigned int max_run=m_lastRun;
        mon_list=econn->fetchMonRunList(my_runtag, mon_tag,min_run,max_run );
        std::vector<MonRunIOV> mon_run_vec=  mon_list.getRuns();
        int mon_runs = mon_run_vec.size();
        std::cout <<"number of Mon runs is : "<< mon_runs<< std::endl;

        if(mon_runs > 0){
          int krmax = std::min(mon_runs, 30);
          for(int kr = 0; kr < krmax; kr++){
            std::cout << "-kr------:  "<<kr<<std::endl;

            unsigned int irun=static_cast<unsigned int>(mon_run_vec[kr].getRunIOV().getRunNumber());
            std::cout << "retrieve the data for run number: "<< mon_run_vec[kr].getRunIOV().getRunNumber() << std::endl;
            if (mon_run_vec[kr].getSubRunNumber() <=1){ 

              // retrieve the data for a given run
              RunIOV runiov_prime = mon_run_vec[kr].getRunIOV();
              // retrieve the pedestals from OMDS for this run 
              std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat> dataset_mon;
              econn->fetchDataSet(&dataset_mon, &mon_run_vec[kr]);
              std::cout <<"OMDS record for run "<<irun  <<" is made of "<< dataset_mon.size() << std::endl;
              int nEB = 0, nEE = 0, nEBbad = 0, nEEbad =0;
              typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat>::const_iterator CImon;
              EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
              MonPedestalsDat  rd_ped;

              // this to validate ...         
              int nbad=0;
              for (CImon p = dataset_mon.begin(); p != dataset_mon.end(); p++) {
                ecid_xt = p->first;
                rd_ped  = p->second;
                int sm_num=ecid_xt.getID1();
                int xt_num=ecid_xt.getID2(); 
                int yt_num=ecid_xt.getID3(); 

                EcalPedestals::Item item;
                item.mean_x1  =rd_ped.getPedMeanG1() ;
                item.rms_x1   =rd_ped.getPedRMSG1();
                item.mean_x6  =rd_ped.getPedMeanG6();
                item.rms_x6   =rd_ped.getPedRMSG6() ;
                item.mean_x12 =rd_ped.getPedMeanG12();
                item.rms_x12  =rd_ped.getPedRMSG12();
                if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
                  if(!checkPedestal(&item) ) nEBbad++;
                else {
                  if(!checkPedestal(&item) ) nEEbad++;

                // here we check and count how many bad channels we have 

                if(!checkPedestal(&item) ){
                  if(nbad < 10) std::cout <<"BAD LIST: channel " << sm_num << "/" << xt_num << "/"<< yt_num 
                                   <<  "ped/rms "<<item.mean_x12<< "/"<< item.rms_x12 << std::endl;
              // ok or bad? 
              // a bad run is for more than 5% bad channels 

              //              if(nbad<(dataset_mon.size()*0.1)){
              if(nbad<(dataset_mon.size()*0.05) && (nEB > 10200 || nEE > 2460)) {

                for (CImon p = dataset_mon.begin(); p != dataset_mon.end(); p++) {
                  ecid_xt = p->first;
                  rd_ped  = p->second;
                  int sm_num=ecid_xt.getID1();
                  int xt_num=ecid_xt.getID2(); 
                  int yt_num=ecid_xt.getID3(); 

                  EcalPedestals::Item item;
                  item.mean_x1  =rd_ped.getPedMeanG1() ;
                  item.rms_x1   =rd_ped.getPedRMSG1();
                  item.mean_x6  =rd_ped.getPedMeanG6();
                  item.rms_x6   =rd_ped.getPedRMSG6() ;
                  item.mean_x12 =rd_ped.getPedMeanG12();
                  item.rms_x12  =rd_ped.getPedRMSG12();

                  if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
                    // Barrel channel 
                    EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);
                    // individual objects check
                    if(item.mean_x1==-1 || item.rms_x1 ==-1 || item.mean_x6==-1 || 
                       item.rms_x6==-1 || item.mean_x12==-1 || item.rms_x12==-1 ||
                       item.mean_x1==0 || item.rms_x1 ==0 || item.mean_x6==0 || 
                       item.rms_x6==0 || item.mean_x12==0 || item.rms_x12==0 ) {
                      // if one is bad we 
                      // retrieve the old valid value  
                      unsigned int hieb = ebdetid.hashedIndex();
                      EcalPedestals::Item previous_ped= peds->barrel(hieb);
                      if(item.mean_x1==-1  || item.mean_x1==0) item.mean_x1 =previous_ped.mean_x1;
                      if(item.rms_x1==-1   || item.rms_x1==0)  item.rms_x1  =previous_ped.rms_x1;
                      if(item.mean_x6==-1  || item.mean_x6==0) item.mean_x6 =previous_ped.mean_x6;
                      if(item.rms_x6==-1   || item.rms_x6==0)  item.rms_x6  =previous_ped.rms_x6;
                      if(item.mean_x12==-1 || item.mean_x12==0)item.mean_x12=previous_ped.mean_x12;
                      if(item.rms_x12==-1  || item.rms_x12==0) item.rms_x12 =previous_ped.rms_x12;
                    // here we change in the peds object only the channels that are available in the online DB 
                    // otherwise we keep the previous value 
                  } else {
                    // Endcap channel 
                    // in this case xt_num is x 
                    // yt_num is y and sm_num is the side +/- 1 
                      EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
                      // individual objects check
                      if(item.mean_x1==-1 || item.rms_x1 ==-1 || item.mean_x6==-1 || 
                         item.rms_x6==-1 || item.mean_x12==-1 || item.rms_x12==-1 ||
                         item.mean_x1==0 || item.rms_x1 ==0 || item.mean_x6==0 || 
                         item.rms_x6==0 || item.mean_x12==0 || item.rms_x12==0 ) {
                        // if one is bad we 
                        // retrieve the old valid value  
                        unsigned int hiee = eedetid.hashedIndex();
                        EcalPedestals::Item previous_ped= peds->endcap(hiee);
                        if(item.mean_x1==-1  || item.mean_x1==0) item.mean_x1 =previous_ped.mean_x1;
                        if(item.rms_x1==-1   || item.rms_x1==0)  item.rms_x1  =previous_ped.rms_x1;
                        if(item.mean_x6==-1  || item.mean_x6==0) item.mean_x6 =previous_ped.mean_x6;
                        if(item.rms_x6==-1   || item.rms_x6==0)  item.rms_x6  =previous_ped.rms_x6;
                        if(item.mean_x12==-1 || item.mean_x12==0)item.mean_x12=previous_ped.mean_x12;
                        if(item.rms_x12==-1  || item.rms_x12==0) item.rms_x12 =previous_ped.rms_x12;
                      // here we change in the peds object only the channels that are available in the online DB 
                      // otherwise we keep the previous value 
                std::cout << "Generating popcon record for run " << irun << "..." << std::flush;
                // now I copy peds in pedtemp and I ship pedtemp to popcon
                // if I use always the same peds I always overwrite
                // so I really have to create new objects for each new run
                // popcon deletes everything for me 

                EcalPedestals* pedtemp = new EcalPedestals();
                for(int iEta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; iEta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++iEta) {
                  if(iEta==0) continue;
                  for(int iPhi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iPhi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iPhi) {
                    // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
                    if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi))
                        EBDetId ebdetid(iEta,iPhi);
                        unsigned int hiee = ebdetid.hashedIndex();
                        EcalPedestals::Item aped= peds->barrel(hiee);
                        // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
                        EcalPedestals::Item item;
                        item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                        item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                        item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                        item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                        item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                        item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;
                        // here I copy the last valid value in the pedtemp object
                        if((iEta==-1 || iEta==1) && iPhi==20){
                          float x=aped.mean_x12 ;
                          std::cout<< "channel:" <<iEta<<"/"<<iPhi<< "/" << hiee << " ped mean 12="<< x << std::endl;
                // endcaps 
                for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
                  for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
                    // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
                    if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
                        EEDetId eedetid(iX,iY,1);
                        unsigned int hiee = eedetid.hashedIndex();
                        EcalPedestals::Item aped= peds->endcap(hiee);
                        // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
                        EcalPedestals::Item item;
                        item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                        item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                        item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                        item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                        item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                        item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;
                        // here I copy the last valid value in the pedtemp object
                    if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
                        EEDetId eedetid(iX,iY,-1);
                        unsigned int hiee = eedetid.hashedIndex();
                        EcalPedestals::Item aped= peds->endcap(hiee);
                        // here I copy the last valid value in the peds object
                        EcalPedestals::Item item;
                        item.mean_x1  = aped.mean_x1;
                        item.rms_x1   = aped.rms_x1;
                        item.mean_x6  = aped.mean_x6;
                        item.rms_x6   = aped.rms_x6;
                        item.mean_x12 = aped.mean_x12;
                        item.rms_x12  = aped.rms_x12;
                        // here I copy the last valid value in the pedtemp object

                Time_t snc= (Time_t) irun ;

                ss << "Run=" << irun << "_WAS_GOOD_"<<std::endl; 
                m_userTextLog = ss.str()+";";
                } else {
                  std::cout << "Run " << irun << " was BAD !!!! not sent to the DB";
                  if(nbad >= (dataset_mon.size()*0.05))
                    std::cout << " number of bad channels = " << nbad;
                  if(nEB <= 10200)
                    std::cout << " number of EB channels = " << nEB;
                  if(nEE <= 2440)
                    std::cout << " number of EE channels = " << nEE;
                  std::cout << std::endl;
                  ss << "Run=" << irun << "_WAS_BAD_"<<std::endl; 
                  m_userTextLog = ss.str()+";";
          delete econn;
          delete peds;  // this is the only one that popcon does not delete 

          std::cout << "Ecal - > end of getNewObjects -----------\n";

std::string popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::id ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

Implements popcon::PopConSourceHandler< EcalPedestals >.

Definition at line 65 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

References m_name.

{ return m_name;}

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 66 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Definition at line 71 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

Definition at line 75 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

Definition at line 72 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

Definition at line 74 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

Definition at line 79 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

std::string popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::m_name [private]

Definition at line 80 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by id().

std::string popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::m_pass [private]

Definition at line 78 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

std::string popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::m_sid [private]

Definition at line 76 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

std::string popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler::m_user [private]

Definition at line 77 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalPedestalsHandler().

Definition at line 69 of file EcalPedestalsHandler.h.