Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

IMACalibBlock Class Reference

#include <IMACalibBlock.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMACalibBlock:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Fill (std::map< int, double >::const_iterator, std::map< int, double >::const_iterator, double pTk, double pSubtract, double sigma=1.)
 insert an entry
 IMACalibBlock (const int)
void reset ()
 reset the chi2 matrices
int solve (int usingBlockSolver, double min, double max)
 solve the chi2 linear system
 ~IMACalibBlock ()

Private Member Functions

void complete ()
 complete the triangolar chi2 matrix to a sym one
int evalX2Size ()
 give the size of a chi2 matrix
void fillMap (const CLHEP::HepVector &result)
 fill the coefficients map from the CLHEP vector solution
void riempiMtr (const std::vector< double > &piena, CLHEP::HepMatrix &vuota)
 copy a vector into a CLHEP object
void riempiVtr (const std::vector< double > &pieno, CLHEP::HepVector &vuoto)
 copy a vector into a CLHEP object

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > m_kaliMatrix
 matrix for the chi2 inversion
std::vector< double > m_kaliVector
 vector for the chi2 inversion

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file IMACalibBlock.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMACalibBlock::IMACalibBlock ( const int  numberOfElements)


2010/09/07 16:53:35
Id:,v 1.10 2010/09/07 16:53:35 govoni Exp

Definition at line 18 of file

References reset().

  VEcalCalibBlock (numberOfElements) ,
  m_kaliVector (m_numberOfElements) , 
  m_kaliMatrix (evalX2Size ())
  reset () ;
IMACalibBlock::~IMACalibBlock ( )


Definition at line 30 of file


Member Function Documentation

void IMACalibBlock::complete ( ) [private]

complete the triangolar chi2 matrix to a sym one

Definition at line 80 of file

References i, j, m_kaliMatrix, and VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements.

Referenced by solve().

 int bef;
 int aft;
 for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_numberOfElements;++i)
    for (unsigned int j=i+1; j< m_numberOfElements; ++j) 
         bef = (i*m_numberOfElements+j);
         aft =  (j*m_numberOfElements +i);
   = ;
          } //LP second loop over xtals
      } //LP first loop over xtals

    return ;
int IMACalibBlock::evalX2Size ( ) [inline, private]

give the size of a chi2 matrix

Definition at line 147 of file

References VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements.

void IMACalibBlock::Fill ( std::map< int, double >::const_iterator  MapBegin,
std::map< int, double >::const_iterator  MapEnd,
double  pTk,
double  pSubtract,
double  sigma = 1. 
) [virtual]

insert an entry

Implements VEcalCalibBlock.

Definition at line 39 of file

References m_kaliMatrix, m_kaliVector, and VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements.

//  std::cerr<<"\n\nfaccio il fill!\n";
  double inverror = 1./sigma ; 
  //LP fist loop over energies
  for (std::map<int,double>::const_iterator itMap1 =MapBegin ; 
       itMap1 !=MapEnd ; 
//      std::cerr<<"numero "<<itMap1->first<<" vale "<<itMap1->second<<"\t"; 
      for (std::map<int,double>::const_iterator itMap2 = itMap1 ; 
      itMap2 !=MapEnd ; 
          //LP calculate the chi square value
          double dummy = itMap1->second * itMap2->second;
          dummy *= inverror ;
          //LP fill the calib matrix
>first*m_numberOfElements +itMap2->first) += dummy ;            
        } //LP second loop over xtals

      //LP calculate the vector value
      double dummy = pTk ;
      dummy -= pSubtract ;                        //LP borders
      dummy *= itMap1->second ;
      dummy *= inverror ;
      //LP fill the calib vector>first) += dummy ;
    } //LP first loop over energies
  return ;
void IMACalibBlock::fillMap ( const CLHEP::HepVector &  result) [private]

fill the coefficients map from the CLHEP vector solution

Definition at line 221 of file

References i, VEcalCalibBlock::m_coefficients, and VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements.

Referenced by solve().


   for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_numberOfElements; ++i)
         m_coefficients[i] = result[i] ;

   return ;
void IMACalibBlock::reset ( void  ) [virtual]

reset the chi2 matrices

Implements VEcalCalibBlock.

Definition at line 196 of file

References m_kaliMatrix, and m_kaliVector.

Referenced by IMACalibBlock().


  for (std::vector<double>::iterator vecIt = m_kaliVector.begin () ;
       vecIt != m_kaliVector.end ();
      *vecIt = 0. ;

  for (std::vector<double>::iterator vecIt = m_kaliMatrix.begin () ;
       vecIt != m_kaliMatrix.end ();
      *vecIt = 0. ;

void IMACalibBlock::riempiMtr ( const std::vector< double > &  piena,
CLHEP::HepMatrix &  vuota 
) [private]

copy a vector into a CLHEP object

Definition at line 158 of file

References i, edm::detail::isnan(), j, VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements, and max().

Referenced by solve().

    unsigned int max = m_numberOfElements ;

    assert (piena.size () == max * max) ; 
    assert (vuota.num_row () == int(max)) ;
    assert (vuota.num_col () == int(max)) ;
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < max ; ++i)
     for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < max ; ++j)
       if (std::isnan (piena[i*max + j])) vuota[i][j] = 0. ;
         else vuota[i][j] = piena[i*max + j] ; 

    return ;
void IMACalibBlock::riempiVtr ( const std::vector< double > &  pieno,
CLHEP::HepVector &  vuoto 
) [private]

copy a vector into a CLHEP object

Definition at line 178 of file

References i, edm::detail::isnan(), VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements, and max().

Referenced by solve().


    int max = m_numberOfElements ;
    assert (vuoto.num_row () == max) ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < max ; ++i)
      if (std::isnan (pieno[i])) vuoto[i] = 0. ;
      else vuoto[i] = pieno[i] ; 

    return ;
int IMACalibBlock::solve ( int  usingBlockSolver,
double  min,
double  max 
) [virtual]

solve the chi2 linear system

Implements VEcalCalibBlock.

Definition at line 102 of file

References complete(), fillMap(), i, m_kaliMatrix, m_kaliVector, VEcalCalibBlock::m_numberOfElements, query::result, riempiMtr(), and riempiVtr().

 complete () ;
// TH1F vettore ("vettore","vettore",10,-0.1,9.9);
// TH1F matrice ("matrice","matrice",100,-0.1,99.9);
 CLHEP::HepMatrix kaliMatrix (m_numberOfElements,m_numberOfElements) ;
// for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = m_kaliVector.begin();
//               it!= m_kaliVector.end();++it)
//       vettore.Fill(it-m_kaliVector.begin(),*it);
 riempiMtr (m_kaliMatrix , kaliMatrix) ;
// for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = m_kaliMatrix.begin();
//               it!= m_kaliMatrix.end();++it)
//       matrice.Fill(it-m_kaliMatrix.begin(),*it);
//  TFile f ("fileInteressante.root","RECREATE");
//  vettore.Write();
// matrice.Write();
 CLHEP::HepVector kaliVector (m_numberOfElements) ;
 riempiVtr (m_kaliVector , kaliVector) ;
 //PG linear system solution
 CLHEP::HepVector result = CLHEP::solve (kaliMatrix,kaliVector) ;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < kaliVector.num_row () ; ++i)
 if (result.normsq () < min * kaliVector.num_row () ||
     result.normsq () > max * kaliVector.num_row ()) 
   if (usingBlockSolver)  
        edm::LogWarning ("IML") << "using  blocSlover " << std::endl ;
        BlockSolver() (kaliMatrix,kaliVector,result) ;
       edm::LogWarning ("IML") <<"coeff out of range " <<std::endl;
       for (int i = 0 ; i < kaliVector.num_row () ; ++i)
             result[i] = 1. ;
 return 0;

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<double> IMACalibBlock::m_kaliMatrix [private]

matrix for the chi2 inversion

Definition at line 63 of file IMACalibBlock.h.

Referenced by complete(), Fill(), reset(), and solve().

std::vector<double> IMACalibBlock::m_kaliVector [private]

vector for the chi2 inversion

Definition at line 61 of file IMACalibBlock.h.

Referenced by Fill(), reset(), and solve().