Public Member Functions

GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile Class Reference

#include <GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile.h>

Inheritance diagram for GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile (edm::ParameterSet parSet)
void loadParameters ()
 ~GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile::GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile ( edm::ParameterSet  parSet) [inline]

Definition at line 12 of file GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile.h.

    GflashHadronShowerProfile (parSet) {}; 
GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile::~GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 14 of file GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile.h.


Member Function Documentation

void GflashKaonMinusShowerProfile::loadParameters ( ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from GflashHadronShowerProfile.

Definition at line 4 of file

References abs, Gflash::correl_hadem, GflashHadronShowerProfile::depthScale(), Gflash::emcorr_pid, Gflash::emscale, GflashHadronShowerProfile::energyScale, funct::exp(), GflashHadronShowerProfile::fLnE1(), GflashHadronShowerProfile::fTanh(), GflashShowino::getEnergy(), GflashHadronShowerProfile::getFluctuationVector(), GflashShowino::getPositionAtShower(), GflashShowino::getShowerType(), Gflash::hadcorr_pid, Gflash::hadscale, i, j, Gflash::kENCA, Gflash::kESPM, Gflash::kHB, Gflash::kHE, GflashHadronShowerProfile::lateralPar, Gflash::LengthCrystalEB, Gflash::LengthCrystalEE, GflashHadronShowerProfile::longEcal, GflashHadronShowerProfile::longHcal, max(), Gflash::mipcorr_pid, Gflash::NPar, Gflash::Nrpar, Gflash::par, position, Gflash::RFrontCrystalEB, Gflash::rho, Gflash::Rmin, Gflash::rpar, mathSSE::sqrt(), GflashHadronShowerProfile::theShowino, Gflash::ZFrontCrystalEE, and Gflash::Zmin.

  double einc = theShowino->getEnergy();
  Gflash3Vector position = theShowino->getPositionAtShower();
  int showerType = theShowino->getShowerType();

  // energy scale
  double energyMeanHcal = 0.0;
  double energySigmaHcal = 0.0;

  if(showerType == 0 || showerType == 1 || showerType == 4 || showerType == 5) {

    double r1 = 0.0;
    double r2 = 0.0;

    //@@@ energy dependent energyRho based on tuning with testbeam data
    double energyRho =  fTanh(einc,Gflash::correl_hadem); 

    r1 = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();

    if(showerType == 0 || showerType == 1) {
      energyScale[Gflash::kESPM] = einc*(fTanh(einc,Gflash::emscale[0]) + fTanh(einc,Gflash::emcorr_pid[2])
        +(fTanh(einc,Gflash::emscale[2]) + fTanh(einc,Gflash::emscale[3])*depthScale(position.getRho(),151.,22.) )*r1);

      energyMeanHcal  = (fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[0]) + 
      energySigmaHcal = (fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[2]) + 

      r2 = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();
      energyScale[Gflash::kHB] =  std::max(0.0, 
        einc*fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadcorr_pid[2]) +
        exp(energyMeanHcal+energySigmaHcal*(energyRho*r1 + sqrt(1.0- energyRho*energyRho)*r2 ))-0.05*einc);
    else {
      energyScale[Gflash::kENCA] = einc*(fTanh(einc,Gflash::emscale[0]) + fTanh(einc,Gflash::emcorr_pid[3])
        +(fTanh(einc,Gflash::emscale[2]) + fTanh(einc,Gflash::emscale[3])*depthScale(std::fabs(position.getZ()),338.0,21.) )*r1);

      //@@@extend depthScale for HE
      energyMeanHcal  = (fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[0]) + 
      energySigmaHcal = (fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[2]) +
      r2 = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();
      energyScale[Gflash::kHE] =  std::max(0.0,
        einc*fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadcorr_pid[3]) +
        exp(energyMeanHcal+energySigmaHcal*(energyRho*r1 + sqrt(1.0- energyRho*energyRho)*r2 ))-0.05*einc);
  else if(showerType == 2 || showerType == 6 || showerType == 3 || showerType == 7) { 
    //Hcal response for mip-like pions (mip)
    energyMeanHcal  = fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[4]);
    energySigmaHcal = fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[5]);
    double gap_corr = einc * fTanh(einc,Gflash::hadscale[6]);

    if(showerType == 2 || showerType == 3) {
      energyScale[Gflash::kHB] = std::max(0.0, einc*fTanh(einc,Gflash::mipcorr_pid[2]) +
      if(showerType == 2) {
        energyScale[Gflash::kHB] = std::max(0.0,energyScale[Gflash::kHB]
                                 - gap_corr*depthScale(position.getRho(),Gflash::Rmin[Gflash::kHB],28.));
    else if(showerType == 6 || showerType == 7 ) {
      energyScale[Gflash::kHE] = std::max(0.0, einc*fTanh(einc,Gflash::mipcorr_pid[3]) +
      if(showerType == 6) {
        energyScale[Gflash::kHE] = std::max(0.0,energyScale[Gflash::kHE]
                                 - gap_corr*depthScale(std::fabs(position.getZ()),Gflash::Zmin[Gflash::kHE],66.));

  // parameters for the longitudinal profiles
  //@@@check longitudinal profiles of endcaps for possible variations
  double *rhoHcal = new double [2*Gflash::NPar];
  double *correlationVectorHcal = new double [Gflash::NPar*(Gflash::NPar+1)/2];

  //@@@until we have a separate parameterization for Endcap 
  bool isEndcap = false;
  if(showerType>3) {
    showerType -= 4;
    isEndcap = true;
  //no separate parameterization before crystal
  if(showerType==0) showerType = 1; 

  //Hcal parameters are always needed regardless of showerType
  for(int i = 0 ; i < 2*Gflash::NPar ; i++ ) {
    rhoHcal[i] = fTanh(einc,Gflash::rho[i + showerType*2*Gflash::NPar]);


  double normalZ[Gflash::NPar];
  for (int i = 0; i < Gflash::NPar ; i++) normalZ[i] = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();
  for(int i = 0 ; i < Gflash::NPar ; i++) {
    double correlationSum = 0.0;
    for(int j = 0 ; j < i+1 ; j++) {
      correlationSum += correlationVectorHcal[i*(i+1)/2+j]*normalZ[j];
    longHcal[i] = fTanh(einc,Gflash::par[i+showerType*Gflash::NPar]) +

  delete [] rhoHcal;
  delete [] correlationVectorHcal;

  // lateral parameters for Hcal

  for (int i = 0 ; i < Gflash::Nrpar ; i++) {
    lateralPar[Gflash::kHB][i] = fLnE1(einc,Gflash::rpar[i+showerType*Gflash::Nrpar]);

    //tuning for pure hadronic response: +10%
    if(showerType==3 && i == 0) lateralPar[Gflash::kHB][i] *= 1.1;
    lateralPar[Gflash::kHE][i] = lateralPar[Gflash::kHB][i];

  //Ecal parameters are needed if and only if the shower starts inside the crystal

  if(showerType == 1) {
    //A depth dependent correction for the core term of R in Hcal is the linear in 
    //the shower start point while for the spread term is nearly constant

    if(!isEndcap) lateralPar[Gflash::kHB][0] -= 2.3562e-01*(position.getRho()-131.0); 
    else  lateralPar[Gflash::kHE][0] -= 2.3562e-01*(std::abs(position.getZ())-332.0);

    double *rhoEcal = new double [2*Gflash::NPar];
    double *correlationVectorEcal = new double [Gflash::NPar*(Gflash::NPar+1)/2];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 2*Gflash::NPar ; i++ ) rhoEcal[i] = fTanh(einc,Gflash::rho[i]);


    for (int i = 0; i < Gflash::NPar ; i++) normalZ[i] = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot();
    for(int i = 0 ; i < Gflash::NPar ; i++) {
      double correlationSum = 0.0;
      for(int j = 0 ; j < i+1 ; j++) {
        correlationSum += correlationVectorEcal[i*(i+1)/2+j]*normalZ[j];
      longEcal[i] = fTanh(einc,Gflash::par[i]) +

    delete [] rhoEcal;
    delete [] correlationVectorEcal;

    // lateral parameters for Ecal

    for (int i = 0 ; i < Gflash::Nrpar ; i++) {
      lateralPar[Gflash::kESPM][i] = fLnE1(einc,Gflash::rpar[i]);
      lateralPar[Gflash::kENCA][i] = lateralPar[Gflash::kESPM][i];
