![]() |
![]() |
Functions | |
def | getPrescalesFromKey |
my $pyPrintTable = "echo 'for X in process.PrescaleService.prescaleTable: print \"%s %s" % (X.pathName.value(), X.prescales[0])'"; | |
def | queryRR |
Variables | |
string | edmCfgFromDB = "edmConfigFromDB --orcoff --format summary.ascii --paths " |
tuple | jsonFile = open(options.jsonOut, "w") |
dictionary | jsout = {} |
list | key = runKeys[run] |
tuple | parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] Trigger_Path") |
list | path = args[0] |
dictionary | prescaleTable = {} |
int | psfactor = 1 |
tuple | runKeys = queryRR() |
tuple | runs = runKeys.keys() |
def getHLTPrescaleColumns::getPrescalesFromKey | ( | key | ) |
my $pyPrintTable = "echo 'for X in process.PrescaleService.prescaleTable: print \"%s %s" % (X.pathName.value(), X.prescales[0])'";
Definition at line 21 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
00022 : 00023 #stderr.write("\t%s ...\n" % key); 00024 cmd = ( edmCfgFromDB +" --configName "+key + " | grep -i "+ path + " | tail -1 | awk ' $2 ==\"%s\" {print $NL}' " ) % path 00025 res = commands.getoutput(cmd) 00026 res_split = res.split() 00027 psMap = {} 00028 aa="" 00029 if len(res)>0: 00030 for uu in range(3,len(res_split)-1): 00031 if uu % 2 == 1: 00032 aa = aa + res_split[uu] + "\t" 00033 psMap[path] = aa 00034 else: 00035 psMap[path] = 0 00036 return psMap 00037
def getHLTPrescaleColumns::queryRR | ( | ) |
Definition at line 38 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
00039 : 00040 stderr.write("Querying run registry for range [%d, %d], group name like %s ...\n" % (options.firstRun, options.lastRun, options.groupName)) 00041 import xmlrpclib 00042 import xml.dom.minidom 00043 server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(options.rrurl) 00044 run_data = server.DataExporter.export('RUN', 'GLOBAL', 'xml_datasets', "{runNumber} >= %d AND {runNumber} <= %d AND {groupName} like '%s' AND {datasetName} = '/Global/Online/ALL'" % (options.firstRun, options.lastRun, options.groupName)) 00045 ret = {} 00046 xml_data = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(run_data) 00047 xml_runs = xml_data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("RUN_DATASET") 00048 for xml_run in xml_runs: 00049 ret[xml_run.getElementsByTagName("RUN_NUMBER")[0].firstChild.nodeValue] = xml_run.getElementsByTagName("RUN_HLTKEY")[0].firstChild.nodeValue 00050 return ret
string getHLTPrescaleColumns::edmCfgFromDB = "edmConfigFromDB --orcoff --format summary.ascii --paths " |
Definition at line 19 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
tuple getHLTPrescaleColumns::jsonFile = open(options.jsonOut, "w") |
Definition at line 68 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
dictionary getHLTPrescaleColumns::jsout = {} |
Definition at line 55 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
list getHLTPrescaleColumns::key = runKeys[run] |
Definition at line 57 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
tuple getHLTPrescaleColumns::parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] Trigger_Path") |
Definition at line 6 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
list getHLTPrescaleColumns::path = args[0] |
Definition at line 16 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
dictionary getHLTPrescaleColumns::prescaleTable = {} |
Definition at line 52 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
int getHLTPrescaleColumns::psfactor = 1 |
Definition at line 60 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
tuple getHLTPrescaleColumns::runKeys = queryRR() |
Definition at line 51 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.
tuple getHLTPrescaleColumns::runs = runKeys.keys() |
Definition at line 53 of file getHLTPrescaleColumns.py.