Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const std::string getDenomLabel (void) const
const std::string getDenomPath (void) const
const edm::InputTag getDenomTag (void) const
MonitorElementgetEtaDenomHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtaEffHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtaHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtaNumHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtaPhiHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtaPhiwrtMuHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtDenomHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtEffHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtNumHisto ()
MonitorElementgetEtwrtMuHisto ()
MonitorElementgetL1EtaHisto ()
MonitorElementgetL1EtaPhiHisto ()
MonitorElementgetL1EtHisto ()
const std::string getl1Path (void) const
MonitorElementgetL1PhiHisto ()
const std::string getLabel (void) const
MonitorElementgetNDenomHisto ()
MonitorElementgetNEffHisto ()
MonitorElementgetNHisto ()
MonitorElementgetNL1Histo ()
MonitorElementgetNNumHisto ()
MonitorElementgetNwrtMuHisto ()
const int getObjectType (void) const
const std::string getPath (void) const
MonitorElementgetPhiDenomHisto ()
MonitorElementgetPhiEffHisto ()
MonitorElementgetPhiHisto ()
MonitorElementgetPhiNumHisto ()
MonitorElementgetPhiwrtMuHisto ()
const int getprescaleUsed (void) const
const std::string getProcess (void) const
float getPtMax () const
float getPtMin () const
const edm::InputTag getTag (void) const
bool operator== (const std::string v)
 PathInfo (int prescaleUsed, std::string denomPathName, std::string pathName, std::string l1pathName, std::string filterName, std::string DenomfilterName, std::string processName, size_t type, float ptmin, float ptmax)
 PathInfo (int prescaleUsed, std::string denomPathName, std::string pathName, std::string l1pathName, std::string filterName, std::string DenomfilterName, std::string processName, size_t type, MonitorElement *N, MonitorElement *Et, MonitorElement *EtaPhi, MonitorElement *Eta, MonitorElement *Phi, MonitorElement *NL1, MonitorElement *l1Et, MonitorElement *l1EtaPhi, MonitorElement *l1Eta, MonitorElement *l1Phi, MonitorElement *NwrtMu, MonitorElement *EtwrtMu, MonitorElement *EtaPhiwrtMu, MonitorElement *PhiwrtMu, MonitorElement *NEff, MonitorElement *EtEff, MonitorElement *EtaEff, MonitorElement *PhiEff, MonitorElement *NNum, MonitorElement *EtNum, MonitorElement *EtaNum, MonitorElement *PhiNum, MonitorElement *NDenom, MonitorElement *EtDenom, MonitorElement *EtaDenom, MonitorElement *PhiDenom, float ptmin, float ptmax)
void setDenomLabel (std::string labelName)
void setHistos (MonitorElement *const N, MonitorElement *const Et, MonitorElement *const EtaPhi, MonitorElement *const Eta, MonitorElement *const Phi, MonitorElement *const NL1, MonitorElement *const l1Et, MonitorElement *const l1EtaPhi, MonitorElement *const l1Eta, MonitorElement *const l1Phi)
void setHistosEff (MonitorElement *const NEff, MonitorElement *const EtEff, MonitorElement *const EtaEff, MonitorElement *const PhiEff, MonitorElement *const NNum, MonitorElement *const EtNum, MonitorElement *const EtaNum, MonitorElement *const PhiNum, MonitorElement *const NDenom, MonitorElement *const EtDenom, MonitorElement *const EtaDenom, MonitorElement *const PhiDenom)
void setHistoswrtMu (MonitorElement *const NwrtMu, MonitorElement *const EtwrtMu, MonitorElement *const EtaPhiwrtMu, MonitorElement *const PhiwrtMu)
void setLabel (std::string labelName)
 ~PathInfo ()

Private Member Functions

const int index ()
 PathInfo ()
const int type ()

Private Attributes

std::string DenomfilterName_
std::string denomPathName_
std::string filterName_
std::string l1pathName_
int objectType_
int pathIndex_
std::string pathName_
int prescaleUsed_
std::string processName_
float ptmax_
float ptmin_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 114 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::PathInfo ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

          pathIndex_(-1), prescaleUsed_(-1),denomPathName_("unset"), pathName_("unset"), l1pathName_("unset"), filterName_("unset"), DenomfilterName_("unset"), processName_("unset"), objectType_(-1)
HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::~PathInfo ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 305 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::PathInfo ( int  prescaleUsed,
std::string  denomPathName,
std::string  pathName,
std::string  l1pathName,
std::string  filterName,
std::string  DenomfilterName,
std::string  processName,
size_t  type,
float  ptmin,
float  ptmax 
) [inline]

Definition at line 306 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

          prescaleUsed_(prescaleUsed),denomPathName_(denomPathName), pathName_(pathName), l1pathName_(l1pathName), filterName_(filterName), DenomfilterName_(DenomfilterName), processName_(processName), objectType_(type),
          N_(0), Et_(0), EtaPhi_(0),Eta_(0),
          NL1_(0), l1Et_(0), l1EtaPhi_(0),l1Eta_(0),l1Phi_(0),
          NwrtMu_(0), EtwrtMu_(0), EtaPhiwrtMu_(0),PhiwrtMu_(0),
          NEff_(0), EtEff_(0), EtaEff_(0),PhiEff_(0),
          NNum_(0), EtNum_(0), EtaNum_(0),PhiNum_(0),
          NDenom_(0), EtDenom_(0), EtaDenom_(0),PhiDenom_(0),
          ptmin_(ptmin), ptmax_(ptmax)
HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::PathInfo ( int  prescaleUsed,
std::string  denomPathName,
std::string  pathName,
std::string  l1pathName,
std::string  filterName,
std::string  DenomfilterName,
std::string  processName,
size_t  type,
MonitorElement N,
MonitorElement Et,
MonitorElement EtaPhi,
MonitorElement Eta,
MonitorElement Phi,
MonitorElement NL1,
MonitorElement l1Et,
MonitorElement l1EtaPhi,
MonitorElement l1Eta,
MonitorElement l1Phi,
MonitorElement NwrtMu,
MonitorElement EtwrtMu,
MonitorElement EtaPhiwrtMu,
MonitorElement PhiwrtMu,
MonitorElement NEff,
MonitorElement EtEff,
MonitorElement EtaEff,
MonitorElement PhiEff,
MonitorElement NNum,
MonitorElement EtNum,
MonitorElement EtaNum,
MonitorElement PhiNum,
MonitorElement NDenom,
MonitorElement EtDenom,
MonitorElement EtaDenom,
MonitorElement PhiDenom,
float  ptmin,
float  ptmax 
) [inline]

Definition at line 318 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

             prescaleUsed_(prescaleUsed), denomPathName_(denomPathName), pathName_(pathName), l1pathName_(l1pathName), filterName_(filterName), DenomfilterName_(DenomfilterName), processName_(processName), objectType_(type),
            N_(N), Et_(Et), EtaPhi_(EtaPhi),Eta_(Eta), Phi_(Phi),
            NL1_(NL1), l1Et_(l1Et), l1EtaPhi_(l1EtaPhi),l1Eta_(l1Eta),l1Phi_(l1Phi),
            NwrtMu_(NwrtMu), EtwrtMu_(EtwrtMu), EtaPhiwrtMu_(EtaPhiwrtMu),PhiwrtMu_(PhiwrtMu),
            NEff_(NEff), EtEff_(EtEff), EtaEff_(EtaEff), PhiEff_(PhiEff),
            NNum_(NNum), EtNum_(EtNum), EtaNum_(EtaNum), PhiNum_(PhiNum),
            NDenom_(NDenom), EtDenom_(EtDenom), EtaDenom_(EtaDenom),PhiDenom_(PhiDenom),
            ptmin_(ptmin), ptmax_(ptmax)

Member Function Documentation

const std::string HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getDenomLabel ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 266 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References DenomfilterName_.

          return DenomfilterName_;
const std::string HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getDenomPath ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 284 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References denomPathName_.

          return denomPathName_;
const edm::InputTag HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getDenomTag ( void  ) const [inline]
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtaDenomHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 257 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaDenom_.

          return EtaDenom_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtaEffHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 233 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaEff_.

          return EtaEff_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtaHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References Eta_.

          return Eta_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtaNumHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 245 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaNum_.

          return EtaNum_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtaPhiHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaPhi_.

          return EtaPhi_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtaPhiwrtMuHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 221 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaPhiwrtMu_.

          return EtaPhiwrtMu_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtDenomHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 254 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtDenom_.

          return EtDenom_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtEffHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 230 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtEff_.

          return EtEff_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References Et_.

          return Et_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtNumHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 242 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtNum_.

          return EtNum_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getEtwrtMuHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 218 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtwrtMu_.

          return EtwrtMu_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getL1EtaHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 206 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References l1Eta_.

          return l1Eta_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getL1EtaPhiHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 209 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References l1EtaPhi_.

          return l1EtaPhi_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getL1EtHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 203 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References l1Et_.

          return l1Et_;
const std::string HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getl1Path ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 281 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References l1pathName_.

          return l1pathName_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getL1PhiHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 212 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References l1Phi_.

          return l1Phi_;
const std::string HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getLabel ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 263 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References filterName_.

          return filterName_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getNDenomHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 251 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References NDenom_.

          return NDenom_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getNEffHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 227 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References NEff_.

          return NEff_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getNHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References N_.

          return N_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getNL1Histo ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References NL1_.

          return NL1_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getNNumHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 239 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References NNum_.

          return NNum_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getNwrtMuHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 215 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References NwrtMu_.

          return NwrtMu_;
const int HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getObjectType ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 293 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References objectType_.

          return objectType_;
const std::string HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPath ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 278 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References pathName_.

          return pathName_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPhiDenomHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 260 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References PhiDenom_.

          return PhiDenom_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPhiEffHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 236 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References PhiEff_.

          return PhiEff_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPhiHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References Phi_.

          return Phi_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPhiNumHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 248 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References PhiNum_.

          return PhiNum_;
MonitorElement* HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPhiwrtMuHisto ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References PhiwrtMu_.

          return PhiwrtMu_;
const int HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getprescaleUsed ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 287 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References prescaleUsed_.

          return prescaleUsed_;
const std::string HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getProcess ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 290 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References processName_.

          return processName_;
float HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPtMax ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 389 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References ptmax_.

{ return ptmax_; }
float HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getPtMin ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 388 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References ptmin_.

{ return ptmin_; }
const edm::InputTag HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::getTag ( void  ) const [inline]
const int HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::index ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 381 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References pathIndex_.

            return pathIndex_;
bool HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::operator== ( const std::string  v) [inline]

Definition at line 356 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References filterName_.

              return v==filterName_;
void HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::setDenomLabel ( std::string  labelName) [inline]

Definition at line 274 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References DenomfilterName_.

          DenomfilterName_ = labelName;
void HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::setHistos ( MonitorElement *const  N,
MonitorElement *const  Et,
MonitorElement *const  EtaPhi,
MonitorElement *const  Eta,
MonitorElement *const  Phi,
MonitorElement *const  NL1,
MonitorElement *const  l1Et,
MonitorElement *const  l1EtaPhi,
MonitorElement *const  l1Eta,
MonitorElement *const  l1Phi 
) [inline]

Definition at line 119 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References Et_, reco::tau::disc::Eta(), Eta_, EtaPhi_, l1Et_, l1Eta_, l1EtaPhi_, l1Phi_, MultiGaussianStateTransform::N, N_, NL1_, colinearityKinematic::Phi, and Phi_.

          N_ = N;
          Et_ = Et;
          EtaPhi_ = EtaPhi;
          Eta_ = Eta;
          Phi_ = Phi;
          NL1_ = NL1;
          l1Et_ = l1Et;
          l1EtaPhi_ = l1EtaPhi;
          l1Eta_ = l1Eta;
          l1Phi_ = l1Phi;
void HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::setHistosEff ( MonitorElement *const  NEff,
MonitorElement *const  EtEff,
MonitorElement *const  EtaEff,
MonitorElement *const  PhiEff,
MonitorElement *const  NNum,
MonitorElement *const  EtNum,
MonitorElement *const  EtaNum,
MonitorElement *const  PhiNum,
MonitorElement *const  NDenom,
MonitorElement *const  EtDenom,
MonitorElement *const  EtaDenom,
MonitorElement *const  PhiDenom 
) [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaDenom_, EtaEff_, EtaNum_, EtDenom_, EtEff_, EtNum_, NDenom_, NEff_, NNum_, PhiDenom_, PhiEff_, and PhiNum_.

            NEff_ = NEff;
            EtEff_ = EtEff;
            EtaEff_ = EtaEff;
            PhiEff_ = PhiEff;
            NNum_ = NNum;
            EtNum_ = EtNum;
            EtaNum_ = EtaNum;
            PhiNum_ = PhiNum;
            NDenom_ = NDenom;
            EtDenom_ = EtDenom;
            EtaDenom_ = EtaDenom;
            PhiDenom_ = PhiDenom;
void HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::setHistoswrtMu ( MonitorElement *const  NwrtMu,
MonitorElement *const  EtwrtMu,
MonitorElement *const  EtaPhiwrtMu,
MonitorElement *const  PhiwrtMu 
) [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References EtaPhiwrtMu_, EtwrtMu_, NwrtMu_, and PhiwrtMu_.

            NwrtMu_ = NwrtMu;
          EtwrtMu_ = EtwrtMu;
          EtaPhiwrtMu_ = EtaPhiwrtMu;
          PhiwrtMu_ = PhiwrtMu;
void HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::setLabel ( std::string  labelName) [inline]

Definition at line 270 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References filterName_.

          filterName_ = labelName;
const int HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo::type ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 384 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

References objectType_.

            return objectType_;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 367 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getDenomLabel(), getDenomTag(), and setDenomLabel().

Definition at line 363 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getDenomPath().

Definition at line 372 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 372 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtaHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 377 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtaDenomHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 375 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtaEffHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 376 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtaNumHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 372 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtaPhiHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 374 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtaPhiwrtMuHisto(), and setHistoswrtMu().

Definition at line 377 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtDenomHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 375 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtEffHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 376 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtNumHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 374 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getEtwrtMuHisto(), and setHistoswrtMu().

Definition at line 366 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getLabel(), getTag(), operator==(), and setLabel().

Definition at line 373 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getL1EtHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 373 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getL1EtaHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 373 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getL1EtaPhiHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 365 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getl1Path().

Definition at line 373 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getL1PhiHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 372 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getNHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 377 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getNDenomHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 375 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getNEffHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 373 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getNL1Histo(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 376 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getNNumHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 374 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getNwrtMuHisto(), and setHistoswrtMu().

Definition at line 369 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getObjectType(), and type().

Definition at line 361 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by index().

Definition at line 364 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPath().

Definition at line 372 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPhiHisto(), and setHistos().

Definition at line 377 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPhiDenomHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 375 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPhiEffHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 376 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPhiNumHisto(), and setHistosEff().

Definition at line 374 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPhiwrtMuHisto(), and setHistoswrtMu().

Definition at line 362 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getprescaleUsed().

Definition at line 368 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getDenomTag(), getProcess(), and getTag().

Definition at line 379 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPtMax().

Definition at line 379 of file HLTJetMETDQMSource.h.

Referenced by getPtMin().