![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | ExamplePostVal |
tuple | myEgammaPostVal |
tuple | myMuonPostVal |
tuple | myTauPostVal |
tuple | myTopPostVal |
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 myMuonPostVal 00003 +myEgammaPostVal 00004 +myTauPostVal 00005 +myTopPostVal 00006 )
Definition at line 57 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient", 00002 #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('EgammaPostProcessor.root'), 00003 commands = cms.vstring(), 00004 resolution = cms.vstring(), 00005 subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/*'), 00006 efficiency = cms.vstring( 00007 "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' hltL1sDoubleEgammaeta hltL1sDoubleEgammaeta" 00008 ) 00009 )
Definition at line 26 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient", 00002 verbose = cms.untracked.uint32(0), #set this to zero! 00003 outputFileName = cms.untracked.string(''),# set this to empty! 00004 #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('MuonPostProcessor.root'), 00005 commands = cms.vstring(), 00006 resolution = cms.vstring(), 00007 subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/Muon/Distributions/*'), 00008 efficiency = cms.vstring( 00009 "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' genPassEta_L1Filtered genPassEta_All" 00010 ) 00011 )
Definition at line 13 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient", 00002 #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('TauPostProcessor.root'), 00003 commands = cms.vstring(), 00004 resolution = cms.vstring(), 00005 subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/HLTTAU/*'), 00006 efficiency = cms.vstring( 00007 "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' L1Tau1Eta GenTauElecEta" 00008 ) 00009 )
Definition at line 36 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient", 00002 #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('TopPostProcessor.root'), 00003 commands = cms.vstring(), 00004 resolution = cms.vstring(), 00005 subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/Top/'), 00006 efficiency = cms.vstring( 00007 "TrigEFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' pt_trig_off_mu pt_off_mu" 00008 ) 00009 )
Definition at line 47 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.