Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Friends

OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm Class Reference

#include <OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h>

Inheritance diagram for OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float channelThresholdInNoiseSigma () const
void clusterizeDetUnit (const edmNew::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &digis, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &output)
void clusterizeDetUnit (const edm::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &digis, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &output)
float clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma () const
void initialize (const edm::EventSetup &)
float seedThresholdInNoiseSigma () const
void stripByStripAdd (uint16_t strip, uint16_t adc, std::vector< SiStripCluster > &out)
bool stripByStripBegin (uint32_t id)
void stripByStripEnd (std::vector< SiStripCluster > &out)

Private Member Functions

template<typename InputDetSet >
void clusterizeDetUnit_ (const InputDetSet &digis, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &output)
 OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm (float strip_thr, float seed_thr, float clust_thr, int max_holes, std::string qualityLabel)

Private Attributes

std::vector< SiStripDigicluster_digis_
edm::ESHandle< SiStripGaingainHandle_
int max_holes_
edm::ESHandle< SiStripNoisesnoiseHandle_
edm::ESHandle< SiStripQualityqualityHandle_
std::string qualityLabel_
float theChannelThreshold
float theClusterThreshold
float theSeedThreshold


class StripClusterizerAlgorithmFactory

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm ( float  strip_thr,
float  seed_thr,
float  clust_thr,
int  max_holes,
std::string  qualityLabel 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 50 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.


Member Function Documentation

float OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::channelThresholdInNoiseSigma ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

References theChannelThreshold.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_().

void OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit ( const edmNew::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &  digis,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &  output 

Definition at line 17 of file

References clusterizeDetUnit_().

void OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit ( const edm::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &  digis,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &  output 

Definition at line 14 of file

References clusterizeDetUnit_().

template<typename InputDetSet >
void OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit_ ( const InputDetSet &  digis,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster >::FastFiller &  output 
) [private]

Definition at line 22 of file

References begin, channelThresholdInNoiseSigma(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), cluster_digis_, clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma(), end, Exception, gainHandle_, edm::isDebugEnabled(), j, LogDebug, max_holes_, noiseHandle_, edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::FastFiller::push_back(), qualityHandle_, seedThresholdInNoiseSigma(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and strip().

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit().

  bool printPatchError=false;
  int countErrors=0;
  const uint32_t& detID = input.detId();
  if (!qualityHandle_->IsModuleUsable(detID)){
#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
    LogDebug("SiStripClusterizer") << "[OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit] detid " << detID << " skipped because flagged NOT Usable in SiStripQuality " << std::endl; 
  typename InputDetSet::const_iterator begin=input.begin();
  typename InputDetSet::const_iterator end  =input.end();
  typename InputDetSet::const_iterator ibeg, iend, ihigh, itest;  
  ibeg = iend = begin;

  // (end - begin)/3 + 1); // FIXME put back in if needed

  SiStripApvGain::Range detGainRange =  gainHandle_->getRange(detID); 
  SiStripNoises::Range detNoiseRange = noiseHandle_->getRange(detID);
  SiStripQuality::Range detQualityRange = qualityHandle_->getRange(detID);

  //  AboveSeed predicate(seedThresholdInNoiseSigma(),SiStripNoiseService_,detID);
  AboveSeed predicate(seedThresholdInNoiseSigma(), noiseHandle_, detNoiseRange, qualityHandle_, detQualityRange);

#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
  std::stringstream ss;

  while ( ibeg != end &&
          (ihigh = std::find_if( ibeg, end, predicate)) != end) {

#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
      ss << "\nSeed Channel:\n\t\t detID "<< detID << " digis " << ihigh->strip() 
         << " adc " << ihigh->adc() << " is " 
         << " channelNoise " << noiseHandle_->getNoise(ihigh->strip(),detNoiseRange) 
         <<  " IsBadChannel from SiStripQuality " << qualityHandle_->IsStripBad(detQualityRange,ihigh->strip());
    // The seed strip is ihigh. Scan up and down from it, finding nearby strips above
    // threshold, allowing for some holes. The accepted cluster runs from strip ibeg
    // to iend, and itest is the strip under study, not yet accepted.
    iend = ihigh;
    itest = iend + 1;
    while ( itest != end && (itest->strip() - iend->strip() <= max_holes_ + 1 )) {
      float channelNoise = noiseHandle_->getNoise(itest->strip(),detNoiseRange);
      bool IsBadChannel = qualityHandle_->IsStripBad(detQualityRange,itest->strip());

#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
        ss << "\nStrips on the right:\n\t\t detID " << detID << " digis " << itest->strip()  
           << " adc " << itest->adc() << " " << " channelNoise " << channelNoise 
           <<  " IsBadChannel from SiStripQuality " << IsBadChannel;
      if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise)) { 
        iend = itest;
    //if the next digi after iend is an adiacent bad digi then insert into candidate cluster
    if ( itest != end && (itest->strip() - iend->strip() == 1) && qualityHandle_->IsStripBad(detQualityRange,itest->strip()) ){
#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
        ss << "\n\t\tInserted bad strip at the end edge iend->strip()= " << iend->strip() << " itest->strip() = " << itest->strip();

    ibeg = ihigh;
    itest = ibeg - 1;
    while ( itest >= begin && (ibeg->strip() - itest->strip() <= max_holes_ + 1 )) {
      float channelNoise = noiseHandle_->getNoise(itest->strip(),detNoiseRange);
      bool IsBadChannel = qualityHandle_->IsStripBad(detQualityRange,itest->strip());

#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
        ss << "\nStrips on the left:\n\t\t detID " << detID << " digis " << itest->strip()
           << " adc " << itest->adc() << " " << " channelNoise " << channelNoise 
           <<  " IsBadChannel from SiStripQuality " << IsBadChannel;
      if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma() * channelNoise)) { 
        ibeg = itest;
    //if the next digi after ibeg is an adiacent bad digi then insert into candidate cluster
    if ( itest >= begin && (ibeg->strip() - itest->strip() == 1) &&  qualityHandle_->IsStripBad(detQualityRange,itest->strip()) ) {    
#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
        ss << "\nInserted bad strip at the begin edge ibeg->strip()= " << ibeg->strip() << " itest->strip() = " << itest->strip();
    float charge = 0;
    float sigmaNoise2=0;
    //int counts=0;
    bool isDigiListBad=false;
    int16_t oldStrip=-1;

    for (itest=ibeg; itest<=iend; itest++) {
      float channelNoise = noiseHandle_->getNoise(itest->strip(),detNoiseRange);
      bool IsBadChannel = qualityHandle_->IsStripBad(detQualityRange,itest->strip());


#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
        ss << "\nLooking at cluster digis:\n\t\t detID " << detID << " digis " << itest->strip()  
           << " adc " << itest->adc() << " channelNoise " << channelNoise 
           <<  " IsBadChannel from SiStripQuality " << IsBadChannel;
      //check for consecutive digis
      if (itest!=ibeg && itest->strip()-(itest-1)->strip()!=1){
        //digi *(itest-1) and *itest are not consecutive: create an equivalent number of Digis with zero amp
        for (int j=(itest-1)->strip()+1;j<itest->strip();j++){
          cluster_digis_.push_back(SiStripDigi(j,0)); //if strip bad or under threshold set StripDigi.adc_=0  
#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
          ss << "\n\t\tHole added: detID " << detID << " digis " << j << " adc 0 ";
      if (!IsBadChannel && itest->adc() >= static_cast<int>( channelThresholdInNoiseSigma()*channelNoise)) {

        float gainFactor  = gainHandle_->getStripGain(itest->strip(), detGainRange);

        // Begin of Change done by Loic Quertenmont
        // Protection if the Charge/Gain brings the charge to be bigger 
        // than 255 (largest integer containable in uint8)
        // Also, Gain is applied only if the strip is not saturating.
        // Same convention as in SimTracker/SiStripDigitizer/src/

        float stripCharge=(static_cast<float>(itest->adc()));

        // //dummy DEBUGG
        // float stripCharge;
        // for (uint16_t myadc=0; myadc<=255; myadc++){

        //   stripCharge=(static_cast<float>(myadc));

        //   gainFactor=0.73;
        // //ENDDEBUGG

        //correct for gain only non-truncated channel charge. Throw exception if channel charge exceeding 255 ADC counts is found
          stripCharge /= gainFactor;  
          else if(stripCharge>253.5){stripCharge=254;}
        else if(stripCharge>255){
          throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Cluster charge (" << stripCharge << ") out of range. This clustering algorithm should only work with input charges lower than or equal to 255 ADC counts";


        //  //dummy DEBUGG
        //   std::vector<SiStripDigi> b; b.push_back(SiStripDigi(itest->strip(), static_cast<uint8_t>(stripCharge+0.5)));; 
        //   SiStripCluster c( detID, SiStripCluster::SiStripDigiRange( b.begin(),b.end()));
        //   edm::LogInfo("MYTEST") << "myadc="<<myadc<<" stripCharge="<<stripCharge<<" stored charge="<< (unsigned int)(c.amplitudes()[0])<< std::endl;
        //  edm::LogInfo("MYTEST") << "myadc="<< (unsigned int)(static_cast<uint8_t>(255.5));
        // } 
        //   //ENDDEBUGG

        // End of Change done by Loic Quertenmont

        charge += stripCharge;
        sigmaNoise2 += channelNoise*channelNoise/(gainFactor*gainFactor);
        cluster_digis_.push_back(SiStripDigi(itest->strip(), static_cast<uint8_t>(stripCharge+0.5)));
      } else {
        cluster_digis_.push_back(SiStripDigi(itest->strip(),0)); //if strip bad or under threshold set SiStripDigi.adc_=0
#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
          ss << "\n\t\tBad or under threshold digis: detID " << detID  << " digis " << itest->strip()  
             << " adc " << itest->adc() << " channelNoise " << channelNoise 
             <<  " IsBadChannel from SiStripQuality " << IsBadChannel;
    float sigmaNoise = sqrt(sigmaNoise2);
    if (charge >= clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma()*sigmaNoise && !isDigiListBad) {
      if (charge >= clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma()*sigmaNoise ) {

#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
          ss << "\n\t\tCluster accepted :)";
        output.push_back( SiStripCluster( detID, SiStripCluster::SiStripDigiRange( cluster_digis_.begin(),
      } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
          ss << "\n\t\tCluster rejected :(";
      ibeg = iend+1;

      edm::LogError("SiStripClusterizer") << "[OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit] \n There are errors in " << countErrors << "  clusters due to not unique digis ";

#ifdef DEBUG_SiStripClusterizer_
    LogDebug("SiStripClusterizer") << "[OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit] \n" << ss.str();
float OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

References theClusterThreshold.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_().

void OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::initialize ( const edm::EventSetup es) [virtual]
float OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::seedThresholdInNoiseSigma ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 45 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

References theSeedThreshold.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_().

{ return theSeedThreshold;}
void OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::stripByStripAdd ( uint16_t  strip,
uint16_t  adc,
std::vector< SiStripCluster > &  out 
) [inline, virtual]

Implements StripClusterizerAlgorithm.

Definition at line 41 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

bool OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::stripByStripBegin ( uint32_t  id) [inline, virtual]

Implements StripClusterizerAlgorithm.

Definition at line 40 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

{return false;}
void OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::stripByStripEnd ( std::vector< SiStripCluster > &  out) [inline, virtual]

Implements StripClusterizerAlgorithm.

Definition at line 42 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.


Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class StripClusterizerAlgorithmFactory [friend]

Definition at line 30 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 71 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_().

Definition at line 67 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_(), and initialize().

Definition at line 64 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_().

Definition at line 68 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_(), and initialize().

Definition at line 69 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by clusterizeDetUnit_(), and initialize().

Definition at line 65 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 61 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by channelThresholdInNoiseSigma().

Definition at line 63 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by clusterThresholdInNoiseSigma().

Definition at line 62 of file OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by seedThresholdInNoiseSigma().