
TrajectoryFactories_cff Namespace Reference


tuple __muonMass = cms.double(0.10565836)
 Common to all TrajectoryFactories.
tuple BrokenLinesBzeroTrajectoryFactory
 BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory with BrokenLines.
tuple BrokenLinesTrajectoryFactory
 ReferenceTrajectoryFactory with BrokenLines.
tuple BwdBzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory = copy.deepcopy(BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory)
tuple BwdReferenceTrajectoryFactory = copy.deepcopy(ReferenceTrajectoryFactory)
 CombinedTrajectoryFactory using two instances of ReferenceTrajectoryFactory, one propagating alongMomentum, one oppositeToMomentum.
tuple BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory
tuple CombinedFwdBwdBzeroTrajectoryFactory
tuple CombinedFwdBwdDualBzeroTrajectoryFactory
 CombinedTrajectoryFactory using three ReferenceTrajectories:

tuple CombinedFwdBwdDualTrajectoryFactory
 CombinedTrajectoryFactory using three ReferenceTrajectories:

  • two instances of ReferenceTrajectoryFactory, one propagating alongMomentum, one oppositeToMomentum,
  • a DualTrajectory to start in the middle.

tuple CombinedFwdBwdTrajectoryFactory
tuple CombinedTrajectoryFactory
 CombinedTrajectoryFactory using an instance of TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory and ReferenceTrajectoryFactory, taking the first successful.
tuple DualBzeroTrajectoryFactory
tuple DualKalmanFactory
tuple DualTrajectoryFactory
tuple ReferenceTrajectoryFactory
tuple TrajectoryFactoryBase
tuple TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory

Variable Documentation

tuple TrajectoryFactories_cff::__muonMass = cms.double(0.10565836)

Common to all TrajectoryFactories.

Definition at line 17 of file

Initial value:
00001 BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory.clone(
00002     MaterialEffects = 'BrokenLinesCoarse', # see BrokenLinesTrajectoryFactory
00003     UseInvalidHits = True # to account for multiple scattering in these layers
00004     )

BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory with BrokenLines.

Definition at line 264 of file

Initial value:
00001 ReferenceTrajectoryFactory.clone(
00002     MaterialEffects = 'BrokenLinesCoarse', # same as "BrokenLines"
00003               # others are "BrokenLinesCoarsePca" == "BrokenLinesPca",
00004               #            "BrokenLinesFine", "BrokenLinesFinePca"
00005               #             or even "BreakPoints"
00006     UseInvalidHits = True # to account for multiple scattering in these layers
00007     )

ReferenceTrajectoryFactory with BrokenLines.

Definition at line 250 of file

Definition at line 143 of file

CombinedTrajectoryFactory using two instances of ReferenceTrajectoryFactory, one propagating alongMomentum, one oppositeToMomentum.

First a helper object, see above for CombinedFwdBwdBzeroTrajectoryFactory:

Definition at line 192 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase,
00003     ParticleMass = __muonMass,
00004     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory'),
00005     MomentumEstimate = cms.double(5.0)
00006 )


Definition at line 45 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase, # will not be used!
00003     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('CombinedTrajectoryFactory'),
00005     TrajectoryFactoryNames = cms.vstring(
00006         'BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory,FwdBzero',  # look for PSet called FwdBzero
00007         'BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory,BwdBzero'), # look for PSet called BwdBzero
00008     useAllFactories = cms.bool(True),
00010     # now one PSet for each of the configured trajectories:
00011     FwdBzero = cms.PSet(BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory), # FIXME: better by reference?
00012     BwdBzero = cms.PSet(BwdBzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory) # FIXME: better by reference?
00013 )

Definition at line 146 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase, # will not be used!
00003     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('CombinedTrajectoryFactory'),
00005     TrajectoryFactoryNames = cms.vstring(
00006         'BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory,FwdBzero',  # look for PSet called FwdBzero
00007         'BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory,BwdBzero',  # look for PSet called BwdBzero
00008         'DualBzeroTrajectoryFactory,DualBzero'),     # look for PSet called DualBzero
00009     useAllFactories = cms.bool(True),
00011     # now one PSet for each of the configured trajectories:
00012     FwdBzero  = cms.PSet(BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory), # FIXME: better by reference?
00013     BwdBzero  = cms.PSet(BwdBzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory), # defined above for CombinedFwdBwdBzeroTrajectoryFactory  # FIXME: better by reference?
00014     DualBzero = cms.PSet(DualBzeroTrajectoryFactory) # FIXME: better by reference?
00015 )

CombinedTrajectoryFactory using three ReferenceTrajectories:

Definition at line 168 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase, # will not be used!
00003     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('CombinedTrajectoryFactory'),
00005     TrajectoryFactoryNames = cms.vstring(
00006         'ReferenceTrajectoryFactory,Fwd',  # look for PSet called Fwd
00007         'ReferenceTrajectoryFactory,Bwd',  # look for PSet called Bwd
00008         'DualTrajectoryFactory,Dual'),     # look for PSet called Dual
00009     useAllFactories = cms.bool(True),
00011     # now one PSet for each of the configured trajectories:
00012     Fwd  = cms.PSet(ReferenceTrajectoryFactory),  # FIXME: better by reference?
00013     Bwd  = cms.PSet(BwdReferenceTrajectoryFactory), # defined above for CombinedFwdBwdTrajectoryFactory # FIXME: better by reference?
00014     Dual = cms.PSet(DualTrajectoryFactory) # FIXME: better by reference?
00015 )

CombinedTrajectoryFactory using three ReferenceTrajectories:

  • two instances of ReferenceTrajectoryFactory, one propagating alongMomentum, one oppositeToMomentum,
  • a DualTrajectory to start in the middle.

Definition at line 217 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase, # will not be used!
00003     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('CombinedTrajectoryFactory'),
00005     TrajectoryFactoryNames = cms.vstring(
00006         'ReferenceTrajectoryFactory,Fwd',  # look for PSet called Fwd
00007         'ReferenceTrajectoryFactory,Bwd'), # look for PSet called Bwd
00008     useAllFactories = cms.bool(True),
00010     # now one PSet for each of the configured trajectories:
00011     Fwd = cms.PSet(ReferenceTrajectoryFactory), # FIXME: better by reference?
00012     Bwd = cms.PSet(BwdReferenceTrajectoryFactory)  # FIXME: better by reference?
00013 )

Definition at line 195 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase, # will not be used!
00003     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('CombinedTrajectoryFactory'),
00004     # look for PSets called TwoBody and Reference:
00005     TrajectoryFactoryNames = cms.vstring(
00006         'TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory,TwoBody',  # look for PSet called TwoBody
00007         'ReferenceTrajectoryFactory,Reference'),  # look for PSet called Reference
00008     useAllFactories = cms.bool(False),
00009     # now one PSet for each of the configured trajectories:
00010     TwoBody = cms.PSet( # FIXME: better by reference?
00011         TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory
00012     ),
00013     Reference = cms.PSet( # FIXME: better by reference?
00014         ReferenceTrajectoryFactory
00015     )
00016 )

CombinedTrajectoryFactory using an instance of TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory and ReferenceTrajectoryFactory, taking the first successful.

Definition at line 116 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase,
00003     ParticleMass = __muonMass,
00004     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('DualBzeroTrajectoryFactory'),
00005     MomentumEstimate = cms.double(2.0)
00006 )


Definition at line 68 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase,
00003     ParticleMass = __muonMass,
00004     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('DualKalmanFactory'),
00005     ResidualMethod = cms.int32(0) # 0: hitErrors only, 1: unbiased residuals, 2: pulls
00006 )


Definition at line 238 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase,
00003     ParticleMass = __muonMass,
00004     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('DualTrajectoryFactory')
00005 )


Definition at line 57 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase,
00003     ParticleMass = __muonMass,
00004     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('ReferenceTrajectoryFactory')
00005 )


Definition at line 34 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     PropagationDirection = cms.string('alongMomentum'), ## or "oppositeToMomentum" or "anyDirection"
00003     MaterialEffects = cms.string('Combined'), ## or "MultipleScattering" or "EnergyLoss" or "None"
00004                                               ## (see others at 'BrokenLinesTrajectoryFactory')
00005     UseProjectedHits = cms.bool(True), ## if false, projected hits are skipped
00006     UseInvalidHits = cms.bool(False), ## if false, invalid hits are skipped
00007     UseHitWithoutDet = cms.bool(True), ## if false, RecHits that are not attached to GeomDets are skipped
00008     UseBeamSpot = cms.bool(False) ## if true, the beam spot is used as a constraint via a virtual TTRecHit
00009 )

Definition at line 19 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     TrajectoryFactoryBase,
00003     NSigmaCut = cms.double(100.0),
00004     BeamSpot = cms.PSet(
00005         VarYY = cms.double(2.25e-06),
00006         VarXX = cms.double(2.25e-06),
00007         VarXY = cms.double(0.0),
00008         VarYZ = cms.double(0.0),
00009         MeanX = cms.double(0.0),
00010         MeanY = cms.double(0.0),
00011         MeanZ = cms.double(0.0),
00012         VarXZ = cms.double(0.0),
00013         VarZZ = cms.double(28.09)
00014     ),
00015     ParticleProperties = cms.PSet(
00016         PrimaryMass = cms.double(91.1876),
00017         PrimaryWidth = cms.double(2.4952),
00018         SecondaryMass = cms.double(0.105658)
00019     ),
00020     ConstructTsosWithErrors = cms.bool(False),
00021     UseRefittedState = cms.bool(True),
00022     EstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
00023         MaxIterationDifference = cms.untracked.double(0.01),
00024         RobustificationConstant = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
00025         MaxIterations = cms.untracked.int32(100),
00026         UseInvariantMass = cms.untracked.bool(True)
00027     ),
00028     TrajectoryFactoryName = cms.string('TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory')
00029 )


Definition at line 80 of file