Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

Rivet::CMS_2010_S8808686 Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const Event &event)
 CMS_2010_S8808686 ()
void finalize ()
void init ()

Private Attributes

TH2F * _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt
TH2F * _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3
TH2F * _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt
TH2F * _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3
TH2F * _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt
TH2F * _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3
TH2F * _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt
TH2F * _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3
TH2F * _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt
TH2F * _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3
TH2F * _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt
TH2F * _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3
TH2F * _h_B_3D_Nptbins [16]
TH1F * _h_B_DeltaPhi_Nptbins [16]
TH2F * _h_R_3D_Nptbins [16]
TH1F * _h_R_DeltaPhi_Nptbins [16]
TH2F * _h_S_3D_Nptbins [16]
TH1F * _h_S_DeltaPhi_Nptbins [16]
TH1F * _hMult
TH1F * _hMult_mb_01pt
TH1F * _hMult_mb_1pt3
TH1F * _hMult_N110_01pt
TH1F * _hMult_N110_1pt3
TH1F * _hMult_Nptbins [16]
TH1F * _hPhi_01pt
double _N110events
double _Nevt_after_cuts
ParticleVector _oldpartvec110N
ParticleVector _oldpartvec1N35
ParticleVector _oldpartvec35N90
ParticleVector _oldpartvec90N110
ParticleVector _oldpartvecMB
double detamax
double detamin
TFile * file
int Ndetabins

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Rivet::CMS_2010_S8808686::CMS_2010_S8808686 ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 34 of file

                        : Analysis("CMS_2010_S8808686") {
       setBeams(PROTON, PROTON);

Member Function Documentation

void Rivet::CMS_2010_S8808686::analyze ( const Event event) [inline]

Definition at line 101 of file

References _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h_B_3D_Nptbins, _h_B_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _h_S_3D_Nptbins, _h_S_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _hMult_mb_01pt, _hMult_mb_1pt3, _hMult_N110_01pt, _hMult_N110_1pt3, _hMult_Nptbins, _hPhi_01pt, _N110events, _Nevt_after_cuts, _oldpartvec110N, _oldpartvec1N35, _oldpartvec35N90, _oldpartvec90N110, _oldpartvecMB, event(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, p1, p2, and PI.

      const double _ptbinslimits[5] = {0.1,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0};
      const unsigned int _Nbinslimits[5] = {1, 35, 90, 110, 9999};

      //const double weight = event.weight();
      const ChargedFinalState& charged = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "CFS");
      const ParticleVector ChrgParticles = charged.particles();
      if (ChrgParticles.size() <= 1) vetoEvent;

      //count particles for the signal event
      unsigned int Nparts_01pt=0;
      unsigned int Nparts_04pt=0;
      unsigned int Nparts_1pt3=0;
      unsigned int Nparts_ptbin[4]={0};
      foreach (const Particle& p, charged.particles()) {
        double pT = p.momentum().pT();
        if (pT>0.1){Nparts_01pt++;}
        if (pT>0.4){Nparts_04pt++;}
        for (int iPtbin = 0; iPtbin < 4; iPtbin++) {
          if (pT > _ptbinslimits[iPtbin] && pT < _ptbinslimits[iPtbin+1]){                               
         } //end - pt-bin loop   
      Nparts_1pt3 =  Nparts_ptbin[1] + Nparts_ptbin[2];
      //determine the multiplcity bin and fill particle multiplcity in pt bins
      int Nbin=-99;
      for (int iNbin = 0; iNbin < 4; iNbin++) {
        if(Nparts_04pt > _Nbinslimits[iNbin] && Nparts_04pt < _Nbinslimits[iNbin+1]) {
            Nbin=iNbin; //Nbin now starts at 0
            for (int iPtbin = 0; iPtbin < 4; iPtbin++) {
              _hMult_Nptbins[iPtbin + Nbin*4]->Fill(Nparts_ptbin[iPtbin]);
       if (Nbin == 3) {
       //particle count - MB background event
      unsigned int oldNpartsMB_01pt=0;
      unsigned int oldNpartsMB_1pt3=0;
      foreach (const Particle& p, _oldpartvecMB) {
        double pT = p.momentum().pT();
        if (pT>0.1){oldNpartsMB_01pt++;}
        if (pT>1.0 && pT<3.0){oldNpartsMB_1pt3++;}
      //Get the background for the N classified event   
      ParticleVector oldpartvecNBin;
      if (Nbin == 0){ oldpartvecNBin = _oldpartvec1N35;}
      if (Nbin == 1){ oldpartvecNBin = _oldpartvec35N90;}
      if (Nbin == 2){ oldpartvecNBin = _oldpartvec90N110;}
      if (Nbin == 3){ oldpartvecNBin = _oldpartvec110N;} 
      //particle count for the N classified background event    
      unsigned int oldNparts_01pt=0;
      unsigned int oldNparts_1pt3=0;
      unsigned int oldNparts_ptbin[4]={0};
      foreach (const Particle& p, oldpartvecNBin)  {
         double pT = p.momentum().pT();
         if(pT>0.1) oldNparts_01pt++;
         for (int iPtbin = 0; iPtbin < 4; iPtbin++) {
           if (pT > _ptbinslimits[iPtbin] && pT <= _ptbinslimits[iPtbin+1]){                             
         } //end - pt-bin loop   
       oldNparts_1pt3 =  oldNparts_ptbin[1] + oldNparts_ptbin[2];

      if(oldpartvecNBin.size() > _Nbinslimits[Nbin] && _oldpartvecMB.size() > 1 ) {  //only carry on with filling plots if we already have a one background event
      for (unsigned int ip1 = 0; ip1 < ChrgParticles.size(); ip1++) {
        const Particle& p1 = ChrgParticles[ip1];

        double pT1 = p1.momentum().pT();        
        double eta1 = p1.momentum().eta();
        double phi1 = p1.momentum().phi();
        _hPhi_01pt->Fill(phi1, 1.0); //just test histo    

        // Loop same event for S-distributions
       for (unsigned int ip2 = ip1+1; ip2 < ChrgParticles.size(); ip2++) {
        const Particle& p2 = ChrgParticles[ip2];
          double pT2 = p2.momentum().pT();              
          double eta2 = p2.momentum().eta();
          double phi2 = p2.momentum().phi();
          double deta = fabs(eta1-eta2);
          double dphi = phi1-phi2;
        if(dphi>PI) dphi=dphi-2*PI;
        if(dphi<-PI) dphi=dphi+2*PI;
          //1D (R vs DeltaPhi) - Signal
            for (int iPtbin = 0; iPtbin < 4; iPtbin++) {
              if (pT1 > _ptbinslimits[iPtbin] && pT1 < _ptbinslimits[iPtbin+1] &&  pT2 >  _ptbinslimits[iPtbin] && pT2 <  _ptbinslimits[iPtbin+1]){                              
                int ibin = iPtbin + Nbin*4;  //which histo to fill, 4x4
                if(deta > 2.0 && deta < 4.8){
            } //end - pt-bin loop 
          //3D plots (R vs DeltaPhi vs DeltaEta) - Signal
          if (pT1 >= 0.1 && pT2 >= 0.1){                  

              //N>110 (3D - S - low pt)
             }  //end - N>110        
          } //end - pt cuts
          if (pT1 >= 1 && pT1 <= 3 && pT2 >= 1 && pT2 <= 3){ 
              //N>110 (3D - S  1<pt<3)
             } //end - N>110                 
          }//end - pt cuts
      } //end - 2nd particle for the current event

      //Background bussiness MB
      if (_oldpartvecMB.size() > 1){ //only if background is already filled
      // Loop old MB event for B-distributions
      for (unsigned int ip2 = 0; ip2 < _oldpartvecMB.size(); ip2++) {
          const Particle& p2 = _oldpartvecMB[ip2];
          double pT2 = p2.momentum().pT();              
          double eta2 = p2.momentum().eta();
          double phi2 = p2.momentum().phi();
          double deta = fabs(eta1-eta2);
          double dphi = phi1-phi2;
        if(dphi>PI) dphi=dphi-2*PI;
        if(dphi<-PI) dphi=dphi+2*PI;
          //MB (3D - B - low pt)
          if (pT1 >= 0.1 && pT2 >= 0.1){                  
              double pweight=1.0/(Nparts_01pt*oldNpartsMB_01pt);
          } //end - pt cuts

          //MB (3D - B - 1<pt<3)
          if (pT1 >= 1 && pT1 <= 3 && pT2 >= 1 && pT2 <= 3){ 
              double pweight=1.0/(Nparts_1pt3*oldNpartsMB_1pt3);
          }//end - pt cuts

        } //end - particle loop over saved MB particle vector

       } //end - need atleast 1 background event 
        //Background bussiness N>110
      if (oldpartvecNBin.size() > 100 &&  Nbin==3){ //only if it is already filled
      // Loop old N110 event for B-distributions
      for (unsigned int ip2 = 0; ip2 < oldpartvecNBin.size(); ip2++) {
          const Particle& p2 = oldpartvecNBin[ip2];
          double pT2 = p2.momentum().pT();              
          double eta2 = p2.momentum().eta();
          double phi2 = p2.momentum().phi();
          double deta = fabs(eta1-eta2);
          double dphi = phi1-phi2;
        if(dphi>PI) dphi=dphi-2*PI;
        if(dphi<-PI) dphi=dphi+2*PI;
//        if(dphi>-PI && dphi<-PI/2.) dphi=dphi+2*PI;
          if (pT1 >= 0.1 && pT2 >= 0.1){                  
              double pweight=1.0/(Nparts_01pt*oldNparts_01pt);
          } //end - pt cuts

          if (pT1 >= 1 && pT1 <= 3 && pT2 >= 1 && pT2 <= 3){ 
              double pweight=1.0/(Nparts_1pt3*oldNparts_1pt3);
          }//end - pt cuts

         } //end - particle loop old N110
        } //end - need atleast 1 event already 

      if (oldpartvecNBin.size() > _Nbinslimits[Nbin]){ //only if we already have BG particles                   
      // Loop old event for B-distributions
        for (unsigned int ip2 = 0; ip2 < oldpartvecNBin.size(); ip2++) {
          const Particle& p2 = oldpartvecNBin[ip2];
          double pT2 = p2.momentum().pT();              
          double eta2 = p2.momentum().eta();
          double phi2 = p2.momentum().phi();
          double deta = fabs(eta1-eta2);
          double dphi = phi1-phi2;
        if(dphi>PI) dphi=dphi-2*PI;
        if(dphi<-PI) dphi=dphi+2*PI;
          //loop the pt bins for the DeltaPhi - 1D - Background
            for (int iPtbin = 0; iPtbin < 4; iPtbin++) {
              if (pT1 > _ptbinslimits[iPtbin] && pT1 < _ptbinslimits[iPtbin+1] &&  pT2 >  _ptbinslimits[iPtbin] && pT2 <  _ptbinslimits[iPtbin+1]){               
                   int ibin = iPtbin + Nbin*4;  //which histo to fill, 4x4 matix
                   double pweight=1.0/(Nparts_ptbin[iPtbin]*oldNparts_ptbin[iPtbin]);
                if(deta > 2.0 && deta < 4.8){
              } //end check pt-bin
            } //end - pt-bin loop 
         } //end - particle loop old N110       
        } //end - need atleast 1 event already 

      } //end - main particle loop for current event    
    } //end - if background events found
//save the old particle vector
    if (Nbin == 0){ _oldpartvec1N35 = ChrgParticles;}  
    if (Nbin == 1){ _oldpartvec35N90 = ChrgParticles;}
    if (Nbin == 2){ _oldpartvec90N110 = ChrgParticles;}
    if (Nbin == 3){ _oldpartvec110N = ChrgParticles; _N110events++;}
    if (Nparts_01pt >= 1){ _oldpartvecMB = ChrgParticles;}
    } //end - analyze()
void Rivet::CMS_2010_S8808686::finalize ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 428 of file

References _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h_B_3D_Nptbins, _h_B_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _h_R_3D_Nptbins, _h_R_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _h_S_3D_Nptbins, _h_S_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _hMult_mb_01pt, _hMult_mb_1pt3, _hMult_N110_01pt, _hMult_N110_1pt3, _hMult_Nptbins, _N110events, _Nevt_after_cuts, file, dtT0WireCalibration_cfg::INFO, and nEvent.


        getLog() << Log::INFO << "Number of events after event selection: " << _Nevt_after_cuts << endl;        
        getLog() << Log::INFO << "Number of events with N>110:" << _N110events << endl;
        int nEvent = -99.0;
        nEvent = _hMult_mb_01pt->Integral(3,10000);

         nEvent = _hMult_N110_01pt->Integral(3,10000);

         nEvent = _hMult_mb_1pt3->Integral(3,10000);

         nEvent = _hMult_N110_1pt3->Integral(3,10000);

        for (int ibin = 0; ibin < 16; ibin++) {
           int nEvent = _hMult_Nptbins[ibin]->Integral(3,10000);


            // Wei's correction - to get the average multiplicity correct --
            double rescale = (_hMult_Nptbins[ibin]->GetMean()-1)/_h_S_DeltaPhi_Nptbins[ibin]->Integral();


        file -> Write();
void Rivet::CMS_2010_S8808686::init ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file

References _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt, _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3, _h_B_3D_Nptbins, _h_B_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _h_R_3D_Nptbins, _h_R_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _h_S_3D_Nptbins, _h_S_DeltaPhi_Nptbins, _hMult_mb_01pt, _hMult_mb_1pt3, _hMult_N110_01pt, _hMult_N110_1pt3, _hMult_Nptbins, _hPhi_01pt, _N110events, _Nevt_after_cuts, file, and PI.

      ChargedFinalState cfs(-2.4, 2.4, 0.1*GeV); //Note the eta selection for charged particles is here
      addProjection(cfs, "CFS");
      addProjection(Beam(), "Beam");
        _N110events = 0;
        _Nevt_after_cuts = 0;
         file = new TFile("CMS_2010_S8808686.root","recreate");
        for (int ibin = 0; ibin < 16; ibin++) {
          Char_t hname[100];
          _h_S_DeltaPhi_Nptbins[ibin] = new TH1F(hname, hname,17,0.0,PI);
          _h_B_DeltaPhi_Nptbins[ibin] = new TH1F(hname, hname,17,0.0,PI);
          _h_R_DeltaPhi_Nptbins[ibin] = new TH1F(hname, hname,17,0.0,PI);
          _h_S_3D_Nptbins[ibin] = new TH2F(hname,hname,24,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
          _h_B_3D_Nptbins[ibin] = new TH2F(hname,hname,24,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
          _h_R_3D_Nptbins[ibin] = new TH2F(hname,hname,24,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);

          _hMult_Nptbins[ibin] = new  TH1F(hname,"N",250,0,250); 

        _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt = new TH2F("S_MB_01pt","S MB 0.1<pt",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt = new TH2F("B_MB_01pt","B MB 0.1<pt",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_01pt = new TH2F("R_MB_01pt","R MB 0.1<pt",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _hMult_mb_01pt = new  TH1F("mult_mb_01pt","N",250,0,250); 
        _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt = new TH2F("S_N110_01pt","S N>110 0.1<pt",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt = new TH2F("B_N110_01pt","B N>110 0.1<pt",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_01pt = new TH2F("R_N110_01pt","R N>110 0.1<pt",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _hMult_N110_01pt = new  TH1F("mult_N110_01pt","N",250,0,250); 
        _h2_S_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3 = new TH2F("S_MB_1pt3","S MB 1<pt<3",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_B_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3 = new TH2F("B_MB_1pt3","B MB 1<pt<3",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_R_dphivsdeta_mb_1pt3 = new TH2F("R_MB_1pt3","R MB 1<pt<3",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _hMult_mb_1pt3 = new  TH1F("mult_mb_1pt3","N",250,0,250); 

        _h2_S_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3 = new TH2F("S_N110_1pt3","S N>110 1<pt<3",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_B_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3 = new TH2F("B_N110_1pt3","B N>110 1<pt<3",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _h2_R_dphivsdeta_N110_1pt3 = new TH2F("R_N110_1pt3","R N>110 1<pt<3",33,-4.8,4.8,30,-0.5*PI,3./2.*PI);
        _hMult_N110_1pt3 = new  TH1F("mult_N110_1pt3","N",250,0,250); 
        _hPhi_01pt = new TH1F("phi_pt01","phi 0.1<pt",100,-2*PI,2*PI);

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 522 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 527 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 532 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 537 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 523 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 528 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 533 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 538 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 521 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 526 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 531 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 536 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 517 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 513 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 518 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 514 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 516 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 512 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 510 of file

Definition at line 524 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 529 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 534 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 539 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 519 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 511 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and init().

Definition at line 506 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 507 of file

Referenced by analyze(), finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 544 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 541 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 542 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 543 of file

Referenced by analyze().

ParticleVector Rivet::CMS_2010_S8808686::_oldpartvecMB [private]

Definition at line 545 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 503 of file

Definition at line 502 of file

Definition at line 547 of file

Referenced by finalize(), and init().

Definition at line 504 of file