Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

HCovarianceVSxy Class Reference

#include <Histograms.h>

Inheritance diagram for HCovarianceVSxy:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Clear ()
virtual void Fill (const double &x, const double &y, const double &a, const double &b)
double Get (const double &x, const double &y) const
 HCovarianceVSxy (const TString &name, const TString &title, const int totBinsX, const double &xMin, const double &xMax, const int totBinsY, const double &yMin, const double &yMax, TDirectory *dir=0, bool varianceCheck=false)
 HCovarianceVSxy (TFile *inputFile, const TString &name, const TString &dirName)
 Contructor to read histograms from file.
void Write ()
 ~HCovarianceVSxy ()

Protected Member Functions

int getXindex (const double &x) const
int getYindex (const double &y) const

Protected Attributes

Covariance ** covariances_
double deltaX_
double deltaY_
TH2D * histoCovariance_
TH1D *** histoVarianceCheck_
bool readMode_
int totBinsX_
int totBinsY_
int totBinsZ_
bool varianceCheck_
double xMin_
double yMin_

Detailed Description

This class can be used to compute the covariance of two variables with respect to other two variables (to see e.g. how does the covariance of ptVSphi vary with respect to (pt,eta).

Definition at line 1536 of file Histograms.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HCovarianceVSxy::HCovarianceVSxy ( const TString &  name,
const TString &  title,
const int  totBinsX,
const double &  xMin,
const double &  xMax,
const int  totBinsY,
const double &  yMin,
const double &  yMax,
TDirectory *  dir = 0,
bool  varianceCheck = false 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1539 of file Histograms.h.

References covariances_, dir, histoCovariance_, Histograms::histoDir_, histoVarianceCheck_, i, j, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, Histograms::name_, totBinsX_, totBinsY_, and varianceCheck_.

    totBinsX_(totBinsX), totBinsY_(totBinsY),
    xMin_(xMin), deltaX_(xMax-xMin), yMin_(yMin), deltaY_(yMax-yMin),
    name_ = name;
    histoDir_ = dir;
    histoCovariance_ = new TH2D(name+"Covariance", title+" covariance", totBinsX, xMin, xMax, totBinsY, yMin, yMax);

    covariances_ = new Covariance*[totBinsX];
    for( int i=0; i<totBinsX; ++i ) {
      covariances_[i] = new Covariance[totBinsY];
    if( varianceCheck_ ) {
      histoVarianceCheck_ = new TH1D**[totBinsX_];
      for( int i=0; i<totBinsX_; ++i ) {
        histoVarianceCheck_[i] = new TH1D*[totBinsY_];
        for( int j=0; j<totBinsY_; ++j ) {
          std::stringstream namei;
          std::stringstream namej;
          namei << i;
          namej << j;
          histoVarianceCheck_[i][j] = new TH1D(name+"_"+namei.str()+"_"+namej.str(), name, 10000, -1, 1);
HCovarianceVSxy::HCovarianceVSxy ( TFile *  inputFile,
const TString &  name,
const TString &  dirName 
) [inline]

Contructor to read histograms from file.

Definition at line 1571 of file Histograms.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, deltaX_, deltaY_, cmsRelvalreport::exit, histoCovariance_, Histograms::histoDir_, totBinsX_, totBinsY_, xMin_, and yMin_.

    histoDir_ = (TDirectory*)(inputFile->Get(dirName.Data()));
    if( histoDir_ == 0 ) {
      std::cout << "Error: directory not found" << std::endl;
    histoCovariance_ = (TH2D*)(histoDir_->Get(name));
    totBinsX_ = histoCovariance_->GetNbinsX();
    xMin_ = histoCovariance_->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
    deltaX_ = histoCovariance_->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(totBinsX_) - xMin_;
    totBinsY_ = histoCovariance_->GetNbinsY();
    yMin_ = histoCovariance_->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
    deltaY_ = histoCovariance_->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(totBinsY_) - yMin_;
HCovarianceVSxy::~HCovarianceVSxy ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 1588 of file Histograms.h.

References covariances_, histoCovariance_, histoVarianceCheck_, i, j, totBinsX_, totBinsY_, and varianceCheck_.

    delete histoCovariance_;
    // Free covariances
    for(int i=0; i<totBinsX_; ++i) {
      delete[] covariances_[i];
    delete[] covariances_;
    // Free variance check histograms
    if( varianceCheck_ ) {
      for( int i=0; i<totBinsX_; ++i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<totBinsY_; ++j ) {
          delete histoVarianceCheck_[i][j];
        delete[] histoVarianceCheck_[i];
      delete[] histoVarianceCheck_;

Member Function Documentation

void HCovarianceVSxy::Clear ( ) [inline, virtual]

Implements Histograms.

Definition at line 1672 of file Histograms.h.

References histoCovariance_, histoVarianceCheck_, i, j, totBinsX_, totBinsY_, and varianceCheck_.

    if( varianceCheck_ ) {
      for( int i=0; i<totBinsX_; ++i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<totBinsY_; ++j ) {
virtual void HCovarianceVSxy::Fill ( const double &  x,
const double &  y,
const double &  a,
const double &  b 
) [inline, virtual]

x and y should be the variables VS which we are computing the covariance (pt and eta) a and b should be the variables OF which we are computing the covariance

Reimplemented from Histograms.

Definition at line 1611 of file Histograms.h.

References covariances_, Covariance::fill(), getXindex(), getYindex(), histoVarianceCheck_, totBinsX_, totBinsY_, and varianceCheck_.

Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::analyze().

    // Need to convert the (x,y) values to the array indeces
    int xIndex = getXindex(x);
    int yIndex = getYindex(y);
    // Only fill values if they are in the selected range
    if ( 0 <= xIndex && xIndex < totBinsX_ && 0 <= yIndex && yIndex < totBinsY_ ) {
      // if( TString(histoCovariance_->GetName()).Contains("CovarianceCotgTheta_Covariance") )
      // Should be used with the variance, in which case a==b
      if( varianceCheck_ ) histoVarianceCheck_[xIndex][yIndex]->Fill(a);
double HCovarianceVSxy::Get ( const double &  x,
const double &  y 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 1624 of file Histograms.h.

References getXindex(), getYindex(), histoCovariance_, totBinsX_, and totBinsY_.

    // Need to convert the (x,y) values to the array indeces
    int xIndex = getXindex(x);
    int yIndex = getYindex(y);
    // If the values exceed the limits of the histogram, return the border values
    if ( xIndex < 0 ) xIndex = 0;
    if ( xIndex >= totBinsX_ ) xIndex = totBinsX_-1;
    if ( yIndex < 0 ) yIndex = 0;
    if ( yIndex >= totBinsY_ ) yIndex = totBinsY_-1;
    return histoCovariance_->GetBinContent(xIndex+1, yIndex+1);
int HCovarianceVSxy::getXindex ( const double &  x) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 1683 of file Histograms.h.

References deltaX_, totBinsX_, and xMin_.

Referenced by Fill(), and Get().

    return int((x-xMin_)/deltaX_*totBinsX_);
int HCovarianceVSxy::getYindex ( const double &  y) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 1686 of file Histograms.h.

References deltaY_, totBinsY_, and yMin_.

Referenced by Fill(), and Get().

    return int((y-yMin_)/deltaY_*totBinsY_);
void HCovarianceVSxy::Write ( ) [inline, virtual]

Implements Histograms.

Definition at line 1636 of file Histograms.h.

References MultipleCompare::canvas, gather_cfg::cout, Covariance::covariance(), covariances_, histoCovariance_, Histograms::histoDir_, histoVarianceCheck_, Histograms::name_, readMode_, totBinsX_, totBinsY_, and varianceCheck_.

Referenced by ResolutionAnalyzer::writeHistoMap().

    if( !readMode_ ) {
      std::cout << "writing: " << histoCovariance_->GetName() << std::endl;
      for( int xBin=0; xBin<totBinsX_; ++xBin ) {
        for( int yBin=0; yBin<totBinsY_; ++yBin ) {
          double covariance = covariances_[xBin][yBin].covariance();
          // Histogram bins start from 1
          // std::cout << "covariance["<<xBin<<"]["<<yBin<<"] with N = "<<covariances_[xBin][yBin].getN()<<" is: " << covariance << std::endl;
          histoCovariance_->SetBinContent(xBin+1, yBin+1, covariance);
      if( histoDir_ != 0 ) histoDir_->cd();
      TCanvas canvas(TString(histoCovariance_->GetName())+"_canvas", TString(histoCovariance_->GetTitle())+" canvas", 1000, 800);

      TDirectory * binsDir = 0;
      if( varianceCheck_ ) {
        if ( histoDir_ != 0 ) {
          if( binsDir == 0 ) binsDir = histoDir_->mkdir(name_+"Bins");
        for( int xBin=0; xBin<totBinsX_; ++xBin ) {
          for( int yBin=0; yBin<totBinsY_; ++yBin ) {

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 1690 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Fill(), HCovarianceVSxy(), Write(), and ~HCovarianceVSxy().

double HCovarianceVSxy::deltaX_ [protected]

Definition at line 1692 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by getXindex(), and HCovarianceVSxy().

double HCovarianceVSxy::deltaY_ [protected]

Definition at line 1692 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by getYindex(), and HCovarianceVSxy().

Definition at line 1689 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Clear(), Get(), HCovarianceVSxy(), Write(), and ~HCovarianceVSxy().

Definition at line 1695 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Clear(), Fill(), HCovarianceVSxy(), Write(), and ~HCovarianceVSxy().

bool HCovarianceVSxy::readMode_ [protected]

Definition at line 1693 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Write().

int HCovarianceVSxy::totBinsX_ [protected]

Definition at line 1691 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Clear(), Fill(), Get(), getXindex(), HCovarianceVSxy(), Write(), and ~HCovarianceVSxy().

int HCovarianceVSxy::totBinsY_ [protected]

Definition at line 1691 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Clear(), Fill(), Get(), getYindex(), HCovarianceVSxy(), Write(), and ~HCovarianceVSxy().

int HCovarianceVSxy::totBinsZ_ [protected]

Definition at line 1691 of file Histograms.h.

Definition at line 1694 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by Clear(), Fill(), HCovarianceVSxy(), Write(), and ~HCovarianceVSxy().

double HCovarianceVSxy::xMin_ [protected]

Definition at line 1692 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by getXindex(), and HCovarianceVSxy().

double HCovarianceVSxy::yMin_ [protected]

Definition at line 1692 of file Histograms.h.

Referenced by getYindex(), and HCovarianceVSxy().