32 jetTracksAssociator = cfg.
string> (
40 m_HistNames1D[
"CaloJetMulti"] =
new TH1F(
"Multiplicity of CaloJets",100,0,100);
41 m_HistNames1D[
"ptCalo"] =
new TH1F(
"p_{T} of CaloJets",7000,0,7000);
42 m_HistNames1D[
"etaCalo"] =
new TH1F(
"#eta of CaloJets",100,-5.0,5.0);
43 m_HistNames1D[
"phiCalo"] =
new TH1F(
"#phi of CaloJets",72,-
44 m_HistNames1D[
"m2jCalo"] =
new TH1F(
"Dijet Mass of leading CaloJets",7000,0,14000);
45 m_HistNames1D[
"nTracks"] =
new TH1F(
"Number of tracks associated with a jet",100,0,100);
46 m_HistNames1D[
"chargeFraction"] =
new TH1F(
"Fraction of charged tracks pt",500,0,5);
47 m_HistNames1D[
"emEnergyFraction"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets EM Fraction",110,0,1.1);
48 m_HistNames1D[
"emEnergyInEB"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets emEnergyInEB",7000,0,14000);
49 m_HistNames1D[
"emEnergyInEE"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets emEnergyInEE",7000,0,14000);
50 m_HistNames1D[
"emEnergyInHF"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets emEnergyInHF",7000,0,14000);
51 m_HistNames1D[
"hadEnergyInHB"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets hadEnergyInHB",7000,0,14000);
52 m_HistNames1D[
"hadEnergyInHE"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets hadEnergyInHE",7000,0,14000);
53 m_HistNames1D[
"hadEnergyInHF"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets hadEnergyInHF",7000,0,14000);
54 m_HistNames1D[
"hadEnergyInHO"] =
new TH1F(
"Jets hadEnergyInHO",7000,0,14000);
55 m_HistNamesProfile[
"EBfractionVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets EBfraction vs #eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
56 m_HistNamesProfile[
"EEfractionVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets EEfraction vs #eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
57 m_HistNamesProfile[
"HBfractionVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets HBfraction vs #eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
58 m_HistNamesProfile[
"HOfractionVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets HOfraction vs #eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
59 m_HistNamesProfile[
"HEfractionVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets HEfraction vs #eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
60 m_HistNamesProfile[
"HFfractionVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets HFfraction vs #eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
61 m_HistNamesProfile[
"CaloEnergyVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"CaloJets Energy Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
62 m_HistNamesProfile[
"emEnergyVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets EM Energy Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
63 m_HistNamesProfile[
"hadEnergyVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets HAD Energy Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
66 m_HistNames1D[
"GenJetMulti"] =
new TH1F(
"Multiplicity of GenJets",100,0,100);
67 m_HistNames1D[
"ptHat"] =
new TH1F(
68 m_HistNames1D[
"ptGen"] =
new TH1F(
"p_{T} of GenJets",7000,0,7000);
69 m_HistNames1D[
"etaGen"] =
new TH1F(
"#eta of GenJets",100,-5.0,5.0);
70 m_HistNames1D[
"phiGen"] =
new TH1F(
"#phi of GenJets",72,-
71 m_HistNames1D[
"m2jGen"] =
new TH1F(
"Dijet Mass of leading GenJets",7000,0,14000);
72 m_HistNames1D[
"dR"] =
new TH1F(
"GenJets dR with matched CaloJet",200,0,1);
73 m_HistNamesProfile[
"GenEnergyVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"GenJets Energy Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
74 m_HistNamesProfile[
"respVsPtBarrel"] =
new TProfile(
"CaloJet Response of GenJets in Barrel",7000,0,7000);
75 m_HistNamesProfile[
"CaloErespVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets Energy Response Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
76 m_HistNamesProfile[
"emErespVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets EM Energy Response Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
77 m_HistNamesProfile[
"hadErespVsEta"] =
new TProfile(
"Jets HAD Energy Response Vs. Eta",100,-5.0,5.0);
84 int jetInd,jetCounter,nTracks;
85 double dRmin,dR,e,
90 CaloJetCollection::const_iterator i_caljet;
91 GenJetCollection::const_iterator i_genjet;
96 if (caljets->size()==0)
97 cout<<
"WARNING: NO calo jets in event "<<evt.
", Run "<<evt.
" !!!!"<<endl;
98 for(i_caljet = caljets->begin(); i_caljet != caljets->end() && jetInd<Njets; ++i_caljet)
100 e = i_caljet->energy();
102 phi = i_caljet->phi();
103 eta = i_caljet->eta();
104 emEB = i_caljet->emEnergyInEB();
105 emEE = i_caljet->emEnergyInEE();
106 emHF = i_caljet->emEnergyInHF();
107 hadHB = i_caljet->hadEnergyInHB();
108 hadHE = i_caljet->hadEnergyInHE();
109 hadHO = i_caljet->hadEnergyInHO();
110 hadHF = i_caljet->hadEnergyInHF();
114 p4jet[jetInd] = i_caljet->p4();
117 FillHist1D(
118 FillHist1D(
119 FillHist1D(
120 FillHist1D(
121 FillHist1D(
122 FillHist1D(
123 FillHist1D(
124 FillHist1D(
125 FillHist1D(
126 FillHist1D(
127 FillHist1D(
128 FillHist1D(
129 FillHist1D(
130 FillHistProfile(
131 FillHistProfile(
132 FillHistProfile(
133 FillHistProfile(
134 FillHistProfile(
135 FillHistProfile(
136 FillHistProfile(
137 FillHistProfile(
138 FillHistProfile(
143 FillHist1D(
145 FillHist1D(
149 evt.
150 pthat = *genEventScale;
151 FillHist1D(
154 if (genjets->size()==0)
155 cout<<
"WARNING: NO gen jets in event "<<evt.
", Run "<<evt.
" !!!!"<<endl;
156 for(i_genjet = genjets->begin(); i_genjet != genjets->end() && jetInd<Njets; ++i_genjet)
159 p4jet[jetInd] = i_genjet->p4();
160 FillHist1D(
161 FillHist1D(
162 FillHist1D(
163 FillHistProfile(
165 for(i_caljet = caljets->begin(); i_caljet != caljets->end(); ++i_caljet)
167 dR =
171 MatchedJet = *i_caljet;
174 FillHist1D(
176 pt = MatchedJet.
177 eta = MatchedJet.
178 phi = MatchedJet.
186 if (dRmin<dRmatch && pt>PtMin)
188 FillHistProfile(
189 FillHistProfile(
190 FillHistProfile(
191 if (fabs(i_genjet->eta())<1.)
192 FillHistProfile(
196 FillHist1D(
198 FillHist1D(
208 for (std::map<TString, TH1*>::iterator hid = m_HistNames1D.begin(); hid != m_HistNames1D.end(); hid++)
209 hid->second->Write();
210 for (std::map<TString, TH2*>::iterator hid = m_HistNames2D.begin(); hid != m_HistNames2D.end(); hid++)
211 hid->second->Write();
212 for (std::map<TString, TProfile*>::iterator hid = m_HistNamesProfile.begin(); hid != m_HistNamesProfile.end(); hid++)
213 hid->second->Write();
221 std::map<TString, TH1*>::iterator hid=m_HistNames1D.find(histName);
222 if (hid==m_HistNames1D.end())
223 std::cout <<
"%fillHist -- Could not find histogram with name: " << histName << std::endl;
225 hid->second->Fill(value);
230 std::map<TString, TH2*>::iterator hid=m_HistNames2D.find(histName);
231 if (hid==m_HistNames2D.end())
232 std::cout <<
"%fillHist -- Could not find histogram with name: " << histName << std::endl;
234 hid->second->Fill(valuex,valuey);
239 std::map<TString, TProfile*>::iterator hid=m_HistNamesProfile.find(histName);
240 if (hid==m_HistNamesProfile.end())
241 std::cout <<
"%fillHist -- Could not find histogram with name: " << histName << std::endl;
243 hid->second->Fill(valuex,valuey);
float hadEnergyInHE() const
float emEnergyInEE() const
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
EventNumber_t event() const
Jets made from CaloTowers.
float emEnergyInHF() const
void FillHist1D(const TString &histName, const Double_t &x)
void FillHistProfile(const TString &histName, const Double_t &x, const Double_t &y)
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
void analyze(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &iSetup)
float hadEnergyInHO() const
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
virtual double energy() const
float emEnergyInEB() const
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
JetValidation(edm::ParameterSet const &cfg)
LorentzVector tracksP4(const Container &, const reco::JetBaseRef)
Get LorentzVector as sum of all tracks associated with jet.
float hadEnergyInHB() const
int tracksNumber(const Container &, const reco::JetBaseRef)
Get number of tracks associated with jet.
float hadEnergyInHF() const
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
void FillHist2D(const TString &histName, const Double_t &x, const Double_t &y)